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::The moisture content in a well seasoned timber is


::In which of the following directions, the strength of timber is maximum

~perpendicular to grains
~45 degrees to grains
=parallel to grains
~same in all directions

::The trunk of tree left after cutting all the branches is known as

::The disease of dry rot in timber is caused by

~alternate wet and dry conditions
=lack of ventilation
~complete submergence in water
~presence of knots

::The plywood
=has greater impact resistance to blows than ordinary wood
~has good strength along the panel only
~can be spilt in the plane of the panel
~cannot be bent more easily than ordinary wood of same thickness

::The practical limit of moisture content achieved in air drying of timber is


::Plywood has the advantage of

~greater tensile strength in shorter direction
=same tensile strength in all directions
~greater tensile strength in longer direction
~same compressive strength in all directions

::The age of a tree can be known by examining

=annular rings
~cambium layer
~medullary rays
~heart wood

::Wrought iron contains carbon upto


::Stainless steel contains

=18% of chromuim and 8% nickel
~8% of chromium and 18% of nickel
~12% of chromium and 36% of nickel
~36% of chromium and 12% of nickel

::Galvanising means covering iron with a thin coat of

~coal tar

::Hardwood plywood is used in

~wind bracing panels
~packaging and boxes

::__________ veneer has no backing on it and can be used with either side facing up
=Raw veneer
~Laid up veneer
~pheenolic backed
~paper backed

::The compressive strength of thermocol ranges from

~14.4 to 20.4 Mpa
~8.2 to 10.5 Mpa
~3.2 to 4.5 Mpa
=11.7 to 14.4 Mpa

::___________is a type of manufactured timber made from thin sheets of substrates

or wood veneer
~plywood paanel
~Composite panel
=Laminate panel

::Bessemer process is used to manufacture


::The ductility of steel decreases markedly as the carbon content

~remains the same
~is not present

::The ratio of shear strength to the tensile strength is________ for medium and low
carbon steels

::The ratio of shear strength to the tensile strength is________ for high carbon

::This heat treatment consists of heating the steel above the upper critical

::The following which is not the ore of aluminium is


::______ contains 4% copper, 20% nickel and 1.5% magnesium .

~Aluminum bronze
~Aluminium copper

::___________makes the paint film opaque and possesses binding properties

{ .

::________holds the constituents of paint in suspension and helps spread it over

the surface to be painted
{ .

::_________is a carbonate of lead and forms the base of lead paints

~Titanium white
~Zinc white
~red lead
=White lead

::Linseed oil is the most widely used__________ .


::___________are used to hide the surface imperfections and to impart the desired
{ .

::_____________renders glass infusible and makes glass fire resistant

{ .
~Lead oxide
~Aluminium sulphate

::________ is also known as flint glass

{ .
~Boro silicate glass
=Lead glass
~Soda lime glass
~Sheet glass

::Purest clays consist mainly of

{ .

::An example of composite material is


::A laminar composite material produced by joining two strips of metal with
different thermal expansion coefficients is
~Panel board

::Which of the following bricks are used for lining of furnaces

~Overburnt bricks
~Underburnt bricks
=Refractory bricks
~First class bricks

::Which of the property is decreased on using earth reinforcement

~bearing capacity

::Fire clay are pure hydrated silicates of

~iron oxide

::Fire clays are capable of resisting very high temperatures up to


::The property which wetted clay has of being permanently deformed without cracking

::An example of residual clay is


::_________imparts bottle green colour to the glass


::______________acts as an accelerator for the fusion of glass


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