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Anotaes do Hypnotica (Mind Mastery Archive)

Algumas anotaes que fiz de 7 udios curtos do Hypnotica, do Mind Mastery Archive.
Como sempre, o Hypnotica manda *MTO*.


-- nao se pressione, relaxe. D tempo ao tempo, d alguns anos a si mesmo. E aproveite a sua
jornada, cada pedacinho dela, implementando e integrando tudo que vc aprender com
perfeio em todas as reas de sua vida.

-- sempre que vc estiver saindo/namorando uma garota, nunca diga pra ela pq os seus
relacionamentos no passado no deram certo. Vc subconscientemente demonstrar como era
vc tratado/tratava pessoas e isso poder influenciar ela a agir da mesma forma negativa com
Fale assim: "As pessoas terminam por diversas razes. A razo pela qual eu fiquei com ela pelo
tempo que eu fiquei foi pq quando eu acordava, tinha caf da manha, sabe? Ela massageava
meus ps antes de eu dormir, ela fazia vrias pequenas coisas que eu acho importantes para
uma boa comunicao e um bom relacionamento. Por isso que eu fiquei com ela por tanto
Falando assim, vc criou um padro que ela tem de atingir, vc ps a barra de expectativa no alto
e mostrou que menos do que isso vc no aceitar.

-- AA (ansiedade de abordagem) apenas um indicador de que tem algo importante pra vc

fazer em relao aquilo. Fique feliz por ter isso e use esse poder da AA.

-- pequenas coisas nas quais vc trabalhe, embora paream que nao importam, importam mto,
at pq elas se somaro.

-- nao se apoie totalmente em ninguem. Outras pessoas so bnus. Podem ser seus
companheiros, mas a jornada sua, e mesmo sem eles, mantenha-se firme.

-- vc a nica pessoa que efetivamente influencia o seu mundo. Entenda isso.

-- Sua sexualidade, sua conexo com o seu lado sexual, uma parte grande do inner game

-- o que vc faz? "eu ensino pessoas a se sentirem bem". "Ensino mulheres a terem diferentes
tipos de orgasmos, etc"

-- repetio a me de todos os aprendizados

-- The Way of the Peaceful Warrior um grande livro que mostra uma energia masculina forte.
Outra coisa interessante so imagens arqutipas (veja a arte de Luis Royal; se escreve
assim??), ela tem uma energia masculina, vc pode pr afirmaes na tela do seu pc e msica
(deliriums, dead condense, enygma, etc) tb qd l-las. Isso tudo ajuda a construir sua energia
masculina. Teste coisas, no se atenha as coisas que eu fiz ou outras pessoas fizeram.

-- todas pessoas ancoram estados a movimentos corporais. Quando vc ficar consciente disso,
poder se aproveitar disso a seu favor, qto mais vc ancorar algo, mais poderoso ficar.

-- qd vc vir uma garota que quer, ponha tudo em cmera lenta. Comece a observar, vc est
dizendo besteiras (suas crenas limitantes) pra vc mesmo na sua cabea? Se "pegue" um pouco
antes de entrar nesse estado, nessa repetio de besteiras na sua mente, ou quebre-a de
alguma forma.
Quebre o padro, faa uma pergunta qualquer, pergunta a hora, finja que confundiu ela com
outra pessoa, e dps v embora; isso te far crescer j e quebrar as crenas limitantes aos
poucos. So pequenos passos que ajudam MTO.
Use a regra dos 3 segundos pra te ajudar a quebrar seus padres de comportamento antigos.
An Evening With Hypnotica PUA -
Dating Advice On How To Meet And
Talk To Women/Girls

We're going to push the boundaries a little bit.

I've got some hard-core girls coming in a little bit later
that are going to tell you guys how it is.

The thing with women, like I said, I'm bringing a few women
in here
that are gonna kind of lay down the law a little bit.

They're gonna to tell you how it is and you know what

some of the myths that are out there like guys need to be
nice and things like this.

It doesn't work that way. You know, like I said I'm going
bring these women in here that are going to tell you as
soon as a guy goes into that frame
you fucked yourself.

You put yourself either in the friend category

or kind of like the poor guy
you know maybe I'll just keep him around just because
he needs a friend.

Or I'm just going to blow him off and

shoot him back. Women are ruthless.

Because women talk so much dirty shit that the first time
I was in a with 5 of them doing the hot oil wrestling, I
was blown away.

Literally I just got real quiet because I could not believe

the way they were talking
you know. They were talking about dick sucking, and getting
fucked, and farting, and was just all...
Whoa! That blew my paradigm of what I thought. Like I gotta
be nice and things like that.

We all
probably at one point or another bought into that whole
But it's not true.

They want a man that's on the edge a little bit.

Who's going to get face, not physically,

but get in their face, you know, sexually.

You don't and have a little bit of spontaneity, have a

little bit of charm, have a little bit of quickness.

You know but really

any time you lay down a challenge or you back off of a
challenge you're really telling that
women that you're not up for the challenge of being with
her. You've got to always remember
the male destructor always needs to meet the female
destuctess head on.

And the trail starter for me being

you know 15 years old, fat, bald, no bald but had a bowl
hair cut,
missing teeth,
white, freckle-faced.

You know, I say it every seminar, I was the guy that women
played spin the bottle
at the party with and I was just kind of there.

If the bottle landed on them, they'd say go kiss Eric.

You know, I could see the non-verbal

'Fuck, I gotta kiss that guy?'
Okay. That's where I began.

I remember I was sitting there and I was pretty shitty with

women back then.

Uh... I didn't know what to say. But I thought I did.

You know, you have the cocky confidence where you're kind
of like
'Yeah, watch this guys.' And I
remember I said to my table, you know a bunch of friends,
we were kind of nerds and things like that, that's just the
way I kind of grew up, I said 'Watch this.'
And there was this chick that I totally dug.

And this was in...

I think is was in like June. And

Santa Barbara's very interesting, and I turned around and I
said 'Watch me pick this chick up.'
And I turned around and before I could say anything she
said 'Hey, what's up.'
And I went... 'Hey...
Um... what are you doin'...' And I kind of went blank. I
'...holloween?' She goes 'What?!'
And I said, and everyeone started laughing at my table, I
just turned back around and I was just
'Are you fucking kidding me?!'
You know, I got it down to where it's really easy for me to
seduce right now.

Um... Usually I go down to the 5 minutes or less. Blah,

blah, blah. Easy.

Now I'm starting to stretch myself a little bit and going

to the non-verbal seduction. You know.

Can I seduce without saying a word?

So what I suggest you guys do, and this is one of the first
is get one of those little folders that you open up in.
Start writing down all of your beliefs. When I started I
think I
came up with about a hundred beliefs that at the time
I wanted to change. I wasn't good enough you know,
I get intimidated around women. Things to this nature. And
then what you do
is with some of the learning things that we'll do, whether
it's the belief changes or
writing it down, you're just going to go through one at a

If you do one of the day...

Or one a week... If you have 150
in 3 years if you learn to change every single one of them
by just taking
a little conscious effort and focusing on that
you're going to absolutely change your life in 3 years.

Okay. Most time it will take 6 months.

Most guys are like 'Oh, so what do you like to do? Oh yeah,
me too. I kind of go down there. Do you want a drink?'
And hopefully, you know, she has the right drink
combination where she gets horny and
you just happen to get lucky. It's a chance thing.

But when you can really just stop...

and just go 'You know what?

You enjoy pleasure. Don't you?'
And look at 'em...

And say 'That's right, you do. It's fun to enjoy pleasure.

Isn't it?'
And start going into those sexual realms. You can turn
stuff around so fuckin' fast it's ridiculous.
You know, in the last year there's probably been 50 or so
more that were under 3 minutes. Just bam!
Because women, which is good because you guys are here,
are not used to hearing guys talk like that.

And if you're going to be a dominant man that's really

going to go after the women
that are on the upper echelons of looks in this society,
you're going to have to learn
to lead.

It's all about leading. 'Come here. Let me show you this.'
Okay. Women don't respond to guys
that are like 'Um...
I have an opinion.

Can you answer this question for me? Who lies more men or
And I'll have girls tell you that that's just weak.


I say it a lot of times, you know, there's only 3 things.

You guys are salesmen first.

Every single one of you here is selling yourself.

Whether you like it, or believe it, or not. At any one

point in time you are selling yourself.

Okay. So get over the fact that you're just a pickup artist
or you're just some guy
who can't get laid or whatever.
You think to yourself that you're a salesman.

You're a super salesman.

You're a super sexual salesman. Okay.

There's 3 things you really sell.

You sell either a product, or a service, or an idea.

That's be something you'd want to write down because it's

pretty important. And we're going to go into it a little

But it comes down to your service.

If you can't service a woman, how much real... sexual

confidence are you going to have?
Okay, if you don't know what to do, learn to start
practicing. Learn to start in one little area
and work on it. There's a lot of things out there that are
great for sexual stamina.

But when you start self-organizing your mind, your

thoughts, where you're about,
where you're from, all around taking her so far from beyond
what she's used to
that it breaks the barriers of the mundane.
that you're going to lead her to this whole area that she's
never explored before.

That you're going to make her, you know, shake like a dog
shitting peach tree seeds is
what Steve likes to say.

You know, tear gasms when they're shaking so much 45

they're laying in bed and they're having these organs, over
organs, over orgasms.

When you know that you can do that to a woman

and you've done it before
to bring a little bit more power in your pocket.

that's really what we want to get to. And we're going to go

though a lot of that stuff.

And all fo the sudden they're like... to their friends. And

I call it The Woman Referral System. That's where I'm at
right now,
where women refer. I'm that guy now. Thank god I've worked
my way to it.
And this is what I wanted.

Where women are going 'Go see my friend.

He'll take care of you. He'll take care of you.'

And it's a woman referral process. Because they talk.
They're like 'You gotta listen
to how this guy talks to you.

You know, he don't give a fuck.'

He'll talk to you, he'll look you right in the eye and go
'You like that don't you?
I can see it right in your eye.'
It's about being aware. Absolutely aware.

First thing I want to do, is anyone here afraid of

Is anyone gonna mind? You're afraid of strippers? (I get
anxiety a little bit.)
You get anxiety? Okay, so tell the male strippers not to
come in here tonight.

We're going to keep the female ones. Alright?

Oh, Danica.

Can we borrow you for a second? (Um, sure.) Come up.

See, not ever shy. You see that?

She don't give a fuck. Just comes stomping up her. What's
going on girl?
Thanks to the Internet (yay!), I can revel in the tools freely available that Napoleon or
da Vinci or the Sun King never saw.

What does this mean, you ask? It means that nows the time where I completed two 60-
60-30s for the love of the world in the capacity of Getting Things Done Fast. Literally,
thats the name of the Getting Things Done-based seminar Ive been listening to.

its been awesome, because Ive learned AT LEAST four times as much as when I
would read the text of Getting Things Done for hours at a time.


Besides that, Ive had a chat with Eric today. It was an interesting discussion, because I
would learn about the power of letting other people of letting people be fucked up,
letting other people walk their own hard road. I can help and give love, but it is their
road to walkit wont always be an easy one. Specifically, here are just some of the
ideas we discussed:

(Note, I was contemplating whether or not to share this. Eric (Hypnotica) is a good
friend and mentor to me. Nonetheless, we both believe in abundance, we both believe in
empowering people to the greatest degree possible, so below are some outstanding ideas
that will pay for this coaching ten times over.)

Use Metayes with any statements of selfI.e. say Yes, I have brown
hair. Yes I have brown eyes. Yes I breathe Yes I am a powerful man.
Nineteens still youngway ahead of everyone else
Attach music to my idea generation (especially useful with metayesanchor
power to the high points of the song we both will recommend a song like
Freedom Fighters by Two Steps from Hell)
Develop goalsEric showed me ten pages of goals (my goals are three pages)
describing his fun and playful spirit he has, his financial goals, his affinity with
nature (the way he describes it is awesome); its fun to note how relieving it was
to have somebody with sense of definite purpose similar to mine
Eliminate sugar its too temporary a source of sugar
Free the creative spiritif I learn something, share it
Just do it (Eric)Have an Unconscious drive to make it happen
Erics Mastery Series is a force to be reckoned withby far the best interview
series Ive ever listened to
Certain activities like admitting something youve repressed releases a LOT of
energy (we talked about the Hooters incidentkinda tough)
Metawhore reveals the power of sheer honesty
Lightning bolt negativite framesi.e. set the frame; alternatively, if thats not an
option, just accept the circumstance transform it (SUPER useful for my
situation turn everything into an advantage)
Be into whatever you do.
(Inference from Convo) Use references from movies to convey ideas
(Me) Make sure Pamela works properly before every Skype call (didnt have it
record :/)
Do less when changing habits
Start a Youtube channel (I made a StickK commitment here), update it daily,
with things like:
o What you learned

o Review

(Inference from convo) Be independent regarding what I do

Open up the heart absorb the hits life gives you and stand up again stronger
with an open heart (I was stone cold for a while I really appreciated this)
Allow people to write their own story, walk their own pathdont push the pen
that theyre writing with for them (itll only screw up the text or waste the
You dont need to be the best to share ideas just better than your target market
Writings a very inspired act it might be cool it might not just be
If youre looking for a way to make your workouts more inspirational, go jog for
two Ted Talks every day (Me: This is an awesome idea!!)

Overall, its easy to say that you can gain so much more from coaching with a solid
person than you ever will on your own. A person who has more experience than you in
any regard has a computer more powerful than the faster than (almost?) any
supercomputer ever.

Really, a coach can quickly detect problem spots in your vision and help you pull out
that plank from your eye. Once youve implemented what your coach suggests, youll
be amazed at how much better you see.

If youre looking for a coach, then Erics someone who can definitely help you with
your problems. Hes been extremely helpful to me, and I cannot recommend his book
Metawhore or his program The Collection of Confidence highly enough.
Anyway, thats it for todayhope you enjoyed this post. Today was a lot of fun, and I
feel that Ive learned a lot and now, as a result, have the opportunity to create a LOT of
value for the world.

Its been fun talking with you, bro.

Yours truly,


The Power of Affirmation: The "Meta-Yes" In

The Bible, Meta-States and the Neuro Semantic Model - Part II

Rev. Michael Davis

In my last article1 we explored a biblical basis for the Meta-No pattern. As believers
in Jesus Christ we are taught to negate, to reject, and disown, to literally say No!
to all concepts, ideas, attitudes and frames that contradict and are contrary to the
will of God. We are to say No! to all that does not serve and aid us in serving
God. (Titus 2:11,12).

In this article we will explore the concept of affirmation, or the Meta-Yes according
to Scripture and its importance in renewing the mind.

In my first article I stated that during my Meta-states certification training Dr. Bob
Bodenhamer said, All change in essence boils down to saying No to what you
dont want and Yes to what you do want. I believe this is one of the most
significant contributions that the field of Neuro-semantics has made. The idea that
beliefs are confirmed thoughts2; that it is the affirming and saying yes to a thought
that solidifies and confirms it as a belief and thus as a frame is really quite simple
and yet at the same time quite profound. I believe that in the Scriptures we have a
foundation for this theory.

In 2 Corinthians 1:20 we are told all the promises of God in Him are yes, and
in Him amen, unto the glory of God by us.

The NIV bible translate this passage:

For no matter how many promises God has made they are all Yes! in
Christ and so through Him the Amen! is spoken by us to the glory of God.

All of God promises are fulfilled in Christ. If we ask God, Is this promise fulfilled in
Christ; is it true in Him? God answer is always Yes! That promise is fulfilled and it
is true in Christ!

For example we have in and through Christ redemption and forgiveness of sin
(Colossians 1:14). If you were to ask God Are we redeemed in Christ, are we
forgiven in Him?, Gods answer is ALWAYS Yes! You are redeemed, you are
forgiven in Christ.

If you were to ask God, When we were baptized, were we united with Christ in His
death and resurrection? Gods reply would be Yes! When you were baptized with
Christ you were united with Him in His death and resurrection! (Romans6:3-8)

Again all that God promised is fulfilled in Christ, a fulfillment that God affirms and
confirms, that He says YES! to. As a matter of fact the word translated, as YES
from the Greek is NAI. It denotes the strong affirmation, assertion and
confirmation of a thing3. So Gods YES is an affirmation and confirmation of His
word and its fulfillment.

Now 2 Corinthians 1:20 states that we utter the AMEN! to Gods Yes!. In
regards to a promise God declares, Yes that promise fulfilled in Christ!, to which
we utter Amen!. What does it mean to utter or say Amen! to something? And
why must we through Christ say Amen! to Gods Yes!?

Amen: The Meta-Yes In Scripture

The word amen in English and Greek comes from the Hebrew word amen (the
word sounds basically the same in all three languages). Amen literally means It is
true, it is so, so be it, or let it be so4. Biblically amen serves as a formula and
expression of confirmation or agreement5.

In the scriptures amen always serves as a positive response to something that one
has just heard or said. This can be a prayer or a teaching (Galatians 1:5 and
Deuteronomy 27:15-26). Actually, amen serves at least three positive purposes in
1. It can be used as an exclamation point, as a way of emphasizing and
strengthening something just said6.
2. It is also used to confirm the word of another.

3. And it is used as a means of identification and association7

According to the Encyclopedia of Jewish Concepts

By pronouncing amen the listener associates himself with what has been
uttered; he makes it his own and is ready to conform to it. The people said
amen to the commandments Moses gave them (Deuteronomy 27:15-26)
thus agreeing to follow them and accepting the consequences implied. 8

The NIV Encyclopedia of Bible Words states that To say amen is to identify
with what is said and to confirm that what has been said is true and binding. 9
Thus to say Amen! to what one hears is to affirm that which one hears, to
confirm it as true , to identify with it and make it your own.

Does this sound familiar?

In the Meta-states/ Neuro-Semantics model to say Yes! to an idea, thought or

concept is to confirm it and make it a belief. Your belief. It is to make it a frame of
reference and with repetition, your frame of mind. In the same way, to say Amen!
to Gods Yes of promises fulfilled in Christ is to affirm and confirm His Yes! and
the truth of those promises being fulfilled. It is to identify with Gods Yes! and the
truths affirmed and make those truths Your own.10

When we say Amen! we are in essence saying Yes! to Gods Yes!. Thus our
Amen! is a Yes!, i.e., an affirmation and/or confirmation that is meta to Gods
Yes! (Our Amen! is about his Yes!). Our Amen is a Meta-Yes!

Applying This to Our Lives

Within the context of the Christian faith and the Christian life to say Amen! to
Gods Word, to His Truths and promises is to have and exercise faith in God. Said
another way to have faith in God is to Amen! God and His Word.

According to the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia concerning the use of Amen!

by the Jewish people:

Amen is an affirmation of a firm belief and as there were many

opportunities for pronouncing it the rabbis were quick to note its
psychological value as a compact yet all inclusive declaration of faith. (p.

Theologian Charles Hodge D.D. in his commentary on 2 Corinthians stated,

To receive Gods testimony concerning His Son, to say Amen, and to

believe all mean the same thing (The Second Epistle to The Corinthians,
p. 23).

That to Amen! Gods Word is to exercise faith in, or to believe Gods Word may
also be seen in the fact that the Hebrew word for faith, EMUNAH, is derived from
the Hebrew word AMAN which denotes firmness and certainty. Depending on how
its used Aman can also mean, to cause to be certain, to believe or to

Amen is also derived from this word Aman. Thus to believe God, to say amen to His
Word is to apply and bring to bear certainty, firmness, and confirmation to the word
of God and thus to establish it in our own hearts and minds.

This also sheds light on and expands our understanding of a familiar passage of
Scripture: Romans 10:17

So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

The word hearing in Greek is akoe. This word refers to a responsive hearing not
a passive one.12 In other words when we hear the word of God there is a response
that we are to have toward the word we hear, and that response results in faith.
What is the response we are to have? We are to respond to Gods word with
Amen!, with a Meta-Yes! As we respond to His word with an Amen! (Yes!),
bringing affirmation, confirmation, and identification to bear upon His word the
result is faith, i.e., a belief frame by which we live and move and have our being.

Does this means that our faith is merely or only a human effort or product?

To borrow a phrase from Paul God forbid!.

In Philippians 2:11,12we are told:

. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God
which worketh in you both to will and to do if His good pleasure.

God Himself is at work within us, energizing, and motivating us to fulfill His will, to
say Amen/Yes to His will. We say Amen outwardly because God is inwardly working
within us and motivating us to utter the Amen, the Yes to his will.

Our verbalizing of the Yes! or the Amen! is one aspect of our working out our
salvation, i.e., of carrying out and fulfilling what it means to be saved.

To utter the Meta-Yes to the word of God is not to substitute human activity for
Divine activity. Rather it is to cooperate with the Lord in what He is working and
doing in us.

And how are we to utter our Amen to the word and truth of God?

To quote again from the Jewish Encyclopedia:

Amen is [to be enunciated] with the full power of the voice. (p. 492)

The church had adapted from the synagogue the practice of enunciating the amen
with the full power-of the voice. (Ibid)

Within the rabbinical literature it is stated:

Amen should be recited with a strong, clear voice (Berakhot 45a)

The idea seems to be the amen must be spoken out loud and strongly for it to
be effective. This accords with the Meta-states/ Neuro-semantic application of the
Meta-Yes pattern where we are told to elicit and utter a strong intense Yes to a
new enhancing belief in order to install it (Hall, Personal Mastery pp.156-163).

With the Meta-Yes we have a very practical means of exercising and applying faith
in God. The insight and understanding that the Meta-states model brings to the
concept of beliefs, that they are confirmed thoughts, helps us to understand why
Christians often have difficulty believing and making the promises and truths of
Scripture our own.

Until we utter the Amen! the Yes! to the truth we hear it is not confirmed in us as
our truth. It has not become our own; it is not yet our frame.

But once we utter strongly and congruently Amen or Yes to Gods truth it, becomes
our truth; it becomes the frame by which we live.
So what truth of Scripture would you like to have as your operating frame? What
principle or biblical concept would you like to utter an Amen or Yes to?

How about:

I can do all things through Christ who strengths me (Philippians 4:13)?


. We are more than conquers through Him that loved us. (Romans 8:37)


Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you (John 14:27).

Have you uttered Amen/Yes strongly, intensely and congruently to such Biblically
enhancing beliefs? Do you want to? Would it serve you to have such beliefs as your
frame of mind? Are there beliefs that you need to say No to first? Those beliefs
that keep you from serving God and following Him fully do these beliefs serve
you? Do they help you to walk in the image and likeness of God and fulfill your
spiritual potential?

Are you ready to say No to those limiting frames? Then Do It! And remember
as you say No to limiting frames and Amen/Yes to enhancing ones, keep in mind
that God is working in you and with you. He is empowering you to say No to
those limiting frames and Amen/Yes to the enhancing ones (thats a frame by the

With the Meta-Yes and the Meta-No we have in our hands two powerful and
effective tools for renewing our minds and bringing them into alignment and
harmony with the Mind of God.

Williams James, the Father of American psychology, said, Tell him to live by yes
and no yes to everything good, no to everything bad.13

Good advice.

Now Go forth and change!! (Amen!)


This past weekend, while attending the School of Steve P, Hypnotica dropped by to
show everyone something called the META Yes. Its a very simple tool to help with
changing your neurology for mastering your universe.

Now project a circle out in front of you. What you do is tell yourself something that
you know to be true. I am wearing white Air Force Ones. Take a moment and notice
what you feel. Step in to that circle and say Yes! You can make a gesture if you
choose to help anchor this feeling. Now step out of that circle to where you were.
Repeat this a few times, saying the same thing over and over. Now move on to
something else that you know to be true.
I just started my own Word Press blog. Notice how it feels. Step in to the cirlce.
Yes! Repeat. Once youve done this a few times, amp it up.

I am a masterful lover. Step in to the circle. Yes!

Now, youre probably saying to yourself, But, OG! This sounds just like an
affirmation! What gives? Ill tell you what gives. You keep reciting affirmations (a
positive statement about yourself) they end up becoming mantras. Remember that
episode of Seinfeld where Kramer kept muttering to himself serenity now? Thats
how I see people who just use affirmations ending up being. Not everyone is going to
go crazy, but you never truly believe in it. The META Yes exercise speeds up the
process and quickly integrates these beliefs in to your neurology, bringing about a whole
new world of positive energy for you to tap in to. With this newfound energy, you may
find yourself going more direct, being more playful, or whatever it is you normally are.
Ramp it up!

Make the META Yes a part of your daily routine and watch how quickly you escalate
from Chump to Champ!

Im Good Enough, Im Smart Enough and Dog-Gone It People
Like Me!

Posted by jamesseetoo on October 29, 2009

Ever use affirmations? A lot of people do and after all, the above one must have worked
since it turned a clown into a senator. But the question is, can they work for you? And
the answer to that is yes they can if you do them correctly and they could be a big help
when youre going into an interview.

Okay, so youve finally got an interview and the job sounds like something you would
really like. And suddenly it seems like its a really important thing, a lot more important
than just talking about the World Series with one of your friends. Do you find yourself
acting any differently? Chances are the natural nervousness you would feel when
speaking with new people is amplified to the point where it drowns out your own
thoughts and you feel your confidence draining away.

Ive had candidates sparkle during phone interviews and when they came on site for
their final interviews fall apart and become different people. Since its the Halloween
season I guess Dr. Jekyll became Mr. Hyde or maybe it had something to do with the
full moon. But in any event, they lost confidence in themselves and for lack of a better
description, choked.

So how do you stay confident during an interview? Try the Meta Yes technique.

The Meta Yes is a way to leverage affirmations. While some people are able to tape
affirmations to their bathroom mirrors or chant them to themselves for good result the
majority of people who complain that they dont work simply do not link that
affirmation to something that they know to be true. And because of that an affirmation
becomes wishful thinking like most New Years resolutions.

The Meta Yes:

1) Think of something you know to be true, like your name, where you live etc. Say
that to yourself and notice the feeling that you have of saying something you know to be
true to yourself.

2) Imagine a circle in front of you and step into it and say whatever it was you chose in
step 1 and very affirmatively say Yes!

3) Step out and repeat a couple of times, really noticing what it feels like when youre
saying something you know to be true.

4) After a few times, say your affirmation and step into the circle again and say Yes!
while bringing up that feeling of knowing something is true.

5) Repeat this a few times a day and pretty soon the affirmation will gain strength.
Essentially you are anchoring what you know to be true to the affirmation and your
unconscious will work on making it true for you.

So, if for example you were to use the affirmation, I am the best person for this job and
am able to express that articulately in interviews you will likely find yourself to be
more confident in expressing yourself with interviewers. Give it a try in an area where
youre feeling a sticking point. Let me know how it goes.

Remember, your skills are your job security.


James Seetoo
A Simple Boost for Social Confidence

An easy self-affirmation exercise helps reduce social insecurities

for at least two months.
Sometimes in life we get exactly what we expect. Nowhere is this more true than in
social relations.

When we meet someone new, if we expect to like themfor whatever reasonthen

they tend to like us. If we experience apprehension or nascent dislike then things can
quickly go wrong.
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Psychologists have called it the acceptance prophecy and theres more about it in this
previous article: The Acceptance Prophecy: How You Control Who Likes You.

The problem is that for insecure or socially nervous individuals it becomes the rejection
prophecy. A feeling of apprehension about meeting new people is outwardly expressed
as nervous behaviour and this leads to rejection.

But a new paper published in Psychological Science provides a simple exercise that
helps boost relational security and should help turn the rejection prophecy back into the
acceptance prophecy.


Stinson et al. (2011) measured the relational security of 117 participants by asking them
how much they agreed with statements like: My friends regard me as very important in
their lives and My partner loves and accepts me unconditionally.

Half of them were then asked to do a very simple self-affirmation task. Participants
looked down a list of 11 values including things like spontaneity, creativity, friends and
family, personal attractiveness and so on. They put them in order of importance and
wrote a couple of paragraphs saying why their top-ranked item was so important.

The results showed that this simple task boosted the relational security of insecure
individuals in comparison with a control group. Afterwards their behaviour was seen as
less nervous and they reported feeling more secure. And when they were followed up at
four and eight weeks later, the benefits were still apparent.
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It appears that even a task as simple as this is enough to boost the social confidence of
people who feel insecure.
Steve Andreas

"As estrelas do mar so uma praga para os pescadores que vivem da captura
de mariscos e de outros moluscos no mar, pois as estrelas se alimentam
desses animais. Os pescadores achavam que para matar as estrelas bastaria
pic-las e jogar os pedaos de volta para o mar, porm no sabiam que cada
fragmento se regenerava em um adulto perfeito e, no final das contas, isso
conduziria para uma populao ainda maior, at que o problema foi melhor
compreendido." Wikipdia.

Muitas pessoas recomendam que dizer afirmaes positivas, repetidas vezes, uma maneira
de mudar as suas crenas sobre si mesmo e melhorar a vida. As afirmaes se originaram da
obra de mile Cou (1857-1926) que defendia dizer a frase abaixo, repetidas vezes, at que
ela se tornasse um mantra de fundo inconsciente: "todos os dias, de todas as formas, estou
ficando cada vez melhor."

Existe um srio problema com essa afirmao particular na repetio da palavra "todo". Nunca
ser verdade que eu estou ficando melhor todos os dias e de todas as formas. A realidade no
assim. Mesmo se eu estiver ficando maravilhosamente melhor em muitos aspectos, no ser
em todas as formas. Muitos de ns temos uma voz interior que ouve as declaraes universais
e as contesta e aqueles que no tm esse tipo de voz, ficariam melhor se tivessem uma!

Se eu disser a declarao de Cou para mim, ela estimula a minha voz interior a encontrar
excees essa generalizao universal. Ela poderia dizer sarcasticamente: "Sim, certo! Que
tal a forma como voc se dirigiu a sua esposa, hoje de manh isso melhor? Que tal aquele
joelho dolorido que estourou ontem, de tal forma que hoje voc est mancando isso estar
melhor? Eu no penso assim! "

Assim, mesmo se pudesse valer a pena insistir na ideia das afirmaes, preciso ter muito
cuidado com as palavras que dizemos a ns mesmos, ou a afirmao pode "sair pela culatra" e
produzir resultados contrrios. Qualquer palavra universal, como "todos", "cada", "sempre",
geralmente incita uma voz antagnica e isso, pode resultar na diminuio do seu otimismo!
Mas h outros problemas com as afirmaes que podem no ficar aparentes de imediato. Um
site da internet diz o seguinte sobre as afirmaes:

"A ideia por trs dessas tcnicas bastante simples. A maioria de ns cresceu
aprendendo a se desprezar por qualquer erro real ou imaginado. Ns
crescemos acreditando em certas coisas sobre ns mesmos ou nos
comparando negativamente com os outros. O uso de afirmaes positivas
uma tcnica para mudar esse dilogo interno negativo para algo mais positivo."

A meta de termos vozes internas que so positivas parece muito atraente. Entretanto, se
examinarmos essa prescrio um pouco mais de perto, a ideia de adicionar afirmaes
positivas apresenta alguns problemas. Se assumirmos, como faz a citao, que a maioria de
ns "cresceu aprendendo a se desprezar por qualquer erro real ou imaginado", o que vai
acontecer quando introduzirmos uma nova voz que positiva e que d apoio? Haver um
conflito inevitvel entre esses pontos de vista opostos. Alm disso, a velha voz que despreza
ir provavelmente redobrar seus esforos no sentido de discordar com a voz que d apoio. Isso
pode resultar em nos colocarmos ainda mais para baixo do que antes de acrescentarmos essa

Segundo a Wikipdia, "para uma afirmao ser efetiva, ela precisa estar no tempo presente,
ser positiva, pessoal e especfica". Um outro site oferece os seguintes exemplos:

"Eu estou saudvel, feliz, sou inteligente e livre."

"Eu estou cercado por pessoas que me amam."

Esses exemplos combinam com os quatro critrios mencionados no Wikipdia, mas no

combinam muito bem com a minha realidade.

Embora "eu estou saudvel, feliz, sou inteligente e livre" no tenha o universal "todos", ele est
implcito, e eu no conheo ningum que esteja sempre saudvel, feliz, inteligente ou livre. Se
eu disser isso para mim quando estiver doente, triste, com tdio ou me sentindo imobilizado,
isso ir se opor ao que eu sinto e no ser muito til.

Quantas vezes verdade que voc est cercado por pessoas que o amam? Voc pode ter em
casa vrias pessoas ao seu redor que o amam muito, mas e no trabalho ou no armazm? L
provavelmente existem, pelo menos outras pessoas, que esto indiferentes e que podem at
ser hostis.

Se uma afirmao no se coaduna com a sua realidade, a parte de voc que controla a
realidade ir ser provocada a question-la, derrotando novamente a finalidade da afirmao.
Contudo, se criarmos vozes internas que so um pouco mais sutis nas palavras que elas usam,
existem maneiras de contornar essa dificuldade.

Um mundo feliz

A instruo interessante que se segue foi postada em um newsgroup, um ano atrs, por um
email de Vikas Dikshit, um educador trainer de PNL de Pune, na ndia:

H cerca de 18 meses atrs, uma jovem senhora me pediu ajuda para a sua
depresso. Ela frequentava um psiquiatra e tomava remdio para a depresso
por alguns meses.

Eu sugeri a ela que olhasse ao redor e dissesse mentalmente para si mesma,

"Eu estou sentada nessa cadeira feliz. Aqui est essa mesa feliz. E essas so
janelas felizes com cortinas felizes." Eu sugeri que ela fizesse isso todos os
dias durante dez a quinze minutos.
Depois de quinze dias, ela ligou para dizer que agora estava se sentindo muito
bem. Aps cerca de dois meses, o psiquiatra suspendeu o remdio. Ela
continua a me chamar ocasionalmente, e conta que ainda se sente muito bem.
A mais recente foi quando ela esteve na minha cidade a cerca de dez dias

Cerca de um ano aps esse email, Vikas escreveu dizendo que sua cliente ainda se sente
muito bem, e que ele tem usado o mesmo mtodo com sucesso ou variaes dele com
uma srie de outros clientes. Embora esse mtodo parea muito simples para ter algum efeito,
ele emprega alguns aspectos muito sutis de linguagem.

A maneira mais simples de entender esse processo que ele o mesmo que todos ns
fazemos muitas vezes, porm utilizado de uma maneira mais til. Se algum fala sobre um "dia
sombrio", ele no est realmente falando sobre o dia, ele est falando sobre os seus
sentimentos. Quando algum fala de um "ardor agradvel", ele est falando sobre o ardor ou
sobre como ele se sente? Quando algum fala sobre a cortina feliz, isso significa que ele est
se sentindo feliz.

J que todas as frases so sobre algum aspecto do mundo sendo feliz, no h conflito entre
dizer isso quando a pessoa no est se sentindo feliz. Uma pessoa infeliz ainda pode falar
sobre cortinas felizes. Isso muito diferente da afirmao "eu estou feliz" que ir contradizer o
estado presente de algum, se ele estiver infeliz.

Esse processo direciona a sua ateno para as coisas ao seu redor no momento presente,
exatamente como ocorre com qualquer meditao til. Como voc tem ateno limitada, isso
ir simultaneamente retirar a sua ateno do que voc estava executando para aquilo que
estava deixando voc infeliz, inclusive algum dilogo interno negativo que estava acontecendo
em sua mente.

A palavra "feliz" um gatilho para esse estado, de modo que us-la tende a eliciar sentimentos
felizes, no importa o que ela descreva, seja uma cadeira ou uma mesa. Quando eu descrevo
as cortinas como "felizes", isso conecta a felicidade com as cortinas e com tudo mais no
meu entorno que eu descrevo com essa palavra. Depois disso, cada vez que eu olhar para as
cortinas e para as outras coisas minha volta eu vou pensar na palavra "feliz" e isso
tende a eliciar aquela sensao feliz. Se tudo minha volta rotulado dessa forma, em breve
estarei cercado por coisas que esto agora associadas com a palavra "feliz" e que eliciam esse
estado de sentimento.

Geralmente, h uma correspondncia ou equivalncia entre os estados internos de algum e o

que ele percebe sua volta. Um pessoa feliz vive em um mundo feliz, e uma pessoa triste vive
em um mundo triste. Uma pessoa triste tende a notar os acontecimentos tristes ao seu redor,
enquanto uma pessoa feliz tende a perceber as coisas felizes. O mtodo de Vikas usa essa
equivalncia em sentido inverso para provocar uma mudana no humor. Perceber coisas
felizes significa sentir-se feliz.

Entretanto, preciso ter muito cuidado se voc incluir outras pessoas nas suas observaes
felizes, e notar que tipo de reao essas observaes provocam em voc, porque isso pode
criar um contraste que no seja conveniente. Se eu notar uma criana feliz, isso pode me fazer
sentir feliz, porque eu no sou uma criana do mesmo modo como eu no sou uma cadeira
nem uma cortina. Mas se eu notar outros adultos sendo felizes, esse contraste com o meu
estado atual pode agravar a minha infelicidade. Se os outros minha volta esto felizes,
quando eu estiver infeliz, isso pode tornar ainda pior a minha infelicidade. Por isso muito mais
seguro no incluir outras pessoas de nenhuma maneira mesmo crianas ou animais e s
usar objetos inanimados.

Outra maneira de pensar sobre esse mtodo que ele um exemplo do padro de linguagem
hipntica chamado de "restrio selecional". Visto que uma janela no pode ser feliz, sua
mente ir inconscientemente procurar dar sentido a palavra "feliz" ao aplic-la em alguma outra
coisa. Se voc est sozinho, voc a nica possibilidade disponvel, e mesmo se estiver com
outros, voc ainda uma possibilidade. Como todo esse processamento ocorre de modo
completamente inconsciente, ele no pode ser contrariado pelo seu pensamento consciente.

claro que, apesar de toda essa compreenso maravilhosa, esse processo pode ser
completamente anulado se algum usar um tom de voz sarcstico, zombador ou desdenhoso.
Mas se voc usar um tom que o habitual, simplesmente relatando a sua experincia
"objetivamente", ou algum tom que expressa at mesmo um pouco de prazer, o processo ir
funcionar. Se voc fizer isso com voc mesmo, ou com algum, voc pode notar a tonalidade, e
mud-la se ela no apoiar o mtodo.

Voc tambm pode usar esse mtodo com qualquer outro adjetivo conveniente, tal como
"calmo" ou "pacfico" para algum que se agita facilmente, "amvel" para algum que sente
raiva, ou "equilibrado" ou "centrado" para algum que se sente disperso ou catico.
Simplesmente identifique o humor problemtico, pense em seu oposto, e em seguida,
selecione um adjetivo que expresse esse humor oposto para colocar no lugar do "feliz".

