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In a primitive society family and tribe provide all the education that the young
receive, and are the only transmitters of culture. But when language characters develop and
an alphabet and number system have reached a certain stage, formal teaching becomes
necessary and schools are established for few important people who will become rulers and
priests to add to the education given by family and tribe. When society becomes modern and
complex, school does not lose its supplementary character; for however wide its scope and
curriculum, it still remains true that the family is the first educator and a life-long influence.

Primitive : Simple, undergone little development
Tribe : Clan, racial group
Transmitter: Conveyor
To establish : To set up
Priest: Person performing special acts of religion
To add to: To increase
Supplementary : Extra, additional
Scope: Range, extent
Curriculum: Set of courses, program
To remain: To stay
II. EXERCISES: Complete the sentences with a suitable form of the words defined
1. In all societies, from the most..., to the most advanced, envy and its counterpart, the fear
of being envied, give rise to a whole series of often elaborate systems of behavior.
2. US troops later blew up the radio .... to prevent further broadcasts.
3. Over a million people found themselves dependent on .... benefit to eke out an
inadequate existence as regards food and drink .
4. Small influences in the short term may .... to large influences in the longer term.
5. The .... of Keeton's knowledge astonished us.
1. We understand that in a primitive society...........
a. education is not very far advanced.
b. the family and the tribe control all aspects of life.
c. culture is passed on by the family and the tribe.
d. school transmit some aspects of culture.
e. education is less important than it was.
2. According to the passage, in the early stages of society's development formal teaching
a. is only provided for rulers and religious men. ,
b. is demanded by many sectors of society.
c. is only given in a few language schools.
d. depends on the development of language characters,
e. the family leave all education to the schools
3. As society becomes modern ...............
a. school becomes of central importance.
b. the role of the family becomes supplementary.
c. the school curriculum exerts a life - long influence.
d. learning language characters become more popular..
e. education gets increasingly complex.

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