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EJFB-14; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS

European Journal of Family Business (2017) xxx, xxx---xxx



Familiness and socioemotional wealth in Spanish family

rms: An empirical examination
Ismael Barros a, , Juan Hernangmez b , Natalia Martin-Cruz b

Escuela de Ingeniera Comercial Universidad Austral de Chile Sede Puerto Montt, Chile
Departamento de Organizacin de Empresas y Comercializacin e Investigacin de Mercados, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain

Received 26 January 2017; accepted 29 June 2017

JEL Abstract The socioemotional wealth (SEW) related to emotional endowments accumulated
CLASSIFICATION in the business by the family, is one of the most important features that differentiate the
L21; family rms of other organizations. However, there are few studies developed in the context
M19 of the antecedents and consequences of the building and use of SEW in the family business.
Therefore, this study, using a sample of Spanish family rms that are non-publicly traded,
KEYWORDS explains how family inuence affects the building and use of SEW and, thus, the organizational
Familiness; effectiveness of the family rm. The results indicate mixed results regarding the impact of the
Socioemotional family involvement on the essence. Those suggest a positive relationship between building and
wealth; use of SEW and organizational effectiveness of the family business.
Organizational 2017 European Journal of Family Business. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. This is an
effectiveness; open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Involvement nc-nd/4.0/).
approach and essence
Family rms

CDIGOS JEL Familiness y la riqueza socioemocional en las empresas familiares espanolas:

L21; un examen emprico
Resumen La riqueza socioemocional se relaciona con las dotaciones emocionales que la
PALABRAS CLAVE familia acumula en la empresa. Es una de las caractersticas ms importantes que diferen-
Familiness; cian a las empresas familiares de otros tipos de organizaciones. Sin embargo, existen pocos
Riqueza estudios desarrollados en el contexto de los antecedentes y consecuencias de la creacin y uso
socioemocional; de la riqueza socioemocional en la empresa familiar. Por tanto, en este estudio, utilizando una
Efectividad muestra de empresas familiares espanolas que no cotizan en bolsa, se explica cmo la inuencia
organizativa; familiar afecta la creacin y uso de la riqueza socioemocional y, de este modo, a la efectividad

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (I. Barros).
2444-877X/ 2017 European Journal of Family Business. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (

Please cite this article in press as: Barros, I., et al. Familiness and socioemotional wealth in Spanish family rms: An
empirical examination. European Journal of Family Business (2017),
EJFB-14; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
2 I. Barros et al.

organizativa de la empresa familiar. Los resultados indican resultados mixtos con respecto al
Enfoques de la impacto de la participacin familiar en la esencia de la empresa familiar. Adems, sugieren
participacin y una relacin positiva entre la creacin y uso de la riqueza socioemocional y la efectividad
esencia; organizativa de la empresa familiar.
Empresa familiar 2017 European Journal of Family Business. Publicado por Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. Este es un
artculo Open Access bajo la licencia CC BY-NC-ND (

