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Freshwater Biology (2009) 54, 621634 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2008.02136.


Availability of and access to critical habitats in regulated

rivers: effects of low-head barriers on threatened
M A R T Y N C . L U C A S * , D A M I A N H . B U B B * , M I N - H O J A N G * , , K Y O N G H A * , A N D J E R O M E E . G .
*School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, University of Durham, Science Laboratories, Durham, U.K.

Department of Biology Education, Kongju National University, Kongju, Chungnam, South Korea

1. Conservation of freshwater animal populations requires their access to, as well as
sufficient availability of, critical habitats, such as those for reproduction. Abundant small-
scale barriers may cause extensive fragmentation of freshwater habitat but, by comparison
to larger structures their effects are rarely considered by catchment managers. The
relationship between the distribution of, and access to, spawning habitat in a regulated
river, characterized by abundant small barriers, was examined for river lamprey Lampetra
fluviatilis, a threatened migratory fish.
2. Telemetry of adult lamprey in the River Derwent, North East England was used to
quantify upriver migration and access to spawning habitat, together with surveys of
spawning habitat availability and spawning activity between 2002 and 2007.
3. Access in to the Derwent appeared severely restricted by a tidal barrage, beyond which
lamprey migrated rapidly in unobstructed reaches. Of all lamprey tagged in the lower
4 km of river, or ascending the barrage, 64% and 17% passed the first and second weirs
respectively, with high flows crucial for this. Although over 98% of lamprey spawning
habitat occurred more than 51 km upstream, on average just 1.8% of river lamprey
spawners were recorded there.
4. In order to protect or rehabilitate species or species assemblages, greater attention needs
to be paid to the relative spatial distribution of low-head barriers and the resultant
availability of key habitats within individual catchments. This is particularly important
given the renewed emphasis internationally on low-head hydropower solutions as a
source of renewable energy, and the rapid growth in numbers of low-head barriers in
many catchments.

Keywords: dam, habitat fragmentation, Lampetra fluviatilis, migration, telemetry

habitats is fundamental to life cycle completion and

for their effective conservation or rehabilitation (Wer-
For animals displaying ontogenetic shifts in habitat ner & Gilliam, 1984; Taylor et al., 1993; Lucas & Baras,
use, the availability of, and access between these 2001). Lack of availability of one or more habitat or

Correspondence: Martyn C. Lucas, School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, University of Durham, Science Laboratories, South
Road, Durham DH1 3LE, U.K. E-mail:
Present address: Jerome E. G. Masters, Environment Agency, Phoenix House, Global Avenue, Leeds LS11 8PG, U.K.

 2008 The Authors, Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 621
622 M. C. Lucas et al.
poor connectivity between these habitats is likely to Lampreys are one taxonomic group that are sensi-
act as a bottleneck and lead to population decline tive to freshwater habitat alteration; most species have
(Wilcox & Murphy, 1985; Law & Dickman, 1998). declined in distribution and abundance and many are
Species that exhibit different habitat requirements for regarded as threatened (Renaud, 1997; Close, Fitzpa-
life cycle completion are particularly susceptible to trick & Li, 2002). They are often of economic, cultural
disruption of connectivity between habitats (Taylor and ecological significance (Tuunainen, Ikonen &
et al., 1993; Amoros & Bornette, 2002; Mumby, 2006) Auvinen, 1980; Close et al., 2002). Although, within
and this is true of most diadromous fish species their native ranges, population declines have been
(McDowall, 1992; Baras & Lucas, 2001). attributed to several factors including channelization
Anthropogenic barriers such as barrages, dams and (Ojutkangas, Aronen & Laukkanen, 1995) and poor
weirs dramatically reduce the longitudinal connectiv- water quality (Myllynen, Ojutkangas & Nikinmaa,
ity of rivers and also strongly alter the river environ- 1997), the most pervasive contributory factor appears
ment and neighbouring habitats (Baxter, 1977; Pringle, to be river regulation and obstruction (Tuunainen
Freeman & Freeman, 2000; Malmqvist & Rundle, 2002; et al., 1980; Beamish & Northcote, 1989; Renaud, 1997;
Nilsson et al., 2005). They often exclude, fragment and Almeida, Quintella & Dias, 2002; Close et al., 2002).
isolate fish populations (Baras & Lucas, 2001; Morita & The river lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis (Linnaeus) is a
Yamamoto, 2002; McLaughlin et al., 2006), preventing parasitic, principally anadromous, species which typi-
or disrupting natural patterns of migration and cally migrates upriver in winter and spawns in spring
dispersal between key habitats. This results in reduced (Hardisty, 1986). Formerly widespread in Western
fitness of organisms relying on those conditions, in Europe (Hardisty, 1986; Kelly & King, 2001), it is
some cases leading to population extinction (Pringle regarded as endangered (Lelek, 1987; Renaud, 1997)
et al., 2000; Baras & Lucas, 2001; Zabel & Williams, and receives protection through the EC Habitats
2002). Due to the importance of the longitudinal river Directive. The aim of this study was to determine
channel axis for migration in their life cycles, high the relationship between distribution of, and access to,
proportions of diadromous fish assemblages across fragmented spawning habitat for river lamprey in
most regions have declined in distribution and abun- relation to the occurrence of low-head potential
dance and are increasingly threatened by extinction barriers. While study of this threatened species pro-
(McDowall, 1992; Pringle et al., 2000; Baras & Lucas, vides necessary information on mechanisms affecting
2001; Duncan & Lockwood, 2001). The cumulative lamprey populations, it is also an appropriate model
construction of dams worldwide has continued to species for investigating interactions between gross
increase steadily, within developed and developing abundance and net availability of key habitats at the
regions (World Commission on Dams, 2000; Jackson catchment level.
et al., 2001) and river system fragmentation is wide-
spread (Dynesius & Nilsson, 1994; Nilsson et al., 2005).
Although smaller low-head barriers may have less Methods
dramatic local effects than large dams, their numbers
Study area
are probably two to four orders of magnitude greater
than for large dams and their cumulative effects may The study was carried out in the River Derwent,
be significant (Lucas & Baras, 2001; Poff & Hart, 2002; a tributary of the River Ouse that joins with the River
Cooke et al., 2005; McLaughlin et al., 2006). They may Trent to form the Humber Estuary and flows south-
not form absolute barriers but have limited perme- eastwards to the North Sea in Northeast England
ability to passage of fish and other megafauna, (Fig. 1). The Humber system, with a mean discharge
restricting access to parts of the river system, often of 250 m3 s)1, provides the largest contribution of
under a limited range of environmental conditions freshwater to the North Sea of all British rivers (Law,
(Lucas & Frear, 1997; OConnor et al., 2006). They also Wass & Grimshaw, 1997). It has an extensive, shallow,
locally modify habitat, again influencing suitability for productive estuary and coastal zone and this, com-
particular species and contributing to changes in fish bined with freshwater spawning and larval lamprey
species assemblage (Tiemann et al., 2004; Gillette et al., habitats in Ouse tributaries, including the Derwent,
2005; Poulet, 2007). provides suitable conditions for a substantial river
 2008 The Authors, Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 54, 621634
Availability of and access to critical habitats in regulated rivers 623

