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Surface Water Hydrology

In Runoff mode (Rnf), the program simulates the rainfall, infiltration, evaporation, and other hydrologic processes
for each subcatchment and calculates the runoff to a collection node. A variety of hydrologic methods is available
to generate runoff hydrographs.

In this tutorial, users will learn how to utilize XPs tools to layout a collection system network and develop input
data from GIS files. Standard design storms will be imported from a template file. Runoff will be simulated using
Time-Area method, Laurenson method, and EPA SWMM hydrology. Finally, model results will be reviewed
graphically and in tabular format.

Users are advised to review The XP User Interface tutorial for an overview of the windows, menus, tools, and basic
concepts of building and navigating a stormwater collection network with XPs graphical interface.

Part 1 Laying out a network using GIS layers

A collection network can be developed in the graphical interface using a variety of methods. In Part 1, users will
learn how to utilize XP tools to layout a collection system network over GIS background images and to develop
input data from information in GIS files.

Level: Beginner
Objectives: Introduce the steps required to:
x Layout a runoff collection network using a background image for node locations
x Define subcatchment drainage areas using a DTM layer
x Use XP tools to calculate subcatchment areas
x Connect subcatchments to runoff nodes

Time: 1 hour
Model Capability Number of Links/Nodes: 9/10 Add-on Modules: none 2D Size : none
Requirement Evaluation Version Compatible: Yes
Data files: (used to create TIN)
Yarra_Area.dwg (background image)

1. Launch the program. At the opening dialog, select New. In the Windows Explorer, navigate to the desired
folder and name the file Yarra21. A file with the default extension (.xp) will be created.
In the Units dialog, select Metric and click on OK.
2. Add the CAD layer. On the Layers Control Panel, check the visible box for CAD Files. Highlight the CAD
Files layer and right click. From the popup menu, select Load CAD File.

In the dialog select the file Yarra_Area.dwg. Click on Open to display the image on the network view. This
file is georeferenced so that its X and Y coordinates are coincident with the proposed drainage network.

xp solutions Tutorial 2 - Surface Water Hydrology

Tutorial 2 - Surface Water Hydrology

3. Browse the project site. Hold the mouse wheel or right button down and the moving hand (Pan Tool)
appears next to the cursor. Drag the screen around. Roll the wheel forward to zoom in and backwards to
zoom out.

4. Adjust layer display. Right click on the name of the .dwg file. Choose Properties from the popup menu.
Toggle the check boxes for the Edge of Pavement, Lot Boundaries and Road Names layers and click on
OK to view the drawing. Then turn them back on again and proceed to the next step.

5. Build the DTM. On the Layers Control Panel, check the visible box next to Topography. Highlight the
DTM layer and right-click. From the popup menu select DTM Builder. In the DTM Creator dialog, select
Read XYZS File.

Navigate to the file Click on Open. The X, Y, and Z coordinates of the survey points are
displayed. The S column is used for break lines. Use this dialog to edit the coordinates.

Click on Create DTM. A dialog will open asking for the name of the TIN file and the location to save it. Type
in the name contours and save this in the default location. A Contours.xptin file will be created. Click on

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Tutorial 2 - Surface Water Hydrology

Adjust the display of the DTM layer. On the Layers Control Panel, right click on the line corresponding to
the TIN that was just created. Select Properties from the popup menu and click on the Display Properties
tab. Adjust the Display Properties to show major contours at 2m and minor contours at 0.5 m intervals as
indicated in the figure below. Uncheck the Fill Color on Height Range box.

Click on Color to open the DTM Gradient Colors dialog and set the transparency to opaque. Click on OK
Turn on the Legends for the added surface to see the elevations associated with each colour.

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Tutorial 2 - Surface Water Hydrology

6. Review the project area. Zoom in on the upper right hand corner of the drawing. On the View menu, select
Set Scale. Enter 4500 and click on OK. Hold the right mouse down so that a hand (Pan Tool) appears
next to the cursor. Drag the drawing towards the upper right corner (at the intersection of Malden and
Black) so that the network view appears as in the image below. You can save this view through View
Save View.

