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34 ‘abdominal aorta [N-COUNT-U7] The abdominal aorta is one ofthe main veins carying de-oxygenated blood tothe heart from the lower part ofthe body. abrasion |N-COUNT-U] An abrasion is a wound resuting from minor damage tothe epidermal ayer of the skin. Abrasions are sometimes called scrapes. ‘acne [N-UNCOUNT-US] Acne isa human skin disease where oll becomes trapped in pores causing raised red bumps {and other imperfections ofthe skin. ‘adrenal gland [N-COUNTUS] An adrenal glands a gland above the kidney that produces adrenaline and other hormones. ‘adrenaline [N-UNCOUNT-U5] Adrenaline is ahormone that helps the body react to a sudden threat or stress. ‘advise [V-T-U13] To advise a patient isto give a recommendation about health care. affect [VT-U10} To affect something such as mood isto bring about a change init. albumin [N-UNCOUNT-U11] Albumin isa type of protein found in the body. allergy [N-COUNT-U8] An allergy is a medical condition that causes a reaction or illness when someone comes in ‘contact with a particular substance. ‘Alzheimer's disease |N-UNCOUNT-U'5] Alzheimer's disease is a brain disoase that causes a person to lose memory ‘and ther abit to thnk clea. assisted ving [N-UNCOUNT-U15] Assisted living isa living situation in which a person receives assistance with dally activities, but does not need 24-hour care asthma [N-UNCOUNTU14] Asthma is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes wheezing, coughing, and ‘shortness of breath. Some symptoms of asthma can be treated by inhaling medicine. auscultation [N-UNCOUNT-U10] Auscultation is the examination of something by istening with or without an instrument such as a stethoscope. bed sores [N-COUNT-U15] Bed sores are skin wounds caused by too much pressure cutting of blood circulation to a part ofthe body. bili light [N-UNCOUNT:U14] A bil lights light therapy tool used to treat jaundice in newborns wherein the infantis placed under blue lights which convert bilrubin for proper excretion. bilirubin N-UNCOUNT-U14] Bilirubin s a yellow colored breakdown product of red bload cals. biopsy [N-COUNT-U11] A biopsy isa medical procedure in which apiece of tissue is removed and examined to help ‘determine an ilies, birth control [N-UNCOUNT-U6] Birth control refers to several techniques used to prevent egg fertilization or interrupt pregnancy. bladder [N-COUNT-U7] A bladder is a bodly organ that holds urine before it is expelled from the body. blood pressure [N-UNCOUNT-U'1] Blood pressure is a measure ofthe pressure with which blood moves through the body. body language IN-UNCOUNT-U10] Body language isthe conveyance of information about a person's physiological ‘or emotional state by the way he or she moves. bbone [N-COUNT-U2] A bone is strong, hard matter that is part ofa body's basic stucture. brain [N-COUNT-U4] The brain isthe large organ that controls bodily functions through release of hormones or activating muscles. BUN test [N-COUNT-U1] A BUN (blood urea nitrogen) test is 2 tet to determine the amount of urea nitrogen in the ‘blood. ‘cast [N-COLINT-U7] A cast is tiny structure produced by the kidneys and present in urine that contains indicators of urinary health, check up IN-COUNT-U1d] A check up is @ medical examination performed periodically to evaluate a patient's health ‘even if the patient has no apparent ailments. (CKD [ABBREV-U11] CKD (chronic over time, clot [N-COUNT-U] A clot is small chunk of cried load that blocks the flow of blood through a blood vessel ‘cold [N-COUNT.U3] A cold isan ilness that can cause coughing, a runny nose, and a sore throat. ney disease) is a medical concition in which a person loses kidney function ‘comminuted [ADJ-U2 Ifa fracture is comminuted, the bone is broken into several or many pieces. ‘compatible [ADJ-U1] If something is compatible, it can exist with or near something else without causing a confict. ‘complaint N-COUNT-UB] A complaint is pain o ilness reported by a pationt. compound [ADJ-U2 If a fracture is compound, part of the bone protrudes through the skin, condom [N-COUNT-U] A condom is barier device worn over the penis during intercourse to reduce the chance of pregnancy and disease, contraceptive [N-COUNT-U6] A contraceptive is a method of birth control that prevents ferilization ofthe egg cel. ‘contusion [N-COUNT-U3] A contusion, also called a bruise, isa temporary discolored area of skin that has been damaged by trauma, allowing blood to seep from the local capillaries into the surrounding tissue. ‘cough [V--US} To cough isto force ar loudly through the throat because of an iliness or throat ination ‘counsel [V-T-U15] To counsel a patient isto give quidance about health