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Subject Code : 34 Subject : Chemistry
PART A Marks
1 G value for the formation of A2O and B2O are 827 kJ and 540 kJ
which one of them is more stable?
A2O 1
2 What is the colour of potassium dichromate in acidic medium?
Orange red / orange 1
3 Name the method used for the isolation of noble gas mixture from air.
Ramsay and Rayleigh method 1
4 How many ions are formed per molecule of potassium hexacyano
ferrate (II) when dissolved in water?
Five or 5 1
5 The reaction A + B C follows first order kinetics with respect to
A and second order kinetics with respect to B. What is the over all
order of the reaction?
Three or 3 1
6 Predict the sign of S for the following process: H2O(g) H2O (I)
Negative or ve 1
7 Name the method used to determine the nature of charge on colloidal
Electrophoresis 1
8 Which is the final product formed when methanamine is heated with
excess of iodomethane in a sealed tube?
tetramethylammonium iodide or (CH3)4 N+ I or (CH3)4NI 1
9 Give an example for ketohexose.
Fructose 1
10 How many polypeptide chains are joined together in insulin molecule?
Two or 2 1
11 State Nernst Distribution Law.
When a solute is dissolved in a mixture of two immiscible solvents, the
solute distributes itself in such a way that, the ratio of concentration of
solute in two solvents remains constant at constant temperature. 2

12 What happens when concentrated sulphuric acid is heated with oxalic
Dehydration takes place OR CO & CO2 is liberated 1

self explanatory equation 2
13 Explain Linkage isomerism with an example.
Compounds having the same molecular formula but differ in the mode of
attachment of a ligand to the central metal atom/ion.
A type of structural isomerism in which isomers differ in the ligating atom
of ambident ligand.
A type of structural isomerism that occurs when more than one type of 1
atom in a monodentate ligand acts as a donor atom .
[Co NO2 (NH3)5] Cl2 & [Co ONO (NH3)5]Cl2 or its complex ions
Or [Cr SCN (H2O)5]2+ & [Cr NCS (H2O)5]2+ OR names 1
14 Define the term Temperature coefficient. Write its mathematical
The ratio of rate constants of a reaction at two temperatures differing by
ten degrees. OR
The ratio of rate constants of a reaction at ( t+10)C and at tC
The ratio of rate constants of a reaction at a given temperature and at ten
degrees (10) lower temperature 1
k ( T +10)
Temperature coefficient =
kT 1
15 Give two conditions for the positive deviation of non-ideal solutions.

1. A-----B interactions are smaller than A-----A and B----B interactions

2. PA > PA0 XA ; PB > PB0 XB
3. H mixing > 0 OR positive or +ve
4. V mixing > 0 OR positive or +ve
( Any two points ) 2

16 Write two differences between lyophilic sols and lyophobic sols.
Lyophilic sol Lyophobic sol
i. They are reversible i. Irreversible
ii. Quite stable ii. Less stable
iii. Prepared by simple method iii. Prepared by indirect method
iv. Particles are solvated. iv. Not solvated
v. Dispersed phase has strong v. Dispersed phase has less
affinity for dispersion medium. affinity for dispersion medium.
vi. Particles may or may not be vi. Particles are charged
vii. Surface tension is lower than vii. Surface tension is almost the
dispersion medium. same as dispersion medium.
viii. Viscosity is higher than viii. Viscosity is almost the
dispersion medium same as dispersion medium
Any two differences among these 2
17 What is radius ratio? Give the shape of the molecule having limiting
radius ratio 0.414 to 0.732.
Ratio of radius of cation to the radius of anion is called radius ratio.
OR radius ratio =
r 1
Octahedral 1
18 Define the term enantiomerism. Write the structural formula of lactic
acid enantiomers.
The optical isomers of a compound which are non-super imposable
mirror images of each other are called enantiomers.

(or any other form) 1

19 Give two postulates of Baeyers strain theory of cycloalkanes.
1. All cycloalkanes are planar.
2. The deviation from normal tetrahedral bond angle causes some strain
on the molecule. It is called angle strain.
3. Greater the angle strain, less stable is the cycloalkane.
4. Cycloalkanes which are stable can be prepared easily.
(any two points ) 2
20 How do you convert ethane nitrite to ethanamine ? Give equation.
Instead of ethanenitrile it is printed as ethane nitrite.
If the Q.No. is written / attempted. 2

