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7 Ways To Reduce Food Sensitivities

If you feel like you have all of a sudden developed an allergy to certain types
of foods, or even just feel a little less like yourself after your meals, you may
have a food sensitivity. A food sensitivity is a low-grade reaction to certain
types of foods that causes an inflammatory reaction within your body.
Over time these foods can damage your gut and dysregulate your immune
system, opening the doors to many health problems. Food sensitivities are
one of the first factors I address with my patients, so in this article I am going
to break down 7 ways to reduce food sensitivities in your own body.
The Damaging Impact of Food Sensitivities
You may be familiar to the idea of a food allergy. This is when someone has
an outright and obvious negative reaction to a certain food. We all know
someone who has an allergy to peanuts or dairy for example.

A food sensitivity however is an inflammatory reaction that can occur on a

systemic level over time without you knowing it. Left unaddressed, it can
eventually develop into an outright allergy due to leaky gut and possibly even

Common Symptoms Of Food Sensitivities

A food sensitivity is a low-grade inflammatory reaction to a food. Typically,
the longer you have been consuming a food you are sensitive to, the more you
begin to experience symptoms. Common symptoms of food sensitivities


Brain Fog
Food Cravings



Heart Burn
Joint Pain


Acne or Eczema


If you are experiencing any of these symptoms on a regular basis, you will
likely want to take steps to remove common reactive foods and strengthen
your bodys resilience against sensitivities.
Allergy Vs Sensitivity
There are currently three main explanations for the negative reactions that
occur in the body from specific foods. These reactions are classified as IgE,
non-IgE, or IgG-mediated. The Ig in these abbreviations stand for
Immunoglobulin. Immunoglobulins are important regulatory proteins in the
immune system that regulate inflammatory reactions to strategically focus the
immune system on specific targets such as viruses and foreign bacteria.
In a classic allergic reaction where consuming a certain food, such as peanuts,
can lead to a life-threatening reaction, you are looking at an IgE-mediated
process. Non-IgE-mediated reactions are typically isolated to the gut and
result in damage to the GI tract, gas/bloating, and potentially diarrhea. Non-
IgE mediated reactions are thought to be largely influenced by the makeup of
your gut bacteria (1).
Finally, there are IgG-mediated reactions which are thought to be the primary
culprit in food sensitivity development. Continued exposure to foods that
elicit an IgG-mediated reaction can are now thought to cause systemic
problems in the body over time and oftentimes develop into full-blown
allergies if not addressed.

The steps in this article are meant to help prevent this progression and
strengthen your bodys defenses against these unwanted reactions to foods.
Get Rid of Inflammatory Foods
The first step you want to take is to remove common inflammatory foods
from the diet. How reactive you are to certain foods is heavily determined by
the health of your gut. By removing common reactive foods for a period of
time, you lessen the burden on your gut and allow it time to heal.

Some of the most common food sensitivities include:

Wheat (and most other grains)

Soy (and most other beans/legumes)
Eggs & Dairy
Fish (especially shellfish)
Conventionally Raised Meats
You will definitely want to make sure you at least remove the foods listed
above from your diet. If you want to take it a step further, I recommend
following an elimination diet program.
Follow An Elimination Diet
An elimination diet follows the initial principle outlined above by removing
common reactive foods from the diet for a period of time. The next step,
however, is to reintroduce these foods one at a time to identify which ones
you are specifically reactive to.
If you have a sensitivity to a food, your body will produce a stress response to
it when you consume it. This will activate your sympathetic nervous system
and drive your heart rate up. By reintroducing foods back into your diet and
performing a pulse test, you can identify your unique food sensitivities for
Check out my video below on how to perform a pulse test on yourself.

Strengthen Stomach Acid Production

If you want to strengthen your resilience against food sensitivities, you need
to support your stomach acid. One of the big reasons you can get a reaction to
a food is that you have a damaged, leaky gut. When you have leaky gut,
undigested food particles get into your system. Once there, the immune
system treats them as foreign invaders.
Those larger molecules become stored in your immune systems memory and
every time you eat that food in the future you have an inflammatory response
and this is oftentimes how someone can develop new food allergies (2).
Unfortunately, the relationship between stomach acid and food sensitivities is
actually a downward spiral. This is because inflammatory foods inhibit
stomach acid production over time and low stomach acid inhibits your ability
to fully break down those same foods. The result is continued damage,
inhibited digestive processes, and continued release of undigested food
particles into the blood stream.

