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McKinsey Award

Title: Can You Say What Your Strategy Is? 2010/08
Harvard Business Review; Apr2008, Vol. 86 Issue 4, p82-90

From Abstract
35단어(영어기준)으로 전략을 설명하지 못하면 안된다. Edward Jones사례를 통해 구체적인 솔루션제시.
Company Statement: Mission + Values + Vision + Strategy(Objectives, Scope, Advantage) +
E Evaluating industry landscape: segmenting customers + identifying unique ways of delivering
F value + analyzing competitors’ strategies and might-be their change.
O Key is Sweet Spot where firm’s capabilities and customers’ needs align in a way that
R competitors cannot match.
E KeyWord :
35 words, Company Statement, Strategy statement(Objectives, Scope, Advantage), Sweet
Interesting Point
Mission, Values, Vision, Strategy, BSC가 일관성 있게 설명되고 있는 점.
Important Concept from my view or author’s
The trade-offs companies make are what distinguish them strategically from other firms
Objective ≠ value
A Hierarch of Company Statement
Leaving No Room for Misinterpretation of Strategy Statements
Sweet Spot
A Spending the time to develop the few words
F I got an idea!
T 회사의 Strategy Statement을 이렇게까지 단순화 시켜야 하는구나! 좋은 방법론 익혔다.
E 특히 Hierarch of company statement 개념을 큰 도움이 되었다.
R Etc.
1 professor at the Harvard Business School
2. Senior research fellow at Harvard Business School, where he taught for many years until his untimely death in 2006

[Activity-System Map]관련 “What Is Strategy” HBR Nov-Dec 1996, Porter

[Developing a Strategy Statement]관련 “Competing on Resources: Strategy in the 1990s’” HBR July-August 1995, David J. Collis, et

e Note
82 In 35 words or less, can you summarize your company’s strategy? (무지 어렵더군요.)
84 Good sample:
Our aim is to grow to 17,000 financial advisers by 2012 by offering trusted and convenient
face-to-face financial advice to conservative individual investors who delegate their financial
decisions, through a national network of one-financial-adviser offices
84 If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” – 멋있는 maxim! (커피생
84 Elements of a Strategy Statement
- Objective: end point, time frame, 언제까지 어떤 목표를 가지고 할래?
- Scope: 어느 분야에서 사업을 할래?-
85 - Advantage: 왜 고객들이 다른 대안을 놔 두고 돈을 지불해야 되는건데?
85 포터가 지적했듯이 objective-scope-advantage간에는 trade-off가 생긴다. 수익성과 성장을 같이?, Want to share knowledge and wisdom with you ^^
85 The trade-offs companies make are what distinguish them strategically from other
firms. (대박!!)
85 A Hierarch of Company Statement (표)
Mission Why we exist – Values What we believe in and how we will behave – Vision What we want to be– Strategy
competitive game plan (Objective Ends – Scope Domain – Advantage Means) – BSC How we will monitor and
implement that plan.
85 Objective와 Value와 혼동 마라.
[xxx를 통한 주주이익극대화] [ 우리 직원들로 하여금 지역사회에 기여하게 하는 것] --- 둘 다 아님!
How employee should behave (doing things right) 는 value
What the firm should do (the right thing to do)는 objective
86 Scope = ∑ (① customer or offering, ② geographic location, ③ degree of vertical integration)
87 Advantage: ex) Merrill Lynch, Wells Fargo, LPL Financial
① value proposition ex)월마트 밸류포지션 그림,
② unique delivering way Activity-System Map (Porter, 1996:71)
89 Evaluating industry landscape= segmenting customers + identifying unique ways of
delivering value + analyzing competitors’ strategies and might-be their change
89 Sweet Spot: 고객은 원하나 경쟁사가 들어오지 않은 Zone
: two or three plausible but very different strategic options을 제공
(바로 틈새시장 개척을 달리 표현한 것 아닐까? 이게 좀 더 있어 보인다 ^^)
90 Leaving No Room for Misinterpretation of Strategy Statements. (표 참조)
90 Cascading the statement throughout the organization, so that each level of management will
be the teacher for the level below, becomes the starting point for incorporating strategy into
everyone's behavior.

The value of rhetoric should not be underestimated. A 35- word statement can have a
substantial impact on a company's success. Words do lead to action. Spending the time to
develop the few words that truly capture your strategy and that will energize and empower
your people will raise the long-term financial performance of your organization.
End of page, Want to share knowledge and wisdom with you ^^

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