Fig. 1 Location of the Derwent study area

in relation to the Humber catchment,
showing channel obstructions in the lower
Derwent catchment as bars across the
rivers and locations of acoustic loggers (o)
and radio loggers (x) in the Derwent. At
Elvington and Stamford Bridge, several
loggers were present and the symbols are

lamprey population (Lucas et al., 1998; Jang & Lucas, hand sluice and has its upstream exit in the bypass
2005; Masters et al., 2006). Under the EC Habitats canal. Stamford Bridge (rkm35.6) has a mill weir of
Directive, the Derwent is a Special Area for Conser- 2.1 m head loss at Q75, and a bypass canal and lock,
vation (SAC) and the Humber is a proposed SAC, for together with a 1 : 5 slope Denil fishway up the right-
which river lamprey and sea lamprey Petromyzon hand edge of the weir. Buttercrambe Weir (rkm40.2) is
marinus Linnaeus are listed features. a Flat-V flow-gauging weir with a head loss of 2.0 m
The lower 60 km of the Derwent is distinctly at Q75 and with no fishway. Howsham Weir
lowland in character (overall gradient of about (rkm45.7) is an old mill weir, with a head loss of
0.3 m km)1), but about half this drop occurs locally about 2.0 m at Q75 and with no fishway. The
at the five low-head weirs (23 m height) and one obstruction at Kirkham (rkm50.3) consists of a mill
tidal barrage along the main channel over this weir, together with two overshot sluices feeding a
distance (Fig. 1). Barmby Barrage and lock is a tidal short diversion canal, both with a head loss of
barrage at the mouth of the Derwent, with two approximately 2.5 m at Q75, and with a Larinier
undershot sluices, and was commissioned in 1975 in baffle fishway at the left bank of the weir.
order to maintain freshwater levels three kilometres The lower Derwent is typically 1520 m wide and
upstream (river kilometre 3, rkm3) for water abstrac- has a 10-year mean daily flow of 15 m3 s)1, but is
tion. Elvington Sluices and lock (rkm24.3) maintains strongly responsive to precipitation. The river is
the water level for water abstraction upstream and relatively deep and slow, typically with mid-channel
consists of two undershot, pivoting sluices situated on depths of 26 m. Silt and sand (habitat for lamprey
a 1 : 5 sloping weir sill. The weir has a head loss of larvae) is abundant throughout the lower river, but
approximately 3.0 m at Q75 flow, and the sluices open likely spawning habitat is most common in the middle
wider automatically with increasing discharge. A pool and upper reaches of the river and in localized areas
and weir fishway, enters the river below the right below the weirs. The Derwents main tributary, the
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624 M. C. Lucas et al.
Rye, joins at rkm68. Swift, shallow water with Lamprey were anaesthetized in a 0.1 g L)1 buffered
gravelcobble beds become progressively more abun- solution of tricaine methansulphonate (MS-222) for tag
dant in the Derwent, Rye and minor tributaries attachment which was carried out under U.K. Home
upstream of the Rye-Derwent confluence. Office licence. In seasons 200203 to 200405 radio and
acoustic tags were attached externally, adjacent to the
anterior dorsal fin, based on the method of Almeida
Telemetry of lamprey
et al. (2002). But in 200506, with the advent of
In order to determine the success of passage past narrower acoustic tags than previously available, 32
potential barriers to spawning areas adult river of 46 lamprey were tagged by implantation into the
lamprey were radio tracked (River Derwent, 2002 body cavity, with the remainder externally tagged
03 to 200304) or acoustic tracked (River Ouse with larger tags. The range of temperatures over which
estuary and River Derwent, 200203 to 200506) lamprey were tagged was 2.08.5 C (mean 4.9 C).
(Fig. 1, Table 1). Lamprey for tagging were trapped Under some circumstances temperature at tagging
in the lower Derwent and Ouse (Jang & Lucas, 2005; may influence subsequent survival and performance
Masters et al., 2006). Where possible, lamprey for of tagged fish. For lamprey released in the lowest 4 km
release in the lower Derwent, were captured in the of the Derwent (n = 56) there was no significant
lower 4 km of the river, immediately above the tidal difference (t-test, P > 0.05) in tagging temperature
barrage. Similarly, where possible, lamprey for between lamprey that subsequently reached the first
release in the Ouse at the mouth of the Derwent, river section upstream containing spawning habitat, or
were captured from traps set immediately adjacent in beyond, and those that did not.
the tidal Ouse. However, because of difficulties in Radio tags (PIP, AgO 393 cell, Biotrack, Wareham,
capturing sufficient fish, these were supplemented by U.K.) measured 17.0 8.2 6.0 mm, with a whip
use of lamprey captured further upstream in the tidal antenna length of 10 cm and were potted in synthetic
Ouse, using the same methods. A total of 57 fish rubber compound (Plastidip, Petersfield, U.K.). Radio
were tagged and released immediately below the tags operated at 173 MHz, with a nominal spacing of
barrage and 56 fish were tagged and released less 10 kHz to identify individual lamprey and an inter-
than 4 km above the barrage, between November pulse period of 2.5 seconds, a period appropriate for
and March (Table 1), representing the middle to end active tracking and scanning of relatively small
period of adult migration in the lower river (Masters numbers of tags on different frequencies. Radio tag
et al., 2006). In 200203 a further 16 lamprey were life was 1016 weeks. Ideal tag life would have been
captured (by trap and from tree roots) between 2024 weeks, enabling tracking through the migration
rkm22.9 and rkm50.3 km in March and April and period until spawning (e.g. NovemberApril), but
radio tagged to study spatial behaviour through the was not feasible without the use of radio tags that
spawning period (Table 1). In total 129 adult river were excessively large, or lower power output or
lamprey were telemetry tagged between 200203 and longer interpulse interval, both of which would have
200506. compromised tracking.

