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Los verbos modales: must, have to,

should, should have

(Modals: must, have to, should, should have)
Se usa "should" para dar o pedir consejo o para dar opiniones en el presente:

"I have a terrible stomachache." "You should go to the doctor's."

"I havent heard from my father." "You should call him."
"She's not happy with the salary offered." "She shouldn't accept the job."

Se usa "should" / "shouldn't" + el infinitivo del verbo principal (sin "to")


I do more exercise.
You get a new car.
He, She, It smoke.
We shouldn't
They (should not) spend so much money.

I get more qualifications?

Should he / she / it
wear something different?

Should have
Se usa "should have" para dar su opinin o pedir su opinin en el presente en relacin a
algo que sucedi en el pasado:

"I had a terrible stomachache." "You should have gone to the doctors."
"I didnt hear from my father last week." "You should have called him."
"She isn't happy with the salary shes getting." "She shouldn't have
accepted the job."
Se usa "should" / "shouldn't have" + el participio pasado del verbo principal


I should have taken a taxi.

He / She / It
shouldn't have written that comment.

Should he / she / it have worked overtime?

Dar o pedir consejo usando el verbo entre parntesis:

He the position. (accept)

The correct answer is: should accept

You mobile phones in the classroom. (not allow)

The correct answer is: shouldn't allow or should not allow

we that we cheated? (admit)

The correct answers are: Should & admit

They work early yesterday. (not leave)

The correct answer is: shouldn't have left or should not have left

Compruebe sus respuestas

Have to
Se usa "have to" para mostrar que una persona est obligada a hacer algo, por lo general
debido a una fuerza externa, "have to" tambin se puede usar para expresar opinin:

You have to show your passport at passport control.

(It's the law = Es la ley)
Jenny has to do homework every evening.
(Her parents told her to do her homework = Sus padres le dijeron que hiciera sus
Tom had to work late last night.
(He hadn't finished his work = no haba terminado su trabajo)
You have to tell him!
(Esta es mi opinin (firme))
You dont have to eat that if you dont like it.
(I am not obliging you to eat it = No te estoy obligando a que lo comas)

La forma negativa, "don't" / "doesn't" / "didn't have to", significa que uno no est
obligado a hacer algo.

El presente simple de "have" + "to" + infinitivo (sin "to")
The past simple of 'have' + to + infinitive (without to)


have to leave the house early to catch the bus.
care for the children.
He / She / It has to
don't have to leave the house early to catch the bus.
care for the children.
He / She / It doesn't have to

Do work on Saturday?
we have to
Does he / she / it attend the conference?

leave the house early to catch the bus.
You had to
care for the children.
He / She / It
leave the house early to catch the bus.
He / She / It didn't have to
care for the children.

work on Saturday?
Did he / she / it have to
attend the conference?

Dar o pedir consejo usando el verbo entre parntesis:

You to the internet to send an email. (connect)

The correct answer is: have to connect

Adrian every weekend unless he wants to. (not train)

The correct answer is: doesn't have to train or does not have to train

you your passport at the border? (show)

The correct answers are: Do or Did & have to show

Amy 30 hours a week last year. (teach)

The correct answer is: had to teach

Compruebe sus respuestas

"Must" tambin se usa para hablar de obligacin y se usa en reglas e instrucciones

You must submit your proposal by noon on 12th July.

You must not use a calculator during the exam.
"Must" tambin se usa para hacer una recomendacin firme:

You must tell him before it's too late.

You mustn't be late for work on your first day.

La forma negativa, "mustn't" ("must not"), significa que usted est obligado a hacer algo
o se le recomienda no hacer algo.

"must" o "mustn't" ("must not") + el infinitivo del verbo (sin "to")


I report the theft to the police immediately.

He / She / It
mustn't forget to transfer the money.

Must he / she / it go?

Si bien las preguntas con "must" son gramaticalmente correctas, hoy en da suele ser
ms habitual usar "have to" en las preguntas.

"Must" denotando obligacin no se suele usar en el pasado:

We had to show our passports at the border.

We werent allowed to use calculators in the exam.
Or, we couldnt use calculators in the exam.

Dar o pedir consejo usando el verbo entre parntesis:

You late for the train. (not be)

The correct answer is: mustn't be or must not be

We their wedding anniversary. (celebrate)

The correct answer is: must celebrate

You the application form in black ink. (complete)

The correct answer is: must complete

He his dog chew the furniture. (not let)

The correct answer is: mustn't let or must not let

Compruebe sus respuestas

Ms prctica
Elija la respuesta correcta para completar la frase: a, b, c d.

You ____ remember to close the windows when you leave the house.

The correct answer is: must

mustn'tdon't have tomustshouldn't

You ____ eat fast food every day. Its very bad for you.

The correct answer is: shouldn't

musthave todon't have toshouldn't

Maria ____ the operation but she was too scared. Now shes very ill.

The correct answer is: should have had

should haveshould have hadmust have hadmust have

Juan ____ visit Prague once a month for meetings, but he enjoys it.

The correct answer is: has to

has toshould havehave toshould

You ____ perform that song. Its offensive.

The correct answer is: mustn't

should havemustn'tdon't have toshould

You ____ come with me. Im happy to go alone.

