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The photocatalytic degradation of carbamazepine

and prediction by articial neural networks

Lipika Das, Uttam Maity, Jayanta Kumar Basu

Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302, India

a b s t r a c t

The three layer articial neural network model was applied to predict the degradation efciency for carbamazepine in
photocatalytic oxidation under UV radiation. Titaniazirconia was employed as a catalyst for the photooxidation. The
catalyst was prepared using titanium isopropoxide and zirconium oxychloride by solgel method and characterized
by transmission electron microscopy and BET analysis. Different process parameters such as, initial concentration of
carbamazepine, pH of the solution, catalyst concentration and time of UV irradiation were employed as the input to
the articial neural network model and the output of the network was degradation efciency of carbamazepine. The
multilayer feed-forward networks with the LevenbergMarquardt (trainlm) backpropagation training algorithm was
used for the network training. The smallest mean square error was obtained for three-layer network with logsig
transfer function and ve neurons in the hidden layer gave optimal results. A comparison between the predicted
values and selective experimental data of degradation efciency showed a high correlation coefcient (R2 ) of 0.997.
2013 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Titainazirconia nanocomposite; Photocatalysis; Carbamazepine; Articial neural network; Sol-gel

method; Oxidation

1. Introduction composites (Martneza et al., 2011). Chong et al. (2011) have

been studied the removal of carabamazepine by photocataytic
Over the past few years, water pollution with pharmaceut- reaction using anatase titanate nanober catalyst. Photo-
icals is noticed as a rising aquatic environmental problem catalytic treatment of high concentration carbamazepine in
due to their continuous input and persistency in the water synthetic hospital wastewater were investigated by Chong and
body even at low concentrations (Mige et al., 2009; Halling- Jin. The degradation mechanism by photocatalytic route is a
Sorensen et al., 1998; Giri and Pal, 2012). Carbamazepine quite complex phenomena and the process is inuenced by
(5H-dibenzo [b,f]azepine-5-carboxamide) is one of such drugs, the numerous factors. Due to complexity in mechanism of
used as an antieliptic and anticonvulsant for the treatment of the photocatalytic reactions and unknown behavior, the effect
schizophrenia as well as bipolar disorder (Miao and Metcalfe, of operational parameters on the reactions is very difcult to
2003). Carbamazepine (CBZ) has been found to be a persis- describe. These produce several uncertainties in the design
tent drug in the environment and has a harmful effect on the and scale-up of chemical reactors at the industrial levels. It is
function of human embryonic cells (Pomati et al., 2006). evident that this problem cannot be solved by simple linear
Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) including photocat- multivariate correlations. The kinetic modeling of the pro-
alytic oxidation have been found to be an efcient method cess involves the solution to a complex set of equations of
for the removal of pollutants in wastewaters (Pera-Titus et al., energy including the all transport processes are trouble some
2004). Titania as a photocatalyst have been used for the degra- methods. Therefore, the conventional modeling can not be
dation of CBZ in its aquous solution by different researchers successfully employed (Coti et al., 1995). The main advantage
(Chong and Jin, 2012; Doll and Frimmel, 2005).The degradation of ANN compared to RSM are (i) ANN does not require a prior
kinetics of carabamazepine have been studied by nanocrys- specication of suitable tting function, (ii) ANN has univer-
talline TiO2 , ZnO and multi-walled carbon nanotubesanatase sal approximation capability, i.e. it can approximate almost all

Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 3222 283914; fax: +91 3222 282250.
E-mail addresses:, (J.K. Basu).
Received 19 May 2013; Received in revised form 30 September 2013; Accepted 1 October 2013
0957-5820/$ see front matter 2013 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Das, L., et al., The photocatalytic degradation of carbamazepine and prediction by articial neural networks.
Process Safety and Environmental Protection (2013),
PSEP-375; No. of Pages 8
2 Process Safety and Environmental Protection x x x ( 2 0 1 3 ) xxxxxx

quantities of titanium isopropoxide and anhydrous ethanol

Table 1 Structure and characteristics of
carbamapazepine (CBZ). were premixed together and stirred by a magnetic stirrer for
45 min and this mixture is designated as A. The solution B
was prepared by dissolving a measured quantity of zirconium
oxychloride octahydrate in distilled water. The solution B was
then added drop-wise into mixture A to form a slurry. The
Chemical structure pH of the slurry was maintained at 2 by adding an appropriate
amount of diluted hydrochloric acid. The resultant slurry was
dried at 120 C and was calcined at 500 C in a mufe furnace
for 3 h (Jung and Park, 2004). Thus, a composite titaniazirconia
IUPAC name 5H-dibenzo[b,f]azepine-5- composite catalyst was prepared.
carboxamide The surface morphology and particle size of synthesized
Molecular mass 236.269 g/mol catalyst were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy
Maximum wavelength of 276 nm (TEM) (JEOL, JEM-2100, Japan). Specic surface area and pore
absorption spectrum volume of the catalyst were determined by BET analyzer
Formula C15 H12 N2 O
(Quantachrome, AUTOSORB-1C, USA). Chemical composition
of the catalyst was also measured.
kinds of non-linear functions including quadratic functions,
whereas, RSM is useful only for quadratic approximations and 2.3. Experimental procedure
(iii) ANN requires limited number of experiments than RSM to
build an efcient model (Ting et al., 2009; Kana et al., 2012). The photo catalytic degradation was studied in 500 mL cylin-
It has been surveyed that application of the articial neural drical batch reactor (length: 29 cm, inside diameter: 6 cm) tted
network (ANN) in the elds of engineering and science is a with an ultraviolet C lamp (8 W, 218 nm, Philips, Holland),
promising tool because of their simplicity in simulation and which was placed axially inside a quartz tube and the annular
prediction (Prakash et al., 2008). The advantages of ANN are space surrounding the quartz tube was used as reactor. The
the reduced time requirement for development of the model solution containing 10 mg/L of CBZ of volume 250 mL with a
than traditional mathematical models and limited number of require amount of catalyst was taken in the annular space. Air
experiments is required in the prediction (Pareek et al., 2002). was dispersed at a ow rate of 0.25 LPM through a sparger at
The application of ANN has been reported in several wastewa- the bottom of the reactor and the temperature was maintained
ter problems (Jorjani et al., 2007; Shetty et al., 2003; Gb et al., at 30 C with a variation of 1 C. The samples were withdrawn
1999; Oliveira-Esquerre et al., 2002; Ghanbary and Jafarian, at the specic time intervals and analyzed by UVvis spec-