Release the right button and use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. Locate the proposed gravity
collection system from node 3/2 to node 5/4.

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7. The next step is to draw the catchment polygons using the DTM. On the Layers Control Panel, check the
visible box for the Catchments layer. Right-click on the Catchments line and select Properties from the
popup menu. Set the properties to those indicated in the dialog below using some shades of green.

8. Draw the catchment for node 5/4. A catchment is defined as the area draining to a specified location. In the
program catchments are represented by polygons. Highlight the Catchments line in the Layers Control
Panel and click on the Polygon tool. A polygon symbol will appear next to the cursor.

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Begin at Node 5/4. Left click. Move to the location for the next
vertex and click. Continue drawing the polygon and double click
to close. The catchment should appear about as shown in the
diagram to the right.

Note that after a polygon has been drawn, it may be edited. Select
the polygon. The vertices and the centroid will be highlighted.
Move the mouse over a vertex. Click and drag the vertex to a new
location. Release the mouse.(Make sure that in theLayers Control
Panel, the Catchments are not locked. If the Catchments are
locked you cannot edit the vertices. To lock or unlock the
catchments go to theLayers Control Panel Catchments. Tick on
the catchments to make the layer visible, left click to highlight the
layer. Now right click the mouse button and click on lock or
When a vertex is selected, right-click. A popup menu will access
other editing options.

9. Draw the catchment polygons for nodes5/3, 5/2, 6/1, 4/1, and 3/2. They should appear about as in the
diagram below. Use the snap on/off button to allow you to attach to the previous drawn vertices.

10. Add nodes to the model. Set the Mode to Runoff by clicking on the Rnf tool. On the Layers Control Panel,
uncheck the visible box for the DTM and Catchments layers. Click on the Node icon on the drawing
toolstrip. A cirlce will appear next to the cursor . Click once on the locations of nodes 3/2, 4/1, 5/2, 5/3, 5/4,
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and 6/1 on the background image. A circle will appear on the network with the labels Node 1 through Node
Add additional nodes at the ends and junctions of the green line on the background image. Toggle the
visible box of the Background Images layer to review the locations of the nodes. Nodes may be moved by
clicking on one and holding the cursor over its location. The cursor will appear as a 4-arrowed cross. Hold
the left button down and drag the node to its new location. Release the left button.
The layout of nodes should look like the diagram below. Do not worry if your labels are different.

Edit node display properties. On the drawing tool strip, select the Select All Nodes tool . In the network
view the nodes should be highlighted. On the Edit menu, select Propertiesto open the Node Display
Properties dialog. Modify the Display Size of the Text Height and the Node Size by entering the data in
the dialog as shown below. Be sure to check the Modify buttons in the Text Height and Node Size
sections. Click on OK.

11. Add links. Click on the Link tool on drawing toolstrip. A vertical pipe will appear next to the cursor . Click
on the upstream node and extend the link to the downstream node. Click once and continue to the next
downstream node. End the drawing by double clicking. To draw another link, click on the link tool again
and repeat the process.

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12. Rename the catchment nodes. Select Node1 and right click. Select Properties from the popup menu to
open the Node Properties dialog. In the Node Name field, replace Node1 with 5/4. Repeat for nodes
5/3, 5/2, 6/1, 4/1, and 3/2.
13. Make the catchment nodes active. Click on the Select All Nodes tool and then on the Select All Links tool.
Then click on the minus tool . This will make all objects in the network inactive. Next hold the <Ctrl> key
down and click on nodes 5/4, 5/3, 5/2, 6/1, 4/1, and 3/2. Then click on the plus tool . This will make only
the catchment nodes active in the Runoff Mode. The network should appear as shown below:

14. Define Catchment Connections display properties. On the Layers Control Panel, check the visible box for
Catchment Connections. Right click and select Properties. Set the display settings to those shown in the
figure below:

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Tutorial 2 - Surface Water Hydrology

15. Link the catchments to the nodes. Select a catchment. Move the cursor over the centroid. The cursor will
appear as shown below. Hold the left button down and draw the dashed line to the Node 5/4. The curser
will appear as cross. Release the left button and a pop up menu will appear. Designate the area as
Subcatchment 1 for the Node 5/4.

