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Medicina y Patologa Oral / Oral Medicine and Pathology Sialosis parotdea alcohlica / Alcoholic Parotid Sialosis

Sialosis Parotdea Alcohlica: Estudio Estructural y Ultra-

Carmen Carda (1), Maria Elsa Gomez de Ferraris (2), Adriana Arriaga (3), Miriam Carranza (3),
Amando Peydr (4)
(1) Profesora Titular, Departamento de Patologa, Facultad de Medicina y Odontologa, Universidad de Valencia, Espaa
(2) Catedrtica de Histologa y Embriologa, Directora del Departamento de Biologia Bucal, Facultad de Odontologa, Univer-
sidad Nacional de Crdoba, Argentina
(3) Docente de Histologa y Embriologa, Facultad de Odontologa, Universidad Nacional de Crdoba, Argentina
(4) Catedrtico, Departamento de Patologa, Facultad de Medicina y Odontologa, Universidad de Valencia, Espaa

Dra. Carmen Carda:
Departamento de Patologa, Facultad de Medicina y Odontologia;
Universidad de Valencia. Avda. Blasco Ibaez, 17 46010 Valencia, Espaa.

Recibido: 26-10-2002 Aceptado: 12-01-2003

Carda C, Gomez de Ferraris ME, Arriaga A, Carranza M, Peydr A.

Sialosis Parotdea Alcohlica: Estudio Estructural y Ultraestructural .
Med Oral 2004;9:24-32.
Medicina Oral S. L. C.I.F. B 96689336 - ISSN 1137 - 2834

RESUMEN encontrados en biopsias y autopsias de partidas, ponen de

Objetivos: El propsito del presente trabajo fue establecer po- manifiesto que las alteraciones ya estn presentes en las gln-
sibles diferencias histopatolgicas entre los estados iniciales y dulas salivales de alcohlicos crnicos antes de la etapa termi-
terminales de la sialosis alcohlica, patologa que generalmen- nal de la cirrosis heptica. La dilatacin de los lmenes del
te involucra hipertrofia parotdea y afecta estructuralmente en sistema ductal podra ser la principal responsable de la hiper-
diverso grado a las dems glndulas salivales. trofia glandular.
Diseo del estudio: se analizaron y compararon las modifica-
ciones estructurales y ultraestructurales de glndulas partidas Palabras clave: Partida, modificaciones estructurales y
provenientes de: A) biopsias de alcohlicos crnicos con diag- ultraestructurales, sialosis, alcoholismo
nstico clnico de cirrosis heptica, de las que una fraccin fue
procesada para microscopa ptica (MO) y otra fraccin fue INTRODUCCION
fijada en glutaraldehdo y procesada para microscopa electr- El alcoholismo crnico es una de las causas etilogicas de
nica de trasmisin (MET) Jeol JEM 1010 B) autopsias de indi- sialosis, patologa generalmente caracterizada por un agranda-
viduos fallecidos por cirrosis heptica alcohlica, procesadas miento bilateral, no neoplsico ni inflamatorio, de la glndula
para MO y re-procesadas posteriormente para MET. Una por- partida (1-3). La sialosis, sin embargo, puede tener diferentes
cin de glndula normal obtenida de material quirrgico fue orgenes, habindose descrito como consecuencia de trastor-
usada como control. nos hormonales, nutricionales o metablicos, medicamentosos
Resultados: Las alteraciones encontradas en las biopsias son con- y neurohumorales (4- 6). Adems el proceso no es exclusivo de
siderablemente comparables a las modificaciones encontradas la partida sino que tambin afecta en diverso grado a las de-
en las autopsias de alcohlicos, especialmente debido a la acu- ms glndulas salivales mayores y menores (7-10).
mulacin de grnulos secretorios de diferente tamao, forma y La sialosis alcohlica generalmente involucra hipertrofia glan-
electrodensidad, generalmente ocupando todo el citoplasma de dular producida bien por infiltracin grasa o por hipertrofia
las clulas acinares. En ambos tipos de muestras los ductos acinar, existiendo autores que admiten la coexistencia de am-
excretores se encontraban dilatados y el epitelio de los conduc- bas modificaciones, mientras que otros niegan tal posibilidad
tos estriados presentaba clulas claras y oscuras, con ncleos de (11, 12). El hecho es que no siempre en la sialosis se presenta la
aspecto y disposicin irregular. Se observ asimismo moderada hipertrofia acinar, por lo que algunos autores centran su aten-
infiltracin grasa en el estroma y leve edema periacinar. En las cin en la disfuncin glandular. Esta se traduce por lo general
biopsias se observaron al MO y MET inclusiones lipdicas en en hipofuncin salivar y xerostoma (5), sin embargo con
las clulas acinares y ductales del parnquima glandular. sialoqumica se ha demostrado un mayor flujo de saliva
Conclusiones: Los resultados estructurales y ultraestructurales parotdea estimulada en el grupo de pacientes cirrticos con