Por exemplo, se algum est frequentemente com medo ou ansioso, o oposto seguro, e ele
pode usar essa palavra para descrever o mundo em volta dele. "Eu vejo a cadeira segura",
"Essas so cortinas seguras", "Esse um computador seguro", etc.

Tenha certeza de escolher uma experincia oposta, no algo na faixa intermediria de um

espectro. Por exemplo, se voc est sempre criticando e, muitas vezes, se recusa a aceitar
alguma coisa, o contrrio seria acolher ou amar, no aceitar, que muito neutro.

Tente isso agora. Pense em um estado desagradvel em que voc s vezes entra...

Ento pense no seu oposto, um estado positivo que voc gostaria de ter no lugar desse

Ento use essa palavra para descrever as coisas ao seu redor, seja internamente ou para fora
em voz alta. Continue a fazer isso por vrios minutos, e note como isso muda a sua reao...

Esse mtodo uma afirmao que funciona, e no ir estimular outras vozes conflitantes para
discordar dela.
CREDIT HYPNOTICA's Reinventing yourself]
GO out to a mall/ bar / restauarant.

1 - for 20 minutes walk up to as many beautiful women as you can. Find out what your
mind says to you.
After 20 minutes. Write down everything that your mind was saying too you that
prevents you from approaching her.
I'm not worthy for a girl like that.
She's too hot.
She's not my type.
OMG, she's out of my league.
She doesn't look happy.

2 - RELAX for 15 minutes and clear your mind.

3- Do the same thing again for 20 minutes, approaching lots of women, but saying
nothing. This time say to yourself something that is possible.
She might have just broken up with her BF.
She might like my shoes.
She might think I'm cute.
She could be lonely and needs someone to talk to.

4- RELAX for 15 minutes and clear your mind.

5 - Same thing for 20 minutes, approaching lots of women, but saying nothing. This
time say to yourself something that is FAR FETCHED and SILLY.
She could think I'm the hottest guy.
She could chase me around grabbing my ass.
She might grab my hand and put it between her legs.
She could rip my clothes off and make out with me.

This was a great exercise. In fact I recommend doing it a few times because when I
approached women I found myself going into a fun state.

Full Text Transcript of the Interview

[Angel Donovan]: Hey, this is Angel with another episode of Dating Skills Podcast and today we
have Hypnotica with us. Hi, Hypnotica.

[Hypnotica]: How are you doing today? Feeling good?

[Angel Donovan]: All good. Its great to have you here. We just recently reviewed your
book Metawhore, which came out about six months ago, I think. So first Id just like to
kind of get your ideas behind why you wrote that and what you wanted to communicate.

[Hypnotica]: Well, I wrote it for the reason that I you have it inside you, and this is
something that it took a long time to get there. And I came from the position where a lot
of the guys in the community came from, not really knowing what to do, overweight. I
was fat. I was extremely white, freckles, pimples. So I consciously went through the
steps on where to get to the point where I feel extremely confident in myself, in my
success, in my interactions with women on pretty much every level.

[Angel Donovan]: Mm-hmm.

[Hypnotica]: So it would be a shame, I think, for someone to have gone through that
and not be able to give back a little bit of the steps and the learnings that it took to get to
the point where I was at and where Id feel comfortable, where I think a lot of guys are
trying to get to. So that's really why I wrote the book, for the reason I mean, I didnt
write it because Im a writer. Im definitely not a writer. I wrote it just because of the
fact that I think that there are a lot of guys that can get a lot out of the book, and
especially on the sexuality level where Im getting lots and lots of feedback and
testimonials from guys just emailing me out of the blue like, Im glad you wrote this
book because it made me think that I was fucked up in the head or I had all these urges
or it wasnt natural. So Im getting a lot of that. I think its a good thing that the book
went out, even though it rubbed some people wrong, But I think overall its just another
viewpoint that most people didnt put out. So that's pretty much why I wrote the book.

[Angel Donovan]: Yeah, I mean, one of the things I enjoyed about it was the honesty.
Its very authentic, and I can understand the scenes that you describe, which are kind of
embarrassing. Most people wouldnt want to put it out there, so I think relating to those
guys who said, Hey, thank you for writing the book, its because they feel normal
because they know that there are other people out there doing the same that they can
relate to when they are doing something and they dont have to hide or whatever. Do
you want to relate one or two of those kind of things that you think people should feel
normal about that they generally dont because of the way people view them or talk
about them?

[Hypnotica]: Well, I think people should feel extremely normal about being vulnerable,
being able to open up and say things that are absolutely pretty much normal in life.
Vulnerability, a lot of guys think, Oh, I need to hold on to my emotion or I cant let it
out, but the thing that there is is there's a certain strength with vulnerability. Because
vulnerability has a certain softness to it, and when you have a certain softness, youre
actually more human, youre actually more able to relate to people, you can be more
empathetic, and those are the things that I think are powerful. So when a person can
actually say whatever he wants to say and understand that he's got such a strong solid
sense, core confidence inside himself no matter what anyone says, it doesnt matter
because he's just being his own unique individual self and there's no one that can say,
Hey, this is right, this is wrong, because nobody knows whats really right, whats
really wrong. So its basically the persons own unique opinion of what they bring to the
world, whats their own unique gift, whats their own unique perspective. And without
that, then were all clones. We just walk around as robots in a certain paradigm, and
that's death to me. So its really about the birth of creativity, the birth of, hey, being okay
with being yourself, being your own unique individual, really.

[Angel Donovan]: Great. Are there any specific examples you could give like of things
that you think probably occur for a lot of people but they dont talk about them?

[Hypnotica]: Well, let's go right with masturbation. Lots of guys, you know

[Angel Donovan]: Mm-hmm.

[Hypnotica]: Now I think its getting a little bit more open. I think that the Internet has
really helped out open a lot of things on a lot of different levels as far as ideas, as far as
other people out there that have similar interests. And I think something like
masturbation, guys, at least in my generation, masturbation was taught to be bad, its
dirty, its a very There was a big religious I like to say the religious reich of telling
whats right and whats wrong is rotting away a little bit, because they were saying,
Oh, you cant do this and you cant do that. And I dont know so much about this
generation coming up, but I feel like a lot of people were put to shame, like its bad.
And its not bad. Its just a natural normal process. I mean, anytime you can, A, release
good feelings into the world, I think that's good. Anytime you could get a release of
tension and let the chemicals run through your body that relax you, that's good. And I
think the only thing that's bad is if you keep on doing it 20, 30 times a day and you
overdo it. But something like that where you can just easily talk about it, its more open,
its more honest, its more just you being you. I mean, I wouldnt make it the
conversation of the family dinner, but you know, when youre out with your friends, if
you can laugh it, you could joke around, then youre more at ease with it. And once you
have that tension relaxed in your body, then youre able to flow more easily, things to
that nature.

I mean, lots of shit happens. Shit happens to people all the time. I mean, I had a really,
really weird experience. Probably the weirdest experience happened two days ago to

[Angel Donovan]: Okay.

[Hypnotica]: And I dont ever get thrown off ever. Like that's one of my things, is Ive
been there, Ive done it. I had a friend, and this is Im still a little weird on this.

[Angel Donovan]: Okay.

[Hypnotica]: I had a friend that I know from, I dont know, maybe 10 years, a manly
man. I mean, this guy is like six-five, you know, almost 300 pounds, six-five,
connection worker, just a man man, the most manly man that I know, alright, put it that
way. And he came I havent seen him for about a year, you know. He said, Hey, Eric,
did I leave my tool there? I go, Yeah, you left the tools here. Come on over. So he
comes over and were just sitting there talking, were kicking back. And he's older. He's
about, I dont know, 15, 20 years older than me. And in the penitentiary, like one of
these guys, you know, not a guy you mess with.

[Angel Donovan]: Mm-hmm.

[Hypnotica]: And out of the blue he just says, Eric, can I see your dick? And I was
like, What? He goes, Your dick. Id really like to see your dick. And Im kind of
getting a little Im like, What are you talking like is this a joke? Like, Okay,
whats going on? And he goes, No, I really would like to see your dick. And I go,
No I go, Im not going to show you my dick, but you want to see a picture of it?
Here. Heres a picture. Heres my photo of that. It gets sent out to girls who want to see
my dick. Here you go.

And then he kept on. Then he kept on. He was like, Well, you know, Id really get great
pleasure and he basically came outthis a guy that I thought I knew like the back of
my handfor an hour sat in the room and he was pushing on it. And hes a big guy, so I
was like, Okay, I need to grab a hammer here because he's looking at me like Im his
next dinner.

[Angel Donovan]: [Laughs]

[Hypnotica]: And you know, I mean he goes through the whole this went on for an
hour and I was like pleading that somebody would come and rescue me because I was
just in a very weird situation. I was trying to make, you know, fluff it along, fluff it
along. And yeah, basically he said, Do you mind taking your shirt off and working out
in front of me? Im like, Look, this isnt my deal. And then he goes on to tell me he
likes to be on the bottom and he loves it when a cocks in his mouth because it almost
makes him come without even touching himself. So, I mean, these are the kind of
conversations and shit that happens, like you never know when its going to happen. It
was very odd and he left because I had a client coming in, but I felt extremely weird.
But shit happens, and shit happens to a lot of people.

And so its like when you can just get it out of your system and let it go, it becomes
funny. Once something becomes funny, whether its masturbation, whether its
premature ejaculation, whether its anything, you get that tension out of your body.
Once the tensions out of your body, then youre back more into the flow. But that's the
kind of stuff that happens.

[Angel Donovan]: And I like the way you put it, like its this tension in your body that
is kind of trapped, and I guess its going to come out in weird ways and interrupt what
youre doing, you know, if youre approaching women or youre meeting women or
whatever it is, it can hold you back, I guess.

[Hypnotica]: It could temporarily hold you back. I mean, it depends.

[Angel Donovan]: Mm-hmm.

[Hypnotica]: If you let it build up I kind of look at it like, imagine like a sink and
there's hair in the sink, and sometimes if there's enough hair in there it kind of slows it
down, but if you dont anything about it, pretty much it stops. And if you realize that
there's always going to be a little cloggage somewhere down the line, as long as you
keep moving forward and you do something actively to kind of clean it out, you just
have to move forward.

For example, like guys on approaching, I know they have this big thing on guys on
approaching. I dont really even look at it that way, but a lot of guys do. And so they're
out there and they dont realize that its like anything. Its like working out. Its like
starting a vehicle. Theres a warm-up phase. And nobody really likes to do the warm-up
phase. Even the best people that I know that are good at it, even the guys that are the top
guys that teach this stuff that I know go out all the time, say, Hey, the first three times
suck. The first time is just like youre warming up and its stretching a muscle. You just
dont go in the gym and grab 300 pounds and throw it up. Youve got to ease into it. The
first time always sucks, just like getting out of bed and going, God, I have to go to the
gym. It sucks.

[Angel Donovan]: Mm-hmm.

[Hypnotica]: Then, once you start getting into the groove and you start getting warmed
up, you start to find the flow. And I think a lot of guys are afraid of taking that very first
step, but that's just like warming up. And once you look at it like youre just warming
up, its okay. Even like one of the top guys was saying, he doesnt even know what he's
going to say. He just makes his feet move in that direction. He's like saying, No, I dont
want to go. I dont want to go, but his feet just walk him to that direction, and he says
usually its something pretty stupid. He goes, once that's done, the hair or the clog that
we were talking about, a big chunk of it gets moved. And then the next time is like the
rest of it gets moved and pretty soon, the water starts flowing. That's a little analogy that
may help people. I dont know if I answered the question completely.

[Angel Donovan]: Yeah, that definitely fits with what I know a lot of other people, you
know, the guys teaching this stuff, that they do in real life. So that fits with what I know
as well.

[Hypnotica]: There's a big difference between knowing it in your mind Lots of

people always wonder, Hey, how do you present new stuff that Ive never presented

[Angel Donovan]: Yeah.

[Hypnotica]: And the only way to really do it and learn it is to go through it and do it
and experience it. You can read all the stuff, and that's kind of why the whole PUA
system is kind of the way it is right now because its just theory out there. Everyones
kind of talking theory, and when you talk theory there's nothing new being brought to
the table, because its like, Oh, I brought this. Youre not getting the experience, and
when you get the experience is when you get the unique concepts and you get the
unique ideas and you get the unique systems that roll through body.

Like some of the content I presented this year that were brand new at the conference
that we did with the Casanova Crew guys is, basically I said, Hey, are you guys afraid
of clowns? And theyre like, Oh, no. And I go, But I want you to think about
something. The amount of makeup on a womans face is the distance that she is
detached from reality, and a clown puts on makeup and they entertain you. Okay, a
woman also puts up makeup and entertains you. A woman is just really kind of like a
pretty clown, you know, and just start to shift the perspective.

I go, Now, if you walked up in a bar to a girl and you had some liquid on you that takes
makeup off and you sprayed it on their face and it melted the makeup off, do you think
that they would still be as confident as they were if they were dressed up like the pretty
clown? And a lot of guys said, No. And I said, That's what youve got to
understand. Youre talking to an illusion. Youre talking to something that's put up to
make believe. And I said, So when you understand that, then you guys start to see
things a lot differently.

And the other thing is, when a womans getting ready, how long does it usually take?
Usually about an hour and a half to two hours for the average woman. And I said,
What do you think when shes getting ready that shes thinking about, shes fantasizing
about when shes shaving her legs, when shes shaving her pussy, when shes making
sure that shes absolutely prepped? Shes doing a ritual in her head of a type of man that
she wants to meet. And when she can think to herself like, Man, I hope I meet this in a
guy, you think its the average guy that comes up and just goes, Hey, whats your
name? or Can I ask you a question? No, its a guy that throws the lightning bolt that
knocks her off her feet. That's what shes doing in her head. That's the type of ritual.

I said, So when you go out, you need to understand what has been going on inside this
womans head when shes getting ready, what type of guy, and for you to step in and
become that guy and be that guy so you help her with her fantasy. So, I wouldnt have
known that if I didnt keep on going through the process. For you to go through the
process, you understand these things and you start to think about it differently.

[Angel Donovan]: Right, right.

[Hypnotica]: Compared to if you just stand on the outside and youre thinking about it
and youre contemplating it in your head with your PUA buddies, you dont get to see
things that free your thought process up.

[Angel Donovan]: Its interesting to look at it from the womens side, you know. She
wants to impress all her girlfriends and whatever, you see that in all of the effort they
put upfront, right, some special occasion, you know, it can go two weeks in advance
theyre stressing about the dress theyre going to wear and what theyre going to look
like and so on. So, in a sense, I guess they get over the tension before the event, in their
preparation, and then the guys have to deal with it at the event. Does that make sense to

[Hypnotica]: Yeah. Id say theyre more like putting themselves on display. Its more
like theyre doing a model walk.

[Angel Donovan]: Mm-hmm.

[Hypnotica]: They do have a certain amount of I guess tension built up, and women are
wild. They want to let loose. So its almost like that's their moment. Theyre going to
shine, that person that theyve been building up on the inside, you know, when they look
at the shoes and theyre going, Okay, Ill put this combination together with this
combination. I mean, its really just a big, like a party, because theyve been planning
it. So when theyre out there, theyre going to put on that person. Theyre not going to
be brought down by a normal conversation. They dont want to. They want to be in that
mode where theyre out there having fun, letting loose.

[Angel Donovan]: Right.

[Hypnotica]: And guess what, guys, you better be that guy whos able to do that. And if
youre just letting her ride the conversation or expect her to keep the creativity going in
a conversation or bring her back down to a normal boring interaction, then youre going
to lose. If you like, Hey, Im that guy whos going to be the tour guide through this
night tonight and going to have fun and going to make it wild, youre a hell of a lot
better off than youre just that guy that's, Okay, Im going to go and approach this
girl, because theyre going to eat you up because youre going to break down their

[Angel Donovan]: So you were talking about experience, the importance of experience
over theory a minute ago, and one of the interesting things you relate in Metawhore is
that you go from many extreme experiences, probably a lot more extreme than anyone
else I know has been through. So do you think its essential to go to extremes? Or what
kind of experiences do you think are helpful in gaining to get better at all of this?

[Hypnotica]: Well, the way I look at extreme is anything beyond what normalcy in a
society is.

[Angel Donovan]: Yeah.

[Hypnotica]: Its kind of like the society, which is protected by certain kind of universal
little laws that everyone kind of agrees on, and that's where everyone is. And so I kind
of say like if youre going out and youre looking for a treasure, you dont want to look
where everyone else has been looking because youre not going to find it. You have to
look where no one else has looked.

So I dont believe that its essential because I think you can learn a lot by staying in
those parameters, but for me, because I like to kind of blaze the trails a little bit, I
believe, you know, or at least I like to go outside the extreme and do those things,
because then you start to see all the patterns that people run by, and how many people
want to stay in that little comfort zone but when they get a chance, boom, they come out
and they want to unleash and go into it? So, I mean, I believe if youre going to be a
maverick, if youre going to be someone who really like goes beyond what people want
and find new stuff, I believe youve got to go extreme. If you just want kind of like a
little bit, you can excel extremely the other way, but I dont think youre going to get as
many as the original ideas that are going to come to mind, if that makes sense.

[Angel Donovan]: Yeah. Yeah, it does. So let's put this into practice. What kind of
things would you suggest the guys do in order to build up their experience of it and get
out of their comfort zone?

[Hypnotica]: The most obvious is actually go out. Lots dont even go out. They sit at
their computer and they talk theory all day. I mean, if you go out Tyler Durden from
RSD, you know, I was watching him talk, he goes out every single night whether he
wants to or not, even if its for 20 minutes.

[Angel Donovan]: Mm-hmm.

[Hypnotica]: You go out and you get to know the vibe. Just doing that is extreme. And
you start to realize, Okay, you know what, theres a certain tendency, there's a certain
pattern here. So, I mean, just going out is a big thing.

Hey, walking up to girls is another big thing. Lots of guys dont even do that. Its not
like 10% of the guys even do that. Being able to put sexual thoughts and ideas and seeds
into a conversation, being able to talk sexually, I mean that's, for the most part, a little
different than most things.

Now, if youre talking like extreme extreme, you know, there's all kinds of things. I
mean, Im a big advocate of doing psychedelics, taking a vision quest, going out into
the forest and doing that kind of thing. That's my own personal thing that helps me get
out of my own head or gets me regrounded and lets me see things differently.

[Angel Donovan]: Yeah.

[Hypnotica]: But even that, going out, like I said when I was in the book, going out and
doing or wearing something extreme just to get the information, just to get the
experience, just to get the peoples reactions, I mean, that's huge when you see that. It
gives you more data to work with in your brain. I believe the more data that you have of
how people react and how people are, the more flexible you can become, and the more
flexible you are, the more power you gain in any one system that youre working with
with a person. You can blend in with anyone. I could blend in, and I do, with people that
are hanging out in jail or prison that have been there. I can hang out with people that are
millionaires that are federal judges. I have that ability because Ive stretched my
experience level between everyone in between because Ive done those strange things
and put myself in those positions purposely, compared to a guy whos been sitting on his
computer talking about girls and you put him in the middle of a Playboy Mansion party,
he's going to be dripping out.

[Angel Donovan]: So when it comes to girls, do you think guys should especially the
younger guys, say, under 25s who dont have that much experience of women, do you
think because a lot of them may start out with this idea of what an ideal girl is and
theyve kind of got that vision in their head, and those are the kinds of girls theyre
always going for. Would you suggest that they try and break out of that? Is that a good
thing or?

[Hypnotica]: No, I believe going for the gusto, always going for what you want, it may
not have the best ratio, but once you understand that to a degree, it is a numbers game,
and you keep going, that's going to help you out a lot. And I think the big thing is that
guys take this out of context, is they think to themselves, Oh, I really want this girl,
but they havent done shit to self-improve themselves.

[Angel Donovan]: Yeah.

[Hypnotica]: And like I said, one of the questions I always ask is, Would you date
you? And youd be amazed, I mean I just did a seminar up in LA last week and I asked
that question, and like five guys raised their hands out of like 50. I said, Guys, this is
the big problem here, because like if you dont want to date you, why would you think
anyone else would? That's huge. So all these guys are thinking, Well, Im not going to
improve myself, but I want this girl whos a 10. It doesnt work that way at all. So I
think the big process that guys have got to go through is that they need to bring
something to the table. They need to bring a good attitude. They need to bring a good
energy. They need to bring something that's useful. So when these guys are just starting
out, theyre going to get blown out of the water big time.

[Angel Donovan]: Okay. Mm-hmm.

[Hypnotica]: And I always say the ratio, and a lot of guys say, Oh, out of 10 girls you
should be hooking up with like 3 of them, that's a bullshit ratio.

[Angel Donovan]: Okay.

[Hypnotica]: The real ratio is about 1 out of 10 girls maybe will appreciate you going
up to them. That's kind of the more realistic ratio for most guys. And even me, because
you never know. You walk up to a girl, shes married. You walk up to a girl, shes got a
boyfriend. You walk up to a girl, shes in a bad mood. You walk up to a girl, shes deaf.
Whatever. It doesnt matter. So 1 out of 10 is going to even appreciate you, and so
youve got to get good with that ratio.

And I told the guys, like, Look, if you knew that a treasure was, let's just say, 10 feet or
15 feet below the surface, but you had to dig through rock, you had to dig through
gravel, you had to dig through all this stuff to get there, would you dig? And they all
go, Yeah. And I go, Its the same with women. Now, if you knew underneath that
treasure there's another treasure 10 to 15 feet down, would you keep digging? Yeah,
absolutely. I go, Good. So how far would you dig in order to get as much as treasure
as you wanted?

And that's the whole process. Whereas a lot of these guys wont even approach one,
they approach three girls and theyre like, Wow, I was blown out of the water. Big
deal. Shit happens. Life moves on. They wont remember who you are 15 minutes from
now. Keep going.

And you figure if 1 one out of I dont care if its 1 out of 20 girls. Let's say you
approach 40 girls a night and youre successful one time, well, if you do that every
night in the course of a week, that's seven girls. Seven girls times four weeks is 28 girls.
That's 28 girls that youre hanging out with.

My vision of success is being able to hang out with who you want, when you want,
however you want, at any point in time. Like I always say, the lion likes to be fed, and
the lion will eat whenever he wants. The lion doesnt go, Okay, Im hungry now. Im
going to go out there and find something. The lion has food theyre waiting, and that's
kind of how I like to think about it.

Go and build that up for yourself. You could set the relationship boundaries and criteria
right from the beginning. You say, Hey, Im looking for a woman whos bisexual in
nature. Are you bisexual? No. Okay, cool. Then you carry on a normal
conversation. Once you have that all set up, then you create the life you want. When
you create the life you want, you get to live the life you want how you want it, when
you want, and do those things, and that in itself builds a certain comfort.
Like my own personal I know you talked about the marriage thing earlier, you asked
me a question, but my own personal comfort zone is I like two women that I have a
relationship with, and that's normal. Like I live with my wife and right across the street
in my other house is the woman that I see also, that Im hanging out with at the same
time. That's my own comfort zone. Any more than that, I start losing track of time, I
start getting a little mixed up on my managing stuff. And Ive gone up to, like I said, at
one point, 16 women that I was hanging out with, you know, 16 women that I was
messing with at any one point in time. But I was way out of balance. This is my own
personal balance, like this is what makes me feel nice and content, calm, anytime I

And I could still go out there and go meet women if I want. That's my own choice
because I set that up from the beginning. But that's where the comfort zone is. That's
where contentment lies. And when you have that understanding of who you are, what
you want, how you want it, and you stay strong with that, its like your little kingdom.
Theyre welcome to come, theyre welcome to go. Once you have that, you have that
contentment and you know who you are, what you want, and then its just a matter of
being like an archaeologist and going out and finding the treasure and being okay with,
Okay, this one wasnt into it, and things of that nature.

Another thing I think a lot of guys make the mistake of is rating a woman on a scale of
1 to 10. So theyre going, Oh, shes a 10. I like to this is another thing I introduced,
is I like to do a double scale where I go, Okay, whats the combined rate of 20? Let's
just say that looks is a scale of 1 to 10. And I dont even like scaling this, but it helps
guys understand.

[Angel Donovan]: Mm-hmm.

[Hypnotica]: Scale of 1 to 10, where is she on the scale? Okay, so shes a 10. Whats
her personality like? Well, it could be a 5. Youre not going to know that unless you go
find out. So I always say Im not going to be interested in bringing any type of woman
into my life that's not at least a 15, a combined effort of both of the numbers together.
So I said instead of that, instead of blowing yourself out of the water and saying shes a
10, why dont you find out what her total number is and then go from there?

[Angel Donovan]: Mm-hmm.

[Hypnotica]: So shes a 10 but shes got a 2 personality, 12. I just go, Oh, 12, and
walk away. What does that mean? Oh, it just means I have this way of structuring. Your
looks were a 10, your personality was a 2. Not interested. It flips the balance a little bit
back onto the woman when you can say that. Not meanly, just very nonchalantly. And
you know what you want, go get it, and everything else is great.

[Angel Donovan]: Totally. Because when you were talking about the numbers game a
second ago, I was thinking about there's a lot of guys out there who, you know, theyll
go to a club and theyll approach three girls and then theyll give up for the night, and
often their excuse is that there's not enough hot girls in the club. So what would you say
about that? Is it because like this better approach of personality rating combined with
looks or is it something that's the wrong way of thinking about it? What do you think
about that?

[Hypnotica]: Well, its definitely the wrong way of thinking about it because of the fact
that there's a certain warm-up phase.

[Angel Donovan]: Mm-hmm.

[Hypnotica]: So if youre just going there, you can utilize any of the girls that are there
just to strike up a normal conversation to get your conversation flow going. Like I said,
a lot of guys are so focused on the goal of getting laid that they miss everything else in
between that's fun. When they go into that situation, you know, there are like all these
girls. But that could be helping them with their end game. So by the time that they see a
girl that theyre like, Wow, that girls really great, theyre already warmed up. The
juices are really flowing. Theyre fluid. Theyve kind of got their humor going. Theyve
got all the tension of the week and the day and the stresses gone, so they dont look at it
that way. And if they did look at it that way where theyre going up there and theyre
talking to women, just kind of warming up and using that as a warm-up phase for that
platform so when that woman that they do find is great, theyre already warmed up,
ready to go. So yeah, absolutely, they think about it wrong.

[Angel Donovan]: And another thing you were just saying was about balance, and right
now for you there are two women in your life and that's just about the right balance. I
can relate to that because over different parts of my life Ive had different balances. I
think the highest I ever felt comfortable with was about three, and right now I feel
comfortable with one. So it can change over life. Do you think there are different times
in your life when there is this different balance? So, say, if youre 20 years old, the type
of balance that maybe is good for experience gaining. And for that time of to get kind of
a dating life that you can be content with in the long run, maybe you have to gain more
experience in the short run like a lot of people talk about, right?

[Hypnotica]: Yeah, I mean, in every phase of a persons life youve got different things
going on. You have testosterone at one level spiking so youre going to be a lot hornier.
And I look at a lot of guys that are just like, Oh, Ive never really gone out. Well, you
need to get out to find out what you want because all the women that Ive been with in
my life I learned a little bit. I learned what I like, what I dont like

[Angel Donovan]: Right.

[Hypnotica]: who I want to hang out with, who I dont want to hang out with. If
youre so blinded by just getting sex because youre like, Oh, Im getting sex, but
youre missing all the fundamentals down like personality and the way that you guys
interact together in the conversation and the mutual interest, if youre just blinded by
that, youre going to get sucked in. So the more experience you get the better, because
you should really fine-tune what it is you want.

And I think the balance point for everyone is going to be different. Like I said, my
personal thing is two. I feel content with that. I know after reading some of David
Deidas stuff I understood when he said, You know, the more masculine you are, the
more feminine presence you need to balance you out.

[Angel Donovan]: Mm-hmm.

[Hypnotica]: And Ive kind of felt that a little bit true with myself. If I feel one, I feel
like I just feel a little off. Two is perfect. Im like content. Im like, everythings good,
focused on enjoying the work that I do more and things of that nature.

And I dont know, this is something I was kind of on one of, let's just stay, one of my
spiritual journeys out in the woods, and it kind of made sense to me. I looked down and
I said, Man, like God is pretty funny the way he puts things together. I mean, its right
here in focus for you, its kind of the elusive obvious. I looked down, you know, I was
naked and I looked down, and Im like, Hey, you have one dick and two balls, okay?
The mans the dick, the women are the balls. Nature said it itself, one on each side and
youre in the middle. I was like, That makes sense to me. So that was my own
personal revelation. Dont know if its true or not, but it made sense to me.

So yeah, every persons going to have their own balance point. And without finding out
what that balance point is, theyre going to be probably in a world of hurt as far as that
goes, as far as like finding that, because if they find one and theyre like, Oh, youre
the only one, but maybe they secretly think that they need two.

[Angel Donovan]: Right.

[Hypnotica]: And then youve got to backtrack

[Angel Donovan]: Which is probably the typical guy, right?

[Hypnotica]: Yeah.

[Angel Donovan]: Because a typical guy in todays age probably gets married but he
has affairs or he's got a girlfriend and sometimes he cheats on her, right?

[Hypnotica]: Oh yeah.

[Angel Donovan]: That's a pretty typical model that goes on. So maybe those guys are
still guessing.

[Hypnotica]: I mean, Ive seen that firsthand. I mean, when I ran strip clubs, like I said,
and with a stripper for 18 years, so I saw that firsthand how all those guys who say they
are happy with their wives, would come in there, like let loose, like, Oh. So it was
very apparent to me whats really going on with guys on that level. And absolutely, its
taken me almost, like I said, almost 37 years to come to that point where I found out
where my perfect balance point is, and it took a lot of struggle and a lot of refining that
situation because, you know, Id be with a girl and Id say, Well, I like being with other
But then you define it more because all of a sudden its like, well, how do you say. You
get more of what you want being with a third? Maybe I wasnt really content with just
having one and going out and having sex with her, that that didnt fulfill me. What
really fulfilled me was kind of hanging out with two which I have a relationship with or
that I can feel comfortable with on that level. So youre always learning.

And then you have to redefine it with the women, which is not really all that fair to
them because theyre thinking in their mind, Okay, can I handle this? See, I can handle
this. But then they go, Okay, now can I handle it with a girl that maybe he will sleep
over at her house or maybe that they will hold each others hands? That's another level.
So that was another level that you have to reeducate, or reeducate not only yourself but
the person youre with. And they might not even be cool with it, so youre like, Look,
youre not really denying them. You can always walk away from them because in life
you can do that. Its a matter of can you walk away from yourself? And you have to be
true to yourself and say, Okay, well, this is what it is that I find that ultimate

So youre going to get put in situations where there's going to be conflict, but that's the
whole process. When you get to the point when youre completely content, you know
what works, what youre looking for, its not always the easiest path to get, but if it was
everyone would go and get there.

[Angel Donovan]: Right.

[Hypnotica]: I saw David DeAngelo in his other seminar, he said something that made
a lot of sense to me. He said, You know, success is counterintuitive. He said, Its
easy to eat that crap in front of you, its harder to prepare a good meal. Its easy to spend
that money right that you have, its harder to save. Its easy to just say, Hey, this is what
I want in a relationship, instead of creating the perfect environment that you want. Its
going to be hard, but that's when its going to be worth it as well.

[Angel Donovan]: Right. So is there a lot of pain along the way?

[Hypnotica]: Oh yeah.

[Angel Donovan]: If you want to really, you know, get a lot out of this and get the most
out of this, is there going to be a lot of pain along the way, and if the answer is yes, how
do you deal with it? How do you get over that? Because, you know, I think a lot of the
guys, they want to avoid the pain, and that's kind of a big part of learning this stuff.

[Hypnotica]: Well, if youre going to go to where youve got to go, youre going to feel
it. And I dont really consider it pain, I consider it more heartache. Because if you do get
in with someone and you do enjoy their presence and you have a great time together but
youre missing a little aspect, youre going to feel it, because shes going to say, You
know what, I want something different.

You know, there have been nine women, or actually 10 now, that have said, Hey, I love
you too, and the earlier, the ones that were earlier, I was still kind of defining what
made me tick. And a lot of those girls were like, Eric, you know I love you. I wish we
could be together but I cant handle the situation. So you know what, theyre going to
go and theyre going to find something that they want and anytime that happens youre
going to feel the sting. Youre going to feel that heartache and that pain.

[Angel Donovan]: Yeah.

[Hypnotica]: And like I said, its more like that vulnerability feel. It softens you. Now,
you could do one of two things. You can soften, open up and become more open and
more sensitive and more aware, or you can harden up, which a lot of guys do. That's
why you get these guys that are like, Fuck you bitch, shit like that. It doesnt work
that way.

So youre going to feel it. So just get used to it. Its a part of life. Death is going to come
and youre going to feel it. So, love, people in life, its a part of life. You cant say
everything is always going to feel good, but when you can really understand that its not
hardening you, its softening you, and be okay with it and open and be good enough to
take that pain and to feel it, the more real youre going to be because youre not running
away from feeling. Youre man enough to stand up and say, Okay, here it comes,
boom! Im going to feel the waves. And the waves are going to come through and
youre going to feel it, and then you learn from it. So just get used to it, man.

[Angel Donovan]: There was something I read in Metawhore which I was interested in
that you wrote, was that you said that whenever you cheated on a girl or you slept with
someone when you were in a relationship with someone, and you can requote me if I get
this wrong, you said the magic would go from the relationship.

[Hypnotica]: Yeah.

[Angel Donovan]: Afterwards.

[Hypnotica]: Do you want to know what exactly that means to me?

[Angel Donovan]: Yeah, I want to just verify that that's exactly kind of what you meant
and explain what is that about.

[Hypnotica]: Well, in the beginning of a relationship, or any relationship, theres a

certain level of trust where youre kind of living on that edge and everythings perfect
and the connections all there and there's openness, there's honesty and everything to
that nature. The moment that you kind of the moment that, personally, me, I should
say, that I went out there and my urges kicked in, my natural urges kicked in and let's
just say that I cheated, when I came back, there was a sense of betrayal, because maybe
at this point in time I really hadnt told the woman or I didnt really know exactly what
my own natural balanced urge was. So when I came back, I felt that being pulled away
from the relationship, because of the fact that I knew that this is really what I wanted
over here. And I really enjoyed this and it was great, but there was still another part of
me or there was still another aspect of me that craved more of a balance in feminine
[Angel Donovan]: Right.

[Hypnotica]: So when that happened I just instantly know I mean, the relationship
can still be good, but its kind of like that magic is gone, unless, Ive found, that the
woman is absolutely appreciative of that and can consider that and absolutely fully
believe in you with that. Then the magic stays because its a part of that picture. Once
you step out of that initial frame of what that or what you had in a relationship, that's
when you lose it. But if you expand it with someone who can appreciate you for that,
then it can grow. Its a small distinction that most people dont really ever figure out, but
that's what I meant by that.

[Angel Donovan]: That's great. Thanks for clarifying that. Now, this has been a great
interview, weve covered a lot of topics, and I just want to thank you for putting the
time aside for this.

[Hypnotica]: Cool. I want to thank you for putting that stuff out because I know there's
a lot of bullshit stuff out there. Actually, a client came to me the other day who went to
your website and said, Hey, I was just looking at your reviews on The Collection of
Confidence and you had good reviews, and so I wanted to get in contact with you. And
I know there are a lot of products out there that arent very good. I know your buddy
didnt like certain aspects of that one product we did, and I understand.

[Angel Donovan]: Yeah.

[Hypnotica]: I understand exactly where he's coming from on that. So its one of those
things. Some products are better than others and that's the way it goes, especially in this
time and place right now because there are so many guys that are just rehashing
information. That's what always kind of bugged me, is a lot of these guys cant do the
results, and they just put the books out there and then they expect guys to get advice
from them, and its just bad advice, and it is what it is, I guess.

[Angel Donovan]: Well, like you said, its all about the experience, right?

[Hypnotica]: Absolutely, and there will still be lots more to go. On that note, let me add
something about the experience real quick.

[Angel Donovan]: Okay.

[Hypnotica]: Its, its always going to be different. What Ive found is, when I was 20,
the experience was a lot different going out to the clubs. Now that Im 40, I also notice
the experience is different at the clubs. I actually had one girl say, No, youre too old
for me. Like that was new. I wasnt expecting that. So its a new way of things. So
everythings going to adjust.

I look at the guys now that are like 65 and 70. I dont look to the game guys anymore. I
look to the older guys that are still pretty good with women. Im asking them questions
because, you know what, I know that Im going to get there. The guys that are younger
should be looking towards what Im learning right now because of the fact that, guess
what, theyre going to get there as well.

And so its always a progression, and the game is going to change. The older you get,
maybe youre losing your hair, there are going to be certain frames that you have to
think about differently. And so just be prepared for the evolution of the game because
youre going to have to evolve in one way or the other and become more flexible. If you
dont, youre going to get sucked into the black hole of not knowing where the hell you
are. So its just a little aspect to be prepared for, is be ready because the game does

[Angel Donovan]: Which is never a reason to not get into kind of the mindset where
youve got to a point in your life and now youre going to make everything stable, right,
and stop learning and getting out your comfort zone, stop doing new things, because the
truth is that life keeps changing and youve got to stay on top of it.

[Hypnotica]: You have to stay on top of it or youre just going to be fine with the
traditional white picket fence thing where life just goes by and you take it. And
nothings wrong with that, but youre going to lose the new social dynamics that are
going on, like the things with Twitter, Facebook. You know, there are all these new
avenues of learning and meeting people, so if you fall out of the game, you dont stay
on top of it, pretty soon, if it gets to the point where, say, you get a divorce, you dont
even know where to start. So you keep your saw sharp because of the fact that's going to
keep you ready for anything.

I mean, that's why I say, you know, this whole idea of meeting women is extremely I
think its one of the best ways to self-improve because of the fact its you in a dynamic
and its you face-to-face with who you really are. If you cant really run from yourself,
youre cant lie to yourself or the guy in the mirror, youre going to get confronted with
your biggest, deepest fears, so its the perfect platform for personal progress and
development. And I think a lot of guys miss that. They think its just about going out
there and getting laid. No, this is a great avenue and a great platform to really find self-
expression and really find self-esteem, really find out who you are, and to fix it and to
adjust it in such a way that you feel that perfect balance with yourself.