Introduction empirical evidence and support for the impact of SEW on

organizational effectiveness, and (iii) focusing on non-listed
The management of family rms is related to feelings and Spanish family rms.
emotions (Morgan & Gmez-Meja, 2014). This inuence In the sections that follow, we rst present the theo-
has to do with family owners willing to preserve family retical model and the hypotheses. Second, we explain the
ties over time (Chrisman, Chua, & Sharma, 2005; Litz, methodology, sample, variables, and measurement. Finally,
1995; Zellweger, Eddleston, & Kellermanns, 2010). Fam- we discuss the results, implications and future research.
ily introduces in the rm other than economic objectives
that literature refers to as socioemotional wealth (SEW)
(Berrone, Cruz, & Gmez-Meja, 2012; Cennamo, Berrone, Theory and hypotheses
Cruz, & Gmez-Meja, 2012; Gmez-Meja, Cruz, Berrone,
& De Castro, 2011; Gmez-Meja, Haynes, Nnez-Nickel, SEW in family rms
Jacobson, & Moyano-Fuentes, 2007).
The specicities of each family managing a rm (fami- Recent literature on family rms reveals that their non-
liness) make them heterogeneous in their SEW (Chirico & economic objectives are a consequence of preferences of
Nordqvist, 2010; Chrisman, Chua, Pearson, & Barnett, 2012; the dominant coalition in the rm (Berrone et al., 2012).
Gmez-Meja et al., 2007; Gmez-Meja et al., 2011). In This is a characteristic that differentiates those rms to
fact, those differences in power, experience, and culture the non-family rms which have mainly an economic pur-
are the basis for family rm diversity as the participation pose. Furthermore, family rms are not homogeneous in
and essence approaches state (Chua, Chrisman, & Sharma, preferences related to perceptions, values, attitudes, and
1999). Therefore, the familiness is affecting priorities in intentions of the family (Westhead & Howorth, 2007). Fig. 1
terms of SEW (Gmez-Meja et al., 2007). shows the model based on SEW to explain the antecedents
Previous literature offers evidence of family ownership and consequences of non-economic objectives (Berrone
and managerial activities related to SEW (Gmez-Meja et al., 2012; Gmez-Meja et al., 2007).
et al., 2007). However, previous literature has not evalu- SEW is dened as the nonnancial aspects of the rm
ated the relational perspective in the family rms (Milton, that meet the familys affective needs, such as identity, the
2008). In this paper, we evaluate for family rms, the ability to exercise family inuence, and the perpetuation
effects of family involvement and essence on SEW and, the of family dynasty (Gmez-Meja et al., 2007). Therefore,
consequences on organizational effectiveness. In order to the process of aggregating family emotions derives the
accomplish this research objective, we conduct a study of emotional or socioemotional value for the rm (Astrachan
representative non-listed Spanish family rms during 2013. & Jaskiewicz, 2008; Gmez-Meja et al., 2007). From the
We use the literature based on socioemotional wealth involvement and essence approaches, researchers claim
(Astrachan & Jaskiewicz, 2008; Berrone, Cruz, Gmez- that the key elements affecting this emotional process are
Meja, & Larraza-Kintana, 2010; Berrone et al., 2012; the family ownership and control, and the generational con-
Chrisman & Holt, 2016; Gmez-Meja et al., 2007; Gmez- trol intentions (Chua et al., 1999; Chrisman et al., 2005).
Meja et al., 2011; Martin & Gmez-Meja, 2016; Zellweger Those idiosyncratic characteristics (familiness) help to pre-
& Astrachan, 2008), literature based on involvement and serve the rm SEW (Astrachan & Jaskiewicz, 2008; Berrone
essence approaches (Chua et al., 1999; Chrisman et al., et al., 2010; Gmez-Meja et al., 2007; Gmez-Meja, Makri,
2005; Litz, 1995; Sharma, Chrisman, & Chua, 1997), and lit- & Kintana, 2010; Gmez-Meja et al., 2011; Zellweger &
erature on organizational effectiveness (Gold, Malhotra, & Astrachan, 2008). To the best of our knowledge, there is
Segars, 2001; Zheng, Yang, & Mclean, 2010). not empirical research relating familiness to SEW.
Overall, this study advances theoretically and empiri- Creating SEW relates to the decision process in the
cally our understanding of the family rms and, we continue rm (Berrone et al., 2012). In fact, only SEW can explain
the research by Berrone et al. (2012), Astrachan (2010) and some managerial decisions that are not efcient from a
Chrisman et al. (2005). In particular, this study advances the- purely nancial analysis (Zellweger, Kellermanns, Chrisman,
oretically and empirically our understanding of the family & Chua, 2012). Moreover, those decisions could be the
rms by (i) improving the comprehension of how the specic desires of the family to preserve and increase SEW (Gmez-
resources of the family in the rm affect SEW, (ii) providing Meja et al., 2007). Several empirical analysis shows that

Please cite this article in press as: Barros, I., et al. Familiness and socioemotional wealth in Spanish family rms: An
empirical examination. European Journal of Family Business (2017),
EJFB-14; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
Familiness and socioemotional wealth in Spanish family rms 3

Familiness wealth Innovate in new products and
Family control
Identify new business
Involvement Identification of family
members with the business Faster time to new products and
Essence Social bonds
services comercialization.
Emotional attachment
Fast response to market change.
Dynastic succession

Figure 1 Familiness, SEW and organizational effectiveness in family rms.

