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1 The blue car is ______ than the red car. 10 This soup is _______ than that soup.

A) more fast B) more faster C) faster D) fast A) most delicious B) more deliciouser

2 This is _______ than that one. C) deliciouser D) more delicious

A) more interesting B) interestinger 11 A tiger is _________ than a cat.

C) more interest D) interesting

3 Mt. Fuji is _____ than Mt Everest. more strong

A) less high B) highless C) higherless

D) less higher strongest

4 This is the ______ shirt in the store.

A) expensivest B) most expensive more stronger

C) most expensive D) more expensiver

5 The Mona Lisa is one of the ______ paintings stronger

in this museum.
12 A cow is ______ than a puppy.
A) more beautifuler B) most beautiful

C) beautifuler D) most beauty

6 The Atacama Desert is one of the ______
place in the world as of 2005.

A) least hottest B) least hotter more hungrier

C) least hot D) hotless

7 Antarctica is the _______ place on earth. hungriest

A) coldest B) more colder

C) most coldest D) most colder more hungry

8 Bob is ______ than Mike. 13 Albert Einstein was _______ than me.

A) least intelligent B)less intelligent

C) more intelligentless D) intelligentless intelligenter

9 Michael Jordan is the _______ basketball

A) most best B)best

C)most better D) more better

most intelligent

more intelligent
14 This is the ______ movie I've ever seen.


more bore

more weak

most boring

more weaker

boring 18 Some governments are ________ than others.

boringest most bad

15 A kitten is _______ than a puppy.

more worse


more bad

more cuter


most cuter 19 Sugar is ________ than salt.

cute more sweet

16 This is the ______ book in the store.



more sweeter

most bad


baddest 20 That was the __________ exam I had all


more difficult
17 A mouse is _________ than a lion.

more cheaper

most difficult 24 Elvis Presley is ______ than me.

most difficultest more popular

21 Some sports are ________ than others.


more excite

more popularer

most exciting

most popular

more exciting 25 This is the ________ meal on the menu.

excitinger most nutritiousest

22 Water is _______ than tequila.



more nutritious

more healthier

most nutritious

most healthy 26 Some children are __________ than others.

healthiest more louder

23 Oxygen is the __________ natural resource.

most loud



most cheap


more cheapest 27 I live in the ________ city in the world.

comfortablest more convenientest

most comfortablest more convenient

most comfortable convenienter

more comfortable

28 A desert is ________ than a jungle.

more drier

more driest


more dry

29 A blue whale is the ________ animal in the



most heavy

most heaviest


30 Sometimes email is ______ than a telephone.

most convenient

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