[Angel Donovan]: I totally agree with you on this point. And as youve probably seen
as I have, that a lot of the best guys at this have moved on to much better things
afterwards in other avenues of their life as well, so they definitely took a lot that they
learned from this whole process of learning about women and getting better with them
and communication skills and so on, and it just pushed them on to apply that to other
areas whether its business or whether its other hobbies or whatever they wanted to do
in life.

[Hypnotica]: Absolutely. Definitely

[Angel Donovan]: So its really huge.

[Hypnotica]: Yeah, it will absolutely set you apart if you get it right and you go through
the process and journey youll be that much more prepared for life, so. One more little
thing. If guys want, I dont know if they ever go to my website, but I have a huge
section of self-improvement stuff that guys can go through. So if they go there, which is, they can get all kinds of interviews, like if you dont mind, Ill probably
put this interview up.

[Angel Donovan]: Yup.

[Hypnotica]: There's just lots of good stuff that's on there. There are free trances for
confidence. Theres a lot of free stuff for guys that are at any level. So if they have that,
feel free to pop over there and check it out, because of the fact that Im in this for the
long haul and I want to make sure that guys can follow that path that I have so they can
do it a lot faster than I did and learn a lot faster than I did. So I just wanted to throw that
in there as well. Hypnotica, which is H-Y-P-N-O-T-I-C-A, dot org.

[Angel Donovan]: Yeah. Alright, great. Thanks for that, man. Been great having you
on. Thank you very much.

[Hypnotica]: Cool. Thanks, Angel. Take care, buddy.

[Angel Donovan]: Right. Ciao.

[Hypnotica]: Goodbye.
Steve Piccus and Hypnotica!

Now for those of you who read The Game, you may recognize them as Steve P. and Rasputin.
Steve Piccus was famous for hypnotizing women and having them PAY him for the priveledge of
giving him blowjobs. Hypnotica (aka Rasputin) is Steve P.'s partner in crime, and also runs a
major strip club in the San Diego area.

This was a real treat because these guys don't usually work with anyone because their
knowledge is so powerful, and they take clients by referral only. They are the inner game
specialists who have worked with all the gurus. So to have them show up to help Neil out was

Just some more quick background... Steve Piccus is widely regarded as the "godfather" of the
seduction community. It's the concepts he pioneered that laid the groundwork for a great deal
of material out there, including Speed Seduction and Double Your Dating (both Steve P. and
Hypnotica are regular speakers at David DeAngelo seminars).

The famous Rick H learned everything he knows about bedding bisexual women from Steve

But the most amazing thing this dynamic duo is known for is personal change work. And that's
what they were there to talk about the final day.

The topics Steve P. and Hypnotica covered ranged from personal change to sexual mastery. One
of the coolest exercises they did was teach the guys how to have amazing self-confidence.
Hypnotica picked on Rourke a bit about this, and demonstrated the technique on him. It was a
small anchoring exercise where Hypnotica had Rourke imagine a line running from behind him
to in front of him. On the line behind him, was pain. On the line in
front of him was supreme confidence.

Hypnotica had Rourke take a step back and asked him how it felt. Then another step back. And
another. Rourke was not feeling very good by this point. Then Hypnotica had him step forward.
And as he stepped forward, he started feeling better.

Eventually, he got all the way to the front of the line to feel that supreme confidence he always
wanted. The exercise really seemed to change him.

Hypnotica also went on to talk about how to find your center, and how it's important to have a
strong center in your mind, body, and soul. The center is the part of you that controls your
energy, and if you don't have it, your energy is all over the place.

Hypnotica has a really cool philosophy about how men need to embrace the feminine energy
within them, just as women need to embrace their male energy. It's about yin and yang,

There is no happiness without balance in your life.

Steve Piccus also talked about some really cool things, which I'm not going to go into in this
report because they simply have to be seen to be believed, and if you just simply read about
them you'd think I'm making them up. But needless to say, there was some hard-core change
work going on.
Hypnotica (aka Eric Von Sydow) explains the meaning of cross-
contextualization. In layman's terms, its basically the application of multiple
exercises, triggering multiple senses, to achieve a desired mood.

We actually do this more often that one thinks.

For example, how many times have you played upbeat music while driving to
the club or party? Thats just using sound, which you know puts you in an
upbeat mood, to apply the appropriate mindset in advance.

Hypnotica takes it a step further and describes the visual applications he uses,
such as provocative art and images. He doesnt mention examples that address
the sense of taste, touch or smell, but that doesnt mean there arent methods. It
just means its up to you to experiment.

This is something I recommend for those of all skill levels. Veterans with higher
self-awareness may be quicker to notice the effects. Beginners may have a little
more difficulty, yet require every bit of effort to solidify a positive attitude prior to
entering a social environment.

Whether its a slideshow of photos, a movie, a playlist of songs, or something

else, focusing on things that cause positive res

by Concrete Fri Apr 01, 2011 4:32 pm

The Collection of Confidence Volume 1 Reinventing Yourself - Hypnotica

I am going to Complete Volume 1 This month because I want to change.

I want my confidence to develop and grow. I am committed to putting in the time and the
effort to doing the exercises.

My Future is waiting....


Write my goals down.

1) In the Positve
2)Present Tense
4)Re-Write your goals, re-phrase, change

I have confidence. I am bold. I am able to express my self to others. My message comes across
clear and strong. I am a real man. I lead other men. I tell cool and interesting stories. I make
people laugh and enjoy themselves around me. I get aroused on q and have wild passionate
sex with my girlfriend on demand. I have a group of friends that I trust, respect and have a hoot
with. I have friends in return to respect, trust, and have my back. I have frame Control.

I am the man who has a powerful presence and can carry on intriguing conversations with
women and men. My body posture exudes confidence and my non verbal communication
demonstrates that I am 100% aligned with powerful person I am. I have an opinion that
matters and people take me seriously. I respect others in the same way that they respect me. I
bring joy and laughter into peoples lives and in return they do the same for me.

I have confidence of being the master of my own reality, and I treat everyone else as a lucky
guest in it. I embody this trait in a charming, humorous, and congruent way.

Step 2.

Demystify Rejection

-There is no such thing as rejection. There is only the way people re-act to others. They only
real perception of rejection takes place in your own mind.

-Men who are afraid to make mistakes lack BOLDNESS. Success is build on failure.

-Let go of the Blame Game

Simple Exercise

Step 1 - 20 women in 30 Min - When you see a women you want to approach, slow down your
thought process and notice what is going on in your head. Write them down. Take 15min break
and clear your mind.

Step 2 - Try again but this time Re-frame any negative thoughts.

Step 3 - Try again but this time Think of something OUTRAGES (example as you approach her
she rips off her shirt and jumps on you screaming you are the hottest piece of ass she has ever

(I will do this at work tonight and report back)

- If you only have one choice you are a robot, if you have two choices you are in a dilemma, you
only begin to have true choice when you have 3 or more choices.

The Stonecutters Story

Posted by Shen Shi'an on Jan 9, 2012 in Mix | 2 comments

He, a stone-cutter, saw

a rich man gathering many luxuries,
and wished to be like him.
Suddenly, he became him.

He saw
a high official getting much respect,
and wished to be like him.
Suddenly, he became him.

He saw
the hot sun making him sweat,
and wished to be like it,
Suddenly, he became it.
He saw
a dark cloud blocking his light,
and wished to be like it.
Suddenly, he became it.

He saw
a strong wind blowing him aside,
and wished to be like it.
Suddenly, he became it.

He saw
a huge mountain blocking his might,
and wished to be like it.
Suddenly, he became it.

He saw
a small stone-cutter chipping his body,
and wished to be like him.
Suddenly, he became him (again).

Notes: The retold story of the stone-cutter reminds us of the interdependent cycle of
worth, of how even the humblest can be the most powerful. The stone-cutter was not
truly weak, but weak only from his discontent, from wanting to satisfy his craving for
power. Whatever our station in life is, we are like the stone-cutter. How about re-writing
the story with you in it, to see how you are already powerful enough in your own right?
True power, however, is from having and using great and selfless compassion and
wisdom, not from any egoistic self-serving power.

Buddhism speaks of the worldly Five Desires, for wealth, sex, fame (status and power),
food and sleep. With wealth, it is not difficult to satisfy the other four desires. These
Five Desires all fall short of the noblest desire for Enlightenment, based on
Bodhicitta, the aspiration to guide one and all to it. All other non-spiritual desires are
cyclical, ultimately pointless.

Benjamin Hoffs retelling of the classic Chinese story in The Tao Of Pooh:

There was once a stonecutter who was dissatisfied with himself and with his position in
life. One day, he passed a wealthy merchants house and through the open gateway saw
many fine possessions and important visitors.

How powerful that merchant must be! thought the stonecutter. He became very
envious, and wished that he could be like the merchant. Then he would no longer have
to live the life of a mere stonecutter.

To his great surprise, he suddenly became the merchant, enjoying more luxuries and
power than he had ever dreamed of, envied and detested by those less wealthy than
himself. But soon a high official passed by, carried in a sedan chair, accompanied by
attendants, and escorted by soldiers beating gongs. Everyone, no matter how wealthy,
had to bow low before the procession.

How powerful that official is! he thought. I wish that I could be a high
official! Then he became the high official, carried everywhere in his embroidered
sedan chair, feared and hated by the people all around, who had to bow down before
him as he passed. It was a hot summer day, and the official felt very uncomfortable in
the sticky sedan chair. He looked up at the sun. It shone proudly in the sky, unaffected
by his presence.

How powerful the sun is! he thought. I wish that I could be the sun! Then he
became the sun, shining fiercely down on everyone, scorching the fields, cursed by the
farmers and labourers. But a huge black cloud moved between him and the earth, so that
his light could no longer shine on everything below.

How powerful that storm cloud is! he thought. I wish that I could be a cloud! Then
he became the cloud, flooding the fields and villages, shouted at by everyone. But soon
he found that he was being pushed away by some great force, and realized that it was
the wind.

How powerful it is! he thought. I wish that I could be the wind! Then he became the
wind, blowing tiles off the roofs of houses, uprooting trees, hated and feared by all
below him. But after a while, he ran up against something that would not move, no
matter how forcefully he blew against it a huge, towering stone.

How powerful that stone is! he thought. I wish that I could be a stone! Then he
became the stone, more powerful than anything else on earth. But as he stood there, he
heard the sound of a hammer pounding a chisel into the solid rock and felt himself
being changed. What could be more powerful than I, the stone? he thought. He
looked down and saw far below him the figure of a stonecutter.
The Stonecutter

Once upon a time there was a stone cutter. The

stone cutter lived in a land where a life of
privilege meant being powerful. Looking at his life
he decided that he was unsatisfied with the way
things were and so he set out to become the
most powerful thing in the land.
Looking around his land he wondered to himself
what it is to be powerful. Looking up he saw the
Sun shining down on all the land. "The Sun must
be the most powerful thing that there is, for it
shines down on all things and all things grow
from its touch." So he became the Sun.
Days later, as he shone his power down on the
inhabitants of the land, there came a cloud which
passed beneath him obstructing his brilliance.
Frustrated he realized that the Sun was not the
most powerful thing in the land, if a simple cloud
could interrupt his greatness. So he became a
cloud, in fact, he became the most powerful
storm that the world had ever seen.
And so he blew his rain and lightning, and
resounded with thunder all over the land,
demonstrating that he was the most powerful.
Until one day he came across a boulder.
Down and down he poured and his thunder
roared, lightning flashed and filled the sky,
striking the ground near the boulder. His winds
blew and blew and blew, and yet, despite all his
efforts, he could not budge the boulder.
Frustrated again, he realized that the storm was
not the most powerful thing in the land, rather it
must be the boulder. So he became the boulder.
For days he sat, unmovable, and impassive,
demonstrating his power, until one day, a stone
cutter came and chiselled him to bits.

The Moral of the Story

Sometimes the most important thing to remember
is that you have everything you need already,
right inside of you. Power is an illusion.

Afformations vs Affirmations

I recently ran across something online called Afformations. Its like an affirmation,
but its used in question form.
Example: Why am I so attractive to women?
By asking yourself a question of this nature, youre supposed to reach a logical
conclusion subconsciously. But if youre not attractive to women, and the mere sight of
you repulses them with such disgust that they run away from you screaming, like Lisa
Turtle running away from Screech (yeah, I watched it too! ), then you wont be able
to reach a logical conclusion. Your ku will come back with youre not! But you can

Now if you start asking your ku how you can become successful, hell respond with
things to do to kick your butt in to gear so that youre not going home with Pamela
Handerson every night.

Once you start reaching plateaus of what you consider success, then you can start asking
yourself these questions.

If youre 510 and weigh 300 pounds and ask yourself Why am I so physically fit?
when youre incredibly fat and out of shape, your ku will tell you that youre not and to
quit dreaming. If it does come back positive, youre only deluding yourself.

Then again, sometimes its good to have positive delusions about ourselves! I think
Gene Simmons said something like that once.
The key to affirmations becoming a success arent the speed at which they work. Its
how effective they work once you get both sides of your mind (conscious and
subconscious) believing that its true. If you are subconsciously trying to get your
conscious self to believe something that isnt true at the moment, but you want to be
true, your subconscious will keep believing it until you consciously believe and/or
recognize this as fact. Same works in reverse. You can believe something consciously
and hammer your subconscious with it until it submits and begins to believe it as fact

Then, when you use the affirmation Im a fucking pussy magnet! youll get this rush
of endorphins thatll validate your belief. When you use the afformation Why am I
such a pussy magnet? your ku will give you examples of your own successes to
confirm what you think to be true, is in fact, the truth.


When dealing with the PUA community, the most common problem these guys send me
is what they call Approach Anxiety.

Its bullshit. Approach Anxiety, that is. Look at it like this. Can you go up to your boss
and say Hi. How are you? Do you get all nervous and feel those butterflies fluttering
in and out of your stomach when you do that? No? Now what if your boss was a
smoking hot 30 year old woman. Purely from a physical attraction standpoint, would
you still get nervous saying hello to her? No? Then why does some woman in a bar
inflict so much fear in to you? Why does she get you all jumbled up internally so that
you turn yourself in to a blundering idiot?

Your guess is as good as mine.

Its how society has made it and Im here to put the middle finger high up in the air and
tell society to go fuck itself.

Heres a very simple, yet incredibly powerful, technique that I developed in 2007, oddly
enough, to get over a bit of stage fright before doing karaoke.

Close your eyes and recall a time where you felt like you were on top of the world! It
doesnt matter if it was five days ago, or five years ago. Weve all had this feeling.
Once you have it, slowly take in a deep breath, say FUCK IT (you can say it inside
your head), and blow it all out like a puff of smoke. Notice how you immediately feel
better. All that negative energy is gone and youre riding this natural high that cant be
matched by any drug!

What happened is that you took this great feeling, this feeling of being the Emperor of
the World and anchored it to taking a deep breath. A second anchor was set as well.
And if youre not sure what I mean by anchors, Ill get to that in a bit. That second
anchor is removing this negative energy from your mind, body, and soul by blowing out
quickly like youre expelling smoke from your lungs.


Stimuli that will consistently produce the same internal data in an individual. Robert

I love using the act of breathing to set anchors for myself. I have about six or seven
different things Ive anchored to deep breathing and exhaling. Why? Rubbing the back
of your head might seem a bit odd, or even thumbing your chin might get people going
huh? But breathing? Its only natural to take a deep breath from time to time. Its
hiding in plain sight and nobody will know any better.

Back to dealing with Approach Anxiety.

There are a myriad of ways to get over this. Ill post some more on energy control later
on thatll put you on your ass. Just know that this is something that you have complete
control over. Its not out of your hands. How can it be out of your hands when its
plastered inside your head? Start looking around see what else is up there. Feel free to
comment and ask questions here, or send them to Ill answer
any and all questions as soon as I can.

Just to give you a heads up, Ill posting something here shortly about what to do with
that nagging little voice that tells you youre not good enough. Youd be surprised at
how easy it is to shut that guy up.

Finding Your Power Animal

Power animals, animal totems, spirit guides. There are other names for this but these
are three most commonly used terms Ive found in my research.

These animals can be very beneficial to you on your journey towards enlightenment.
My particular animals are the white rabbit (snow hare?) and (king) cobra. Ive known
for a while that Ive had some sort of connection to the cobra, but Im still not sure what
it is. Im researching what it means but all I can seem to find is the snake (generic).
What I find is that the snake is the symbol of change, enlightenment, death/rebirth (skin
shedding), transformation, and a whole other host of qualities. Various cultures attach
different associations with it. Some positive. Some negative. Regardless, Snake can
teach you many things about yourself. Rabbit, on the other hand, symbolizes living by
ones own wits, and moving through fear, amongst many other traits.

It wasnt until I went to the School of Steve P that I realized that I also had the rabbit as
a power animal. Rabbits have always had a presence in my life, whether as a pet as a
child (Happy Easter! =D), a lucky rabbits foot, or see them running through my yard.
I just never knew the association. While in a deep trance state heavily influenced by a
shamanic drummer, Hypnotica asked us to find our animal. I knew exactly what he
meant as I had done some research on this previously. Next thing I know I see a large
white rabbit. Sitting there. As the trance progressed I could feel myself going deeper. I
dont know why, but I began channelling the energy of Snake. I became Snake. More
specifically, I became Cobra. I was rocking in motion like a king cobra being
charmed by the flute. As the drumming picked up the experience was greatly
intensified! Next thing I know I see myself as Cobra and Im eating Rabbit!

Talk about a trip!

What that told me is that both Snake and Rabbit are important to me. With Rabbit, I am
cunning, swift, and capable of making it on my own. With Snake, I am powerful,
intelligent, spiritual, and constantly changing/evolving. As Snake, when I ate Rabbit,
that told me that Im the source of everything that is me. I am the source of my energy.
I am the source of everything needed for me to survive in this lifetime.

The first time I found that Snake was a power animal, I had gone in to a trance designed
specifically for this purpose. While I cannot remember the original method of going in
to this trance, I have devised something that will work wonderfully!

Get in to a nice, comfortable position. If youre sitting up on a couch or chair, keep

your feet flat on the ground and your legs uncrossed with your arms either hanging at
your side, or resting comfortably on your lap. If youre laying down, keep your legs
uncrossed and arms either at your side or on your belly or legs. Its important not to
cross any body parts as this disrupts the flow of your energy/chi/mana/life force
whatever you choose to call it. It makes it harder for you to go in to trance.

NOTE: Before you do this, if you feel you cannot commit this to memory, you can
either record this or have a friend do this with you. However you choose to do this will
work just fine.

Now, as youre getting comfortable, I want you to imagine yourself walking through the
forest. You come across a hole in the ground. It doesnt seem to have an ending. You
jump in to it and find that youre gently gliding down. Every twenty-five feet you see a
sign that says HYPNOSIS. As you pass each sign you find that your thoughts begin to
slow and quiet down, while your body becomes more and more relaxed. When you feel
youve gone deep enough down this hole (and youll know when you have), you find
that you land gently upon your feet.

Youre now standing in a cave. Theres a torch just up ahead. As you lift the torch, you
find that you become more relaxed. More tranquil. As you begin walking through the
cave, you come across another torch hanging on the wall of the cave. Your torch is
extinguished, sending you deeper state of relaxation. Picking up the new torch, you go
deeper in to this cave. After a little while longer, you come across a new torch hanging
on the wall of the cave. Your torch, once again, extinguishes on its own, sending you
deeper in to a state of relaxation. As you take this torch, you continue walking through
the cave. You reach a waterfall at the end of the corridor.

You walk up to it but you do not feel water splashing you. You stick your free hand in
to the fall. You discover that its not water, but rather pure, positive energy. You step in
to it, allowing it to cover you. You breathe it in and feel your confidence rising. As you
step away from the cascade of positive energy, you discover youre walking through a
small stream of this energy. Looking down, you notice some minnows. Do one of these
stand out? Does anything here catch your eye? If not, it is OK. As you lift your head,
you see a beautiful pasture of the thickest, most luxurious grass before you. You step
upon the grass, feeling very comfortable. Very confident. As you continue your way
through this meadow, you come a chair that looks as if it were made especially for you.
You sit down upon this magical chair, feeling its powerful energy becoming one with

Looking up, you notice an enchanted forest up ahead. As you approach, you see your
power animal. What do you see? Move in closer. Whats it doing? Now that youre
close to it, can you touch it? What happens?

Its time to go. Does your new friend follow you?

As you move through the meadow, and back in to the stream, you make your way back
in to the cave where a fresh torch is waiting for you. As you grab the torch, and lift it
up, you feel yourself starting to slowly wake back up. Traveling back through the
corridor, as you pass torches hanging on the wall, you find yourself coming back a little
bit more. As you reach the spot you had landed at, after gliding down through the hole,
you find yourself floating back up. You see signs every twenty-five feet that now read
AWAKEN NOW. Seeing these signs, you begin to slowly open your eyes and come
back to the world around you.

Now that your eyes are open, and have discovered your power animal, you can do this
again and again. You can return to this area at will. When you meditate, you can call
upon your power animal to guide you on your journey.

I would strongly recommend learning about this animal; or insect for that matter. Some
people have the spider, or a cricket, as a totem. Research on what lessons they can
teach you. Search what you can learn from its medicine. What are its traits and how
do they relate to you? How can you integrate your power animal in to your life?

Becoming familiar with your totems, and learning about their lessons, medicine, and
magic can greatly improve your life and lifestyle!

Got Something on Your Mind?

There is an ancient Huna technique for talking to yourself to get information you need.
This is something I do quite often. Yeah, I should probably be examined for
schizophrenia! =)

In the Huna tradition, there are three parts to your mind.

The Lono. Max Freedom Long called this the low self. It could be loosely
characterized as your conscious mind.
The Ku. MFL called this the middle self. It translates loosely (very loosely at that) as
subconscious mind.
Then there is the Kane (Kah-nay). MFL called this the high self. It could be equated
to your spiritual being, god within, or whatever you choose to phrase it as long as its
along those lines.

Our focus here is going to be on the ku.

The Ku is the problem solver. He knows things about you. He knows every little detail
about your life in the past and present. That is why the ku is similar to the subconscious
mind. Even if you dont know it, your subconscious is always on and always recording.
Same with your ku. He might have a different personality than you. Oftentimes he
does. I dont know why or how, but with the people Ive taught this exercise to, or
talked to their ku for their own therapeutical reasons before dropping them down in to
trance, the ku always seems to be different than their conscious self.

The first step in communicating with your ku is to give it a name. Whats the first one
that pops in to your mind? Mine happened to like the name Ku. Im OG and hes Ku.
It works for us. If you cant think of a name, ask him what he wants to be called.
For first-timers (and most of you are), the second step is to close your eyes and take in a
slow deep breath, and then exhale. Its for relaxation purposes only. It helps to think
more clearly if youre in a nice state of relaxation. Once you begin to talk to him more
often, youll be able to do this while doing anything with your eyes open. Just dont
talk out loud if youre doing this in public. Id hate to have you picked up and taken to
the mental ward! =)

Now talk to him. Get to know him. If you two butt heads, oh well. Youre stuck with
him! =)

First ask him to retrieve his favorite memories. Whether it be childhood, adolescence,
or adulthood. You might be surprised with what he considers to be his favorite
memories. They just might be some of your favorite memories too.

Next have him bring out his least favorite memories. Some of these may be painful.
The key here is to not be afraid and let it happen. You can always change these
memories in to something more pleasant later on. But thats for a different blog.

Ive had some rather interesting experiences talking to Ku. Hes shown me things I
have long forgotten about, and given me answers to problems that have been plaguing
me. For example, back in 2007 I was dating this very beautiful six-foot tall redhead.
She was amazing! After two weeks of dating, however, I started to get paranoid and
thought she was playing me. I had no logical reason to. A few months after we broke
up, I was sitting at my computer trying to figure out why I was so fucked up over this
break up. Ku came to me (I didnt even know he existed as this point) and told me that
I have a tendency to get paranoid about shit once I make things official with a girl. I
was not being played by her, nor was I playing her. Back then I was a one woman man.

Hell, I thought I was talking with God at that time. Then, after I learned this technique,
Ku told me it was him, and not the Creator, that had intervened and answered my
problem. Hes been there forever. I have had several other times in my life, always
under an extreme amount of emotional stress, where Ku had simply come forward and
slapped me around for cunting. Now that I know how to contact him at will, I do. If I
cant sleep, but can tell hes got something going on in there, Ill ask him whats going
on. Thats how I developed my last latest technique for giving women hypnotic
orgasms. Once that flood of information hit me, I was able to fall asleep. Now I just
use self-hypnosis to put myself to sleep.

Once you get more and more familiar with your ku, talk to him. Develop a relationship
with him. He can be a very valuable ally in your life. But he can also be a cock blocker
and fuck your shit up. The key is to find a balanced relationship with him and youll
see a myriad of improvements in your life once you two begin to work in harmony.

Keep me posted.

Shut Up!!!

Not a very friendly title. Is it? =)

What were covering today is that nagging little voice in the back of your head that tells
you youre no good, or some other bullshit that prevents you from doing what it is you
want to accomplish.

Now the other day I told you how to get rid of those anxious feelings. Today the voice.
You combine the two of these and you get something POWERFUL!

Imagine a radio with the old analog knobs on it. I prefer a radio, but you can use a TV
or anything at all that has a volume knob on it. Youre listening to that bullshit voice
telling you youre not worthy, or whatever hes saying. Makes you feel like garbage.
Right? I hated him too! And then I came up with this!

Turn the volume down. Thats right. Imagine that volume knob is turning to the left,
decreasing the volume at which that voice speaks to you. Keep turning it until hes all
the way gone. Turn it a little bit more and click off the radio. Now, do the breathing
exercise from the Anxiety post and watch what happens! =)

Now that you have these two simple, yet effective, tools in your arsenal, dont you think
its time to put them to use in the Real World? If you believe that it can be done, then it

Keep checking back here as you never know when Im going to be blogging and
coming up with more crazy shit!

Confidence Exercise - Scrambling

Sit down in a comfortable chair, close your eyes and relax. This is a good exercise to do
at home the night before your big speech or presentation, but you can do it before you
leave your office to go to the venue, or even sitting on the loo ten minutes before you
have to get on your feet (you'll probably be there once the adrenalin starts to flow
through your body anyway, so you may as well put the time to good use!).

Think of a time when you spoke in public but you felt you didn't do a good job, or the
first time you ever felt nervous about speaking in public. See everything you saw then,
and hear everything you heard. Don't see the image through your own eyes, but as if
you were watching it on a TV or cinema screen (i.e. dissociated ). Don't get upset by it,
just watch it unfold like a movie.

Now sit up straight and put a big grin on your face. Run the movie backwards, but at
high speed like a Keystone Cops movie or the final scene in a Benny Hill show. Hear
the people speaking backwards, as if you were rewinding a tape. Watch people actually
swallow their words.

Now run it forward very fast, but change things. Give people silly voices. Give it a
Benny Hill soundtrack. Make it into a cartoon and give people huge Mickey Mouse
ears. If there is an individual in there who particularly upsets you, make him wear a tutu
or some other ridiculous outfit. If he has a big nose, exaggerate it so it is like an
elephant's trunk. If he has big ears, make them into Mickey Mouse's. Then run it
backwards again. Then forwards. Then backwards, all the time at high speed. The first
time you try this, do it at least a dozen times. Associate the Benny Hill music and the
cartoon with the situation.

Now how do you feel about the situation? If you have done it effectively, after a dozen
goes you will find it almost impossible to revisit those negative feelings.

How your body language can change

your mental state

Physiology is our posture, breathing, muscular tension, facial expressions, etc. As an

exercise, stand up and think how you would stand if you were really uncertain about
being able to do something. What would your posture be like? How would you carry
your shoulders? What would your facial expression be like?

How does this make you feel? The probability is that you are beginning to feel uncertain
and unconfident. Exaggerate this physiology for a moment. Really let those shoulders
droop. Hang your head and look at the floor. Let your upper body sag. Now while
holding that posture, I want you to shout out, 'I feel really, really positive!' as loud as
you can. Really try to feel positive as you do so.

What happened? Did you feel positive? I'll bet you didn't. Because it is impossible to
feel positive while you have negative physiology.

Now stand as if you were hopeful about being able to do the same thing. How would all
of the above change? You are probably standing straighter with better posture. Maybe
your chin is lifted a little, with a set to your jaw. Perhaps you are nodding your head as
if to say, 'Yes, I can do this.' How does that make you feel? Has it changed?
Finally, stand as if you were certain you could do it. What is your physiology like now?
Now you are ramrod straight like a soldier on parade. Your chest is puffed out. Perhaps
you are bouncing slightly on the balls of your feet like a boxer. Positive adrenalin is
beginning to course through your body. There is a determined set to your jaw, a steely
glint in your eye. A confident smile plays across your lips.

How do you feel now? I'd bet a hundred pounds to a penny you feel very positive and
confident. NOW, while holding this positive physiology, say ' I feel really, really
nervous' and try to sound as if you mean it. You can't, can you? It's IMPOSSIBLE to
feel nervous or depressed while you stand like this.

So the next time you feel nervous, you can alter it just by standing up straight, squaring
your shoulders, unfolding your arms and smiling!


Submodalities are the sights, sounds, smells, sensations and colours that are the
building blocks of your Internal Representations. By changing these as we picture
something, we can affect how we feel about it.

Sit down, relax and think about a pleasant memory (it can be recent or from the distant
past, it doesn't matter). See everything you saw then, hear everything you heard, feel
everything you felt. Now try to notice the various submodalities.
Is it a still image or a video? Is it black and white or colour?

Are you in experiencing the Are the colours bright or dim?

memory through your own eyes (i.e.
are you actually there, reliving it?) Is the image clear or blurred?
or are you watching it as if it's on a
TV screen. Is it bright or dim?

Is the volume loud or soft? Is it surrounded by a frame or

border, or is it panoramic (i.e., all
Are the sounds clear or indistinct? around you)?

Is it mono or stereo? Is it life size, bigger or smaller?

Far away or near to you?
Inside your head or external?
Which angle are you viewing it
Is it hot or cold? from?

Any other sensations? What sounds can you hear?

What emotions do you feel?

Now think about an unpleasant memory. As an exercise, we are going to change some
of your submodalities and see what effect it has. First, if you are viewing the image as if
through your own eyes (this is know as being associated), step out of the picture and
view it as if on a screen (dissociated). Does this have any effect? Most people will find
the negative emotional state is lessened slightly.

Now make the images black and white. Now make them duller, weaker, less distinct. If
the image is panoramic, (i.e. if it you turned around 360degrees it would be all around
you), place a frame or border around it.

Send the image far away. Halve it in size. Halve it again.

Make the sounds quieter, fuzzier, in mono. Take away the soundtrack in the background.
Reduce any sensations you feel - heat, pressure, etc. Make any smells less distinct.

You will find that some of these changes affect your state and decrease the unpleasant
sensations, while others have no affect whatsoever. That's fine. Different submodalities
work differently for different people. If reducing the volume has no effect, don't do it.
Some people react more to images, others to sounds or sensations.

Imagine you have a remote control in your hand, and you can adjust the volume, pitch,
colour, contrast, brightness, etc., at will. You can 'freeze frame' or put it on 'fast
forward.' It's your remote control,so adjust the settings just how you want them. If it
gets too loud, lower it; if it's too bright, make it slightly darker. Create the image and
sounds that are perfect for you and optimise your emotional state.
The majority of people find that if they make the image smaller, unfocussed, dimmer,
black and white and farther away they power of the negative memory is reduced. The
same if they make the sounds quieter, more indistinct, slower.

This exercise should have demonstrated just how easy it is to alter your emotional state
just by changing your submodalities. When you conjure up a negative memory from
your past, your brain responds just like one of Pavlov's dogs by immediately producing
certain images, sounds and sensations.

If you accept that, you are letting your brain run your life. The alternative is to refuse to
do so, and drain all the strength and power from those memories by consciously
changing your submodalities.

Positive Visualization

One of the things I am regularly asked for are tips about how to overcome nerves or
reduce anxiety just before a big presentation. There are a number of ways you can do
this using techniques from NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming; read more about it
here) and I'll cover them all off in future articles. But one of the simplest is to use
positive visualization.
Sit down in a comfortable chair, close your eyes and relax. While you may feel nervous
about public speaking, you are very confident about many other aspects of your life.
Think about a situation you have been in when you felt extremely confident.

See everything you saw then, and hear everything you heard. Think about the following:

Are you in experiencing the memory through your own eyes (i.e. are you actually
there, reliving it?) or are you watching it as if it's on a TV screen.

Is the volume loud or soft? Are the sounds clear or indistinct?

Do you feel hot or cold?

Is it a still image or a video? Is it clear or blurred? Bright or dim?

Is it surrounded by a frame or border, or is it panoramic (i.e., all around you)?

Is it life size, bigger or smaller? Far away or near to you?

Is it black and white or color? Are the colors bright or dim?

Don't view yourself as if you are on a movie screen. Instead, step forward into the
picture of your body so that you are experiencing the situation first hand (i.e. associated

If the image is far away, bring it very close. Make it bigger, then bigger still, then even
bigger and if there is a border around it, get rid of it and make it panoramic so that if
you were to turn around in a circle you could see it all around you. If the image is black
and white, make it Technicolor. Make the colors brighter and more vivid.

Make the sounds louder and crisper. If you can't hear any external sounds, are you
saying anything to yourself? Say it louder. Do you have a favorite piece of motivational
music (e.g. 'Eye of the Tiger,' Wagner's 'Ride of the Valkyries' or the theme from
'Rocky')? If so, play it loudly, in stereo.

By now you will be feeling confident. Note where those feelings start in your body - in
your chest perhaps, or stomach. Let them spread throughout your body so that they
reach out to your fingertips and your toes, so that they infuse every fibre and molecule
of your body. Feel them burn into your cheeks.

Give the feelings a color, and then make that color brighter and more intense (this is
important - it helps the visualization.).

Double the feelings' intensity and then double it again. Take those feelings and spin
them around inside your body; then spin them faster and make them grow to the point
where they are trying to burst out of your body.

Now feel them seeping out through your skin, flowing over the surface of your body,
and hardening into a hard, colorful, indestructible shell. You are invincible behind this
shell; it is like armour. With this shell you can do nothing wrong. Nothing can harm

Now . . . just when you feel that the feelings are reaching their peak, you need to anchor
it by doing three things.

First, select a visual image of a person that epitomizes confidence to you. This would be
James Bond for me, but it can be your favorite politician or sports star. In fact, anyone
you like (it could even be Eeyore from Winnie The Pooh if that's who floats your
boat!) ..... it's your choice).

Second, say a phrase to yourself such as ' Just #*/@# do it' or ' Let's go' or ' Time to
rock' or ' It's showtime' or ' Make it so' or ' Infinity and Beyond !' or whatever happens to
appeal to you personally. This is your anchor, nobody else's. It doesn't matter if it's silly
- nobody else can hear it. If you can't think of a phrase, replay a snatch of that
motivational music.

Third, squeeze your first finger and thumb tightly together for 3-5 seconds whilst seeing
that image and hearing that phrase.

Now open your eyes. Congratulations. You have just anchored that touch and phrase
with feelings of confidence.

Close your eyes again. Now think about a situation from your past when you were about
to stand up and speak in public. See everything you saw then and hear everything you
heard, and start to feel how you felt. Just as the negative feelings are taking hold, press
your thumb and first finger firmly together and repeat your chosen motivational phrase.

How do you feel now? Do you still feel anxious or nervous? Even if you did not
suddenly burst with confidence, at the very least your nerves and anxiety should have
lessened considerably or disappeared. If not, don't worry. THIS WILL WORK.

These changes need reinforcing immediately if they are to be long lasting. Just as you
wouldn't go to the gym once and be satisfied with what you have achieved, you cannot
do the same with your mind. Practice the above exercise about three times per day for
the next week. Every time you do so it will become more effective.

Constant reinforcement carves out a neurological pathway that in time will become a
motorway. However, this needs to be done with emotional intensity until your newfound
confidence becomes an integral part of your belief system.

This exercise is great if you have any vivid memories of past speaking 'disasters' that
tend to spring to mind whenever you think about speaking in public. Sometimes the root
cause of a person's glossophobia can be an event such as the first time they had to speak
in front of the class in school and they were laughed at by their classmates.
First, think of a time when you spoke in public but you felt you didn't do a good job, or
the first time you ever felt nervous about speaking in public. See everything you saw
then, and hear everything you heard. This time, see the image through your own eyes,
not as if it is on a TV or cinema screen (i.e. in an associated state).

Begin to feel the nervousness and anxiety that is associated with that situation. Then
shrink the image in size until it is very small and place it to one side of your peripheral

Now visualise yourself making a presentation or speech in a very confident manner.

This should be dissociated (i.e. on a TV or movie screen - we want to create an ideal
internal representation that you will be drawn to rather than one you feel you already

You look a million dollars and are filled with confidence; you are on fire - unstoppable!
The audience is hanging on to your every word, they laugh at your jokes and look on
admiringly - they can't get enough of you. Perhaps your boss is there and looks on
approvingly (that promotion is surely just around the corner!). Your voice is powerful,
resonant and persuasive and you can hear the audience's laughter and applause.

Make the image technicolour, and make those colours bright and vivid. Bring the image
closer and make it bigger, then bigger still. Take away any border that may be there and
make it panoramic. Make the sounds loud and crystal clear. Revel in the brilliance of
your performance. Bask in the audience's applause and admiration.

Now darken that image, push it very far away in the distance until it is small and dark
and replace it with a large version of the negative one. Then click your fingers and say "
Wooosh !" as excitedly and enthusiastically as you can. In one second, make the
positive, technicolour image hurtle toward you very quickly so that it smashes the old
one to bits and completely fills your vision.

Open your eyes for a second to break state, then close them and do the swish once more.
Do it again. And again. Do it a dozen times. Every time, imagine the distant, dark
picture becoming brighter and rushing towards you like a bullet or an arrow so that it
smashes the old, negative one to bits and completely fills your vision. This only works
if you do it very quickly, so really make the positive image hurtle towards you like an
express train.

I have customers who have learned to do this so effectively that just the mere
appearance of negative thoughts in their brain automatically triggers the swish. In
effect, you are saying to your brain, 'Don't think that, think this instead!' If it doesn't,
click your fingers and say 'Wooosh!' and it will
Confidence Circle

This is a great NLP exercise for speakers, because it uses a spatial anchor which you can
take with you and use when speaking to make 'onstage' or 'in the spotlight' or 'the front
of the boardroom' a place in which you feel powerful instead of anxious or nervous.
First, visualise a spot on the floor and expand it into a circle large enough for you to
step into comfortably. Now do the Visualisation exercise explained above until your
feelings of confidence have peaked. But instead of anchoring those feelings to a mental
image, sound or touch, we are going to anchor them to the imaginary circle.