Own source.

opportunities that are sensed cannot be exploited due to reverse if the relational capital could not be built (Naldi,
SEW preservation (Berrone et al., 2012). Empirical research Cennamo, Corbetta, & Gmez-Meja, 2013; Zellweger &
based on the consequences of SEW approach is scarce. Astrachan, 2008). Based on this previous literature, we pos-
Gmez-Meja et al. (2010) observe that family rms have tulate the following hypothesis:
a lower propensity for diversication strategies. The needs
to hire non-family members for the success of this kind H1. Family essence has a mediation effect over the rela-
of strategies are not aligned with the desire to preserve tionship between family involvement and building and use
SEW of the family. Therefore, family rms are not prone of SEW.
to diversication. The same results when a sample is a
group of rms operating in a high-tech industry. Family SEW and organizational effectiveness
rms decide not to implement technological diversication
decisions to avoid venture capitalists in the rm owner-
Threats to the SEW of the family rm induce to manage-
ship. SEW affects environmental strategies due to the family
rial decisions that could be contrary to nancial objectives
trying to protect the environment for their stakeholders
(Berrone et al., 2012; Gmez-Meja et al., 2007), even
(Berrone et al., 2010). Vandekerkhof, Steijvers, Hendriks,
though not all decisions affected by SEW are related to
and Voordeckers (2015) recognize the positive effect of orga-
nancial losses (Berrone et al., 2010). However, in situations
nizational characteristics on the integration of non-family
of nancial crisis, the family is willing to sacrice personal
managers decreases when family-related objectives. There-
economic wealth in support of rm survival, rm rebuilding
fore, SEW could have deleterious effects for the family rms
and organizational recovering (Berrone et al., 2012; Gmez-
(Habbershon & Williams, 1999).
Meja et al., 2007; Martin & Gmez-Meja, 2016).
Therefore, the literature is not clear about the rela-
tionship between socioemotional wealth and organizational
Family involvement and essence and SEW effectiveness (Habbershon & Williams, 1999). Based on
contradictory effects of socioemotional wealth and organi-
The involvement of the family in the rm affects the gen- zational effectiveness --- Fig. 2 --- we posit that:
erational control intentions (Chua et al., 1999). Therefore,
family involvement is a precondition of the family essence H2. Building and use SEW has an effect on the organiza-
and both explain heterogeneity of family rms (Chrisman tional effectiveness of the family rm.
et al., 2005, 2012). This heterogeneity, as stated by Gmez-
Meja et al. (2007), brings to different combinations of SEW.
Family involvement determines the level of SEW Research methodology
(Zellweger & Astrachan, 2008). Particularly, family owner-
ship or the generations involved in the management Sample
inuences SEW (Astrachan & Jaskiewicz, 2008). This rela-
tionship could be reinforced by the family social capital, Spain is the country chosen to test the research model given
reputation or status (Zellweger et al., 2012). For instance, the importance of the family rms in this context. In Spain,
there is a link between a high family ownership concentra- there are 2.9 million family rms that produce more than
tion and brand reputation (Dyer & Whetten, 2006). Both 70% of the GDP and create 13.9 million jobs. Moreover, fam-
involvement and essence reinforce each other and affect ily rms are an important lobby organized by the Family
SEW (Zellweger et al., 2012). Business Institute from 1992. More specically, our area of
As family experience increases --- as part of family involve- interest is non-listed medium and large family rms. How-
ment --- the emotional link of the individuals with the rm is ever, as it has been noted, there is little research on this kind
stronger and contributes to the SEW (Zellweger et al., 2012). of family rms, since 80% of the research has concentrated
The creation of relational capital between family members on listed family rms (Sharma & Carney, 2012).
is the mediator variable that links family experience with The source of information was the ranking of the
SEW as commitment, membership feelings, affects, inti- 5000 largest rms in Spain, published in 2012 by the
macy, altruism involve the family relationships in the rm renowned magazine specialized in business and nance
--- Fig 2 (Gmez-Meja et al., 2007). However, those claims Actualidad Econmica (ranking dened by sales volume).

Please cite this article in press as: Barros, I., et al. Familiness and socioemotional wealth in Spanish family rms: An
empirical examination. European Journal of Family Business (2017),
EJFB-14; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
4 I. Barros et al.



Power H1 Building and H2 Organizational

Essence use SEW effectiveness

Figure 2 Research model and study hypotheses.

Own source.