Table 1 Details of telemetry tagged river lamprey released in the River Ouse at the mouth of the River Derwent and released in the
Derwent upstream of the tidal barrage

Mean release date Length, mean

Year Release site n (min, max) and SD (cm)

200203 Ouse 6 121202 40.3, 0.5

Derwent, 14 km upstream 18 201202 (221102, 5203) 39.6, 2.8
Derwent, 2350 km upstream 16 19303 (08203, 16403) 35.6, 2.2
200304 Ouse 20 10122003 (131103, 2104) 41.2, 2.5
Derwent, 14 km upstream 15 4104 (41203, 24204) 39.0, 2.1
200405 Ouse 8 281104 (171104, 91204) 39.9, 2.8
200506 Ouse 23 241205 (291105, 23306) 39.2, 1.9
Derwent, 14 km upstream 23 61205 (31105, 28106) 39.4, 1.9

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Availability of and access to critical habitats in regulated rivers 625
Acoustic tags used operated at 69 kHz and each directional hydrophone and receiver (Vemco VR100)
transmitted a unique coded signal. Vemco V9-6L tags was carried out periodically to locate fish indepen-
[9.0 mm diameter 20.0 mm long, life of 913 weeks dently of automatic logging (200203, 3 dates; 2003
(Vemco, Shad Bay, NS, Canada)] were attached 04, 4 dates; 200405 1 date; 200506, 1 date).
externally as described above. Vemco V7-2L (7.0 mm
diameter 18.5 mm long, life of 610 weeks) and
Spawning habitat and distribution of spawning surveys
Thelma Smolt [7.3 mm diameter 18.0 mm long, life
of 610 weeks (Thelma AS, Trondheim, Norway)] tags A survey of the Derwent catchment for suitable
were implanted surgically into the body cavity and spawning habitat was carried out using a combination
the incision closed with three non-absorbable 40 silk of topographic information and in-stream habitat
sutures. Half of the tags were set to repeat their surveys in 2003 and re-checked annually. River
identity codes every 1020 s and half were set to lamprey use gravel, sometimes mixed with sand
repeat them every 1530 s, each repeat being gener- andor cobble, as a spawning substratum (Hagelin &
ated randomly, to minimize the likelihood of code Steffner, 1958; Hardisty, 1986; Jang & Lucas, 2005).
collisions with nearby tags. While these fast repeat This material is normally non-embedded, with water
rates reduced tag life, they ensured high tag detection able to percolate through the gravel, and is typically
efficiency. found at the tail of a pool or glide, usually before the
Radio tracking was by a combination of active water breaks into a riffle (Hardisty, 1986; Maitland,
tracking (modified Yaesu FT290R; Yaesu Musen Co., 2003). Water depths at spawning sites are usually 0.2
Ltd, Tokyo, Japan or Sika receiver; Biotrack, Ware- 1.5 m and water velocities are usually 0.51.5 m s)1
ham, U.K., 3 or 5-element Yagi antenna), on foot, (Hardisty, 1986; Jang & Lucas, 2005; M. Lucas,
usually every 23 days (200203, 52 dates; 200304, 29 unpubl. data). Lampetra ammocoete larvae normally
dates), and the use of two automatic frequency occur in areas with river gradients of 0.26 m km)1,
scanning and logging receivers (SRX 400, Lotek but under extreme circumstances have been recorded
Wireless, Newmarket, ON, Canada). The radio log- at gradients of 1020 m km)1, reflecting the ability of
gers were positioned 10.9 km and 35.4 km upstream adults to migrate into such zones (Kainua & Valtonen,
from the mouth of the Derwent to automatically 1980; Kelly & King, 2001).
record the passage of radio-tagged lamprey (Fig. 1). River gradient data for the Derwent catchment
Acoustic tracking was carried out principally by the were obtained from the U.K. Environment Agencys
use of automated acoustic loggers (Vemco VR2) with digital elevation geographical information system at
omnidirectional hydrophones positioned in the river 1 km intervals from tributary sources and were
at strategic locations. Effective range was approxi- mapped. All areas including and upstream of a
mately 100 m and under field conditions, with loggers 1 km section having a gradient greater than
in acoustically suitable locations, efficiency of logging 10 m km)1 were classed as unsuitable for adult river
tags was high (>97% based on tests and sequential lamprey spawning, since these were typically head-
records of tagged fish by multiple loggers). A total of water streams with cobble and boulder substrata
up to 19 acoustic loggers were employed, with up to inappropriate for spawning and for larval habitat.
12 in the lower Derwent, one at the mouth of the Field surveys were carried out on the remainder of
Derwent, immediately below Barmby Barrage (Fig. 1) the Derwent system to assess the availability of
and up to a further six deployed within the Ouse potentially suitable river lamprey spawning habitat.