In addition to following the steps already mentioned, you may find it

advantageous to use a stomach acid support supplement. This will help you
fully digest your food while relieving stress from the digestive tract, assisting
it in rebuilding.
Meanwhile, you will want to support your own intrinsic formation of stomach
acid by following the steps illustrated below.
Consider Digestive Enzymes
If you havent noticed so far, a lot of healing the gut has to do with removing
as many stressors as possible. Removing reactive foods and taking steps
to support proper digestion are critical here. On top of supporting stomach
acid production, supplementing with a high quality digestive enzyme
complex can be especially helpful in breaking down a variety of foods.
Consequently, one of the common symptoms of low enzyme production is an
increase in food sensitivities. Additionally, your immune, detoxification, as
well as many other systems in the body rely on enzymes to carry out normal
functions. Getting a broad range of enzymes into your body on a daily basis
will help aid in rebalancing these processes.

SuperDZyme is my personally developed enzymatic complex that I use for

this purpose. For gut support, I would recommend consuming 2-4 capsules
with each solid-food meal. Enzymes are also great for ongoing digestive
support for everyday wellness and they are something I even use on a daily
basis for the benefits outlined below.

Improve Immune Tolerance

The damage that occurs in the gut over time due to inflammatory foods
eventually leads to leaky gut. As I mentioned earlier, this allows large food
molecules into the bloodstream that distract the immune system from real
pathogenic threats.
This means a lot of the inflammation caused by food sensitivities is actually
due to unwarranted immune reactions. With this in mind, one of the best ways
to increase your resilience against food sensitivities is to take steps to
strengthen and coordinate your immune system.
The top nutrients I have found for this purpose include: Quercetin, Curcumin,
Zinc Glycinate, L-Glutamine, Ginger, and Pea Protein.
Gut Healing Support Supplements
You can purchase these ingredients individually; however, I have formulated
a gut healing protein blend containing all of these nutrients that is specifically
designed for restoring gut health and improving detoxification systems in the
body that also serves as a powerful source of nutrition.
As an additional strategy, colostrum is powerful immune support for the
gut. Colostrum is a compound found in high concentrations in mothers milk
of most mammals. It contains important immunoglobulins that act to balance
gut flora, reduce GI inflammation, and aid in healing the gut lining. For a
concentrated source of gut healing immunoglobulins, I recommend Gut
Take Gentle Anti-Microbials
If you have unbalanced gut flora or have harmful pathogens in your gut, it is
going to be difficult to reduce food sensitivities. When pathogens are present
in the gut, you will have continued inflammation and distraction of the
immune system.
My recommended strategy for this is to utilize gentle anti-microbial
compounds on a daily basis to rebalance and maintain the microbiome of
your GI tract. This includes things like: garlic, onions, fermented foods,
Italian herbs (oregano, thyme, rosemary), lemon & lime juices, and apple
cider vinegar. Essential oils such as oregano can also be very powerful for
Alternatively, you could supplement with an anti-microbial supplement such
as GI Regulator on a regular basis. This formula is a gentle and simple way to
help rebalance your gut flora on a daily basis.
Take Specific Probiotics
There has been some interesting research showing that the microbiome of
your gut can either potentiate or protect you from experiencing food
sensitivities (3, 4). This makes sense as the microbes in your gut interact with
every bite of food that you eat.
Things like antibiotic use, exposure to damaging chemicals, processed foods,
spending too much time in a sterilized environment, and even being formula
fed as a child can all alter the microbiome in a way that increases your
likelihood of suffering from food allergies.

The presence of specific strains of bacteria in the gut such as: Lactobacilli,
Saccharomyces boulardii, Bacillus coagulans, and L. acidophilus have all
shown to play some role in reducing food sensitivities and restoring a healthy
microbial environment in the gut (5, 6). At the same time, probiotics have
been shown to help restore the integrity of the gut lining which is also an
important step for reducing sensitivity (7).
Our SBO probiotic is a great source of these sensitivity-reducing probiotic
strains. For those intolerant to probiotics or are having severe digestive
issues, I would recommend beginning with our Prescript-Assist. Prescript-
Assist is a great low-dose soil-based probiotic that does a great job of laying a
foundation for a healthy gut microbiome. For many of my patients I will
recommend beginning with Prescript-Assist for 1-3 months before
introducing SBO and this gets great results.
Bonus Strategies
Reduce FODMAP Sensitivities
FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligo, Di- and Monosaccharides and
Polyols. While this sounds complicated, these are just compounds that occur
in specific types of foods. If you are someone with an imbalance in your gut
bacteria, especially in the small intestine, you will likely react negatively to
FODMAP foods.