2011; Khataee, 2009; Aleboyeh et al., 2008). The prediction trophotometer (Chemito, India, Model 2600). The effects of
of degradation of carabamazepine by ANN in photocatalytic different process parameters were observed by varying the ini-
oxidation using nano crystalline titaniazirconia composite tial concentration of CBZ from 5 to 60 mg/L, pH of the solution
catalyst is a new eld of study. from 3 to 12 and catalyst concentration from 50 to 800 mg/L.
In this present work, titaniazirconia catalyst was prepared
by solgel method and characterized by transmission electron 2.4. Application of articial neural network for the
microscopy (TEM) as well as BET analysis. The degradation prediction of degradation of CBZ
kinetics was studied for the degradation of CBZ in aquous
solution by the photocatalytic reaction using synthesized cat- The formulation of articial neural network in prediction of
alyst. The effect of various process parameters such as initial several problems is originally came from the biology of human
concentration, pH of the solution, reaction time and cata- brain (Daneshvar et al., 2006; Durn et al., 2006; Yao et al.,
lyst concentration were studied. The ANN model was applied 2005). The main advantage of ANN model over traditional
for the prediction of CBZ degradation. The ANN model was mathematical models is that, they do not require the com-
trained using 70 percent of experimental data and the model plex nature of the fundamental process (Nayak et al., 2006).
was validated using the rest 30 percent of experimental data. The analysis was performed using neural network toolbox of
MATLAB 7.9.0. In the present study, a three layer feed-forward
2. Materials and methods backpropagation network model was developed. This model
consists of an input layer, a hidden layer and an output layer
2.1. Materials as shown in Fig. 1 which is linked by weighted connections.
In this network, the information ow is in forward direction
Titanium isopropoxide (Ti[OCH(CH3 )2 ]4 ) was procured from only from the input nodes, through the hidden nodes (if any),
Alfa Aeser, UK and zirconium oxychloride octahydrate and to the output nodes without any feedback connections. A
(ZrOCl2 , 8H2 O) was obtained from Loba Chemic Pvt. Ltd., Mum- neural network is dened as a system of simple processing ele-
bai, India and ethanol (C2 H5 OH) was procured from Hong ments called neurons, which consists of a set of weights and
Kong Chemical Corporation, China. Carbamazepine (CBZ) was commonly interconnected nodes in a variety of structures. In
obtained from SigmaAldrich, India. The structure and char- ANN, each intermediate node receives input signals from the
acteristics of CBZ are presented in Table 1. preceding layer through neurons, multiplied by connection
weight and the collective products are processed through a
2.2. Catalyst preparation and characterization transfer function to generate output (Li and Bridgwater, 2000).
So, the proper selections of algorithm and transfer function are
The titaniazirconia (TiO2 /ZrO2 ) nano composite catalyst was important for designing an ANN model to obtain a reliable out-
prepared by solgel method using titanium isopropoxide and put. The commonly supported transfer functions are sigmoid,
zirconium oxychloride octahydrate as raw materials. Desired sine, logistic, hyperbolic tangent, linear etc. are available build