Step into the circle. Don't imagine doing this; actually step into the circle you have
visualised in front of you. As you do so, imagine that circle coming 'to life'.

Imagine it lighting up and filling with your 'confidence colour' (whatever that means to
you). Imagine it getting warmer. The circle can be ringed with lights, or one continuous
fluorescent neon bulb, or a series of small fires. Imagine the circle growing wider if you
want. Whatever works for you.

Let your feelings of confidence amplify and associate them completely with your circle.
FEEL the confidence flowing through you when you are in there. The circle is a magical
place. In it you are invincible. You are 'da man'. You are on fire. Superman is a limp-
wristed, panty-waisted wuss compared to you.

Now step out of the circle and calm down. Think of something else to break your state
and let the feelings of confidence ebb away. Then do the exercise again. Do it at least
six times. Now visualise folding the circle in halves, then quarters, then eighths, and put
it in your pocket.

Then do the exercise twice a day for the next week (remember that anchoring needs
repetition for it to work), but when you start, imagine taking the circle out of your
pocket, unfolding it and throwing it on to the floor in front of you.

Now you don't need to conjure up the feelings of confidence. Simply step into the circle
(remember to physically take a step forward; don't just imagine it) and because it is now
a spatial anchor, you will feel the confidence flow through you.

Now whenever you are about to speak in public, focus on the spot where you know you
will stand, and as you are introduced, mentally unfold the circle and throw it there. See
it glowing and as you step into it, you will feel that confidence.

The 20-Minute Exercise To Eradicate

Negative Thinking
Belief is contagious. It wins supporters. Its self-fulfilling. Here's how to get there when
nagging, negative thoughts are holding you back.
After a flurry of emails in response to my blog post on passion, I reached a
disheartening realization: Passion is useless if you dont already believe.

You see, what we can achieve is limited by what we believe. Henry Ford knew this:
Whether you think you can or you think you cant, you are right.

So here I was, passionately committed to become the world-class business guru, best-
selling author, the speaker who fills stadiums. And yet there was voice telling me, You
cant do it. Keep trying, trying is fun, but in the end you will fail.

Youve probably heard that voice as well.

Im making progress--my book sales are accelerating, my keynote audiences are

growing, and Im sharing the stage with people like Jack Welch and Robin Sharma--but
in the back of my mind the voice pulls the reins: You cant do it.

Great outthinkers seem to overcome this voice. Their belief matches their passion.
Napoleon believed he was the greatest general of his time and so he was. Steve Jobs
believed his people could achieve the impossible, so they did. Richard Branson believed
he could win against British Airways, and so he won, even though every airline that
tried over the prior three decades failed.

Belief is contagious. It wins supporters. Its self-fulfilling. As Harvard professor

Rosebeth Moss Kanter shows in her book Confidence, the belief you can win creates
momentum which improves your chances of winning.

So what do you do when you dont believe?

Over the past four weeks, Ive studied books and articles, interviewed entrepreneurs and
experts, then assembled it all for you in a simple framework with which you can
systematically attack whatever belief is holding you down. Give me 20 minutes. This


1. Beliefs arent real. They are mental maps, abstractions of reality, that help us predict
a complex world. My son believes good batteries must be cold because I keep ours in
the freezer. He believes Santa Claus rides a sleigh.

2. Four anchors form our beliefs (For more, read Why We Believe What We Believe by
Andrew Newberg and Mark Robert Waldman).

Evidence: Something happens (e.g., gifts appear one morning and my mom says
they are from Santa Claus)
Logic: It makes sense, more specifically, it is consistent with our other beliefs
(e.g., gifts cant just appear out of nowhere, my mom and dad were
must have been Santa)
Emotion: Strong emotional associations (a 3-year-olds joy at getting a new choo
choo) embed beliefs more indelibly
Social consensus: We believe more deeply if others believe too (e.g., Maria and
Nico and Sofia all say Santa brought them gifts too)

3. We reject what doesnt fit. Once a belief is formed, we explain away any
inconsistent evidence. I saw a documentary in which a young child said to his friends,
Santa came to my house and ate a little bit of a cookie, then he went to Jacks house
and ate a little bit and drank some milk, then to Marias and ate some and then...So if he
went to ALL of our houses in one night, it must mean-- You are sure he is about to
realize Santa cant be real, but instead he animates excitedly, Santa must have been
really hungry!

4. Humans need consistency between beliefs, actions, and words. In Influence: The
Psychology of Persuasion, Robert Cialdini calls this The Rule of Consistency." This is
how beliefs hold us down or lift us up. If you believe you cant, you start acting and
speaking like someone who cant, so you actually cant. Interestingly, the relationship
also works in reverse: Change your action or words and you can change your beliefs.

The Model

Over a 12-hour flight home from Paraguay, I assembled these principles into a model
we can use to deconstruct and replace any belief that holds us down. It is simpler than it

Imagine a hot air balloon being held down by four anchors. The balloon represents the
belief holding you down and actions and words this belief influences.

The four anchors represent evidence, logic, emotion, and social consensus. To release
the balloon you must replace the offending belief. Do this in five steps:

Step 1: Identify the belief.

Find a belief that is holding you down. Tip: Write down beliefs until you find one that
hurts. In my case, You dont really have what it takes to be world-class

Step 2: Identify the anchors.

What evidence/events anchor the belief? (my books arent on the NYT best-seller
What emotions anchor your belief? (I feel comfort because in not really trying, I
know I cant fail)
Who around you reinforces this belief (social consensus)? (well-intentioned
people who congratulate me on already having achieved the dream)
What logic locks in this belief; what dependent beliefs fit? (wanting to fill a
stadium is self-centered, thinking I can offer what people dont already know is

Step 3: Pick a new belief.

What alternative belief would be consistent with someone who really achieves your
dream? (I am destined to be a best-selling business thinker and speaker.)

Step 4: Release the anchors.

Evidence: what alternative evidence supports this new belief? (people pay me
lots of money to speak, Im sharing the stage with some of the biggest business
Emotions: what does it feel like to really live this new belief and fulfill your
dream? (passion, purpose, having made an impact)
Social consensus: who can you surround yourself with to support the new
belief? (other business gurus and authors)
Beliefs: how can you replace the dependent beliefs identified above? (this is
not conceited because its about serving others; the best business gurus do it to
serve others, not for their ego)

Step 5: Set your course.

Write down five specific things you will do (action) and say (words) that force you to
live your new belief.

Completing this process took me 20 minutes and has put me fully in the game,
committed and knowing I can win. Would that be worth your time?

i am
relaxation and scripts for self-help, personal change and fulfilment

I deserve to be,

I want to be,

I can be,

I will be,

I am.

If you want to change your life you need to change how you think and change what you
do. Self-help, personal change, being happy: it's up to you. No-one else.

You decide. This is the first step. Self-help starts with you. Self-help and personal
change starts with your realisation that it really is in your own hands, and your decision
to do something about it.

Your own self-belief is the key to successful life-change, achievement, contentment, and

Your own mind, particularly positive suggestion and visualisation, will develop your
self-belief, and your determination to make successful change to your life.

This page will help you begin to change the way you think, feel and act.

Visit it any time you want to boost your self-belief, to relax, and to regain control of
your life and direction.

Print this page and put it above your mirror, above your bed, above your desk, anywhere
you'll see it every day.

Make time - actually schedule some time in your planner or diary to do this. It will
dramatically improve your mood, attitude, and approach to life, and therefore what you
get from life.

Positive suggestion and visualisation, combined with deep relaxation, is an easy way to
make powerful positive personal change.

Just going through this relaxation exercise alone will help to change and improve the
way you feel. If you combine the relaxation techniques with a repeated script of positive
statements, such as the 'I am' script below, you will begin change the way you think, and
feel, and act, and all that life offers as a result.

The more you use the relaxation exercise and say or hear the script, then the greater and
more sustainable will be the effect.
The time it takes to change depends on different people. Stick with it and it will become
easier, more natural, more enjoyable, and it will work.

relaxation exercise
1. Sit or lie down comfortably. Properly comfortably. Straighten your back, put your
shoulders back to open your rib-cage.
2. Relax your shoulder muscles particularly. Relax your whole body, and empty your mind.

3. Close your eyes (obviously open them when you need to read the next stage).

4. Take ten deep, slow breaths. Breathe from the pit of your stomach and feel your lungs

5. Focus on your breathing. Feel it getting deeper and slower. Feel yourself relaxing and
any tension drifting away.

6. Relax your shoulders and neck again.

7. Visualise yourself being happy, succeeding, winning, being loved, laughing, feeling

8. Relax your forehead, your mouth and your eyes.

9. Allow a gentle smile to appear on your face as you feel a calmness enter your mind.

10. Then say (out load ideally) the words below (a script for personal change) to yourself:

i am

I am good person.

I have integrity.

I do what is ethically right and good.

Whatever life puts before me will be useful experience that will make me stronger,
wiser, and more tolerant.

I am strong enough to understand and make allowances for other people's weaknesses,
and their behaviour towards me. Other people's behaviour is about them, not me.

I focus on the joy of living my life and helping others where and when I can.

I am what I eat and drink, so I eat and drink good things.

I am what I watch and play and listen, so I watch and play and listen to good positive

I take exercise which I enjoy. I walk when I don't need to drive or take the bus or train.

I smile and laugh whenever I can - life is good - getting caught in the rain reminds me
that it is good to be alive to feel it.

I forgive other people. Deep down everyone is a good person, just like me.

I am a compassionate and loving, caring person.

I am a good person.

I am.

about relaxation, scripts and self-help

The use of scripts while in a deeply relaxed state is a ages-old method of gaining and
maintaining control over our personal feelings and behaviours.

Relaxation combined with positive 'self-talk' enables self-help.

The use of scripts or strong statements while in a deeply relaxed state enables a
'conditioning' effect on our subconscious.

Changing our subconscious - our feelings and beliefs - increases our sense of calm and
well-being, and also enables change in our conscious thoughts and behaviours. It's that

Some people find it easier than others to relax deeply. It comes with practice.

If you find it difficult, allow yourself more time when going through the relaxation
exercise. Create or put yourself into a quiet relaxing calm environment. Shut out noise
and distractions. Lie down rather than sit.

When relaxing and emptying your mind it is natural for thoughts to arise - in which case
simply acknowledge them gently and let them go - visualise them floating away like a
balloon into the distance. Your ability to empty your mind and relax, free from thoughts,
will improve with practice.

When you practice, you will increase the ease with which you can relax, and then you
will find that you no longer need such a quiet environment. You will even find that you
can achieve a deeply relaxed state in quite noisy stressful environments. Even sat at
your desk at work.

Other methodologies and approaches refer to deep relaxation as 'meditation'. Commonly

such methods are 'packaged' and surrounded by mystery or science. Don't be fooled.
Anyone can do this. It's human nature, and instinctively accessible - free - to everyone.

Deep relaxation alone is good for the mind and body, without the use of scripted
statements. Combining deep relaxation with good positive scripts is a powerful method
of achieving greater happiness and for making positive personal change.

The use of repeating scripts (said or listened to) is ages-old as well. The principle is
used in many timeless customs - some which are forces for good, others not so good -
which are used to change or control feelings, including praying, chanting, singing, etc.
Often these practices are combined with deep relaxation, meditation, trance, even
hypnosis, again some for good aims and some not so good.

What I'm advocating here is the use of the same basic methodology - deep relaxation,
combined with repeating strong statements - to achieve powerful personal change for
the good, in the direction that you want.

If you are a coach or trainer you can help others with this type of personal change - see
the personal change exercises ideas which use these relaxation, scripts and positive
statements techniques.

using and changing scripts - what the 'i am' words mean

The 'I am' element alone is a powerful one because it embodies the sense of self-
determination, which nobody and nothing can ever take away from you, and it
emphasises the value of simply 'being'.

We each exist as a person of value and worth in our own right, irrespective of
possessions and achievements. Accepting and reinforcing this concept is good for each
of us. This, at its simplest level, is what 'I am' means.

"There is wisdom in accepting what you are. It is difficult to be what you are not. Being
what you are doesn't require any effort. When you become wise, you accept yourself the
way you are, and the complete acceptance of yourself becomes the complete acceptance
of everyone else." (From 'The Mastery of Love' by Don Miguel Ruiz, with thanks to

You can use the relaxation exercise, combined with a script, to change many aspects of
your life and feelings.

You do this by adding, removing, or replacing statements in the script.

Keep the statements positive and in the present tense.

For example, if you want to be more confident, use a statement such as 'I am a confident
person' rather than 'I will be a more confident person' or 'I will try to be a more
confident person'.

If you want to stop smoking, use a statement such as 'I am a non-smoker, because I
value my life and body' rather than 'I will try to give up smoking'.

If you do not want to give up smoking, merely to cut down, adjust the script
accordingly, for example: 'I smoke only five/ten/fifteen cigarettes a day, because this is
improving my health and my life' (better than smoking twenty or thirty day).

If you keep telling your sub-conscious that you 'are', then in time you will 'be'.

Use script statements that describe yourself as you want to be. Repeating positive
scripts, combined with deep relaxation, will change your behaviour from deep within.

making tapes or script recordings

You can increase the ease of using scripts if you make a tape or CD recording of
yourself reading your script.

You can then use the recording any time you want.

Using a recording also means you can relax completely while listening to the words,
with no need to open your eyes to read.

You can also listen to your recorded script at bed-time, before you go to sleep every
night, which is also an effective way to reach and change your sub-conscious feelings.

be assured...

Most people judge themselves against entirely artificial criteria. Material success is not
what life is about.

You can change your frame of reference. You do not have to accept a frame of reference
that others have given you.

Many of the most materially 'successful' people are deeply unhappy, yet they strive and
search (unsuccessfully) even harder for more material success.
Most ordinary good, honest 'being' people are fooled into believing that what they have
is not worth anything. Don't be fooled.

The answer to happiness and fulfilment is usually found in achieving a simple

acceptance of, and joy of living, a good life.

Enjoy 'being' and living a good life.

Next time you get caught in the rain, or bump the car, or get a headache - enjoy being
alive to feel it and experience it.
Your limiting beliefs are those negative beliefs about yourself that stand in the way of
your real success and weaken your self esteem. To overcome and transform your
negative beliefs you must first acknowledge them and accept them for what they are. As
is the case with all beliefs, whether positive or negative, a limiting belief started off as a
single thought in your mind in reaction to a certain event, or to what you were told by
your parents or society in general. This thought was repeated often enough until it was
accepted as an unchecked "truth" by your subconscious mind. In other words, your
limiting beliefs are a learned thought pattern and the good news is that they are up for

Why Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs? If you are not where you want to be in your
life, whether physically, emotionally, romantically or financially (and so on), the
chances are that an underlying, deeply ingrained negative belief is limiting your
progress. This does not mean that your physical appearance, romantic or financial status
should define you or your worth. It simply means that you are free to also succeed in all
these areas of your life if you so choose to, not because doing so will make you a better
person compared to anyone else, but simply because you want the experience itself.
Overcoming your limiting beliefs is the fundamental step in that direction.

The Power of Limiting Beliefs: While beliefs are really just beliefs, you should be
careful not to underestimate their power. Since all beliefs belong to the realm of the
subconscious mind, their mental influence may not be obvious at the conscious level,
but their negative impact on the outcomes you want to achieve, most certainly is. All
beliefs are executed on auto pilot by the subconscious mind - with no need for any
conscious thought. This is both the strength and the Achilles heel of the subconscious
mind, because while it is able to carry out the most complex of tasks automatically, it is
not rational in nature and hence cannot distinguish between those beliefs that serve you
and those that don't. It is up to you to become conscious of your limiting beliefs and
learn to overcome them while consciously reprogramming your mind at the
subconscious level.

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A Brief History of Negative Beliefs: You will find that most of your limiting beliefs
can be traced back to your childhood. The futile exercise of comparing yourself to
others as a child and continuing to do so as an adult, has created many of your beliefs
and is keeping them alive. Your beliefs are at the back of the subconscious programmes
that are still running your life today and usually unbeknown to you. They are nothing
more than the learned thought patterns behind your habitual thoughts, words and
actions. This is not about blaming our parents or our teachers or society in general for a
misguided childhood. Most of our parents and teachers did the best they could at the
time and to blame anyone just keeps you stuck and disempowered. Your aim is to
simply recognise that these childhood and even childish beliefs no longer serve you, and
that if something doesn't serve you, then you should endeavour to move beyond it.

Identifying Your Personal Limiting Beliefs: Using the "Decoding Your Beliefs"
exercise outlined in the preceding article about building self esteem, make a list of your
personal negative beliefs. You can carry on adding any negative beliefs to your list as
they come to you at a later stage. To see how those limiting beliefs have unnecessarily
hampered your success, you could choose to write an example of when any such belief
has prevented you from doing or achieving something you wanted. For example a belief
like "I am bad with money" or "I am a spendthrift" is likely to have left you with a
rather unhealthy bank balance.

Stocktaking Your Limiting Beliefs: While this article is focused on transforming those
personal limiting beliefs that begin with the words "I am", the techniques can be equally
used for any negative belief. It takes time, effort and a healthy dose of introspection to
uncover your limiting beliefs in all areas of your life, but doing so will go a long way in
understanding and hence enabling you to transform your current circumstances across
the board. Choose the areas of your life you wish to work on e.g. relationships, health,
finances or your job, and then make a list of your beliefs pertaining to each area.

With regard relationships, your list can include phrases that begin with words such as
"relationships are", "women are", "men are", "love is", "family is" and so on. Beliefs for
health can include phrases such as "health is", "my body is", "exercise is", "food is"; for
finances an obvious example is "money is"; and for your job, "work is", "bosses are",
"success is" and so on. Of course, your beliefs in each area will once again be a
combination of positive and limiting beliefs. Remember to focus on the positive beliefs
as a source of your natural strengths, and seek to transform the limiting beliefs with the
five techniques outlined below and in the second part of this article. You may also find
that some of your limiting beliefs from your "I am" list, affect a specific area of your
life, in which case you can simply add them to the relevant list.

Understanding Causality: It is important to understand that your limiting beliefs are

the cause of your unwanted circumstances, while the circumstances themselves are the
effect - not the other way round. Using the example about money, it may appear that it is
because you are struggling with your finances that you believe you are bad with money
but the true causality runs in reverse i.e. it is your limiting beliefs about money that is
creating and perpetuating your unwanted financial circumstances.

This should come as very good news because it means that instead of believing you are
a victim of your circumstances, you can change your unwanted circumstances by
changing your limiting beliefs. The five techniques outlined in this two-part article,
when understood and effectively applied, are the most effective steps you can take in
that direction. The first four techniques are aimed at consciously re-programming your
subconscious mind while the fifth technique is aimed at raising your level of
consciousness. While all the techniques can be used simultaneously, the fifth is by far
the superior.

Technique 1 - Positive Affirmations: The first technique for overcoming limiting

beliefs is positive affirmations. A positive affirmation is simply a positive statement
specifically targeted at re-programming an existing negative belief. Remember, that any
thought you repeat often enough will in time be passed down to your subconscious
mind to create a belief. If the new, positive statement is repeated enough times, it will in
time be strong enough to over-ride the existing negative one.

An example of a positive affirmation for health for instance is "My body heals itself
efforlessly and quickly", or for relationships is "I respect and uphold healthy boundaries
in all my relationships". There are some fantastic programmes available commercially
which use targeted recorded affirmations to re-programme your mind. If such
programmes are not within your current budget, you can always make your own
recording of positive affirmations that are tailor-made for you. It is most effective to use
an even, deliberate tone of voice with as little background noise as possible. Mental
repetition, without the help of a recording, is of course also effective as long as you do it
systematically and persistently.

A World Famous Positive Affirmation: Emile Coue gave us one of the most beneficial
positive affirmations that was made famous by the Silva Method and that
instantaneously covers every aspect of your life. "Every day in every way, I am getting
better and better". Mentally repeat this to yourself throughout the day irrespective of
what other programmes you are using. Learn to become more aware of your thoughts.
When you catch yourself having negative thoughts calmly and deliberately say to
yourself "cancel, cancel, cancel", then take a deep breath and mentally say "every day in
every way, I am getting better and better". Notice how "better and better" is not the
same as the false target of "I am perfect" - it is simply better and better.

Technique 2 - Act As If: The second method for building self esteem is to act "as if".
This is similar to positive affirmations but rather than using your thoughts and words,
you are using your actions. It means to act as if you do not have your negative beliefs
or, even better, as if you have their positive equivalents. You may have heard it said like
this - "fake it, until you make it". If for instance you lack confidence, notice how it feels
to walk around with your head held up high and your shoulders back. When you do so
often, your mind will "forget" your lack of confidence because your new bodily stance
sends a very strong, over-riding message of confidence.

Your Mind Does Not Know You are Acting: Since the subconscious mind is not
rational in nature and hence does not judge, it can not tell the difference between when
you are pretending and when you are acting on a "real" belief. Have fun acting "as if"
and sense how differently you feel inside just by acting out a positive role. This is not
about tricking your mind. It is about knowing how the mind works and that we are all
already just "acting out" our lives based on a script that is stored by our subconscious
mind and that we did not consciously choose in the first instance. Persistently acting "as
if" changes the script over time, and when the script changes for the better, then so does
the movie.

Technique 3 - Creative Visualization: Creative visualization is one of the most

effective methods for programming and re-programming your subconscious mind when
overcoming limiting beliefs. It is really a method of self-hypnosis or alpha level
meditation, as used in the world-famous Silva Method. Its power lies in directly
accessing the subconscious mind by deliberately slowing down your brain waves
through relaxation techniques. Creative visualization is essentially the process where by
in a relaxed state of mind and with you eyes closed, you imagine your intended outcome
with feeling while believing that you already have that which you want in the present
moment, and then finally letting it go by detaching from the outcome.

In the case of overcoming limiting beliefs, you can imagine yourself acting as if you
have the equivalent positive belief of the belief you intend to overcome. Visualize how
you would think, talk, act and feel if you had a specific positive belief about yourself.
When combined with the first two techniques of positive affirmations and acting "as if"
in your waking world, you will quickly experience beneficial, life-changing results. For
a full explanation read: Creative Visualization Explained and the associated articles.

A Warning About Your Negative Beliefs and the Laws of Polarity & Attraction: If
you use creative visualisation to visualize an intended outcome without transforming the
underlying negative belief first, then you may find that your subconscious mind fights
and sabotages your attempts. Most people attempt to simply focus on what they want
while ignoring any underlying contradictory negative belief. These unchecked negative
beliefs, by the Laws of Attraction and Polarity, inadvertently attract more of what they
do not want. You can use a simple technique to by-pass such limiting beliefs called the
Mental Focus By-Product Method. The aim is to place your mental focus on something
that is a by-product of what you want but not specifically what you want. In other
words, mentally focus on something that you do not have a specific negative belief
about but, that in order to experience it you must also have that which you actually
want. For a full explanation read: Effective Mental Focus - When Not to Focus on What
You Want.


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Technique 4 - Change Your Perception of Past Experiences: The fourth technique for
overcoming limiting beliefs is to change your perception of a past negative experience.
This is most effective when you can trace the limiting belief back to the time it was
created i.e. to a specific past negative experience. In this instance you can use a
powerful meditation technique to go back to a time when that a negative belief did not
exist. Mind Your Reality's Mental Time Travel Meditation is summarised here.

Mental Time Travel Meditation: In a relaxed state and with your eyes closed,
mentally create a horizontal time line of your life where the furthest point to your right
is your present moment. Include a point for your negative experience somewhere on the
left of the current moment as well as a length of time before that experience. Imagine
yourself traveling backwards in time along your time-line until you come to that
experience, then mentally freeze the experience in its place and continue to travel back
in time to a point when the associated negative belief(s) did not exist. This could be just
before the experience or all the way back into your childhood.

Feel how confident, strong and carefree you felt at that point of time when you did not
have that negative belief. Now step into and internalise those positive feelings before
returning to the present moment back along your imaginary time line, giving no notice
to that negative experience, other than to see how it is frozen in time. This is a very
powerful meditation exercise that will enable you to release yourself from the grip of
the perceived negativity of your experiences and their associated negative beliefs. For a
full explanation read: Mental Time Travel to Change the Past.

The 21-Day Rule to Create a New Habit: It is widely suggested that overcoming
limiting beliefs or creating a new habit, takes on average 21 consecutive days of
repetition. This may sound like a little (and really it is) but most people struggle to get
past day 3 because we live in a world of instant gratification in which we expect and
demand instantaneous results. In contrast, however, the conscious creation process,
whereby energy in its potential form is transmuted into matter in its material form
through the power of thought, requires time in the physical world. Understanding the
necessity of time will grant you the patience and persistence you require for overcoming
limiting beliefs. Having said this, there is one more technique that does not require any
time for its manifestation because it is based on an eternal truth - the truth about your
true nature.

Technique 5 - Know Thyself: The final, and by far the most effective technique for
overcoming limiting beliefs, is also one of the maxims inscribed on the Temple of
Apollo at Delphi: "know thyself". To know yourself is not just about knowing what your
beliefs are or knowing your strengths and weaknesses. These aspects of your character
are the tip of the iceberg and in fact have little to do with the real you. To know yourself
is to know your true nature. Your true nature goes beyond the confines of the physical
world, your physical body and your five physical senses. Your true nature belongs to the
spiritual realm.

Your True Nature is Divine: The real you is your Higher Self, the eternal observer. The
real you has no limiting beliefs for it knows that your consciousness is one with the One
Universal Mind, All Powerful, All Present and All Knowing; the only difference being
one of degree. No limiting belief, no matter how deeply ingrained or how powerful,
stands any chance in the face of Omnipotence, of which you are a part. Any need to
compare yourself, compete with or depend on the opinion of others as a measure of
your worthiness, becomes redundant when your self worth and self esteem have there
basis in knowing your true nature. Knowing who you really are is the only authentic
source of inner strength when overcoming limiting beliefs because it can never be
disturbed by outside appearances. When you know yourself, you can rip up your list of
both positive and negative "I am" beliefs and replace it with these words alone: "I am".
No qualifications, nothing more, nothing less. "I am".

A Warning Against Arrogance: Knowing your true nature is not about feeling that you
are now above or better than others because you have "figured it all out" and they
havent. It is not about arrogantly believing or proclaiming that you are God or thinking
that you are invincible and that nothing can touch you or get in your way. This attitude
is an extreme that is best to be avoided and can in fact be more self-destructive than not
knowing your true nature at all. In contrast, knowing yourself is accompanied by a deep
sense of inner peace and balance with reverence for the One Universal Mind, of which
everyone, everything and you yourself, are a part. There is no place for conceit, self-
righteousness or arrogance in knowing yourself.

In a nutshell, developing an overall positive mind set is fundamental to overcoming

limiting beliefs and creating the life you intend for yourself. There are several
techniques that you can use for overcoming limiting beliefs and replacing them with
positive equivalents that serve you and your success. Most of these techniques are
aimed at re-programming the mind at the subconscious level. These include positive
affirmations, acting as if, creative visualization and mental time travel. All these
techniques are effective whether used individually or together but the superior of all is a
fifth technique, which is to know your true nature. When you know yourself, then your
self worth and self esteem are built on the unshakeable foundation of Omnipotence, of
which you are a part. Know yourself with a reverence for the majesty of God, of which
you are a part, and you will find all your limiting beliefs disappearing as if by magic.
Self Hypnosis


Sit in a comfortable chair with your feet flat on the floor.
Find a spot above eye level upon which to rest your eyes.
Soft focus and take in the whole room. Try to keep your eyes open for a while anyway. At some
point your eyes will naturally close. Just let it happen when it does.
Complete the sentence with observations in each of the three prime modalities, Visual,
Auditory and Kinesthetic (tactile sensations. e.g.: air temperature, textures, etc.)
Note: While it's optimal to observe different things, in the audio realm it is OK to repeat items
if necessary - like if you are in a very quiet room and all you hear is one or two things.
Remember that silence can be heard too.

1. "I am now aware that I see _________." (Repeat 4 times, 4 different

visual observations)
2. "I am now aware that I hear _________." (Repeat with 4 different
auditory observations)
3. "I am now aware that I feel _________." (Repeat with 4 different
kinesthetic observations)

1. "I am now aware that I see _________." (Repeat 3x, visual)

2. "I am now aware that I hear _________."(Repeat 3x, auditory)
3. "I am now aware that I feel _________." (Repeat 3x, kinesthetic)

1. "I am now aware that I see _________." (2x's)

2. "I am now aware that I hear _________." (2x's)
3. "I am now aware that I feel _________." (2x's)

1. "I am now aware that I see _________." (1x)

2. "I am now aware that I hear _________." (1x)
3. "I am now aware that I feel _________." (1x)

Repeat as needed until trance is satisfactory. And, even if you don't make it through the
set once, when your eyes close take yourself (in your mind's eye) to a body of water.
Enjoy some R & R there until you're ready to return.

To utilize this trance you can add your own suggestions once in the trance, or you can
ask your unconscious mind before you begin, that while you are in trance it can go
through and retrieve all useful and constructive references and resources pertinent to
your issue at hand and have them available to you when you come out of trance. Then
just trust that that will happen and enjoy your time by the water.
For further exploration, read the transcript and/or listen to the MP3 found under
My mental health is fun and radiantly happy. All situations in my life are wonderful. I have a
childlike playfulness and I enjoy playing and being at peace. My imagination is outrageous. I
have a serene mind that is passionate about life. I am passionate about life. I am exhilarated
about life. My mental mind is free and playful and happy to live life outrageously. I enjoy all of
natures wonders and I take the time to worship its beauty. I see, hear, and feel, the beauty in
everything. I take time for myself to play and I involve others in my play. Iam a kid at heart. I
see the world as a beautiful place to be. I am glad I was born and I love being alive. I now feel a
deep inner peace and serenity. I am always deeply relaxed and centered. I enjoy doing things
that are fun. I fully enjoy all people and I love to smile and to make others feel good. I only
focus life on the positive. I am cheerful and friendly to all people. I am beautiful and lovable. I
am kind and loving and I have a great deal to share with others. My mental attitude is I deserve
the best in life/ I know I have a lot and everyone recognizes it. Everyday and in everyway I am
getting better, better and better. My mental attitude loves to love and loves to be loved. I enjoy
brightening my day and everyone elses. I let my inner child run and play freely through me. I
fully love and appreciate my self just as I am. I am dynamically self-expressive. I always
communicate clearly and effectively. I wake up feeling wonderful and look forward to a
wonderful day. I am passionate about everyday. I am feeling calm and happy all the time. I am
happy with myself and being free. My mind is free and has a great imagination. My mind is
talented intelligent and creative. I use my talented intelligent and creative mind to enjoy life
and to create the very best for myself and others. My mind deserves the very best. I am an
open channel for creative energy. Certain ideas and inspirations come to me easily. My mental
attitude knows it is ok to enjoy life, have fun and I do. I am happy in everything I do. I live all of
my days. My mind is curious and brilliant. I am always learning to live better and better and I
trust the infinite to bring all this to me. Thank you.

Join Date
Originally Posted by bjohns09
Hypnotica, do you reccommend any products specifically for NLP seduction (Dave
Riker for example)? Is your "Deep Phone Seduction" just for phone game?
I've been getting great results with NLP like the field report in this thread after
studying from some of Ross Jeffries's material. What's even crazier than these
intense results is that the woman in this field report is in a long term relationship.
That is one of the main reasons I decided not to get physical yet.

I don't use NLP for seduction. The best results i get are from creating the vibe i want to
resonate with, keep a outcome frame goal in mind and a flirtatious banter back and
forth. With the mindset of a teacher who can show her alot more then 99% of anyone
out there.
I also use a lot of Sexual tones and stories to get them on the same page as me.


Originally Posted by Lightfiend

It may have been Ross Jeffries, Rasputin (Hypnotica), or Steve P.

Hypnosis really isn't that creepy. It is just effective communication - often used to
go into trance states (like in meditation as sdnightfly pointed out). And then from
there you work with your beliefs, thoughts and memories in order to build up your
inner game. For anyone that is willing to do the research the gold is all there.

Hypnosis is nothing more than successful communication to your unconscious.


This is a hypnosis script you may want to read it to get a few new ideas.

The unconscious mind controls all automatic body functions. It controls breathing, heart
rate, respiration and perspiration. It is in control of all of the body functions that are not
under constant conscious control. As a matter of fact, if you try to control these
automatic body functions consciously you will either fail of cause them to just not work

For example, have you ever thought about your breathing? If were walking along and
you decided to concentrate on your breathing you will find that it disrupts the whole
process. Before you started thinking about it, you were breathing just fine,
automatically. Your unconscious mind was managing quite well without any conscious
effort. You unconscious mind knows how to measure how much oxygen your body
needs, and then automatically lets your lungs and diaphragm know what the right speed
and depth of breathing is required. But when you start thinking about your breathing
consciously, you dont know if you are breathing fast enough or slow enough, or deep
enough or shallow enough. It is not until you start thinking about something else that
you unconscious mind can take back control and handle thing perfectly.

So if you dont think about your erection, your unconscious mind will make one for
your. This is a simple process but some people make a mistake. If I told you to not think
about your breathing it would be difficult for you to do that. It is difficult to not think
about something by trying to not think about it. Here is another example, try to not think
about pink elephants. Try harder and really try not to think about pink elephants. As
long as you try to not think about pink elephants you cant help it, you just keep
thinking of pink elephants.

But if I told you to now think about another kind animal, like cows you can take your
attention away from the pink elephants. Watch how well this works. Lets think about
cows. Some cows are brown and some are black and white. Cows are female and people
can get milk from them. They also have calves, and the calves get good creamy milk
from their mothers. Male cows are not cows. They are bulls.

So now we have learned that the unconscious mind perfectly controls all automatic
body functions and among these are the ability of men to get and sustain an erection. We
also know that the unconscious mind does best when left alone to do its job. If you think
about an erection, it will only get in the way of the unconscious mind doing what it
knows how to do. It knows how to give youre a perfect erection anytime that you need
We also know that it is almost impossible to not think about something. If you start
thinking about or worrying about your erection, it only gets in the way of your
unconscious mind providing you with a good strong erection. So what you need to do is
to give your unconscious mind all of the information that it needs to provide you with
an erection whenever you want one. You know that you cant just talk to it and say,
okay unconscious mind, give me an erection, because then you are thinking about it

This is what you do. The subconscious mind is structured to automatically respond to
certain things. The more strongly that you are aware of these certain things, the more
abundantly the subconscious mind gets the information it needs to provide you with a
good strong and long lasting erection. This information comes through the 5 senses.
When you want to have an erection all you have to do is focus on you partner. Give her
your 100% attention and you will have a 100% erection. It is that simple. But how do
you give her that kind of attention?

This is how. Use all of your 5 senses when you are with her. Allow yourself to use
touch, taste, sight, smell and hearing. So then, this is the secret. When you are with your
partner, really use your senses. Notice the touch of her skin. The taste of her skin. The
scent of her perfume. The way she looks. And, the sounds that she makes.

Really allow your senses to be filled with these wonderful and pleasant sensations.
These are the signals that your unconscious mind needs to receive. It uses these senses
to get the information it needs to produce a good strong long lasting erection.

When you are with her really notice her touch, taste, appearance, scent and the sounds
that she makes. Maybe there is some particular thing that you like best about her. Focus
on that aspect of her, if there is some particular thing that strikes you as being sexually
attractive. Is it her hair, her eyes, her figure? Really, allow yourself to enjoy that part of
the experience. As you do this, your unconscious mind will respond to these things and
send all of the proper signals so that you function perfectly. Focus on her. That is the

Notice how it feels like to touch her. Notice the sensation of the touch and how she
responds to it. Some places may be smooth and cool while others may be rough and
warm. Explore all of the sensations. Be a great explorer.

Notice how she tastes when you kiss her. Enjoy the taste of her lips and skin. Some
places may be sweet and others salty.

Enjoy seeing all the things that you dont usually get to see until the next time that you
are together this way.

Enjoy how each part of her smells. Notice the scent of her hair and skin. All of these
very feminine smells send very definite signals to your nervous system. Some of these
smells are produced by glands that are specifically designed by nature to communicate
to your nervous system and produce an erection. Some of these smells are almost
undetectable by the conscious mind and are called pheromones.

Enjoy all of the sounds that she makes and the rhythm of her body as it moves next to

As you focus on her your body responds reliably and consistently. You will be more
confident when having sex. You confidence with extend throughout almost all aspects
of your life.

