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Central Vein Stenosis: A Nephrologists

Anil K. Agarwal, Bhairavi M. Patel, and Nabil J. Haddad
Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio


Central vein stenosis is commonly associated with placement stenosis or superior vena cava stenosis can produce a clinical
of central venous catheters and devices. Central vein stenosis picture of superior vena cava syndrome, associated with
can jeopardize the future of arteriovenous stula and arterio- engorgement of face and neck. Endovascular interventions
venous graft in the ipsilateral extremity. Occurrence of central are the mainstay of management of central vein stenosis. Per-
vein stenosis in association with indwelling intravascular cutaneous angioplasty and stent placement for elastic and
devices including short-term, small-diameter catheters such as recurring lesions can restore the functionality of the vascular
peripherally inserted central catheters, long-term hemodialysis access, at least temporarily. Frequent or multiple interven-
catheters, as well as pacemaker wires, has been recognized for tions are usually required. In recalcitrant cases, surgical
over two decades. Placement of multiple catheters, longer bypass of the obstruction is an option. In resistant cases with
duration, location in subclavian vein, and placement on the severe symptoms, occlusion of the functioning vascular access
left-hand side of neck seem to predispose to the development will usually provide relief of symptoms. Further study of
of central vein stenosis. Endothelial injury with subsequent mechanisms of development of central vein stenosis and
changes in the vessel wall results in development of micro- search for a targeted therapy is likely to lead to better ways
thrombi, smooth muscle proliferation, and central vein steno- of managing central vein stenosis. Prevention of central vein
sis. Central vein stenosis is often asymptomatic in nondialysis stenosis is the key to avoid access failure and other
patients, but can result in edema of ipsilateral extremity and complications from central vein stenosis and relies upon
breast when challenged by increased ow from an arterio- avoidance of central vein stenosis placement and timely place-
venous stula or arteriovenous graft. Bilateral central vein ment of arteriovenous stula in prospective dialysis patient.

Dialysis vascular access-related expenditures cost the serious delayed complications, such as CVS. While it is
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) possible to have idiopathic CVS in the absence of history
over a billion dollars in 2001. Complications related to of CVC or other device placement, the current review
vascular access account for 2030% of hospitalizations will focus on the CVS associated with CVC due to its
of dialysis patients, primarily from sepsis and thrombo- higher prevalence and potential for prevention.
sis (1). Access thrombosis is usually a result of outow
obstruction because of stenosis at various points in the
anatomical course of access. While the most common Prevalence
site of outow obstruction for arteriovenous grafts
(AVG) is at the venous anastomosis, occurrence of As CVS can be asymptomatic and routine or serial
central vein stenosis (CVS) compromises the ipsilateral venograms are not usual after CVC placement or
side for placement of any type of vascular access (Figs. 1 removal, the incidence of CVS is uncertain and is likely
and 2). to be underestimated. The high prevalence seen in dialy-
Occurrence of CVS, commonly manifested by extrem- sis patients perhaps reects the fact that CVS only
ity and breast edema, pain, inadequate dialysis, and AV becomes clinically manifest as the blood ow through
access failure, has been well recognized since the early the maturing dialysis access increases, leading to venous
1980s (28). The strikingly common theme of the reports engorgement because of poor outow. Thus, the source
of CVS has been the association of central venous lesions of most of the currently available data is limited to the
with previous placement of central venous catheters studies of symptomatic dialysis patients who required
(CVC). Well known to cause recurrent infections and imaging studies. Almost 25% of dialysis patients with
thrombosis, CVC can also result in less common but dysfunctional stulae were found to have subclavian
stenosis in one study, all with a history of previous
subclavian vein catheterization (7). Nineteen percent of
Address correspondence to: Anil K. Agarwal, MD, FACP, all patients (and 27% of those with history of previous
FASN, Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medi- CVC) had CVS in one angiography series (9), similar to
cine, Ohio State University, N 210 Means Hall, 1654 Upham
Drive, Columbus, OH 43210, or e-mail: aagarwal@
the 16% incidence of CVS in another (10). A prospective evaluation of functioning AVG by duplex scanning and
Seminars in DialysisVol 20, No 1 (JanuaryFebruary) 2007 angiography showed CVS in 29% of patients (11). When
pp. 5362 looked for, available studies in asymptomatic patients
54 Agarwal et al.
the venous endothelium and the resultant inammatory
response within the vessel wall. Aside from the initial
trauma at the time of CVC placement, many factors,
including the presence of foreign body in the vein, sliding
movement of the catheter with respiration, postural and
head movements, increased ow and turbulence from
creation of AVF, alone or in combination, stimulate var-
ious processes within the vessel wall. Turbulence has
been shown to cause platelet deposition and venous wall
thickening (16). The physical damage to the vessel wall
can result in thrombin generation, platelet activation,
expression of P-selectin, and an inammatory response
(17). Formation of plateletleukocyte and plateletplate-
let aggregates and activation of leukocytes induces
release of myeloperoxidase. Intravascular thrombosis
results, perhaps with release of probrotic cytokines
(18). The high blood ow associated with dialysis, turbu-
lence, and vibration have the capability to stimulate
intimal hyperplasia (19,20).