system and other Ouse tributaries (locations not These surveys were made in March to June by boat,
shown in Fig. 1). Acoustic loggers were deployed by walking the river bank, by wading and by
immediately below and above Barmby Barrage, snorkelling; habitat being characterized by the pres-
Elvington Sluices and Stamford Bridge, the first three ence of gravel substratum without settlement of silt,
barriers on the Derwent. At the latter two sites, in a water depth of 0.21.5 m. This approximates the
loggers were placed in the river channel above the conditions described above as suitable for spawning
weir and near the upstream exit of the navigation river lamprey. Additionally areas of river deeper
canal to enable the route of fish passage to be than 1.5 m were searched for deepwater spawning
determined. Active tracking using a boat and a habitat in 2003 and 2006 using a boat and an
 2008 The Authors, Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 54, 621634
626 M. C. Lucas et al.
underwater camera attached to a battery-powered tion, at spawning time they lose their negative
television monitor. Although river lamprey have not phototaxic behaviour and can easily be observed
been recorded spawning in deep water, our aim was engaged in spawning during daylight (Hardisty, 1986;
to ensure that such sites were not missed in our Jang & Lucas, 2005).
surveying as a result of their limited accessibility to
human observation. Accordingly, underwater sur-
Environmental factors and analysis
veying in deep areas was carried out during the
spawning period including dates when river lamprey Data on Barmby Barrage sluice gate operation (gate
were known to be spawning elsewhere in the positions) and tidal water heights below Barmby
Derwent. This surveying concentrated on areas below Barrage were obtained from the U.K. Environment
river obstructions, especially Elvington Sluices, and Agency records. Mean daily river discharge records for
parts of the lower river downstream of Kirkham the River Derwent were obtained from the Environ-
(Fig. 1) at sites where hydraulic conditions suggested ment Agencys Buttercrambe gauging station at
the bed might include habitat suitable for spawning rkm40.2. Modelled daily flows, taking into account
by river lamprey. water abstractions and minor inflows downstream of
Between 2003 and 2007, up to 66 sites per year Buttercrambe, showed a very close correlation (R2 >
(identified as 1-km river segments), were selected and 0.99) between gauged mean daily flows at Butter-
searched for lamprey and evidence of lamprey crambe and estimated mean daily flows at Barmby
spawning during April and early May (the predom- Barrage and Elvington. Therefore, gauged mean daily
inant period of river lamprey spawning in the River flows at Buttercrambe were used to determine the
Ouse system; Jang & Lucas, 2005; M. Lucas, unpubl. relationship between river discharge and lamprey
data), mostly at locations identified as potentially migration, especially at Elvington and Stamford
suitable for spawning. In 2004 and 2005 poor water Bridge. Water temperatures were measured at 0.5 h
clarity associated with elevated flows during the main intervals using an automatic logger (Tinytag, Gemini
spawning period precluded detailed inspection for Data Loggers, Chichester, U.K.) at Stamford Bridge or
lamprey spawning. In 2003, 2006 and 2007 each site Elvington. Statistical analyses were carried out using
was visited between one and 30 times. During S P S S (Release 11.0; SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, U.S.A.).
spawning, river lamprey make characteristic nests in
gravel that allow spawning sites to be recognized
even in the absence of lamprey (Hagelin & Steffner, Results
1958; Jang & Lucas, 2005), but these do not give an
Entry to the river and upstream migration
indication of abundance, because highly variable
numbers of lamprey can use a single nest area (Jang Of the 57 acoustic tagged lamprey released at the
& Lucas, 2005). Any lamprey observed was identified mouth of the Derwent over the study period 10 (18%)
to species and the maximum count of numbers ascended the barrage (Table 2). In 200304 and 2004
recorded. Numbers of lamprey spawning, nests in 05 none of the lamprey passed the barrage, even
use (definite nests) and empty nests (possible nests) though 39% (combined across years) left the river
were also recorded. Most surveying was carried out mouth area for at least 1 h, but then returned some
by day, although some night-time surveys were also time later, often after several days or weeks. Several
done. Although lamprey are nocturnal during migra- tagged lamprey repeatedly visited the barrage vicin-