A gift that might help an interview by Hypnotica

Here is an interview we did about 4 years ago. Some of the stuff i have updated however there
are some gems in there, you must realize that this has not been edited so some times the
translator mistook Steve talking instead of me. You should be able to see who is talking by our
styles. Steve is more blunt I am more technical. This was once going to be a product after we
edited it and refined it but since i haven't done much with it because i am too busy i hope you
find something that works for you.
Good luck and a continued success to all trying to better themselves.
Hypnotic Sex Engineering copyright 2002 Hypnotica
S Steve
H Hypnotica
D Dave
D: Ok were here with Steve (Picus) and Hypnotica, and were discussing some things today.
Were discussing the use of hypnosis and hypnotic techniques and neural-linguistic
programming techniques as well to really get women excited, sexually aroused, and to really
increase their sexual response as much as possible. Now first off just a brief background on
each of you for the sake of people. Steve, how long have you been involved in hypnosis, neural-
linguistic programming, healing arts, and things of that nature?
S: Most of my life. I started professionally doing hypnosis about 1983.
D: Ok and youve done this professionally, semi-professionally with many, many people?
S: Thousands yeah.
D: Ok and specifically these techniques well be discussing today, I mean has this been
something you just naturally stumbled upon and developed yourself? Or is it really a
combination of many, many techniques youve gotten in different places?
S: Im gonna say stumbled upon, its more of a way of life. Its not like I mean I studied the
other techniques but then I integrated them into my own style of being. The big thing about it
though is instead of doing a technique; I am being the technique. Its integrated into a part of
my character.
D: So youve learned these things, or are so familiar with them, that its not necessarily a bunch
of disjointed bits and pieces to you its more who you are as a person, right?
S: Exactly.
D: What were doing today is to back up from that a bit and just try to distill some of the
techniques and details so that others can start to learn as well. Would that be a fair
S: Yeah thats good.
D: Ok. Hypnotica, youve been doing this for a number of years. How long have you been
involved in things like hypnosis, hypnotherapy, neural-linguistic programming, things of that
H: Id say Ive been into the whole holistic arts for about 14 years incorporating methods of
semantics, neuro-semantics, neural-linguistic programming, hypnosis, design human
engineering, tantra, accupresurre sexual studies and storytelling to assist those into specialized
states of mind/body
D: So it sounds like a common element that youre alluding to Hypnotica, and you as well Steve,
that what you two have arrived at is really something greater than the sum of its parts. Even if
somebody were to go through what youve studied, they still wouldnt grasp this, because this
is truly given in the material that youve refined, techniques that youve refined, and developed
yourself beyond simply what youve learned and studied over the years. Is that true?
H: Yeah, I think its important that people understand that youre not just a hypnotist; youre
not just a neural-linguistic programmer. These are labels and label of any sort can limit the
progress and information that your open to you have to be able to have the flexibly and
opened awareness to pull out elements from each of the philosophies, traditions and:
Disciplines to forged something new that works for your specific personality.
its kind of like alchemy in a way, where youre blending elements together through the process
of experimentation. Youre always experimenting, youre always trying new and different
things, asking yourself does this work, does that work? Its a way of life and I think on a higher
level its just about the ability to be able to experiment, be able to try things new, be willing to
get turned down, be able to return and try something different. Its about the art of the
flexibility, the flexibility of getting what you want, being able to get what you want in a way that
the other person also gets what they want. Its putting those two things together in a way that
mutually beneficial to both
S: Mutually beneficial, but you gotta my approach is you have to have fun with it. Its kind of
like my kids when theyre learning to skate. Theyre jumping off five steps and eight steps. Even
if they fall down they dont see it as being burned up, they just see it like Ugh. They cant
wait, I mean my kid was getting the wind knocked out of him and hed get back up and go back
up there, catch his wind, catch his you know, and look at it and go, Lets go for it again. So you
have to do it with the curiosity of a child, and playfulness like a child.
H: Curiosity is foremost without it youll be afraid to try new things you have to have an aligned
curiosity with the others persons undiscovered interest for exploring their own inner desires
about feeling good about themselves and their sexual nature.
D: So its not just simply a technique or a series of steps. Theres a natural curiosity. Theres
natural love of this and enjoyment of not just achieving some goal with these techniques or
with getting a woman to a certain place, but truly enjoying the process of getting her there
the process of discovering what buttons you can push with her per se. Is that correct? So you
guys really enjoy its not just a means to an end, you enjoy the means as well, correct? Well
lets back up a minute so that some guys, or anyone out listening or reading this material, can
put this into perspective (inaudible) kind of results, by way of examples. When you think about
most men, and a lot of men dont really do what they can to be a better lover or a more
exciting lover, or to make a partner happy. Women are always complaining about this. But even
the guys that do, they tend to focus on things that are teaching them techniques. Oh rub her
this way physically, move this part like that. Thats where most guys are at and where they get a
woman to have a response.
S: You come from a physical part, where we come from an emotional part. Women will have
sex to be intimate. Men will usually pretend to be intimate to have sex. So the thing is if you
enter into their world and build those states people call it rapport but its just get to know
her on a different level than just her tits and ass.
D: Ok well lets get like an example, without getting real graphical here. Is there an example,
either a specific one, or one thats sort of indicative of the sort of responses about the sort of
thing that youre talking about, with just talking to a woman or using these techniques to bring
her to levels that shes not been at before. I mean whats an example of the kind of responses,
or the kind or results, that youve been able to get, just to put this in perspective for people.
D: Well lets say by example that you found a woman at some point in your past. Just to give
people reading the material an idea of what were talking about here in terms of results. To
entice them if you will with what they can learn, what they can do after they learn these
techniques. I mean lets say youve, Im sure either of you encountered a woman thats either
been pretty maybe not as responsive in her sex life as she wished that she could be. Or maybe
shes never had an orgasm, or maybe shes never allowed herself to have certain experiences.
But yet, with these techniques, you guys have been able to bring her to that point. Do you have
an example of this one woman was not able to do this, then we took her there? This woman
was not able to do that and we took her there.
H: I think that most, of the successes Ive had with women were the ones that were originally
resistant at first. They were the ones that were kind of challenging. Its a matter of breaking
through that and keeping in mind that you understand where their body and mind can go. You
help guide them there, You understand about their inner states, you understand about their
neurology, how to sensitize and increase that . So its keeping in mind you know better than she
does about how much pleasure she can experience, because youre the only one thats really
qualified, in my opinion, to get her to these states in a way that shell respond better, that shell
increase her life. At the same time shell learn how to install strategies which will bring her
more pleasure, give her greater understanding of her own awareness, and different things like
D: Ok so what in terms of like examples or specifics?
H: Heres one example. When I was working at the clubs, one girl asked the bouncer about me,
he said, Hes a hypnotist. And he gave her my number. She called and said shes never had an
orgasm before, doesnt even experience pleasure when it comes to sex. Very twisted, very
confused about the whole sex process. Why? Because the first person she was with completely
inadequate. He didnt know a damn thing, and didnt give her that initial imprint which would
allow her to understand theres much pleasure to explore. So she called me and she was
resistant, like Oh you cant hypnotize me. And of course I went through my little hypnotic
process and got into it and found out what was going on, introduced new states, (inaudible) get
into it, bottom line, basically what happened was she got to the point where I could give her
the strategy for her to orgasm first of all, with her manually touching herself. Second I built up
to a state where I installed a command word, where right at the point where she was about to
have an orgasm I could fire that command up and it would intensify and then thus link it to the
orgasm. A stage higher than that she got to the point where she could orgasm just by simply
saying the command word orgasm again, build up to states again. Then it got to the point
where basically she got to the point where she wouldnt even have to touch herself. All I would
have to do, if I was talking to her, is just kind of lower my voice into that hypnotic state, start
talking to her, and build in through metaphor, story telling. Something that would allow her to
not even have to touch herself, but be able to learn how to orgasm over, and over, and over
again. Thus she learned one, how to enjoy sex. Two, how to let her body be ok with that. And
three, how to build in awesome compulsions and obsessions that give her pleasure. And in
return have a feedback where shes thus giving pleasure to the man and on, and on, and on,
and on. So its totally opened up this part of her life.
S: 90 percent or more of sex is in the mind. Good sex, or bad sex. Most people that have bad
sex. Thats why hypnosis works so good, because you bypass critical factor. But what the real
trip is, most people play mind fucks in order to get laid, or they play all these fuck around
games with the women just so they can get the cookie, get the prize. The thing is that if youre
straight up with them, you get a lot further ahead. They also get more relaxed, ok? Get more
responses due to that.
D: You said you set up a command word to where she could do that. How do you go about
doing that when youre going through theLets get thats a couple steps down the road.
Lets get to that. But what I want to back up and do is for the sake of people not familiar with it,
lets say that well obviously you guys in your lives encounter different women different walks
of life, different shapes, sizes, and everything else. Id imagine that you guys have some level of
effectiveness with any woman. But Im wondering what process of screening, if you will, or
what qualification process maybe do you go through in your own head, to determine if a
woman is how susceptible or how suggestible she may be to these techniques. Or when you
first meet somebody whats the process thats going through your head as to whether or not
theyre suggestible or acceptable to this
S: They have to make eye contact with me basically.
D: Really?
S: Yeah and then what I do is I qualify them simply by talking to them, because they might have
all the right-looking equipment, they might have a knockout looking body, but you know if
theyre just dizzy, dinghy chicks I dont necessarily need that shit around me. I want somebody
that I can also share some time with and have a little bit more of a relationship than you
D: Because this isnt about just doing something to her for you. Youre giving of yourself; theres
a sharing
S: Its a dance. Its reciprocal.
D: And you need that for the true effect of it. So somebody thats just simply cold, or a woman
whos just saying, Do this for me, do this for me. Its not really gonna work as much as
somebody whos open and its more of an exchange. Is that true?
S: Thats pretty accurate. The thing is that also if all theyre interested in is jumping from one
guy to another guy to another guy, theyre only coming out of theyre totally stuck just in a
physical state.
H: See Im not so much interested, its not that it wont work with them it will work with
them. But its like heres someone that just wants to take, and what I do, Im good at that and I
know what I do, and I know that I can add value to their life in a number of different ways. So
why should I go out there and teach this woman how to enjoy her body?
D: When all shes doing is taking.
H: If when all shes doing is taking and shes not curious about it.
The point is go out and have fun with someone else. Who wants to learn about themselves
D: So the first screening is not as much whether or not itd be effective because you guys know
that on some level you can have effectiveness with anyone. Its a matter of more deserving it
whether or not she is worthy or deserving of it, and how much curiosity she
S: Theres some guys that like going to the bar, picking up chicks that are just drunk, and nailing
them. Im not really too much into that. I like to get to meet them and know them because
then theres, its more of a long-term relationship and you really get to know the person.
H: And theres only so far you can go, in my opinion in one night, yes you could open them up
in one night easily, but Ive found that theres a compounding effect as they gain more trust.
The suggestions develop over time, they increase their responceness in their neurology, you
can always increase a persons neurology. To me its kind of the enjoyment process of watching
a person get better as time goes on, become more efficient in their own process of their own
sensuality, and exploring all the way that they can. The bottom line is they have to be curious
about this
S: They also have to be guilt-free of it. Because in this culture were living in right here, one of
the biggest things, one of the hurdles I have with them when I meet them, is if they arent all
drunk or stoned out of their brains, they have to go against the cultural thoughts, the barriers
put on them by the culture. Where theyre taught sex is dirty, sex is nasty. What we do is we
take the guilt, alleviate that, so that they can feel good about opening up.
D: And youre looking for the ones that are comfortable making their own choices and their
own decisions because of that?
H: Well I think, in my opinion, the woman has to be sober. I mean it will work on
S: With me too.
H: Yeah they have to be sober, they cant be stoned. They have to be able to do it for their own
reasons in a way that theyre curious about it and its not some Oh Im drunk, go ahead.
D: Right.
H: You know I dont need that shit.
D: Ok so youve met someone and youre talking to them and youre sort of screenings
probably not the best word youre sort of assessing how much you like them, how much of
an exchange there could be, whether this person is, frankly, worthy of the gift that you sort of
have to offer. And lets say that you determine that a woman that youre with is at that point.
Youre interested in her, you think she would be interested in this. What do you start to look
for? Now Im sure that theres a lot of techniques, a lot of language techniques, a lot of
different things that you can do when youre really working with the women to increase their
sexual response. But what are you, once shes initially got past the screening process, what are
you now looking for and observing about her that allows you to determine the best route to
go? Because Im sure you dont use, maybe you do use the exact techniques with every
woman, but Id imagine part of this is the ability to sit back and really read her and listen to her
and see where shes at. What are you looking for? What points of information are you trying to
get form her to help steer where youre gonna go to really start using the techniques?
H: I dont really look at it that way. The way I look at it is I am the teacher. I know more about
what she needs than she does. So its a matter of taking the lead and pre-supposing thats
where its going, thats where its gonna happen, and leading her saying, Look this is the way it
is. Now I want to show you these tools. And taking her form this point to that point. Its not a
matter of just looking at her and saying, Ok she needs this. Its a matter of telling her what
she needs and (inaudible) experience this, and this is how the technique and the sequence
S: Im pretty much congruent with that because Im not and heres where a lot of guys get
fucked up they try to become a sex therapist. Analyzing all this shit and all that. Fuck that.
The thing is Im a sex teacher. I teach them. Yeah theres a lot of pressure points and G spots
throughout the body and all that. But the point is if they dont want to learn if they already
know how to do it they wouldnt be talking to us. The thing is, is if they want to come in and
they want to study, they will learn.
D: So even my question, this is an interesting point, even my question sort of presupposed a
typical mind-set of saying, Oh here she is and lets find out what her problem is and how do
we not cater things to that. You guys are coming from a totally different perspective above
that saying, Look, we know what responses she has the potential to have, probably more than
she does. So Im not really necessarily interested in the details of where shes at and how she
got there. I know where shes going, I know where she can go, were gonna go on that path
H: To me shes a clean slate. (Overtalking) jacked her neurology up in a way that gives her
D: Instead of focusing, because I spent time with you Steve and I know how you operate. Youre
not gonna spend much time focusing on what screwed her up in the past, what got her here to
you thats all in the past, you cant
S: If you do that, thats the frame you start with. And when Im talking about frames, for those
that arent understanding the language here, Im talking about the frame of reference. And if
thats where you start, thats the best you can get.
D: Ok.
S: Im pretty sure Erics right with me on this, and that is that we start from a frame that we
know theyre like clay that we can mold into something that will be more useful. And also, we
dont do it speaking for myself I dont do it to use them. I do it and its gonna enhance their
life. Its like (Wilhelm Reich) said. He never met a neurotic who could have a full-body orgasm,
as well as he never knew anybody that had a full-body orgasm that could be neurotic. A lot of
people being fucked up is all about them dwelling over fucked up frames.
D: Now when you say you cant do it just to use them lets say theres people out there that
are motivated by that mindset. And this is sort of a tangent from the discussion, but Im
interested in this.
S: Ok.
D: You know there are people who want to learn these techniques just to use, that maybe
interested in these techniques just to use others or get what they want. My questions are is
your decision to do this in an ethical way based on your own personal sense of ethics? And/or
is it due to a matter of effectiveness, that somebody whos not congruent, who doesnt have a
genuine interest, is just not gonna be
S: Women know when youre trying to use them and if all youre doing is just going out, and
they might play because you might be a decent lay, you might be a not-so-decent but theyd
want something else from you. If all youre doing is going, you got to understand, their whole
life from the time they started sprouting theyve had guys glaring and staring at them, and they
know what theyve got. If you come from a whole different perspective on it to where youre
there and youre going to give something to them, but youve got to see, what I do is I qualify
is this somebody that I want to invest some of my time with?
D: Thats all the more reason then for you to qualify them based on that because its not about
getting over them
S: Its not about just getting a piece of ass. I dont need that, I mean theres too many other real
quality women out there. And see when you qualify to find out if its for more than just to get a
piece of action, the thing is that then you have a relationship that you can actually build
something from.
D: And because its congruent you can be much more, the effectiveness is there and the power
is there
S: Well and (theyre) gonna know it.
D: Right.
S: People know when theyre being used or when theyre being they may not know it
consciously, but theyre gonna get a feeling inside themselves, because they tell you about it.
D: Do you think women are more in tune with such things than men?
S: Yeah.
D: Ok.
H: I kind of have a different view on it. I do believe that it is much more effective when youre
straightforward with them. I kind of take a metaphysical view on it where I look at it more of
the yin and the yang. Where in the male, theres a little bit of female; in the female theres a
little bit of male. I kind of take the model, the mindset, the archetype of (Dionymous) which is
basically the male counterpart in the female. Its that part of the yin and the yang. Thats who I,
thats (inaudible), Im going in as that. It is my job to teach them on a level thatll bring out
their sensuality, and you have to be straightforward. So by going at it at that angle, youre
teaching them but youre being straight up and youre not putting up with any of the bullshit. If
they want to play games, youre out of there because its like look this is who I am, this is what
Im gonna teach you, this is where youre gonna go, and when you come from that point where
youre helping them and its mutual benefit for both, its gonna be that much more effective on
not only a spiritual level, but on an intimate level as well.
S: And one thing that youll find is the women that were trying to just bullshit you because
theyre going oh nice package, theyll fucking freak. I mean Ive had them go, Holy fuck, you
havent even touched my tit and Im already feeling more throughout my body, feeling more
alive, than I have with any man or woman before, and all youve been doing is talking to me.
D: And that hits at their incongruities.
S: No what it does is it nails them, because they go, Ive had them get up going, Man Ive
never had anybody touch that closely to my heart. Because its not coming across just looking
through their action.
H: And I think if you are trying to quote seduce or take advantage of, on a certain level youre
gonna set up that block. Unconsciously theyre gonna feel it I believe everythings holistic, so
you can only go so deep with that. If you have an open line of communication and youre open
about it, youre gonna hit them not only at such a deep level, but theres gonna be harmony
throughout your relationship, meeting with that woman or taking her to new levels. Theyll be
able to read if youre lying to them on a certain level its only gonna go so far and youre only
gonna be so effective.
D: So where were at now is you guys have these skills, youve met some woman through your
own process of sort of screening or seeing if shes worthy or qualified this is somebody that
youre interested in and you want to start working with her ok?
So obviously this isnt, you dont do this by sitting around, taking her to the movies, or doing a
lot of normal stuff. How do you start talking, when youre just starting to work these
techniques with any woman, whats the process that youre doing to start? What kind of
languaging, where are you going with that?
S: Ok it starts before languaging, its getting to what I call the zero mode. You know I call it zero
mode, at zero gravity trance. And you can do that first of all by breaking their state of whatever
state theyre on, getting kind of concentrative, focused is where you need to get them first. I
mean if theyre talking and shit like that Im not gonna waste my fucking time. I want them to
be like attention here, center, and then I start.
D: But do you do this formally? Like in a formal trance-like manner? Or are you just talking to
them at such a direct, compelling, congruent way that you get them to focus on you? So how
overt, and how covert, are you about getting them into this initial trance-state?
S: Im very overt. Ill grab them and Ill kind of shake their shoulders a little and just go, Relax a
little bit, look here in my eye right now. And theres a moment you can find when a person
goes in a trance by being so attentive to them, and being so into them, that they have to focus
on you and theyre already in a trance-state. Its not of this here let me see your arm, lift it up,
going down like that. No its just like boom, here, now. Thats right, now letsits that quick.
Trance is not some long-ass process that its been built out to be. Its already here; its already
D: So you dont say, Im going to put you into a trance. You just do it.
S: I just do it.
D: And powerfully just sort of take control of the situation.
S: Take control, youve got them right there. I mean why set them up like Im gonna do hypnosis
on you? And youve got to deal with all the preconceived ideas, have to hash through that
bullshit, you dont even tell them. You already know where youre going, you just go and you
start and you do it.
D: Now Steve, Ive seen you do similar things like this, and youll powerfully sort of take control
of somebody in that fashion in that Steve way that you do but the interesting thing about it
is I know eventually where that can lead with you with a woman, but initially there does not
seem to be a sexual element directly to what youre doing. When you first do that, or take this,
have this powerful presence, or commanding presence with somebody, is sex or sexual
response on your mind? Or are you just opening a doorway in terms of communicating with
them at that level and then later move on into the
S: Ok again, I dont come from a place thats sex. Sex is something thatll happen. If you build
the intimacy, and basically the way I qualify is do you like to have fun, would you like to go and
explore some stuff? So they have to have curiosity, be somewhat adventurous, but also like to
have fun. Because if theyre just gonna be real, like act like a little shitty Barbie doll, who needs
that shit? I dont you know. They can go take a powder or go pose for somebody else
someplace. My whole thing is I want to see what kind of person they are and are they willing to
laugh, and if I come from a place, if I make her laugh, then Im gonna go get a piece of action.
Theyre gonna pick right up on that because they have it all the time, people are always hitting
on them.
D: Ok so, and Im starting to see a little bit difference in styles between you two, in that Steve
initially youre very much about being warm, about getting intimate with them, about
connecting with them on that level, and the sexual part comes in later. But youre going in with
this 100 percent genuine sort of warmth, and connection sort of thing.
S: Well Im enjoying myself too. I do it to
D: Its not an act
S: For them as well as for me, because I enjoy playing.
D: Ok and it will lead, it can lead, to sexual elements if the persons worthy and you both feel
that you want to go there, thats correct?
S: Yeah.
D: And Hypnotica, Ive seen you in a, do similar things but theres a distinct difference. Theres
times when you take command powerfully very quickly, but you do it with a sexual overtone. Is
that a fair way of putting it?
H: Very fair way. And thats coming to you as the archetype that I was talking about of
(Dyonimous). Its his job. He is the teacher, he is the one thats separate, but he will guide them
through that. I believe that the sex act in itself is the most powerful urge there is on the planet,
and its the reason why everyones here. We all procreate, its a natural urge, I think (inaudible)
the catalyst that will evolve this planet and if they dont enjoy it, thats to me thats an initial
imprint on a person coming into the world. And so its my job to open that up and destroy all
the sexual myths, destroy all the sexual connotations and start form a point of straight,
complete purity and say, Youre at the zero mark here, youre at zero gravity, this is where
were starting from. Erase the rest, this is where were starting from and were gonna build
right from that point on. And as they enjoy it and they learn about their bodies more, theyre
creating a whole new parading and a whole new belief system, and a whole new identity about
what that means to them and what theyre capable of. Its giving the woman the permission to
explore her own self in a way that she will become more sensual, and I believe that a woman
can only really become as powerful as she is soft.
D: You truly believe theres a power in femininity
H: There is a power
D: You dont buy this, one of the down-sides of feminism which is order to be powerful they
have to act more masculine, or more like men?
D: You seem to both have a true appreciation for the power of femininity and youre actually
helping her to realize that. Is that a true?
S: Yeah.
H: And its a double-edged sword though. They can take that, if they learn about this, and they
take it and they want to manipulate, theyre gonna burn themselves in the ass. And if they
learn it and they open up and they become more sensual and softer and I dont want to say
more yin but theyll appreciate, they wont become as powerful where they could use that
power to manifest in their life on a multiple of different levels.
D: Ok that makes sense.
S: All the while feeling more secure, instead of out of balance, because it will be balanced
D: So thats this insecurity a lot of women feel about their sexuality or their place in life, and
everything. You see it as something that these techniques can help to fix, help to solve.
S: (Inaudible) full-body orgasms. They arent being neurotic and out of balance no more Ill tell
you that.
D: Thats fair enough.
S: Theres another distinction between Eric and myself, or Hypnotica and myself, and that is
that where I usually ménage, Ericll pull one at a time. I start from going out of the gate
Im telling them that I usually only date bisexual and bi-curious women. Now that doesnt
mean that I dont play with other women also.
S: Im saying usually but I mean I still go out
D: Is that a bullshit line that you do just to get chicks like that or?
S: Its the way that I am. But the thing is with most of the, I play with all of them though. I dont
care if its a waitress; I dont care if its a lady walking down the street. Ill go up because I enjoy
playing, its not playing with their mind, fucking with their heads its more
D: (Inaudible) manipulation, its
S: No, no, its just going out and enjoying myself
H: Adventure, curiosity, its that sort of thing.
S: Right and they also, they walk away just going, Whoa. I do different little techniques and
women will go out and just go, Wow, that made my whole week. Just from walking up to
D: Ok well lets get down to some specifics about that. Lets say that for example
H: Well lets talk real quick about how it evolved to that point.
S: Ok.
H: Because when I first started I was under the mindset of manipulation. I mean thats the way
I was taught, that was the frames that were taught from. And as I went on I found that being
more into myself and my needs, I wasnt being as effective. And it was more like yeah lets see
how far we can mind-fuck these girls, and it seriously had some backlash where Ive had some
girls almost to the point of stalking and stuff like that. But at the same level I was doing myself
harm with the feminist part of me, or the receptive part of me, I was working on a level where I
was against myself because I was taking advantage or working against the universe in an
unnatural way, in my opinion. As I increased in power and effectiveness, Ive learned to become
more subtle, more soft, more selective in the process. And I think a lot of people go through
that process that this is at first its just like a full free for out, lets see who we can get. And as
that happens they learn, you have to learn to become selective because there comes a point
where you get good at it and its
S: Well also theres another piece, Eric, when youre first coming out its like a kid in the candy
H: Yeah.
S: Metaphor, you know its like sex is taught in this culture as something nasty, we dont talk
about it. I mean you can see in America you see violence all over the TV and sex is taught like
oh no, not too much hugging or kissing. If you go to Europe and stuff, theyll have hugging,
kissing, and people walking around naked, but they dont show violence on the TV there. The
thing is, the kid in the candy store thing is as soon as you get your first taste of sex and then
you get some more, you just keep going after all of it. After youve had enough you just kind of
go, Wait, I can have candy anytime I want. The same thing, a lot of people, a lot of guys when
they come up and go, Wow, how do you do all this stuff? Im not coming from the poverty
mind of theres not enough women out there. And Im enjoying women more than just a piece
of ass. Im enjoying who they are
H: As an experience.
S: As an experience. And when you do that you (overtalking) mutate while in the sharing.
Sharing means youre going into the giver stage, rather than the taker. Like Eric, like Hypnotica,
was saying. He was talking about when he was in the taking this or taking that. But then he
trans-mutated after he reached that level, and its reciprocating, its giving.
D: Thats really interesting and in sitting here and interviewing you two gentlemen, its for the
benefit of those that would either be hearing the interview or reading a transcript of the
interview, most people wouldnt get a visual from what you two guys are like or havent spent
time with you socially. I mean you two are among in some ways, the more classical, masculine,
among the more masculine guys that most people would ever want to meet. Steve is what, in
your early 40s? Steve looks like a biker-type, very much a hard-edged, masculine sort of guy.
The type of guy that some people would initially, to see him across the room, it might instill
fear in them. And so he comes across as a very strong, masculine presence. And Hypnotica is
like a body builder type with a very intimidating sort of dark, masculine look to him, and hes in
his upper 20s, early 30s. But despite those aspects of who you are, I hear you guys saying
things like Hypnotica, being in touch with the feminine aspects of who a man is. Looking at a
woman and therefore being able to look at her femininity and get in touch with the masculine
part of her and connecting with that. And Steve, youre sitting here talking about truly
connecting and truly giving, and truly having a sharing relationship.
S: (inaudible) female is trapped in my body is a lesbian so its easy for me to understand these
D: Its just interesting that as the way most men might hear this tape, or read the transcript,
theyre thinking about being men in a certain way. You guys seem to have gotten to a certain
level of security about being men and being masculine that its freed you and allowed you to
be in touch more with connecting and sharing and embracing things like a feminine side that
every person has. Is that true?
S: Well yeah but part of that is were not coming from a place of poverty. We know that were
in Southern California and theres such an abundance of women out here, but people still
walk around with this poverty consciousness. Neither one of us have ever come from that, or
not in this last decade or so.
H: I cant really say that Im really (inaudible). Because I did come from that point where there
was a point where I really wanted to know and master the art of women. And it came from a
lot of study, it came from a lot of experimentation, it came from countless hours of just going,
Fuck man, am I ever gonna get this? But as time goes on you start to learn more about that. I
think its also about being able to enjoy beauty and enhance beauty where, were talking about
the femininity part, Im also talking on a level where with the skill that I have, I can get into this
person deeper than anyone else can.
D: Right.
H: And if Im gonna open this person up, and Im gonna not only make myself vulnerable, but
theyre so vulnerable, Im not gonna take anything from them. Because I know if I open that up
and I destroy that beauty that they have thats vulnerable that opens up, and I destroy that, it
cuts down. What am I doing on a holistic level to the way the universe runs?
S: Yeah also, I dont take any shit from any of them. I dont take too much shit from anybody.
The thing is that I might do the connection thing but I can sever that connection you know? If I
think that all of a sudden this was a giver, now all she wants to do is take, take, take, take, take.
H: Yeah you wont put up with that too long.
D: Well all right, lets get down to, lets say youve met someone. Youve met a woman either
on the streets or somebody you know, what are you actually starting to do physically with her,
or in terms of your words, to start talking to her in this way. I mean really break it down either
by teaching it or just by an example of I did this, I grabbed her this way, I said this, etc., etc. I
mean where do you start?
S: She starts. She makes eye contact with me and that means Steve come play with me. At that
point Ill go over and Ill start doing things like amplifying feelings inside of her
D: How would you do that? You say hi and shake her hand and say Im gonna amplify your
feelings? I mean what happens in details for somebody thats never spent time with you out in
the streets or seen you do this.
S: I basically just start talking to them and I will have them go into a memory, bring that
memory up, and Ill use points like in the (Dallas) form of (Contra) on the top pad of the middle
finger is where you can press to release endomorphins
H: But before Steve gets into that, Ive (inaudible) a lot, he usually says the words, You want to
feel good, let me show you something.
H: He walks up to her and he goes, Hey, come here, how you doin? You want to feel good?
Come here. Watch, boom, and starts.
D: And hell like grab their hand or?
H: Grab their hand, go look here, hell just grab their hand, look in their eye, and goes, Wow
thats beautiful, I can see youre open.
D: But hes looking in their eyes and hes saying, Wow look at that, you seem like an open
H: Yeah relaxed or whatever. Hes calibrating right there. Ive seen him (inaudible) loosen the
fuck up, slapping on the shoulder going, Hey loosen the fuck up.
D: Ok lets break this down. So he meets somebody, hes friendly, hes genuine, hes smiling. Ok
youre not there to manipulate them or scare them or whatever. You shake their hand and its
like, Hi, how you doing? And say, Wow! Look at that. You just get a note of surprise or
almost a little joyful thing say, Wow! Look at that. Youll like maybe keep holding their hand
and look into their eyes or something like that? Is that?
S: Youre better to ask Eric because I just do it. I dont even
H: What he does is he sees the person, hell come up, hell either go up to them or whatever.
He goes, Hey how you doing? Genuine like, How you doing? Then hell say, Here, come
here, let me show you something cool. You want to feel good? (Inaudible) cool. Well here,
look here. Theyll notice and he goes right into it.
D: Right into what?
H: Right into his spiel. You want to feel good, Ill watch, take a deep breath in and I mean
thats more of what he does, he has his own techniques on that but for the most part its not
like, Here, Im gonna hypnotize you. Or anything like that, its genuine. Here, come here,
look at that, look at that.
D: Its like, Oh so you want to feel good? She says, Yes. And then you start to like a
demonstration or a play. Like what? Give examples of the sort of process that you would run.
H: He would say
D: Recalling good feelings, get her to laugh, whatever. Ive seen you do it, Im just trying to get
you guys to break it down.
S: But see I dont break it down, I just do it. I dont know how to break it down.
D: Ok so, Hey how you doing?
S: You want to have some fun?
D: You want to have some fun. And hes sitting there, maybe hes shaking her hand, but he still
has her hand sitting there. What sort of things would Steve do next?
H: Steve will go up and hell perform. Hell say, Hey you wanna have some fun? Hell loosen
them up. And right there hell calibrate and hell either do a take-away or not. And if they seem
uptight (inaudible), Never mind, maybe you dont want to feel good.
D: Ah! So youre willing toI mean, this is the mindset of abundance, the opposite of the
poverty mentality. There are other women that are worthy of this that are gonna be receptive,
and if you get anything from her that shes not, then later.
S: Exactly. Absolutely.
H: He calibrates right away, this is how you wanna feel good, do this, and if they bring up the
bitchy attitude right away, hes like, See you later, adios.
D: So shes got through that (experience) and hes sitting there. Now what?
H: At that point
D: She wants to feel good, so what would he do?
H: At that point, yeah, if talking A, B if he pushes her away, shell either walk away or shell
be like, No, no, no, no, no. And shell come back wanting that. It all depends on how he
comes across. If shes ok with it, what hell do is hell move to the next level. He goes, Come
here, let me see that. Hell look in her eye and goes, Ahhh thats beautiful. And theyll
usually say, What? And he goes, You know your eyes.
D: So hell look in her eye, or her eyes, and say, Wow look at that! Or make some sort of
comment, implying that hes seeing or noticing something.
H: Hes noticing something in her that she hasnt yet known in herself.
D: Ok.
H: Hes adding value to something already.
D: Ok.
S: And you gotta understand thats contrary to what a lot of guys do. A lot of guys try to find
some kind of fault in a womans face. The thing is theyll try to amplify that to make them feel
like a wounded animal
H: Which can work too.
S: It can work, but I dont work from that angle
H: (Inaudible) from a negative take, taking advantage
S: My thing is I want them to feel good and I want to be able to enhance their life so when
theyve gone through this, theyre happy about coming back.
H: And also on a point of that where a lot of guys hes giving her something thats very, oh
youre so beautiful. Hes not saying youre beautiful, which is a very general term. Hes saying,
Wow look at that! That is beautiful. So hes looking, hes not
D: And its a subtle shift. When you look at them, Ive seen you do this Steve, youre not
necessarily looking at them and looking at their face per se, or their body. Youre sort of looking
in their eyes as if youre looking at the person. Youre looking at the true being, if you will,
thats in there. So when you make a comment that says, Wow look at that! or Youre
beautiful, or Look at this. You never stop talking about
S: I dont say, Youre beautiful. Ill find something that I recognize in them thats beautiful.
H: Hell say, Thats beautiful. So what hes doing hes moving from a generalization to a
specific. Because most girls its like saying, Oh you know your hairs very nice, or Your eyes
are nice. Youre not saying, Oh wow youre hot.
D: Right.
H: Girls have a tendency not to like that if youre, Oh youre hot
D: Yeah theres nothing unique to it, you could say that about every chick.
H: Its not making them feel special, but when you say, Wow! Look at that! Thats beautiful.
Whats beautiful? Theyre thinking, What is he talking about?
S: They never have guys do that because most guys are looking right at their tits or their ass
and the thing is Im usually focused in on a part of their face that is beautiful, and I can amplify
that. Because where most guys are, even if theyre trying to talk about, Oh what beautiful
eyes you have, theyre staring at their tits.
H: And thats also a big difference is hes, the mental program that hes got there, hes looking
for something which is beautiful. Whereas most guys will make shit up just to get that
(overtalking). Wow your hairs beautiful. Well theyre gonna, on some level theyre gonna
feel that youre lying to them. But if you generally like look at them and you find something
that is beautiful within there, and you say, Wow that is beautiful. What is? Your eye.
D: Ok so hes talking directly at them, he might be holding their hand, hes looking right in their
eyes and hes making some sort of honest, genuine, positive comment
S: (Inaudible) reinforcement.
D: If theyre worthy of it
S: Reinforcement also comes when they go and check it out themselves. Because women will
go, Oh Ive got to go get the if its a waitress or something Ive got to go. Theyll go
into a restroom and theyll go, Oh my God, it is there. And theyll come back and theyll be
like giddy little kids. So it reinforces it.
D: And what kind of things, when you say its beautiful, what sort of things are you
commenting on as examples?
H: Well watching Steve, he likes to call them starbursts in the persons eye. And its maybe a
sparkle. Maybe its a different colorization in the eye something thats unique. And I mean
the eyes are so expansive anyways and open, that you can usually look at a persons eye and
find something. I believe that the eyes are the windows to the soul and by looking in there,
maybe thered be a lot of crap, but if you look for whats good in that, youre gonna find it and
youre gonna be able to be that much more integrated and aligned, saying what youre saying.
Which is gonna make a greater impact compared to like, Oh youre hot. What does that
D: Right. Ok so you talk to her on that level, youre making a genuine comment about
something that she hasnt really noticed before, but yet it is true about her and its true about
her specifically, its not a generalization about all women. You notice something about her
thats unique. And hopefully the thing that youve noticed is at a deep level like commenting on
something about her eyes or something that just in talking about it is gonna
H: And that naturally invokes beauty in you.
S: And also clues her off that youre paying attention to her instead of justwhen you try
canned statements or little patterns that everybody else is throwing out there, theyve heard
them. If theyre a halfway decent looking girl, if theyre in any kind of job where they deal with
people very often, guys are running that shit past them all the time.
D: Right theyre getting that from a (line). So ok then where do you go from there? I mean how
do you begin to go from youre making these nice, genuine comments about that to anything
sexual? I mean whats the process to get sort of from A to B? Youre talking to her about
something genuine, youre looking in her eyes, how does that you know that sounds sweet
and nice, and something she can tell Mom about, but how does the sexual element even start
to come into that with that level of just genuine
S: Thats just the first level of qualifying as far as Im concerned. You know I still want to know
they have a good sense of humor. I dont go out anymore and just bag chicks from the bar and
take them home and rack them the first night. I want to know who they are. So my thing is that
I take a little more time with them, besides the fact that I do tantra with them, usually I teach
them to breathe so theyll create hot spots in their body.
H: And he will do a test. He will do a test. So after he gets looking in their eye, hell say a little
quirk thats kinda funny, but at the same time hell see where they go. If they get all tightened
up, hell say, Oh loosen the fuck up, relax. Its kind of like seeing where theyre at right at that
point. But its a test and he tests it in a way thats like does she still have a good sense of
humor. Hes testing on a little deeper level; hes qualifying again. If shes all tightened up hes
like, Now relax, relax. And if theyre in there hes like, Shut the fuck up and relax. Hes
taking charge or hes just like, I dont need this.
D: So maybe he makes this nice genuine comment and then he notices something about her
reaction thats not totally positive and hell point that out as sort of test (overtalking)
H: (Inaudible) cultural, I think its in programming within women that they need to have these
barriers up. I mean they are vulnerable, they are soft, but they need to be strong because guys,
and theres plenty of guys out there thatll just bullshit. And theyre good talkers and theyll get
by these different layers and if a girls completely open shes gonna get her ass trounced.
Whereas hes gonna test that first layer, hes gonna loosen her up, hes gonna go to the second
layer and hes slowly working into the layers. Hes kind of breaking through each layer saying,
Get that one out of the way, get that one out of the way.
D: Ok that makes sense. So now what? I mean now were talking about youve done this little
H: This is Steves (zone).
D: How does anything turn sort of sexual or start to get sexual? Or are you even doing it to
make it sexual? Is that sort of happening in her mind?
S: I dont even make it sexual, because you gotta understand something
H: He dont go there, what he does is he wants to jack it, he doesnt go right to the sexual
feelings, he goes right to the good feelings.
D: So you go for good feelings without a sexual element, and eventually if I can think ahead
theyre the ones that are first starting to equate those good feelings with something sexual.
S: They want to give you back something that they think they can. And that turns into sexual.
That way it was their idea to do it.
D: And Ive even see you notice this where the first time or first two times that you notice them
get sort of a sexual element to the feelings, you call them on it. You sort of say, in a manner of
speaking, Oh I cant believe Im not doing this about sex, Im just doing this to be friendly.
S: This isnt just about sex.
H: Which anybody that knows (NOP) knows how that works.
D: But youre sort of saying, Im being friendly and being nice and showing you how to feel
good etc. They get a sexual feeling and youre sort of calling them on it saying, Wait, Im not
the one thinking about sex. You almost which will make them back off a bit. Which works on
several levels. It seems to be a good screening for them because they might be testing you to
see if on some level youre just trying to do this for sex.
S: As well as theyve all like had those good feelings or those kind of connections with people
that theyve had sex with before. So what theyre sorting for on a deeper structure is Im
having all these feelings with this guy, why havent I had the physical part?
D: So its a new thing, in a natural sense theyre trying to correlate that with feelings and
experiences theyve already had? Theyre trying to sort this in terms of their previous
experience and youre continually
S: Well and (overtalking) experience. Neither one of us come from their previous. Mainly
because we come from an abundance perspective, where other people are going, Ill jump
through any hoops, Ill do whatever you say even if you treat me like shit Ill still be there. And
they can still use that as a test, what I mean by that is that women, once they start to feel that,
and theyre into it, if you go after it thats where they go (inaudible) red flag, this is what hes
D: So the first time or several times maybe that she brings up something sexual, even implies it,
I mean she could say it explicitly or youre so in tune to this after a while with a woman, Ive
seen you do this, shell get a thought, and youll notice her face change or her body, something
will shift and itll give you a sense that shes thinking about sex. And youll call her one it and
say, No its not about that. Is that correct?
S: Yeah well its, I actually can feel when theyre feeling that.
D: Yeah.
S: Because they send that over. But
D: So youre not thinking about sex. Youre talking about good feelings, youre talking about
pleasure, about recalling fun times, about how good they can feel, and youre pulling those
emotions up. And then youre increasing them and increasing them and increasing them.
S: I test, some of the things I test for is do they have a good sense of humor, do they like to
play, do they like to have a good time, and what I do some of the real abrupt stuff where Ill
touch on their level of bitchiness. Because if theyre real bitchy or go flying off the handle, I
dont need that shit.
H: Its also important to know, Im the same way. Im not ever going after it. Theyre the ones
whos leading and Im the one thats making, saying, when its ok. You know Im the one
running the call. Im like, Look, look, even though youre feeling this, Im not gonna take
advantage of it like a lot of guys would. Once a girl starts getting sexual mode, theyre like, Ok
lets go, Im there. What Im gonna theyre feeling the sexual mode Im saying, No. Not yet.
Youre not there yet.
D: Let me understand this distinction. On one level youre saying that when you, Hypnotica,
meet somebody you are sort of immediately taking control. Youre immediately doing it with a
sort of sexual overtone to it, but that does not mean that just because youre talking about sex,
and just because its sexual overtone to what youre doing, does not mean you are going to
have sex with her.
H: Right.
D: So even, its like, were gonna talk about this, Im gonna show you things. But dont assume
that means that youre gonna get anything from me.
H: Well sexual feelings in themselves are so vast and expansive that they can have a shitload of
good feelings before they even have sex. What Im trying to reinstall in them and relearn for
them is you can feel sexual. You can fee erotic. You can feel exotic, and not have sex. It can be a
part of you. So when theyre feeling sexual things most guys will jump right on it. Well thats
cutting the spectrum off. What Im saying is no, you can feel like that, you can feel that good,
you can increase it more. But it doesnt mean were gonna have sex. You learn to embellish on
it in order to harness that, in order to build your aura, your whole being up with that, and then
well take you to the next level. That still doesnt mean sex. It can mean just using your breath,
using your thoughts and doing that. Thats where most guys get fucked up
S: They jump on it.
H: They jump on it right then and there.
D: And its interesting that now were seeing once again how your techniques come back
together in that you, Hypnotica, are talking about sexual things. Youre leading in with sexual
manner, but that doesnt mean that youre going to do something sexual with them. You are
showing them good feelings, genuine, warm feelings, and relating to them on that level. But
that doesnt, thats not (inaudible) way you put it, this is not all about sex
S: Or just about sex.
D: Not just about sex. So youre not even bringing that element in. So meanwhile the common
element in both of your approaches is the girl, the woman is thinking about sex. Shes thinking
about sex with you eventually.
S: And I also will interrupt and Ill tell them over and over that you gotta understand something
about me and that is that I usually only date bisexual and bi-curious women. So that way
theyre thinking about the fairy tale that for some crazy fuck reason they think Im (Oz Nelson)
and theyre gonna be the lovely little Harriet. Im not no Ozzie and Harriet type person
D: Anybody thats met you would agree that you definitely
S: Im more like Ozzie fucking Osborne.
H: I think Gene Simmons.
S: Yeah Gene Simmons might be a little bit closer.
H: Theres an element that I want to touch on. Youre saying that my overtones are sexual. I
think that were all sexual beings in the first place. My overtones are just whats normal for the
person. And Im coming from that level so when Im meeting them Im just going into the
deepest part of who they are anyways. And thats what that is. Thats where it came from.
Thats where everything got started from. So its not that Im alluding to it, Im already there.
D: Right.
S: Well Im there also. My thing though is that I qualify so that when we go into those deep
levels together, I dont have to get there and go, Oh why the fuck am I on this journey with
this person?
D: Right.
S: Or theyre not thinking that of me either you know? So thats a big piece of the qualification.
H: Yeah or if afterwards youre gonna sit there and be like ok I want this chick out of here, thats
an empty journey.
D: So with Steve talking to you about this, youve gotten to the point where theres a woman
there. Maybe shes starting to think about sex and everything and youre sort of putting that
off, putting that off, telling her its not about that. But eventually the sexual element comes up,
the more direct sexual things in terms of amping her responses come into play. Im interested
in how you get to that point Hypnotica. Where youre talking to them initially, nothing has
happened sexually between you two, but theres a process between when youve initially met
them just like we went through with Steve initially met them and then get to the point
where youre actually considering you know sex between the two of you. How do you take
them along that sort of process?
H: Well I think I take a little bit longer time when Im doing it because I am qualifying. I want to
sit down and I just kinda want to get a feel for where theyre at first before I even say that. Ill
check their general mood and Ill go into, do a state change if I have to. If thats not working Im
not interested. I just stop there; its not worth my time. Then what I do you got time?
D: Yeah.
H: Then what I do is Ill normally go in and Im under the assumption, the presuppositions are
that theyre already there and Im about to lead them. So Id say, Just get yourself in a
comfortable position, I want to show you something. Now as you notice, as youre a woman,
there are certain times where you can start to feel sexual thoughts. Now as youre feeling those
thoughts just notice where in the body that they begin to come from. And you might notice it
more towards the center, or in the back. Im presupposing that they already have sexual
D: And youre pacing what theyre, as a woman, as youre sitting there, and so youre pacing
things that are obvious in her reality at the moment. Shes a woman, she is sitting there, and
she might begin to notice her breathing etc., etc. And at the same time, at the same level,
youre also throwing in presuppositions. You can begin to notice how youre having certain
thoughts. Or you can just start to do this. Youre pacing their reality, youre pacing their
experience, and at the same time, at the same level conversationally, youre starting to throw
in sexual things as well. Is that true?
H: Well thats the presupposition is that they have them. And I know they have them.
D: Ok.
H: They may not know that they have them, but its my job to let them know that they have
D: Ok.
H: And its my job to bring that up in awareness.
D: So youre more along the lines of youre not thinking youve got to create the feelings in
them, or convince them. Theyve got them there and you know theyre there. Its not like
youre assuming. Its just that you know theyre there
H: Like an archaeologist.
D: And youre just talking about, ah, ok! So youre not building a pyramid, youre unearthing a
H: Im unearthing a pyramid.
D: Ok.
H: Now you could go either way because theres
D: So youre Indiana Jones.
H: Im Indiana Jones.
D: The irony is Steves the one (inaudible).
H: But its a dual process. As I go along as an archaeologist to get there, and then its a matter
of bringing it up and embellishing it.
D: Ok.
H: And saying, Well wow, cool. This treasure goes with this. And I can polish this up a little bit
more. So its a dual factor where I go in looking for it, knowing that its there, and helping them
realize it and bring it to the top. Once its out then its like cool. Where did they leave off? Then
lets build on it.
D: So youve got somebody there and youre just talking to them. Youre assuming and
presuppo- not assuming, you just know. And its presupposition, its sort of a context in
everything youre saying, that they do have this sexual feeling or this sexual part of themselves
and this potential for sexual response. And that just is riddled through everything youre saying.
So give us more examples of that. Youre sitting there talking to her and as youre sitting there
etc., etc. or you notice your breathing, etc., etc. I mean how do you start to do that? What are
some of the examples of the languaging?
H: I go in very strong and theres a number of different ways that I go. One is Ill go with straight
sexual fantasy and say, These are probably some things that most and Ill say like, Most
guys talk about certain things, but its nice when a woman can begin to explore her sexual
imagination. Like if you were just to close your eyes for a moment and notice what would it be
like if you were just laying there and have a man begin to go down on you the way that each
kiss leading down begins to enlighten and just awaken your body senses inside now? As you
imagine that and you can find me going down even more you notice what are you thinking to
yourself as I stop and I just begin to be in that state. And I just lead it that way, and then I bring
it all the way to orgasm.
D: Ok.
H: Its going in knowing that
D: Lets say that you start talking that she goes, Oh are you trying to get me horny? What is
your response? Lets say you were a third of the way into what you were just doing (inaudible),
Oh are you trying to get me hot or something? What would you do?
H: Never want to do that. As a matter of fact you know you probably couldnt feel that way
D: So youre just like, Fine, youre not worthy, youre out of here.
H: (Inaudible) why should I waste my time
S: Mine would be, Shut the fuck up. What the fuck are you trying to analyze?
H: The same thing if she asked, Well why are you telling me to do this?
S: I go
H: Theyre coming from a poverty mentality, of looking at the world of like people are out to
take. All Ive done so far is Im showing them pleasure. Im showing them ways how they can
feel good. I havent tried to pick up on them. Im just showing them ways how to feel good. If
they come back like a snake and try to bite me, Im saying, Oh thats where shes stuck. Shes
had those experiences. Ill either cut it off right then and there and go, Never mind, maybe
you dont want to feel good.
D: Lets say the other (inaudible) instead of her pulling away and going, Oh youre trying to
make me think about sex. What if youre sort of talking sexually, youre sort of getting her
ramped up and again shes sitting, Im assuming shes sitting someplace maybe a foot or two
away. Theres no real sexual contact between you and her at this point.
H: Just through the eyes.
D: Just through the eyes, but no physical contact
H: (Inaudible) pheromones.
D: Because youre still operating in the frame that Im not necessarily doing this to have sex
with you or anything, Im just showing you how to have pleasure. Im helping you out; Im
giving you a gift. So yes if she objects and says, Oh why are you doing this? Your reaction is,
Ok, fine, youre not ready for this. Great, were not gonna do it. But what about the other
thing. What if prematurely, what if at this stage, she reaches up and wants to take your hand or
wants to do something sexual and its too soon for you? Will you ask quickly, say, Wait a
minute, no, this is for you.? You know what I mean?
H: I mean thats happened a lot.
S: It happens a lot. They wont grab my hand, theyll reach over and grab my dick, are you
kidding me?
S: Ill just say, Not yet.
D: Ok.
S: I wont say, No you dont get it. I dont try and play a little bitch game on her. Instead I go,
No, not yet. Because with me its a requirement that they learn how to breathe properly so
they arent getting blocked. When you start raising (Cundalini) at them and they dont know
how to cycle that energy, theyre gonna be you know and youre responsible for that on a
metaphysical level. Youre responsible for bringing if you bring a state up to make sure that
you can cycle that energy. The thing about that is its youre totally coming from a completely
different frame than anybody else. Because youre coming from a place that youre concerned
about not just having sex with them, but your concern is more about their spiritual and
physical well being.
H: The way I look at it is if they do that right way, Im re-educating them. And thats their
normal pattern of thinking. Like if they do that and they get turned on, and they go grab some
guy, hes gone. What has she learned? Shes in the same pattern. Its a matter of reorganizing
her thoughts by stopping that pattern interrupt. Stopping that and saying, No, not yet. Were
gonna teach you things that you may have thought that was all you could experience, but Im
gonna show you something thats gonna completely open your door, and youre gonna learn
on a multiple of different levels.
D: But again, isnt there worry that if she tries something sexual, or tries to make it directly
sexual between you and her, and you say, No not yet. Or, No thats later. Arent you worried
that it wont happen later, that something will get in the way?
S: I dont give a fuck you know. I mean the truth of it is theyre not the one whos the teacher. I
am the teacher, not her.
D: So youre not worried that your putting up an objection or your pushing it off time-wise
means you might not get it later?
S: I dont come from poverty consciousness. I come from abundance. And there is abundance.
See the frame that you start with is what you get. And I also believe that if you slow them
down not just for, dont slow them down or say no just for the sake of slowing them down or
saying no but (inaudible) because there are other things to do.
D: Ok.
D: Ok so were back. So were talking about ramping up the response and Eric, you were talking
about some you know working with some presupposition about her sexual response or that
she will respond sexually. Whats some more examples of like the languaging? I mean lets say
that youve got a woman there, you have her attention, shes interested, youre interested in
her, and you want to start ramping up her sexual response. What are some steps that youre
going through and examples of the languaging, building her up from just barely thinking about
it to sitting there having one orgasm after another.
H: Well I think the main thing that ahead of the languaging you have to have an understanding
of the presuppositions and whats already there that youre bringing out.
D: Ok.
H: So thats like the bottom foundation. The next part of it is having, I think the easiest way to
bypass and I like to give the person choice is having a firm understanding of how double
binds work. Basically a double bind is offering two or more possibilities that offer a person
choice whereas one example or saying its gonna be this way is not really giving choice. I like to
give them choice about what to respond to and I usually do it on what they call an (illogical)
double bind, which is kind of technical for a normal person to say whats an (illogical) double
bind. For example as your sitting there, now Im wondering if the sensations gonna be
developing more from the inside as youre breathing, or if the breathing begins to increase it or
you begin to notice it in a way that allows you to gain attention to it. Now what did I really say?
I basically said the same thing but I gave her a couple different ways to respond to it. So for
example Id say, Now I want you to notice as you go inside, notice that point in time right
before youre about to feel like youre becoming aroused. Now in my languaging, what Im
saying, Im working on multiple, multiple different levels. And those that learn about how
language works and embedded commands and everything like that, what (inaudible) really
say? I said, As youre becoming aware of sensations right before youre about to become
extremely aroused. Embed.
D: It was an embedded command with presupposition
H: An embedded command and presupposition, and Im offering a double bind which
presupposes that theres something there that theyre gonna respond to.
D: So in general its sort of a formula as well as that youre saying she is going to have a
response that you want. And she may feel it, notice it, experience it this way or that way, but
the presupposition of all the options is that she will have the response that youre speaking
H: And Im reinforcing it with an embedded command.
D: Ok.
S: She cant help it, shes only human.
D: So youre stacking those things one after another after another?
H: After another, after another. And Im building, then I say, Good. Now shes noticed that
sensation. And Ill even give a kind of a time distortion where Ill say, Let me know when you