Med Oral 2004;9:24-32. Sialosis parotdea alcohlica / Alcoholic Parotid Sialosis

respecto a los controles, sin que existan diferencias entre los cedente de una partida extirpada por indicacin oncolgica a
cirrticos alcohlicos y los otros tipos de cirrosis de etiologa una paciente de 60 aos, la cual fue fijada de forma inmediata y
no alcohlica (13). procesada de manera similar.
En las sialosis de origen alcohlico, un 60 % de los pacientes Para el estudio comparativo se utilizaron 6 muestras de partidas
con dao heptico (cirrosis) presentan parotidomegalia (14, 15), fijadas en formol a pH 7, procedentes de autopsias de indivi-
observndose el agrandamiento glandular ya en las fases de duos de 35 a 65 aos de edad, fallecidos por cirrosis heptica
pre-cirrosis, en un 12% de casos (16, 17). alcohlica. Este material se proces para su inclusin en para-
En estudios previos de glndulas partidas de individuos falle- fina y posterior realizacin de tcnicas de coloracin H/E, PAS
cidos por cirrosis heptica alcohlica (7, 8), describimos y Azul de Toluidina pH 3,8. A partir de los bloques de parafina
acmulos heterogneos de grnulos secretorios, de distintos previamente seleccionados mediante la observacin de los pre-
tamaos, distribuidos irregularmente en todo el citoplasma de parados histolgicos, se obtuvieron pequeas porciones de
las clulas acinares, a diferencia de las glndulas serosas de partida que se reutilizaron para el estudio con microscopa
von Ebner donde los grnulos eran ms pequeos, homog- electrnica, realizando desparafinizacin, re-inclusin en resi-
neos y de localizacin preferentemente en la regin apical. Asi- na plstica y dems pasos del procesamiento indicado.
mismo fueron muy evidentes las alteraciones a nivel del epite- .
lio del sistema ductal. Los conductos estriados exhiban un epi- RESULTADOS
telio de apariencia pseudoestratificada, con ncleos alargados Estudio de las biopsias parotdeas:
de cromatina densa, junto a otros redondeados de cromatina La microscopa ptica mostr la organizacin estructural de las
laxa. En los conductos excretores se destac el agrandamiento glndulas en general bien conservada. La mayor parte de los
del calibre ductal, stasis de material secretorio con clulas lobulillos estaban constitudos por acinos serosos tpicos, sin
descamadas y una atrofia epitelial inmunohistoquimicamente embargo en ciertas reas se evidenciaron signos de hipertrofia
heterognea para las citoqueratinas. acinar, con grandes clulas repletas de grnulos secretorios
La mayora de los estudios histopatolgicos referidos a la sialosis ampliamente distribuidos por todo el citoplasma. Los cortes
de partida se han efectuado en muestras provenientes de au- semifinos permitieron distinguir pequeas gotas lipdicas
topsias humanas, donde los cambios estructurales descritos intracitoplasmticas en las clulas del parnquima, especial-
corresponden a la etapa terminal de esta patologa, siendo muy mente a nivel acinar (Fig. 1).
escasos los que utilizaron biopsias (11). Con el propsito de
establecer posibles diferencias histopatolgicas en los estados
iniciales y terminales de la sialosis alcohlica, en el presente
trabajo se analizaron y compararon las modificaciones estruc-
turales y ultraestructurales de glndulas partidas, tanto en
biopsias de alcohlicos crnicos con cirrosis heptica, como en
autopsias de individuos fallecidos por cirrosis heptica alcoh-

El estudio se realiz utilizando material bipsico de los archi-
vos del Departamento de Patologa de la Universidad de Valen-
cia (Espaa) y muestras de autopsias provenientes del Instituto
Mdico Forense de la Provincia de Crdoba (Argentina).
Se usaron 12 biopsias de glndulas partidas procedentes de
pacientes con diagnstico clnico y anatomopatolgico de
cirrosis heptica de etiologa alcohlica, con signos clnicos de
Fig. 1. Parnquima glandular que muestra infiltracin grasa as como tabiques
hipertrofia glandular parotdea no inflamatoria. Se trataba de interlobulillares y conductos excretores ( H-E 40X)
ocho varones y cuatro mujeres entre 35 a 74 aos de edad. Par- Glandular parenchyma showing adipose infiltration as well as interlobular
te del material bipsico fue fijada en formol a pH 7 e incluida walls and excretory ducts (H-E 40X).
en parafina para los estudios con microscopa ptica; otra parte
fue fijada en glutaraldehdo, postfijada en cido smico e in-
cluida en resina acrlica (Epon) para el estudio con microscopa En todas las glndulas estudiadas se observaron, en mayor o
electrnica. Se realizaron cortes semifinos teidos con azul de menor medida, clulas acinares de apariencia mucosa.
toluidina, para control con microscopio ptico y seleccin de Histoqumicamente el contenido de esas clulas present reac-
las reas ms representativas. Los cortes ultrafinos fueron con- cin positiva con PAS y leve metacromasia con Azul de
trastados con acetato de uranilo y citrato de plomo y el anlisis Toluidina.
ultraestructural se realiz mediante un microscopio electrnico El sistema ductal estaba bien desarrollado, en algunos casos se
de trasmisin (Jeol JEM 1010). identific stasis de material secretorio en el lumen de los con-
Se utiliz como control una porcin de glndula normal, pro- ductos estriados y excretores.