care options. creatinine [N-UNCOUNTU11] Creatinine is a waste product found in blood thatthe kidney usually removes, CT scan N-COUNT-U12] A CT scan isa form of medical imaging that uses many two-dimensional X-rays to create 2 thee-cimensional mage of an object. ‘current {ADJ-Ua] someting is current Its happening atthe present time. ‘data [N-UNCOUNT-UB] Data is collection of information. dermis [N-UNCOUNT-US] The dermis is a layer of skin between the outer epidermis and the inner hypodermis, displaced [ADJ-U2] If something Is displaced, itis moved out ofits correct or normal position. dizziness [N-UNCOUNT-U15] Dizziness is @ condition in which a person feels as if he or she is spinning and that he or ‘she might fall over. drug interaction [N-COUNT-U15] A drug interaction isthe combined use of drugs tha results in negative reactions, ECG [ABBREV-U12] An ECG, or elecrocardiogram, is a measurement ofthe electrical activity ofthe heart over 2 Period of time. ‘*ldorty [ADJ-U5] If a person is elderly, he or she is approaching the end of an average lifespan. ‘endocrine system [N-COUNT-US] The endocrine system is the body system that uses hormones to regulate the body's functions. | endoscope [N-COUNT-U12] An endoscope is thin, tubular instrument used to examine the inside ofan organ or body cavity, ‘pldermis [N-UNCOUNT-U3] The epidermis s the outermost layer of human skin. ‘evaluate [V-T-U10] To evaluate something isto determine the qualities ofits condition or state family medical history N-COUNT-U8] A family medi family that might affect the patient's heath 3 history isa record of the medical conditions ofa patent's 35 36 {family medicine [N-UNCOUNT-U73] Family medicine is a branch of medicine that provides long-term, general health ‘care for all indicus. ‘feed [V--U12} To feed an endoscopic tube is to insert into the body in order to take internal pictures. ; fever [N-COUNT-US] A fever is an illness that causes body temperature to rise. flow [N-UNCOUNT-UT] Flow isthe smooth movement of something, usually @ liquid ‘lu [N-UNCOUNT-U9] Flu is vr ilness that can cause fevers, aches, and wheezing, | {fracture IN-COUNT:U2] A fracture isa creck or breakin @ bone, {gel [N-UNCOUNT-U12] Gel is a semi-solid substance placed between the patent's skin and an ultrasound probe. ‘genitalia [N-COUNT-US} The genitalia are the pars ofthe male and female bodies that are involved inthe process of reproduction. ‘geriatrics [N-UNCOUNT-U15} Geriatrics isa field of mecicine that focuses on preventing and treating diseases in ‘older people. GGFR test [N-COUNT-U1 1] A GFR (alomerular filtration rate) testi atest to determine how much kidney function a Person has. ‘and [N-COUNT-U5] A gland isa bodily organ that creates a substance and releases it, often into the bloodstream, ‘gonads [N-COUNT-U6) The gonads are the organs that produce sex calls. They are the testes in males and ovaries in females. jgreenstick (ADV-U2] fa fracture is greenstick, itis the bending and breakage of a young, soft bone. headache [N-COUNT-US] A headache is a pain felt in the head. health education [N-UNCOUNT-U13] Health education isthe act of teaching people about the'r bodies and good heath habits ‘nearing loss [N-UNCOUNT-U15] Hearing loss's the loss of a portion or al of one's hearing, history of PHRASE-Ug} I someone has @ history of something, he or she has experienced it regularly or repeatedly. hormone [N-COUNTUS] A hormone is @ chemical released by one part ofthe body that sends out messages which affect other parts ofthe body. hhypodermis [N-UNCOUNT-US] The hypodermisis the layer of skin beneath the dermis used for fat storage. hypothalamus [N-COUNT-U5] The hypothalamus isthe pat of the brain that connects the nervous system with the endocrine system. I controls body temperature, hunger, thirst, and fatigue, impacted [ADJ-U2] If fracture is impacted, parts ofthe bone are crushed into each other incontinence IN-UNCOUNT-U%5} Incontinence i the inability to contol one's bladder or bowel movements. Infant (N-COUNT-U14] An infantis @ young human being inthe frst year or two of ie, inferior mesenteric artery [N-COUNTU7] The inferior mesenteric artery comes off the surface ofthe abdominal ‘aorta and it transfers the blood supply ofthe intestines. inferior vena cava [N-COUNT-U7] The inferior vena cava s a vein that carries blood that has had the oxygen removed from i, tothe right part ofthe heart. infertility [N-UNCOUNT:U] Infertility isthe inability to have children inspection [N-COUNT-U10] An inspection isan organized examination ofa patient's physiological state as compared o-what is understood to be normal Intercourse [N-UNCOUNT-U6] Intercourse isthe sexual actin which the male penis enters the female