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Star in Ruby

March 15, 2014

I have seen the Rubys * operator used at several places in different ways and often times I get
confused the way it is used. Finally I decided to learn more about it and here are few interesting
roles of * operator that I found in Ruby. It can be used to multiply, repeat, copy or as a splat

This is the most obvious role of *. Its the multiplication operator. 2 * 2 = 4

Or an instance method of Fixnum class to perform multiplication. 2.*(2) = 4

Several classes in Ruby defines * operator as a Repetition method.

Array class defines * for two different possible type of parameters.

ary * int -> new_ary

ary * str -> new_str

For string type it acts as a join method. Examples:

[1,2,3] * 3 # => [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]

[1,2,3] * ',' # => "1,2,3"

String class defines * as a copy operator. It returns a new string containing n copies of
the string. For example:

"ho! " * 3 # => "ho! ho! ho! "

Note that String * str is not defined.

Another less known use of * is as a splat operator. Consider following example where we want
to convert options_array to options_hash.
options_array = [:first_name, "Ankit", :last_name, "Goyal"]
# to
options_hash = {:first_name => "Ankit", :last_name => "Goyal"}

You will see that [] method in Hash class takes [key, value, ] as an argument and creates a
Hash for you. For example:

> Hash[1,2,3,4]
# {1 => 2, 3 => 4}

So how can we use [] method to get the required hash? You can see in documentation that []
doesnt take array as a parameter or you can try running it. It will return you an empty hash with
lot of warnings. So we cant call Hash[options_array] directly.

We can use splat * operator to convert our array into arguments. If you call [] with
*options_array as a parameter, youll get the required hash back.

options_hash = Hash[*options_array]
# {:first_name => "Ankit", :last_name => "Goyal"}

So splat converts *options_array to an argument list. Lets see some other interesting uses of
splat operator.

Splat can be used to convert an array to argument list as shown above. You can call methods by
dynamically generating arguments with minimal amount of code. For example, if you have a
string with , separated values of arguments.

def do_it(arg1, arg2, arg3)

puts "#{arg1} #{arg2} #{arg3}"

arguments = "arg1,arg2,arg3"

You can call do_it method with arg1, arg2 and arg3 as arguments using splat like this:

# => "arg1 arg2 arg3"

You can also convert list of arguments back to array using splat. For example:

*argument_array = 1, 2, 3
> argument_array
# => [1, 2, 3]

Note that you dont need to use splat for the above code to work.

argument_array = 1, 2, 3
> argument_array
# => [1, 2, 3]
is equally valid. But its good to know that you can do it using splat also.

However, a case where splat comes in handy is to define multiple variables. Lets see an

a, b, *c = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Above fact is mostly used in defining methods with optional arguments. This is one of the most
common uses of the splat operator.

def do_it2(arg1, arg2, *options)

puts "#{arg1} - #{arg2} - #{options}"

do_it2(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, :cool, "abc")

# => 1 - 2 - [3, 4, 5, :cool, "abc"]

It is not necessary to have the splat argument at the end in the method! For example definition
like this is equally valid:

def do_it3(*options, arg1, arg2)

puts "#{arg1} - #{arg2} - #{options}"

# You must call the method with 2 or more arguments.

> do_it3(1,2, hello)
# => 2 - hello - [1]

However its invalid to have more than 1 splat arguments.

# This is not valid

def do_it_invalid(*a, *b)

You can also use splat operator to convert Hash into an array of arrays. For example:

options_hash = {:first_name => "Ankit", :last_name => "Goyal"}

options_array_of_array = *options_hash
# => [[:first_name, "Ankit"], [:last_name, "Goyal"]]

You can use splat operator to un-nest arrays. For example:

a = [*[1,2], 3, 4]

> a
# => [1, 2, 3, 4]

Splat operator can possibly be used in several creative ways. If you know some other way that
splash could be used feel free to suggest it in comments.
References/Further Reading:

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