Medicina y Patologa Oral / Oral Medicine and Pathology Sialosis parotdea alcohlica / Alcoholic Parotid Sialosis

El estroma presentaba una moderada infiltracin grasa, repre- intercelulares extensos, con abundantes interdigitaciones. En
sentada por grandes adipocitos, y tambin existan focos algunos acinos eran particularmente llamativas las uniones
linfocticos aislados. desmosmicas en cremallera.
A nivel ultraestructural se observaron notorias modificaciones A B
en el parnquima respecto a la normalidad, particularmente en
las clulas acinares. Estas en general se caracterizaron por la
acumulacin de grnulos intracitoplasmticos de diversa
tipologa en cuanto a forma, tamao y electrodensidad (Fig. 2).
Las clulas de los acinos serosos tpicos mostraban su citoplas-
ma cargado de grnulos electrodensos, de contorno circular o
polidrico debido a su agrupamiento, ocupando la totalidad del
citoplasma, incluso la regin basal donde el retculo
endoplsmico apareca bien desarrollado (Fig. 3 a).Tambin en
algunos acinos se identificaron grnulos con aspecto de gran-
des vesculas plidas y con un centro de mayor electrodensidad.
Asimismo se observ un tercer tipo de grnulos ms grandes
con contenido electrolcido finamente fibrilar, con tendencia a Fig. 3. A- Grnulos secretores de carcter seroso, ocupando la mayor parte del
coalescer y cuya apariencia era semejante a vesculas de tipo citoplasma celular (1500x) B- Grnulos secretores de baja electrodensidad
compatibles con mucosecrecin (1500X).
mucoso (Fig. 3b). En algunas muestras, ciertos acinos estaban
A Serosa type secretory granules, occupying the greater part of the cellular
totalmente constitudos por clulas de estas caractersticas. cytoplasm (1500X) B Secretory granules of low electrodensity compatible
Respecto al resto de las organelas se destac la presencia de with mucosecretion (1500X).
amplias cisternas del Golgi as como de lisosomas.
En la regin basal de ciertos acinos se distinguieron clulas de
aspecto indiferenciado, unidas por desmosomas a las clulas
acinares vecinas, que se caracterizaron por su citoplasma ms
claro y escaso, con pocos orgnulos y sin grnulos de secre-
cin. No se encontraron en ellas figuras mitticas. En las reas
basales, tanto de los acinos como del inicio del sistema ductal,
se destacaron por su notable grado de desarrollo las clulas
En algunas regiones glandulares existan acinos pequeos con
aspecto infuncional de tipo atrfico. Asimismo de forma aisla-
da se observaron clulas con evidente transformacin oncoctica.
En los ductos estriados se destac la alternancia de clulas cla-
ras y oscuras, con ncleos atpicos, heterocromticos, de con-
tornos irregulares, ubicados a diferentes alturas.

Fig. 2. Imagen ultraestructural en donde observamos la conservacin general

de la arquitectura de los acinos parotdeos y la existencia de adipocitos entre
ellos (800X).
Ultrastructural image showing the general conservation of the structure of the
parotid acini and the existence of adipocytes between them (800X).

Se encontraron adems clulas acinares que exhiban ncleos

de contorno irregular, con distinto grado de contenido
heterocromtico, mientras que otras clulas mostraban eviden-
cias de alteracin estructural, con ncleos picnticos o en de-
generacin y citoplasma de mayor electrodensidad, con cister-
nas del retculo endoplsmico dilatadas y escasa o nula canti-
dad de grnulos.
Las inclusiones de lpidos, dispuestas en distintas regiones del
citoplasma, se observaron prcticamente en la totalidad de las
Fig. 4. Acumulo intracitoplsmico en una clula secretora de vacuolas de grasa
clulas acinares, identificndose acinos cuyas clulas estaban
totalmente ocupadas por gotas lipdicas (Fig. 4). Intracytoplasmic accumulation in the adipose vacuoles of a secretory cell
Entre las clulas acinares eran frecuentes los canalculos (3000X).

Med Oral 2004;9:24-32. Sialosis parotdea alcohlica / Alcoholic Parotid Sialosis

Estas clulas contenan abundantes mitocondrias y algunas pre- MUESTRAS DE BIOPSIAS MUESTRAS DE AUTOPSIAS
sentaban grandes cuerpos lisosomales heterogneos, as como Algunas con ncleos
inclusiones lipdicas. irregulares, otras con
ncleos picn ticos o en
Las clulas de los conductos intercalares exhiban tambin al- C lulas acinares: degeneraci n. Citoplasmas
C lulas de aspecto mucoso
gunas gotitas lipdicas. de mayor electrodensidad.
C lulas de aspecto mucoso.
El aspecto del estroma era normal en algunas regiones, apare- C lulas oncocticas aisladas
ciendo en otras un ligero edema, ms llamativo en el rea Abundantes, atpicos y
periacinar, adems de cierto grado de fibrosis e infiltracin grasa. Abundantes, de distintas heterog neos Acumulaci n de
formas, tama os y grnulos electrodensos de
Estudio del material procedente de autopsias: Granulaciones
electrodensidad distinto tama o y dispuestos al
Grnulos electrodensos, azar. Otros de baja
A nivel de microscopa ptica la glndula partida presentaba electrolcidos y con material electrodensidad, compatibles
acinos con acumulacin de grnulos atpicos en cuanto a su finamente fibrilar con material mucoso