Table 2 Numbers of acoustic tagged

Ascended No. returned No. returned lamprey released at the mouth of the
Number upstream of at least once repeatedly with Derwent in the tidal Ouse, those which
Years released tidal barrage after >1 h absence >1 h absence ascended the barrage, those that returned
to the mouth of the Derwent once only
200203 6 1 2 1
after an absence of at least 1 h and those
200304 20 0 16 2
that returned repeatedly at intervals of
200405 8 0 2 2
more than 1 h
200506 23 9 2 1
Combined (%) 57 10 (17.5) 22 (38.6) 6 (10.5)

 2008 The Authors, Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 54, 621634
Availability of and access to critical habitats in regulated rivers 627
(a) Lamprey 33 present downstream
Ouse level
6 Gate position

Height (m)


17/12/04 19/12/04 21/12/04 23/12/04 25/12/04 27/12/04

(b) 10

Fig. 2 (a) Segment of a track record for a Gate position
Ouse level
river lamprey repeatedly detected (grey 8 Lamprey 115
bars) below Barmby Barrage in relation to Lamprey 56
Lamprey 55
tidal cycle and barrage gate operation and 6
Lamprey 52
Height (m)

(b) detections above and below Barmby Lamprey 51

Barrage of six tagged lamprey released at 4 Lamprey 47

the mouth of the Derwent, together with

tidal height and barrage gate operation.
When fish were detected repeatedly
within a 10-min period only a single
detection is shown on graph for clarity. -2
All fish ascended the barrage during
an atypical period when the gates were -4
continuously open. 29/11/05 0 : 00 29/11/05 8 : 00 29/11/05 16 : 00 30/11/05 0 : 00 30/11/05 8 : 00

ity, suggesting a strong attraction to the area and 100

possible attempts to pass the barrage (Fig. 2a). In
200506 nine (39%) tagged lamprey passsed the 80
% of taggged lamprey

barrage, of which five were tagged externally. Six of

eight lamprey released on 29 November successfully 60

Stamford bridge weir

passed the barrage at a time when flows were
Elvington sluices

relatively high in the Derwent (41.5 m3 s)1) but not 40

in the much larger Ouse (44.2 m3 s)1). This Derwent
high-flow event coincided with ebb tides and the
barrage gates remained open through several tidal
cycles, which is atypical of barrage operation (Fig. 2b).
Once above the barrage, upstream migration of 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
river lamprey was characterized by rapid initial Distance from mouth of derwent (km)
movement over a period of several days to weeks as
Fig. 3 Percentage of all river lamprey tracked from immediately
they progressed upstream, largely but not exclusively upstream of Barmby Barrage on the River Derwent (n = 56)
at night. Combining data from all tagged lamprey that that migrated past particular sites. The shaded, vertical bars
successfully negotiated the barrage (n = 10) or were identify the positions of the two lowest weirs in the
released above the barrage in the lower 4 km of the freshwater section of the river.

