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Journal of Experimental Psychology

Vol. 79, No. 2, Part 2 February 1969


University of Illinois

Inadequacies involved in the methodologies for studying rate of information

processing in visual perception were discussed in terms of current models and
knowledge of visual perception. A different methodology was introduced
based on a 10-channel tachistoscope which permitted the presentation of
letter stimuli at varying rates. The task was visual search with .9 required
to detect whether an A (target) had occurred in a sequence of letters pre-
sented on a trial. Each letter was presented for approximately 2 msec, with
the rate between letters varying from 5 msec, to approximately 3 sec. In
addition to rate the number of letters presented in a trial (sequence length)
and the location of the target in the sequence were studied. The only signifi-
cant effect was the number of letters in a sequence. Detection sensitivity
decreased with increasing sequence length. Control experiments indicated
that this change in sensitivity was not attributable to an overloading of the
encoding mechanism but rather was attributable to a change in the judgmental
task. An increase in the number of noise letters disproportionately increased
the number of false alarms relative to the hits. A simple probability model
was able to describe the obtained results with fair accuracy. Presentation
rate was immaterial. Detection was the same with only 5 msec, between
letters in the sequence as with 3 sec. Failure to find a rate effect was in-
terpreted in terms of filtering processes that operate in visual perception prior
to the encoding process.

The rate at which a human can process procity has been found to hold for temporal
information in the visual channel would ap- durations of as much as 100 msec, or more
pear at the first level of analysis to depend for perceived brightness, and recent work
on the number of discrete percepts that he (Kahneman, 1966; Kahneman & Norman,
can experience in a unit of time and the 1964) has suggested critical durations of 300
amount of information that can be processed msec, or longer for form perception. If
from a single percept. Limits on the discrete luminance and contour information are
rate of visual perceptions are set by the capa- summed over temporal intervals of this dura-
bility of the system for temporal resolution, tion, these summation intervals would set
Bloch's law dealing with time-intensity reci- limits on the number of noninteracting per-
ce ts that could be
iThis investigation was supported by United P experienced in a unit of
States Public Health Service Research Grant MH- time unless other mechanisms in the visual
1206 and a United States Public Health Service system served to terminate the integration
Career Program Award K6-MH-22,014 r esg with a ch jn stimulation (Schur-
Requests for reprints should be sent to Charles man _ ., 0 _ , , , ir\^c,\
W. Eriksen, Department of Psychology, University ' Eriksen, & Rohrbaugh, 1968).
of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801. Forward and backward masking in vision
1969 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.

is interpretable, in many instances at least, letter display in a 10-msec. exposure, how

as a lack of temporal resolution in the sys- much must the exposure duration be in-
tem. Masking is seen to be a partial sum- creased for 5" to identify both letters in a
ming of the test and masking stimuli into a two-letter display, or all letters in a three-
composite or montage that has the effect of or four-letter display? Definitive answers
degrading the test stimulus (Eriksen, 1966b; have not been obtained primarily because
Eriksen & Collins, 1965). Depending on of the numerous problems that are involved
stimulus parameters, masking influences can in what at first glance seems to be a simple
be found for interstimulus intervals (ISis) methodology.
of 100 msec, or longer. The difficulties that are encountered be-
When rate of stimulation is varied experi- come apparent if the input-output informa-
mentally, similar temporal units are obtained. tion flow is considered in terms of the var-
A series of stimuli presented within an ious distinguishable subprocesses that are in-
interval of 100 msec, phenomenally may ap- volved. Current models of information proc-
pear to be simultaneous, or under certain essing (Averbach & Coriell, 1961; Mayzner
circumstances of spatial proximity and shape et al., 1967; Neisser, 1967; Sperling, 1963)
commensurability apparent movement is ex- envisage the arrival of visual information
perienced (Kahneman, 1968; Mayzner, over the sensory channels where it persists
Tresselt, & Heifer, 1967). White's (1963) centrally for a short duration as a stimulus
work on temporal numerosity has suggested trace, image, or as Neisser (1967) has
that the perception of discrete but successive termed it, icon. A noting response or en-
flashes of light occurs at the rate of one coding process reads or scans the sensory
every 80 to 120 msec. input and/or icon and encodes the informa-
While the visual system's capacity for tem- tion into short-term memory. (Neisser pro-
poral resolution may set limits on the num- vides a much more detailed and sophisticated
ber of noninteracting perceptions that can be theory of various subprocesses involved in
obtained per unit of time, this does not the information flow, one which appears to
necessarily limit the amount of information do more justice to the complexity of the
that can be processed. If only 10 discrete problem.)
noninteracting percepts per second can be The major theoretical and experimental
experienced, these could vary in their infor- emphasis has been placed on the noting or
mation content. We could experience 10 encoding process as the primary determinant
successive perceptions each consisting of a of information processing rate. Experiments
single letter of the alphabet or the 10 percep- have attempted to determine not only rate
tions might each contain 100 letters. Even but whether this process operates serially or
if the likely possibility that perceptual rate in parallel (Estes & Taylor, 1964, 1966;
might vary as a function of the complexity or Estes & Wessel, 1966; Sperling, 1963). In
information content in the separate percepts focusing on the rate or the serial vs. parallel
is allowed for, rate of information processing nature of the encoding process, these experi-
would be restricted only under the circum- ments typically have ignored the possibility
stances where the separate perceptions were that limitations on observed rate might be
of very simple stimuli that contained little attributable to characteristics of the other
information. subprocesses involved in the information
By presenting via tachistoscopic expo- flow. Limitations on processing rate could
sures displays containing different amounts exist because of a lack of independent or
of information, most typically letters or digits parallel sensory channels through which the
(Erdmann & Dodge, 1898; Glanville & Dal- information becomes available to the encod-
lenbach, 1929; Lappin, 1967; Mackworth, ing process. Similarly the duration of the
1963; Schlosberg, 1948; Sperling, 1963), icon makes estimates as to the speed or rate
Es have attempted to determine the amount of the encoding process difficult to obtain.
of information that can be processed from a Also, limitations on short-term memory
single perception. If 5 can identify a single- limit 5"'s ability to reproduce responses, the