Link the respective Subcatchments1 for Nodes 5/3, 5/2, 6/1, 4/2, and 3/2.
16. Calculate catchment areas. On the Tools menu, select Calculate Node and then Catchment Areas. The
program will display a dialog showing the old (0.0 because they have not been defined) and new
(calcualted from the subcatchment polygons) areas. The new areas may be edited to override the

Click on OK to accept the new values. This data is added to the model database. This function will report
that the calcuation was successfully completed. Review the data for node 5/4 by double clicking on it.
17. Save your file as Yarra21.xp.

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1. In regards to the DTM used in this exercise, what are the:

Number of suvery points _____
Minimum elevation _____ m
Maximum elevation _____ m

2. Open the File menu, select Properties and click on Job Statistics. In the current column what are the
number of:
_____ links
_____ nodes
_____ pictures

3. Program allows up to _____ subcatchments per runoff collection node.

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Part 2 Adding Design Storms and Laurenson Hydrology

In the program design storms and rainfall hyetographs can be imported by a variety of methods. In Australia, the
design rainfalls are derived from ARR 1987 Volume2 (Australian Rainfall and Runoff manual). This part
demonstrates how an ARR design rainfall data is imported using XPX formated files and developed into a design
Level: Beginner
Objectives: Introduce the steps required to:
x Import global storms from XPX files
x Assign design storms to subcatchments

Time: 0.5 hours

Data files: Yarra21.xp (model developed in Part 1)
contours.xptin (DTM developed in Part 1)
Australian Temporal Pattern.xpx

1. Open the file Yarra21.xp. On the File menu, select Import/Export Data and then Import XPX\EPA
Data. Locate the file Australian Temporal Pattern.xpx in the Templates folder. Enter the data in the
dialog as shown below. Click on Import.

The ARR temporal patterns have been added to the Global Database .

2. Creating the 5 year-24 hour design rainfall for ARR Zone 3. Note that Australia has been divided into 8
zones based on the temporal patterns of the storms (Refer to the ARR Volume 2 for details). On the
Configuration menu, select Global Data. In the left panel select (R) Rainfall. In the right panel select
Zone 3 1440min <30yr. Click on Duplicate.

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A new storm Zone3 1440min <30.1 is created. Select this rainfall. In the editing box below the Record
Name column, change the name to 5yr-24Hr Zone 3. Click on Rename. Click on Edit to open the (R)
Rainfall dialog. Select Constant Time Intervals.

In the next dialog, enter 171.6 as the Multiplier. Note that this is the absolute depth in mm for the design
rainfall. Absolute depth is equal to the average intensity multiplied by the rainfall duration. Click on Graph
to see the rainfall data. Click on Close then OK three times to return to the network view.

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Tutorial 2 - Surface Water Hydrology

3. Enter the Laurenson Hydrology data. Make sure that the mode is set to Rnf(Runoff Mode). Double-click on
Node 5/4 to open the runoff dialog. In this model, we will add two subcatchments for all nodes, pervious
and impervious. The area has been previously calculated. We will assume 50% pervious and 50%
impervious. The Width is not used in Laurenson Hydrology. However, the program requires that this field
has a nonzero value enter 1. Enter 50 % of the area from catchment 1 to catchment 2 (Refer to the
following dialogue box). Click on the 1 button to activate the subcatchment and advance to the next

Click on the Rainfall button. Select the 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 storm from the Global Database. Click on the
Laurenson button. In the Laurensons Method dialog, you will see the Storage Coefficient B and
Exponent n. You dont need to change the default values for this example.

Click on OK to come back to the Sub-Catchment hydrology dialog.