tamao y localizacin. Algunos sectores exhiban acinos de

Dilatados con stasis de Ductos muy dilatados con
aspecto mucoso. Ductos
material secretorio stasis de material secretorio
El epitelio de los ductos estriados mostraba una evidente hete- C lulas claras y oscuras. Heterogeneidad nuclear.
rogeneidad nuclear y pseudoestratificacin (Fig. 4), mientras Epitelio ductal Ncleos atpicos, Pseudoestratificado. Moderada
heterocromticos, irregulares atrofia
que en los conductos excretores se observaba una disposicin
Moderada infiltraci n grasa,
epitelial biestratificada con moderada atrofia y acumulacin de Moderada infiltraci n grasa,
Estroma fibrosis y leve edema
fibrosis y leve edema periacinar
material secretorio en su amplia luz. En el estroma exista una
moderada infiltracin grasa y un leve edema periacinar. Tabla 1. Similitudes Estructurales y Ultraestructurales de la Partida Alcoh-
El material analizado tras reinclusin para microscopa elec- lica en Biopsias y Autopsias.
trnica, mostr notables semejanzas con el material proceden-
te de las biopsias, aunque con defectos de fijacin debido a la
utilizacin inicial de formol y al procesado previo de inclusin DISCUSION Y CONCLUSIONES
en parafina. La existencia de un incremento de tamao en las glndulas
En las celulas acinares se encontraron acmulos de grnulos salivares de origen no inflamatorio ni neoplsico, ha sido am-
electrodensos de distinto tamao y dispuestos al azar por todo pliamente estudiado y discutido tanto en relacin a su patogenia
el citoplasma (Fig. 5). En ciertas reas coexistan clulas glan- estructural, como a la terminologa a utilizar: sialosis o
dulares cargadas de grnulos de baja electrodensidad, compati- sialoadenosis. En este trabajo empleamos el trmino de sialosis
bles con material mucoso. para referirnos a esta patologa, en concordancia con lo seala-
Las principales similitudes estructurales y ultraestructurales en do por Marco et al. (12).
biopsias y autopsias de partida alcohlica, se resumen en la El hallazgo de sialosis parotdea en nuestros pacientes cirrticos
Tabla 1. alcohlicos, fue coherente con lo descrito por otros autores en
cuanto a la edad de aparicin, cincuenta aos promedio, y a su
distribucin por igual en ambos sexos (18). Se ha sugerido que
el tamao de la parotidomegalia sera proporcional a la canti-
dad de consumo de alcohol (19).
Las alteraciones ultraestructurales observadas a nivel del
parnquima glandular en el material de biopsias, fueron com-
parables a las modificaciones estructurales encontradas previa-
mente en las glndulas partidas provenientes de autopsias de
alcohlicos crnicos (7, 8), particularmente en lo que se refiere
a acumulacin de grnulos intracitoplasmticos de forma y ta-
mao diverso, de distinta electrodensidad y ocupando en gene-
ral la totalidad del citoplasma. Estos hallazgos se diferenciaron
de lo citado por Gorlin y Goldman (19), quienes describen que
los grnulos slo se observan en las fases iniciales de esta pato-
loga y postulan que la acumulacin se producira por una alte-
racin de la membrana, que inhibe la exocitosis. Por otra parte
Neville (3) al igual que otros autores (6, 18) sugieren que el
acmulo de grnulos intracitoplasmticos tendra lugar por una
Fig. 5. Fotografa de campo del parnquima de una glndula parotdea proce-
deficiencia funcional de la inervacin autnoma de la glndu-
dente de autopsia y reincluida para estudio ultraestructural. En ella observa- la.
mos la coexistencia en vecindad de secrecin serosa, de alta densidad, y muco- Con respecto a la existencia de acinos aislados de tipo mucoso
sa (800X). En detalle una tpica clula serosa (1200X). que encontramos tanto en las fases preliminares como finales
Photograph of the parenchymal field of a parotid gland from an autopsy, re-
embedded for ultrastructural study. In this photo we can see the coexistence in
de la hepatopata cirrtica, coincide con lo descrito por Rodrigo
proximity of high-density serosa secretion and mucosa (800X) In detail, a typical et al. (11) en biopsias de partida, quienes opinan que se produ-
serosa cell (1200X).