Fig. 1. Venogram of right upper extremity arteriovenous access Structural Changes in the Vein
showing severe stenosis of right innominate vein. Note presence of
dilated collateral veins on the right-hand side of the neck with The structural changes associated with CVC have not
reux of contrast into neck veins. been studied extensively. In vivo experimental models of
endothelial denudation using rabbit and rat veins involv-
ing air-drying, trypsin digestion, or monolament injury
showed development of platelet microthrombi within
24 hours and the presence of several layers of smooth
muscle cells after 78 days in the injured areas (21).
Some of the veins became completely occluded, a result
attributed to a thrombotic response to slower ow and
lesser shear force than in the arterial tree. The varying
responses to different levels of injury led to the postula-
tion that a critical area of endothelial denudation was
needed to stimulate a smooth muscle response. Having
less than the critical area of injury was associated with
complete healing in less than a week and no subsequent
intimal lesion.
Histologic examination of directional atherectomy
specimens from subclavian veins in patients with symp-
tomatic stenosis or occlusion has shown intimal hyper-
plasia of the vessel with presence of brous tissue (22). In
an autopsy study of six patients, the access vein, brachio-
cephalic vein, and superior vena cava (SVC) of three
patients with short-term (< 14 day) catheter use
Fig. 2. Venogram of the left upper extremity arteriovenous access
showing complete occlusion of the left subclavian vein with dilated
showed focal areas of injury to the intima, denudation of
collateral veins in the left shoulder area. endothelium, and adherent clot reecting early injury
(23). The other three patients with long-term (> 90
days) catheter use had smooth muscle cell proliferation
have found a relatively high incidence of CVS in those causing thickening of the vein wall. These catheters were
with subclavian catheters (4250%) compared to those attached to the vein wall in focal areas by the means of
with internal jugular (IJ) catheters (8,1214). Even occlu- organizing thrombus, endothelial cells, and collagen.
sion of the subclavian vein was frequently unaccompa- Two catheters were composed of polyurethane and four
nied by any clinical ndings (15). of silicone in this small study. These observations and
similar evidence from animal models (see Catheter
Design section) reect a pattern of progressive injury
Pathogenesis and vessel response. Thus, soon after the placement of
the venous catheter there is an early inammatory
The precise mechanisms of development of CVS and response with development of intimal injury and cre-
exact sequence of events are still undened. Plausible ation of nonorganizing thrombus. With continued
mechanisms are linked to the CVC-induced trauma to inammation, as in the case of a long-term indwelling
catheter, there is organization of thrombus, smooth symptoms, which may differ depending on the level and
muscle proliferation, thickening of vessel wall, and for- degree of obstruction, as described later.
mation of a bridge to the catheter. Whether this is a pre-
cursor to the development of CVS cannot be established
at this time. Asymmetry of the Venous Drainage

There are signicant anatomical differences in the

Anatomical Considerations path of right and left central veins. The right IJ vein trav-
erses the neck almost straight into the innominate and
There are many potential sites for creation of an SVC. The vein on the left, merging with the subclavian
AVF; radiocephalic and brachiocephalic AVF are the vein, has to take a longer, tortuous course with two
most common sites for reasons of convenience and opposite incurvations to reach the cavo-atrial junction.
accessibility. The increased blood ow through extrem- In addition, in about a third of the patients, the left IJ
ity veins as a result of maturation of the AVF ultimately vein has a smaller cross-sectional area than the vein on
needs to travel into the right atrium via the subclavian the right-hand side (24). These anatomic factors can lead
vein, innominate vein (also known as brachiocephalic to greater contact of an indwelling foreign body with the
vein), and SVC (Fig. 3). Obstruction of these central vessel wall when it is placed from the left-hand side. Not
veins caused by stenosis or venous thrombosis will inter- only can this cause CVS on the left-hand side, it is also
rupt this ow, interfering with the development of a capable of causing CVS on the right-hand side. This is
functional AVF. Even though the AVF may develop due to the close contact of the indwelling CVC with
successfully, the impedance to the blood ow by the ana- the conuence of the veins causing turbulence in blood
tomical stenosis will result in venous hypertension and ow; it is more likely with shorter than with longer
development of collaterals. Further development of the catheters.
collaterals may mitigate the symptoms, at least partially,
and allow continued development and, ultimately, use
of the access. If the AVF continues to function, symp- Movement and Position of the Catheter Tip
toms related to venous hypertension, such as extremity
edema and pain usually dominate the clinical picture, The length of the mediastinum increases upon assum-
leading to clinical and angiographic discovery of CVS. ing the upright position causing the tip of the catheter to
The clinical manifestations of CVS result in a variety of move up from its position in supine posture. The shift is
more evident in females with a large amount of breast tis-
sue, with larger-diameter catheters, and with subclavian
vein placement (25,26). Left-sided IJ catheters also move
more than right-sided catheters with rotation of the
head and neck, causing more endothelial trauma (27).