21 Give a reaction to show glucose molecule contains
i) Five hydroxyl (OH) groups
It reacts with acetyl chloride or acetic anhydride, to form a pentaacetyl
derivative 1
ii) A terminal aldehydic group.
With bromine water it gives a carboxylic acid having same number of
carbon atoms as in glucose OR
when glucose is heated with nitric acid it forms dicarboxylic acid
having same number of carbon atoms as in glucose 1
22 What is rancidity of oils and fats? How it can be prevented?
Bad / unpleasant smell developed when oil or fat is exposed to warm moist
air. 1
Addition of vitamin C and E OR refrigeration OR
adding antioxidants OR store in cool dry place. (Any one) 1
23 a) Write chemical reactions taking place in the blast furnace at
reduction zone, slag formation zone and combustion zone during
the extraction of Iron.
At reduction zone:
Ferric oxide is reduced to iron by carbon monoxide OR 1
600 700 C
Fe2O3 + 3 CO 2Fe + 3CO2
Slag formation zone:
Limestone decomposes to form calcium oxide, which then combines with
silica to form calcium silicate slag OR 1
900 C
CaCO3 CaO + CO2
CaO + SiO2 CaSiO3
Combustion Zone :
Coke burns in oxygen to form carbon dioxide. OR 1
1500 C
C + O2 CO2
(Temperatures are not value points)
b) Mention the geometry and magnetic property of
tetracarbonylnickel (o) complex
Tetrahedral or if written the structure 1
Diamagnetic 1

24 a) Describe the Habers process for the manufacture of Ammonia.
N2 + 3H2 YZZ 1

Pure nitrogen and hydrogen in the ratio 1: 3 by volume at a pressure of

200 atm is introduced in to the catalytic converter. It contains Fe and Mo
maintained at 450 C. Nitrogen combines with hydrogen and forms 1
ammonia. Gases are condensed. Ammonia liquifies. The unreacted gases
are recycled.
(If conditions are not mentioned, deduct one mark)
b) How is xenonhexafluoroplatinate (V) prepared by Bartlett method?
Xenon is treated with platinum hexafluoride to get the compound. 1
Xe + PtF6 Xe[PtF6] 1
Self explanatory equation 2
25 a) Explain colour of transition metal compounds based on crystal
field splitting.
Colour of transition metal compounds is possible when they have partially
filled d sub-shell or have unpaired electrons.
When visible light (white light) falls on these, a part of the radiation is
absorbed to excite or promote an electron from one set of d orbitals to the 1
other. OR diagram
Unabsorbed radiations are transmitted. This gives colour to the compound 1
b) Account for the malleability and ductility of metals on the basis of
electron gas theory.
When force (stress) is applied to a metal kernels (positive ions or lattice
points) layers slide over one another. The shape of the metal gets
deformed. 1
Freely moving electrons also move around the deformed layers and the
environment around the metal ions remains unchanged. 1

According to electron gas theory, a metal contains an array of positively
charged metal ions in a sea of mobile valence electrons and the bonding is
non-directional. 1

When force is applied to a metal, the kernel layers slide over one another.
The shape of the metal gets deformed.

26 a) Explain the mechanism of nitration of benzene.

HNO3 + H2SO4 H2O + NO +2 + HSO 4 OR 1
H3O+ + NO +2 + 2 HSO 4
HNO3 + 2H2SO4

b) Give two differences between inductive effect & mesomeric effect.
Inductive effect Mesomeric effect
1. Observed in saturated 1. Observed in conjugated
compounds. system.
2. Partial displacement of 2. Delocalisation of electrons.
electrons. 3. Effect remains same
3. Effect decreases with distance. throughout the system.
Any two differences. 2
27 a) How is phenol isolated from coal tar?
Middle oil (170-230C) contains mainly phenols naphthalene and traces of
pyridine. It is cooled. Naphthalene crystallises. It is removed by filtration. 1
Crude phenol is washed with dilute H2SO4, then treated with sodium
hydroxide solution. Sodium phenate formed in aqueous solution is
separated, acidified to get phenol. 1
C6H5OH + NaOH C6H5ONa + H2O
C6H5ONa + HCl C6H5OH + NaCl
(For acidification CO2 or H2SO4 can be used)
b) Explain Wurtz-Fitting reaction with an example.
When alkyl halide is heated with aryl halide with sodium in dry ether alkyl
benzene (arene) is obtained. 1
Any example with equation. 1
When chlorobenzene is heated with chloromethane in presence of sodium
in dry ether, methylbenzene (toluene) is formed. 1