Medicina y Patologa Oral / Oral Medicine and Pathology Sialosis parotdea alcohlica / Alcoholic Parotid Sialosis

cira una transformacin mucosa de esta glndula serosa pura *Las alteraciones estructurales y ultraestructurales a nivel acinar
en los pacientes con diagnstico de cirrosis heptica. Gorlin y y ductal estn presentes en las glndulas partidas de alcohli-
Goldman (19) citan que en biopsias de partida con sialosis cos crnicos an antes de la etapa terminal de cirrosis heptica
cirrtica las clulas acinares presentan citoplasmas de clari- alcohlica.
dad casi acuosa, caracterstica que consideran como tpica en *El aspecto mucoso de algunas reas de las partidas a nivel
esta variedad de patologa. ultraestructural, explicara la heterogeneidad tintorial e
Los hallazgos de dilataciones del sistema Golgiano y el acmulo histoqumica de las muestras observadas con microscopia pti-
de lisosomas en las celulas acinares de biopsias de partidas de ca, y evidenciara alteraciones morfofuncionales de las glndu-
alcohlicos, son compatibles con las descripciones de Tirapelli las.
(16) en animales de experimentacin, de la misma manera que *Las modificaciones ultraestructurales nucleares de forma, ta-
las uniones desmosmicas en cremallera y las dilataciones del mao y aspecto cromtico de las clulas ductales, se corres-
espacio intercelular a modo de canalculos con interdigitaciones. ponderan con los cambios estructurales observados previamente
Las clulas acinares con evidentes muestras de alteracin en partidas de individuos fallecidos por cirrosis alcohlica.
morfofuncional, as como los oncocitos en acinos y conductos
pequeos, tambin han sido mencionados por Banderas et al.
en partidas de ratas sometidas al efecto del etanol (20).
Por otra parte, los estados iniciales de la esteatosis heptica
alcohlica se caracterizan por la presencia de inclusiones ENGLISH
lipdicas en los hepatocitos, donde la acumulacin de lpidos
se produce por un trastorno del metabolismo de los cidos grasos
y de la liberacin de lipoprotenas debido a una interferencia Alcoholic Parotid Sialosis: A
con la sntesis proteica por efecto del alcohol. La esteatosis
heptica y la hepatitis alcohlica aguda o persistente, a menu- Structural and Ultrastructu-
do coexisten con la cirrosis (21). En este sentido, consideramos
que el alcohol o sus metabolitos habran provocado la forma- ral Study
cin de inclusiones lipdicas en las clulas acinares y ductales, CARDA C, GOMEZ DE FERRARIS ME, ARRIAGA A, CARRANZA M,
observadas al MO y MET en las biopsias de partida alcohli- PEYDR A. ALCOHOLIC PAROTID SIALOSIS: A STRUCTURAL AND
ca, coincidiendo con lo sealado por Rodrigo et al. (11). ULTRASTRUCTURAL STUDY. MED ORAL 2004;9:24-32.
A diferencia de otros autores (11) que no encontraron alteracio-
nes en el sistema ductal de las partidas de pacientes cirrticos SUMMARY
alcohlicos, observamos modificaciones en los conductos Objectives: The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the
estriados de biopsias y autopsias, evidenciados a nivel de la histopathological differences between the initial and advanced
microscopa electrnica y ptica, respectivamente. Adems, stages of Alcoholic Sialosis, a pathology that generally involves
estas muestras se caracterizaron principalmente por presentar parotid hypertrophy and structurally affects, to diverse degrees,
conductos excretores muy dilatados y con stasis de material the other salivary glands.
secretorio. Study design: An analysis and comparison was carried out of
Scott et al. (10) en sus estudios estructurales sobre glndulas the structural and ultrastructural modifications of the parotid
salivares de pacientes cirrticos, no detectaron agrandamiento glands from the hepatic biopsies of chronic alcoholics with
glandular ni hipertrofia acinar, a pesar de encontrar abundante clinical diagnosis of cirrhosis and from autopsies on individuals
infiltracin adiposa en el estroma. Por el contrario, otros auto- who had died from alcoholic hepatic cirrhosis. Various samples
res (1, 3, 22) citan que los acinos de las partidas de alcohli- of normal gland obtained from surgical material were used as a
cos estn aumentados por la hipertrofia e incremento de la fun- control.
cin acinar. Results: The alterations found in the biopsies corresponded to
De acuerdo a nuestros resultados, el principal responsable del the modifications discovered in the autopsies of alcoholics.
aumento de tamao glandular sera la notable dilatacin del Notable in both cases was the massive accumulation of secretory
lmen del sistema ductal y no el leve edema intersticial ni la granules of different size, shape and electrodensity, which
mnima hipertrofia acinar encontrada. Tampoco se encontraron occupied the cytoplasm of the acinar cells. In both sample types
evidencias de procesos inflamatorios que pudieran justificar la the excretory ducts were enlarged and the epithelium of the
hipertrofia parotidea . striate ducts presented cells with nuclei and cytoplasm of irre-
Las modificaciones morfolgicas en la partida de alcohlicos gular appearance and arrangement. A moderate adipose
crnicos podran extrapolarse a la porcin serosa de las gln- infiltration in the stroma and slight periacinal edema was also
dulas salivales menores, ya que stas muestran alteraciones en observed. The biopsies revealed, both at optical and electron
grado diverso, incluyendo cambios en la actividad microscopical levels, lipid inclusions in the acinar cells and the
transcripcional de sus clulas acinares y ductales, en los indivi- glandular parenchymal ducts.
duos fallecidos por cirrosis heptica alcohlica (7, 8, 23).
Estos hallazgos ponen de manifiesto que: Conclusions: The structural and ultrastructural findings of the