Risk Factors for CVS

Although in one study CVS was twice as common in

females as in males with subclavian dialysis catheters,
such a gender-related difference has not been well sub-
stantiated (14). There is no reported difference between
diabetics and nondiabetics as well. The prevalence of
idiopathic CVS or CVS resulting from causes other than
CVC has not been studied in dialysis patients, although
the SVC syndrome associated with bronchogenic carci-
noma and lymphoma is well described (28). Compres-
sion of the vein by an external mass can produce similar
symptoms and should be excluded.

Risk Factors for CVS Associated with CVC

Number and Duration of Previous CVC
Fig. 3. Venous anatomy. Note the tortuous route of a central
venous catheter from left internal jugular vein with rightward
It is relatively rare for CVS to occur in the absence of
curve at junction with subclavian vein, and then leftward curve at previous venous catheterization. Multiple CVC place-
conuence of innominate veins to form the superior vena cava. ments (14,29) and longer catheter dwell times (8,14,29)
The route from the right internal jugular vein into the right atrium have been associated with a higher risk of CVS. In case
is almost vertically down requiring less intimate contact with the of subclavian vein stenosis, the mean number of ipsilate-
vein wall. ral catheters was 1.6 with mean duration of 5.5 weeks (7).
56 Agarwal et al.
Longer dwell time of CVC increases the duration of wall from infection adding to that from the indwelling
injury. A prospective study of 42 consecutive hemodialy- catheter, this may not necessarily be so. It is possible
sis patients who underwent subclavian vein catheteriza- that CVS develops rst, and the impediment to the
tion with serial venograms at 0, 1, 3, and 6 months after blood ow due to it predisposes to infection. Why
catheter removal, subclavian vein stenosis (>30% nar- infection has not been noted with CVS associated
rowing) was found in 52.4% of patients (30). Sponta- with IJ vein catheterization is not clear, but may be
neous recanalization occurred in 45.4% of these patients related to the limited studies that have been per-
at 3 months. Patients with persistent stenosis at formed in this area.
6 months had a greater number of inserted catheters
(1.58 vs. 1.2), longer time in place (49 days vs. 29 days),
Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters (PICC
more dialysis sessions (21 vs. 12), and more catheter-
lines) and Venous Ports
related infections (66.6% vs. 33.3%) than those who re-
canalized spontaneously. Peripherally inserted central catheters (PICC lines)
Short-term hemodialysis catheters are commonplace and venous ports are emerging as signicant contribu-
in those initiating hemodialysis, those with maturing tors to CVS. A study of 154 patients with previous
access, and those with a malfunctioning access awaiting indwelling catheters and normal initial venograms
intervention. Though CVS is not as common with short- showed a 7% incidence of CVS or occlusion (39). There
term catheters, these catheters are not completely benign was no association of CVS with catheter caliber, but the
(31,32). Pericatheter sleeves, thrombus formation, and mean dwell time of those who developed CVS (138 days)
brachiocephalic vein stenoses have all been reported was signicantly longer than those who did not develop
with catheters that had been in place on average of CVS (68 days). Quite remarkably, none of the patients
21 days (31). with CVS had symptoms. Venous thrombosis can also
develop with tunneled small-bore infusion catheters,
which may be a precursor of CVS if the irritation is pro-
Location of CVC
longed due to long-term use of the catheter (40).
It is an important factor in causation of CVS. Sub-
clavian catheters have an especially high risk (8,1214)
Pacemaker and Defibrillator Wires
with a 42% incidence of CVS compared to a 10% rate
with IJ vein catheters (13). However, a recent study It is common to see dialysis patients with multiple
showed higher frequency of CVS with IJ catheters (33). comorbidities who require placement of pacemakers
CVS was detected by venography in 27% of the patients and debrillators (Fig. 4). Maturation and function of
with history of IJ vein catheterization, 16% on the side an ipsilateral AVF is often hampered by the presence of
ipsilateral to the catheter and 11% on the contralateral such a device. Device-related CV wires are not a contra-
side (9). Another recent study of 133 dialysis patients indication to ipsilateral placement of permanent AV
undergoing venography revealed a 41% prevalence access (3,4144). However, attempts to place an AV
of CVS; 83% of those with a history of subclavian cathe-
ters had CVS and 36% of those with IJ catheters had
CVS (29).