4. Setting up the loss model. Now we will set up loss models for pervious as well as for impervious areas. Click
on the Infiltration button in the Sub-Catchment hydrology dialog box. Now you will see the infiltration
global database dialog (Alternatively you may access this dialogue box through Configuration
Menu/Global data). Type in Pervious and click on Add, type 0.050 for the pervious roughness then click
on Edit and select the Uniform Loss method.

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Enter the Initial Loss value as 15 mm and Absolute loss value as 5 mm/hr. Alternatively, you can enter a
proportional continuous loss as a fraction of rainfall as well.

Now click on OK button twice to exit to the infiltration global database dialog. Add a new loss model for
the impervious area named Impervious and enter the initial and continuing losses as 3 mm and 1 mm/hr
respectively and use the same pervious area roughness of 0.050.
Click on the OK button twice and select the Pervious and click on Select. Now you will see that this loss
model from the global database is applied to the subcatchment1. Click on OK to exit the Runoff Node
dialog. Tick on subcatchment 2 and repeat the above mentioned steps. This time you need to select the
loss model named Impervious.

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In a similar manner enter the following data for the remaining runoff nodes.
Subcatchment Area Impervious Slope Hydrology
Node Number (Ha) % (m/m) Method Rainfall Infiltration
5/4 1 1.47 0 0.02 Laurenson 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Pervious
5/4 2 1.47 100 0.02 Laurenson 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Impervious
5/3 1 0.625 0 0.01 Laurenson 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Pervious
5/3 2 0.625 100 0.01 Laurenson 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Impervious
5/2 1 0.286 0 0.05 Laurenson 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Pervious
5/2 2 0.286 100 0.05 Laurenson 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Impervious
6/1 1 0.3 0 0.05 Laurenson 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Pervious
6/1 2 0.3 100 0.05 Laurenson 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Impervious
4/1 1 3.37 0 0.02 Laurenson 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Pervious
4/1 2 3.37 100 0.02 Laurenson 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Impervious
3/2 1 3.28 0 0.03 Laurenson 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Pervious
3/2 2 3.28 100 0.03 Laurenson 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Impervious

5. Save your file as Yarra22.xp.


1. In regards to the 5yr-24 Hr Zone 3 storm used in this exercise, what is the:
Total rainfall _____ mm.
Average intensity _____ mm./hr
Time duration of rainfall _____ min

2. Does the program require the rainfall to be the same over the entire network?

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Part 3 Job Control Settings & Running the Model

In the program, settings for the calculation are managed in the Job Control dialog. This part reviews some of the
Job Control settings in Runoff mode.
Level: Beginner
Objectives: Introduce the steps required to:
x Manage runoff job control settings
x Run the analysis

Time: 0.5 hours

Data files: Yarra22.xp (model developed in Part 2)
contours.xptin (DTM developed in Part 1)

1. Job Control Settings. On the Configuration menu, select Job ControlRunoff. Enter Yarra Storm
Study in the Job Title field. Click on Evaporation.

Select the default value of 3mm/day. Click OK.

On the Runoff Job Control dialog, click on Time Control. Enter Jan 1, 2008 00:00:00 for the start time and
Jan 2, 2008 00:00:00 for the end time. Check the box next to Use Simulation Start Time for Rainfall
Event. Click OK.

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Tutorial 2 - Surface Water Hydrology

On the Runoff Job Control dialog, click on Print Control. Select the Print summary at end of simulation
and Statistical summary only radio buttons. Click OK twice to return to the network view.

2. Run the analysis. Save your file as Yarra23.xp. On the Analyze menu, select Solve. The product will
display a dialog indicating the status of the calculation. When the simulation is completed the application
returns to the network view.

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3. Reviewing results. Select the 6 nodes with subcatchments by holding the Ctrl key and clicking on each
node. Click on the Review Results tool . This command will display graphs of rainfall and runoff for each
of the selected nodes. Options for viewing these graphs are presented later in this tutorial.

4. Save your file as Yarra23.xp.

1. Which node had the highest ____ and lowest ____ peak runoff?
2. Is it necessary to run the analysis more than 24 hours?