Please cite this article in press as: Das, L., et al., The photocatalytic degradation of carbamazepine and prediction by articial neural networks.
Process Safety and Environmental Protection (2013),
PSEP-375; No. of Pages 8
Process Safety and Environmental Protection x x x ( 2 0 1 3 ) xxxxxx 3

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the three layers ANN model

with four input and one output layer.

in functions inside MATLAB software. The details of the avail- Fig. 2 TEM image of titaniazirconia nano composite
able algorithms of ve transfer functions are shown in Table 2. catalyst.
The development of neural network need to learn about the
problem under study and this learning is commonly termed as
training process. ANNs can learn correlated patterns between layer to the hidden layer. Training of the neural network is also
input data sets and corresponding target values, which is dependable to the number of neurons in the hidden layer and
called the training. After training, ANNs can be used to predict the optimum number of neurons in the hidden layer was to be
the outcome from a new set of independent input data. During determined during the network design. The number of neu-
the training process, the connection weights are adjusted from rons was optimized by trial and error method. In this present
the experience of the previous training in order to minimize study three layered (input layer, one hidden layer and output
the error on the calculated output. The process is repeated layer) feed-forward backpropagation network was developed
until the stop criteria such as, error tolerance limit, specied for modeling the data. Experimental data were divided into
number of iterations etc. are attained. The method by which two sets such as, input matrix and target matrix. The four reac-
weights are adjusted depends on the training algorithm. tion parameters (catalyst concentration, pH, reaction time and
The design of an ANN model includes (a) the selection of initial concentration of CBZ) are the four nodes in the input
train and test data sets, (b) determination of most appropri- layer of the network and the output layer consists of only one
ate architecture of the network. One of the most well-known node, percentage removal of CBZ.
ANN is the feed-forward multi-layer network which uses
back-propagation learning algorithm. This type of network 3. Results and discussion
generally contains an input layer, hidden layer(s) and an
output layer. This network consists of the unidirectional infor- 3.1. Catalyst characterization
mation ow from the input nodes, through the hidden nodes
(if any), and to the output nodes without any feedback con- The morphology of titaniazirconia nanocomposite particles
nections. The feed-forward backpropagation network is a are analyzed by TEM analysis and shown in the Fig. 2. It is
feed-forward network in which training of the network has found from the gure that the particles are roughly spheri-
performed by updating the weights according to the delta cal in shape and almost uniform in size with a narrow size
values of the hidden layer to the output layer and the input distribution. The presence of macro voids and agglomera-
layer. Different algorithms were tested to train the transfer tion of particles are clearly observed in the gure. The TEM
function and the back propagation algorithm used for the net- micrograph shows that the materials are partly composed
work training by updating the weights according to the delta of clusters containing composite nano particles adhering to
values of the hidden layer to the output layer and the input each other with a mean size of about 20 nm. It suggests that
the incorporation of ZrO2 within TiO2 nanoparticles inhibits
Table 2 Algorithms of the transfer function used for the growth of crystallites which leads to smaller particle size.
developing ANN model. The N2 adsorptiondesorption experiment with the catalyst is
undertaken in a BET apparatus. The surface area and pore vol-
Name of the transfer Algorithm
function ume are found to be 190 m2 /g and 0.72 mL/g, respectively. The
quantitative analysis of the catalyst shows that Ti: 46.37 wt%,
purelin purelin(n) = n, for all n Zr: 5.49 wt% and O: 48.14 wt%.
tansig tansig(n) = 2(1 + exp (2n)) 1
satlin satlin(n) = 0, if n 0
= n, if 0 n 1 3.2. ANN model development
= 1, if 1 n
poslin poslin(n) = n, if n 0 Experimental data set at different operating condition was
= 0, if n 0 used to train and test the neural network model. The ranges
logsig logsig(n) = 1(1 + exp (n))
of different operating parameters are given in Table 3.

Please cite this article in press as: Das, L., et al., The photocatalytic degradation of carbamazepine and prediction by articial neural networks.
Process Safety and Environmental Protection (2013),
PSEP-375; No. of Pages 8
4 Process Safety and Environmental Protection x x x ( 2 0 1 3 ) xxxxxx

Table 3 The ranges of various process parameters used
for experiment.
Input parameters Range of the
parameter value

pH 312
Catalyst concentration (mg/L) 50800 0.04
Initial CBZ concentration (mg/L) 540
Time (min) 0150 0.02

3.3. Preprocessing of experimental data set for ANN 0

0 5 10 15 20
model development
Number of neurons

In this present study, a three layered (an input layer, single hid- Fig. 3 Relationship between number of neurons and MSE.
den layer and an output layer) feed-forward backpropagation
network was considered for modeling the data. The reaction 100
parameters (pH of the experimental solution, catalyst concen-
tration, reaction time and initial concentration of CBZ) are the y = 0.9937x + 0.3293
R = 0.9975
four nodes in input layer of the network and the output layer 80
consists of only one node, percentage removal of CBZ. Total
130 data sets that were obtained by varying different reac-

Predicted value
tion parameters were used for the neural network model. The 60
data sets were randomly divided into training (70%), validation
(10%) and test (20%) subsets. The initial rate data (at time = 0)
was not considered while developing the model to reduce the 40
o Data points
error. Best linear fit
- - - - y=x
3.4. Selection of backpropagation algorithm and 20
hidden layer transfer function

