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K SUfl

& Hydrocephalus
of 0ntario

Research Arnrareness Care Advocacv

Vol. 9, Issue2,July 2070

To celebrate Spina Bifida & HydrocephalusAwarenessMonth and support the Association,families,teams and
individualstook to the streets in communitiesacross Ontariofor the 3rd Annual Spirit Wheel Walk Run. There
were eighteenseparateevents around Ontario.

Thank you to those who organizedan event and to everyonewho raised pledges,walked, wheeled or ran! This
issue of Current Bulletin is devoted to you and featuresjust a few of the many stories of dedication,enthusiasm
and generositythat made this year's event such a success.

A walkwithdetermination
BryKntieRiclnrd, TlrcOshswnE4rrrr,s-s

WhenAmandaRidding,a nursefrom Oshawa,foundout22 weeksinto her

pregnancythat her unbornchildhadthe mostsevereform of spinabifida,
she knewlittleaboutit.
Turning to the Internet for more information, Ridding savs Thankftrllv at birth, the Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
lvhat she found online was scarv at first. Association of Ontario (SB&H) stepped in to l"relpand lend
support to a family that nee'dedit most.
"Thev give vou thesehorrible, horrible things about it on
the Internet." she savs. "When r,r'egot tl-rediagnosis and r.t'henwe \\rerein the
hospitalat first, the Associationwas very helpful in
Her son Nickolas was proviclingus with information on stuff we were lvorriecl
horn orr lr.rckyFridav, about," she savs.
November 13,2009.
He had his first major "We made it through the pregnancy not krrowing hor.r'
surgery when he was the spirrabificla affectec-l
Nickolas but given a range of
just 24-hours-old.The symptoms.SB&H provided us with valuable and helpful
surgery fixed and information about spina bifida and hydrocephalusduring
covereda lesionon his our pregnancy as well as in the first w,eeksat the hospital."
spine,but damageto
the nervescouldn't be Now Nickolas is sevenmonths old and Ridding n,antsto
repaired. give back to the Associationtl'rathas helped her and her
farnill,get to this point.
"He then received a
shunt at three-r,r,eeks-old "This [r,r'as]the perfect opp'rortunitvto help," the protrd
due to hydrocephalus, mother explains.
something r.r,eexpectecl
and tried to be prepared On June 19,Ridcling, family and friends, along with
for," saysRidding. Nickolas,hosteda'Spirit Wheel Walk Run'to raiselnonev
for the Association. But the walk was not onlv about raising
"Nickolas bounced back from both surgerieswith amazing money, it was about putting a face to spina bifida, which
determination.He is a very huppy baby who takesthings in is a birth defect that sets off a cliain of other problems that
stride and flasheshis dazzling smile at everyonehe sees." make up the entire package,says l{idding.
But it doesn't slor.t,Nickolas down much, he r:olledover for donation and follow the directionsto donate.
tl-refirst time last n,eeh salrs16" proud mother on the online
blog she createdto raiseawarellessabout spina bifida. The Riddingsplan on making Nickolas'walkan annual
"I am most excited about being able to pr"rta face to spina
bifida to combat the belief that anyone n'ith spina bifida While thereis no cure for spina bifida or hydrocephalus
r.till be paraplegic,be dependent on us forever, never walk there is hope,she says.
and alwavs need diapers.I want to short'peoplehow
rvonderful it is to have Nickolas ar-rdhow proud I am to be Ongoing iherapy,medical careand/or surgical treatments
h i s m o m , " s a y sR i d d i n g . are'availableto managethesecomplex condifions.Today,
research,adl,ancesin n'redicaltechnology and support for
Ridding savsher goal was originally 91,000when the peoplewith spina bifida and hydrocephalusenablethem to
10-personteam signed up, but tl'rel'62,ruraisedan amazing live full and productive lives.
fi2,204in donations for SB&H.
"My children, they have shown me what faith, hope, love
The walk startedin Pickeringalong the Durham Lakeshore. and joy truly means," acldsRidding.
The team r.talkedfor about an hour and a half, then turned
back for a total walking fime of about three l.rotrrs. "Nickolas has brought us such joy. Our lives changedthe
day we fciundout that Nickolas r,r'ouldbe born r,r'ithspina
Nickolas'team registered,along with many other families bifida. I can't imagine what life would be like w.ithout him,
from all over Ontario. To make a donation to SB&H anvtime he makesour family complete." *
you can go to wwr.t'