The nal sample included 1656 rms. The information col- Dependent and independent variables
lected with a questionnaire took place between May and
September of 2013. This is a very interesting period since The concept of familiness was rst developed by
Spanish rms dealt with a very complex and dynamic envi- Habbershon and Williams (1999) and then measured by
ronment due to the crisis from 2008 to 2013. The nancial Astrachan et al. (2002), creating the familiness scale Power
crisis (the nancial system was in a restructuring process) Experience Culture Scale (F-PEC). The scale has subse-
and the international crisis made family rms to work in a quently received some validation by Klein, Astrachan, and
completely unknown context. 135 surveys were received, Smyrnios (2005) and Holt, Rutherford, and Kuratko (2010)
representing a response rate of 8.15%, similar to that among others. The three elements of the F-PEC scale include
obtained in other studies of family rms (Lindow, Stubner, power (family ownership, governance, and management),
& Wulf, 2010; Zellweger et al., 2012). There were 125 experience (the generation and the number of family mem-
valid surveys, of which 17 were identied as non-family bers involved in the rm), and culture (family commitment
rms and 6 as listed rms, resulting nally in 102 usable to the rm and the overlap of family and business values).
surveys. We use the two rst elements to measure the involvement
The usable surveys matched the objectives of the of the family in the rm and the third one to measure the
research as 100% of the sample corresponds to unlisted fam- essence of the family in the rm.
ily rms. Furthermore, 99% of the respondents indicated To measure family rm power, we used two items of the
that their rms were family-owned, with family members on F-PEC sub-scale of power: (1) the percentage of manage-
their management boards (95%) and on their boards of direc- ment board positions occupied directly and/or indirectly by
tors (98%); in addition, 93% of them anticipated that the family members and (2) the percentage of governing board
future CEO of their rm would be a family member. These positions occupied directly and/or indirectly by family mem-
aspects are included in the operational denition adopted bers.
for the present study (family involvement in the ownership, The experience was measured by three items of the F-
management, and direction of the rm and the intention for PEC subscale of experience: (1) the number of generations
trans-generational control). involved in the ownership of the rm, (2) the number of
In order to check for the non-response bias, we divided generations involved in the board of management and (3)
the sample into three groups and compared the rst the number of generations of family members involved on
responses received with the last to respond to the sur- the board of directors.
vey. The underlying assumption is that those in the group To measure family culture a version of the F-PEC sub-
that responded last are similar to those who didnt respond scale of culture was used. Consistent with Holt et al. (2010)
at all. The completed ANOVA shows statistically insignif- and Chrisman et al. (2012) the representative elements of
icant differences between the rst and last respondents the F-PEC sub-scale of culture refer to whether the family
at a 99% level of signicance. Thus, we can conrm that members (a) feel a loyalty toward the family business, (b)
there are no problems with respect to the non-response are in agreement with the family rms objectives, plans
bias. and politics, (c) have and share the same rm values, (d)
On the other hand, the possible limitation that our data are concerned about the future/destiny of the rm, and
is based on the subjective evaluation of the main informant (e) are willing to exert great efforts in order for the rm
can lead to common methods bias (Doty & Glick, 1998). to be successful. The measurement of these ve items was
This was rectied by applying the Harman single-factor test done using the Likert 1---5 scale (where 1 means strongly
that no factor registered a signicant portion of variance; disagree/never and 5 means strongly agrees/always).
our analysis suggests that the common method variance is The measurement of building and use SEW has been done
not a problem. In addition, to avoid the reduction construct with the scale proposed by Berrone et al. (2012) using ve
validity due to the participation of an informant, we follow dimensions: (a) family control and inuence (Klein et al.,
the suggestion Podsakoff, Mackenzie, Lee, and Podsakoff 2005; Lee & Rogoff, 1996); (b) family identication with
(2003) to keep the questions as simple as possible and clearly the rm (Allen & Meyer, 1990; Carlock & Ward, 2001; Klein
separate dependent and independent variables in our ques- et al., 2005; OReilly & Chatman, 1986), (c) family social
tionnaire. We have concluded that the sample used is of bonds (Cruz, Gmez-Meja, & Becerra, 2010; Miller & Le
good quality. Breton-Miller, 2005; Miller, Lee, Chang, & Le Breton-Miller,

Please cite this article in press as: Barros, I., et al. Familiness and socioemotional wealth in Spanish family rms: An
empirical examination. European Journal of Family Business (2017),
EJFB-14; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
Familiness and socioemotional wealth in Spanish family rms 5