Right- or Left-Sided Catheterization

There is a predilection for CVS to occur with left-
sided catheter placement, possibly related to the more
tortuous route catheters take on that side (13,3436).
Catheter ow problems, infection, and central vein
obstruction were signicantly more common with left-
sided catheters in a study of 294 patients with 403
right and 77 left IJ catheterizations (36). AV access
ligation was necessary in four instances, all with left-
sided CVS. All patients with left-sided CVS were dia-
betics and had more severe symptoms.

Catheter Infections
Catheter infections can be associated with the
development of CVS, especially with subclavian vein
catheterization (30,36,37). In a study of 42 dialysis
patients with subclavian catheters, those with persis-
tent venous stenosis 6 months after removal of the Fig. 4. Occlusion of the left subclavian vein due to the presence
catheter had more catheter insertions and catheter- of pacemaker wires. Dilated collateral veins are present. Straight
related infections (38). Although it is possible that arrow demonstrates the site of stenosis while curved arrow shows
this latter association is due to the inammation the pacemaker (courtesy: Arif Asif, MD).
access on the same side may result in symptoms such as compatible material for construction of CVC may
extremity edema caused by CVS from the wires. prove fruitful.

Caliber of CVC Catheter Design

There is a high incidence of CVS with hemodialysis Many different designs of CVC have been used for
catheters, suggesting an association with their larger dialysis, though there is no conclusive evidence that one
diameter (12-14 French) compared with relatively smal- is better than the other. If a catheter was to cause less tur-
ler size (4-8 French) of CVC used for other purposes. bulence or movement within the vein, it could poten-
Whereas one study showed a linear relationship between tially be less inammatory. In a swine model, controlling
catheter size and venous thrombosis rates in smaller the movement of the catheter tip with a thin wire loop
diameter catheters 1% with 4-F, 6.6% with 5-F, and indeed resulted in less injury to the vein wall, less devel-
9.8% with 6-F catheters in upper arm veins (45) there opment of thrombus, and less wall thickening (49).
is no comparative study of larger-diameter catheters Thus, modication of the design of the catheter (such as
such as those used for dialysis in central veins. Small cal- direction and location of holes, curvature, split or non-
iber catheters should, nevertheless, not be considered split design) affecting tip movement could have a role in
benign. Triple lumen CVC placed in the IJ vein for prevention of CVS and is a subject deserving further
short-term (34 days) use were associated with intraven- study.
ous thrombi in 56% (with brin sleeve development in
56% of these patients) despite the use of prophylactic
Relationship with Thrombosis
heparin and aspirin (32). Whether this indicates an ear-
lier stage in the development of CVS is not certain. Thrombosis is frequently encountered in association
Recent recognition of CVS associated with PICC lines with CVC and CVS and could be a cause or effect of the
and pacemaker wires is also concerning. As the number CVS. Evidence from animal models and autopsy studies
and use of such catheters is increasing tremendously for suggests that endothelial damage results in thrombus
various reasons, this may become an important cause of organization, preceding the development of CVS.
CVS in patients needing vascular access for hemodialysis Venous thrombosis has been reported in 38% of those
in the future. It is quite possible that small-caliber cathe- receiving multiple PICC lines (50). Alternatively, the
ters incite a similar degree of CVS, but that it is the CVS CVS can lead to stagnation of blood ow, causing
associated with large (dialysis) catheters that is more venous or access thrombosis, especially if the CVC is still
likely to be detected because of symptoms resulting from indwelling. Endothelial damage, stasis due to the cath-
increased blood ow from a functioning access. eter, and a hypercoagulable state resulting from expres-
sion of thrombogenic factors (Virchows triad) provide
an ideal setting for intravascular clotting and could be
Catheter Tip Position
the common denominator of occurrence of CVS as well.
Many complications of CVC may be related to the
position of the catheter tip, which has traditionally been
placed in the central part of SVC or at the cavoatrial Clinical Features
junction (46). It has now become common to place the
tip of the dialysis catheter in the lower part of the right Central vein stenosis may be completely asympto-
atrium for better performance, although it may occa- matic and be detected only by a venogram taken in pre-
