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Kusunra Yoga 79

latitudes, however, where often there is merging of

two signs in a Bhava, Venus can occupy either
Lagna or the 7th houseand the Sun can join'the lOth,
depending upon whether Venus is heading towards
inferior or superiorconjunction. As almost all Yogas
seemto have been basedupon certain mutual angu'
lar dispositionsof planets, Rasis are implied and not
Bhavas, becauseif the Yoga-formation is basedon
Bhava reckoning, the distance betweenthe planets
forming a particular Yoga will be varying with refe-
rence to eachindividual horoscope' Thus for instance
in Kusuma Yoga, the Sun is to be in the l0th. This
according to Rasi reckoning means an aspectal
angle of 270" while according to Bhava reckoning, it
may mean just the distance betweenthe Lagna and
the l0th Bhava which varies with regard to each
horoscope. Without straining the combinations too
much, it seemssafe to assumethat Yogas are based
on the disposition of planets in certain Rasis from
each other.

53. Matsya Yoga

Definition.-If Lagna and 9th are joined by male-

fics the 5th by both malefics and beneficsand the 4th
and 8th by malefics,Matsya Yoga is formed.
Results.-The person will be an oceanof love, a
reader of times, good-natured, strong character,
famous, religious and learned.
80 Three Hundred Important Combinations

Remarks.--This seemsto be a peculiar combina-

tion becausethe two most important houses, viz., '.
Lagna and the ninth should be occupied by evil
planets,the fifth should contain a mixture of good
and evil planetswhile maleficsalone should occupy
the 4th and 8th. Such Yogas, though not impossible
of occurrence, are indeed rare becauseif Mercury
and the Moon become beneficialby good association
and waxing respectively, only three maleficsare left
out (excludingRahu and Kethu) to causethe Yoga.
If Rahu and Kethu are also included, then all the
maleficscarlnot occupythe lst, 9th,4th and 8th inas-
much as Rahu and Kethu mustalwaysbe 180'apart.
The presenceof Matsya Yoga in a horoscope may
be admittedif Lagna, 4th, 8th and 9th, or at least
Lagna and 9th have maleficsand the fifth both bene-
fics and malefics. In Sanskrit Matsya meansa fish
and this Yoga is supposedto be a very favourable
one. The high place givento it is equalledby its con-
spicuous rarity in actual horoscopos. If we include
the aspectsof planetsalso, then the Yoga can occur
in a number of horoscones.

54. Kurma Yoga

De-finition.-Whenbeneficsoccupy the 5th, 6th

and Tth and ioin their exaltation, own or friendly
Navamsas:or when beneficsoccupythe lst, 3rd and
l lth identicalwith their exaltation, own or friendly
signs,there resultswhat is called Kurma Yoga.
Kurmr Yogr

Resulrs.-World famous, princely enjoyments,

righteous, courageous, happy, helpful to others,
leader of men and a man of mild temperament.
Remarks.-Opinion is divided as regards the
exact interpretation of the word mitramsakarasiyatah
which may mean a friendly sign or a friendly
Navamsa. Some authorities suggestthat as in the
second part of the stanza the rvord mitrochasantsthah
has been used, it is more reasonableto interpret that
the reference is to friendly Rasis. It is of course
somewhatdifficult to conceiveof a planet occupying
a particular house identical with a friendly Navamsa
since trvo setsof combinations are given. I am in-
clined to accept the views of Prof. Rao, that the first
set of combinations would be partly in reference to
the Navamsa disposition while the secondone is to
be applied solelyto the usual Rasi dispositions. In
other words, Kurma Yoga is said to arise(a) if bene-
fics occupy the 5th, 6th and 7th houses and join
own, exalted and friendly Navamsasor (b) if benefics
occupy the lst, 3rd and llth ideDtical with their
exalted, own or friendly places. I have my own
doubts as to the correctnessor otherwise of the inter-
pretation given above. Therefore readersmust accept
my remarks with a certain amount of reservation.So
far as the results are concerned, Kurma Yoga seems
to indicate reputation. fame and influence but not
much wealth.

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