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Force of Life FREE Training August 3rd 2013

Welcome everybody. Im honored to be here with you today. Were going to go

very deep into the truth of your reality, to uncover whats not working and to
explore the possibilities.

First, lets take a moment to land here together. Let go of any preoccupations or
other activities and just take the time to land here, to bring our collective energy
together in the same room. Take a deep breathe in, and breathe out.

First I would invite you to think about this question: why are you here? There are
lots of other things you could be doing on a Saturday afternoon or Saturday
night, and you chose to be here. There has to be a reason. What is bringing you

When I was young, I really lived a miserable life. I didnt have any social life. I
was living in fear, anxiety and withdrawal for the majority of my life all the way
until 19-year old. Yes I did have hobbies to keep me busy and distracted from my
unhappiness, like programming computers, playing trading card games like
Magic: The Gathering, and especially playing computer games, that was a big
one. I remember back in college, we had organized a big LAN party where
everybody brings their computer and plays against each other in the same room
for 24 hours in a row. We were like 35 men and 2 women in the room, all
ordering pizza for diner to keep playing while eating. I didnt feel so lonely
anymore, because we were all living a similar miserable life, and we all had
found a great way to get distracted from the truth of our reality.

Ive been playing around with the Hawkins scale lately, which measures the level
of consciousness of anyone or anything on a scale going from 0 being death to
1000 being enlightenment. Most people around the world live between 150 and
250, which varies from anger, pride, courage and neutrality. From the age 0 to
20, I lived between 95 and 102 on the Hawkins scale, which is fear, anxiety and
withdrawal. Now, at 28-year old, Im at 902 on the Hawkins scale, which is high
level of enlightenment according to his definition. Above 900 is about being the
master at creating our own reality. There are very few people on the planet
reaching 900, and you can probably count them in your hands. Going from 95
being the lowest consciousness to 902 being the highest consciousness is really
a radical shift that happened within just a few years. How did that happen?

Ill share with you something. I never experienced the average reality of life
ranging from anger, pride, courage and neutrality. Ive only been in that average

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consciousness level for a few months of my life while I was in Barcelona, and
then I passed right through it from living in anxiety to living in willingness and
optimism. In those few months where I was living in the average consciousness
zone, I was living with 3 great roommates in Barcelona, we had lots of social
activities and parties with lots of friends coming over, and I had 3 girlfriends for
most of the time I was living there. I was in the sweet spot socially.

Now that I look back, there is a cost to raising consciousness. If you want to
create a new reality of power, purpose and freedom at a higher consciousness
level, you have to give up your current reality, and stepping out of the social
norms means that youll stop relating with the majority of people and will instead
relate with fewer people who resonate with your new reality. If I had grown up in
that average consciousness level with an active social life, a girlfriend and good
enough success, theres no way I would have given it all up to sky-rocket my
evolution in the way I did.

What did I have to give up? Nothing! Fear, anxiety, withdrawal, sure! Take it
away, I dont want that anyway. I had nothing to give up and never experienced
the average reality of life, thats why I was free to become whoever I wanted to

Depression is something that nobody ever really talks about yet its a very real
problem that many people experience, especially men. Depression is not about
being sad because of circumstances. Depression is when you feel like crap no
matter what happens around you. You could win a public award as being the
best employee of the year and you would still feel like crap and have a hard time
getting up in the morning, to then face the remarks of all these people at work
who you wish would just leave you alone. People make jokes about you and you
feel like theyre harassing you non-stop, and because you react in such a way
they keep doing it. Its like living a life shining crappiness, and there doesnt
seem to be any way out.