can begin. And heres another embed, Let me know when you can begin to feel that
sensation you feel right before youre about to become extremely aroused. So then they say,
Ok Im starting to feel it now. Notice as youre feeling that if it begins to expand more as
youre breathing, or if youre breathing in deeply it begins to penetrate inwards.
D: So again to break that down, its beginning to expand more which is sort of turning it up. It
could be the way youre breathing, or it could be this other way. Ok.
S: But theres also presuppositions in that
H: That its going to happen.
S: Well no, and its going to be more, already meaning it is something. I mean theres many
levels of the presuppositions.
H: I mean youre going on a lot of different levels and you know for example say, and Ill use
that as the linear fashion, so for example Id say, Now notice right when youre about to begin
to feel that sensation forming, notice as if you breathe in deeply it begins to increase, or if the
intensity begins to build inwards as youre becoming aware of it now. Which do you feel first?
As I breathe in deeply, theyll say. Good, now notice if you breathe in more slowly than you
did before, if it begins to intensify and move upwards or a downward sensation which starts to
fulfill you. Ok, its a downward sensation. Now theyre already stacked in, Im starting to lead
them. And theyre leading me. And I say, Ok it was a downward sensation, good. Now notice if
as you are feeling that rise, if it begins to become more expansive or if it begins to start to build
into more of a heat. Good. Now if it was a color, what color would it be? And then start
D: And these options are not just for directing them but its also for giving information so its
H: Youre going to have this response and you might notice it, experience it, or increase it by A
or by B, but theyre going to have this response. And the part of the languaging says youre
going to have this response and you might notice it, feel it, or increase it due to A or B. So
theres several things. Theyre gonna have the presupposition that theyre gonna have the
response, the embedded command that theyre going to have the response, and the double
bind that they could experience it, increase it, notice it, feel it, whatever using A or B. But
either way its still gonna be present. And not only that, but then youre asking them in some
cases, youre giving them a couple options A or B, or C or youre saying its going to be a
color, what is it. Or its gonna be a feeling, where is it? So sometimes youll give them, youre
assuming somethings gonna happen, its gonna be represented or felt in a certain way
S: Hes not assuming, hes presupposing.
D: Ok you know
H: And they confirm it when they answer.
D: They confirm when they answer and youre getting that data from them and youre using
that and looping that back up in. So if you say like, say you know youll start to notice like the
feelings of a color or something like that, right? Now if she comes back and says, Oh its red.
And then where do you go from there as an example?
H: Ok, now notice as you breathe in that red and it infuses within your body, now what Im
saying is good. Now as you notice as youre breathing in that read and youre infusing within
your body to new levels with inside yourself, notice if it begins to swirl as youre breathing, or if
the amount or the color richness within it begins to fulfill you deeper.
D: Ok its starting to fulfill
H: As youre feeling this notice da, da, da, that its A or B. And tell me if its A or B.
S: (Inaudible) just did another (synesthesia) thing, breaking that thing down. Because he went
from color back into a canasthetic are you feeling it? As you see that red going more, I dont
know the exact words, but you can feel it swirl.
D: So what do you mean by (synesthesia)? That youre
S: Right, from one side to the other
H: Overlapping the senses.
D: Oh! Ok so youre saying theres a visual thing and then that will allow you to notice
S: It went from a feeling, from a kinesthetic to a visual, then he led back to the kinesthetic.
D: Ok so bouncing between these senses increases the experience for them and it gives them
more ways to relate to it? Is that?
S: It gives them a more full experience.
H: It activates more of the neurology. And the more neurology that they activate inside their
body, the richer the experience theyre gonna have.
D: Ok that makes sense. So youre Not only the richer experience but its a confirmation for
them isnt it? Its sort of a theyre used to their senses and everything telling them or giving
them information. It seems like in some ways youre breaking the paradyne or breaking the
way most people are used to having physical sensations try to stimulate sexual feelings. But
what you guys are doing is youre working with the feelings and the thoughts about the
feelings which is, as Steve says, 90 percent of sex is about the mind anyway. So you guys are
working on that level, but then when you start talking in this sexual manner, it seems that what
youre doing is youre saying yes youre having the feelings and notice how your senses are
validating that experience as well. So youre looping back in their previous sensory experiences
so that they sort of have a confirmation of it
S: (Inaudible) (power) of the loop.
H: And youre building on it.
D: Ok.
H: Youre building on it and then youre intensing it to the next level. Then you can add in
something to the effect like, Good. Now as thats developing inside, I want you to breathe in
only as fast as you can begin to stimulate the sexual urges within yourself that fulfill you on a
deeper level. And let me know when that is happening. And so theyll breathe in and Ill say,
Good. Now nod your head when you start to feel it jacking up. Its feedback, back and forth.
Theyre leading you. Theyre telling you and youre guiding them. Youre basically just a guide
D: Now Hypnotica, you focus a lot on the physical feelings and the senses. Steve, it seems that
you work more on like the vehicles youre using in describing these things for them is things
like their energy and their breathing, and other sensations. It seems like the senses or the
things such as these that you work with are different than the ones Hypnoticas talking about.
Is that true?
S: No I think theyre very similar.
D: Ok
S: I mean I work a lot on the physical senses but I start with all the other Ill tie in a lot of
different mental stuff first. Because once youre (inaudible) mentally, the physical will happen.
D: Ok so you use the physical stuff that Hypnoticas talking about, but there is this other
element that you tend to talk about in terms of the experience, which is beyond Hypnoticas
taking like a lot of their senses that theyre used to experiencing on some level and hes
working with that and incorporating that. But Ive heard you speak before Steve. Youre talking
about things like training in how to breathe, moving their energy from place to place, using
things like that. How
S: Thats not on the first introduction part. I thought we were still talking about that.
D: No were talking shes there and were ramping her up.
S: Oh, oh, were ready to ramp it up.
D: Yeah just like he was saying getting her to feel this and feel that and everything sexually, you
do that using senses but you also do that ramping up her feelings based on energy
S: Well Ive been teaching metaphysics for a number of years. And so what I do is I teach them,
probably one of the first things Ill teach them is breathing. Because in this culture they dont
pay enough attention to it. In every other culture around the world, in Hawaii the (Hunhas), the
art of breath, is called manna. In Chinese its called chi, Japanese and Koreans its ki. Its
(pratiyama) with the Hindus. But the thing is that all of those translate into the vital force, or
the breath of God, the breath of life. The thing is that people dont pay attention to it in only
this culture. So I teach them to do breathing, but then the next thing that Ill follow right
straight through with is (chakra) cleansing. And even if theyve had no experience with it, one
of the things that Ive found is when you teach them how to clean and balance and charge their
(chakras) what will end up happening is its like this. You want to go to bed with a lover, bring
yourself like if youd gone out and worked you wouldnt come in with a dirty body and go be
with a lover, because youd be smelling gamy and shit. Well in the subtle fields, theres still
energy thats locked in there from the day. So if you dont (chakra) cleanse, and balance, and
charge youre bringing impurities into that interaction.
D: So how do you, you talked about the (chakra) cleansing, working with that energy. You
talked about the breathing. How do you use a discussion or training of breathing to amp up
their response? What are you showing them? What are you walking them through if you will in
terms of how to breathe? I mean to somebody thats never seen you show a woman how to
breathe correctly, how would you describe that to them?
S: Thats yogic breathing. The technique that I use is probably the one I use most is easiest and
they can go and verify it by an outside source with many books. Its called diaphragm
breathing, or (haffa) yoga breathing. And basically what you do and theres different styles of
breathing and if you really want to jack up a state what you do is you use a (raja) yoga
breathing. Because its even more profound. But the thing is, is that to start with you dont
want to start with the big guns at first because itll freak em out. If you start with the
diaphragm breathing they get good control. Physiologically what you do is you oxygenate the
blood. In our culture over here people dont breathe properly, so they lack oxygen. What I do is
I basically tell them let all the breath out through the mouth. Let it all go out, and then wait just
a few seconds and then slowly breathe in through the nose so that you dont hear the wind
coming in, but hold it down at the stomach and just as long as its comfortable. And then when
its as though you have a cocktail straw in your mouth, slowly let the breath out of your mouth
and allow your jaw to relax. And as you let that air go out, let it all go. And when you think its
all the way out, then contract your stomach muscles, push air further out and even further out.
At that point when the air is then all the way gone, close your lips, wait a few seconds and
slowly breathe in. Thats simple, basic diaphragm breathing. The (raja) techniques, if youre
with somebody and its more advanced, is they do it depends if the people smoke or dont
smoke but (raja) breaks it up in quadrants, in fours, which what you want to do is you go in,
two, three, four, hold two, three, four, exhale two, three, four, hold two, three, four. And then
you just keep repeating the process. But basically what you like to do is get to like eight or ten
count on the breath. But people that smoke or that arent used to doing it, it will over-
stimulate them. As an introduction Id go just with the straight-ahead diaphragm breathing.
D: So youre showing her this for what purpose? I mean youre telling her, Let me just show
you how to breathe correctly or Let me show you something thats gonna make you Is this
more along the lines of let me just show you something thats gonna relax you or make you feel
better or
S: Thisll show you how to flow out energy through your body.
D: Ok.
S: See the thing is when you start really bringing up all their states, theyre gonna have a lot of
(Cundalini) and a lot of endomorphins singing through. If in fact all theyre doing is doing real
short breaths theyre gonna block that in and create blocks throughout their body. If you let
them, if you teach them how to cycle that energy they get the endomorphins going to where it
saturates the body.
D: So youre saying, Let me show you something neat or interesting. Get some good feelings,
you work with that, say, Let me show you something else. Let me show you some things about
breathing, some breathing techniques and things like that. So theyre doing the breathing
techniques and getting this feeling or this energy sensation. And then do you start to work with
that? Like take that, Now you notice this energy and the energy goes from here to there. Or,
Let me show you I mean where do you go from there to maybe do the more advanced stuff
like working with their (chakra) or something like that? Do you take the energy?
S: I teach them to breathe first. Then I teach them about (chakras).
D: Ok.
S: Then once the (chakra) stuff goes through they have to practice doing this on their own. Ill
be able to, you can run your hand down what they call the middle pillar, and youll feel whether
theyve been doing it or not. And you just, if they arent doing it, then they dont go to the next
D: Ok.
S: You know because, and the thing is, its not so much as being a dominant as it is although
Ive been accused of that its more about they cant get to the next level unless they get the
foundation. If its a weak foundation, its all gonna collapse. And whats gonna happen is all
that energys gonna get trapped right at second or third (chakra) which means the sexual
(chakra) or control. And thats gonna be either theyre controlling you or youre controlling
them. The same ball game and dance that they play out there now.
D: So youre gonna work with them, youve got this energy, youre gonna work with their
(chakras). I mean what are you doing? Whats the details? If somebodys never seen you
before, whats the what do you say? What are you doing physically with them? I mean
S: Theres different books on it where actually if people are really interested in how to do the
(chakra) cleansing and charging, thats on one of our videos. But they can also find it in some
other books.
D: Ok.
S: Its, I mean I could give you an hour lecture on (chakra) cleansing and the importance and all
that. Thats a different subject matter. Basically they can go and get some stuff by (Ledbetter) if
they want to charge it with colors or whatever, or they can check out our video on (chakra)
cleansing and balancing, because its pretty entailed.
D: So ok, maybe youre working with that. Once you get them sort of more thinking about sex,
or more in a sexual state, how are you working to ramp up their sexual?
S: No, no, they were already thinking about it before I introduced the breathing.
D: Exactly. But at some point after the breathing, after maybe working with their (chakras) its
becoming more obvious that now its moving into a sexual territory for both of you I would
think at some point.
S: Right.
D: How do you work and start to ramp that up then in terms of your discussion? I mean how,
what languaging, what are you talking about there with them?
S: Take your clothes off!
D: Yeah but theres a lot that you cant what Im getting at is you cant like, Ok I showed you
how to breathe, I just did your (chakras). And she is now at the height of sexual pleasure and
able to orgasm six times command. Theres something else
H: But there is a thing, hes teaching the whole step. Hes teaching along the way. So as they
develop and they learn to move to the next level, itll be like, Take off your blouse, take off
this. Hes teaching them the whole way
S: Im peeling the onion slowly.
D: How do you do that?
H: (Inaudible) never been in the room with you so I
S: Well you were in the other room listening!
H: How much can I give, return about this?
S: Well actually, no when we first decide I take their ass in to the shower.
H: He does that, yeah.
D: What do you mean?
S: We go in and we shower together at which point Ill clean her.
D: How do you get her there though?
S: Ill go, Now that you have breathing down, lets go to the showers.
D: Clean my bathroom for me!
S: Well no, Im not interested in having it clean.
D: What do you tell the women on the way to the shower? (Inaudible) go in the showers.
Because I know you give an explanation about why, why is the shower important?
S: I dont know. Its something
H: Hes pretty blunt though. He might say, You might want to make sure that you clean that
game out. And kinda like shock them again. He, the thing about Steve is he wants to keep it on
that free level. Hell be pretty fucking rude to them. Not rude to them but rude like a very
S: Ill go, We gotta clean this shit up because I dont like to get down there and smell
something gamy.
D: Youll be brash. Youll be very up front. Its not mean at all; its very
H: Hes always knocking them off that pedestal and bringing them down to ground zero.
S: They dont want to be on a pedestal is what the fucking truth of it is. Thats bullshit. If they
wanted to be on a pedestal theyd go out, theyd learn how to give deep throat, and take what I
would teach them about how to deep throat, and they would go out and find some cat that
had lots of money and just make them rant and scream. And the guy would be buying her
everything. They dont want that. They want to be at a level where they feel theyre equal to
you. And if they try to put themselves above me or try to jack a pedestal under them, Im there
to kick that son of a bitch out from underneath them. And on the same terms Im not trying to
put me on a pedestal above them. I dont need that shit you know? The thing is though its like
theyre already asking. You gotta understand, their model of the world is any time I want sex, I
can have sex. And theyre going, Fuck I already told the guy I wanted to fuck two weeks ago.
Why are we doing this breathing and chakra shit when you know I want to get pumped? And I
go, Hey if what you want is that, go back to the bars, go back to the bowling alleys or
wherever you gotta find that shit. Go online, search it out, youll find so many guys out there
that youll have a nice miserable life. Enjoy yourself.
H: You can have that.
S: You can have it, its yours. You deserve it.
D: So how do we get more into the ramping? I mean more examples, more of the ramping.
Shes sitting there
S: Shes all ready to go. If I wanted to fuck the chick, if it was just about sex, I could have done it
before I ever taught her the breathing or any of this. Its not about see I dont come from a
place about I dont think Im gonna be able to have sex with her. I already know I can have sex
any time I want.
H: Theres a difference
S: Oh dont use her name.
D: Ok it was off.
S: With her she was already turned up and turned on before I even brought her to my house.
D: Ok.
S: I had done some of the soul gazing with her and she had never had anybody that had paid
close attention to her more than just her big jugs. I mean she was 21 years old, pretty nice
looking, presentable blonde. Nice rack. And the thing is that I wasnt really concerned with all
that. What I was concerned with was I found some of the quality in her cheerfulness and her
sense of humor. And she hadnt been with anybody that didnt want to just enjoy her.
D: Or have her, or take her
S: Or just be with her. When youre talking about ladies that are between the ages of 18 to like
25, theyve got all the right working parts, but a lot of times mentally theyre still like the little
high school chick. Theyre still real young in the mind. And what they really are still looking for
is that fairy tale to come true. And I dont really know that Im the fucking fairy tale for fucking
anybody. And I try to fucking get rid of that fucking illusion real quick. So what I do is I basically
went with her and I went to have fun with her. And she, likewise, was having fun with me. But
when we made the connection, like from the start, what had happened was I just started
talking with her. And she was the one who, like in all of my cases; they make the first sexual
advances. And its their way of, if you have a giver it will happen. If you have a taker, theyre
always trying to play mind chess with you about no, no, no this is what the rules or Cosmo says
about this. But a giver will just go, I know what to give him for pleasure. And what I do is I go,
No, not yet. And I put it off until we can then learn to do the breathing. Then from the
breathing we do chakra cleansing. Then what well do is well go and well bathe each other in
the shower. Basically youve already been naked at this point
D: No sexual, in the shower, youre just doing this
S: Theres a lot of sexual elements in all of it. I mean when Im doing the chakra cleansing,
getting the old shit taken off of them where everybodys just been looking at this beautiful
ladys body
D: But not a sexual element of you like getting something from her or you feeling her up or
whatever. Youre not taking any physical, sensual, sexual pleasure out of these initial steps?
H: Hes working with the sexual energy though. Hes working with her sexual energy but you
are not on the receiving end of her like kissing you or whatever. None of thats happened until
after the
S: When were in the shower theresIm not grabbing her tits or her ass in that way. What Im
actually doing is Im freeing like shes already done chakra cleansing. Im reaching and Im
opening up energy fields where shes blocked. Im scoping with my hand, Im moving back and
forth. I go down the middle pillar then I start scanning and I find where energys been blocked.
And what I do is I open it up. Theres a shamanistic technique where you reach in, you open it,
you pull stuff out and I get all that stuff out. And women, especially, feel this. And they just go,
Oh my God, what did you touch there? And when you do that, and the water washes that
stuff away then I close it back up and I go through. When you start doing things like this and
you arent coming from ooh baby, ooh baby I gotta fuck you now they want to give. Unless
its a selfish piece of shit, at which point you should get out of the shower and tell them to get
their clothes on and go.
H: I think thats a strong point. What he says is, when Im doing all my talking and the
overtones are there, the undertones or whatever you want to call it, is there, that energys
flowing and when youre able to harness that energy and not blow it out which most guys do
or give it away when you learn to bathe yourself and them within it, theres a strong energy
there. Thats power. And when youre able to say, Hey I cant hold this energy and not excrete
it (inaudible) just go blow my wad or anything like that but I can hold onto it and feel powerful
in this. That comes across to them, they feel that, and when you can both bathe yourself in it
in the moment without doing anything physical and just having that interaction that reality just
surrounds that whole experience. And when you can hit that level and have that kind of
intimacy and that kind of energy going on and hold it in that sphere, it just becomes more
powerful as things progress.
D: Ok. That makes sense.
S: Also in the shower, we do, its not like we start humping and pumping in there. Its more
about touching, Im using pressure points and releasing the energy that was blocked negative
stuff on her. And then she might go, Could I hug you? I go, Absolutely. I love hugs. And
shes, her bodys cleansed, her chakras are cleansed, and when you feel that energy its pretty
nice. So when youre doing that its like all of a sudden its some of the most sensuous, non-
sexual sensuous, entanglement or involvement there is. That builds so many states that when it
comes down to going when you go to the next level where you want to actually start having it.
But you gotta understand something even in the shower Im still the teacher. Im not coming
from a place of Im the guy ooh now Im lucky, I got her panties off.
H: And then theres a thing is that the women need to understand and when you do set those
boundaries as the teacher where you are leading, they cant mistake kindness for weakness. I
think a lot of women, if youre kind to them in that way, will test you. And theyll say, Well lets
test him and see where hell bend at. And when youre coming from a strength you cut it right
there. You dont need to put up with that shit. If you put up with that shit youre saying to
them on an unconscious level that hes willing to put up with the shit that I have to offer, so
hes not respecting himself as a whole. But when youre in that and they pull something, cut it
right then and there and say no thats not the way its gonna go, this is the way it is. And its a
matter of reinstalling that within them because I think a lot of guys are kind, or fake to be kind,
to get laid. Whereas if youre strong and youre soft at the same time, they can mistake that as
weakness and its a whole different energy youre working with. And you need to re-educate
them on what this energy means coming from a man.
D: So all these feelings that youre creating in her so far weve been talking about, have mainly
been due to you being there, you directing her, you sort of being the operator, ok? And thats
wonderful and shell be bonded to you because of that experience and because her feelings
are good and you opening her up.
H: Its not the word bonded though, because bonded presupposes that shes attached to you.
What youre doing is youre giving them a free space to explore themselves without bondage.
Youre saying, This is your free space. Youre offering all this and youre not taking
D: Im not saying bonded as in terms of bondage. I mean you are the person that showed her
this. She is going to feel bonded to you; she is going to feel connected to you.
H: Shes gonna feel safe
D: To some degree
S: Shes gonna feel safe to explore.
D: To some degree her belief in her ability to have these feelings is going to be keyed to you
showing her these feelings. How do you go to the next step because I can see that the danger
in this is that some women that maybe you show this to, despite the best screening process
there might be ones who think that I will never achieve this level of pleasure again unless this
guy is around and you could have somebody stalk you or something if youre not careful. So
how do you take the additional steps to say, Here I am, Ive showed you how to do this, this is
great feelings, but to also have it so that she feels empowered that its not just about you
showing her she has shown herself something and she can have this experience to some
degree later on.
H: I think what you want to do is you want to generalize it to its an ability that she has. Youre
showing her the ability and when they learn that ability and I dont say its ever just to me. I
generalize it in a way that says as you learn these and you learn to harness this energy of
yourself, you can notice how your world transforms and situations in the past that maybe used
to bother you, youll see from an entirely different light. Im always setting up the context that
once Ive given her the tool that she needs she can go off and enjoy it with someone else.
D: So its more this, like Steve was saying, youre the teacher, youre the guide, youre showing
her something that shell be able to keep with her. The thing you keep coming back to Steve, is
that not having the poverty mentality. I can see how some men would want to awake all of this
to them, thinking I want this woman to think its all about me, and I want this woman to think
its because I showed it to her. But I would imagine
S: Thats still coming from poverty consciousness.
D: Right, ok.
S: And I dont go there.
D: (Inaudible) risk in terms of whether or not itll be effective and a risk in terms of her
S: I dont go there. It doesnt, those thoughts dont even cross my mind. I mean I already know
theres too many other women and all I gotta do is choose the right quality.
H: Theres also the point in which you have to continually keep your boundary because this is
gonna happen where women will feel attracted to you on a certain level. And its about when
they start to step in and theres different ways, theyre sneaky about it. And you gotta be pretty
good with language and the behavior that they do well theyll try to corner you into a certain
way of being. Its your job and its your responsibility to say, No, thats not the way it is. This is
for you. Its not about you trying to say that Im the only one. It is a strength when youre in
this position, there is a responsibility to be strong in what you do, to be one step disassociated
kind of to get a little bit of strategy going
S: And my point is also this that what Im doing is Im training them how to feel these steps
and I teach them so that each one can teach one. Like I said, I date usually bisexual and bi-
curious women, so what she understands going in the gate, is Im going to teach her and shes
gonna help teach. If shes the primary, shes gonna help teach whoever our other partner is. So
the thing is shes not just learning this for herself. Shes learning this well enough to where she
understands as a woman, through a womans feelings and bodies and intuition. Like oh my
God. I have them tell me all the time. Theyll go, I feel so fucking safe but so fucking
vulnerable. Most guys, its, Hi honey, oh God I got your shirt off, oh good Im gonna get lucky.
They go, I never have a guy that says no keep your shirt on, lets do breathing. Or, No, no, no
lets not go to that, thats not the step were at yet.
H: Youre re-educating them on every level.
S: And it totally throws out everything that they had as reference before. And its not about the
manipulation, its more about the sharing of the knowledge so that in my case, I love to
ménage, see when I ménage I dont need to ménage different women every
night. What I do is a (hermetic) circle at that point. So that closed circle is what I travel with.
And Im who they travel with. Theres a book that talks about the Dallas form of Tantra, about
women that can actually reverse the aging process through menaging. When they balance off
of a woman and a man. And if you look at in the aspect of another part of that book was
talking about when a woman has multiple men, how they start acting more youngish, more
manlike, or more aggressive. And if you go down to any of the bars where you can see them,
its very apparent.
H: Theres also the biological thing which Steves talked about many times is when you put two
male seeds together, same place, they fight each other.
S: Thats how the alpha sperm survives.
H: (Inaudible) and you turn the (inaudible) whatever you want to call it, into
S: The tantric temple into a battlefield. So the point is that when were going from shower to
actually learning and performing into some of the sex stuff, the more physical stuff, Im still
introducing it in levels that when Im teaching it to her she knows that she has the
understanding that shes going to learn it. And it also builds a solidarity between the two of us
that she knows shes not going to get replaced. And that shes also going to have this wisdom
and knowledge so shes been there before so shell also be able to tell the woman that she
brings in different things than I will. Because Im still gonna be coming from my perspective, but
shell go and Ive had this happen for the last 20 years theyll go, No Steve, let me explain it
to her like this. And theyll explain, No, no sometimes its like youre on this walk like Im so
vulnerable, but yeah this is safe, I want to do this. And the ladies go, the neophyte, will say,
My God, how do you know this? She goes, I was doing that too, I know that look, I know
that feeling. Theres a part that they understand. But see its by going through and teaching
within that level and youre also I come from a place that its going to be a long-term
friendship. This isnt about just going down to the bowling alley and finding someone.
D: So one thing sort of to start to wrap up. Lets say a guy is trying to learn these techniques,
learn how to talk like this. Do you think its easier, or better, in terms of a guy learning this stuff,
if he, lets say he has somebody a woman that hes been with for a while, a woman that he
knows already, then he tries to approach her in a different way using this with like a familiar
woman, which might be more comfortable for him. But yet shes already anchored to his
current, his past way of thinking. Or is it better for a guy to sort of make the lead and maybe
meet somebody totally new with this where he doesnt have the familiarity, but then again she
doesnt know who he is so he doesnt have to worry about previous anchors with him and stuff
like that?
H: Well I think that its always important you know to make that leap. I mean if youre just
comfortable youre stagnant in my opinion.
S: And people stay in stagnant relationships because of familiarity. Not because of love.
H: I think to make the leap is one thing. Theres a prime understanding is when you set the
frames from the beginning, the rest of the experience gets guided under this frame that you
set, that original frame. So its actually easier, in my opinion, to go find someone new. You are
the teacher from the beginning, and once you establish that and those frames are set, its
easier in my opinion, to have them follow and always go under that guidance.
D: Because youre starting off from a new, clean slate and
H: Clean slate. Youre not dealing with well the relationship has been like quote like this
unquote, for the past three years and now all of a sudden youre trying to change. Now if you
are friends with a girl for one thing, there is something that you can do because you need to
come at it from an experimental scene like, Look weve hung out together for a while, theres
one thing I kinda want to show you if youre willing to experience with this, I would like to
guide you through this and notice what you experience.
D: Ok and then because the intimacy and the openness, you could sit down with somebody
that youre admitting to her that this is new but you could sit down and say, Look Ive read
about this breathing technique that I want to show you, here, like here and just relax and let
me guide you through this. Or this thing about feelings and what you were describing earlier
Hypnotica. You begin to feel this and then that and then da da da the formula that we came up
with. So that would allow a person thats in a steady relationship under the guise, or under the
sort of thought process of hey lets experiment together, will allow a man to sort of develop the
skills, the language skills in terms of
S: Ive had women that I think its easy to start with a new slate, but I also think that if youre
straight up about it its easy it depends on what your mindset is. I mean I have girlfriends like
ladies Ive known like 10, 12 years. And they come back and they go, You know what? Ive
never been able to have the freedom with anybody else that I had with you and this other
woman. And they want to bring another woman in and try to make this thing work again, or
they want to get another hermetic circle going. So it just depends what the dynamics of that
group really are.
D: And the key it sounds like too, is being congruent and being honest about wanting to show
the woman something special, that thats an important thing that carries through everything.
S: Well also theres a thing about, Ive had a lot of married women tell me that are friends of
mine that theyre interested in menaging with their husband, but theyre really worried
about hows he gonna think if he thinks that I can be attracted totally to him as my man, but
also have a woman in here with us. And I go, Well its a natural thing. So I go, The first thing
you have to understand is first make sure, if it is a committed couple, that they are completely,
theyre pretty straight forward with each other, pretty honest and stuff. Because then theres
not gonna be the insecurities.
D: Because theres always the one, the queen, whos a leader. Any woman thats brought in is a
distant second to her; your queen is your primary woman, right?
S: Right.
D: But that gets into ménage management which is a whole 'nother product all together.
S: Yeah its a whole different book.
H: A persons got to develop their skill. I think its important that they write down that they
practice. Its not a matter of I believe firmly in the double bind. It offers them choice and Id
rather have them have choice than no choice, and its a matter of getting down sequences in a
(illogical) double bind fashion of saying, You know would you rather perform this, as this, or
this as this? Or let me know when youre beginning to develop this. Which is feeling more
intense, the right side of your body or the backside of your body? And let them answer. Its a
matter of getting those questions
S: And do it in a playful way.
H: Yeah then it becomes second nature and thats a process that a person has to go through in
order to learn it. And its a fun process to learn. You become more creative and
S: Heres another point. They have to do it consistently. Its like Tesla or one of those guys they
said that with the value of time and consistently using time, what we end up having is if you do
something for one hour a day
UF: Why did this door (inaudible)?
D: Because theres a sign on his(inaudible) because theres a towel on the other side of it,
hold on.
S: Its a matter of time and consistently using it. If the model of something to this is if you do
something one hour a day, in two years youll become an expert. If you do something one hour
a day, in five years, youll be a master of it. If you do something one hour a day, in ten years,
you will be the person that knows more about that particular thing than anyone else. The way
that you collapse those time frames is actually play with those ideas but do it consistently on
five days a week or six days a week. Eric and I both go in and we play with these things all the
time. And what we do is we also test anything else that comes in and we go out immediately
and test and see if it will integrate. Because a lot of people sit around and theorize about it.
Theories dont fucking work. What works is taking it and seeing on a whole wide range of
different people. And we do. I mean from people at the beach to shopping centers, to
anyplace. I mean every place is our target.
H: I think that another important aspect of it is moving from theories, which when a person
learns, everything that were saying right now is theory. Its our theory; its worked for us. Its a
matter of using theories and as a person begins to become more eloquent and effective at this
communication, you move from a point of theory to experimentation to youre actually doing it
and youre living it. And thats the key frame and once you get to that point where its not
theory anymore, its all a test, everythings a test, thats when youre living right on the edge
and thats when you have the most fun.
D: So these skills, this mindset if you will, is something that is truly a part of who you guys are.
Its not something you do, its who you are as people and what weve done here is yeah, weve
had to break it down, weve had to get into some of the theory and details, but the whole goal
for anybody reading this is to take that theory, make it a part of their reality and to go off with
an attitude of fun, an attitude of discovery, to really make this part of who they are.
S: Heres another really important point. This just came to me. In my process of doing it, when I
go to dress my inside up before I go out to play, I go out and I imagine everybody that I see I
used to train salespeople how to do this and what I do its like everybodys had the
experience of going out someplace and when they get there they see a friend that they havent
seen in like a couple of years. Two years, five years, and all of a sudden that amazement, that
excitement, its like, Oh I have so much to catch up, I have so much to tell you. I dress up my
inside by going, This is the person that I havent seen in so long. Because if I take that
approach, I am that person to them out in the future from now.
H: Whereas mines a little different. I kind of come under the archetype like I said or
(Dyonimous) or the (Anima) or whatever you want to call it, and to me its more of like Ive
always been here. Im just waiting. And are you open enough, are you smart enough, are you
ready to basically experience me. If youre not, thats fine. Ill always be here. Thats my
mentality on it. And Ive also set up the frame as I will only really attract the most open
women, and its interesting when I dont because its that much easier to just kinda say well go
your own way. But its like Im a part of them. And I just say, Ive always been here, I know who
you are better than you know who yourself. Im the deepest part of you and I can read through
all your BS. Ive always been here, I know what you are thinking and its a matter of do you
want to go here? Good. If youre ready to go here cool. If not, its not a big deal. I will still be
D: So how much fun you guys have and your enjoyment is not, you dont require her to be,
youre not looking for them to validate who you are. Youre not looking for them to make it fun
for you, its all fun for you, its all good for you guys.
H: Its always fun.
S: Yeah.
H: Its gotta be. I mean you know you get serious about it you get screwed. Thats when you fall
in your own trap I dont want to say literally because you get screwed by the opposite sex
maybe if you believe that. Its just a matter of being able to experiment, being able to have fun,
being able to be extremely creative and curious and being relentlessly persistent about thats
who they are. And knocking all the bullshit, all the beliefs that they had out of the way and
saying, This is where youre at. Youre at zero level. Now we can build anything you want, its
just a matter of how open and how much will you be willing to learn.
D: And I think that gets back to a good point. It seems like theres a common element despite
the different styles, theres a common very basic element, very basic belief that both of you
guys have, is that this power that women have is something thats innate in women. That
women are basically are good, women basically have this power sexually that they can
appreciate it for themselves. And the key for you guys is you genuinely believe that, you
genuinely know that, and you know that youre a teacher thats gonna awaken those parts in
her. And the screening process is maybe theres some women that just arent ready to be
shown that
S: And theres some women that are just plain bitches. Lets not fool ourselves. My whole
fucking thing is this. If Ive got to think twice about them, if I have to think twice about friends
or lovers, they are neither. I mean I dont have to have second thoughts about these people. I
mean Im either in harmony with them or theyre out of harmony with me.
H: My view on it is that a lot and I that happens where you show them a certain amount and
they gain that power and they themselves try to go abuse it and use it to manipulate men
along the way. But the thing that they dont understand is that will come back and bite them,
and Ive seen it countless times where Ive taught to a certain level, theyre gonna take what
they learned and go out there to use it, and they always come back because theres no solid
foundation. Because theyre using it to manipulate and its a (model) of the other theories
where the guys go out there and they manipulate on a certain level. There comes a time when
they always and I havent yet run into one they always come back and say, Im in a rut. This
is happening. Why? Because theyre disconnected from the source, and theyre breaking
down the basic element between male and female, the common denominator. And when they
manipulate that, theyre manipulating themselves and its a self-fulfilling prophecy for them.
S: And theres a thing about the yin and yang that we keep talking about. Between the yin and
yang theres a real fine line that separates the two, and thats the line its defined by involved
detachment. And when you can get to that Zen state, it means youre involved with all the
wonderful things that you can experience, but you detach from all negativity.
H: And I think there was another strong point that needs to be addressed is the willingness to
walk away. Because there are women out there that will test you and they will want you to go
their way when you know that what you want, and if youre in your world and you have your
center and they try to manipulate you out of it or they try to do that, there comes a point
almost all of them are going to try to test you to some degree
D: But youre saying after, thats sort of a screening for them, and youre saying right up front
H: Theres some that arent gonna get it. Theres some that will come a certain amount of the
way, but this is where a lot of men they will give themselves up just to get laid or whatever
reason. There are gonna be women, and they can be great looking women, that youre just
gonna have to walk away from and just say sorry.
D: So the women that come up with that sort of attitude, what do you say to them?
H: Theyre not ready.
D: Steve?
S: Dont let it hit you where the good Lord split you. Somethings gonna change around here,
your attitude or your address.
D: And the one s that are ready? The ones that you think are open, then whats the attitude for
S: Thats great, lets play.
H: Lets take it as far as your body can
S: But the other thing that were doing is were taking them one step at a time. If you try to just
overload see when you come from a place of abundance you dont have to try to go, Oh I
can teach her to multiple orgasm in this first night. I mean Ill teach them how to do that, Ill
have them shaking like a dog shitting peach seeds. But the thing is they gotta learn how to
build up, they have to learn how to cycle that energy. Otherwise theyll be singeing things.
H: If you see that theyve got the attitude that you like then your frame is cool, lets work with
it. Lets expand upon it.
S: I agree with that.
D: Ok. Thats about it for meIm trying to think.
S: Whats the last thing I said?
D: You said all women can multiple orgasm.
S: All of em.
D: All of them, just a question of technique and self-awareness?
S: Its not just technique, its about getting into the mind and freeing where they were blocked.
H: Because you figure that each person has the same neurology. And each persons pretty
much wired the same way, unless they have like a real neurological disorder or theyve been in
an accident or something like that and theres other things to work with. Bottom line, the body
is the same. Its wired the same. Its a matter of going in and re-training a person about how to
orgasm, what needs to happen, and when you can take a strategy for one girl, teach it to
another, and run them through that, you can install that strategy within them. And the process
is basically the same. So its a matter of just re-training them, re-teaching them how to do that
and letting them do what I consider the double bind, give them the (inaudible) which way they
want to feel it and intensify it.
S: And even if there is some physiological damage in somebody, they can still orgasm. I knew a
guy, a psychologist, that was a paraplegic. He still had kids, because he still got erections,
because its a thing that happens in the system. The thing is that with a lot of women, they
have a lot of the cultural taboos and stuff. Once you clear that out and you teach them a
balancing and harmony within themselves, theyre willing to go and explore. See my thing isnt
just to start with doing the multiple orgasm. My thing is to teach them how to breathe and
then start teaching them about amplifying the states.
H: Yeah its knocking down all the structures that are previously there
S: Putting up a new foundation, I mean starting down at the ground level like Eric, like
Hypnotica, was saying earlier. Getting in there, taking all the old foundation that was faulty in
the first place, and building solid foundation.
H: And you have to have a firm belief of what it is that you can offer them and what they can
experience themselves. Because a lot of girls will come to the table with bullshit. And when
they bring it up its like, no, stop. Thats not it. Youre telling them where to go and you [re
coming on strong, youre saying, Thats not it. This is the way, this is one way Im not saying
the way because there is no one way but this is the way that I know that Ive taught, and
when they fire it you have to have an acuity of learning about bullshit beliefs and saying, No,
stop, not that. And Steve says that all the time. You always hear Steve say, No, stop.
S: Its not about that.
H: Its not about that, stop.
S: Shut up.
H: And its breaking that pattern interrupt of saying
H: Stop the tape loop, stop. Thats not about that, look, this.
D: Youre meeting people cold but it seems like somehow youve established your credibility as
the sage, whatever, about someone who knows, out of the gate. And youre male. How do you
deal with people that want to baggage about men?
S: I dont fucking deal with them. Besides I dont start with an assumption that Im a sage, I am
a fucking sage. Its a way of being, its not a way of acting.
D: In their mind.
S: In their mind they have no idea. In their mind youre a blank spot when you come in. The
thing is if you dont have your inside dressed up and if you arent confident about it, theyre
gonna go, This guys saying he does this, he does that. Ive met literally thousands of people
that say they do tantra. All they really learned in tantra was where is one of the G spots. They
dont even know where any of the other pressure points are. They learn a G spot manipulation
thing, and they think thats the grand wazoo. Theres three real hot spots, three real hot G
spots, in the body. But theres also all these pressure points and if you start utilizing those, you
free the blocks that are in the body, that liberate her.
H: And when you come from that position you dont need to convince anybody of anything.
Youre already at that point. Its like this is who I am, if youre interested, cool. If you dont have
to sit there and say well I do this I can do this, you just say this is what I do. If youre interested,
cool. If not, we dont need to go there. Only when youre ready enough
S: My whole thing is Im qualifying all the time. Its like a sales thing. Theyre the ones who are
convincing me that they want to enter into my school of learning how to feel exquisite and
wonderful. And Im not trying to sell myself to them. Thats what all the other guys in the bars
are doing by flashing cash or doing whatever bullshit they do, I dont know. I dont try to even
figure that one out.
D: So youre operating, I dont even want to say on the assumption, but your belief is you know
you have something to offer, you know that you can show them good things and youre not
even, if she recognizes that or not, thats her problem not yours. If she questions it or
whatever, shes out. And simply the fact not only is she out but frankly, since you guys sort of
have that mindset, you dont even get that objection anywhere near as frequently because
youre so congruent
S: Well heres another thing. Other girls, all the time, are bringing other girls in for me. This is
incredible I mean they are the greatest adverI mean all these guys are going, Well what do
you do when you go to the bars? I go, I talk to people. I just say hi. I dont know what the fuck
I do. I mean other women will drag, hey, hey show her this thing about the blah blah blah. I
went, Slow down.
H: I kind of have the different attitude like to me Im really curious about if theyre willing to go
there. I almost consider myself like as an analogy, I have an envelope here. It has ten thousand
dollars in it. I go up to any person and go like this, Tell you what, you give me a dollar, Ill give
you whats in this envelope. It could be something or it could be nothing. Its just a matter of
whats inside this envelope. Its packed, loaded, Im just curious to know can they take that first
step? Can they make that transition to say, Yeah Im gonna make this little leap of faith. I want
that leap of faith.
D: But then again theres a power and congruency in the fact that you know youve got ten
thousand in your envelope. So when you make that statement, its coming across real definite.
H: If Im a Mercedes mechanic, and I just read the manual, I havent worked on any cars, how
congruent am I gonna come across when someone brings me their Ive studied it, Ive learned
it, Ive built myself up to this, I understand it. Thats who I am. If anything else, I try to bullshit,
Im just living a lie.
D: So neither of you guys ever have to wrestle with the demons of self-doubt?
H: We all do it all the time. But its a matter are you gonna realize that those are illusions or
not. I think that, I mean Ive come up
D: Its total mind over matter? You just shot off an emotion thats negative any time you feel it?
H: No never shut off an emotion. You have to feel the emotion and when you feel it youre
aware of that emotion and where you want to take it. Emotions arent a static thing. If you
think its a chain of events, maybe you feel this, but you can let it go throughout your body. If
youre feeling a tightness in your chest and youre labeling it anxiety, what would happen if you
just let it spread through your whole body and change to something different.
S: Also theres another point. They all have polarities to them. They both have negative and
positive polarities. The yin and yang of everything. And whether its anxiety, I just (inaudible) as
going hmm this is gonna be exciting. Its not anxiety to me. To me its like I get to go play some
H: Its being flexible enough to change your states. Its being flexible enough to change your
labels, your ideas, its about mastering your reality is what it is. Saying, This is my reality, I can
choose to respond any way I want. If I want to feel anxious about it, cool. If I go up there and
just totally fuck up and do stupid ass things, thats ok too. Its a matter of learning. And thats
how you learn. And I think a lot of people think that it has to be perfect. No, its never perfect.
Perfect is fucking out of the question. Its always a matter of learning. Youre always gonna
learn, its just feedback. When people can learn that its just feedback theyre gonna be leaps
and bounds ahead of most people in society.
D: So if youre talking to someone and within a couple minutes you just sense that all their
deflector shields are flying up in the air, you just tune out
S: Ill go, What the fuck is your problem? I go, What the fuck, are you stupid?
D: Would you make the effort to try and get through?
S: I dont try anything. I either do it or I dont do it. I look at the person and I go, What the fuck
is your problem? How come youre being so stiff and rigid? What the fuck. And Ill go and
physically move their body because when theyre tensed up like that theres something thats
locking in; they have a trapped emotion. And if you can rattle them, move them a little bit
H: And if you feel like their senses are going up you gotta ask yourself, Whats your purpose
here? What are you doing? Whats your intent on this communication? Do you just want to get
laid and get in their pants? Theyre gonna feel it and they're gonna put that up. But if youre
coming genuinely across like youre there to not help them because I dont; believe in the
help thing but if their meeting you is gonna enhance their life, flags shouldnt come up. And if
youre there to bring something to them and bring just bring something to them first, it should
be an easy flowing transfer. Its when guys come across like they have, Oh I wanna get laid or
I have to make this girl feel a certain way theyre basically doing a supplication thing. Theyre
at the effect, whether if youre the cause of it, either youre coming across who you are, youre
bringing something to them, (inaudible) denies something that youre bringing them, on an
honest level, theyre the ones that are fucked up.
S: Its like this. If I give somebody a present, ok, and they look at it and go, What the fuck is
this? I go, Its not for fucking you. I take the mother fucker right back. I was giving it to them
without charging them. And they want to be snotty little bitches? Save that shit for somebody
else because now you get to go back out in the nice fucked up bar room and all that shit. I
dont need it. Im offering them something that will be useful and powerful.
D: Heres a question. Transition from poverty mentality to abundance mentality.
H: I think the transition from poverty to abundance is getting out of yourself first and bringing
more to them. And when you bring more to them and you take yourself out of the picture,
thats the biggest transition its like in sales. You know J. Abraham talks about it all the time,
caring more about them than you really care about getting your own needs done. I mean there
is that point where you maintain who you are and what youre doing, and you stay strong to
that and you bring them more. You offer them more. Its about them.
S: Their best interest.
H: Their best interest.
S: And theyll pick up on that.
H: They will pick up on that.
D: Ok but thats all related to somebody else. I mean just you yourself, you said this has never
even been an issue in your life (inaudible) running start in grade one, but you know for
someone whos just trying to sitting in their room trying to make that transition
S: Get out of your room. Go visit people and actually go out and just start talking. My
suggestion, if youve been striking out, is go out and just start finding women and find their
quality parts of them.
H: Dont set a
S: If youve been thinking just about sex with women, forget about that. Go on a thing for one
month, 30 day thing, of going out and just talking to women and just getting to see the
beautiful part of them
H: About their own interests
S: About what theyre truly interested in instead of trying to lay some bullshit on them about
how you can get a piece of their ass.
H: Youve got to get genuinely curious about them.
S: And not heavy, but playfully.
H: Yeah, you know, very playfully. And thatll bring it out of poverty mentality faster than
anything. And I know all guys have gone through this where theyre in the bars and theyre just
like, I gotta get laid, I gotta get laid. Well thats when it never comes. Guys always say, Well
thats when I got a girlfriend is when they all come out of the woodwork. Well because on a
certain level youre saying youre not interested in that anymore. Its not an issue. Its kind of
like the vacuum of the universe. Youre putting in there, youre filling up, but when you take it
out it comes naturally.
D: All right, lets try this then. If youre experienced that being sort of detached curiosity, keeps
landing you up in the nice category, where youre the nice friend, youre just someone who is
the brother kind of frame you know? Where theres never gonna be any attraction its just like
the guy you go cry on his shoulder but not the guy youre ever gonna make it with.
S: So whats the question?
D: The question is, what if thats twenty years of that youre not satisfied with being the guy
who always winds up as the
S: Well I dont even let it go that far. I mean like Im the teacher. So it comes straight across as
Im either, its either going along my schedule, Im the one who sets the curriculum, so its
either coming down or its not. I dont have a problem being a nice guy; I dont have a problem
actually listening to some other stuff. But I dont want to turn into their fucking psychologist
either. The way I feel about it, I see this happen a lot too. Guys will take a weekend course on
hypnosis, and they start trying to psychoanalyze shit. Well what youre doing then is youre
being a free psychologist, and the point again is theyre coming from that frame of reference.
When you reference from trying to fulfill their need, youre always gonna come from that
place. I tell them to shut the fuck up. I go, I dont give a fuck about that. Shut up. Arent you
done with that shit yet? You know, Lets get on to the better feelings or do you want to stay
mired down in your bullshit? And theyll tell you, Im not done with this. I thought I needed
to vent it. I say, Well when youre done fucking feeling shitty about yourself then come back
and Ill talk to you some more. I dont need that shit. Venting never helped anything. But what
people do is its an old model. And it wasnt even successful in the old days. But the thing is
that people still try to use that.
D: So what do you think about all that (Agro) rock and roll thats been coming out in the last
five years?
S: What do you mean?
D: Just hyper aggressive, hyper venting, life sucks, and I suck and everybody I know sucks.
S: Well yeah, its a lot of the guys that are getting published right now. I think what they need
to do is find themselves, and they wont be so intense. The thing is that they cant even find
satisfaction in any of the other stuff thats going on out there. The reason being is that they
arent satisfied with who they are. Theyre trying to satisfy themselves externally. Theyre
looking outside them to fulfill themselves inside with something outside. You gotta fill yourself
inside and then go.
D: Because I think a lot of the young teenagers, kids, when they do get to the bar and
whatever, theyre coming in with all that.
H: But thats a whole nother product. Thats a whole nother thing.
D: If youre gonna be chatting somebody up and youre coming in with
H: Yeah but this is specifically how to use languaging to ramp up and increase their sexual
response. Its not how to meet chicks product. This discussion is very targeted towards one
thing, so it sort of
D: I told you I was gonna be erratic.
H: No, no, thats ok, thats ok.
S: Once again, I think that its just still the same thing. Its like if you feel good and you build
your own states up, and then you go out and just go with a playful and curious attitude about
it. People want to play. Heres a simple example. You ever go over to see some girl that you
were gonna go out with and shes all fucking uptight, pissed off, or into the drama mode. You
get there you go, Oh fuck. See you later. Maybe next life, maybe in a week, whatever the
fuck. I do that. I mean some people sit there and go, Oh well shes kinda bitchy(inaudible).
But my whole fucking thing is that its when you go in there they should have a good attitude.
Im gonna come in with a good attitude. If they dont I dont need to sit around for the shit.
Doesnt mean that if somebodys having a bad time, I mean theres lots of times Ill have
friends that they need some help. Ill go over and Ill work with them, Ill go do some stuff with
them. But that doesnt mean that thats what the whole basis of a relationship is.
H: On that level, I think that a lot has to do with, pretty important, Im at, being the experience
for that person thats gonna get them in this state. If youre a boring fuck and you just want to
kick back and do nothing, thats gonna come across. You want to take them to new levels of
experience. You want to take them, not only maybe on the outside, but on the inside. Take
them to where they havent gone before be different. Be exploratory; push them beyond
what theyre used to. Take them out of their comfort zone and when you can do that through a
multiple of different ways, thats whats gonna make the impression on them that youre willing
to do that. And going back to the thing about well, being the nice guy, a lot of guys get into the
therapy mode like, Oh Ill take care of this, Ill take care of that. What youre saying is that
theyre not baggage. And when guys will take that bullshit and sit there and go over and over
and over, on a certain level theyre saying, You can throw your trash at me, Im the fucking, Im
the universe over here and all bad shit can come to me because Im gonna make it better.
S: Im the garbage can.
H: Im the garbage dump. No youre saying fuck the garbage dump. (Inaudible) and when girls,
theres a balance between when someones really got a problem to work with them, compared
to someones just dumping their garbage on you. You say, Look if you want to dump your
garbage, stop. Go look down the fucking street.
S: And thats just a diversionary tactic anyways.
H: Something I learned a long time ago is no woman will want to fuck you or let you fuck her
because youre a nice guy and you listen. If theres something else, that doesnt mean that
doing that means you wont. It just means they wont do it, or let you do it, just because of
that. They will swear up and down. They will go on Oprah all fucking day, they will write books
saying, I just want a nice guy who will listen and thats all I want. But if thats all there is, they
will not go for it. There has to be something about him that they admire, something about him
that they like, something thats different, something whatever. There has to be something else.
But just being nice if all the attributes could be rolled into what a friend could give them, they
will not do it. Unless theyre horrible
S: Well Im pretty fucking nice.
H: Yeah but youre nice AND youve got the other stuff. See Im saying, just being nice and just
being the friend
D: The curse of the nice guy
H: It will never happen. It will never happen if thats all you are. They want to see that theres
that and something else. In fact, heres the thing. Theres the nice person wholl listen, and
then theres the asshole jerk that wont listen to all this stuff. If its an either or sort of situation,
which one are most women gonna go for? The guy with the edge. The dream is somebody that
will be a hard ass and secure and have an edge to him, and will be nice to them. Thats the
dream. But if you put them in the either or category, most women will not go for the friend.
D: Unless theyre past their biological clock
H: Unless theres some aspect of desperation. And then youre constantly in an insecure
position because the first guy that comes along that has the edge, youve lost.
D: So how are you, youve got this playful curiosity, youre at some place out there. But when I
listen to you guys talk and youre like totally in command of this conversation, Im a teacher,
this is where the realitys going, this is how its gonna be, and its all gonna be for your benefit.
Youve gone from something that was level playing field to Im taking control. How did that
transition you just started right out of the gate like a minute after meeting somebody youre
like boom?
H: Its not even a minute after the gate. Its before
S: Its never level.
H: Its before you even get to the gate. And I think a lot of it has to do with the you know the
universe is billions and billions of different choices, and you can bring anything you want into
the universe. Its a matter of first of all knowing what you want, and who are you gonna
represent as yourself? Who are you gonna revere as yourself? And when you get to that point
you say, This is who I am, this is what I represent, this is what I have to offer. You go into the
gate like that. You can start anywhere. But you have to qualify in the universe because theres
so much information you have to jump the gamut to what youre willing to experience and
what youre not willing to experience. If you dont give a shit about anything youre gonna
experience everything from getting tore up to whatever. But if you qualify at least youre saying
this way to this place. I will go to this place, this is my pathway, this is my little patch in the
universe that I represent. If you dont have that youre just like a fucking ship in the sea without
a rudder or a sail, youre just floating along. If youre saying, Hey this is the trip, I go from here
to Hawaii. This is my trip, and thats where I can go. So its a matter of being able to qualify.
D: Can you think of anything else?
H: Well just to wrap up in think that its very appalling that a person given the flexibility and the
ok-ness to get slammed, to be able to get burned sometimes, be able to experience, its not
always gonna go the way you want it. But as time goes on and you develop more and more of a
skill, it gets easier and it gets easier, and it gets easier. And once it gets to the point where its
who you are, its just a matter of having fun. So I think
S: And also if you fall down, get the fuck up and go for it some more. And just realize thats part
of the fucking experience. Its like both of us have seen each other do things where you go,
God that one kinda sucked. You know we laughed about it, but we go, Fuck it, lets go try
something else. That was bullshit. Because we try stuff out all the fucking time. We dont get
complaints that were so wise we dont need to learn anything else. Were always learning and
were always testing. But were always having fun with it. And that means that if something
doesnt turn out the way we want it to, we dont try to do blaming it on, oh shes just a fucking
cunt, or shes a bitch, or Im an asshole because that didnt work. Maybe its the technique. So
if we shift the technique and go back out there, lets go play with it some more
H: And maybe its (inaudible). That happens too, its a matter of re-calibrating yourself.
S: Its like you play a musical instrument. The first time you start running scales on the stuff
youre a little bit rough. But the more you do it; you become real fluid at it. Pretty soon youre
playing a song and all of a sudden you go, Holy shit that scales there. And you go, Fuck let
me trick around with this. Look what that fucker did with this. He hopped over this and this
and it made this out of that scale. Wow! Its just learning the basics, going all the way up
through it. And then, if youre gonna be a real hot musician, you gotta stretch out. Understand
whats in the box then understand how to color outside the boundaries.
Eye Scramble Exercise
Virtually eliminate negative memories and the feelings associated with them