C6H5Cl + 2Na + CH3Cl
dry ether

C6H5CH3 + 2NaCl
OR 1
C6H5Cl + 2Na + CH3Cl
dry ether

C6H5CH3 + 2NaCl
chlorobenzene methyl chloride toluene
(any other example)
28 a) Explain S2N mechanism with an example.
Methyl bromide undergoes hydrolysis with aqueous NaOH to form methyl
OR 1
CH3Br + NaOH (aq) CH3OH + NaBr

The nucleophile OH - attacks from rear side of the bromine atom to give a
transition state in which COH bond is partially formed & CBr bond is 1
partially broken. This loses Br ion to give methyl alcohol.

b) How do you convert ethanoic acid to methane? Write equation.
Ethanoic acid heated with soda lime, sodium ethanoate formed undergoes
decarboxylation to form methane.
OR 1
By heating it with soda lime.
soda lime
CH4 1

, CaO
, CaO
CH3COONa + NaOH CH4 + Na2CO3
29 a) With an example explain the following :
i) Clemmensens reduction
When a ketone is treated with ZnHg/ conc. HCl a hydrocarbon is 1
Any example with equation. 1
When acetone/ acetophenone is treated with zinc amalgam and
concentrated HCl, propane / ethylbenzene is obtained. 1
CH3COCH3 + 4[H] Zn-Hg
Conc. HCl
OR 1
C6H5COCH3 + 4[H]
Conc. HCl
C6H5CH2CH3 + H2O
self explanatory equation

ii) Kolbes reaction.
Dry sodium phenate is heated with carbon dioxide at 140C under 4-7 atm
pressure. The product obtained on acidification gives salicylic acid

Self explanatory equation
b) Name the product formed when ethanoic acid is heated with
ethanol in the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid.
ethylethanoate or ethyl acetate 1
30 a) Thermal decomposition of a compound is of first order. If 50% of
the compound is decomposed in 120 minute, how much time it take
for the 90% decomposition of the compound?
2.303 a 1
k= log
t ax

k= = 5.775 103 min1
2.303 100
t= 3
log 1
5.775 10 10
t = 398.78 min OR t = 23,926 s (OR by any other method)
b) Explain with an example, conjugate acid base pair.
Acid-base pair that differ by a proton. 1
HCl / Cl or H2O / OH or NH3 / NH +4 1
or any other example
31 a) Explain the mechanism of buffer action of acetic acid and sodium
acetate buffer.
Case-i) When an acid is added, H+ ions react with acetate ions to form
acetic acid. Hence pH almost remains same. 1
Case-ii) When a base is added, the OH ions react with acetic acid to form
acetate ions and water. Hence pH almost remains same. 1
(Reversible arrows in case i and ii have no value points)

b) Write Gibbs-Helmholtz equation. For a process, if H and TS
are positive and TS > H, predict the spontaneity of the process.
G = H TS OR G = H TS 1
The process is spontaneous. 1
32 a) Describe the construction and working of the Daniel cell. Write cell

At anode zinc gets oxidised. Electrons flow through external circuit. At

cathode Cu+2 ions get reduced.
At anode: Zn Zn + 2e
At cathode: Cu + 2e
Zn(s) | Zn+2(aq) || Cu+2 (aq) | Cu(s)
(s and aq are not value points)
b) Explain Ostwalds isolation method for the determination of order
of a reaction.
Consider a reaction A + B products.
Case-i) A is taken in small amounts and B in large excess. Order with
respect to A is determined. Let it be x. 1

Case-ii) B is taken in small amounts and A in large excess. Order with 1

respect to B is determined. Let it be y.
Order of the reaction is x + y.
33 a) Explain the application of common ion effect and solubility
product in the precipitation of second group basic radicals.
Ksp value of sulphides II group is very low. 1
In presence of dilute HCl, the degree of dissociation of H2S is suppressed,
due to the common ion H+. 1
Low concentration of S2 is enough to make ionic product of sulphides of
II group to exceed their Ksp value
OR 1
Low concentration of s is sufficient to precipitate II group basic radicals.