observable data from which rate has to be would need to be considered as one of the
inferred. components in the trial-to-trial variation in
The relevance of these and other consid- identification performance.
erations can be seen after an examination of If the identification accuracy for single-ele-
the methodology of experiments that attempt ment displays is less than 100%, then to
to measure visual information rate by deter- permit inferences as to whether encoding is
mining the increment in exposure duration serial or parallel in nature one needs to be
necessary to process or identify displays of able to compute the probability of the dif-
one, two, three, or more letters (digits) si- ferent elements from multiple-element dis-
multaneously presented. The initial problem plays being available through the sensory
comes in determining the performance level channel for encoding. The probability of
for single-letter displays. If the exposure two or more elements from a multielement
duration and luminance are set at a value display being available for encoding would
where 51 is 100% accurate in identifying the depend on whether the sensitivity of the
presentations of single letters, there is al- foveal locations where each of the elements
ways the question as to whether the energy falls is correlated in time. Eriksen (1966a)
available is not greater than what ^ needed. and Eriksen and Lappin (1965, 1967a) have
If more time and/or energy is available than presented evidence that foveal locations sep-
is absolutely required, this excess is available arated by 1 or more of angle do not show
for the processing of a second element. a correlated sensitivity or, alternatively,
Even if the assumption is made that the error, but other evidence indicates that foveal
duration is just barely sufficient for 100% locations less than 1 apart on the fovea do
performance, this level is typically estab- show correlated sensitivity (Collins & Erik-
lished for stimuli or items presented in the sen, 1967).
center of the fovea. Displays involving a The relevance of correlated or lack of
larger number of elements must of necessity correlated error for different foveal locations
distribute these elements around the fovea to rate of information processing can be seen
in areas that are less sensitive. Since acuity in the following example: If the elements
decreases markedly even with 1 of visual from a multiple-element display are suitably
angle from the center of the fovea (Wert- spaced on the fovea so as to fall on areas of
"heim, 1894), an exposure duration just suf- approximately equal acuity and far enough
ficient for 100% identification of a letter from each other for error components or the
or digit presented in the center would not varying sensitivity in time to be uncorre-
yield 100% identification for letters spaced lated, then the probability of n of these ele-
even 1 from the center. Displays can be ments being available to an encoding process
arranged so that all items fall on approxi- is P" where P is the probability of a single
mately equally sensitive foveal areas but element being identified. This assumes that
under these circumstances the identification the error involved in identifying a single-
accuracy for single elements needs to be element display is associated with the sen-
assessed in terms of that foveal location. sory channel and not with the coding or
This rather simple consideration has typically noting process. If the probability of a single
been ignored by Es. element being identified is .8 then the
If the performance level for single-ele- probability of a given two elements
ment displays is set at a level of less than being available for encoding from a multi-
100%, is this variation in performance from element display is .64, and of three ele-
trial to trial due to varying sensitivity of the ments .51, if exposure duration is held
sense organ, error in the encoding or noting constant. If encoding was able to process
process itself, or a combination of both? all elements available through the sensory
Psychophysical threshold functions for detec- channel simultaneously, then these prob-
tion certainly indicate that there is varying abilities also would be the proportion of
sensitivity in the sensory system. So sen- trials on which two and three elements were
sory system noise or varying sensitivity correctly identified. If, however, the error

is correlated, then the magnitude and direc- Irrespective of whether there is interaction
tion of the correlation must be known if at the sense organ level, a change in the
the availability of the elements to the en- attentional field or some other possible
coding process is to be determined. mechanism, there is evidence that increasing
Even if these problems are surmounted, the number of elements in the visual field
there is the possibility that the addition of reduces the information or identifiability of
new elements to the display interacts with single elements. Eriksen and Lappin
the element or elements that were present be- (1967b) found that the presence of an irrele-
fore so as to reduce the overall discrimin- vant pair of nonsense forms reduced the
ability of any single element. In other words, recognition of a target pair even when the
the discriminability or identifiability of a relevant or target pair was clearly desig-
single element such as a letter in a plain un- nated by bar indicators. Similar results
cluttered field may be reduced if other letters have been obtained by Keeley (1968).
are simultaneously present in the field. With If the loss in identifiability of single ele-
the brief exposure durations that are em- ments that occurs when more elements are
ployed, such an interaction may have to do added to a display is attributable to factors
with inhibition or interference of contour de- on the sensory side, then the methodology
velopment of the separate elements (Eriksen under consideration is incapable of telling
& Collins, 1965; Kahneman, 1965). whether the encoding process is serial or
Also it is possible that increasing the num- parallel unless the reduction in identification
ber of elements in a display field may reduce accuracy is known. Even if the single-ele-
the identifiability of a single element by ment accuracy reduction is due to central
means of some attentional mechanism. As processes such as a possible change in the
elements are added to the display, the atten- attentional field, it is still possible that the
tional field also may increase so as to en- items in the field are processed in parallel;
compass all presented items. The informa- i.e., all presented items in the display may
tion extracted from the display might remain be encoded but at a lower individual accuracy
constant by means of extracting less informa- level than if the number of items presented
tion per element but sampling or encompass- were fewer in number.
ing more elements. An analogy can be Memory is an additional factor that limits
made to a variable power or zoom lens. At attempts to determine the rate of encoding
a low-power setting the field of view of the in visual perception. At one level a memory-
lens is broad but not much detail is obtained like process enters into consideration in terms
for the different elements in the field. As of the duration of a stimulus trace or the
the power of the lens is increased, the field icon. The persistence of a representation of
of view decreases but there is increased detail the stimulus in the visual system for 200-
for the elements remaining in the field of 300 msec, or more following termination of
view. the stimulus has been amply demonstrated
Such an analogy has phenomenal validity. (Averbach & Coriell, 1961; Eriksen & Col-
We seem to be capable of directing our at- lins, 1967; Keele & Chase, 1967; Sperling,
tention to a wide range of events with little 1960). Due to the duration of the icon it is
detail available for any specific one. How- not possible to equate the speed of encoding
ever, we can also narrow our field of at- a given stimulus with the duration of ex-
tention with high resolving power for the
focused objects or events. s exposure duration required for 5 to identify four-
letter displays as opposed to one-letter ones, where
A major problem concerns the definition or each letter is treated as a unit of information. But
measurement of "units of information" in visual this ignores the possibility that 6" also may be
perception. We do not really know what consti- obtaining information as to how many letters
tutes information to visual perception under many were presented, their location or clustering in the
circumstances and there is good reason to believe display, or that one of the letters had a defect in
that what was information at one time may cease stroke width. This is obviously information but
to be so with increased learning or experience. For it goes unreflected in our arbitrary measure of
convenience we may measure the increment in visual information.