If you have small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), I would recommend

eliminating FODMAP foods for a short amount of time to help restore
balance in the small intestine. Take a look at the chart below. If you notice
that after consuming any of the following foods that you consistently get
diarrhea and flatulence, it may be advantageous for you to remove
FODMAPs from your diet.
During this time, it would be a good idea consume anti-microbials, probiotics
such as Prescript-Assist, and nourishing foods like bone broth.
Reduce Histamine Sensitivities
Allergies can often be potentiated or caused by elevated histamine in the
body. Histamine is an important inflammatory molecule that plays a role in
regulating immunity. In some individuals however, elevated histamine or
improper histamine metabolism can lead to exaggerated reactions to different
environmental factors, such as food compounds.

These people will usually know whether or not they are histamine intolerant.
They are often very reactive to things like fermented foods and some even
report being allergic to the sun!
In this case, it is very important to reduce your exposure to histamine-raising
foods while also taking steps to improve your metabolism of histamines.
Many of the steps outlined in this article will help improve your histamine
response. You can read more about histamine intolerance here.

Complete Digestive Health Analysis

While following an food elimination diet along with strategies in this article
is a great way to reduce your food sensitivities. The most efficient and
targeted strategy is to use functional lab testing to quickly identify your
sensitivities and current health of your gut.

We use the Food Sensitivity IgG test to look at specific food sensitivities,
an Organic Acid test to look for nutrient deficiencies and microbial
biomarkers and a stool test to look at the makeup of the microbiome. We
combine all 3 of these labs in our Digestive Health Analysis, which is one of
the best ways to quickly identify the health of your microbiome, signs of a
damaged gut, and pinpoint your specific food sensitivities.
With this information, we can develop a personal plan specifically aimed at
the results we see on your lab work. If you are feeling severely inhibited by
your digestive health, this would be a great package to get in order to find the
root cause of your problems and get a well-designed plan to get well.

You are likely hosting one or more parasiteswhich can enter your body
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Do You Have Any of the Following?
Gastrointestinal: pain/cramps, excess gas, bloating, constipation/diarrhea

Infertility and hormone disorders

Skin issues: acne, itching, rashes

Mental health: depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc.

Challenges with autoimmune disease recovery

If you are dealing with any of these issues than you MUST
ATTEND this free online event!
Sources For This Article Include:
1. Jyonouchi, H. (2012). Non-IgE mediated food allergy update of recent progress in

mucosal immunity. Inflammation & Allergy Drug Targets, 11(5), 382396. PMID: 22680623

2. Fasano, A. (2012). Leaky gut and autoimmune diseases. Clinical Reviews in Allergy and

Immunology, 42(1), 7178. PMID: 22109896

3. Stefka, A. T., Feehley, T., Tripathi, P., Qiu, J., McCoy, K., Mazmanian, S. K., Nagler, C. R.

(2014). Commensal bacteria protect against food allergen sensitization. Proc Natl Acad Sci

U S A, 111(36), 1314550. PMID: 25157157

4. Cao, S., Feehley, T. J., & Nagler, C. R. (2014). The role of commensal bacteria in the

regulation of sensitization to food allergens. FEBS Letters, 588(22), 42584266.

PMID: 24791655

5. Fosca A, Polsinelli L, Aquilio E (2015) Effects of Probiotic Supplementation in Non-Celiac

Gluten Sensitivity Patients. J Hum Nutr Food Sci 3(5): 1073. (Link)
6. Pandey, K. R., Naik, S. R., & Vakil, B. V. (2015). Probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics- a

review. Journal of Food Science and Technology. PMID: 26604335

7. Rao, R. K., & Samak, G. (2013). Protection and Restitution of Gut Barrier by Probiotics:

Nutritional and Clinical Implications. Current Nutrition and Food Science, 9(2), 99107.

PMID: 24353483


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