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Part 4 Non-Linear Reservoir Method

Another popular catchment runoff routing procedure is the non-linear reservoir method. Overland flow
hydrographs are generated by a routing procedure using the Mannings equation and a lumped continuity equation.
Surface roughness and depression storage for pervious and impervious area parameters further describe the
catchment. The subcatchment width parameter is related to the collection length of overland flow and is easily
calculated based on the watershed area. The method can include infiltration modeled with the Horton or Green-
Ampt equations or using a uniform loss rate.
Level: Beginner
Objectives: Introduce the steps required to:
x Define the Runoff method parameters in a subcatchment
x Use graphical interface tools to develop subcatchment data
x Use the global database to manage infiltration data
x Use graphical tools to obtain data from catchment parameters

Time: 0.5 hours

Data files: Yarra23.xp (same as file developed in Part 3)
contours.xptin (DTM developed in Part 1)

1. Using Runoff Hydrology. In the network view, double click on Node 5/4 to open the Runoff Node dialog. In
non-linear reservoir method, we dont need to divide the catchment into two areas based on the percent
imperviousness. Hence, we will combine the subcatchment areas and enter as a single catchment. Enter
100 m for the Width and 0.02 m/m for the Slope in the Sub-catchments1. Double click on the 1 button to
open the Sub-Catchment dialog. In the Routing Method section, select the RUNOFF radio button. Click
on the Infiltration button to open the Infiltration Global Database list.

Type Horton in the blank and then click on Add. With the Horton record highlighted, click on Edit. Enter
data for the Impervious Area(Depression storage = 4 mm, Mannings n = 0.015, and Zero Detention =
25%) and the Pervious Area (Depression storage = 12 mm and Mannings n = 0.05) as shown.

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Tutorial 2 - Surface Water Hydrology

Click on the Horton radio button. In the (R) Horton Equation dialog, enter Maximum Infiltration Rate
(Fo)= 50 mm/hr, Min (Asymptotic) Infiltration= 10mm/hr and Decay Rate of Infiltration = 0.001/sec. Click
on OK twice.

In the Global Database list for Infiltration, highlight Horton and click on Select, returning to the Sub-
Catchment dialog with Horton listed on the Infiltration button.

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Tutorial 2 - Surface Water Hydrology

Change the Routing Method to RUNOFF and Edit the data for the remaining nodes according to the
following schedule. Make sure to set the routing method to RUNOFF and select Horton as the infiltration
method for each:
Catchment Impervious Slope Infiltration
Node Number Area (Ha) % Width (m) (m/m) Hydrology Method Rainfall (Horton)
5/4 1 2.94 50 100 0.02 RUNOFF 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Horton
5/3 1 1.25 50 115 0.01 RUNOFF 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Horton
5/2 1 0.572 50 65 0.05 RUNOFF 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Horton
6/1 1 0.6 50 75 0.05 RUNOFF 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Horton
4/1 1 6.74 50 50 0.02 RUNOFF 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Horton
3/2 1 6.56 50 45 0.03 RUNOFF 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Horton

2. Using graphical interface tools to measure horizontal and vertical distances, slopes and areas. To measure
a distance and slope, select the Ruler tool . Left click to begin a measurement. Click once to locate a
vertex. Double click to end the measurement. The current distance/slope is the length of the last line
segment. Total Distance/slope indicates the total length and associated slope of a drawn polyline. To
measure an area, draw a closed polygon.

3. Save your file as Yarr24.xp. Run the analysis.

4. Review results. Follow the procedure described in Step 3 in Part 3 to review graphical results for the runoff
nodes. Click on the Properties tool to open the Review Results Properties dialog. In the Show
section, select 1from the drop list for Graph per Page. Check Infiltration in the Hydrology Rates section.
Click on OK.

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Tutorial 2 - Surface Water Hydrology

With the cursor anywhere on the graph grid, right click to reveal a popup menu for graph customization
and export options.

1. In regards to the results for Node 4/1, what is the
Maximum infitration rate _____ mm/hr
Maximum rainfall intensity _____ mm/hr
2. Why does infiltration peak before the maximum rainfall?