posure. While a capital letter presented for in a brief memory store. To determine how
10 msec, may be correctly identified on nearly much or what information has been encoded
all trials, the conclusion that the letter was it is necessary that the memory store be
encoded in 10 msec, is gratuitous. Depend- emitted by 5" as responses. Limitations of
ing on the energy of the stimulation (Keele this brief memory store restrict the inference
& Chase, 1967) the stimulus representation that can be drawn as to the rate of encoding
of the letter may have been present in the or whether encoding is serial or parallel in
nervous system for 200-300 msec, following nature. When the number of simultaneously
termination of the stimulus. This time, or a presented elements in a display exceeds four
large proportion of it, may have been avail- or five, it becomes highly questionable
able for the encoding process to operate. whether a performance drop as reflected in
Sperling (1963) has attempted to cir- vS"s responses is attributable to limitations
cumvent this problem by presenting a noise of encoding rather than to limitations in
field consisting of random arrangements of short-term memory.
black patterns on a white background im- Estes and his colleagues (Estes & Taylor,
mediately following presentation of the stim- 1964, 1966; Estes & Wessel, 1966) have
ulus display. This "noise" field is assumed employed a technique that avoids the limita-
to erase the stimulus trace and thus effec- tions of a short-term memory store and has
tively limit processing time to the actual the additional advantage of an indicator
stimulus-field duration. Such a procedure methodology derived from the theory of sig-
would prove quite useful if the erasure as- nal detection (Egan & Clark, 1966). The
sumption could be substantiated. However stimulus display consists of a 4 X 4 matrix
there is quite extensive evidence that the that contains either the capital letter B or
basis for the effect of such a noise field, as F as well as varying numbers of "noise"
well as backward and forward masking phe- letters. The display is presented for a brief
nomena in general, is due to the lack of duration and following each presentation .9
temporal resolution in the visual system. is required to make a forced-choice response
Stimuli separated by too short an interval as to whether the display contained the letter
in time tend to be perceived as a composite B or F. The question of serial vs. parallel
or montage. A noise field immediately fol- processing in the noting response is investi-
lowing a stimulus display may have essen- gated by varying the number of noise ele-
tially the same effect as though the two fields ments in the display. So far this technique
had been presented simultaneously. Thus has not yielded unequivocal evidence for
the presentation of a noise field immediately either a serial or parallel processing model.
following the stimulus display may have the Perhaps the failure of the technique is
same effect as though the stimulus field had attributable to some of the factors considered
been presented at a less intelligible level, above but it also is possible that a visual
rather than erasing the stimulus trace. The search task such as this does not require
inapplicability of an erasure interpretation is the complete encoding or processing of the
suggested by the observation that essentially noise or irrelevant stimulus elements.
the same results are obtained if the noise field Broadbent (1958) in his model of informa-
is presented before the stimulus display in- tion processing has proposed a filter system
stead of following it (Eriksen & Collins, capable of screening out irrelevant stimula-
1965; Schiller & Smith, 1965). tion at a level in the processing system prior
Memory also imposes a limitation on this to encoding; and recent work by Treisman
methodology in a somewhat different man- (1960, 1964a, 1964b, 1964c) has produced
ner. In terms of the proposed models of rather impressive evidence along these lines.
visual information processing, stimulation It is possible that similar filters may be
first has to be available to an encoder or operating in vision. The finding that a black
noting response through the sensory chan- arrow or bar indicator designating one ele-
nels. Supposedly as the information is en- ment from a multielement display can lead to
coded from the sensory channels it is placed marked improvement in the identification of

the designated element even when the display the fixation point. Each element appeared
and indicator are present for only a few for approximately 2 msec, and the ISI or
milliseconds suggests the presence of some rate between elements was varied experi-
filterlike process (Averbach & Coriell, 1961; mentally from 5 to 30 msec. In addition to
Eriksen & Lappin, 1967b; Weisstein, 1966). rate, the number of elements (sequence
The ability of 5" to detect and select the length) was varied from one to nine ele-
indicator and its designated element is some- ments per trial. Also the location of the
what analogous to the phenomenon reported target element was studied as a function of
by Treisman (1960) in auditory perception. whether it occurred as the first, middle, or
Neisser (1967) has made an impressive last element of a stimulation sequence.
argument for the necessity of preattentive It was anticipated that the present meth-
processes and feature analyzers for form odology would permit a determination as to
operating in parallel channels at relatively whether visual search tasks are suitable for
low levels of information processing. As determining characteristics and rate for the
he conceives them, these preattentive proc- encoding process in visual perception and if
esses and feature analyzers operate on in- so, would yield information on the rate and
formation inputs prior to the encoding stage. characteristics of encoding. If the presenta-
If such preprocessing or even filtering me- tion rate for single elements was slower than
chanisms can work or operate on information the encoding or processing mechanism, per-
prior to the encoding stage, they would ren- formance should remain at a relatively high
der visual search tasks such as employed level but drop when the limitations for the
by Estes and his associates (Estes & Taylor, single-element processing rate were ex-
1964, 1966; Estes & Wessel, 1966) insensi- ceeded. Further evidence on the breakdown
tive to discriminating between serial vs. of the perceptual processing mechanism
parallel models of the encoding process it- could be obtained by the interaction between
self. Under certain circumstances at least sequence length and position of the target
they might serve to screen out the noise or letter in the first, middle, or last position of
irrelevant signals so that the encoding proc- the sequence. At presentation rates not ex-
ess would only have to operate on the target ceeding the capacity of the system there
or the few instances where a noise signal should be little or no differential accuracy
may get through the screening due to con- for first, middle, or last position in detecting
fusability with the target. Indeed the work the target irrespective of sequence length.
of Neisser and his associates on visual search However, as the rate limitation is approached
tasks suggests such a conclusion (Neisser & or exceeded there should be a superior de-
Beller, 1965; Neisser & Lazar, 1964; Neis- tection of the target in the first position rela-
ser, Novick, & Lazar, 1963; Neisser & tive to the middle and perhaps the last.
Stoper, 1965).
EXPERIMENT I Subjects.Four students, two female, served as
The main innovation of the present ex- paid 5s. All had normal or corrected-to-normal
vision and all had previously served in at least two
periment was the use of a 10-channel experiments involving visual perception.
tachistoscope to present successively single Apparatus.A 10-channel tachistoscope was
elements at varying rates. To avoid the especially designed to attack the experimental prob-
memory problem, a search task somewhat lem. Ten fluorescent lamps (Sylvania F4 T5/
similar to that of Estes and his associates CWX) were individually mounted in lightproof
boxes attached to the surface of a sheet-metal
was employed. The 5" was required to de- drum and equally spaced around the circumference.
tect the capital' letter A from among the From each lightproof box a flexible optic light
noise letters T and U. To assure that each guide (American Optical Co.), 4-in. inner diam-
stimulus element, noise or target, fell on eter and 12 in. long, extended to a machined
fitting where each was coupled to J-in. diameter
essentially equal sensitive foveal areas, the lucite rods 6 in. long. The ends of the lucite
elements were presented along the circum- rods extended through the machined fitting and
ference of an imaginary circle centered on formed a circular pattern of diameter 1.3 visual

