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SEPTEMBER 23, 2017

What will happen on September 23 that will be found in the heavens, an event that
specifically in the constellations of Virgo and Leo, that has never happened before? To begin
with, the planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars will be found complementing the nine brightest
stars in Leo, an event that occurs only 1/1728 of the time. Jupiter will be found in Virgo,
impregnating her as Jesus did Mary, an event that occurs once per 12 years.

Unfortunately for September 23 enthusiasts, this is about where all of the marvelties cease.
In fact, it can be shown that almost none of the touted marvelties exist or are unique,

1. Leo Not Shaped as a Crown

The constellation Leo is stylized as a lion facing to the right, not as a crown which one would
expect to be symmetrical when viewed from any angle.

2. Leo is Composed of More than Nine Visible Stars

Leo is composed of more than nine stars as required for any wonderment. The nine brightest
stars are at magnitudes of 1.36, 2.14, 2.37, 2.56, 2.97, 3.33, 3.43, 3.48, and 3.52. The tenth
star is at magnitude 3.70 and is clearly visible. The eleventh is at 3.80 and also clearly
visible. Numbers 12 and 13 are at magnitudes of 3.84 and 3.88, also clearly visible. Then,
another 20 stars span the magnitudes from 4.00 through 4.99. These are all visible to the
naked eye. In fact, stars can generally be seen unaided to as low as magnitude 6.00.

3. Jupiter Stays in Virgo for Over Ten Months

Jupiter enters Virgo on November 20, 2016, and exits September 23, 2017, assuming this as
the completion date. This is a period of gestation of over 10 months. God could have easily
reconfigured things to reflect the normal gestation period of 9 months.

4. Jupiter Actually Exits Virgo Within Six Months

Assuming the exact same line used for the entry point, Jupiter takes a 57-day hiatus from the
womb on May 13, 2017 (at an age of just 5 months and 3 weeks), to re-enter on July 10,
2017. Thus, Jupiter is temporarily born prematurely. Jupiter is outside of Virgo's side for
some 57 days. God could have easily designed the astronomy to eliminate the need for such
an exit.

Enough Foolishness Already!

The problem with all of this false prophecy is that many will lose their faith when nothing
happens on September 23, 2017, least of all the Rapture. Like many of those who believed in
the Four Blood Moons folly, many are destined to repeat this error. But, remember that God
made no such sign in the heavens. See
false-sign-september-23-2017/ .

This version was created on 15 August 2017. Please contact author Zach Anderson at zma@alumnix.rice edu (kindly
remove the x). Placed online at and

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