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HA_First term_Test 1_01-11

Name: ______________________ Class/no: _____ (____) Mark: _______________

Complete the following passage using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. You
may or may not have to change the word

Once upon a time there lived a great wizard called Ozzy, who enjoyed great
1._________ (famous) as the most powerful wizard that had ever lived. He was also
said to be a 2.________ (wise) man who often gave 3. __________ (advise) to his
people. He was most willing to offer 4. ___________ (assist) to people who were in

One day three people came to visit the Ozzy a young lady, a poor man and a tiger .
Having travelled for miles, they were 5. _________ (hunger) and 6.____________
(thirst), so Ozzy gave them food and let them rest first. He summoned them the next
morning, and the lady spoke first, Please sir, I want to have everlasting
7.___________ (young) and 8.____________ (beautiful). Ozzy shook his head and
said gravely, That wouldnt be 9. ________ (ease). No magic can make a person
young again. But remember this: 10.___________ (happy) is the best facelift. If you
are happy inside youll be forever young.

Then the poor man staggered forward and begged, I want to be a 11.________
(wealth) man! Ozzy smiled and said, Wealth has to be accumulated. It doesnt
12.__________ (appearance) overnight. Do not spend all your income. Save your
money bit by bit and watch your wealth grow.

Now it was the tigers turn. The tiger stammered, P-p-please, I-I-Im a
13.____________ (cowardice) tiger. C-c-could you give me s-s-some courage? Ozzy
laughed. Courage is gained by taking challenges. Your mothers life is in danger
now. A hunter is trying to kill her. Go home and save her now a brave 14._____ (do)
will show people you have the courage!

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