vagina. eePeoe jaundice [N-UNCOUNT-U‘4} Jaundice is a yellowish coloring ofthe skin caused by excessive levels of bilirubin in the ‘blood. This concition is often related to dicoases ofthe liver. [ADJ-U14]If an lness is juvenile it occurs in children, kidney [N-COUNT-U7] A kidney is one ofthe two organs that removes waste from the blood and produces urine. kidney stone [N-COUNT-U7] A kidney stone is a hard, crystalike mineral structure that forms inthe kidneys and can be very painful to pass, ‘marrow [N-UNCOUNT-U2] Marrow isa soft substance inside bones that is part of the body's immune system, ‘medical imaging [N-UNCOUNT-U12] Medical imaging isthe process of creating pictures ofthe human body for the purpose of diagnosing and treating medical problems. ‘melatonin [N-UNCOUNT-US} Melatonin is @ hormone that controls the day and night cyetes ofthe body, ‘motor [ADJ-U] fa neuron i a motor neuron, it helps to create the abilty to move, (MRI [ABBREV-U12] An MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging, is a medical imaging technique that uses magnetic forces on atoms to produce an image af the body. ‘muscle ache [N-COUNT-U9] A muscle ache is paln flt in the muscles. ‘nerve [N-COUNT-U4] A nerve is a corlike structure that enables the transmission of electric impulses through the nervous system. ‘nervous system [N-COUNT-L] The nervous system is the bodly system that transmis signals and coordinates actions ofthe body, network [N-COUNT:U] A network isa group of connected neurone that process information. ?euron [N-COUNT-U4] A neuron is cell that transmits information by electrical and chemical signaling, newborn [N-COUNT-U14] A newborn isan infant inthe fst twenty-eight cays after birth, ‘ursing home [N-COUNT-U15] A nursing home is facility that provides 24-hour care to elderly patients, ‘obesity [N-UNCOUNT-U14] Obesity is a medical condition in which a person accumulates @ potently unhealthy ‘amount of excess body ft ‘observation [N-COUNT-U10] An observation is something that someone notices, or the act of naticing something, ‘onset [N-COUNT-UB] An onset isthe stato fist instance of something, ‘ovaries [N-COUNT-U6] The ovaries are the organs in the female body that produce egg cals. palpation [N-UNCOUNT-U10} Palpation is the examination of something by touch. pass [V-J-U7] To pass somathing isto process something through and out of one's bod, Past medical history [N-COUNT-UB] A past medical history (PMH) s a patient's record of previous ilnasses, procedures, and other medical detalis. Pathology report [N-COUNT-U1 1] pathology report is a report that discusses what was found after calls and tissue wore examined, Pediatrics [N-UNCOUNT-U14] Pediatrics is medical care for infants, children, and adolescents, Peroussion [N-UNCOUNT-U'10] Percussion isthe act of tapping on an area ofthe body such asthe chest or ‘abdomen to determine the condition ofthe underying bone or tissues. ‘imple [N-COUNT-U3] A pimple isa type of acne in the skin where excess oll has become trapped in a pore, creating {raised red spot. pineal body [N-COUNT-U5] The pineal body is small gland inthe brain that produces the hormone melatonin. 37 48 pituitary gland [N-COUNT-US] The pituitary gland is gland inthe bran that emits numerous hormones to control ‘body processes such as growth, blood pressure, and sex organ functions. plasma (N-UNCOUNT-U] Plasma is liquid that contains blood cells. Platelet [N-COUNT-U1] A platelet is 2 type of blood cel that thickens around the surface ofa cut to stop blood loss. polypharmacy [N-UNCOUNT-U15] Polypharmacy is the use of too many medications at once. Pore [N-COUNT-US] A pore is a tubular structure in the skin that produces sweat as a cooling mechanism. ‘Practitioner [N-COUNT-U13] A practitioner is someone who i legally licensed to perform medical treatments without supervision Preventative (ADJ-U13] If medicine is preventative, i focuses on preventing diseases from occurring rather than ‘uring them, primary care [N-UNCOUNT-U13] Primary care refers tothe frst and main point of medical assistance for patients in a health care system. Procedure [N-COUNT-U8] A procedure isa medical treatment performed by a doctor or surgeon, pulse [N-COUNT-U10] A pulse is a meesure of heartbeats ina glven period of time. One way to take this measurement 's to place the fingers over a major artery inthe neck, wrist, or other location and press them against a bone to feo! the palpations ofthe heart as blood moves through the artery. radiography (N-UNCOUNT-U12] Radiography i the use of X-rays to ew images ofthe internal human body. ‘ed blood call N-COUNTL] A red blood cells unit of blood that caries oxygen throughout the body, refer [V-T-U13] To refer a patient