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Tutorial 2 - Surface Water Hydrology

Part 5 Time Area Method

This section describes the procedure to set up a Time-Area hydrology model. Time-area methods utilize a
convolution of the rainfall excess hyetograph with a time-area diagram representing the progressive area
contributions within a catchment in set time increments. Separate hydrographs are generated for the impervious
and pervious surfaces within the catchment. These are combined to estimate the total flow inputs to individual sub-
catchment entries to the underground urban drain network.

Level: Beginner
Objectives: Introduce the steps required to:
x Define the Time-Area hydrology method for subcatchments
Time: 0.5 hours
Data files: Yarra23.xp (same as file developed in Part 3)
contours.xptin (DTM developed in Part 1)

1. Open the file Yarra23.xp and save as Yarra25.xp

2. Setting up Time-Area hydrology data. Double click and open the Runoff Node: 5/4. Double click on the
Sub-Catchment 1 flag and you will see the Sub-Catchments hydrology dialog. Tick on the Unit
Hydrograph radio button and you will see the Unit hydrographs hydrology dialog. Select the Time Area
method and enter the Time of Concentration = 120 min. Repeat the procedure for subcatchment 2 as well
and enter Time of Concentration as 120 min.

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Tutorial 2 - Surface Water Hydrology

3. Complete the time area hydrology data for all the catchments as shown below. Note that we donot need
to set up rainfall and loss model this time as we did this already for Yarra23.xp.

Time of
Catchment Area Impervious Slope Concentration
Node Number (Ha) % (m/m) (min) Hydrology Method Rainfall Infiltration
5/4 1 1.47 0 0.02 120 Time-Area Unit Hydrograph 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Pervious
5/4 2 1.47 100 0.02 120 Time-Area Unit Hydrograph 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Impervious
5/3 1 0.625 0 0.01 90 Time-Area Unit Hydrograph 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Pervious
5/3 2 0.625 100 0.01 90 Time-Area Unit Hydrograph 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Impervious
5/2 1 0.286 0 0.05 100 Time-Area Unit Hydrograph 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Pervious
5/2 2 0.286 100 0.05 100 Time-Area Unit Hydrograph 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Impervious
6/1 1 0.3 0 0.05 120 Time-Area Unit Hydrograph 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Pervious
6/1 2 0.3 100 0.05 120 Time-Area Unit Hydrograph 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Impervious
4/1 1 3.37 0 0.02 120 Time-Area Unit Hydrograph 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Pervious
4/1 2 3.37 100 0.02 120 Time-Area Unit Hydrograph 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Impervious
3/2 1 3.28 0 0.03 100 Time-Area Unit Hydrograph 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Pervious
3/2 2 3.28 100 0.03 100 Time-Area Unit Hydrograph 5yr-24Hr Zone 3 Impervious

4. Save the model and run the analysis. Select all the active nodes in the Rnf mode and view results.


1. Do you need to enter the catchment width for setting up a time area hydrology method?

2. For the node 5/4, at what time do you think the whole catchment area will start contribute to runoff?

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Tutorial 2 - Surface Water Hydrology

Part 6 The Output File

In the program a variety of tools are available for examining model results.
Level: Beginner
Objectives: Introduce the steps required to:
x Add XP Tables to an existing database
x Review results in the output file.

Time: 0.5 hours

Data files: Yarra24.xp (same as file developed in Part 4)

1. Open the file Yarra24.xp ,go to File menu and Save As Yarra26.xp
2. On the File menu, select Import/Export Data Import XPX\EPA Data. Click on the Select button and
navigate to the Basic-Tables.XPX file in the templates folder. Click on Open. Then click on Import. Click
on OK when the Import Warning is displayed.

3. Click the XP Tables icon . Use the arrows at the lower corner of the screen to navigate to the Rain +
Infiltration table. Data with blue shading cannot be edited. Data with a white background is input data.
Note that the rainfall reference can be edited as a drop list of all storms in the Global Database.