2009); (d) emotional links of family members (Allen & Meyer, Smith, Reams, & Hair, 2014) we used partial least squares
1990; Carlock & Ward, 2001; Eddleston & Kellermanns, 2007; (PLS) in order to validate our research model. PLS is a model
OReilly & Chatman, 1986) and (e) generational links by gen- of structural equations based on variance. Our selection
erational renewal (Lee & Rogoff, 1996; Zellweger et al., was made for several reasons. First, this technique allows
2012). Using several items for each dimension (Likert scale), including latent variable with reective and formative indi-
the factor analysis conrms the ve dimensions: family cators (Henseler, Ringle, & Sinkovics, 2009). Second, one
control, rm identication, social bonds, emotional attach- of the advantages of PLS-SEM is that it establishes assump-
ment, and dynastic succession. tions of normality of the data (Chin, 1998) and can be used
The organizational effectiveness was constructed con- in small samples (Kyu Kim, Yul Ryoo, & Dug Jung, 2011).
sistent with the micro-fundamentals proposed by Teece Third, it can analyze structural models with multi-item con-
(2007). The items included are in order to identify orga- structs and direct and indirect relationships (Vallejo, 2009).
nizational effectiveness by means of the development of Finally, this technique is more suitable during the rst stages
permanent organizational activities and processes derived of the development of a theory, supporting exploratory and
from learning and knowledge capabilities of the rm. Thus conrmatory research (Premkumar & Bhattacherjee, 2008),
the items used are related to continuous development: primarily in complex research and in research in which the
(a) internal activities of research and development, (b) theoretical knowledge is scarce (Wold, 1982). The program
activities to identify changes in customer needs, (c) pro- SmartPLS 2.0 M3 (Ringle, Wende, & Will, 2005) was used.
cesses to take advantage of technological developments, (d) The estimation process with PLS is done through sim-
adaptation processes for the business model, (e) processes ple and multiple regressions, thus the required sample will
of asset management, (f) activities such as job rotation, be the one that provides a basis for the most complex
regular multi-level meetings, information bulletins/blogs, multiple regression that can be found (Barclay, Higgins, &
conguration of multi-functional teams and, (g) processes Thompson, 1995). It can be determined by multiplying by 10
of resource adaptation to take advantage of new opportu- the best result that is obtained from the following options:
nities. These routines have been recognized as evidence of (1) the number of indicators in the most complex formative
organizational effectiveness (Gold et al., 2001; Zheng et al., construct, or (2) the greatest number of structural paths
2010). The measurement of these items was again done using directed to whichever of the model constructs (Chin, 1998).
the Likert 1---5 scale. In our model, there is ve formative construct, and at least
two structural paths exist that go toward whichever con-
Control variables struct, therefore the minimum required size for a sample
in our study is 50. Thus the sample of 102 observations is
We include three control variables that have normally been
utilized in prior research related to the behavior of fam-
ily rms: age, size and industry (Chrisman, Chua, & Litz,
Measurement model
2004). The age was measured by the years in business; the
family can have a deeper attachment to the rm over time
Before estimating the structural model, we did a conrma-
(Zellweger & Astrachan, 2008), which can affect its dispo-
tory factor analysis (CFA) in order to verify the measurement
sition toward SEW. The size was evaluated based on the
model. The CFA conrms our measurement model, clearly
number of employees. A rm that grows in size may affect
identifying the representative factors of the F-PEC scale,
SEW preservation. The relationship between the family and
SEW and organizational effectiveness.
the rm can become more distant when the size of the
The research model includes reective (F-PEC and orga-
rm grows, for example, due to the need to professional-
nizational effectiveness) and formative constructs (building
ize the rm (Chrisman et al., 2012). The research indicates
and use SEW) --- Table 2. The measurement model of the
that family rms compete better in some industries than
reective constructs was evaluated by examining the reli-
in others (Pollak, 1985), which could affect their predis-
ability of each item, the internal consistency, and the
position toward SEW. Industries were measured classifying
convergent and discriminate validity (Roldn & Leal, 2003).
the rms in accordance with the categories proposed by
The internal reliability of each item is determined by the
the Standard Industrial Classication (SIC Code). The cat-
items loading for the case of the constructs with reective
egories include agriculture, construction, manufacturing,
indicators and is expressed as a percentage of the variance
transportation, commerce, service and others.
of the item compared to the construct. In order for an item
The mean of age of the sample is 3.2 standard devia-
to have good reliability, all the loadings must be greater
tion 1.11 (scale min. 1 max 5). The number of employees
than 0.7 (Carmines & Zeller, 1979). All of the loadings of the
on average is 3.48 standard deviation 1.33 (scale min.
items exceeded the 0.7 limit with the exception of one of
1 max 5). The main industries in the sample were man-
the construct of the essence and two of construct organi-
ufacturing at 43% and services 29%. The variables are
zational effectiveness whose loadings were near 0.6; these
summarized in Table 1.
are considered acceptable when the scales are in the rst
stages of development (Chin, 1998).
Results The measurement model of the formative constructs
was evaluated by examining the item weights (Chin, 1998).
As in other studies in the eld of family rms (Chua et al., Weights indicate the value for each item in the construct
1999; Vallejo, 2009) and as recommended by recent liter- (Cepeda & Roldn, 2004). We controlled for multicollinear-
ature (Binz, Patel, & Wanzenried, 2014; Sarstedt, Ringle, ity (Diamantopoulos & Winklhofer, 2001) with the VIF index