In minutes.

If the client knows the exact time of a memory, and it was the initial memory, and the
client is ready to release the negative emotional response, the Eye Pattern Scramble
works beautifully. This process removes the emotional connection, sometimes even
the traumatic part of the memory. Every one has an eye pattern strategy that
retrieves memories. The eyes move in a specific way and that allows us to retrieve a
particular memory.
The purpose of scrambling up the clients eye pattern strategy is that the nervous
system uses eye patterns to retrieve memories and the emotions connected. When
the pattern is scrambled, the nervous system no longer has access to the feelings
around the memory. Sometimes the section of the memory that triggered the
emotions even disappears.

To use the Eye Pattern Scramble, have the client recall the memory they are ready to
release. Have them access the emotions and just when their emotion peaks, have the
client follow the movement of your fingers. As you are scrambling the eye pattern,
simultaneously touch the clients knuckle that you did Resource Anchoring on. This is
to add resourceful feelings while scrambling up the strategy. It takes only five
minutes, perhaps three.

Hypnotica PUA Interview - Quick &

Simple Interview For The Ultimate
Pickup Artist Convention
Transcript (*)
our guys welcome back its tea with the ultimate pickup
artist convention and
with me today we got hypnotica
human good good thing to see whether yeah exactly
so today are I guess I wanna
well for small introduce against yourself think I know
where you came
good luck guys might not know who your well I've been doing
this promotion for
play started in 1990 from around there and for the last 15
to 17 years
my emphasis has been on inner game
and work on more integrative game because the fact that it
integrates with
social ideas and techniques
that moving further closer become more for you wanna be
so I can specialize in that area I'm not so much the
gimmicky guy
more power that's the dow to build a good strong foundation
and that's pretty
what I'm known for I believe no strong social strategies in

and self-confidence success okay now I'm

you I remember your story cuz we
gonna work together you really started working
in strip clubs and stuff like that was that before you got
into the community
become but with women in which came first well it goes back
even further
than that okay
I goes back to the point where and you know and and say
junior high for both women high school that's when I
started to come in and say
hey you know I gotta change some stuff so I started
experimenting back men surrounding myself with women and
then after
high school I basically went to college at the Santa
and get horrible the horrible with with the ladies as well
but they still didn't
understand the whole
dynamics around it but then I got introduced to Agrawal
said hey I need a
to do to be a bouncer at a party he was a
stripper so I started there that I got a little experience
for me
and then I came back and I started actually
working with strippers and
that kinda to me into women on a whole nother level and
so over the course of almost twenty years I've been mister
call the mystery
i've seen hop around 50
two or maybe a hundred thousand girls come through
and you know in your work on my minimum level for you
understand women on a
deeper level
you get to i understand different type of sexual dynamics
you're dealing with booze manipulation
women sacks money although
and you can't not learned right in the environment and that
environment is
easily to cross contextualize in other areas his wife as
because normal society isn't used to people being directed
up front and
being okay with your own masculine sexual energy
which twenty years in that it pretty much for jewish you to
that a lot I who
your character is
right so I kinda bring that dynamic as well okay in
so what cars you like us to get into the seduction
community %uh that the the seduction community based we got
in us
okay you know we were around doing this before here we
worked with
you know just a few guys that were really wanna do this
there was there
were no
stuff that wasn't stuff out there you can go there then
have seminars
they had you know one person who on that began about
we'll talk about that right now um but does come like the
first leader
but we are already kind of exploring on different levels it
was just there is
specific thing that was out there so we can look at it
for the relief for me I but in the process we continue to
is guys going out trying stuff getting together and then in
2000 I think it was
the game came out right and then that kind of that the
community about
we were doing this way before then owner with with certain
so it got formed around I thought I would call it the
seduction community or
the pickup community
it was really about guys is going to get better and that's
it started from for and then ago you know market and then
everything when askew and crazier meanwhile
crazy in you know every guy who's you know band
with five women is no because guru try to teach it and
you know that's why come in that's what the nice thing
about what we're gonna be
doing at this summer's if you look at
the people there it's talking I got mad or Tyler
he got a Rosh keno 5,000
and a a few others that are just but around
you know if this isn't the fly by night guy sees the guys
that have been
innovating pioneering doing things
on the fly and every year always present new stuff for it
why because these are the guys that read your stuff
steal it put out a book on how to meet women
and then two years later they're gone for I mean look at
the guys
who have been in the industry who are still here look at
the guys who are
you'll hear from a lot of but there are guys should stick
with it continue to
teach they continue to put out excellence continue to put
a good show love their knowledge room
and that's that's exciting about this is that work on
okay cool so you're you're known for being the inner game
a War II guess why is that important and
cuz there's a lot of guys approach approaching zaidi right
and I think kinda mentally thinking about our psyching
themselves up is
kinda Eliminator helpful I first why is it important to fix
that and and and
is there some exercise the guys can do now to kind of get
them started
like a small thing they can do getting started of erstwhile
michael kors
approach exactly I look at it like a desire
time on the way I look at it as if I have a gun to your
head and I say go
over there and talk to a girl you're probably gonna do
for your desire to survive is pretty high
right okay so approaching writing you know to me it's just
water the bridge a lotta guys get it because they're not
in tune completely with themselves and what they're about
you know and they don't have a strong foundation that's why