Med Oral 2004;9:24-32. Sialosis parotdea alcohlica / Alcoholic Parotid Sialosis

parotid biopsies and autopsies, clearly show that alterations are terminal phases of alcoholic sialosis, the structural and
already present in the salivary glands of chronic alcoholics ultrastructural modifications of the parotid gland were analysed
before the terminal phase of hepatic cirrhosis. The enlargement and compared using both biopsies of chronic alcoholics with
of the ductal system lumens could be the principal cause of hepatic cirrhosis and autopsies of individuals who had died from
glandular hypertrophy. alcoholic hepatic cirrhosis.

Key words: Parotid , structural and ultrastructural modifica- MATERIALS AND METHODS
tions, sialosis, alcoholism. The study was carried out with material from the archives of
the Departamento de Patologa de la Universidad de Valencia
INTRODUCTION (Espaa), and samples obtained from autopsies from the Insti-
Chronic alcoholism is one of the etiological causes of sialosis, tuto Mdico Forense de la Provincia de Crdoba (Argentina).
a pathology generally characterised by a bilateral enlargement, 12 biopsies of parotid glands were used from patients with
neither neoplastic nor inflammatory, of the parotid gland (1- clinical and anatomicopathological diagnosis of hepatic cirrhosis
3). Sialosis, however, can have different origins, having been of alcoholic etiology, with clinical signs of non-inflammatory
described as a consequence of hormonal, nutritional or metabolic parotid gland hypertrophy. The cases consisted of 8 men and 4
disturbances, medicamentosus or neurohumoral alterations (4- women between 36 and 74 years of age. Part of the biopsy
6). Furthermore, the process is not exclusive to the parotid, but material was fixed in formol of pH 7 and embedded in paraffin
also affects, to diverse degrees, the other larger and smaller for the optical microscope studies; another part was fixed in
salivary glands (7-10). glutaraldehyde, post fixed in osmic acid and embedded in acrylic
Alcoholic sialosis generally involves glandular hypertrophy, resin (Epon) for the electron microscope study. Semi-fine cuts
produced either by adipose infiltration or by acinar hypertrophy. stained with blue toluidine were made for the control and
There are authors who accept the coexistence of both selection of the most representative areas. Ultrafine cuts were
modifications, while others deny such a possibility (11, 12). In contrasted with uranyl acetate and lead citrate, the ultrastructural
fact acinar hypertrophy is not always present in sialosis, as a analysis being carried out with an electron transmission
consequence some authors centre their attention on the glandu- microscope (Joel JEM 1010).
lar dysfunction. This dysfunction is generally manifested as As a control, a portion of normal gland from a parotid removed
salivary hypofunction and xerostomia (5), however, a greater for oncological reasons from a 60-year-old patient was used.
flow of stimulated parotid saliva has been demonstrated by This sample was fixed immediately and processed in a similar
sialochemistry in the group of cirrhotic patients with respect to manner.
the controls, with no differences existing between the cirrhotic For the comparative study, 6 samples of parotid gland fixed in
alcoholics and other types of cirrhosis of non-alcoholic etiology formal at pH 7 were used, coming from autopsies of individuals
(13). of 35 to 65 years of age, who had died of alcoholic hepatic
In sialosis of alcoholic origin, 60% of the patients with hepatic cirrhosis. This material was processed for embedding in paraffin
damage (cirrhosis) present parotidomegaly (14, 15), the glan- and later processing with the coloration techniques H-E, PAS
dular enlargement being observed already in the pre-cirrhotic and blue toluidine pH 3.8. Small portions of parotid were
phases in 12% of cases (16, 17). obtained from the previously selected paraffin blocks, which
In previous studies of parotid glands from individuals who had were then reutilized for the study with electron microscope,
died of alcoholic hepatic cirrhosis (7, 8), we described carrying out deparaffinisation, re-embedding in acrylic resin
heterogeneous accumulations of secretory granules of different and the other steps of the above described processes.
sizes, irregularly distributed throughout the cytoplasm of the
acinar cells, unlike the Von Ebner serosa glands, where the RESULTS
granules were smaller, homogeneous and preferentially located Study of the parotid biopsies:
in the apical region. Likewise, the alterations at the epithelial The optical microscopy revealed the structural organisation of
level of the ductal system were highly evident. The striate ducts the glands to be generally well preserved. The majority of the
exhibited an epithelium of pseudostriated appearance, with lobulets were composed of typical serous acini; however, in
elongated nuclei of dense chromatin, together with other nuclei certain areas signs of acinar hypertrophy were evident, with
surrounded by loose chromatin. In the excretory ducts, of note, large cells full of secretory granules widely distributed
was the increase in ductal diameter, the stasis of the secretory throughout the cytoplasm. We were able to distinguish large
material with desquamated cells, and epithelial atrophy, infiltrated adipocytes as well as small intracytoplasmatic lipid
imunohistochemically heterogeneous for cytokeratins. drops in the parenchymal cells, especially at acinar level.
The majority of histopathological studies referring to parotid In all the glands studied, acinar cells of mucosal appearance
sialosis have been undertaken using samples from human were observed, combined, to a greater or lesser degree, with
autopsies, where the structural changes described correspond typical serous secretory cells of high electron density.
to the terminal phase of this pathology. Cases in which biopsies Histochemically, the content of these cells presented a positive
have been used are very rare. With the aim of establishing reaction to PAS, and light metachromasia with blue toluidine
possible histopathological differences between the initial and The ductal system was well developed, in some cases stasis of