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Tutorial 2 - Surface Water Hydrology

4. Use the arrows at the lower corner of the screen to navigate to the Subcatchment Results table. Data
with blue shading are results which cannot be edited. Data with a white background is input data. In the
Name column, nodes that are inactive are displayed with a white text. Close the XP Tables window.

5. Solve the model. On the Analyze menu, select Solve. A file called error.log is generated with each solve. If
errors or warnings are produced, the file will be displayed with your default text file editor. If no errors or
warnings are produced, the error log does not appear. The engine dialog will appear and the model will be

6. Reviewing the Output File. On the Results menu, select Browse File and open Yarra26.out in the
Windows Explorer dialog with your default text editor. This file is generated every time the model is
solved. It contains information regarding the settings, input data and results. This information is useful for
debugging, calibrating, and obtaining detailed model results. Selected sections are described here.
The beginning section presents information about the software version and the input data file. Users are
encouraged to use the latest version of the product.
Current Directory: C:\XPS\XPSWMM~1
Input File : PSWMM Getting Started\Tutorial2_SWHydrology_FB_1493\SG\Yarra26.XP

| xpswmm |
| Storm and Wastewater Management Model |
| Developed by XP Software Inc. |
| |
| Last Update : Oct., 2011 |
| Interface Version: 2012 |
| Engine Version : 12.0 |
| Data File Version: 12.4 |
| Serial Number : |
| |
The tables produced by a runoff analysis are listed here.

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Tutorial 2 - Surface Water Hydrology

| These are the more important tables in the output file. |
| You can use your editor to find the table numbers, |
| for example: search for Table R3 to check continuity. |
| This output file can be imported into a Word Processor |
| and printed on US letter or A4 paper using portrait |
| mode, courier font, a size of 8 pt. and margins of 0.75 |
| |
| Table R1 - Physical Hydrology Data |
| Table R2 - Infiltration data |
| Table R3 - Raingage and Infiltration Database Names |
| Table R4 - Groundwater Data |
| Table R5 - Continuity Check for Surface Water |
| Table R6 - Continuity Check for Channels/Pipes |
| Table R7 - Continuity Check for Subsurface Water |
| Table R8 - Infiltration/Inflow Continuity Check |
| Table R9 - Summary Statistics for Subcatchments |
| Table R10 - Sensitivity anlysis for Subcatchments |
Table R5 contains the continuity check and basin wide results for various runoff parameters.

* Any continuity error can be fixed by lowering the *
* wet and transition time step. The transition time *
* should not be much greater than the wet time step. *
Millimeters over
cubic meters Total Basin
Total Precipitation (Rain plus Snow) 3.202399E+04 171.600
Total Infiltration 1.370972E+04 73.463
Total Evaporation 5.598696E+02 3.000
Surface Runoff from Watersheds 1.742221E+04 93.357
Total Water remaining in Surface Storage 3.333122E+02 1.786
Infiltration over the Pervious Area... 1.370972E+04 146.927
Infiltration + Evaporation +
Surface Runoff + Snow removal +
Water remaining in Surface Storage +
Water remaining in Snow Cover......... 3.202511E+04 171.606
Total Precipitation + Initial Storage. 3.202399E+04 171.600

The error in continuity is calculated as

* Precipitation + Initial Snow Cover *
* - Infiltration - *
*Evaporation - Snow removal - *
*Surface Runoff from Watersheds - *
*Water in Surface Storage - *
*Water remaining in Snow Cover *
* Precipitation + Initial Snow Cover *
Percent Continuity Error............... -0.0035

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Tutorial 2 - Surface Water Hydrology

The output file ends with notes indicating that the calculation ended successfully.

===>Runoff simulation ended normally.

===> XP-SWMM Simulation ended normally.
===> Your input file was named : C:\Tutorials\XPSWMM Getting
===> Your output file was named : C:\Tutorials\XPSWMM Getting

| SWMM Simulation Date and Time Summary |
| Starting Date... March 18, 2014 Time... 11:17: 8:36 |
| Ending Date... March 18, 2014 Time... 11:17: 9:99 |
| Elapsed Time... 0.02717 minutes or 1.63000 seconds |

Review the output file (Yarr26.out) to answer the following questions.