Obviously Im not living in that zone anymore. How did I go from a reality of
depression into a reality of enlightenment, totally bypassing social conformity? I
sold my computer, sold my car, left my job, left my apartment and purchased a 1-
year plane ticket from Quebec to Barcelona when I couldnt even speak 5 words
of Spanish. Actually, my plane landed in Paris and I walked for two weeks across
France in the Compostelles Path before going to Barcelona. I just gave it all up,
including my computer games, I sold my Diablo II account for over $100 on eBay,
and I travelled and lived without a computer. I got a computer programming job in
Barcelona and I was probably the only programmer that didnt have a computer

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himself! I just couldnt withdraw in front of my computer anymore, and I was
forced to find other ways of spending my time, and had to meet more people.

And Barcelona is just gorgeous by the way. It has the beaches on one side, the
mountains on the other side, the sun is always shining on top and its the party
non-stop in-between. It took me about 3 months just to lift myself out of

What Im really saying is this. This depression you are living is your key to
greater freedom. The worst enemies of reaching higher levels of realities are
social conformity and living a tolerable and unfulfilling life. Most people live in that
zone and will remain there for the rest of their lives, living a reality varying from
anger to living a satisfactory life, and sometimes even reaching into willingness
and acceptance.

You can bypass all that. There is one client I worked with who was at a
consciousness level of 100, which is fear, anxiety and withdrawal. He really had
a crippling social anxiety that was affecting every aspect of his life and making
his life miserable. Now hes at 410 which is reason and understanding. We had 3
sessions over the phone over the course of 3 months. He completely bypassed
the average reality of life and never experienced how most people live their lives.
Things will just keep going from there.

I actually made a chart showing the evolution of my level of consciousness each

year of my life. By the way, you can do all these readings yourself through
muscle testing by following the methodology David Hawkins teaches. Im directly
reading the numbers psychically which is just much faster. Im thinking of
releasing that chart about myself. At the age 22 I was at 120 and now that Im
just about to be 29, I reached 902. You clearly see on the chart where I got
coaches. Rion Freeberg was my first mentor, and when I found out about him
online, my consciousness level went from 120 to 300 that year. When I found out
about my alchemy teacher, my consciousness level went from 400 to 712 that
year. When I started working with David Neagle, things went from 756 and kept
rising very fast ever since.

Thats how I completely flipped my reality around within just a few years. Heres
the funny thing. When I was in that place of misery and withdrawal, I had no idea
what I wanted my life to be, I just knew I wanted my life to be different. I was
seeking answers, and all I knew was that the society I lived in wasnt providing
answers that would fill that craving. Now that Im looking back, I did have two
things. Looking at my energy field when I was 15-year old, my personality
extended 3 feet, my self-acceptance extended 3 inches, my communication

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extended 1 inch and my connection to stillness extended 1 inch, which is
extremely repressed. However, my connection to the force of life extended 15
feet and my self-confidence extended 15 feet, and thats all I needed. I had a
very strong desire inside of me, and had enough self-confidence to follow
through on it and leave everything behind.

So what was that connection to the force of life and how did it show up in my life?
I had a strong sense that something wasnt quite right with my life and had a very
strong desire to live my life differently. I had this fuel pushing me forward that
was also creating a growing sense of discontentment and frustration about my
lack of social life, virginity, public harassment, isolation and just not fitting into
society and into social groups, with nobody being able to understand me. That
one thing that was different about me that nobody could understand was that
connection to the force of life seeking expression through me.

Ive been forced to go to church every Sunday for my whole life until I got into
college and moved into my own apartment. I did not want to hear anything about
God or about religion, period. Computer programming and analyzing systems
was a very safe place for me to withdraw into. I got extremely good at it, today
Im still receiving job offers every week because my Resume is still in their
database. I was an analyst programmer and thought I understood everything
about how the world works. No need for religion bullshit to explain the way the
world works, you only need to understand cause and effect, or so I thought back
then, until I got into energetic experiences that I simply could not explain. I just
had no idea whatsoever of what I did not know.

My view on it today is very different. Generally, religion is about holding onto

beliefs while spirituality is about continually seeking deeper answers. If we look at
a philosophy of life being a fixed set of beliefs and values, atheism is a
philosophy of life, science is a philosophy of life and Western spirituality is a
philosophy of life. The force of life creates a value conflict with what is generally
taught in Western spirituality.

