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Wayne Thyrotoxicosis Index

Symptoms - Dyspnoe deffort +1

- Palpitation* +2
- Tiredness* +2
- Preference for heat -5
- Preference for cold* +5
- Indifference to temperature 0
- Excessive sweating* +3
- Appetite increased* +3
- Appetite decreased* -3
- Weight increased* -3
- Weight decreased* +3
- Nervousness* +3
Signs Present Absent
- Palpable (struma) thyroid* +3 -3
- Bruit over thyroid* +2 -2
- Exopthalmus +2 0
- Lid retraction 0 0
- Lid lag +1 0
- Hyperkinetic movements* +4 -2
- Fine finger tremor +1 0
- Hands hot* +2 -2
- Hands moist* +1 -1
- Pulse: - Atrial fibrilation* +4 0
- Regular
< 80 -3
81-90 0
>90 +3

Hyperthyroid : >20
Probably hyperthyroid : +10 - +20
No hyperthyroid : <10
*) gejala yang banyak didapatkan
Newcastle Thyrotoxicosis Index
Items Grade Score
Age of onset (year) 15 24 0
25 34 +4
35 44 +8
45 54 +12
>55 +16
Psychological precipitant Present -5
Absent =
Present -3
Absent 0
Present -3
Absent 0
Present +5
Absent 0
Present +3
Absent 0
Present +18
Absent 0
Present +9
Absent 0
Present +2
Absent 0
Present +4
Absent 0
Present +7
Absent 0
>90 / min +16
80-90 / min +8
< 80 / min 0

Definite Hyperthyroid : +40 - +80

Probably Hyperthyroid : +24 - +39
No Hyperthyroid : -11 - +23

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