isto transfer a patient from one doctor to another doctor who may better address the patient's specific needs. ‘flex [N“COUNT-U4] A reflex isan involuntary and immediate movement in response toa stimulus. renal (ADJ-U1 1] if something is ronal, tis related to the kidneys, ‘reproductive system [N-COUNT-U6) The reproductive system isthe bodily system of organs that work together for ‘the purpose of producing offspring runny [ADJ-L9} If something is runny, it has liquid flowing or leaking out oft ‘secrete [V-T-US] To secrete isto emit a substance in order to perform some bodily function ‘sensory (ADJ f something is sensory, ithas to do withthe fve senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell ‘Sexually ative (ADV-U6) I a person is sexually active, he or she reguarly engages informs of sexual activity. 'koleton [N-COUNT-U2] A skeleton isthe series of bones that makes up a body's basic structure, ‘skin [N-UNCOUNT-U] Skin s a soft outer layer of human bodies and the bodies of other animals, ‘Social history [N-COUNT-US] A social history isa patent's record of Ifestyle and personal details, such as ‘cccupation and marital siatus. ‘spinal cord [N-COUNT-U4] The spinal cord isa ong bundle of nerve cells thet extends downward from the brain, ‘STD [ABBREV-U6] An STD, or sexualy-transmitted disease, isan Ines that is passed from one person to another through sexual activity. ‘Stress fracture [N-COUNT-U2] A stress fracture i @ minor crackin a bone caused by repeated or excessive pressure. ‘stroke [N-COUNT-U15] A stroke isa rapic oss of brain function due toa loss of blood to the brain, ‘subcutaneous fat N-UNCOUNT-U3] Subcutaneous fat, aiso called hypodermis, i @ layer ofthe skin beneath the ‘epidermis that contain primarily lobules of ft. ‘symptom IN-COUNT-U3] A symptom isa feeling or physical change that indicates illness, aaa rin urin urine vorte waste whee Xray ‘teenager [N-COUNT-U14] A teenager s a young human being between the ages of twelve and twenty testes [N-COUNT-U5] The testes are the organs in the male body that produce sperm, throb [V--U9] To throb is to have pain that cornes and goes very quickly thyroid gland [N-COUNT-US] The thyroid gland isa large gland in the neck that contol how the body uses energy and controls protein. ‘transfusion [N-COUNT-U1] A transfusion i the process of moving blood from one person into another person who has suffered blood loss. Type A IN-UNCOUNT-Ut] Type A is a blood classification that means the body's immune system is compatible with ‘molecules on blood cals called A-antigens, but it wil fight B-antigens. ‘Type AB IN-UNCOUNT:Ut] Type AB is @ blood classification that means the body's Immune system is compatible with ‘Ac and Brantigens on blood cel ‘Type B IN-UNCOUNT-U1] Type B is a blood classification that means the body’s immune system is compatible with ‘molecules on blood colls called B-antigens, but it wil fight A-antigens. Type O IN-UNCOUNT-Ut] Type O is blood classfication that means the body’s immune system is not compatible With A- or 8-antigans on blood cells ultrasound [N-COUNT-U12] An ultrasound is a mecical imaging technique that uses the reflection of sound waves to produce an image ofthe body. universal donor [N-COUNT-U1] A universal donor is someone who has blood type O, which can be safely received by another person with any blood type. tureter[N-COUNT-U7] The ureter isthe tube that caries urine from the Kidney tothe urinary bladder Urethra [N-COUNT-U7] A urothra is a tube that carries urine from the bladder out ofthe bod. ‘urgent care [N-UNCOUNT-U15] Urgent care refers to health care provided to immediately respond to an injury oF less that isnot serious enough to visit the emergency room. Urinalysis (N-COUNT-U1] A urinalysis s test that examines a urine sample. turinary bladder N-COUNT-U7] The urinary bladder isthe place whate urine is collected and stored before tis removed from the body, urinary system [N-COUNT-U7] A urinary system is apart ofthe body that controls the cretion and expulsion of urine, Urine [N-UNCOUNTU7] Urine is liquid waste thatthe body expels. ‘vertebrae [N-COUNT-U4] Vertebrae are the small bones that together make up the backbone and surround the nerves of the spinal cor, ital signs [N-COUNT-U10] Vital signs are statistical measures of essential body functions such as temperature, pulse rate, blood pressure, and respiration, Waste [N-UNCOUNT-U7] Waste is a substance produced by the body that is not needed so its expelled, ‘wheeze [U9] To wheeze isto breathe with dificult in @ noisy manner, Xeray IN-COUNT-U12] An X-ray i a form of radiation that can be Used to take pictures ofthe internal human body. 39

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