angle with the center of each light guide spaced fixate the cross. When the cross appeared clear
.42 from the centers of the adjacent light guides. and in good focus he was to initiate a trial by
A separate light source projected at the center of squeezing the trigger. He was further instructed
the circular arrangement and was used to provide that only the capital letters A, T, and U would
an X fixation point of .25. The machined fitting be presented. The A was the target letter and the
provided for 35-mm. slides to be placed imme- T's and U's were to be considered noise letters.
diately in front of the projecting ends of the 10 His task was to detect on a given trial whether
lucite rods and the fixation-light source. Addi- an A had occurred. He was informed that on
tional space in the fitting provided for neutral den- 50% of the trials an A would be present. In
sity niters mounted as 35-mm. slides. addition he was told that a trial could consist of
The machined fitting was mounted at the end one, three, five, or nine letters presented in se-
of a visual tunnel 18 in. sq. and 30 in. long. At quence. They would occur in random positions
the other end of the visual tunnel was a viewing around the center fixation point. If he detected an
hood, and the distance from 6"s eye to the 35-mm. A during a trial he was to respond "yes." If no
slide in front of the 10 light guides was 38 in. A had been presented he was to respond "no."
The lamps were fired with 300 v. dc and at all In addition he was to attach a confidence rating
times had a subcritical heating voltage applied to of 1, 2, or 3 to his yes and no responses with 1
them to insure reliability of firing. Ten wave- designated as meaning he was quite confident he
form generators (Tektronic 162) were used to had seen or not seen an A, 2 indicating some doubt,
control the duration of the light pulses and nine and 3 indicating his response was essentially a
161 pulse-form generators controlled the ISIs be- guess.
tween the nine separate lights. Three different treatment variables, each with
In order to vary the order and the number of three levels, were factorially combined to produce
the 10 light fields presented to S, a scrambler box 27 treatment combinations. The first variable was
was inserted in the circuit between the light sources the number of letters in the sequence. This could
and the timers. This consisted of a base in which be either three, five, or nine letters. The rate
10 copper strips were mounted, each connected to variable consisted of the ISI between letters in a
one of the field timers. The top of the scrambler sequence and could assume three values, 5, 15, or
was similarly constructed except that the 10 cop- 30 msec. The third variable was the position of
per strips were at right angles to those in the base the target-letter A on those trials where it occurred.
and were connected directly to the light source It could be either the first, middle, or last letter
through transistorized switches. To complete the in the sequence.
circuit between the base and the top of the scram- A total of 80 trials under each of the 27 treat-
bler, 10 X 10 matrix peg boards were used. By ment combinations were obtained from each .?.
placing metal pins in the appropriate holes in the On 40 of these trials the target-letter A was pres-
peg boards any desired pattern or order of pre- ent. For each of the four sequence lengths there
sentation of the 10 stimulus fields could be obtained. were 10 different random patterns by which letters
Peg boards composing the different orders of in that sequence occurred around the central fixa-
stimulus presentation to be used in the experi- tion point. These random patterns were chosen
ment were constructed prior to the experiment and with the restriction that the target letter would
could be quickly inserted and removed between occur an equal number of times in each of the 10
trials. channels of the tachistoscope for all experimental
The stimulus slides for use in the tachistoscope conditions. These 40 different random patterns
were constructed by photographing white letters were controlled by 40 preprogrammed peg boards.
against a black background. A layout was con- After each trial a different peg board was placed
structed so scaled that when the letters were placed in the scrambler to control the pattern order for
in the indicated positions on the layout and the the next trial. For every pattern containing an
camera was mounted in its rigid position, the A there was a duplicate pattern in which the A
appropriate location and reduction in letter size had been replaced by one of the noise letters.
on the photograph was obtained. The fixation cross While each 5 had 240 trials under each of the
was provided in the center of the layout so that three sequence lengths, three, five, and nine, there
each slide contained its own fixation stimulus. The were an additional 720 trials where only a single
photographing of the stimuli was done with a letter was present (half A's). Thus there was a
camera (Polaroid 210) using negative high-con- grand total of 2,880 trials per S distributed over
trast film (Polaroid 149L). As viewed by 3" 36 sessions of 80 trials each. During an experi-
illumination of one of the light fields presented a mental session all trials were run under a given
transilluminated letter having a contrast of better rate. Within a session there were 20 single-letter
than 98% with the surrounding ground. The letter trials and 60 multiple-letter trials in which the
subtended .18 of visual angle and had a lumi- other two variables, target position and sequence
nance of 1 mL. length, were equally represented. Also within a
Procedure.-The S was seated in a dark room session the number of trials on which an A occurred
and allowed to dark adapt for 5 min. He was in- was exactly half.
structed to rest his head against a head holder Prior to the experiment proper the duration time
attached to the end of the viewing tunnel and to for approximately 80% accuracy in detecting an A

TABLE 1 varying from "yes 1" to "no 1" after the

MEAN d, VALUES AS A FUNCTION OF THE NUMBER method described by Egan and Clark (1966).
OF LETTERS IN A SEQUENCE, RATE OF PRESEN- The df, values were analyzed in a four-way
OF THE TARGET classification analysis of variance (letter se-
quence length, rate, target position, and Ss).
Item Mean d, values None of the interactions approached signif-
No. letters in sequence
icance, and the only significant main effect
1 1.64 was length of letter sequence, F (2, 6) =
3 1.25 9.43, p < .05. The mean ds values are
5 1.04
shown in Table 1 for the different sequence
9 .88
Rate of presentation lengths, rates, and target positions. The
5 msec. 1.05 mean da value for single-letter trials is also
15 msec. 1.08
30 msec. 1.05 shown in Table 1 although this data was
Target location not in the analysis of variance.
First 1.09 Not only were there no significant effects
Middle 1.04
Last 1.04 obtained for the different stimulation rates
or the different target positions, but as can
be seen from Table 1 the values for the three
for single-letter presentations was determined for different rates and the three different target
each 5". This duration then was used for that positions are almost identical. The only ex-
6" for the letter presentation in all fields under all
treatment combinations. These letter durations perimental variable that appears to effect .SV
were 2 msec, for three of the 5s and 2.5 msec, for sensitivity in detecting the target letter is the
the fourth. Midway through the experiment the number of letters presented during a trial.
duration times were reduced to 1.6 msec, for the Here sensitivity drops monotonically from a
three 5s and to 2 msec, for the fourth. This was
to compensate for increased accuracy due to prac- da of 1.64 for single-letter presentation to
tice effects. Since the second half of the experi- .88 when a stimulation sequence contains
ment was an exact replication of the first, the ad- nine letters.
justment in duration times did not systematically A more detailed analysis of the sequence
influence the results. Prior to beginning the ex- length effect was made. In Table 2 the aver-
periment each 6" was given two complete practice
sessions. At the beginning of each experimental age hit and false-alarm rates for the four se-
session following dark adaptation, five warm-up quence lengths are shown. Hit rate stays
trials were given. Intertrial intervals were ap- essentially constant as sequence length varies
proximately 5-10 sec. and 5 was given a 2-min. from one letter per trial to nine letters. If
rest after Trials 20 and 60. There was about a
5-min. rest after Trial 40 due to the reordering time anything it increases slightly. False-alarm
for the peg boards that controlled the pattern order rate, on the other hand, increases rather
of stimulation. markedly as the sequence length increases.
It would appear, therefore, that the loss in
Results sensitivity as reflected in the da measure is
The primary measure of .SV sensitivity in due primarily to the increased number of
detecting the occurrence of the target letter false alarms that occur as sequence length
was assessed in terms of the statistic d, is increased.
(Egan & Clark, 1966). Both da and d' are TABLE 2
sensitivity measures derived from the theory AVERAGE PERCENTAGE OF HITS AND FALSE ALARMS
of signal detection, and in the present in- IN DETECTING TARGET LETTER AS A FUNCTION
stance ds was chosen in preference to d' OF THE NUMBER OF LETTERS
since it is more stable if the variances of the
signal plus noise and the noise alone distribu- No. letters in the sequence
tions are unequal. The measure ds was com-
puted for each 6" under the 27 treatment i 3 5 9
combinations and for the single-letter con-
Hits 71 74 75 75
dition. To compute these statistics 5Y re- False alarms 13 27 37 44
sponses were ordered on a 6-point continuum