sionally be complicated by intraatrial thrombus. More paration for access placement (7,15). After an ipsilateral
CVC movement with the cardiac cycle when the tip is access is created, CVS is likely to become symptomatic
within the heart may predispose to CVS. However, a in short order. The symptoms depend upon the specic
short catheter, especially if placed from the left-hand side site of stenosis. While obstruction of the subclavian vein
with close approximation of its tip to the wall of SVC, is is associated with edema and venous hypertension of the
especially likely to result in endothelial damage and corresponding extremity and breast, brachiocephalic
inammatory response which, over the long term, may vein stenosis impedes blood ow from the same side of
lead to CVS. the face as well as the upper extremity. Bilateral brachio-
cephalic vein obstruction or SVC obstruction results in
SVC syndrome, the symptoms of which are described
Catheter Composition
The vessel wall may respond variably to different
catheter materials a concept related to stiffness and
Extremity Edema
presumed biocompatibility of the polymer. In a rabbit
model, polyethylene and Teon catheters were associ- It is estimated that only 50% of patients with signi-
ated with more inammation than was seen with cathe- cant subclavian vein stenosis develop ipsilateral arm
ters composed of silicon and polyurethane; the stiff edema (7). Edema can occur without a functioning
nature of polyethylene and Teon was considered etio- access in that extremity, but is much more likely once
logic (47). In addition, silicone dialysis catheters were such a high ow system is created (51). Use of this access
associated with a lower incidence of CVS than were for dialysis often exacerbates the edema further, and can
polyurethane catheters (48). Search for more bio- cause pain in the extremity. Swelling, tenderness, and
58 Agarwal et al.
associated erythema can resemble cellulitis. Edema of tion with good results (55). In an intensive care unit non-
the breast on the ipsilateral side may occur, and pleural dialysis CVC caused jugular vein thrombosis in 63.5%
effusion can develop as well (52,53). of patients as detected by duplex ultrasound after
removal of the catheter (56).
Venous thrombosis, by itself, is not always inconse-
Aneurysmal Dilatation of the Extremity Veins
quential. A review of axillary and subclavian vein throm-
and AVF
bosis revealed post-treatment symptoms in 34%,
Development of tortuous, aneurysmal dilatation of pulmonary embolism in 9.4%, and death in 1.2%,
an AVF may complicate stenosis-related partial obstruc- regardless of the etiology of thromboses (57). Develop-
tion to AVF blood ow. Prompt stulogram and correc- ment of intraatrial thrombus is not unusual with tunnel-
tion of stenosis may halt progressive deterioration. Thin ed dialysis catheters and can also lead to pulmonary
and shiny skin over the dilatation may herald impending embolization (58). Catheter-related thrombus can pro-
rupture of the aneurysm, which can be life threatening. pagate to the dural venous sinuses and result in pseudo-
Prompt surgical repair of the aneurysm is important in tumor cerebri. Diagnosis of venous thrombosis can be
such cases. made accurately with venograms or duplex ultrasound.
Removal of the catheter and systemic anticoagulation
are the cornerstone of treatment of venous thrombosis
Development of Collaterals
associated with CVS. Early catheter removal and antico-
As the CVS develops gradually, it permits develop- agulation may produce a prompt response to treatment
ment of collateral veins, diverting the blood ow cen- (59). Acute thrombosis can be treated effectively
trally via other patent veins. This often results in visible, with thrombolysis (60,61). Thrombolytic therapy and
palpable, tortuous veins over the extremity, chest, and surgical removal of thrombus may have a role in specic
neck. Occasionally, the collaterals are large enough to cases (62).
divert sufcient blood ow to abate or stabilize the signs
and symptoms of CVS; however, intervention is required
Inadequate Dialysis
in most cases.
Central vein stenosis may reduce access blood ow.
When it falls below dialyzer blood ow, access recircula-
SVC Syndrome
tion usually follows resulting in inadequate dialysis. An
Recognized for over a decade, SVC syndrome is a AVF tends to stay patent even at low blood ow and is
dreaded complication of SVC obstruction (28,54). Bilat- more likely to be associated with occurrence of recircula-
eral innominate vein stenosis can produce a similar pic- tion. In contrast, an AVG is more likely to thrombose
ture. The syndrome is characterized by edema of both before blood ow is low enough to produce recirculation.
upper extremities, the face and neck together with
