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What Would You Do If You Had a Lot of Money


P1 = First - buy - big house - for parents - bungalow - equip - latest technology - smart home - father - big
hall - television - entertainment - mother - big kitchen - loves cooking - siblings - own rooms - own
entertainment - get a maid - help - household chores - ensure - family - comfortable

P2 = Second - go - world tour - family - never been overseas - wish - dream places - visit Europe - Italy -
the city of romance - visit museums - unique buildings - next Hong Kong or China - mystical -
historical - her people - dream - true.

P3 = Next - shopping spree - favourite pastime - now - window shopping - if have a lot of money - go -
buy whatever - once in life - no need - look prices - just buy - till close - latest fashions - custom own
outfits - my wish - not be ignored - anymore

P4 = Then - opportunity - further studies - cannot afford - overseas - if have money - pursue studies -
overseas - London - I graduated - set up business - successful - besides - remember the poor - less
fortunate - build home - orphans - sponsor education -success - give allowance - go shopping - old
folks - suitable entertainment - accompany - pay expenses



My Most Embarrassing Situation


P1 = Remember well - was Form 4 - school recess - the bell rang - recess - rushed - toilet - stomached -
controlled - since class started - didnt want to miss - lesson - include tips - examination.

P2 = Without realising - rushed - girls (boys) toilet - straight - any room - heard - giggling outside -
wondered why - sounded near - later - came out - discovered - had entered - girls toilet - make
matters worse - few girls - stand outside - didnt turn away - out - looked at me - then - turned away
worst forgot - zip up - disaster!

P3 = Incident - mess - spread - wild fire - school - talk of the town - walk around - feeling embarrassed -
think - how - get over - my mothers words - if you cant beat them, join them - decided - make fun
of myself - laugh - works - everyone bored - after a while - stop teasing




Cell phones - One of Our Greatest Technologies Misused

Cell phones have lost their meaning over the years. These small devices were once developed to get in
contact with someone else in case of emergencies, and now talking on the phone while driving has
turned out to be a way of life for millions of American drivers. More than 85 percent of the 100 million
cell-phone subscribers frequently talk on the phone during driving. ( Talking on
the cell phone while driving should be illegal, because of the dangers they cause. Driving while using the
cell phone is one of the major problems here in the US. Cell phones should not be used while driving.
This matter is too dangerous to let it go unnoticed.

According to the essay, Yes, Prohibit Their Use, which appeared on the congressional quarterlys web site
on March 16, 2001, the Harvard Center for risk analysis printed a study in 1999. They appointed a crash
risk factor to using cell phones. In the summer of 2000 it came out to 450 to 1,000 fatalities each year.
The NHTSH says that for every fatality, there are 666 property-damage and injury-producing crashes.
There are about 300,000 and 650,000 different crashes due to cell phones! This same essay states that
Japan is one of the 14 countries banning the use of handheld cell phones while driving. The accidents
caused by the use of cell phones dropped by 75 percent the next month, proving cell phones are not
necessary parts of the driving nature.

There are major dangers connected with driving and cell phone use. Drivers have to take their eyes off
the road while dialing. Also, drivers can get so deep into their conversations that their ability to
concentrate may be dangerously limited. This jeopardizes the safety of the people inside the vehicle, and
the pedestrians outside. In order to drive safely, the driver should be able to put 100% of his or her focus
on the road. Cell phones are simply a huge distraction while driving.

It is understandable that there are some cases where the use of a cell phone is needed. In these cases, I
agree with the author of Yes, Prohibit Their Use, the driver should pull-over somewhere safe to use the
phone. If someone receives an incoming call, he should wait until the car has come to a complete stop.
Then he should proceed to use the phone. If he feels that the emergency is urgent enough to take action
right away, then the person should use the hands-free headset. Only in emergencies should cell phones
be used.

Some people argue that there are other distractions other than cell phones. While using a cell phone
when driving may not be the most unsafe distraction, studies prove that it is the most common cause of
car crash accident, and common cause of death here in the US.