Discussion or was not an A may be quite a different de-

cision process than to decide whether a single
The failure of 5"s to show improved sensitiv- presented letter was or was not an A even
ity in detecting the occurrence of an A in a though all the five presented letters may lie
sequence of noise letters when the individual processed or perceived at the same accuracy
letters are separated by 30 as opposed to 5 msec, level as for a single-letter presentation.
could be interpreted as due to all three rates As was seen from Table 2 the false-alarm
being too fast for the encoding or processing rate for reporting an A when a noise letter was
mechanism. This interpretation would be com- presented was 13%. If this percentage is taken
patible with the finding that sensitivity does as the probability of a noise letter entering S"s
decrease as the sequence length of letters in- acceptance region for saying A, then the prob-
creases. This drop would be attributable to ability of experiencing at least one noise letter
overloading the processing mechanism. The
as an A when five of them are presented is
greater the overload, the poorer the perform- 1 .875 or .50. Thus if is presented with
ance. However the failure to obtain any effects a sequence of five noise letters, even though
due to target position or to interaction of target the rate of presentation is slow enough so that
position with sequence length is difficult to rec- each of the five is processed with the same
oncile with such an interpretation.
accuracy as for single-letter presentations, 5"
If all three rates are greatly in excess of the will experience at least one of these noise letters
verbal system's capacity to process the informa- as an A on 50% of the trials. This considera-
tion, it would seem that targets occurring as tion may well be the basis for the marked in-
the first letter in the sequence should be more crease in false-alarm rates as letter sequence
readily detected than those occurring in the length increased.
middle position. They would have an advan-
tage in being processed first before the system A similar probability combination will occur
became overloaded. That such was not the case for those multiple-letter sequences containing
seems quite clear from the obtained data. a target letter. If a sequence of letters contain-
ing one target letter and four noise letters is
No advantage was found for the target occur- presented, the probability is 1 .874 = .43 that
ring in the last position of the sequence length. one or more of the noise letters will produce the
The failure of such an advantage to occur might experience of A. Given a hit rate of 71%
be attributable to the inability to distinguish for detecting an A on single-letter presentations
the stimulus trace of the last occurring letter the probability, given four noise letters and a
from the traces of the preceding ones due to the target letter, that S will experience an A from
short time interval between their presentations. one of the noise letters but not from the target
The failure to find rate effects cannot be letter will be 124%. This would mean that
attributed to the fact that all presentation rates 6" would make the correct decision that the se-
led to the phenomenal experience of the letters quence contained the target letter on 124%
being simultaneously presented. While the 5- of the trials but his decision would be right
msec. rate for all sequence lengths did lead for the wrong reasons. The overall probability
to the phenomenal experience of all letters that 5" will experience at least one A either from
occurring simultaneously, the two slower rates the four noise letters or from the actual target
of 15 and 30 msec, did not. At the 15-msec. letter is approximately .84.
rate, sequences of five letters or more were If perceptual or informational processing re-
commonly reported as experienced in sequential mained as efficient for rapid presentation of se-
order and nine-letter sequences at this rate were quences of five letters as it is for single-letter
almost always reported as nonsimultaneous. At presentation, the above considerations would
the 30-msec. rate all sequence lengths were ex- lead to a prediction of 5"s performance for the
perienced as successive stimulations. five-letter sequence condition of a hit rate of
There is a very real possibility that the re- 84% and a false-alarm rate of 50%. If unit
duction in detection of the target letter as the slope is assumed for the normal-normal plot
letter sequence is increased is not a function of of the ROC curve and a d, is computed based
the rapid rate with which the letters are pre- on this hit and false-alarm rate, a value of
sented or an overloading of the processing .97 is obtained. Thus, marked decrease in dis-
system. Instead the impaired performance may crimination performance can be predicted inde-
be the result of a difference in the type of judg- pendent of any restrictions on the processing
mental task with which 5 is confronted. To rate in visual perception.
decide whether one of five presented letters was There is quite good agreement between the

