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Could Your Gym Routine Be Affecting Your Dental Health?

Lots of people regularly visit their gym or will work out at home. Over the past few years, there
has been an increase in those choosing to lift weights rather than just pound the treadmill.
However, a recent study has raised concerns about the potential effect of weight training on
dental health. Apparently, more than 80% of people will clench their teeth and jaws while lifting
heavy weights.
Teeth clenching can have a detrimental effect on teeth
and jaws but just 35% of people lifting heavy weights
are aware of this. The reason why people tend to clench
when they are lifting heavy weights is that it helps them
to engage the muscles in the jaw and neck. This
potentially improves their performance. When you
clench your jaw, it can cause several types of pain.
For a start, the muscles responsible for closing the jaw
will become sore. The temporomandibular joints or jaw
joints are very close to some of the cranial nerves. This can lead to people experiencing chronic
headaches or an earache.
Any existing dental problems may be worsened. Teeth clenching can result in dental pain and
may create increased sensitivity towards hot and cold foods and some people will have a dull
throbbing sensation of pain.
Some professional weightlifters have even lost teeth as a result. So, if you like to lift heavy
weights, what can you do to help protect your teeth and jaws?
Use the Mirrors in the Gym to Keep an Eye on Your Technique
Gyms have all those mirrors for a reason as they can help you to perfect your technique and they
will also show how much tension is on your face when you lift. Keep an eye on the muscles
around your jaws to see if they are flexing.
When you take a break in between sets, try to actively concentrate on relaxing your facial
muscles. You may even want to gently massage these muscles to help reduce any tension.
Read the Labels on Any Supplements
Its also worth keeping an eye on exactly what is in any pre-workout supplements. Many people
like to take these supplements to give them a boost but they may contain high levels of caffeine
that could increase your tendency to clench.
Just as an aside, another thing to bear in mind is energy drinks or other drinks that contain a lot
of sugar. These drinks can cause acid erosion where your tooth enamel becomes weaker which in
turn can increase tooth sensitivity.
This is because tooth enamel protects the inner part of the tooth from the sensations. They are
created whenever you eat or drink something hot or cold or very sweet or sour.
Getting Professional Help from Your Dentist
Your dentist is the best person to see to diagnose and treat any problems with clenching. They
will frequently see patients who clench and grind during sleep which is a habit called bruxism.
They will assess your teeth, checking for any signs of damage and they can check your jaw joints
for any signs of soreness and inflammation. If your dentist is at all concerned, they may suggest
you have some dental x-rays.
This will provide a clearer picture of your dental health and any potential damage to your teeth
and jaws. Any signs of damage to your teeth can be treated using restorative dentistry. This will
hopefully save these teeth, restoring their strength and ability to function properly. Your dentist
will also talk to you about the best way to treat any clenching problems and to prevent any
further damage.
Treating Teeth Clenching
One of the most commonly used solutions to treat clenching and grinding is for your dentist to
prescribe a custom-made mouthguard. This will be specifically designed to fully protect your
teeth during clenching by cushioning them against the impact. It prevents your teeth from
coming into contact. A mouthguard can also help prevent headaches from teeth clenching by
preventing your jaw muscles from excessive contractions.
This approach could work especially well when combined with more self-awareness during
weight lifting. It is also effective when actively forcing your facial muscles to relax even as your
other muscles contract to lift the weights.
How Is a Mouthguard Made?
The process for making a mouthguard is a quick and non-invasive. Your dentist will need to take
an impression of your teeth and they may also get you to bite into a layer of dental wax. This
records the way your teeth bite or occlude together. It may be useful if the biting surface of your
mouthguard is to be indexed in any way, where grooves will be cut into it to help make its use
more effective.
The impression is cast up to create a plaster replica of your teeth. It is then used to make sure
your mouthguard can be accurately fabricated to exactly fit over your teeth. It will be designed in
such a way so its comfortable to wear and wont affect your ability to breathe. The materials
used to make mouthguards are BPA free and are completely neutral as they dont taste or smell
of anything.
Your dentist may choose to thicken the mouthguard in particular areas to provide more
protection for your teeth. Although you can buy mouthguards over-the-counter, the protection
they provide will be nothing like as effective as a custom-made appliance. Its worth spending
the extra on getting something that will provide maximum protection for your teeth. Get
something that could potentially save you many hundreds or even thousands of dollars in
restorative dental bills.
How Long Will a Mouthguard Last for?
Custom-made mouthguards are pretty tough. But it all depends on how heavily you clench your
teeth as its not unknown for people to completely bite through them. Your dentist can give you a
better idea as to how long you can expect your mouthguard to last for. They will regularly check
it during your dental examinations for any signs of excessive wear so it can be replaced before it
completely fails.
If you do happen to bite through your mouthguard quite quickly then its worth remembering
that this made it even more of a worthwhile purchase. Just imagine what would have happened to
your teeth if you werent wearing your mouthguard.

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