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Mr and Madam Chair panelist Good afternoon

(Introduce their name and title of theis)

Let us delved into reality and accept that there is something wrong in the status quo. Being a senator
also means being a person who will represent his/her constitutients and someone who can create,
appeal, repeal, amend laws. So basically being a senator means having three professions in one
(Priesthood, Teacher and a Lawyer) Why? Because a senator must first weigh the humanity and
morality in every law to be passed, then he/she should then look at the legality and constitutionality of
the laws he/she proposes then after that he/she must teach the people why they must follow the laws
he/she passed. Show them the pros and cons and what are the possible effect of it to the society.

(Read some of the jobs of the senate then read the objectives)

Now let us see what is wrong with the society: We have a very lax qualifications for senators (show slide
of art VI ) So the inefficiency starts from the very beginning, THE QUALIFICATION ITSELF. What we tend
to have is law makers who are inefficient and lackadaisical in answering to the needs of the people
(while showing jinggoy, pacquao, alma and many)

That yellow arrow shows where pacquiao should be. A man who attended only 4 sessions in the entirety
of the congressional session. Pity for the people of Saranggani, he is also vying for the seat in the senate.


*Read the significance of the study

The lack of qualification has become an agent against the Filipino people, it has not provided any safety
net nor a filtering mechanism that weeds out the incompetent from the efficient and brilliant

In Re Abellara, The problem in our country is that we dont provide a nurturing environment for smart
and brilliant senators. What the research is trying to do is bringing back the grandiour and the respect of
the people once have for the senate, the respect lost because of incompetent politician who squanders
the money of the people.

In Re Valduehuesa. Article VI, Section III has proven that it cannot mitigate the harm the Culture of
popularity voting, name recall, political dynasty and celebrity endorsement to the system. Filipinos tend
to vote for well known senatoriable without even trying to know if he/she is fit for the law making job.
The end result is that we have senators failing to address poverty, incursion on our sovereignty etc and
instead focusing on what national bird or viand we should proclaim.

It is about time we time we reconstruct how society should view the job of law making. If it requires
years of pain, blood, sweat and tears to become a professor in a university then we must also compel
our senators to do the same, because every decision made by the senate does not only alter the
present, the changes made by the legislative will have a long term effect on our country affecting all of
us even our posterity.

We choose this topic simply because it is close to our course, but also it is one of the small things in our
country that affects of all of us. It does not matter what you are, how

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