TABLE 3 Procedure.Apparatus, stimuli, and procedure

AVERAGE d, VALUES FOR THE SINGLE- AND FIVE- were identical with Exp. I except for the follow-
LETTER CONDITIONS AND THE AVERAGE ing changes. Only two experimental conditions
PERCENTAGE OF HITS, FALSE HITS, were employed. The single-letter condition was
AND FALSE ALARMS identical with that of Exp. I but the five-letter
sequence differed in the following way: The .S"
Condition d. Hits False hits False alarms was instructed that he was to look at five letters
and after all five letters had been viewed he was
One letter 1.22 68 20 to make the decision as to whether one of the
Five letters .88 76 24 41 letters had been the target-letter A. He was in-
structed to fixate the cross and when it was in
sharp focus to press the trigger and one letter
predicted ds value of .97 and the obtained value would appear in 1 of the 10 possible locations.
of 1.04 for the five-letter sequence. Similar He was then to refocus and again press the trig-
computations for the three- and the nine-letter ger repeating this sequence until all five letters-
sequences gave predicted ds values of 1.18 and had been presented. Thus 5 viewed the individual
.75, respectively. These values are also quite letter presentations in the five-letter sequence at
close to those obtained empirically, although in his own rate, which was about 3 sec. per letter.
all three instances the predicted values slightly Responses for both the single-letter presentation
and the five-letter sequences were again yes-no
underestimate the obtained performance. with an associated 3-category confidence rating.
EXPERIMENT II Each 6" received 200 single-letter trials and 200
five-letter trials. The target-letter A occurred on
If the loss in detection sensitivity is due to 50% of the trials in both conditions. In the five-
a change in the nature of the judgmental task letter condition the noise elements were again di-
vided between the letters T and U. Similarly
rather than to a jamming or overloading of the noise trials for the single-letter presentation
the processing mechanism due to a fast input were evenly divided between these two noise let-
rate, then similar losses in sensitivity at rates ters. For the five-letter condition the critical ele-
that approach the intertrial interval for ment occurred equally often in each of the five
temporal positions, and in both the single- and
single-letter presentations would be expected. five-letter conditions the target occurred equally
In the present experiment -S"s were again often in each of the 10 channels of the tachistoscope.
given single-letter presentations in which There were 20 different temporal spatial orders
they made a decision after each letter was in the five-letter condition randomly permuted to
presented as to whether or not the letter was form 10 sequences, 1 given in each session and
5 containing an A. For the single-letter trials,
an A. In the experimental condition 6"s re- 10 random sequences of 20 single letters also were
ceived what were essentially five single-let- employed where half of the letters were an A in
ter trials but had to withold their decision each sequence.
until five of these letters had been viewed; Prior to the experimental sessions an exposure
duration yielding 75-80% accuracy with single-
i.e., they received five single-letter trials at letter trials was established for each 6" (range
the end of which they had to decide whether 1.6-2.0 msec.). Each 5" was given one practice
an A had occurred among the five letters session prior to the 10 experimental sessions.
they had viewed. In addition to his decision In addition to a yes-no decision with its asso-
ciated confidence rating, 5s under the five-letter
along with its associated confidence rating, condition also were required to designate when they
51 also was asked to report on which of the made a yes decision as to which of the letters they
five presentations he thought the A had thought was the target. Since 5s frequently re-
occurred. This provided a check on the fre- ported that two or more of the letters looked like
quency with which >Ss made a correct de- A, they were further instructed to make their de-
cision as to which letter was the A on the basis
cision by experiencing a noise letter as an of their highest confidence.
A rather than the actual A that was pre-
sented in the sequence. Results
Method Table 3 shows the mean ds values for the
single- and five-letter conditions along with
Subjects.Five 5s, two female, were obtained the associated hit and false-alarm rates.
as volunteers from the graduate and undergraduate
student population and paid for their services. All Also shown is the number of false hits for
had normal or corrected-to-normal vision and two the five-letter condition. This corresponds
had served in the previous experiment. to the number of times Ss correctly reported

that an A was in the five-letter sequence but tion. Using the hit and false-alarm rates ob-
designated incorrectly which of the five let- tained for the single-letter condition, predictions
ters it was. of .90 and .67 are obtained for the hit rate and
A one-tailed t test for correlated means the false-alarm rate in the five-letter condition,
shows the difference between the mean d8 both somewhat higher than those actually ob-
tained. These hit and false-alarm rates would
values between conditions to be significant lead to a predicted da of .69, a lower sensitivity
beyond the .03 level. Only one of the five than was obtained.
5s failed to show an appreciable drop in Note that there is an appreciable number of
sensitivity between the one- and the five- correct detections based on 6"s responding to a
letter conditions. noise letter rather than a target. This is in
Although there is a significant decrease in accord with the theoretical analysis of this
the di measure of sensitivity between the judgmental situation. The probability of one
single- and the five-letter conditions, the or more of the four noise letters being experi-
magnitude of the decrease is not quite as enced as an A and the real A not being detected
great as between the corresponding condi- is .19 as compared with an obtained p of .24.
tions in Exp. I. There a difference of .60 As in Exp. I, Ss' performance on the five-
was obtained. However, a t test of the dif- letter condition is better than to be expected
ferences between the differences across the from our theoretical analysis of the judgmental
situation. While the discrepancies may be due
two experiments does not approach signif- to chance, they have been consistent in all four
icance, t (7) = .68, p > .30. comparisons; and this leads to some doubts as
to the adequacy of the theoretical analysis and
Discussion the likelihood that some as yet unidentified com-
The results of this experiment show that ponent may be entering into the decision
there is a decrease in the sensitivity of detect- process. A possible factor that could lead to
ing the target A when 5" has to base his de- less detriment than predicted in detection sensi-
cision over five letters even when the rate at tivity is that the larger sample of noise letters
which the individual letters are presented is so obtained in the multiletter conditions serves as
slow as to approximate the rate of single-letter some kind of judgmental anchor that leads to
presentation trials. The reduction in sensitiv- improved identification of the target A. It is
ity between the single-letter and the five-letter well known that comparative judgment is gen-
condition is not quite as great as was obtained erally superior to absolute judgment. Com-
in Exp. I but comparison across the two experi- parisons between the stimuli experienced in a
ments shows that the difference in amount of multiletter trial may resemble a comparative
loss could well have arisen by chance. judgment task, whereas the single-letter pre-
A certain caution in interpreting this com- sentation would be characterized more in terms
parison of the amount of loss between the one- of absolute judgment.
and five-letter conditions across the two experi-
ments is appropriate. Unfortunately, S"s in EXPERIMENT III
Exp. II were at a lower sensitivity level for
the one-letter condition and the comparison This experiment was a replication of Exp.
assumes that the ds statistic is an equal interval II with the exception that in the five-letter
scale of sensitivity. At least it seems safe to condition -S" was informed immediately after
conclude that the rapid presentation rates used one of the five letters that it constituted a
in Exp. I were not the sole basis for the loss critical letter and he was to make his decision
in detection sensitivity as the length of letter as to whether or not it was an A. If S1 has
sequence increased. to view five letters every trial but makes his
The hit and false-alarm rates increased in the decision of "A or not A" only for the desig-
same way as in Exp, I for the five-letter condi- nated letter, then the task should be essen-
tion. Here the hit rate shows a somewhat tially the same as that for single-letter pre-
larger gain than before. However neither the
hit nor the false-alarm rate increases as much sentation except for the possible advantage
as a straight probability model predicts based of having some of the characteristics of a
on the assumption that each letter in the five- comparative judgment. Since S knows
letter condition is processed with the same which are the noise or irrelevant letters,
accuracy as exists for the single-letter condi- these letters should not contribute to an in-

