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V02 Verilog Part 2

Chapter 4. Section 4.12. pp. 164 - 182 Rev. 8/27/2013, 10/27/2013

HDL Models

Modules are the basic building blocks for modeling

Three types of modules:
Gate-level modeling
Uses pre-defined primates (and, not, or, other) or user-defined
Dataflow modeling
Uses continuous assignment statements with keyword assign
Behavioral modeling
Uses procedural assignment statements with keyword always
Section 4.12 goes thru all three types

Verilog II 2
Gate-level Modeling

Predefined primitives
12 basic gates
and, nand, or, nor, xor, xnor, not,
buf others
Most are n-input, 1-output
buf and not are single-input n-output primitives
A single input can be connected to multiple lines
not( in, out1, out2, out2)

Verilog II 3
I. Gate-level Modeling

Verilog II 4
Logic Values

0 and 1 (for the usual false and true)

x (for unknown)

z (for high impedance)

IC pin not connected to anything,
neither at ground ( value 0 ) nor at logic 1
value of a 3-state gate that is not enabled

Truth tables for circuits have to include x and z

AND gate: any input 0, output is 0
OR gate: any input 1, output is 1
Output of a logic gate other than 3-state is never z

Verilog II 5
Table 4.9 Truth Table for Predefined Primitive Gates

Digital Design: With an Introduction to the Verilog HDL, 5e Copyright 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc.
M. Morris Mano Michael D. Ciletti All rights reserved.
Multi-bit widths are called vectors.

output [0:3] D;
Output vector D, 4 bits wide, numbered 0 thru 3.

D[2] specifies bit 2 of D .

The first number (on the left) is the index of the most significant bit (MSB).

Bit numbering can go either way (MSB to LSB or LSB to MSB).

wire [7:0] SUM

Wire SUM, 8 bits wide, numbered 0 thru 7.

The MSB has index 7 .

SUM[2:0] specifies 3 least significant bits of SUM .

Verilog II 7
Example 4.1

// HDL example 4.1

// Gate-level description of 2-to-4 decoder

module decoder( D, A, B, enable );

output [0:3] D; // vector of 4 bits
input A, B;
input enable;
wire Anot, Bnot, enableNot;

G1 (Anot, A), // note syntax: list of gates
G2 (Bnot, B), // separated by ,
G3 (enableNot, enable);

G4 (D[0], Anot, Bnot, enableNot ),
G5 (D[1], Anot, B, enableNot ),
G6 (D[2], A, Bnot, enableNot ),
G7 (D[3], A, B, enableNot );

Verilog II 8
FIGURE 4.19 Two-to-four-line decoder with enable-low input

Digital Design: With an Introduction to the Verilog HDL, 5e Copyright 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc.
M. Morris Mano Michael D. Ciletti All rights reserved.
Example 4.2 Ripple-carry Adder
// Description of half adder (see Fig 4-5b)
module halfadder (S, C, x, y);
input x, y;
output S, C;

// Instantiate primitive gates

xor (S, x, y);
and (C, x, y);

// Description of full adder (see Fig 4-8)

module fulladder (S, C, x, y, z);
input x,y,z;
output S,C;
wire S1,D1,D2; //Outputs of first XOR and two AND gates

//Instantiate the halfadders

halfadder HA1 (S1,D1,x, y),
HA2 (S, D2,S1,z);
or g1(C,D2,D1);

Verilog II 10
Example 4.2 Ripple-carry Adder (continued)

// Description of 4-bit adder (see Fig 4-9)

module Four_bit_adder (S,C4,A,B,C0);
input [3:0] A,B;
input C0;
output [3:0] S;
output C4;
wire C1,C2,C3; //Intermediate carries

// Instantiate the fulladder

fulladder FA0 (S[0],C1,A[0],B[0],C0),
FA1 (S[1],C2,A[1],B[1],C1),
FA2 (S[2],C3,A[2],B[2],C2),
FA3 (S[3],C4,A[3],B[3],C3);

Verilog II 11
FIGURE 4.5 Implementation of half adder

Digital Design: With an Introduction to the Verilog HDL, 5e Copyright 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc.
M. Morris Mano Michael D. Ciletti All rights reserved.
FIGURE 4.8 Implementation of full adder with two half adders and an OR gate

Digital Design: With an Introduction to the Verilog HDL, 5e Copyright 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc.
M. Morris Mano Michael D. Ciletti All rights reserved.
FIGURE 4.9 Four-bit adder