Derwent (n = 56), the two obstructions upstream of

Barmby Barrage acted as partial obstructions with Bridge. There was no significant difference in median
substantial declines in the proportions of fish recorded upstream migration distance for tagged
recorded immediately upstream of these sites lamprey in the Derwent in 200203 (34.4 km), 2003
(Fig. 3). Sixty-four per cent of lamprey were recorded 04 (26.8 km) and 200506 (35.4 km) (MannWhitney:
passing Elvington Sluices but only 17% of the initial all P > 0.05). Maximum distances migrated for radio-
cohort were recorded passing upstream of Stamford located lamprey in 200203 and 200304 were 44.9 and
 2008 The Authors, Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 54, 621634
628 M. C. Lucas et al.
45.4 km, respectively (below Howsham Weir), while mean daily flow (Fig. 4a). Lamprey passed Elvington
in 200506 five fish passed the loggers above Stamford and Stamford Bridge weirs at significantly higher
Bridge (rkm35.8). By contrast lamprey tagged 22.9 flows than they approached them (Mann Whitney:
50.3 km upstream of the Derwent mouth immediately Elvington, W = 514, P = 0.004; Stamford Bridge
prior to and during the spawning season (2003) W = 173, P = 0.002). Although fish moved through
moved short distances only (median, 0.2 km; range the lower, unobstructed part of the river over a range
09.7 km). of flows, all passage past Elvington Sluices occurred
Using the tracking data for 200506 (n = 29), for during periods of elevated discharge at mean daily
which precise arrival and departure times at loggers flows greater than 27 m3 s)1 (within upper quartile of
was obtained, lamprey movements were related to all flows over the tracking period). At least 90% of
tagged lamprey passing the weir were recorded
80 moving through the sluices rather than by the fishway
or canal. Lamprey recorded at the logger downstream
of the next obstacle, Stamford Bridge, were also
60 recorded at elevated discharges, probably due to
continued migration during high flows immediately
Discharge (m3s1)

after passing Elvington (Fig. 4a). By contrast all

lamprey recorded passing Stamford Bridge weir in
200506 did so at mean daily flows greater than
44 m3 s)1, outside the 90th percentile of all flows (i.e. a
flow exceedance value of under 10%) during the
tracking period. Although data from seasons 200203
0 and 200304 could not be ascribed flows at passage






with the same precision, passage at obstructions,











including those with fishways, was almost always



S ta

S ta


associated with strongly elevated river discharge.



X Data
Further evidence of the influence of Elvington and
Speed (km h-1)

Stamford Bridge in restricting passage is shown from
the rate of progress upstream by tagged lamprey
through unobstructed zones downstream and
upstream of Elvington and in the obstructed zones
0.0 at Elvington and Stamford Bridge (Fig. 4b). The
median speed for lamprey passing through Elvington
Sluices was similar to upstream and downstream
.4 r .

0.3 eir
0.8 ices

te d

D = mfo d

6k n

10 rd B

S E r ic te

Sta tricte

ord tricte
= 1 to

reaches, but the range of speeds was much wider,

D = Br. W
ing estric
D lving

D = S lu
o D rest

DS nres

Sta Re
to n

reflecting the flow experienced on arrival at Elvington


E lv

those lamprey arriving at low flows were delayed



until a spate occurred. By contrast all lamprey were




delayed for long periods at Stamford Bridge.


Fig. 4 (a) Distributions of mean daily discharge for the period

November 2005 to March 2006 and discharges occurring when Distribution of spawning habitat and river lamprey
river lamprey were first recorded passing upstream at a location. spawning
Boxes show the median and quartiles, whiskers show the 10th
and 90th percentiles, outliers shown as circles and (b) rates of The main areas of gravel spawning habitat at low to
upstream movement by tagged river lamprey recorded for the intermediate gradients occur in the Rye and upper
unrestricted sections downstream of and upstream of Elvington Derwent subcatchments. Within the lower 68 km of
Sluices, and for the restricted sections past Elvington Sluices and
Stamford Bridge Weir in 200506. Boxes show the median and
the Derwent main channel, following intensive
quartiles, whiskers show the 10th and 90th percentiles, outliers searches, a total of 0.4% river length was ascribed as
shown as circles. being potentially suitable for river lamprey spawning
 2008 The Authors, Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 54, 621634
Availability of and access to critical habitats in regulated rivers 629


R ye

No lamprey recorded in any year

2003 2006 2007

1-10 lamprey
Fig. 5 Locations of river lamprey spawn-
11-50 lamprey
ing sites and the maximum counts of 51-250 lamprey
spawning river lamprey on the Derwent

R. Derwent
251-1000 lamprey
system in 2003, 2006 and 2007 in relation
to the distribution of suitable and unsuit- >1000 lamprey
able habitat for spawning of river lam-
prey. Sites are given to a scale of 1 km and R.
Ou Unsuitable for spawning
reflect the occurrence of any spawning
habitat within each 1-km river channel se Suitable for spawning
section. Large and small bars represent Barriers 1 m height
obstructions (mostly weirs) greater than 0 10 km Barriers <1 m height
and less than 1 m in height, respectively.