The selection of appropriate training algorithm and trans- 0

0 20 40 60 80 100
fer function is an important step for the design of ANN. The
Experimental value
number of neurons in the hidden layer initially was selected
as 2. In this present study, ve different backpropagation Fig. 4 Comparison between predicted and experimental
training algorithms such as, traincgp, trainlm, traingdx, values of the output.
trainrp, and trainscg were tested as all the algorithms may
not be applicable for all problems. The output layer transfer
of the system, the optimum neurons chosen is ve. Thus, the
function was purelin and in the hidden layer ve various
ANN is a three-layer ANN, with a logsig transfer function in the
transfer function were tested to nd out the best combina-
hidden layer with ve neurons and a linear transfer function
tion of training algorithm and hidden layer transfer function
(Purelin) in the output layer.
that will result the best coefcient of correlation (R2 ). The
comparison of different combination of training algorithms
3.6. Test and validation of the ANN model
and hidden layer transfer functions is shown in Table 4.
The LevenbergMarquardt training algorithm (trainlm) with
The data sets were provided as input parameters to the
logsig transfer function in hidden layer with ve neurons has
designed ANN model and the output from the model was
higher correlation coefcient (R2 ) value of 0.99 compared to
other combinations. In the present study Trainlm was con-
sidered as training algorithm and logsig transfer function was 20 20
nally applied in the hidden layer.
15 15
3.5. Optimization of neurons number
10 10
The optimum number of neurons was determined based on 5 5
correlation coefcient and the minimum value of MSE of the
RE (%)

training and prediction set (Yetilmezsoy and Demirel, 2008) 0 0

which is shown in Fig. 3. Too few neurons causes undertting
and too many neurons in hidden layer leads to overtting the -5 -5
model by raising the complexity of the model (Karsoliya, 2012;
-10 -10
Villiers and Barnard, 1992; Dutta et al., 2010). The network
optimization was performed by using LevenbergMarquardt -15 -15
backpropagation algorithm and Logsig transfer function was
used in the hidden layer and the number of neurons was var- -20 -20
ied from 1 to 20. The values of R2 for ve and twelve neurons
are 0.999 and 0.994 which are very close. So, to avoid overtting Fig. 5 Plot of percentage residual error.

Please cite this article in press as: Das, L., et al., The photocatalytic degradation of carbamazepine and prediction by articial neural networks.
Process Safety and Environmental Protection (2013),
PSEP-375; No. of Pages 8
Process Safety and Environmental Protection x x x ( 2 0 1 3 ) xxxxxx 5

Table 4 Selection of Back propagation Algorithm and transfer function.

Algorithm Function Transfer function Transfer function R2 (correlation
for hidden layer for output layer factor) value

1. Conjugate gradient arbitrary backpropagation traincgp tansig purelin Arbitrary

with Polak-Ribiere updates logsig purelin 0.62
purelin purelin 0.52
satlin purelin 0.47
poslin purelin Arbitrary
2. Scaled conjugate purelin gradient trainscg tansig purelin 0.98
backpropagation logsig purelin 0.93
purelin purelin 0.81
satlin purelin 0.93
poslin purelin 0.96
3. Resillient backpropagation trainrp tansig purelin 0.93
logsig purelin 0.95
purelin purelin 0.98
satlin purelin 0.91
poslin purelin 0.94
4. Gradient descent with momentum and traingdx tansig purelin 0.92
adaptive learning rate backpropagation logsig purelin Arbitrary
purelin Purelin 0.91
satlin Purelin 0.95
poslin purelin 0.97
5. LevenbergMarquardt backpropagation trainlm tansig purelin 0.98
logsig purelin 0.99
purelin purelin 0.93
satlin purelin 0.85
poslin purelin 0.94

compared with the experimental data to assess the accuracy represents the best tted line with a good correlation coef-
of the model. In order to validate the neural network model, cient of 0.997 (Oguz et al., 2008; Giroto et al., 2006; Salari et al.,
the simulated values from the model is plotted as a func- 2005). Fig. 5 indicates a signicant correlation with percentage
tion of experimental values as shown in Fig. 4. The solid line residual error varying in the range of 12% to 14%.

Fig. 6 Comparison between actual and ANN model rends in training, validation, test and all.