Digital Design: With an Introduction to the Verilog HDL, 5e Copyright 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc.
M. Morris Mano Michael D. Ciletti All rights reserved.
Test Bench for Adder
module testAdder;
reg [3:0] A;
reg [3:0] B;
reg carryIn;
wire [3:0] Sum;
wire carryOut;

Four_bit_adder adder( Sum, carryOut, A, B, carryIn );

A = 4'b1001; B = 4'b1011; carryIn = 1'b0;
$display( " %b", A );
$display( " %b", B );
$display( "%b %b", carryOut, Sum );

#20 $finish;

Verilog II 15

C:\iverilog\MyFiles iverilog o adder mano4_2.vl

C:\iverilog\MyFiles vvp adder

1 0100

Verilog II 16
Three-state Gates

Three-state gates have output values 0, 1, or z.

z is high impedance

Verilog gates:
Output is z when control is 0
Output is same as input when control is 1
Output is z when control is 1
Output is same as input when control is 0
Output is z when control is 0
Output is inverted input when control is 1
Output is z when control is 1
Output is same as input when control is 0

Verilog II 17
FIGURE 4.32 Three-state gates

Digital Design: With an Introduction to the Verilog HDL, 5e Copyright 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc.
M. Morris Mano Michael D. Ciletti All rights reserved.
Mux implemented with 3-state Gates

module muxTri ( m_out, A, B, select )

output m_out;
input A, B, select;
tri m_out; // can have several tri-state connections

bufif1(m_out, A, select );
bufif0(m_out, B, select );

Keyword tri is for a wire with several tri-state connections

tri is an example of a net data type, which represent connections between


Other net types are wire, supply1, and supply0 (and others).

use supply1, and supply0 to hardwire an input to 1 or 0

Verilog II 19
FIGURE 4.33 Two-to-one-line multiplexer with three-state buffers

Digital Design: With an Introduction to the Verilog HDL, 5e Copyright 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc.
M. Morris Mano Michael D. Ciletti All rights reserved.
II. Dataflow modeling

Verilog II 21
Dataflow Modeling

Dataflow modeling uses operands that act on binary operands and

produce binary results.

Be careful to distinguish binary addition + from AND operation &

assign gives a value to a net data type.

Net data types represent a physical connection between circuit

elements, e.g. wire, or a port

assign Y = Boolean Expression using variables and operators.

continuous assignment : expression is always true as simulation runs

(compare with procedural assignment : happens once, when the
statement gets control.)

Verilog II 22

Concatenation operator is { operand , operand }

braces enclosing operands separated by comma

Equality test is == (two equal signs)

Bitwise AND is &

operates on a vector of bits, does AND between
bits in same position to produce a vector of bits

Logical AND is &&

operates on a single true/false value to produce
a single true/false value. Non-0 is regarded as
true (as in programming language C).
Verilog II 23
Table 4.10 Some Verilog HDL Operators

Digital Design: With an Introduction to the Verilog HDL, 5e Copyright 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc.
M. Morris Mano Michael D. Ciletti All rights reserved.
Dataflow description of 2-to-4 enable-low decoder

Compare with gate-level modeling, example 4.1 slide 8

// HDL example 4.3

// -- textbooks code has some typos and unneeded ()

module decoder( D, A, B, enable );

output [0:3] D;
input A, B;
input enable;

D[0] = ! ( !A && !B && !enable ),
D[1] = ! ( !A && B && !enable ),
D[2] = ! ( A && !B && !enable ),
D[3] = ! ( A && B && !enable );


Verilog II 25
Dataflow description 4-bit Adder

Compare with gate-level modeling, example 4.2, p. 10

See Figure 4.9.

Note concatenation operator in assign statement.

Same test bench can be used as with previous adder model.

// Data Flow Description of 4-bit adder (Ex. 4.4 )

module Four_bit_adder (S, C4, A, B, C0);
input [3:0] A, B;
input C0;
output [3:0] S;
output C4;

assign {C4, S} = A + B + C0 ;

Verilog II 26
Conditional Operator

Condition ? trueExpression : falseExpression

The Condition is evaluated.

If true, the value of the entire expression is trueExpression.
If false, the value of the entire expression is falseExpression.