Community invitedto walkfor

Br1Kris Dulti, Fort Erie Times

Paul anclSoniaCote'sdaughter Saffronis still verv voullg,

but w'henshe getsolder...kidsher age will likely have

Shecelebraiedher birthdav in late June,the samemonth

that has been designatedto raisearvareness about the
Spina Bifida arrdHydrocephaltrsAssociationof Ontario.

That's\4'h)'on SundavJune6, the local couple hosted the

"SaFfi'slValk: Spirit Wheel Walk and Run" in supporr of Soniasaid she hopes the event will inspire more awareness
the Association,that both sav has been of great help since about her oldestdaughter'scondition and l'relppeople
Saffron n'as born r,r,ithspina bifida in 2006. realize it's OK to talk to her about her w,alkeror why slre
wears braceson her legs.
Soniasaid not onlv have they provided many answersto
questionsthe1"y" had over the years, tlrev are also an are "Peopleare afraid to ask qtrestionsand shet going to spend
that more ans\^/erscan only be provided if the funds are her whole life answeringthosesamequestions,"she said.
availableior ongoing research.
Over 50 people registered to participate in the walk and the
"They'r'ebeenso helpful to is so mnch they Cote'sare hoping more people in the commtrnity rl.ill get
still don't know about it," she said. involved in future S\MWRevents or by making a donation
to the Association.
Li'u'ingin Ridgeway, they say Saffron is easily identified
n'hen going for regular strolls around the neighbourhood Shesaicithis is their rn'ayof giving back to an organization
or at the local grocery storejust down the streetfrom their that has made raising Saffronso much easierover the vears.
Corham Iload home.
"Thev really are a fantasticresource,"she added.
| | 2 peoplewalk,wheeland
runtheirwayto almost$5,000
BryKendnlDuytuis,Barnl'sBnqThis Week
Last 1'earmore than 300 volunteersfrom 1Bdifferent
If you happened to be communitiestook part in a variety of fundraisers,raising
driving through Barry's over $18.000.
Bay Saturdav mortring,
june 5, vou mav have In Barry'sBav Anita fessupdecideclto walk again because
noticed the dark and last year'sfundraiserwas so successful.
gloomy weather.
Anita \t/asvery proud to report that even though last
Despite theseconditions, year'swalk beat her expectations,this year was even more
the crowd on Lakeshore rewarding.
Drive gatheredtogether
n,ith brigl-rtspirits,and "More people volunteered, and even more money was
marvelousdetermination,for the secondannual spina r a i s e d ! "A n i t a s t a t e d .
bifida and hydrocephalusawarenessfurr-rdraiser.
T-shirt sales,deliciortsfood, donatedbooks and face
People from far and near gathered together to support, and painting were all available,and even a variety of animals
take part, in this Wheel Walk Run. were on display, thanks to Eganville'sWaddles and Wags,
which added to the eventful aftemoon.
Anita ]essupis one of manv who is verv aware of the
support that is neededto help embracethis cattse,due to Last year; 84 people n'ere able to come out and get
the challengesthat her family faceseverl' day. involved, and helpeclraiseapproximately$4,313.

Her son,Chad Stoppa,ma\/ onlv be little, but he rn'as On Saturdav,Tl2people cameout and helped sponsorthis
definitelv the biggest rav of sutt to shine on Saturday. event,raisirrgan astouuding$.1,876.

Using his walker to assisthim, and his "big-boy bike" to Jessupgreatly appreciates,and would like to thank,
peddle, he was huppy to show evervonethat there is hope everyone who raised pledges,sponsored this event, and
evervwhere,no matter what. managed to make it out.