I just hosted a live event in Budapest with Rion Freeberg, we have 4 guys flying
from all over Europe. One of them, who was at his 3rd event with us, was now
going intensively through that value conflict. We could all acknowledge the value
conflict and see how real it is.

What is this value conflict? This client was now valuing only spiritual stillness and
didnt know how to make the force of life and sexuality fit into it. Rion Freeberg
used to be in the reverse situation, where he used to value only heart and sex
which is related to the force of life, and he had resistance to the spiritual side of

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it. If you look at my new book Energy Profiles Explained, even Eckhart Tolle is
going through that value conflict which shows up in his sexual energy center, and
he has never been able to resolve it.

Value conflicts can really block your evolution and keep you stuck. Or, if you
dont have awareness of the conflicting side, it causes you to gradually grow your
life in an unbalanced way.

By the way, Eckhart Tolle went through that very same depression, before
wandering jobless in a state of bliss for a while. He went through his own journey
to explore the stillness aspect of spirituality. I went through my own journey to
explore the force of life aspect of spirituality, which was really exploring sexuality,
charisma, emotional connections and inner power.

The first step in resolving the value conflict is acknowledging there is one, and
realizing there are two paths ahead of you to lift you out of depression. One is the
path of stillness; one is the path of life force energy. And, a third path is to
consciously follow both of these paths at once.

If youre living in that reality of fear, anxiety and withdrawal, and are getting a
small income but not enough to invest in what you really want, heres one piece
of advice I will give you. Dont get started in a penny-less spiritual path. Invest in
yourself to increase your ability to earn income, and the investments always
happen first. Leverage what you have to build yourself and your future.

If you go down a penny-less spiritual path and do not value money or even the
physical reality, heres what is going to happen. First, your comfort zone will
become very comfortable and it will become increasingly difficult to get out of it to
have what you truly want. Second, youll be broke, and youll pretend you dont
care. Third, you will not be able to seriously invest in your growth and youll keep
progressing very slowly while trying to figure it out on your own. Fourth, you wont
have much of a sexual life because it wont quite fit into your values of stillness,
so you will try to transcend it and pretend sexuality is an illusion. For some
people, this is the path their soul is meant to follow and thats perfectly fine.

If youre like me, however, living small and in scarcity is just not what youre in
for. Some great spiritual teachers say that the physical world is an illusion, and I
will also add this. The belief that the physical world is an illusion is an illusion
itself. It is what it is. Reality is what it is. There is no illusion or not illusion, it just
is, and you experience your physical life. Scarcity is also an illusion, so if you see
yourself trading your life for $15 or $20 per hour for the rest of your life, youre
buying into an illusion. The truth is abundance and what creates the illusion of

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scarcity is your ignorance and lack of creative ideas. So, scarcity is not an
illusion, it is a reality for some of you, but its not the higher truth either.

So what is that higher truth? You are born to be powerful, and free, and happy.
You are born with a purpose, a role to play on this planet. Anything less than that
is merely mud covering the purity of your inner truth. Life is a journey, and it
happens one step at a time.

There is another path I didnt talk about, which is especially followed by those
who are living in the average reality of life, which is personal development, which
is another philosophy of life. Self-development as it is usually taught in the
Western society is based on the concept of self-control. The concept of self-
control is that since your emotions are sabotaging your life, you should control
them with your intellect and with reason. The problem with that is that it restricts
the flow of life force energy, especially the spiritual alignment and the emotional
vulnerability which allow greater connection and support from others.

On top of restricting the flow of life force energy, the concept of self-control also
creates an individualistic society where everybody is disconnected from each
other and living in their own bubble, as youve probably noticed as you were
walking downtown.