b) Define lowering of vapour pressure. Give equation for Raoults
law of relative lowering of vapour pressure.
Difference between vapour pressure of a pure solvent and that of the
OR 1
When a non-volatile solute is dissolved in a volatile solvent, vapour
pressure of the solution decreases.
P P n2 P P PA0 PS n2 1
= OR = XB OR =
P n1 + n 2 P PA0
n1 + n 2
34 a) Rusting of iron is an electrochemical phenomenon. Explain.
Iron metal acts as anode. Impurities in iron piece act as cathode. Moisture
on it containing dissolved CO2 and O2 acts as electrolyte. A series of 1
galvanic cells are set up.
Anodic reaction: Fe Fe+2 + 2e 1
Cathodic reaction: H2O + O2 + 2e
2OH 1
Ferrous ions gets oxidised to ferric ions and finally forms hydrated ferric
oxide (rust)
b) What is Brownian movement? How is it caused?
Zig-zag or random movement of colloidal particles in a medium. 1
Due to unequal bombardment of the particles of the medium with colloidal
particles. 1
35. a)Write the postulates of Werners theory of coordination compounds.
i) Metal that forms a coordination compound exhibits two types of
valencies: primary and secondary.
ii) Primary valency is ionisable, secondary is not.
iii) Primary valency indicates the oxidation state.
iv) Secondary valency indicates the coordination number.
v) Primary valency is satisfied by anions, secondary valency by ligands.
vi) Secondary valency has directional properties.
(Any three 1 mark each) 3

b) Calculate the mass of hydrogen gas evolved by passing a current of
0.5 ampere for 40 minutes through acidified water.
Eit 1
m = Zit OR m=ZIt OR m=
1 0.5 40 60 1
m= = 0.0124 g
c) i) Define Unit Cell.
It is the smallest repeating unit of a crystal which when placed in 3
dimensions gives the crystal lattice. 1
ii) Give reason : equimolar solutions of sodium chloride and glucose
do not have the same osmatic pressure.
The number of solute particles are not the same.
Sodium chloride ionises but glucose does not. 1
Number of solute particles in NaCl solution is greater than that in glucose.
d) What is Zwitter ion ? Write Zwitter ion structure of Alanine.
Dipolar ion or internal salt 1
it is the dipolar ion formed due to transfer of proton (H+) from COOH
group to NH2 group in an amino acid

e) Give an example for drying oil.

Linseed oil or chain wood oil or tung oil 1
36 a) Write energy level diagram, bond order and magnetic property of
lithium molecule on the basis of Molecular Orbital Theory.

Bond order = 1 or one 1

Diamagnetic 1

b) Write four assumptions of Arrhenius theory of electrolytic
i) When an electrolyte is dissolved in water its molecules split up into
electrically charged particles called ions.
ii) Total charge on cations is equal to charge on anions.
iii) Ionisation is a reversible process.
iv) Ions are responsible for passage of electric current through the solution.
v) Degree of dissociation increases with dilution.
vi) Property of electrolyte in solution is properties of ions present in it.
(Any four) 4
c) Outline the mechanism of Cannizzars reaction in benzaldehyde.


+ +
(Instead of Na , K can also be used) (Reversible arrow has no value point) 1
37 a) Explain the laboratory method of preparation of
p-bromoacetanilide from acetanilide

2g of acetanilide + 5 ml of glacial acetic acid + 5 ml of bromine in acetic

acid is mixed in a conical flask.
The mixture is kept aside for 5 minutes and contents are poured into cold
water. A white precipitate of p-bromo acetanilide is obtained.
(Quantity of the reactants not a value point)
b) Mention a general test for the following :
i) Carbohydrates : Molischs test OR test 1
ii) Oils and fats : Acrolein test OR test 1

38 Describe an experiment to show that the effect of temperature on the
rate of reaction between potassium persulphate and potassium iodide.
K2S2O8 + 2KI 2K2SO4 + I2 1
Procedure: Prepare the reaction mixture by mixing 25 ml each of 0.1 N
K2S2O8 + 0.1 N KI kept at t1C and start the stop clock. At regular
intervals of time, a sample of the mixture (5 ml) is pipetted into a conical
flask containing ice cold water (and little KI). It is then titrated against
0.1N Na2S2O3 using starch as indicator (added near the end point). End 2
point is disappearance of blue colour. Volume of Na2S2O3 consumed is
recorded. Repeat the above procedure by keeping the reactants at t2C
(t2 > t1).
1 1
Burette reading Vol. of +
Time 2 2
Final Initial
Conclusion: The rate of chemical reaction increases with increase in
39. For the estimation of ammonium ferrous sulphate (Mohrs salt) using
standard potassium dichromate solution.
i) Write the balanced chemical equation of the reaction.
K2Cr2O7 + 4H2SO4 K2SO4 + Cr2(SO4)3 + 4H2O + 3(O)
[2FeSO4 + H2SO4 + (O) Fe2(SO4)3 + H2O] 3
K2Cr2O7+6FeSO4+7H2SO4 K2SO4 + Cr2(SO4)3 + 3Fe2(SO4)3 +7H2O 2
ii) Give the equivalent mass of Mohrs salt.
392 1
iii) Name the indicator used.
Diphenylamine 1
iv) Mention the colour change at the end point.
Green to violet 1


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