numerous dilated collaterals over the chest and neck.
Recurrent Infections
Unrelieved, it can be life threatening and can cause soft
tissue edema of the neck and airway compression. Occa- Although infection may be a causative factor for
sionally, the blood ow can be maintained via a dilated CVS, CVS may also predispose to infection. Certainly
azygous vein. Recanalization, angioplasty, and stenting the consequences of CVS, such as excessive bleeding
of the SVC are usually required. from access, need for thrombectomy, and repeated inter-
ventions, can increase the risk of infection.
Thrombosis of Access
Often a late symptom of CVS, it is usually preceded Diagnosis
by elevated venous pressures during hemodialysis, epi-
sodes of prolonged bleeding from needle sites after dialy- The diagnosis of the CVS can most often be made or
sis, and a signicant decline in access blood ow. suspected based upon a careful history and clinical
Thrombectomy of such accesses without attempts to examination. History of previous CVC placement, espe-
diagnose and treat CVS can be complicated by recurrent cially if multiple, should alert one to the possibility of
thrombosis and worsening of symptoms. CVS. Presence of pacemakers or automatic cardioverter
debrillators should prompt careful investigation to
look for the presence of CVS and its resolution prior to
Venous Thrombosis
placing a vascular access on the ipsilateral side. Exam-
The combination of a CVC, venous hypertension, ination revealing numerous dilated collaterals in the
and turbulent blood ow associated with CVS can pre- neck or chest and arm edema on the ipsilateral side indi-
dispose to venous thrombosis. Most central venous cates obstruction to outow. In case of bilateral CVS, a
thromboses are asymptomatic and are detected inciden- clinical picture of SVC syndrome can be seen, with facial
tally. Venous thrombosis is common with PICC lines edema. The direction of blood ow in collateral veins
23% after initial placement and 38% after multiple can be ascertained by careful examination.
placements (50). Subclavian vein thrombosis was diag- Central vein stenosis can often be conrmed by color-
nosed in 10 patients receiving parenteral nutrition and ow duplex venous ultrasound. A normal respiratory
was treated with removal of catheter and anticoagula- variation in the diameter of central veins and polyphasic
atrial waves are present in most patients with patent cen- stenoses and 50% in occlusions), with primary patency
tral veins (63). The presence of numerous collaterals in rate of 70% at 3 months, 60% at 6 months, and 30% at
the neck is usually indicative of CVS. However, Doppler 12 months. A 43% one-year patency and 100% secon-
may mistake a dilated collateral vein as a patent central dary patency rates were described in another study (69).
vein, unless attention is paid to the absence of respira- Postoperative surveillance, either by clinical examina-
tory variation (64). It may be difcult to visualize central tion or by angiography, is necessary to detect recurrence
veins with ultrasound in those with signicant muscle of the lesion. Multiple procedures are usually needed. It
mass or obesity. is important to note that in patients with a pacemaker,
Central venography is the gold standard for the diag- angioplasty can be successfully performed with pacema-
nosis of CVS. In a series of 141 patients, 54 stenoses were ker wires in place (4244).
diagnosed in 41 patients by color-ow duplex and 64 ste- The histologic basis for recurrent stenosis after PTA
noses were diagnosed by angiography (11). There were has been studied in stenotic AVF but not in CVS. Im-
13 CVS (20.3%), with 9 of the 13 CVS diagnosed by an- munohistochemical measurement of proliferating cell
giography only. Digital subtraction angiography is more nuclear antigen showed a very high proliferative index
sensitive than color duplex sonography in the evaluation in 20 restenotic AVF, when compared with 10 primary
of dialysis access. The DOQI guidelines recommend stenotic AVF (70). The process was even more signi-
venography prior to placement of a permanent access in cant in diabetic individuals. However, the process of
patients with previous subclavian catheterization (65). neointimal hyperplasia seen in AVF stenosis may not
Magnetic resonance venogram permits avoidance of be applicable to the process of smooth muscle hyper-
radiocontrast in a patient with advanced chronic kidney plasia in CVS.
disease (CKD), where preservation of residual renal
function is important (66). This may also be useful in Directional Atherectomy. Directional atherecto-
those with radiocontrast allergy. my combined with PTA is a potential treatment of CVS.
This procedure fell out of favor due to the possibility of
central vein rupture with this technique (22).