If you value inter-connectedness, trust and support, this brings a value conflict
that is rooted in a misunderstanding of emotions. Most people view emotions as
bio-chemical reactions in the brain that are the consequence of your thoughts
and circumstances, and although this is true, there is a higher truth to it. E-
motions are energies in motion, and everything in the Universe is energy. We are
all inter-connected through an energetic astral plane, and these e-motions are
the movements of energies between all of us. You create your reality based on
your emotions. Peoples subconscious behaviors around you are a reflection of
the emotions projected in your energy field. Emotions are also the drive that
pushes you forward, your desires, your intuition, your dreams, your sexuality,
your power, your inspiration, your faith and your love. You shape your reality
through your emotional presence, and then you reorganize the details with your
words and actions. If you dont believe me, try taking action to create a reality of
love and support from an emotional place of fear, anxiety and withdrawal. Its
impossible. You must shift your emotional and energetic reality first.

This concept of emotions is what has been stripped away from the Western
society. People value the intellect. People value spirit. People value the body.
However, what about emotions? Next time you walk downtown, pay attention to

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the people around you and you can literally feel an emotional void that causes a
sense of total disconnection from each other.

To live a more inter-connected and fulfilling reality, instead of controlling your

emotions with your intellect, you have to value the concept of self-mastery. The
difference is really whos in control? Most people are driven by their ego.
Where this gets confusing is that there are at least 20 different definitions for the
word ego, so that doesnt really mean anything. There are two different aspects
of the ego that are important to understand. Theres the ego that has been
conditioned by education and society that has a specific personality, strengths,
weaknesses, values and beliefs, which everybody has. All of that is basically
rooted in fears in some form or another. And then, there is another type of ego
that is your true essence, your greater unlimited potential, your souls purpose,
your greater expression and creativity, your vulnerability and authenticity, your
charisma and leadership, and your connection to a higher truth.

One of the dangers with the penny-less spiritual path is to drop both types of
egos and end up in a passive blissful state without really achieving your greater
potential in life. Self-mastery is about valuing your true essence, your power to
create your reality, your spiritual alignment, your leadership, your vulnerability
and your authenticity, and surrendering to that true essence which is really way
too vast to ever be able to wrap your intellect around it. By the way, leadership is
not your ability to enroll others into your vision. Leadership is your ability to enroll
yourself into your vision, and leading by example.

There is another huge misconception around the concept of desires. Buddha

said that desires are the source of all suffering. The truth is, cravings coming
from a place of lack cause attachments to outcomes and are the source of all
suffering. Desires, on the other hand, come from the latin de sidere which
means from the stars or from the divine. Desires are thoughts from the divine
seeking physical expression through you. Its very important to understand these
two very distinct types of desires.

As for the concept of taking full responsibility for your life, all that means is to
never look back, never blame others, never be a victim and never hesitate. What
it means is simply to have an undivided focus towards what you want and to
never look back. Its that simple.

Then theres the concept of alignment with your souls purpose. It doesnt mean
to know exactly what work youre going to do in the world, and it doesnt mean to
run a business. Your purpose is unique to you based on your unique situation in
life, your strengths and your weaknesses. For some people, their souls purpose

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is to die in a car accident at the exact right time to give someone else an
important life lesson. You have a more important purpose than that, and you
dont need to know what it is. Your purpose is not a destination. It is a path that is
constantly evolving. Its more like an inner compass that guides your decisions
even when you dont know why you feel like making those decisions. When you
align with life, life aligns with you. Thats very different from having the need to
control your life. This is about surrendering to a higher truth and letting go of the
need to control everything around you.

Letting go of control requires another important concept: trust. Trusting yourself

and trusting life, and knowing that you will be OK no matter what happens.
Another concept closely related to trust is faith. Blind faith is not understanding.
True faith is seeing the truth. Trust and faith are what allow you to keep your
mind fully focused on your desires and on your direction in life without looking
back, without making excuses and without buying into the illusions of temporary
defeats. All of these are important concepts to master, not from the perspective
of your ego and improving your personality, but from the perspective of your true
essence and your higher universal self that has no limits and that has the power
to shape reality through the mind.