TABLE 4 a duration interval of some 15-20 sec. That

AVERAGE d, VALUES AND AVERAGE PERCENTAGE OF these two effects would exactly cancel each
HITS AND FALSE ALARMS FOR THE SINGLE- other seems quite remote.
Condition d. Hits False alarms
At this point if we examine the results of
One letter 1.24 70 20
Five letters 1.21 70 22 the three preceding experiments the follow-
ing tentative conclusions are suggested: The
first conclusion is that on a form detection
crease in his false-alarm rate nor to spurious task such as was employed, the rate at which
hits. the individual letter forms are presented to
-5" is immaterial in determining detection per-
Method formance. The target letter is detected about
Subjects.Five 5s, two female, were drawn from equally well when the letters are presented
the graduate and undergraduate student popula- at the rate of 5 msec, between individual let-
tion and were paid for their services. All had ters in the sequence as when several seconds
normal or corrected-to-normal vision and had had
previous practice in visual psychophysical studies. occur between them. The second conclusion
Three of them had served in one or the other or is that the loss in detection sensitivity as the
both of the previous experiments. number of letters in a sequence increases is
Procedure.The procedure was identical to that attributable to a change in the judgmental
of Exp. II except that in the five-letter condition situation rather than to a limitation on the
one of the five letters was indicated as the critical
one immediately after it occurred. The indication processing rate of the individual items in
was made verbally by E. This indicator occurred the sequence. Essentially this change in the
before the next letter in the sequence and 5" was judgmental task results from the increased
required to continue viewing the remaining letters probability on multiletter trials of a noise
and, as in Exp. II, withhold his response or decision
until after all five letters had been viewed. letter being experienced as an A, or alter-
natively, entering the A acceptance region.
Results Corollary results of the three experiments
The average da values and average hit and would seem to rule out an interpretation of
false-alarm rates are shown in Table 4. As the encoding or noting mechanism becoming
can be seen there are no appreciable differ- jammed or overloaded with longer letter se-
ences on any of these statistics between the quences irrespective of rate.
one- and the five-letter conditions. Ob- The purpose of the fourth experiment was
viously none of the differences approach sig- to verify further these conclusions. A dif-
nificance. ferent and larger sample of 6"s was run on
the single-letter and nine-letter sequences.
Discussion The nine-letter sequences were presented at
These results provide no support for the the rates of 30, 90, and 150 msec, between
possibility that the multiple-letter conditions in individual letters as well as under the spaced
the previous experiments may have resembled condition where 5 viewed each letter at
a comparative judgment task which counter- essentially the single-trial rate.
acted in an undetermined amount the predicted Besides the advantages of replication, this
loss in detection sensitivity. When 5" knows design permits a precise comparison of the
which of the five letters in the sequence requires detection sensitivity under rapid rates of pre-
the decision as to whether or not it is an A, sentation with that obtained under a spaced
there is no difference in performance to that ob- presentation that approximates a single-trial
tained when each presented letter requires this rate. It also permits a more precise com-
decision. It is possible, though unlikely, that
any gain in discrimination that could accrue parison between detection-sensitivity rate.
from being able to compare the critical letter In addition it permits a more precise com-
with the noise letters on a trial is counteracted parison between detection sensitivity when
by such variables as 5" having to delay his re- the letters are presented singly and S makes
sponse until five letters have been presented, a judgment after each letter and the condi-

tion where nine letters are viewed at essen- TABLE 5

tially the single-letter rate but 5 reserves his AVERAGE d, VALUES AND PERCENTAGE OF HITS
decision as to whether or not an A occurred AND FALSE ALARMS FOR THE SINGLE-LETTER
in the sequence until all nine letters have CONDITION AT EACH OF THE FOUR
been presented. Previous comparisons of PRESENTATION RATES
this loss were based not only on five-letter
Nine letters
sequences but also, due to differences be-
Item Single
tween the groups on single-presentation de- letter
30 90 ISO
tection sensitivity, there was some question msec- msec. msec. Spaced
about the comparability or validity of the d, 1.5S .81 .51 .59 .95
comparisons since they involved the assump- Hits
False alarms
76 75 66
66 m
tion of an equal interval scale on the ds 20 44 43 46
sensitivity measure.
The inclusion of the 90- and 150-msec. yield approximately 90% identification accuracy for
rates in this experiment served to bridge the the single-letter condition. This exposure dura-
gap between the previous observations on tion was then used as the duration of exposure of
each letter in all experimental conditions for that
the 30-msec. rate and the spaced single-trial 5". These exposure durations ranged from 1.6 to
rate. Even though comparable reductions 2.5 msec, for the individual S"s. Each experimental
in sensitivity may occur, it still is a possibil- session consisted of 10 warm-up single-letter trials-
ity that the tasks are different and the followed by 10 trials under each of the five con-
reduction in sensitivity occurs for different ditions. The order of the five conditions was
counterbalanced over sessions for each 5". The
reasons. By bridging the rate gap these un- order of the 10 trials was randomized over sessions
certainties can be greatly restricted. to minimize learning effects. After each trial S
reported yes or no as to the presence of the target
Method letter along with his associated confidence judg-
ment on the 3-point scale.
Subjects.Six male students, five graduate and
one undergraduate, served as paid volunteers. All Results
had normal or corrected-to-normal vision and one
S1 had served in Exp. III. The da statistic of detection sensitivity was
Procedure.Only two sequence lengths were computed for each S for the nine-letter se-
studied, single letter and nine letters. Again in quences under each of the four rates of
the single-letter condition only one letter was pre-
sented in a trial following which 5 made his judg- presentation and subjected to a two-way
ment as to whether or not the presented letter analysis of variance (rates and 5s). The
had been an A. For the nine-letter sequences, a effect of rate was significant, F (3, 15) =
trial consisted of the occurrence of nine letters 4.59, p < .05, but the S variable was not.*
following which S made the judgment as to whether The average d8 values for the nine-letter se-
one of them had been an A. These nine-letter se-
quences were presented at four different rates, quences under each of the four rates are
30, 90, and 150 msec., and at the spaced rate shown in Table 5. Also included in Table 5
where the single letters occurred at approximately is the average ds value for single-letter pre-
the rate involved between single-letter trials. For sentations.
the single-letter sequences and at all four rates
for the nine-letter sequences, half of the trials Compared to the single-letter condition,,
contained the target letter and the remaining trials the nine-letter sequences yield appreciably
consisted of random arrangements of the noise poorer detection at all four presentation
letters T and U. rates. Within the nine-letter sequence, the
There was a total of 90 trials under each of the
five experimental conditions. For each of the four 30-msec. and spaced rates yield the most
rates in which the nine-letter sequences were pre- sensitive detection of the target letter and
sented, there were 10 different spatial-temporal poorest detection is obtained at the 90-msec.
patterns of stimulus presentation. In these pat- rate. The difference between the 30-msec.
terns of stimulation the target letter A occurred
equally often in all temporal and spatial positions. The lack of significant 6" effects in these experi-
As in the previous experiments 5s were given ments is attributable to the preexperimental deter-
practice under all experimental conditions before mination of an exposure duration of a single letter
beginning the 10 experimental sessions. A stimulus for each ,9 that yielded approximately 80% identi-
duration was determined for each >? that would fication accuracy.