The use of cell phones while driving should be banned in Philadelphia, because many people die due to
distraction of cell phones. Cell phone distraction causes 2,600 deaths and 330,000 injuries in the United
States every year. ( Another reason to not use the cell phone while
driving is devastating the many lives of the victims and their families in the case of an accident.

When driving, cell phones should not be allowed. Help the statistics decrease not increase.

The Importance of Studying English

It is a big concerned for teenagers nowadays as they are unaware of the importance of English
language as they tend to ignore to learn the language. Students attitude towards the language is also
crucial to make sure that these teenagers can face the future world better by learning English language
as it is an international language.

Although the government has repeatedly told us of the importance of English, many students are
still not bothered about studying it seriously. There is also a campaign that still on to make all the
Malaysian becomes a better English learner, which is Enhance Proficiency in Bahasa Malaysia,
Strengthen the English. English is the most important and the most useful language in the world today.
There are many reasons why you should study the language properly.

First and foremost, English will definitely help you a lot when you want to further studies. Almost
all books at university are written in English in all subjects. Plus, it is a compulsory for any candidate to
pass English with credit before entering any universities. So, if you are poor in English, you will blow you
chance for better education or worse, you are going to have a big problem studying at university.

The second reason why you have to study English well is that it will help you to get a job. When
you go for a job interview, the interviewer will surely talk to you in English. The first impression you
should give in order to success and have the job is, to respond in English fluently. Your chances of getting
the job are very slim if you stutter while interviewing.

A good command in of English will also help you greatly in your job. If the company you work is
actively involved in international trade, you have to speak to prospective customers in English.
Miscommunication might occur if your English is bad. And this will put your company at risk and you will
likely be dismissed if this happen.

Good English will also help you a lot when you travel. Every country in the world studies English.
Even the roadside stall-holders in China speak fairly good English! At least some of the people you meet
on your travels in other countries can understand English. The language is certainly practical when you
are lost in your trip. Communication problem will not happen if you can converse well in English.
Inevitably, English is one of the languages used in any airport in the world in making announcement.
Knowing English well, therefore, make travelling overseas easier.

Besides all these, entertainment is one of the major advantages you will experience if you good in
English. You will enjoy televisions best programmes. We must admit that many of the best programmes
are produced by the Americans and British companies. High self-confidence influenced by the
programmes will indirect inculcate in yourself when you are fluent in the language. Quality time is
worthily spent if you understand and enjoy the programmes.

Based from all the above elaboration, I hope that students will see the importance and realise
how importance the language is for their own future. Although it is a second language in our country, it
is now a main language all over the world.

Preventing Truancy
Truancy tops the list of misdemeanours by our students. Almost every day, students are caught playing
truant. Although it is not a serious problem, it must be nipped in the bud.

Truancy means being absent from school without a valid reason. Students play truant for a number of
reasons. Most of them play truant because of negative peer influence. They follow their friends who skip
school. Financial problems can also cause a student to stay away from school and that explains why
students who play truant are mainly from the lower income groups. Learning problems is another cause
of truancy. Students who find academic subjects difficult or boring would prefer to play truant. Some
students who are addicted to drugs or alcohol will frequently be absent. The fear of bullying or
harassment may also cause timid students to play truant.

If left unchecked, truancy can lead to juvenile delinquency and numerous other negative outcomes.
Youths who play truant have an increased risk of dropping out of school. School dropouts are more likely
to he unemployed as prospective employers are concerned about attendance of their potential
employees. Regular school attendance is also important for academic success. If a student often plays
truant, he may fail in his examinations. Students who play truant also have low self-esteem and become
social misfits.

To curb truancy, initiatives must be taken. Prevention is the key. Early intervention can tackle the
problem. Students who often skip classes should be given counselling. Parents should check with
teachers and school authorities periodically to monitor students' attendance. Police patrols will deter
repeat offenders.

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