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World Affairs

Mr. Kostelnik- Room 211

My Website:
Check my website and the whiteboard in my classroom for daily updates

Materials for class:

Textbook- : The World today
Three ring binder with notebook paper for notes and Journal entries
Folder to keep handouts and other important papers
Course Description:
Have a basic understanding of the five major world religion and their potential impact on foreign
policy, terrorism, and cultural impact.
Examine significant global political, social, and economic issues and their effects on international
Develop a broader understanding of how cultural traditions affect various nations stance on
global issues.
Analyze the motives behind various nations foreign policies.
Evaluate the effectiveness of various international governmental organizations.
Evaluate the effectiveness of various non-government organizations.
To develop the students skills in communicating their understanding of the significance of current
events through oral, written, and multimedia assessments.
To develop the students skills in analyzing and interpreting graphs, charts, and maps.
To develop the students skills in evaluating the credibility of various sources of information.
Grading Policy:
Grades will be figured by dividing your accumulated points by the total point possible. The school grading
scale will be followed. Grades will be made up of tests, writing assignments, handouts, projects, class
participation and journal writings.
Extra Credit:
I do not offer extra credit except during the first week of school.
General Rules and Expectations:
Be on time (In your seat ready for the days bell work assignment).
Be respectful to yourself, teacher, and any other people that may enter my classroom including
Do not poke, bite, laugh at, punch, tickle, or create any bodily or mental harm.
Do not interrupt others while it is their turn to speak.
Understand that grades are earned not given. Turn your work in on time, participate in class, and
study for tests and you will do great in my class.
The point to CSI is to have perspective on what you are learning and talk about your views and
opinions. Students in class may have strong feelings on sensitive subjects. It is important to listen
and discuss these views in a respectful and open minded manor.
One person allowed to use the restroom at a time.
I generally do not allow students to use the bathroom the first and last ten minutes of class.
Test Procedures:
All students will be notified of test dates at least a week in advance of test.
Students who are sick will take the test the day they return unless circumstances dictate extra
time to be given. (example: Student is notified of test a week before the test but is absent four
days leading up to the test due to illness. Student will be granted additional days to make up test).
Other circumstances will be left to my discretion and not left up for debate!!!!
Cell phones must be put away or else considered cheating.
CHEATING!!! If a student is caught cheating they will be disciplined according to the student

Please read the following important information:

Each student is to take good care of the textbook issued. Students will be charged if the book is
damaged beyond normal student use.
I am available for extra help before school (during certain weeks) by appointment. Dont wait until
its too late to ask for help.
Bring your manors to class. Using please and thank you when dealing with me or your
classmates goes a long way toward mutual respect.
Homework assignments will be posted on my website the day they are assigned. I will also attach
a due date to each assignment posted. If you have questions please ask me in class or send me
an email.
Homework must be turned in on time.
Late Work Policy:
Students will only have one day from the date the assignment is due to turn in a late assignment.
If the assignment is turned in late the student can only receive a max score of 70%.
If you are sick the day that homework or an assignment is due you must have the assignment the
following day.
If the student goes on vacation and the due date of the assignment is known the student must
have the assignment upon returning.
Cell Phone/Device Use:
Cell phones and portable devices are to be out and placed screen down on the top right corner of
your desk when entering my classroom.
I encourage students to bring their cell phones and all portable devices to class everyday in order
to do online educational games, quizzes, and listen to their music when I say they are allowed.
If students are caught using their phone when not instructed to do so I will take the phone for the
remainder of the period on the first offense. The second offense students will leave their phone in
my classroom till the end of the day. Any further offenses will result in the loss of their phone and
a detention.

Print Student Name:_________________________

Student Signature:___________________________

Parent Signature:___________________________

The World Affairs course that your child has signed up for will discuss sensitive and or timely
world issues, therefore, I ask your permission to show video clips throughout the semester of
such topics in order to authentically illustrate the magnitude of the situations were studying. A
list of areas we will be discussing is on the syllabus page you should have received alongside
this note. Below you can find examples of materials that will be shown in class.

Please sign and have your child return this slip to me for five points to acknowledge you
have read and received it.

If you prefer I make alternate plans for your child during the showing of these videos, or would
like more information, please contact me by email at in addition to signing this slip.

Hotel Rwanda - Genocide in Africa

Crash Course World History- Religion 101 videos
Frontline ISIS- Examination of the rise of ISIS
Russian and Chinese current interest and influence over geopolitics
Conflicts (Israel-Palestine, Pakistani-India, South China sea)

Thank you,

Mr. Kostelnik
World History Teacher

Name of Student:__________________________________

Parent Signature:__________________________________

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