Please cite this article in press as: Das, L., et al., The photocatalytic degradation of carbamazepine and prediction by articial neural networks.
Process Safety and Environmental Protection (2013),
PSEP-375; No. of Pages 8
6 Process Safety and Environmental Protection x x x ( 2 0 1 3 ) xxxxxx

3.7. Overall results of ANN model

The results for the tting in different stages such as train-

ing, validation, test and overall data by using 45 degree lines
are presented in Fig. 6 of the ANN analysis. It can be seen
that the ANN model makes accurate predictions in the train-
ing and testing stages. The percentage removal of CBZ trends
predicted by the ANN completely follows the observed trends
in the training and testing stages, the 45 degree lines are tted
with good R2 values. Therefore, the ANN model is capable of
simulating and predicting the photocatalytic efciency with
titaniazirconia nano composite catalyst.

3.8. Effect of reactant concentration

To observe the effect of initial concentration of CBZ, experi-

ments were conducted by varying the initial concentration of
Fig. 7 Comparison between experimental and predicted
CBZ from 5 to 40 mg/L using 250 mg/L catalyst concentration at
values at various initial concentration of CBZ.
an air ow rate of 0.25 LPM. The pH of the experimental solu-
tion was maintained 7 and reactions were carried out at room
temperature. Fig. 7 shows that the percentage removal of CBZ
decreases as concentration of CBZ increases from 5 to 40 mg/L
and also shows that the experimental values and predicted
values by ANN are almost same. At 5 mg/L concentration of
CBZ, the removal rate was 90.78% at 150 min and it was found
to be 57.28% for 20 mg/L concentration of CBZ. It was further
reduced to 33.13% for 40 mg/L CBZ for the same time of degra-
dation. With the increase in concentration of CBZ, there will be
less availability of catalyst surface as assess the large number
of CBZ molecules on the surface will reduces.

3.9. Effect of catalyst concentration

The effect of catalyst concentration on degradation of CBZ,

reactions were studied at various catalyst concentration from
50 to 500 mg/L for 10 mg/L initial concentration of CBZ, at a
pH 7, an air ow rate of 0.25 LPM and at constant temper-
ature (30 C). It is seen from Fig. 8 that degradation of CBZ
increases from 48.9% to 89.9% up to 500 mg/L with increase
in catalyst concentration from 50 to 500 mg/L. Whereas, the Fig. 8 Comparison between experimental and ANN
degradation decreases above 500 mg/L of catalyst concentra- output results at various loading of catalyst.
tion. The degradation is found to be 78.62% for 800 mg/L. The
photocatalytic rate initially increases due to availability of
sufcient catalyst active sites and for higher catalyst con-
centration, there may be the light scattering and screening
effects. At the same time, a tendency toward agglomeration
(particleparticle interaction) may increase at high catalyst
concentration, which may reduce the surface area for light
absorption with decreasing photocatalytic reaction. Fig. 7 also
shows as the catalyst concentration is more sensitive to the
output parameter, the predicted results from the model is
compared in terms of experimental data for various catalyst
concentrations. The gure shows a good agreement between
the model predicted values with experimental values of the
percentage degradation of CBZ.

3.10. Effect of pH

The pH is also an important parameter in photocatalytic reac-

tion. Here, the reactions were carried out at various pH from
3 to 12 at 250 mg/L catalyst concentration, initial concentra-
tion of CBZ 10 mg/L at an air ow rate of 0.25 LPM and room Fig. 9 Comparison between experimental and ANN
temperature was maintained. The variation of the CBZ degra- output results at pH of experimental solution.
dation with the change in pH is shown Fig. 9. It is seen that

Please cite this article in press as: Das, L., et al., The photocatalytic degradation of carbamazepine and prediction by articial neural networks.
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Please cite this article in press as: Das, L., et al., The photocatalytic degradation of carbamazepine and prediction by articial neural networks.
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Please cite this article in press as: Das, L., et al., The photocatalytic degradation of carbamazepine and prediction by articial neural networks.
Process Safety and Environmental Protection (2013),

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