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1 Greek cosmology
-earth was centre
-all motions are perfect circles
-how do we explain retrograde motion
-why do we see annular and full solar eclipses
-all motion is uniform
-ptolomey's response to these problems
-circles within circles

3.2 coppercuneria
-says that the sun was the centre
- meridian transit
-oriented north south to measure height of the star
-use a clock to measure the east/west position
-believed that the earth was stationary
-sun orbited us
-everything orbited the sun
-analyzed the data
3.3 Keppler's 3 laws
1.planets move in elipeses
2. no planets move in constant speeds
- it take a planet the same time to move from a-b as it does to move from c-d
-but c-d is shorter distane than a-b
-therefore the planet moves faster on a-b than c-d
-conservation of angular momentum
-figure skater
-conservation of kenetic energy
-potential energy- kenetic energy
3. various planets move at different speeds
- the orbital period of planets depend on it position
- p^2= d^3

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