Medicina y Patologa Oral / Oral Medicine and Pathology Sialosis parotdea alcohlica / Alcoholic Parotid Sialosis

secretory material was identified in the lumen of the striate and area, in addition to a certain degree of fibrosis and adipose
secretory ducts. infiltration.
The stroma presented a moderate adipose infiltration, -Study of autopsy material:
represented by large adipocytes with the presence also of isolated At optical microscope level, the parotid gland presented acini
lymphocytic foci (Fig 1). with granular accumulation atypical in size and location while
At ultrastructural level, noticeable modifications with respect some sectors exhibited acini of mucosal appearance.
to the norm were observed in the parenchyma, particularly in The epithelium of the striate ducts showed a clear nuclear
the acinar cells. In general these were characterised by the heterogeneity and pseudostratification, while in the secretory
accumulation of intracytoplasmatic granules of diverse typology ducts a bistratal epithelial arrangement was observed, with
in shape, size and electrodensity. moderate atrophy and accumulation of secretory material. There
The cytoplasm of the typical acinar cells was shown to be full was a moderate adipose infiltration and slight periacinal edema
of electrodense granules of circular or polyhedral contour owing in the stroma.
to their grouping, occupying the full extent of the cytoplasm, The material analysed after re-embedding for electron
including the basal region where the endoplasmic reticule microscopy showed notable similarities to the material from
appeared well developed (Fig 2). Also, in some acini, granules the biopsies, although with fixation defects owing to the initial
of large, pale, vesicular appearance and with a centre of greater use of formol and to the processing for embedding in paraffin.
electrodensity were identified. Likewise, a third type of larger In the acinar cells, accumulations of electrodense granules of
granule was observed having a finely fibrillar and low electron- different size and distributed at random throughout the
density content, with a tendency to coalesce and whose cytoplasm were found (Fig. 5). In certain areas, glandular cells
appearance was similar to the mucosal type vesicles (Fig.3A- charged with granules of low electrodensity coexisted with
B). In some samples, certain acini were totally constituted of mucous material.
cells with these characteristics. At ductal level the optical and ultrastructural findings were also
With respect to the rest of the organelles large Golgi cisterns as alike, the cellular heterogeneity and the tendency to stratify being
well as lisosomes were notable. a finding in common with the studies on parotid biopsies.
Other acinar cells were found which exhibited nuclei of irregu- The principal structural and ultrastructural similarities in alcoholic
lar shape, with a different degree of heterochromatic content, parotid biopsies and autopsies are summarised in Table 1
while other cells showed evidence of structural alteration, with
either pycnotic or degenerating nuclei and a cytoplasm of greater
electrodensity, with enlarged endoplasmic reticule cisterns and
either scarce or no granular content.
The lipid inclusions arranged in different areas of the cytoplasm
were observed in practically all the acinar cells, identifying acini BIOPSY SAMPLES AUTOPSY SAMPLES
whose cells were completely occupied by lipid drops (Fig. 4).
Some with irregular
Between the acinar cells, extensive intercellular caniculi with nuclei, others with
abundant interdigitations were frequent. Particularly noticeable pycnotic or
degenerating nuclei.
in some acini were the parallel desmosomic unions. Acinar cells: Cytoplasm of greater
In the basal region of certain acini, cells of undifferentiated Cells of mucosal appearance.
varieties electrodensity.
appearance were distinguished, joined by desmosomes to the Cells of mucosal
neighbouring acinar cells that were characterised by their clearer Isolated oncocytic
and scarcer cytoplasm with few organelles and no secretory cells.
granules. No mitotic figures were found in these areas. In the Abundant, of different Abundant, atypical and
basal areas of both the acini and the beginning of the ductal shape, size and heterogeneous. Accumulation
electrodensity. of electrodense granules of
system, the degree of development of the mioepithelial cells Granulation Electrodense Granules. different size and randomly
was notable. Low elctrodense distributed. Others of low
In some glandular regions, small acini existed with a granules with fine electrodensity, compatible
fibrillar material with mucosal material.
dysfunctional appearance of atrophic type. Likewise, cells with
Dilated with stasis of Very dilated ducts with stasis
an obvious oncocytic transformation were observed in isolation. Ducts
secretory material. of secretory material.
In the striate ducts the alternation between dark and clear cells,
Clear and dark cells. Nuclear heterogeneity.
with atypical, heterochromatic nuclei, of irregular contour and Ductal Epithelium Atypical irregular, Pseudostratified. Moderate
located at different levels was notable. These cells contained heterochromatic nuclei. atrophy.
abundant mitochondria and some presented large heterogeneous Moderate adipose
Moderate adipose infiltration,
lisosomic bodies, as well as lipidic inclusions. Stroma
infiltration, fibrosis
fibrosis and slight periacinal
and slight periacinal
The cells of the intercalary ducts also exhibited some lipidic edema.
The appearance of the stroma was normal in some regions, in Table 1. Structural and Ultrastructural Similarities of the Alcoholic Parotid
others a slight edema appeared, more noticeably in the periacinal in Biopsies and Autopsies.