So, how can you get started to transform the way you are living your life to have
greater freedom to do what you want when you want, better relationships with
others without social anxiety, more confidence to follow through on achieving
your desires and more money to have a greater power to influence and create
your reality?

Trying to figure it out on your own can take forever. Leaving everything behind
and traveling the world for years like I did is a great way but it does require a lot
of time and money, and still doesnt provide all the answers you seek.

Heres what I have to offer to get you started quickly. We can do an Energy
Tune-Up, where we will assess the current state of your reality and energy field
to determine whats holding you back and what you need to do to move forward.
You have an energy field that projects who you are within you, and your energy
field doesnt lie. All the cracks show up and it will clearly determine what is
blocking your greater heart and soul expression.

The energy tune-up comes in 4 components. Each of them can have a massive
impact in your life. Together, they can build momentum to move your life forward.

First, I will do an Energy Profile Reading. You send me a photo of you, and
through psychic reading, I will read very specific aspects of your energy field to
dress a clear profile of your strengths and weaknesses. The main reason you are

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stuck is because you avoid looking objectively at whats going on. If youre clearly
aware of where you stand, its fairly easy to walk out of that zone. If you dont
know where you stand, its like trying to walk out of a maze blind-folded. Lots of
people had a massive shift in their direction in life just based on this Energy
Profile Reading.

The second thing I will do is distance healing to remove the main energetic
vulnerabilities keeping you repressed and allowing your energy to leak.
Specifically, I will work on two types of energetic weaknesses within your energy
field. The first one is implants which are energetic connections plugging you into
the collective consciousness and preventing you from thinking on your own. The
second vulnerability is negative portals that are like black holes within your
energy field that allow negativity and stress around you to soak into your energy
field. If you try to heal yourself while you have portals, its like trying to empty a
boat that has holes. By removing these two types of vulnerabilities, you will feel
less affected by others and you will be able to think more freely and more clearly.
If you feel like youre being held in chains, youll feel these chains breaking away.
Since we are all emotionally connected, I can very easily remove those through
distance healing.

Third, you will get the book Energy Profiles Explained, if you havent read it yet. It
explains in-depth how your energy field really works and gives you a whole new
depth of understanding of your limitations and of your true power.

Fourth, you will get a 30 minutes strategy session over the phone with me where
we will go through the energy profile and dig more in-depth into what you truly
want to achieve with your life, what specifically prevents you from making it a
reality right now and what steps can you take to resolve it. Transformation does
not have to take time. It can happen very quickly. Its all about commitment,
clarity and precision.

The investment for the Energy Tune-Up is just $97 and you can get it right now
by going to

Or, click the link on the lower-right corner and well get started right away. Your
case is not desperate. Ive been there, I am not anymore and I helped many
others break free from depression and build a much more meaningful life that
inspires them every time they get up in the morning.

If youre not satisfied for any reason, it comes with a 365-days money-back
guarantee so you can just send me an email within the year to get a refund. I
know the value of what I offer and Im willing to take the risk on my shoulders.

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Theres really no risk on your side, besides the risk of giving up your reality of
fears, anxiety and withdrawal. Anyway, what do you have to lose by trying?

I know you want more out of your life, and youre not willing to give up until you
get there. This might be the next step in your journey. Otherwise, why would you
be here listening to me?

The other option is to get back into whatever distraction or hobby you have to
avoid facing your unhappiness and miserable reality of life. It works for a while,
until the frustrations keep building into depression up to a point where your life
goes south. Will you take action when everything falls apart, or will you take
action now?

The first step in your journey from depression to freedom is the Energy Tune-Up,
and its only $97. To get it, go to
or click the link on the lower-right side of your screen.

Alright, now Im going to open up the line for questions, so if you have questions,
type them up in the chat box on the right.

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