Please cite this article in press as: Barros, I., et al. Familiness and socioemotional wealth in Spanish family rms: An
empirical examination. European Journal of Family Business (2017),
EJFB-14; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
6 I. Barros et al.

Table 1 Operationalization of the constructs.

Construct Sources
Operational question
Family involvement
Pow 1 What percentage of positions on the governance board are
occupied directly and/or indirectly by family members are?
Pow 2 What percentage of positions on the management board are Holt et al., 2010
occupied directly and/or indirectly by family members are?
Exp 1 How many generations are owners of the company?
Exp 2 How many generations are active in the governance board? Holt et al., 2010
Exp 3 How many generations are active in the management board?
Family essence
The family members working in the business:
Ess 1 Do they feel loyalty to the company?
Ess 2 Do they agree with the objectives of the company, its plans, and Holt et al., 2010
Ess 3 Do they share the same values of the company? Chrisman et al., 2012
Ess 4 Are they concerned about the fate of the company?
Ess 5 Are they willing to make great efforts in order to help the business
Building and use SEW (formative)
Sew 1 Emotional attachment
Sew 2 Family control
Sew 3 Social bonds Berrone et al., 2012
Sew 4 Dynastic succession
Sew 5 Firm identication
Organizational effectiveness
The company continuously developing:
Orgeffect 1 Internal research and development activities?
Orgeffect 2 Activities to identify changes in customer needs?
Orgeffect 3 Processes to take advantage of technological developments? Adapted from Teece, 2007
Orgeffect 4 Processes to the adaptation of the business model?
Orgeffect 5 Asset management processes?
Orgeffect 6 Job rotation activities, regular meetings at different levels,
news/blogs newsletters, MFDs settings?
Orgeffect 7 Adaptation processes of resources to seize new
Control variables
Firm age Age of the rm Chrisman et al., 2004
Firm size Number of employees
Firm Ind Industry

(lower than 5). The values are close to 1, therefore, multi- In our analysis, the AVE indicator exceeds the 0.5 recom-
collinearity is not a problem. mended by Fornell and Larcker (1981).
The internal consistency of the constructs was evaluated The discriminant validity was evaluated by examining
by examining the Cronbach alpha and the composite reliabil- the degree to which the square root of AVE is greater than
ity. The indicators obtained for the constructs exceeded 0.8 the inter-construct correlations (Fornell & Larcker, 1981).
for the composite reliability and 0.5 for the Cronbach alpha, Table 3 shows this relation. Thus we are able to state that all
which suggests that both measures are acceptable when the indicators obtained have good measurement properties.
the scales are in the rst stages of development (Nunnally,
Bernstein, & Berge, 1967). The convergent validity of the Structural model
construct is expressed in the degree that all the items in a
construct are measured by the same concept and are eval- Fig. 3 shows the explained variance (R2 ) in the dependent
uated by examining the average variance extracted (AVE). constructs and the path coefcients for the model. In

Please cite this article in press as: Barros, I., et al. Familiness and socioemotional wealth in Spanish family rms: An
empirical examination. European Journal of Family Business (2017),
EJFB-14; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
Familiness and socioemotional wealth in Spanish family rms 7