Med Oral 2004;9:24-32. Sialosis parotdea alcohlica / Alcoholic Parotid Sialosis

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS in acute or persistent alcoholic hepatitis often coexists with
The existence of an increase in size of the salivary glands of cirrhosis (21). In this sense, we consider that alcohol or its
neither inflammatory nor neoplastic origin has been widely metabolites could have provoked the formation of lipid
studied and discussed both in relation to its structural inclusions in the acinar and ductal cells, observed at electronic
pathogenesis and the terminology to use: sialosis or sialodenosis. and optical level in the alcoholic parotid biopsies, coinciding
In this study we use the term sialosis to refer to this pathology, with that indicated by Rodrigo (11).
in concordance with that indicated by Marco and collaborators Contrary to other authors (11), who did not find alterations in
(12). the ductal system of the parotids of alcoholic cirrhotic patients,
The finding of parotid sialosis in our alcoholic cirrhotic patients, we observed modifications in the striate ducts of biopsies and
was coherent with that described by other authors with respect autopsies, evidenced at electron and optical microscope level
to the age of appearance, 50 years of age on average, and gender respectively. Furthermore, these samples are characterised
distribution, being equal in both sexes (18). It has been suggested principally by the presence of very enlarged excretory ducts
that the size of the parotidomegaly could be in proportion to and with stasis of secretory material.
the quantity of alcohol consumed (19). Scott (10), in their structural studies of salivary glands of
The ultrastructural alterations observed at parenchymal glan- cirrhotic patients, did not detect glandular dilation or acinar
dular level in the biopsy material were comparable to the hypertrophy, in spite of finding abundant adipose infiltration in
structural modifications previously found in the parotid glands the stroma. On the other hand, other authors (1, 3, 22) state that
from autopsies of chronic alcoholics (7, 8), particularly with the acini of alcoholic parotids are enlarged by hypertrophy and
reference to the accumulation of intracytoplasmatic granules an increase in the acinar function.
of diverse shape and size, of different electrodensity and In accordance with our results, we suggest that the principal
occupying, in general, the whole of the cytoplasm. These cause of the increase in glandular size could be the notable
findings are different from those cited by Gorlin and Goldman enlargement of the lumen of the ductal system and not the slight
(19), who stated that the granules are only observed in the initial interstitial edema nor the minimal acinar hypertrophy found.
phases of this pathology and postulate that the accumulation Neither was there evidence of inflammatory processes that could
could be produced by an alteration in the membrane which justify the parotid hypertrophy.
inhibits exocytosis. On the other hand, Neville (3), as other The morphological modifications in the parotid of chronic
authors (6, 18), suggests that the accumulation of alcoholics could be extrapolated to the serosal portion of the
intracytoplasmatic granules could take place through a minor salivary glands, given that these show alterations to
functional deficiency in the autonomous innervation of the diverse degrees, including changes in the transcriptional activity
gland. of the acinar and ductal cells of those individuals who have
With respect to the existence of isolated acini of mucosal type died of alcoholic hepatic cirrhosis (7, 8,23).
that were found both in the preliminary and final phases of the These findings clearly show that:
cirrhotic hepatopathy, this coincides with that described by * The structural and ultrastructural alterations at ductal and
Rodrigo (11) in parotid biopsies, who is of the opinion that a acinar level are present in the parotid glands of chronic
mucosal transformation could be produced in the pure serosa alcoholics even before the terminal phase of alcoholic hepatic
gland in those patients with a diagnosis of hepatic cirrhosis. cirrhosis.
Gorlin and Goldman (19) state that in parotid biopsies with * The mucosal appearance of some areas of the parotid at
cirrhotic sialosis, the acinar cells present cytoplasm of almost ultrastructural level, could explain the tinctorial and histoche-
water-like clarity, a characteristic that they consider as typical mical heterogeneity of the samples observed by optical
in this variety of pathology. microscope, and could be evidence of morphofunctional
The finding of dilation in the Golgiano system and the alterations in the glands.
accumulation of lisosomes in the acinar cells of alcoholic parotid * The nuclear ultrastructural modifications in shape, size and
biopsies, is compatible with the descriptions by Tirapelli (16) chromatic appearance of the ductal cells could correspond to
of animal experiments, the desmosomic unions in parallel and the structural changes previously observed in the parotids of
the enlargement of the intercellular space by way of canaliculi individuals who have died of alcoholic cirrhosis.
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