Chad'smain challengeis mobility, but he always manages Great iob evervone!

to get by n'ith gentle patienceand lots of love.

a LongWay!
A LittleChangeGoes
This August, SB&H will participatein the LCBO'sDonationBox program.Our
message"Every healthybaby is a victory!" will be featuredin over 600 LCBO
stores throughoutthe province.Last year more than $10,000was raised for
our folic acid public awarenesscampaign.This is a critical messageand you
can help.Simplytell your friendsand familythat when they visit their local
LCBOin August,and donatetheir sparechangeto SB&H,they are making
a difference!Our goal is to surpass last year'stotal! With your support
we have the potentialto reachthousandsof women of childbearingage.
Thank you for your commitmentand generosity.
Thank you to the LGBO,its employeesand especiallyits
customers for providingthis tremendous opportunity-
euents& updates
(More event listings are available at,/calendar)


i:, Se &H Events ,1 SB&HPresentationsand

SupportGrcups'.:i;*rr",.t 2010AnnualMeeting
I AdunHydrawphalus i
A safeplace for aclultsliving with hydrocephalus
I I ]oin us on Saturday,October2,2010at the
i to ask questions,share stories and connect with I CNIB, 1929Bayview Ave., Toronto as we
! otl,ersin similar situations.We are taking a break I
for ]ulv and August. Next meetirlgsare \Vednesday, celebrateour achievements,keep informed
I i,
September29, and October27,2A70. and salute our partners & friends.
I i
/r l;
'.'., is'S$ss-ss\.i;3,;,r;:ii; TheDay'sEvenb
Tasfer's GlubsSSs...-:.::,
I i $peakerc
! Cotti.tgall'fooclies'!Come meet anclclinewith fellow I
i SB&H'ersat a different restauranteachmonth. Each t Paige Church, MD - Clinical Director, Neonatal
g "Taster" is responsiblefor purchasinghis/hero\\'n Follow up Clinic, SunnvbrookHealth SciencesCentre;

$ meal and beverages.Pleaseregister in advance. i Paediatricianin the Spina Bifida, Spinal Cord Prograrn
X at Holland Bloon,iew Kic-l'sItehabilitationHospitaI.
t SB tn H Ghoicer {ilrs:/", '; ',ii.'ts Dr. Michael Cusimano - Neurosurgeonand researcher
Conrrectwith adults in the London arealiving ltiih in hydrocephalusat St. Michael'sHospital.
sb/h. Enjo1,a casual atmospherewhere you can chat,
slrareideas,network and have some fun! For full AGM
details,contactCarolina at579-907-0335or
carrol l_sc@vahoo. ,1
com or Teresaat wamme.stG)yahoo.
Awards& Lunchnn
{ ca or 519-473-5069. !
:i li
LondonAwssible SporbDemoDayi:-.s$*.*
Youth for Youth of the ThamesValley Children'sCentre
Spaceis limited. email
lt'ill be hosting an accessible
sports demo day, featuring or to reserveyour seat
or call 800-387-1575
local teanrs,scrimmageganles,a luncheonar-rc1 Paralympic today.
Time: 10-'l Youthllrop-in *s *...sS
Location:ThamesVallev Children'sCentregym. For youth ages16-29with phvsical disabilitiesand their
779BaselineRd. E., London, On friends.Join us on:
Email: r'outh @rtvcc. Phone: 519-685-870
0 ext. 53766
Date: Saturday,September25,2010
Looking For WoilO for*rux$s Time:7:00-10:00pm
Cost $3.00
The WorkplaceEssentialSkills Partnership(WESP)is "Your
Location:Earl BalesCommunity Centre
Kev to Success"
4169BathurstStreet(Bathurst& Sheppard)
Registrationis now OPEN for the next Four-Week D], games and snackslvill be provided, and attendant sen,ice
Workslrop are available.

Start Date: August 1.6,2010 RSVP to Natalie Tirnbrell at 476-425-6220


Contact:Michelle Pandith,Employment SpeciaIist Eztentorganizersinclude SB&H, Hollancl Blooruiew Kids

for more information or to book an appointment Rehsbilitation Hosqrital,Anne Jolurston Health Station, and
416-486-2500ext 8342 Citu of Toronta Forestru E Recreation (North District).

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