Table 2 Latent variable, measurement item, composite reliability, AVE, and Cronbach alpha.
Construct and indicator Factor loading/ t-statistic VIF Composite AVE Cronbach
weight path reliability alpha
Power 0.924 0.859 0.841
Pow 1 0.899 6.567
Pow 2 0.954 11.368
Experience 0.971 0.919 0.956
Exp 1 0.920 9.419
Exp 2 0.981 12.226
Exp 3 0.975 12.530
Essence 0.855 0.542 0.789
Ess 1 0.739 6.419
Ess 2 0.727 5.577
Ess 3 0.713 5.563
Ess 4 0.663 4.977
Ess 5 0.831 10.755
Organizational effectiveness 0.910 0.595 0.884
Orgeffect 1 0.731 7.000
Orgeffect 2 0.879 13.577
Orgeffect 3 0.792 9.304
Orgeffect 4 0.791 10.598
Orgeffect 5 0.618 4.391
Orgeffect 6 0.673 4.713
Orgeffect 7 0.861 12.102
Building and use SEW (formative) --- --- ---
Sew 1 0.377 1.348 1.135
Sew 2 0.205 1.456 1.045
Sew 3 0.321 1.607 1.050
Sew 4 0.540 2.344 1.145
Sew 5 0.649 2.682 1.011
Control variable --- --- ---
Firm age 0.148 1.536
Firm size 0.239 2.370
Firm Ind 0.230 1.480

Table 3 Inter-construct correlations and average variance extracted (AVE).

1 2 3 4
1. Organizational effectiveness 0.768
2. Essence 0.107 0.736
3. Experience 0.031 0.107 0.958
4. Power 0.260 0.250 0.035 0.926
Note: The diagonal elements are the square root of AVE.

agreement with Chin (1998), a bootstrapping (1000 samples) t = 3.363). However, it is necessary to evaluate the individ-
was used to generate standard errors and the t-statistics. ual effects of the elements of involvement on the essence
The R2 for the endogenous variables were: essence (0.076); --- eight additional analyses (Tables 5 and 6) as Baron and
building and use SEW (0.163) and organizational effective- Kenny (1986) recommend.
ness (0.043). Model 1 (Table 5) shows a positive relationship between
Fig. 3 shows that power has a positive and signicant power and building and use SEW (0.340; t = 4.480). Model
effect on essence (0.255; t = 2.504) and experience has 2 relates power to essence --- mediation variable (0.291;
a non-signicant and negative impact on essence (0.117; t = 3.115). Model 3 shows a direct, positive and signicant
t = 1.488). Table 4 presents the results testing the model. relationship between essence and building and use SEW
There is a positive and signicant relationship in the (0.439; t = 6.738). Finally, model 4 analyzes the simultaneous
path involvement essence building and use SEW (0.403; relationship between power, essence, and building and use

Please cite this article in press as: Barros, I., et al. Familiness and socioemotional wealth in Spanish family rms: An
empirical examination. European Journal of Family Business (2017),
EJFB-14; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
8 I. Barros et al.


0.255 Building and use Organizational
Power 0.403 Sew 0.206 effectiveness
2 2
R2=0.076 R =0.163 R =0.043

Figure 3 Empirical model of building and use SEW in the family rm.
Note: p < 0.05, p < 0.02, p < 0.01 (t statistic two tailed).

Table 4 Results of hypothesis testing.

Hypotheses Path coefcient t-value Outcome
H1 Power Essence 0.255 2.504 Partial supported
Experience Essence 0.117 1.488
Essence Building and use SEW 0.403 3.363
H2 Building and use SEW Organizational effectiveness 0.206 1.986 Supported
Note: Path coefcients; (t statistic two tailed) p < 0.05, p < 0.02, p < 0.01.

Table 5 Mediating effect Power Essence Building and use SEW.

Structural Path Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4

Power Building and use SEW 0.340 (4.480 ) 0.221 (1.821 )
Power Essence 0.291 (3.115 ) 0.258 (2.408 )
Essence Building and use SEW 0.439 (6.738 ) 0.365 (3.319 )
Note: Path coefcients; (t-statistic two tailed) p < 0.1, p < 0.02, p < 0.01.

Table 6 Mediating effect Experience Essence Building and use SEW.

Structural Path Model 5 Model 6 Model 7 Model 8

Experience Building and use SEW 0.181 (2.598 ) 0.072 (0.884)
Experience Essence 0.164 (2.024 ) 0.101 (1.226)
Essence Building and use SEW 0.439 (6.616 ) 0.431 (6.353 )
Note: Path coefcients; (t-statistic two tailed) p < 0.05, p < 0.01.