TABLE 6 target A occurred among the first four pre-

AVERAGE PERCENTAGE CORRECT DECISIONS WHEN sented letters as opposed to when it occurred
TARGET OCCURRED AMONG FIRST FOUR AND among the last four. Percentage correct re-
NINE-LETTER CONDITION FOR EACH sponses were computed for each 5 under
OF THE FOUR PRESENTATION each of the four rate conditions for those
RATES trials on which the target A occurred among
the first four presented letters and among the
Temporal last four presented letters and these percent-
30 msec. 90 msec. ISO msec. Spaced age values were then analyzed in a three-way
analysis of variance (presentation rate, first
1-4 88 87 81 91 four vs. last four temporal positions, and
5-9 87 78 75 95
S"s). As would be expected the rate variable
was again significant, F (3, 15) = 4.37, p <
rate and the spaced rate does not approach .05. More pertinent to the question, how-
significance, t (5) = .82, p > .40, but both ever, was the significant First Four as
values are significantly different than that Opposed to Last Four Temporal Positions
obtained for the 90- and 150-msec. rates. X Rate interaction, F (3, 15) = 11.18, p <
The hit and false-alarm rates which also .01.
are shown in Table 5 are commensurate with Table 6 presents the average percentage
the previous findings. The false-alarm rate correct decisions when the target A occurred
shows an appreciable increase between the among the first four temporal positions as
single-letter and the nine-letter sequences. opposed to the last four for each of the four
Within the nine-letter sequences the hit and presentation rates. As is seen, there is little
false-alarm rates correspond with the dif- variation in correct responses among the four
ferences in the ds measure of sensitivity. rates when the target occurred in the first
It had been anticipated that poorer detec- four temporal positions. However percent-
tion would be obtained for the 90- and 150- age correct decisions are poorer at the 90-
msec. rates due to the problem of 5" main- and 150-msec. rates when the target occurs
taining his fixation over the long trial dura- among the last four temporal positions. This
tion and maintaining his accommodation in result is quite consistent with what would be
the appropriate plane. In the spaced condi- expected if 5"s accommodation was drifting
tion S proceeded at his own rate which over these long temporal intervals and eye
allowed him to readjust his fixation between movements were occurring.
the occurrence of each letter and to assure Discussion
that his accommodation was in the plane of
stimulation. In the 30-msec. rate all nine let- Results of the present experiment replicate
in a very satisfactory manner the findings of the
ters were presented in a time of less than 250 preceding studies. The average ds value ob-
msec., whereas for the 90-msec. rate a trial tained for the single-letter condition is very
lasted nearly 730 msec, and over 1,200 msec, close to the value obtained in Exp. I for the
for the 150-msec. rate (eight ISI values of comparable condition, and the reduction in de-
150 msec, plus nine durations of letter pre- tection sensitivity at the 30-msec. rate in the
sentation of approximately 2 msec. each). present study is quite comparable to that ob-
Eriksen (1966a) had previously found that tained in Exp. I for the nine-letter sequence
when two forms were presented for identifi- at the same rate. The reduction in detection
cation separated by varying ISIs, identifica- sensitivity for the nine-letter spaced condition
tion of the second presented form decreased when compared with that for the single-letter
condition substantiates the conclusion drawn
at ISI values in excess of 400 msec. from Exp. II that the loss in detectability with
Evidence as to whether the decrease in de- high input rates obtained in Exp. I was not due
tection for the 90- and 150-msec. rates could to the rate per se but to a change in the judg-
be attributed to eye movements and drift in mental task. This conclusion is further sup-
accommodation was obtained by comparing ported by the very similar detection perform-
detection accuracy for those trials when the ance at the 30-msec. rate and for the spaced

condition for the nine-letter sequences in the sequence. This would suggest that the encod-
present experiment. ing mechanism proposed in current theories
The drop in detection at the 90- and 150- (Averbach & Coriell, 1961; Mayzner et al.,
msec. rate would seem well accounted for in 1967; Sperling, 1963) can scan through or
terms of eye movement and accommodation encode nine letters as efficiently in 50 msec.
drift over the long trial durations. On the basis as in 25 sec. This interpretation would almost
of prior work, it was anticipated that per- certainly preclude a serial encoding process.
formance loss would occur when viewing inter- Either a multichannel encoder would seem to
vals exceeded about 300 msec. This duration is be required or modification of the information
"beyond the latency for eye movements, and also processing models is required when they are
many S's experience accommodation drift over extended to visual search or detection tasks
viewing intervals of these durations and longer. such as employed by Estes and his associates
These considerations become serious methodo- and in the present experiments.
logical problems when viewing time needs to We would seem to be faced with the con-
exceed 150-300 msec, and the task involves a clusion of either a multichannel encoder with
sensitive criterion. at least nine parallel channels or the existence
The difference in judgmental task when 5 of filters such as proposed by Broadbent (1958)
must view sequences of letters and delay his and Treisman (1964a). Attention or "set" can
judgment as to whether or not an A has be conceived as setting up filters at lower stages
occurred until all letters in the sequence have in the information processing system to screen
been viewed, as opposed to judging immediately out irrelevant stimuli. Thus only a restricted
after each letter occurrence, is rather well pre- subset of the input information is available to
dicted by a simple probability model. Applied encoding and a moderate increase of irrelevant
to the data of the present experiment the prob- stimuli or information would have but little or
ability model predicts a ds of .64 for the no effect on the encoding load.
nine-letter sequence at the 30-msec. rate and Bower (1965) recently has suggested the
for the spaced condition. This value is some- applicability of a filter process to the inter-
what lower than the empirical values of .83 pretation of visual search data; and Neisser
and .89, although within sampling error. This (1967), although critical of the filter concept,
latter can be estimated by computing the stan- has made a strong argument for multichannel
dard error of the hit and false-alarm rates of the feature analyzers and preattentive processes that
single-letter condition, the values from which operate on information prior to encoding. Irre-
the predictions are derived. Hit and false- spective of where or what hypothetical proc-
alarm rates corresponding to 1.65 standard de- esses are involved, the present results would
viations above and below the obtained values seem to require a parallel processing of inputs
for the single-letter condition were used to some place in the system when search behavior
generate the 95% confidence bounds of the
predicted values for the nine-letter sequences. is involved.
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