(Fig. 5). Spawning habitat was much more abundant andor water velocity over gravel. The maximum
upstream of that area, associated with elevated gra- counts of spawning lamprey decreased at sites further
dient and related changes in stream geomorphology, upstream in 2003, 2006 and 2007 but the breadth of
especially in the main tributary, the Rye (Fig. 5). distribution and abundance of spawners was lower in
Despite underwater camera and snorkelling observa- 2006 compared with 2003 and 2007 (Fig. 5).
tions, no gravel spawning habitat was found in deep
water areas, including downstream of Elvington
Sluices. The downstream-most spawning habitat
recorded in the main river channel was below Stam- This study demonstrates how small-scale potential
ford Bridge weir (Fig. 5). barriers can affect the distribution of key habitats, but
Evidence of river lamprey spawning was found at especially can impact on access to those habitats by
six (9%) of all sites examined in 2003, four sites in 2006 relatively mobile megafauna. These barriers are of
and eight sites in 2007 including immediately below all types that are abundant across catchments but rarely
of the main channel weirs in the lower Derwent, except considered in terms of their catchment fragmentation
at Elvington (Fig. 5). Although over 98% of potential impacts. Although, in absolute terms, large amounts of
spawning habitat occurred more than 51 km upstream spawning habitat are available for river lamprey in the
(upstream of Kirkham Weir), an annual average of just Derwent, its distribution is very poorly matched by
1.8% (range: 0.05.1%) of daily maximum counts of accessibility. Despite over 98% of suitable spawning
lamprey spawners were made upstream of this. habitat for river lamprey being more than 51 km
Abundant habitat in the middle Rye, upper Derwent upstream in the Derwent, an annual average of just
and their tributaries was not used by river lamprey in 1.8% of the combined site-specific maximum daily
2003, 2006 or 2007. In 2004 and 2005 elevated flows and counts of spawning river lamprey occurred there.
low clarity during the spawning period precluded Although it is possible that river lamprey deliber-
effective surveying. River lamprey spawning, in 2003, ately halted migration below barriers because poten-
2006 and 2007, occurred mostly below weirs and tial spawning areas were present, several sources of
around bridges in areas of locally elevated gradient evidence indicate that lamprey were restricted in their
 2008 The Authors, Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 54, 621634
630 M. C. Lucas et al.
ability to utilize upriver areas. First, the decline in swimming performance are ongoing (P. Kemp, pers.
numbers of lamprey found at successive spawning comm.) but it is likely that the temperature for
sites upstream and the cumulative decline in propor- maximum swimming performance is near to the
tion of tagged lamprey negotiating successive barriers upper limit over which migration normally occurs
strongly suggest a cumulative effect of multiple (Beamish, 1978), probably about 812 C. In the
partial barriers on upstream migration, similar to that current study, all lamprey passed barriers during
observed for salmonids (e.g. Gowans et al., 2003) and periods of high flow and use of fishways was
for Pacific lamprey Lampetra tridentata (Richardson) unimportant, at least at Elvington for which good
(Moser et al., 2002) at large hydroelectric dams. data are available. The behaviour of lampreys seeking
Secondly, in 2003, 2006 and 2007 adult river lamprey to pass low-head barriers usually involves the use of
penetrated upstream into the River Swale, another the sucker for attachment to the substratum or barrier,
tributary of the Ouse, in large numbers at least 102 km interspersed with burst swimming, usually in lower-
from the tidal limit of the Ouse (M. Lucas, unpubl. flow areas and often around the edges of fully or
data), even though abundant spawning habitat is partially inundated barriers (Hardisty, 1986; Quintella
available within 30 km of the tidal limit. This dem- et al., 2004; M. Lucas, pers. obs.).
onstrates that river lamprey from the same catchment, Over 10 years the proportions of time for which
in the same year will use upriver spawning habitat critical discharge values for lamprey passage were
even where substantial habitat is available down- exceeded on the Derwent during the migration period
stream and it is notable that the Ouse-Swale system (SeptemberMarch) varied 13-fold for flows above
retains fewer in-channel barriers, though they are of 27 m3 s)1 and varied 36-fold for flows greater than
similar size to those on the Derwent. Lastly, 36% of 44 m3 s)1 (Table 3). The availability of high flows for
river lamprey were not recorded passing Elvington enabling passage is therefore likely to have a strong
Sluices, including during the immediate pre-spawn- effect on the access of lamprey to spawning habitat
ing and spawning period, even though no spawning fragments and hence on the extent of nursery area
habitat was available below it. downstream to which the weakly-swimming larvae
Following construction of impassable hydroelectric are recruited. Furthermore, of the lamprey tagged in
dams in Finland, populations of river lamprey have the Ouse, only 18% entered the Derwent past Barmby
declined (Tuunainen et al., 1980; Ojutkangas et al., Barrage. It would appear that large freshwater attrac-
1995). One way of enabling upstream passage of tion flows, as well as physical access are needed to
lampreys is to employ fishways, yet for many species, enable lamprey to enter. During normal, automatic
most of these are not very efficient (Haro & Kynard, operation the barrage gates are shut for a large
1997; Laine, Kamula & Hoolt, 1998; Lucas & Baras, proportion of the tidal cycle and when open, water
2001; Moser et al., 2002) due to the low swimming passes through the gates at high velocity, far from
performance of lamprey (Beamish, 1978; Mesa, Bayer ideal conditions for encouraging immigration. Nunn
& Seelye, 2003), their behaviour (Haro & Kynard, et al. (2008) found evidence of variable year class
1997; Moser et al., 2002) and, for river lamprey, the strength of Lampetra larvae in the Ouse catchment,
low temperatures at which they migrate (Hardisty, including the Derwent, especially upstream of barri-
1986; Masters et al., 2006). Studies of river lamprey ers and suggested that this was a reflection of limited

Table 3 Characteristics of the average

Median discharge % days > % days > daily discharge and the percentage of
Year m3 s)1 (2575&) 27 m3 s)1 44 m3 s)1 days exceeding critical flows for the River
Derwent at Buttercrambe gauging weir
200203 24.7 (13.741.0) 47.6 20.3
during the season of river lamprey
200304 16.3 (5.726.6) 24.1 6.1
migration (SeptemberMarch) for years
200405 15.4 (13.220.2) 18.5 4.0
200203 to 200607, and for this season
200506 17.3 (13.423.9) 20.5 5.3
over the 10-year period 199798 to 2006
20062007 19.1 (12.429.6) 30.2 3.8
10 year 199778 to 200607 18.5 (11.828.8) 28.2 (2.852.8)* 8.6 (0.924.5)*

*Minimum and maximum annual values.