Management of CVS
Stent Placement. For lesions that do not respond
Nonsurgical Approach
to PTA or recur quickly, stent placement is indicated
Elevation of the limb and anticoagulation can some- (60). Using a Wallstent, the 3-, 6-, 12-, and 24-month pri-
times relieve edema associated with CVS, especially mary patency rates were 92%, 84%, 56%, and 28%,
when complicated by acute thrombus. These measures respectively; cumulative overall stent patency was 97%
are not useful in chronic occlusion. The access remains after 6 and 12 months, 89% after 24 months, and 81%
at higher risk of thrombosis if the stenosis is not relieved. after 36 and 48 months (71). However, the characteris-
The adequacy of dialysis from such an access is unlikely tics of the lesions inuence the response to stenting. Elas-
to be optimal. As development of collaterals may be tic lesions have a poor outcome with angioplasty alone
associated with resolution of symptoms, treatment may (time to occlusion 2.9 months), but a longer time to
be deferred in asymptomatic patients who can achieve recurrence when treated with Wallstent (8.6 months);
adequate dialysis. nonelastic lesions treated with these stents had shorter
patency (4.2 months) (72). Various types of stents can
effectively counter the immediate elastic recoil of the
Endovascular Intervention
vein, and can provide better patency rates for such
lesions (7375). DOQI recommends stent placement for
Angioplasty. Guideline 20 of K/DOQI recom- elastic lesions recurring within 3 months (67).
mends percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty The benets of stenting may be overstated. A recent
(PTA), with or without stent placement and is consid- retrospective study of CVS treatment did not nd a dif-
ered the preferred approach to CVS (67). PTA usually ference between primary patency between the stent and
provides excellent initial results, but the long-term pri- the angioplasty groups at day 30 (89% vs. 94%), day 90
mary patency is not optimal. Among 50 CVS in a series (63% vs. 67%), or day 180 (38% vs. 40%) (76). The sec-
of 862 venous stenoses, an initial success rate of 89% ondary patency at day 90 (95% vs. 94%), day 180 (76%
was followed by primary 6-month patency of only 25% vs. 84%), and day 360 (69% vs. 59%) was also similar.
(41). In contrast, peripheral venous angioplasty had an The median survival of the access was 618 days versus
initial success rate of 94%, and 6-month primary paten- 586 days.
cy of 77% indicating a different response of central veins These results reect rather a modest benet of using
to angioplasty. This is probably due to their greater elas- stents over angioplasty alone. The long-term primary
ticity and recoil than peripheral veins. In another study, patency of the stent is compromised by neointimal
treatment of 25 CVS with PTA was reviewed retrospec- hyperplasia in and around the stent. Only about a quar-
tively; and 88% technical success rate was followed by a ter to a third of the stents remain patent without another
42% primary patency at 6 months and 17% primary intervention at 1 year because of recurrent stenosis.
patency at 1 year (11). Mean primary patency was However, in selected cases, this may allow lifesaving
5.7 months. Similar results were reported in another transition to another modality of renal replacement or
angioplasty series of 26 patients with central vein angio- even provide an opportunity to create another AVF on
plasty (68). Technical success rate was 96% (100% in the contralateral side.
60 Agarwal et al.
ment of strategies to counteract those mechanisms may
result in more effective preventive therapies for CVS
When endovascular treatment fails, surgical exposure with better outcomes in dialysis vascular access.
of the vein and repair of the lesion can be performed,
often requiring claviculectomy (77). Veno-venous
Alternative Approaches to Renal Replacement
bypass of the CVS can also be performed in such cases
Therapy in CVS
(78). Many techniques have been described, including
axillary vein to IJ vein bypass (7980), IJ vein to axillary
vein transposition (81,82), axillary to saphenous vein Contralateral Access. Once the attempts at resol-
bypass (83), and patch angioplasty of the axillosubclavi- ving CVS on the ipsilateral side have been exhausted, it
an stenosis. Right atrial bypass grafting for central is often necessary to place another access on the contra-
venous obstruction (84) and many other bypass tech- lateral side. If the CVS is identied before access throm-
niques have been used. With improvement in endovas- bosis, the new access can be developed and a CVC
cular techniques, these procedures are reserved for avoided. Femoral AVG and permanent CVC are often
recalcitrant cases. used in these patients, with high morbidity.