The correct answer is: don't have to

mustshould havedon't have tomustn't have

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Should / Must / Have to



Se utiliza para dar consejos. Se indica que algo es bueno y por lo
tanto se debera hacer. Es una recomendacin, no una obligacin.
Tiene menos fuerza impositiva que "must" y que "have to".
If you feel bad you should go to the doctor
Tambin se utiliza para dar una orden pero de forma muy
Anyone who wants to enter the conference should show his
(Se trata realmente de una obligacin -es obligatorio mostrar las
credenciales para entrar en la conferencia-, pero est expresada
de forma poco coercitiva)
Construccin: este verbo modal va seguido del infinitivo del verbo
principal sin la partcula "to".
Se utiliza en pasado, presente y futuro.
I should have finished my report yesterday (pasado)
You should help me, I can not do it alone (presente)
Tomorrow you should call your parents (futuro)
El pasado se utiliza para indicar algo que se debera haber hecho
y no se hizo.
La forma negativa es: shouldn't
You shouldn't smoke
Y la forma interrogativa: Should + sujeto...?
Should I wear a dark suit for the party?

Must / Have to
Expresan una obligacin, algo que hay que hacer.
You must come here immediately (es una orden)
If you want to make a career in a company you have to speak
English (No hay alternativa: o hablas ingls o no hay carrera
Comprueba la diferencia con la siguiente oracin:
Nowdays it is very important to speak English. You should do it.
Aqu se trata de un consejo, mientras que en la anterior era una
Por otra parte, cuando se utiliza "must" / "have to" el emisor tiene
la conviccin de que la obligacin va a ser cumplida, mientras que
cuando se utiliza "should" no se sabe si el consejo se va a seguir o
We should buy a new car (es un deseo; no hay seguridad de que
vayamos a hacerlo)
We must buy a new car (hay muchas probabilidades de que lo

Los Verbos Should y Must en Ingls, Cmo y Cundo Usar

Cada Uno de Ellos
junio 9, 2015 por Wlingua 1 comentario

En la lengua inglesa hay algunos verbos que se comportan de forma distinta que en
espaol. Como estudiantes del ingls como lengua extranjera, tenemos que saber
reconocer los distintos verbos y saber las funciones que pueden desempear en una
oracin. En este artculo puedes aprender ms sobre los verbos en la lengua inglesa.
Los verbos should y must pertencen al paradigma de los verbos modales, es decir,
no pueden funcionar como un verbo principal en una oracin, son verbos
complementarios.Es importante recordar que al formar oraciones con los
verbos should y must, el verbo en el que recae la accin, el verbo principal, no va
precedido de to.

El Uso del Verbo Modal Should en Ingls

El verbo should es un verbo modal que se puede traducir al espaol por debera.
Entre sus usos estn el de pedir y dar consejos (es una forma atenuada de obligacin),
comunicar que algo no es correcto, criticar acciones pasadas o hacer sugerencias de
forma atenuada cuando la respuesta nos es desconocida.

You should study more. Deberas estudiar ms.

We should go to the cinema. Deberamos ir al cine.
Should I call the doctor? Debera llamar al mdico?
You should not leave your books in the kitchen. No deberas dejar tus libros en la
You should have called to say that you would be late. Deberas haber llamado
para decir que llegaras tarde.

Formamos oraciones afirmativas con el verbo should de la siguiente manera:

sujeto + should + infinitivo sin to

I should work on my accent. Debera trabajar en mi acento.

Las oraciones negativas con should se forman de la siguiente manera:

sujeto + should not / shouldnt + infinitivo sin to

They should not be late. No deberan llegar tarde.

You shoul not /shouldnt play the music so loud. / No deberas poner la msica tan
He should not / shouldnt drive so fast, it is very dangerous. l no debera conducir
tan rpido, es muy peligroso.

Las oraciones interrogativas con should se forman de la siguiente manera:

should + sujeto + infinitivo sin to

Should I go to the wedding? Yes, you should. Debera ir a la boda? S, deberas.

Should they leave their things here? No, they should not / shouldnt. Deberan
dejar sus cosas aqu. No, no deberan.
Should we buy some food for the trip? Deberamos comprar algo de comida para
el viaje?
By: sookie

El Uso del Verbo Modal Must en la Lengua Inglesa

Los usos principales del verbo must son obligacin, prohibicin, deber moral,
persuasin y deduccin afirmativa. Recordemos que como es un verbo modal, nunca
ir seguido de to cuando formemos una oracin. El significado del verbo must
corresponde a deber en espaol.

You must improve your skills if you want to pass the exam. Debes mejorar tus
conocimientos si quieres aprobar el examen.

She must not (mustnt) be late. No puede llegar tarde.

You must respect the law. Debes respetar la ley.
The movie is great, you must go see it. La pelcula es genial, tienes que ir a verla.
The music is on, there must be someone home. La msica est puesta, debe de
haber alguien en casa.

Para formar oraciones afirmativas con el verbo must, se seguir la siguiente


sujeto + must + infinitivo sin to

I must do more exercise. Debo hacer ms deporte.

The students must read all the books for the exam. Los estudiantes deben leer
todos los libros para el examen.
He must work harder to improve his skills. Debe esforarse ms para mejorar sus

Para formular oraciones negativas con el verbo must, se procede de la siguiente


sujeto + must not / mustnt + infinitivo sin to

We must not / musntt tell them what the movie is about. No debemos decirles de
qu va la pelcula.
You must not / mustnt break the rules. No deber romer las reglas.

Los verbos modales en la lengua inglesa presentan un paradigma un tanto particular,

si quieres profundizar en este tema y conocerlos, puedes acudir a este artculo, seguro
que te resolver algunas dudas y te aportar conocimientos nuevos.

By: F Delventhal

A la hora de aprender una lengua nueva, nos encontramos con muchos elementos
similares entre esa lengua y la nuestra, pero debemos tener siempre presente que a
pesar de las similitudes, cada lengua tiene sus particularidades y reglas propias. Si
quieres profundizar ms en este tema, y seguir aprendiendo ingls como lengua
extranjera, no dejes de descubrir nuestro curso completo online, que te permitir
aprender en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar.

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