// Dataflow description of a 2-to-1 mux

module mux ( m_out, A, B, select);
output m_out;
input A, B, select;

assign m_out = select ? A: B ;


Verilog II 27
III. Behavioral Modeling

Verilog II 28
Behavioral Modeling

Represents digital circuits at an algorithmic level.

keyword initial indicates a process that starts running when the

simulation starts, but runs just once.

keyword always indicates a process that starts waiting for a

trigger when the simulation starts.

keyword always is followed by an event control expression,

and then a list of procedural assignment statements.
procedural assignment statement like assignment statement in C or

Target of a procedural assignment statement must be of reg


reg (register) holds its value until changed.

This is a loop, but each iteration is triggered by the event

control. (Somewhat like event-driven programming.)

Verilog II 29

always @(a or b) // Any time a or b CHANGE, run the block

if (a)
c = b;
d = ~b;
end // End of block

There might be several initial and several always blocks in a simulation.

They all start together at time 0 in the simulation.

All of the initial blocks start up and run to the end of the block
and then stop (although there may be time delays inside) .

All of the always blocks start up looking at their control expression and are
triggered whenever it is true, then run to the end of the block,
then start waiting to be triggered again.

Verilog II 30

begin // Always begins executing at time 0 and NEVER stops
clk = 0; // Set clk to 0
#1; // Wait for 1 time unit
clk = 1; // Set clk to 1
#1; // Wait 1 time unit
// Keeps executing - so continue back at the top of the begin

Always used without the event control expression

Verilog II 31
Mux Example

// Behavioral description of 2-to-1-line multiplexer

// HDL Example 4.7
module mux2x1(OUT, A, B, select);
input A,B,select;
output OUT;
reg OUT; // OUT must be reg type since it is assigned to
always @ (A or B or select)
if (select == 1) OUT = A;
else OUT = B;

Also could have: always @ ( select, A, B )


Verilog II 32
case Example

//Behavioral description of 4-to-1-line multiplexer

//Describes the function table of Fig. 4-25(b).
module mux4x1_bh (i0, i1, i2, i3, select, y);
input i0,i1,i2,i3;
input [1:0] select;
output y;
reg y;
always @ (i0 or i1 or i2 or i3 or select)
case (select)
2'b00: y = i0;
2'b01: y = i1;
2'b10: y = i2;
2'b11: y = i3;

Works much like Java case statement.

Verilog II 33
FIGURE 4.25 Four-to-one-line multiplexer
Test Benches

Verilog II 35
Test Bench

A test bench is an HDL program that describes

signals to be sent to a circuit.
Tests if the circuit behaves as intended.
Sometimes called a stimulus.
Signals should include all combinations of values.
the circuit model has only gates, dataflow statements, or
behavioral statements.
The test bench contains the output statements, like
$display or $monitor.
Analogy to actual electronics lab:
The circuit is a breadboard containing the electronic components.
The circuit is tested with signal generators, probes, and scopes.

Verilog II 36
Time Delays

Test benches usually have several processes running in parallel,

specified with always and initial keywords,
usually have time delays inside of them.
#10 means to delay for 10 ticks of simulated time.
For us, just measure time in ticks.

A = 0; B = 0;
#10 A = 1;
#20 A = 0; B = 1;

Verilog II 37

repeat(n) specifies that a block will be repeated n times.

D = 3b000;
#10 D = D + 3b001;

D will sequentially hold the binary patterns 000 through 111.

Verilog II 38
Usual Form

module testBenchName;
// declare local reg and wire identifiers
// instantiate the circuit module, binding local
// identifiers to modules identifiers
// generate a sequence of stimulus values
// using always and initial
// display the output of the module

Test modules usually have no inputs nor outputs, but create inputs for
the circuit under test and display that circuits outputs.

When the circuit model is instantiated, the identifiers in the test

bench are bound to the formal identifiers in the circuit model.

-- like variables of main bound to parameters of a function.

Verilog II 39
FIGURE 4.34 Interaction between stimulus and design modules

Outputs of the circuit should be matched to wires in the test bench.

Digital Design: With an Introduction to the Verilog HDL, 5e Copyright 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc.
M. Morris Mano Michael D. Ciletti All rights reserved.
System Tasks

Systems tasks are built-in functions.

Start with $.

$display -- display the current value of the variables in a list

$write -- same as $display, but does not go to next line
$monitor -- display the current value of the variables in a list
each time one of them changes.
$time -- current simulation time (for us, in ticks)
$finish -- terminate the simulation

Look in book for further details.

Verilog II 41

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