 2008 The Authors, Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 54, 621634
Availability of and access to critical habitats in regulated rivers 631
access by adult lampreys, linked to low flows in some barriers, by removing parts of weirs or the whole
years. Our study provides evidence that access to obstructions. It is likely that nature-like fish passes
spawning localities by adults, rather than differences such as rock-ramp weirs (Harris, Thorncraft & Wem,
in larval mortality, may be the causal factor for the 1998) would be effective for lamprey passage, but
observed variability in larval recruitment. lamprey-specific bypasses are also being trialled
If access to the main areas of spawning habitat in (M. Moser, pers. comm.). Wherever possible, the
the Derwent has been deprived for many decades, operating regimes of gated structures, such as
how has a significant population of river lamprey barrages, should be modified to act in concert with
remained? It is possible that the tiny fragments of environmental conditions, promoting free and effec-
remaining spawning habitat are sufficient for effective tive movement of biota through such structures. This
spawning and do not represent a significant bottle- could include pet door type modifications of the
neck. River lamprey are communal, promiscuous main gates to allow access during low flows, when the
spawners (Jang & Lucas, 2005), the young of which main gates might otherwise be closed (Giannico &
disperse to silt habitats downstream (abundant in the Souder, 2005).
lower Derwent) soon after hatching (Hardisty, 1986) For rivers with numerous low-head barriers, frag-
and it is possible that tiny fragments of spawning mentation of the river habitats may limit dispersal
habitat are adequate for population maintenance in and migration for a wide range of aquatic megafauna,
species such as these. It is currently unknown whether especially fishes, including freshwater species (Lucas
lamprey in the different Ouse tributaries, including & Batley, 1996; Cooke et al., 2005; McLaughlin et al.,
the Derwent, are metapopulations (sensu Hanski, 2006). When the distribution of key habitats in the
1999). There is some evidence that, like sea lamprey catchment is overlaid relative to the distribution and
(Bergstedt & Seelye, 1995), river lamprey do not nature of such barriers, a system with selective
exhibit natal homing (Tuunainen et al., 1980), but permeability to and from habitat fragments is created.
probably return to tributaries containing ammocoete River channel barriers or levees within temperate
larvae, for which several odourants attractive to regions are often decades or centuries old and
returning adults have been isolated (Vrieze & Soren- progressive catchment management needs to consider
sen, 2001; Gaudron & Lucas, 2006). Thus dispersal the spatial distribution of small, but key habitat
and mixing is likely to be high. Although discrete fragments in order to assess how best to reconnect
metapopulations may be unlikely, the spawning these in longitudinal or lateral dimensions, as has
population in the Derwent may be supplemented by been examined in several cases (Bednarek, 2001;
straying adults which were spawned in nearby Schmetterling, 2003). In many subtropical and tropical
tributaries. Thus, abundant river lamprey population countries, ecological knowledge of the spatial avail-
components in other parts of the Ouse catchment ability of key aquatic habitats relative to low-head
could help maintain the Derwent subpopulation. barriers and its use in conservation plans to limit loss
The small number of sites on the Derwent used of connectivity is even poorer, but arguably is more
intensively for spawning by river lamprey (c. 90% of important (Pringle et al., 2000; Baras & Lucas, 2001).
spawners occurring at two sites in 2003 and 2006 and Given the renewed international emphasis on encour-
at three sites in 2007) makes the likelihood of severe aging use of small-scale (low-head) hydroelectricity
population damage by catastrophic events such as structures to contribute to increased renewable power
pollution or by ill-conceived river engineering or local production (e.g. European Renewable Electricity
exploitation (Masters et al., 2006), much greater, par- Directive 200177EC), the issue of chronic fragmenta-
ticularly if it is currently a self-sustaining population. tion of running water habitats needs to be addressed
Therefore, a major conservation priority for river simultaneously. Otherwise opportunities for river
lamprey and similar species in river catchments like habitat rehabilitation are likely to be replaced by
the Derwent must be to increase connectivity to increased ecological deterioration. Greater emphasis
multiple, larger areas of spawning habitat. For on integrated catchment mapping and network anal-
lampreys this might be assisted by designing and ysis of additive freshwater habitat fragmentation
installing more efficient fishways around the obstruc- effects, especially in relation to multiple minor
tions or, perhaps more effectively for low-head breakages in connectivity, is needed in order to
 2008 The Authors, Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 54, 621634
632 M. C. Lucas et al.
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McGinty (EA) for their assistance with aspects of world. Science, 266, 753762.
project support and Paul Bird and Kevin Clifford for Gaudron S.M. & Lucas M.C. (2006) First evidence of
assistance with lamprey capture and deepwater attraction of adult river lamprey in the migratory
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