1. In the network, what are the areas:

Total catchment _____ Ha
Impervious area _____ Ha
Pervious area _____ Ha

2. For the storm event, what are the volumes of

Rainfall _____ m
Runoff _____ m
Evaporation _____ m
Surface storage _____ m

3. Which subcatchment had the highest peak runoff rate?

Subcatchment _____
Peak runoff rate _____ m /s

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Tutorial 2 - Surface Water Hydrology

Part 7 Network Building Tools and Shortcuts

In the XP interface, numerous tools are available to streamline the model building process. This tutorial
demonstrates the direct import of nodes, links, and catchment polygons from shape files.

Level: Beginner
Objectives: Introduce the steps required to:
x Create a model from a template
x Use default settings for network objects
x Import nodes, links and catchments from shape files.

Time: 0.5 hours

Data files: MASTER2014_Metric.XPT (template file)
yarra_network_pt.shp (GIS files for nodes)
yarra_network_arc.shp (GIS files for links)
yarra_catchments.shp (GIS files for catchment polygons)

1. Creating a new model from a template. On the File menu, select New Create From Template. Enter
Yarra-new.xp as the file name. Click on Save.
In the Select Template File dialog, navigate to the templates folder supplied with the product installation.
Select MASTER2014_Metric.xpt. Click on Open.

A message may appear indicating that the template was created with an earlier version of the product.
Click on OK. Set the mode to Runoff (Rnf) .

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Tutorial 2 - Surface Water Hydrology

2. Setting object defaults for non-linear reservoir hydrology parameters. On the File menu, select
Properties. Expand the Node Defaults line and select Node Data. Select all rows, except for the Node
Type in the table and click on (X) to delete.
Click on the ellipses () in a blank row in the table or click on the (+) button on the top right of the dialog to
add a new row to the table. In the Variable Selection dialog, navigate to and select Sub-Catchment Flag
and click on OK.

Continue to fill in the fields with values indicated below:

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Tutorial 2 - Surface Water Hydrology

Click on OK to close the File Properties and Options dialog. In the network view, create a new node. Open
the node data dialog and note that the runoff parameters are the default values.

3. Import nodes from shape file. On the Layers Control Panel, check the visible box for the Nodes layer.
Make sure that it is not locked. Select the Nodes layer and right click. Choose Import from GIS File

Navigate to the file yarra_network_pt.shp. Click Import.

Click on the Set Node Names From Attribute Data radio button. Select COMNAME field from the drop
list. Click OK. The application reports the results of the import.

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Tutorial 2 - Surface Water Hydrology

The network view should show 10 nodes.

4. Import links from shape file. On the Layers Control Panel, check the visible box for the Links layer. Make
sure the layer is unlocked. Select the Links layer. Right click choose Import from GIS Filefrom the pop-
up menu.

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Tutorial 2 - Surface Water Hydrology

Navigate to the file yarra_network_arc.shp. Click Import.

Click on the Default Name and Link End Points radio buttons. Click on OK. The application reports the
results of the import.

The network view should show 8 links and 10 nodes. Note that there are two separate networks in the
5. Load catchments from GIS. On the Layers Control Panel, Nodes group, check the visible, box for the
Catchments layer. Make sure the layer is unlocked. Right click and choose Import from GIS Filefrom the
popup menu.

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Tutorial 2 - Surface Water Hydrology

Navigate to the yarra_catchments_poly.shp. Click on Import.

In the Catchment Data Mappings dialog, set the Node Name to BASINID. Click on Import. The
application will report the number of polygons imported.

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Tutorial 2 - Surface Water Hydrology

The catchment polygons are displayed in the network view. Right-click on the Catchments layer in the
Layers Control Panel and select Properties to adjust the display of the catchments.

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Tutorial 2 - Surface Water Hydrology


1. Open the data dialog for a runoff node and confirm that it has all of the default values defined in step 2.
2. What is the length between node 4/1 and node Junction? ____ m.

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