Peritoneal Dialysis. Peritoneal dialysis is an under-

Occlusion of the Vascular Access
utilized form of dialysis in the United States. Patients
This is the treatment of last resort to relieve the edema with difcult hemodialysis access problems, such as
and pain, and results in abandonment of that extremity CVS, can often be switched to peritoneal dialysis.
for future access. This can be done by manual compres-
sion, balloon occlusion, surgical ligation (3), or percuta- Renal Transplantation. The patients with immi-
neous embolization (85). nent failure of their last access should be given emergent
consideration for an expedited renal transplant, which
remains difcult due to the shortage of cadaveric kid-
Future Directions neys. A living donor is an excellent option, as in anyone
else with end-stage renal disease (ESRD).
The current management of CVS is far from being
effective for the long term, although achievement of
Measures to Prevent CVS: Improving
short-term relief is possible. Most of the therapies for
Outcomes in ESRD
CVS have evolved from those designed for arterial
lesions; there is paucity of vein-specic studies. In AVF Central venous catheter placement is the most import-
stenoses, neointimal hyperplasia is the primary lesion, ant cause of CVS. In those with existing CKD or those
similar to that in coronary arteries. Examination of at substantial risk of CKD, avoiding CVC of any kind is
results of PTA in AVF has shown occurrence of more desirable, especially in the subclavian vein and on the
endovascular injury, leading to accelerated neointimal left-hand side. Indiscriminate use of PICC lines should
hyperplasia (70). Newer treatments, including drug elut- be discouraged. In those with a history of CVC, it is pru-
ing stents with rapamycin or paclitaxel, stents coated dent to take a venogram before placing an AV access on
with endothelial progenitor cell antibodies (anti-CD 34) the ipsilateral side (89).
to improve endothelial healing inside the stent, treat- It is very important to briey consider the common
ment with statin drugs, and brachytherapy with beta reasons for placement and use of CVC. Late referral of
radiation have demonstrated benet in coronary arter- dialysis patients to the nephrologist, delayed referral to
ies, ndings that cannot be directly extrapolated to cen- the surgeon for creation of vascular access, concerns
tral veins. with AVF comorbidity, personnel preference, lack of
Brachytherapy has been used experimentally for pre- initiative, placement due to poor use of advanced
vention of recurrent stenosis of AVG after angioplasty techniques for stula placement (such as transposition,
(86,87). However, the prominent histologic element in secondary AVF) result in placement of AVG and CVC,
CVS is that of smooth muscle hyperplasia, different both less desirable but more readily available forms of
from neointimal hyperplasia of AVG or coronary arter- accesses. USRDS data from Dialysis Morbidity and
ies. It is quite likely that accelerated tissue growth occurs Mortality Wave 1 study showed a signicantly higher
after endovascular intervention in CVS as well. Brachy- overall relative risk of mortality for diabetic patients
therapy for prevention of restenosis after angioplasty with AVG and CVC (1.41 and 1.54, respectively) com-
and stenting of CVS was not helpful in a small study pared to those with AVF (9091). The data from multi-
(88). Use of brachytherapy in central veins, much larger national Dialysis Outcomes Practice Patterns Study
than peripheral veins or coronary arteries, would require (DOPPS) also revealed unfavorable outcomes for AVG
a higher dose of radiation. The role of intravascular beta even in those dialysis facilities that favored AVG (92).
radiation in CVS is undened at this time. Considering The AVG have worse survival and higher need for
the paradigm of management of restenosis in coronary intervention for maintenance than the AVF.
arteries, it may prove useful to investigate the use of ther- In the United States, dialysis is initiated using CVC in
apies targeted at reducing proliferative changes after 60% of new patients, and AVF has only been used in a
endovascular therapy. Further elucidation of hemody- minority of incident and prevalent patients (93). The
namic and molecular mechanisms of CVS, and develop- efforts to increase AVF rates are often compromised by
a relatively high rate of primary failure (50% overall, 22. Gray RJ, Dolmatch BL, Buick MK: Directional atherectomy treatment
for hemodialysis access: early results. J Vasc Interv Radiol 3:497503,
> 80% in diabetics, elderly, and females) after initial 1992
placement, to the frustration of patient, surgeon, and 23. Forauer AR, Theoharis C: Histologic changes in the human vein wall
the nephrologist (94). Timely placement of AVF and adjacent to central venous catheters. J Vasc Interv Radiol 14:11631168,
prompt intervention for malfunctioning or thrombosed 24. Lobato EB, Sulek CA, Saliken JC, Moody RL, Morey TE: Cross-sec-
accesses, as recommended by DOQI can avoid much tional area of the right and left internal jugular veins. J Cardiothorac
Vasc Anesth 13:136138, 1999
morbidity from CVC. Early referral of patients with 25. Kowalski C, Kaufman J, Rivitz SM, Geller SC, Waltman AC: Migra-
CKD to the care of a nephrologist, and early referral of tion of central venous catheters: Implications for initial catheter tip
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26. Nazarian G, Bjarnason H, Dietz CA, Bernadas CA, Hunter DW: Chan-
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comes in ESRD. 27. Mickley V: Central venous catheters: many questions, few answers.
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sis, and treatment. Am J Crit Care 1:5464, 1992
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