SEW. The relationship between power and building and use In brief, hypothesis H1 is partially supported. The essence
SEW reduce its signicance when the mediator variable --- partially mediates the relationship between power and
essence --- is in the model (0.221; t = 1.821). The rest of the building and use of SEW, while is not mediating the rela-
structural path is signicant. Therefore, there is a partial tionship between experience and building and use of SEW.
mediation effect of the essence when considering power and Hypothesis H2 is supported. The results show that there is
building and use SEW. a positive and signicant relationship between building and
Related to experience (Table 6), model 5 evaluates use SEW and organizational effectiveness (0.206; t = 1.986)
the relationship between experience and building and use (Table 4).
SEW (0.181; t = 2.598). Model 6 examines the relationship Finally, the size of the rm as a control variable has
between experience and essence (0.164; t = 2.024). Model a positive and signicant relationship with organizational
7 relates essence to building and use SEW (0.439; t = 6.616). effectiveness (0.239; t = 2.370).
Finally, model 8, include all the relationships. The relation-
ship between experience and building and use SEW reduce
its signicance when the mediator variable --- essence --- is Discussion and conclusions
introduced into the analysis (0.072; t = 0.884). However,
at the same time the structural path experience, essence The objective of this paper is to empirically test a model
reduces its signicance (0.101; t = 1.226). Therefore, there of SEW to evaluate the effects of family involvement and
is no mediation effect of essence between experience and essence on SEW, and, therefore on organizational effective-
building and use SEW. ness.

Please cite this article in press as: Barros, I., et al. Familiness and socioemotional wealth in Spanish family rms: An
empirical examination. European Journal of Family Business (2017),
EJFB-14; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
Familiness and socioemotional wealth in Spanish family rms 9

First, we study how power and experience --- involvement methodological level, data were obtained based on the sub-
--- relate to the essence. Results indicate that family involve- jective evaluation of a survey respondent, which can lead
ment in ownership and managerial boards have a positive to the common method bias. To solve this problem, we used
impact. However, the generational transfer does not have a the procedures recommended by the literature. Finally, the
positive but negative effect on essence. This result shows use of the PLS method does not establish causal relationships
that new generations are not assuming and integrating the but rather the predictability between the independent and
family objectives and values to the rm. dependent variables, since it deals with a exible modeling.
Second, results show that both, involvement by the However, the state of the development of the theory and the
means of power and essence, have an impact on building complexity of the model make this method appropriate.
and use SEW. This is consistent with the previous literature This research opens interesting avenues for further
(Berrone et al., 2010; Gmez-Meja et al., 2007), as owner- research. First, a case study can be developed to capture
ship has been considered to impact on the SEW. The lack the evolution of the variables included in the model of SEW.
of effect of experience needs further analysis as previous Second, our model could be evaluated in other contexts and
research claims that generational renewal could have dele- cultures, contributing to its mainstreaming and adaptation.
terious effects on SEW (Le Breton-Miller and Miller, 2013). Third, further studies could be devoted to study the pos-
Third, there is a positive and signicant relationship sible moderating effect of experience, in the relationship
between building and use of SEW and organizational effec- between the essence and building and use SEW.
tiveness. In line with previous studies, SEW preservation
is related to rm survival (Berrone et al., 2012; Morgan &
Gmez-Meja, 2014). Therefore, managerial decisions driven Conicts of interest
by the desire to preserve SEW could be related to compet-
itive advantages (Gmez-Meja et al., 2007). This result is The authors have no conicts of interest to declare.
consistent with Zheng et al. (2010) claims about the impact
of dynamic capabilities creation on abnormal returns. In
fact, additional analysis with our sample indicates a positive Acknowledgements
and signicant relationship between organizational effec-
tiveness and perceived returns (0.295; t = 3.782). Therefore, We acknowledge the nancial support to this study from the
SEW preservation guarantees organizational effectiveness Ministerio de Economa y Competitividad (Plan Nacional de
and rm performance. Closeness in relationships, commu- I + D + i) of Spain [ECO2012-32075], and the policy of aca-
nication, and commitment between family and non-family demic improvement of the Universidad Austral de Chile.
members could explain those superior returns.
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Please cite this article in press as: Barros, I., et al. Familiness and socioemotional wealth in Spanish family rms: An
empirical examination. European Journal of Family Business (2017),
EJFB-14; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
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empirical examination. European Journal of Family Business (2017),

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