I've always follow the other game because I believe

absolutely the inner
is the engine the car it would get to go on
you know the outside stuff from the gimmicks and the tricks

like I said in my book dislike the fuzzy dice

hanging from the oil you know about rear view mirror
without in a game
you're not going or right you know if you don't believe
that it's going to
work if you believe in yourself you don't believe that
you deserve to be somebody with a beautiful woman or two or
three or four
whatever you want
you're not going to its gonna come across on your your non
right and that's that's why I believe that's the most
powerful wave going across and this is about self-
you're not going to get a little thing and often be a
pickup artist whatever if
that's what you wanna be
overnight you know this about consul evolving
that's why even my going to these things I don't believe in
all the
though a lot of the pick up stuff for what some guys are
however if I learn something that I can and
to my arse more my toolbox for my knowledge
then it's worth it for me right and that's with the nice
thing about that
a simple pic a simple tip what you can do to get over that
is for small realize what's going on Mike slow down the
time when you're
there like
figure out an analyze what's going on are you saying stuff
yourself for you
feeling it
I think yourself you being rejected
I do you think that doesn't matter your first analyze that
I'll first
and then do something I was a baby step it into one little
thing like what
is one thing you can do may not get you all the way there
but what's the next
to get there it would it could be simple as likely see a a
beautiful woman you
want to go out there and say you know she's gorgeous
you know it could just simply walking three doctor and just
say hey I just
want to meet you
with no outcome worrying about hey you know what
she's good reject me or anything like that to say you know
I thought you're beautiful and walk away you know about
these guys oh my god she
rejected me a month
you're just beating yourself up like here it's insane yeah
and it's also
insane to think that you know the guy I think both one goal
rejected me there's
not enough women
when there's three billion with another on the point three
and I tell guys especially lately you know that numbers
like you think I've above seconds
you know there's you know many seconds are a million
no its roughly around I i believe like 12 days
K gimme seconds her in a billion 27 years
use primes up by three and then you got a the amount of
women on this planet
so if you take something small like america has 300,000
or three up where that three hundred million people
your living in America $300 million if he is going to take
a New York City a Medina everyone in new york city is just
a girl
level a small percentage America if you can see abundance
there like
walking in your city to think women everywhere take all the
guys out
you know your you're at your mind right
so they gotta keep that it's not a big deal there's so many
women out there at
three out of three billion
you don't think you can find at least a hundred thousand
that will be perfect
for you
and that's what you really want to know what a girl just
goal getter I think you
you want someone who's gonna be tune into what you want and
enjoy the things
you want to have a good time with that's where the
that were matters that word count that's where it feels
good we want to hang out
and develop
multiple relations with that what we want you want to hang
out with some
growth got a bad attitude in
she look pretty on the outside but got a bad attitude or
things like that
you know thinkers officer archaeologist
and I Indiana Jones and the Temple love love
a women dome whatever like it's gonna be exploration yeah
you're going to have to go through those trials and
tribulations and I tell guys
if there was a treasure it was 10 people or where you're at
right now
but you did for this man all the bullshit millrock some
things to get
there would you do it
and they say yeah it's okay cool there was another treasure
believe that 10
feet with the same stuff would you continue to do it yet at
the same thing
if you after every if you're in the field with
I with Cal should everywhere and you know that under
every 10th Cal should there was 0
Korngold but you picked up in there had to be a butterball
should there be
spiders in ok I think
would you pick those up to look for to get the gold
you know the answer is yes then good this is you're the
type of person
who will do-gooder us if you think you'd like your
everything but one you should pick up there should be a
goal there or you know
you did one and she should find a treasure chest then
you're not you're
gonna feel right
and that's what in our games about us understand this is
a means to get better but only in this but in life
we have a conference here now you can expand that your
business you can expect
your family you can expand it
to everywhere you really want to and that's what this is
about about
so I'm hearing you say is was is almost like a numbers game

so many women and it's not about getting everyone it's

about getting the one
own figure 1 I'd say you know maybe it could be a group or
yeah but the one that you can get along with non my
every every girl you know what every girl
well some guys do but it's not realistic yeah going on
around here who you are
you know them
you can go out there was gonna be got grover don't think
Brad Pitt's good with
you know and and it's just not realistic okay so you have
build-up whether it's of a callous to
not worrying about other people's judgments on yourself for

because it doesn't matter a from I'm

that I do this well mouse users membership thing he
he talked very heated and very interesting said look it's
not personal
when you go into a store and you pick cheerios
you didn't arm unit
reject the Cap'n Crunch you know it's just not your taste
yeah miss the same way it is the the the matter did not
reject the youth just not
the case
in the league I think also other issues come up but they're
not good enough
like at I ludicrous right
so it's about building a healthy mindset
about who you are what you want when you want it create
I want to attract ok we got more proactive and
if you get that in the wind integrated with who you are
then you have that PCR that that understanding and I'm a
little older
now also I've been through that I've done all the crazy
and now the matter just really being at peace
and enjoying the life you have and looking back in going it
a journey to go through all the situations
it wasn't always easy there were times where you go you
know you liked him a
lot I'm on a dry streak
it's not about who you are it's just about the
circumstances are where you're
at in the
universe at that point in time or the paper women your
router with
but the point is can you get to the point where you're
completely content
and enjoying the lifestyle that makes you happy perot
mats that success so investment fact was talk about
lifestyle now
see you know we were talking about earlier and you got the
idea lifestyle
talk about like your girls now where you have
going on in I have a lifestyle that I want to create
year I have a wife across the street have a girlfriend they
know about each
one likes to go out there in bring other women but it
what I've created and I have have lotsa lotsa women at one
point I'm
but to me my balance point where I feel absolutely is too
close ones
to that I can share time with I can enjoy their presence
I think the nature so that's what I've created but I don't
need to go out
downtown but I feel absolutely 100 percent
content i know i if I go out it's okay there baby both
they understand that part I mean that came from basically
me knowing what I
in going through I lots of experiences
won some that were good some that were bad to figure out
where that balance
point is
you know to where I'm some from both like three summer
absolutely content
with just one
but you have to know myself and you're not going to know
yourself from what you
really really want
unless you go out there and you throw yourself into the
fiery and sometimes
get burned right
right but thats the true yes a bit
because it's not coming from phiri which allow these guys
are like I said you
know the
them with five girls often there the next big pool store
you know this is
coming from
this is got been going on for almost five years
you know I'm in so this is real education I don't really
know besides
john is a porno arm who lives a kind lifestyle
and can actually teach and say look these are the
challenges you're gonna go
you know this is about you know guys go where to go from
the side of them he
understands polygamy
you know this is like a real stuff and it's not always easy
it's worth it right right so a year when the headline
speakers at the
2013 ultimate pickup Arts Commission so what what do you
share with the guys
kind where you be teachin I'm going to teach in something
okay and that's of it's always in
yeah you know I'm for these guys that every year
I'm gonna go out there and experience in exporting things
on a new viewpoints
and that's another reason why I respect all the guys that
are there because they
got there the Pioneer
they come up with new angles new concept new ways of
to help other guys get maybe one from last year would work
but may win from
this your word
so I was kinda like to leave it up in the air and never
provide the same thing
I so I'm gonna kinda keeping a secret just because
I want to because of what I get out there it is fresh in a
and you know people will probably take afterward the news
week to me it's like i want for something fresh and no
one's going to
have that
understanding of the go there because to me the people that
go to those things
are the ones that are committed near you know if they work
in the learning me
understand me know that
you know if they get one gem here one gym there when Jim
it's going to be all it can be good they're gonna start to
progress further
the people just
like I said come and just think they're going to get all
once a bad way and
there'll even be
you know Don Juan you know the deluding himself here but
you know as well then
let me ask you
with everything that you've learned over the years you know

how many and how well has it integrated now with your
overall view point of life
and in things in general
well I'm unlike you II if I hear one thing I can
can a tweak something lot of stuff that I that
comes in you know doesn't fit my personality like when I
first started I
I thought the whole indirect thing was was the way to go
because I had never
heard a
you going indirect to a woman you know collect our work
with guys that were
direct you know want to go you are gorgeous you are
adorable and they would
they would get a lot of which works which works but then
mike got in this
must be the must be the new thing that must really work but

then when I got into it didn't but then the structure uva
reporter seduction I hadn't heard about and that's
tend to work so there's always stuff that I can hear the
so so here's hoping a man in going back in not knowing
anything that you learned
over the years
in this whole realm where you think you'd be a
do I was thing about this the other the other day the other
I had always I guess relied on girls approaching week so
when I was in high
school that's what happened
your a was very popular one point cuz I was honest
a TV show I would answer
I didn't I didn't develop that dominance
because I always had
women coming to me so I didn't have to work a lot
your but when that died of that's when I found the
seduction community in the
wake up call
it was a wake-up call nasa nothing else national why is
dominance I guess so
I don't think dominance so much you know the key I mean I
don't want to dominate
anyone but I wanna be a leader year
and that's why the new proposal no be
talking about as I call you like people say you lied lied
icarly Densetsu three like know what will you do when they
give a map for
you know what's going on my guys got there. he wanna dance
in with the picture that they believe the girl had a cow
identify about
a wanna go to the bar get a drink go over here and have a
good conversation
then if you're you for good will go out there or have a
little fun other than
you're building a bigger picture so before the new concept
actually want
is leading to 23 and like it when you understand who you
are and you have that
mastery who you are and your reality and what you can
they said you needed to meet anyone you know we women will
submit to your power
because they want to they're absolutely bread
to submit to their power to just go Wow here's a man who
knows what he wants and
that's attractive to women
okay absolutely attractive twin one hundred percent and
in that's the beauty of it because if you have that vision
for what you what
you believe in yourself
you believe that you can get there you can get there and
then we'll see that
now for two feet of your
off that vibe because everyone wants to be around people
that are
proactive that are visionary that that have a good thing
going on or they can
even have fun
in a moment the leading for and so thats
what's most important I believe yeah could see that's
probably what was
missing as I was old
II could lead to other people terms but in terms of women
I was lacking so I relied on them so I can say that
have relying on them as is is giving your power with her
women like I said if the shit hits the fan you know they
all want a guy
rely on them for their decision-making process you know
when I look younger oh
shit Mike
should go down the world you gonna do you gonna where you
gonna be like
we don't want to be in that situation exactly how they were
a man is going to
you know get you know get over there get behind me this
we're going to go to the
alright cool you believe in it right on man but you know
they don't deal with
each side
right alright well this was a good area cool appreciate you

take your time yeah so if you guys want to attend the open
pick up artist
convention here XP ken is new concepts go to you
puse are calm or click the link in the description boxes
and we'll see other who
Cross-Contextualization by Hypnotica & Steve P
Hypnotica & Steve P

In the video with Steve Piccus above, Hypnotica (aka Eric Von Sydow) explains the
meaning of cross-contextualization. In layman's terms, its basically the application
of multiple exercises, triggering multiple senses, to achieve a desired mood.

We actually do this more often that one thinks.

For example, how many times have you played upbeat music while driving to the club
or party? Thats just using sound, which you know puts you in an upbeat mood, to
apply the appropriate mindset in advance.

Hypnotica takes it a step further and describes the visual applications he uses, such as
provocative art and images. He doesnt mention examples that address the sense of
taste, touch or smell, but that doesnt mean there arent methods. It just means its up
to you to experiment.

This is something I recommend for those of all skill levels. Veterans with higher self-
awareness may be quicker to notice the effects. Beginners may have a little more
difficulty, yet require every bit of effort to solidify a positive attitude prior to entering a
social environment.

Whether its a slideshow of photos, a movie, a playlist of songs, or something else,

focusing on things that cause positive responses in your mind is a productive first step.
HYPNOTICA aka Rasputin aka Eric Von Sydow

Welcome guys! he says with a welcoming yet deep voice.

A fun fact some dont know is that he was previously known as Rasputin when
Strauss mentioned him in The Game. I always make sure to listen carefully
when anyone from that book takes the mic for the simple reason that theyve
got a lot of experience.

Hypnoticas just to keep the weirdoes away. You can call me Eric.

Another reason I like his work he shares his real name. To hide behind a
pseudonym almost seems like it would psychologically program your mind to be
ashamed of your work. Although I see the controversy one faces from society
when participating in pick up, I also know one can choose their profession if
they dont like the downsides of it.

I digress.

Inner game is where its at, he begins. Its the engine that moves the car. You
dont want your tricks to lead the way.

Who here would date you? A few people raise their hands while the rest await
further expansion on the meaning of the question.

Im not talking about this, Eric sarcastically blurts while making a subtle
jacking-off motion.
Who heres been in sales? Ever tried selling a product you didnt believe in?
So what if you dont believe in yourself?

Then he openly reveals to the room that he began journaling when he was
terrible with women. Something Ive been doing for nearly two decades. Baby
steps worked when you were a kid. Guess what, they work when youre an
adult. And in his he listed his poor habits before going through and addressing
them only to see, that one by one, they vanished.

When youre in a bar and scared shitless about whats shes gonna think about
you, if you were to go up and remove all of her makeup, do you think shed be
as confident? Would you feel like its a bit more realistic?

Out of nowhere Eric strikes listeners with an uppercut they dont see coming.

So in what ways is a woman a clown?

Gasps of astonishment are let out. But the truth in the comparison still remains.
Both wear makeup to change perspectives.

If that had been a Facebook status, Id like it.

He continues with a basic self worth scale of 1 to 10. Ask yourself where you
rank, monitor it, and adjust things accordingly. If you are at an 8, you meet
someone, and your average drops to a 7.5, time to move on. Your quality of life

Then he brings up the process a woman goes through when preparing for a
date or a night on the town. Shell be doing some kind of ritual. What kind of
mindset are they going through when theyre doing that?

Hypnotica: What else do you think women look for?

Me: Magic Mike
Hypnotica: I lived that life.

Little does he know, Im already familiar with his past career as a male dancer
and Im just exploiting some current pop culture for my own amusement. I get
my cheap chuckle and shut my trap before Eric has a chance to hypnotically
implant Channing Tatums butt in my brain.

He backtracks one step to the preparation women go through and calls upon
our good friend Liz Everett to describe her typical routine. Just as I knew she
would, she gives a very abstract, spiritual answer about portraying herself as
Pocahontas or a Goddess in hopes of finding her masculine counterpart.

Everyone, including the speaker, looks somewhat perplexed.

Hypnotica: Now give us your Snooki version. The room erupts with laughter.
Liz: I dunnoI bejewel my vajayjay.
Hypnotica: Im MUCH more comfortable with that answer.

Next is a little exercise he entitled Two steps from Hell that involves listening
to music you associate with power and aggression, breathing heavily and
embracing the entire physical sensation of being in that state. Repetition over
time will be required to memorize it, but once accomplished, transitioning to that
same state (whether it be for work, exercise, etc.) will be quick.

Terms referred to as metawords, which basically sound like positive

affirmations in the form of adjectives, are listed. I hear things like desirably
dominant and courageously confident and immediately think of my review of
Hypnoticas Sphinx Of Imagination product.

It would be hilarious to see such an alpha speaker use contrasting examples

like sexually sparklicious or beautifully bedazzling in a room full of men.

And right then, while my mind is slightly distracted by how easy it would be to
toy with the high-testosterone vibe, Eric does it.

Theres a model I think helps. He draws an invisible dart board on the wall,
implying that the three rings represent the intensity of a topic. The outer ring is
cold, like small talk. The middle is medium. And the center is the hot, spicy,
sexually sparklicious stuff you REALLY are thinking about.

What better way for a male instructor to teach the sexual escalation of verbal
game than by calling upon an attendee to volunteer and proceeding to gaze into
his eyes while you blurt out an improvised chat, full of innuendos?

Hypnotica: Are you from around here?

Student: No, he answers with his normal voice.
Hypnotica: I like girls with deep voices.
*The room laughs.
Student: *repeats himself with a fake, high-pitch, girly voice.
Hypnotica: I dont need the transvestite voice.
*The room laughs even harder.

Another voice asks for a demo with an actual female and the pause that follows
is almost as amusing when every man in the room realizes just how rare of a
commodity women are at the event. Every dudes face seemed to ask the same
question: Where do I put my penis?

In a place filled with sudden confusion, the ideal heroine swoops in and saves
the day Super Sarah Ann the Wonder-Woman-equivalent and modelesque
wing girl master for ABCs of Attraction.

Their unrehearsed chat flows pretty smoothly considering she looks like
helpless prey while sitting dead center in a crowd of horny men. But thenEric
pushes the topic into the erotic No Mans Land where few dare to trek. Sarahs
voice begins to touch on that feminine uncertainty you encounter while flirting.
Its a unique concoction of playfulness and precaution women emit in their
tonality when you first get into the personal subjects.

Youd think she was experiencing the dream-come-true of meeting Justin


The demo ends and Sarah scampers back to her seat in the rear of the room
with blushed cheeks. I make sure to take a mental snapshot so Im able to
elaborate when editing this later and wait for her amusing reaction.

Eric summarizes what just took place. I believe in putting a woman on the spot.
Most of you guys are holding on [to the conversation] like youre on a Bronco
waiting to be bucked off.

His analogy of speakers helps classify the various voices heard to the base, the
mids and the tweeters. Ever been in a room where everyones speaking in
their mids or tweets? Its fucking annoying. I hear the word resonate in
throughout the speech, which also frequently pops up in his products.
Then he goes through the what/why/when/where/how list of characteristics,
behaviors, values, beliefs and attitudes one wishes to have by asking yourself
the right questions.

By asking who else do you affect in the big picture? he wraps it all in one big
bow. It mirrors that utopian philosophy depicted in the film Pay It Forward,
where one favor received, results in three more given.

If you go on my website, theres plenty of free shit, but I want this to go out
because its important and take some time to do thisbecause if you dont give
yourself a solid vision, a map of where you wanna go, theres more to ita lot
of guys are afraid of getting beat up and rejectedpick up is the best form of
self-improvement I think there is.

Hopefully some of these seeds went in. As he wraps up, he mentions his new
book, Metawhore , that Ive been meaning to get a copy of so I make sure to
snag the last one later.

**NOTE: Since my interview with Hypnotica (Eric) was done via Skype, the
structure of the questions may be slightly different. As an added bonus,
however, you may listen to our longer interview, which gives some insightful
perspectives about self-improvement, here:

ME: As far as what you saw (in Ken Hoinskys writing), did you see anything

ERIC: No, I think its a matter of what guys need to do. Getting laid for a man is
a chore. Getting laid for a woman is a choice. If you wanna see what its
actually like to be a guy, go out on a corner, hold one of those signs, that say
Will You Give Me Money? or Please Help Me and see how that feels because
thats the exact feeling most guys have when they approach a woman.
Unfortunately, women dont understand that aspect of it. Guys have to learn
these skills. If they dont, theyre gonna become lonely.

ME: Thats an interesting concept regarding holding the street sign because
many guys, who do an approach incorrectly, come off as needy, much like a
homeless person complimenting you because they want your money.

ERIC: Its the same thing because women have the power. But, men also have
the power if they dont give a shit, because its a numbers game no matter what.
Yeah, were going to stumble, were going to fall, but were doing it to educate
ourselves, unlike caveman days where wed hit em over the head and dragged
them off!
ME: In times like this, regardless of the arguments from critics, do you think its
important for dating coaches to come forward and advocate on behalf of their
clients, who are unfairly under fire for simply wanting to better themselves?

ERIC: No, I dont think its important for the coaches to speak at all because
people are going to have their opinions, women arent going to be swayed, the
feminists are not going to change, and theyre going to find their little angle.
There are just people out there who want to look for shit to bitch about. We
could bitch about womentheyre lying to us when they put on make-up. We
dont even know what they look like! Do you hear us whining? No! I like to say
its like a YouTube video. I saw a video where a guy was in his boat, and there
was a whale. And the whale was trapped in a net. The guy actually jumped out
of the boat and he cut the whale free from the net. About 2,000 people liked the
video, yet there were 200 people who hated it and thought it was a bad video.
There are just assholes in the world in this day and age. If youre doing good,
its gonna come back to you. Its just the golden rule.

ME: Do you think critics can help the more misogynistic coaches bring their
teachings back to a more realistic level, or help us address the common
stereotypes which may have some truth to them?

ERIC: To me its going to come down to the individual. When youre trying to
group anything together, its going to sound ignorant.

ME: Are there any ideas or perspectives you may have for the Pick Up World to

ERIC: Its hard for me to say because I dont consider myself a part of the
community even though I teach at these things. I was around before the book
[The Game] came out and we didnt call it Pick Up. We called it learning to
become a better man. The community came around because the book was
labeled, and I think it was labeled wrong. This is a Mens Movement to better
educate themselves about social dynamics. So when you put the term around
it, as youre a Pick Up Artist, you just identified yourself. Thats your identity a
pick up artist. Youre not a human being trying to educate himself, youre a pick
up artist. Its a component of it, but its not the whole thing. And if you look
around, where are the people now? You dont see the same websites. Theyre
not pitching the same stuff. Why? Because the money is gone. Some made
some money because they marketed okay, but now look and every Tom, Dick
and Harry is a pick up artist. To me, its getting more mainstream. There are
pick up artists I know that are psychos! There are pick up artists I know that are
unconventional. There are pick up artists I know that are right on track. When
people give me shit, I tell them If you can find anything thats misogynistic in
what I do, Ill give you a $1,000 bucks! and they never want to take the
challenge because they already have their preconceived ideas about what it is.
In 20 years of educating men on this subject, Ive never had a guy say Hey, I
wanna rape a chick. Ive never had a guy say Hey, I wanna manipulate a chick
into bed. Most guys I talk to just wanna better themselves.

ME: I agree. And I definitely have a compassion for these guys I meet who get
out of break-ups and want to play it safe without taking a risk, even if that risk
isnt in anyway life-threatening.

ERIC: But thats not completely true, because it is life-threatening. Ive known
five guys, probably in my entire life, who have killed themselves over a woman.
She broke up with him, they didnt have the skills, they became lonely, and they
killed themselves. So it is a life and death thing to me and if you dont have an
unconscious competence, then what are you gonna do? You gonna sit there
and just play Nintendo all day?

ME: So would it be an accurate interpretation to say that you feel that the
amount of acceptance Pick Up gets will remain the same because the general
percentage of society who actually makes a difference in their own lives also
remains the same?

ERIC: Yeah, Id say so. Its only going to get more people because as more
people around the world tap into this era of educating themselves online, its
only going to snowball into a bigger, better affect.

See our full discussion in this video


Labeled The Inner Game Guru, Eric Von Sydow, aka Hypnotica, first attracted
mainstream attention when he was featured in Neil Strausss bestselling book
The Game. Since then he has been featured in The New York Times,
Cosmopolitan, USA Today, The San Diego Reader, and has made guest
appearances on Playboy Radio. He is also a featured lecturer in the Double
Your Dating, Power Sexuality, and Body Language programs.

An international seminar leader, relationship and dating expert, mind scientist,

hypnotist, self-evolvement coach and spoken-word artist, he certainly doesnt fit
nicely into any one box. With a mission to reshape the way society views sexual
practice, he has attracted a legion of fans, both male and female, who admire
his provocative and challenging approach to relationships and dating.

As a mind scientist, Eric has created a vast range of techniques and strategies
that help men and women take their relations with each other beyond
conventional expectations. Through his products, seminars, and private
consultations, he has inspired men around the world to reevaluate themselves
and follow a pathway better suited to their inner man.
Check out his website here:
NLP Techniques: Aligning Neurological

Submitted by Craig on Tue, 07/07/2009 - 23:35

Printer-friendly version

The Idea:

Aligning Neurological Levels, or the Aligned Self Pattern is one of my very favorite
NLP patterns, because it can be a whole intervention in itself. It is based on the work of
Robert Dilts, who discovered that people operate at different levels at different times,
and when these levels are out of alignment with each other, people not only feel stuck,
they are perceptibly stuck.

Like the Circle of Excellence, this pattern works extremely well both with individuals
and in groups. This pattern is good for both remedial and generative work.
The Pattern:

1. Create 6 Spatial Anchors 1-Step Apart on the Floor

Lay down 6 cards or coins about 1 step apart on the floor extending out in front of the
Each one of the cards will be spatially anchored as follows:

Environment (i.e. times and places)

Behaviors (i.e. behaviors, thoughts and states)

Capabilities (i.e. resources and skills)

Values and Beliefs (i.e. what's important or necessary)

Identity (i.e. who and what you are)

Spirit (i.e. highest intent and purpose, who else is touched)

2. Step Into the Environmental Spatial Anchor

Think of the times and places where you will want and need to be as congruent and
resourceful as possible.
Think of another time and place where you will want and need these resources.

3. Step Into the Behavioral Spatial Anchor

Now, take a step forward into the next space, and think of all the behaviors you will
need to achieve your outcome... your state, your thoughts and attitude, your posture
and breathing, the way you speak and move.

4. Step Into the Capabilities Spatial Anchor

Now, take a step forward into the next space, and think of all the resources, skills,
knowledge, people, information, strengths and abilities you will need to achieve your
Make sure these resources are ecologically sound... good.

5. Step Into the Values and Beliefs Spatial Anchor

Now, take a step forward and imagine the kinds of beliefs and values that serve you in
achieving your outcome.
Take a moment to state those positive beliefs to yourself and notice how they support
you in achieving your outcome.

Take a moment to organize your values so that first things come first... good.

6. Step Into the Identity Spatial Anchor

Now, take a step forward to notice how well who you are aligns with your pursuit and
achievement of your outcome.
Take a moment to more perfectly align your identity with this pursuit... good... that's it.

7. Step Into the Spiritual Spatial Anchor

Now, take a final step into the realm of the eternal. Reflect on the positive legacy your
contributions have left for mankind and posterity.
Take a moment to experience how that will look, sound and feel to have done
something positive for others, and allow that experience to soak in, now.

8. Reinforce the Spiritual Spatial Anchor

Now, turn around 180 degrees and face the direction you came.
Take a moment now to reflect on how this highest purpose and intent can inform,
modulate and enlighten all other aspects of your life.

9. Reinforce the Identity Spatial Anchor

Now take a step forward, and having experienced the eternal perspective, notice now
how your identity has been deeply shaped in powerful ways.
Take a moment to project how this more powerful you will engage in the world.

10. Reinforce the Values and Beliefs Spatial Anchor

Now take a step forward, and having updated what it means to be you now, notice how
your beliefs and values are informed, revised, updated and aligned naturally and easily.
Notice how easily it is to recognize and place first things first. Now imagine how those
important things will easily get done, and how the less important things can also get
done in due time.

Notice how confident you feel that you are also doing the right things.

11. Reinforce the Capabilities Spatial Anchor

Now take a step forward, and having updated and revised your priorities, values and
beliefs, notice how your learning is accelerated, focused on what you'll need when
you'll need it.
Notice also how your confidence and competence have also grown up side-by-side and
how they support each other. Notice yourself in a flow state, enjoying being good at
what you do now.

12. Reinforce the Behavioral Spatial Anchor

Now take a step forward, and see yourself as a detached observer, performing with
confidence and competence those new skills and capabilities, and notice how your
thoughts, emotions, posture, breathing, expression, speech, motions, decisions are all
enhanced and perfected.
And now just step into that experience as yourself and see, hear and feel yourself
doing these things as naturally, smoothly and easily as you saw your self when
detached... good.

13. Reinforce the Environmental Spatial Anchor

Finally, take a last step forward, and bring all of these new resources, skills, powers into
real-projected future places and times. See yourself doing everything fully congruent in
these situations, notice what day and time it is, what you are wearing, who is present,
and just feel great!
When to Use this Pattern:

Align Neurological Levels as a great group introduction to NLP. This is also an

excellent exercise to finish off a chain of NLP interventions, because it reinforces and
integrates learnings covering the gamut across all levels of experience.

Do try this exercise, it comes highly recommended. NLP Comprehensive also favors
this exercise during their integration week at the end of Practitioner training, and for
good reason!


Robert Dilts
Spinning Feelings
Spinning feelings is a set of simple, quick and efficient techniques that can be used to
deal with a wide range of personal issues. There are some variants, but Ill focus one I
like and have used a lot. The basic idea is this. You focus your attention on a feeling in
the body, discover how it rotates, then pretend to move it out of the body, switch the
direction of the rotation and finally put it back in the same place again. The point with
this trick is that the feeling cannot be entirely still it must move in some way or it
would attenuate. But since it cant rotate in two opposite directions at once, the old
pattern is interrupted and the feeling disappears.

Im not entirely sure who came up with this idea to begin with, but Ive seen
descriptions in similar terms in various places. Although it may have older roots, I first
learned it from a video taped seminar with Richard Bandler. The other parts and details
in the description below are mostly what Ive arrived at from my own experience. So
the following is a step by step description of the method Ive used.

Seek out the bad experience.

o Go to a place that you associate with a bad experience or unpleasant person,
or perhaps a place where you spent a lot of time during a generally rough
period in life, such as a place you lived, worked or went to school.

o If you find it difficult to get back to the old bad feelings, you may try to
remember some specific bad events. You may also try to relive them in your
mind as you experienced them when they first occurred, i.e. as if you were
actually there again.

Now you will likely experience an unpleasant feeling somewhere in your body. Close
your eyes and focus on that feeling.

o Often it feels like a knot in your stomach or a lump in your throat.

o After a while you will most likely notice that the feeling is moving around in
some cyclical fashion, as if rotating along a path.

o If it is difficult to find the direction in which it is rotating, you may try to very
gently spin it in various directions and try to notice if one of them seems right,
as if the feeling will tend to keep spinning in that direction even if you stop
nudging it.

Reverse the rotation:

o Once youve found a rotational cycle that seems stable, imagine moving it out
of the body.

o Now flip the plane of rotation half way around so that the feeling spins in the
opposite direction.

o When youve got it spinning in the other direction, put it back in the same
place in your body again.
The pattern is broken.

o Since the feeling cant spin both ways simultaneously, the pattern is broken
and the feeling disappears.

o Sometimes after dissolving the first rotating feeling, you may discover another
place in the body where there is another one. Then repeat the process.

The memories become more positive.

o When you are finished with the technique, open your eyes and remain still for
a while.

o If you now think back upon the event youve worked on you will likely notice
that your feelings are entirely different, less unpleasant. Often one remembers
more positive circumstances and details that were previously overshadowed by
the dominating bad feeling. This can sometimes be an opportunity to reflect
on the experience and learn something that one hadnt thought of before.

o Ive often found that in this situation it is relatively easy to forgive what
someone has done, that life or the world in general has been awful or perhaps
yourself for having done something stupid.

A few details

When one tries to detect how the rotational pattern of the feeling is shaped and how it is
moving, one might sometimes notice that it is a bit uneven in shape, and that the tempo
varies in different parts of the cycle and so on. When Ive changed the direction of
movement in those cases, I have usually tried to not only flip the rotational plane. Ive
also tried to reshape the new pattern a bit so that it is mainly the direction of the rotation
that has changed, while the rotational cycle and tempo in its various parts are still fairly
maintained. Please note, though, that it should not primarily be a visual representation
one is working with, but an actual feeling of something moving. That is, even though it
may easily also become visual if one is prone to using inner images, it is the feeling that
is the important part, so make sure you get that right.

During several of the first times I did these things, I usually found one particular
direction of movement to be quite common for me; so on the rare occasions when a spin
in a different direction occurred, it was often harder for me to figure out just how the
feeling was moving.

On such occasions it may be helpful to remind one self of the different directions that
are possible. Usually the feeling moves in one of three planes; a vertical plane going
either forward-backward or left-right through the body; or a horizontal plane. Of course,
the spin may be in both directions in those planes, and sometimes the plane may even be
a bit slanted. Sometimes, it may initially seem to move all over the place, but if one is
patient and waits a bit, Ive found that it usually stabilises into one fairly simple cycle
after a short while.
As mentioned one might sometimes discover more places where there is a small feeling
after taking care of the first main one. For my part, Ive usually only found one or a
couple more for each separate thing Ive been thinking back on and working with.

To avoid unnecessary distractions it is probably good to if possible try to be fairly

undisturbed. One might for example try to choose a time of day when the place one is
going to isnt crowded, or perhaps move away a bit, while not going so far away as to
loose the emotional connection with the past experience one is trying to work on.

Ive also tried to make sure in advance to be well rested and alert, and not to have eaten
just prior, since if one is full of food and digestion is in full swing, it may become
difficult to distinguish the often quite subtle feelings one is looking for.

The last part about forgiving should not be glossed over. In fact, it can serve as a good
indication of whether the process worked to resolve the issue fully. If one finds that the
same thing keeps popping up again long afterwards and still carries emotional charge,
and is hard to really forgive, there is probably more work to be done with the issue or
some aspects thereof

I suspect that when one uses this technique, one might tend to enter a slight hypnotic
state or something like a light trance. As far as I understand, while in such a state, one
looses some of ones faculties of critical thinking and may become more susceptible to
impressions. Therefore, I assume that it could be a good idea to avoid impressions for a
while afterwards, perhaps take an undisturbed walk or get a snack, while it wears off.

Going to specific places aids clearer recall and connection to feelings. As proficiency is
gained, and especially if one runs out of particular places to go, one may use a more
general, but similar approach. In general things that are or have in the past been
emotionally charged are probably things that may be useful to deal with, be they health
issues, personal weaknesses, loss of loved ones, unhappy love, annoyances in politics or
what ever. It might be a good idea to keep a scrap of paper to jot down ideas of possible
issues as they pop up, and then deal with them later on as one gets some free time. Id
like to point out that in my experience the saying that time heals all wounds is very
wrong. The wounds do not heal. Rather they may be compared to archaeological finds.
They just get covered with dust and eventually forgotten. But in most cases they are still
there, and I think that on some level and in some way they still cause some pain
although one isnt conscious of it.

A bit about my experiences

I had used the technique a few times without going anywhere in particular first. But
while taking a walk during early summer, I happened to pass the hospital where my
father passed away due to cancer about 15 years ago. Since such a long time had passed,
I thought that I had gotten over it by now. But this time I felt noticeably down, bothered
and a bit sad, and it was almost as if a veil came before my eyes. When I got home, for
some reason I decided to go back again and try the spinning technique in that particular
A week or two later I got away to do it. I sat down outside the hospital and did
something similar to what is described above. I found it easy to detect the feeling. It was
like an obvious rotation forward in my chest, but it was easy to dissolve using the
technique. After a while I found a few more minor feelings to deal with. After that I
remained there for a while, thinking about all the things that had happened there, but
now without the negative feelings. Going home I felt very relieved and peaceful. I was
also very happy that it had worked so well, and thought that I should try it out in a few
more places. By now Ive done it quite a number of times during a period of several
months, with very good results.

When it concerns a specific location, such as a small hospital or a house where one has
lived, its easy to know where to go. But Ive also for example gone to a college
campus. Such a place, of course, has a lot of spread out areas where one may have spent
a lot of time during some years of studying. In these cases I went there two to three
times, with a week or more in-between. On each occasion, I would walk around for an
hour or two, sitting down here and there, trying to remember some negative events to
handle. On occasion, I would literally in passing discover negative emotions that I at
first couldnt associate with any particular memory, but after dealing with them I usually
realised what might have been the cause. These were relatively minor things and
happened long ago, but still carried some remaining negative charge until now.

Most times that Ive made these small excursions the results have been positive right
away, and in these cases it has been an entirely positive experience to finally be able to
really put various things behind me. Occasionally, though, Ive felt blue for a few days
or a week or so. After all, even if the old emotions are handled, it may be saddening to
be reminded of factual circumstances about things that didnt go as one wanted, or when
something one had worked hard on for a long time didnt work out, things that might
still affect ones life. And even if one doesnt experience temporarily worse mood due to
something like that, I suspect that there may surface some things to process and
reconsider. Therefore I have usually let at least a week, often two, pass between
sessions. Ive also usually tried to get a lot of sleep, especially the first few days

In the beginning it was sometimes hard for me to get out and do these things when I had
planned to, especially if it was some place that I felt uncomfortable going to. But then I
would bribe myself into going, by treating myself to some nice food or some other
reward afterwards. Over time it became easier though, partly because I was already
done with the hardest things, and partly because I really learned to appreciate the
positive results.

Some times I also saw a possible connection to so called chakras, which at the time I
didnt really know much about. But as I was starting to run out of ideas of places to go
and try to deal with particular bad experiences, the connection became quite clear, and
since then Ive done a little reading and experimented with it so Ive added some new
pages with brief introductions to the subject of chakras as well as the related
phenomenon of the so called kundalini as well as a few more exercises that may be
useful in chakra balancing for those that share such experiences.
Comments are welcome, especially if there is something that is unclear or hard to
understand in the text. But I do get a lot of bots spamming me, so if its not obvious that
its a relevant comment, I might not let it through.

Inner Game Tapping with Magnus

by Tribulus1000 Thu Dec 14, 2006 11:19 pm

If you missed Austin, Magnus will be in Las Vegas in March 2007 teaching the very same


The following is a review of the Inner Game Tapping Workshop done by Magnus of Bristol Lair.

Before I went, I asked Dimitry if I could write a review of the workshop and he said I could,
otherwise you would not be reading this.

This is not for everyone. Tapping is a New Agey thing that takes away you negative beliefs and
negative emotions through a process of tapping the fingers over meridian points. It is loosely
based around the concepts of Chinese Medicine.

The following is only a review of how I saw things. It is only a review.

If you disagree with the premise behind words on a computer screen, you don't have to keep
reading. Just click the back button on your browser and go back to the main message board.
I will only express my own opinions and I make no claim of expertise nor do I fully endorse the

If you are interested in Tapping, please go to Do not expect me to 'fill

you in' on a workshop that lasted 2 days!


We met Magnus at a Club House in Austin. GameTrane of the Austin Society lives in the same
appartment complex.
So several of the members of the Austin Society were present. It was nice to see some of these
guys again.
I had met them almost a year ago. I recognized some faces. These guys are still some of the
coolest guys I've met since I've been in the Game.
We also had some Austin Sociey guys who are part of the Dallas Lair there too. So its all good.

Magnus described some of the basics and philosophy behind Tapping or EFT (Emotional
Freedom Techniques).

Basically, its like people hold negative emotions in their bodies. If you've ever felt fear on
approach, or felt anger in your midsection or had the "butterflies".
This is the type of muscular tension and relaxation we are describing.
Negative emotions are stored in the nervous system. Whenever similar situation occurs, the
negative emotion is triggered as well. Sometimes these can persist in absence of the thing that
originally set off the emotion. These can manifest also themselves as negative beliefs as the
brain makes connections that X=pain or will lead to pain.

Changing Belief Systems

Magnus made the analogy of imagining a picture on a wall. If we are told it is a boat, then we
can accept this. If we are then told that its not a boat but a car, then we can easily accept the
change as well.
But if we have some emotion associated to that imagine, then we are less likely to accept the
Somehow the brain thinks that it is more important to hold onto the other image.

So beliefs work in the same way and are sometimes in our way.

Even though the community helps us to change our behaviors, we are doing little to affect the
negative beliefs and associations in our nervous systems.
Thus we cannot break through to the lives we truely desire.

Tapping to the Rescue

Tapping changes the feelings associated to ideas. In effect, it resets the nervous system to not
react. Where once the nervous energy got trapped as a standing wave, it is now free. The idea
can be expressed freely.

Its analogous to the picture that I told you was a car. Its now waterfall. You can make this
change in your mind because your brain does not believe your life depends on that picture
being a car.

This is my poor man's explanation of Tapping, belief systems and negative emotional energy.
For more on this, please visit and

We did around 100 rounds of this on Saturday, starting with basic self acceptance ideas,
tapping on how we felt, describing our emotions and experiences.


Just before lunch, I started to get hungry. Normally when this happens, I'll go eat. Since we
couldn't leave, we tried tapping it away. To my suprise, it worked. My hunger was the result of
some nervous energy.
When we actually did go to lunch, I was not really that hungry. I did eat anyway.

So it did work.

Oneitis Resolved

Then after lunch, we were going over what stops you from being the man you really want to
be?' ' What stops you from being proud of yourself?'

My thoughts drifted to a oneitis girl. Then another. Then another. Finally I came to the girl that
brought me into the community. My "one that got away".
I began to get hot for some reason. My whole body heated up as if I had a fever. My stomach
was queezy and I felt like I wanted to vomit.
Deeper and deeper we went....I kept bringing up situations in my mind in which I was
interacting with her and not proud of myself. In the past, I would see when she got me into a
sport and how I tried to beat her at it or how when she would throw signals at me, I would
ignore them.

All of this made me uncomfortable. The emotions were definitely welled up somewhere in my

Magnus kept going. At one point I think he saw me. He said "Some of you look aweful, I am
going to keep going." And he did.
I felt myself getting really hot again and we took a break.

I told him I had a fever and I might have to leave. He thought about it and I could tell he
thought it might be the tapping.
We did an exercise to open the Chakras. And it didn't go away immediately, but later the heat
and the queeziness disappeared.

It was the Tapping that brought it up afterall.

I am very grateful for this particular thing. I went from feeling like she was the reason I had to
become a PUA to feeling like I am free from a horrible oneitis experience.

If you've ever had a crush on someone, you know how painful it can be.

This was a really good for me. Another way of looking at this is that I was using energy to keep
this feeling going. I kept feeling upset about it. Think how much emotional currency I have to
spend to keep feeling bad about someone or some situation.
Its better to let it go. Which is what I did.

It may not be completely gone but Tapping at it definitely helped me.

We also did an eye contact exercise, being in a great state in the field and approach anxiety on


Sunday was much like Saturday but we talked about and tapped "your ideal girl" and what
stops you from being with her. We did a really cool exercise with this.

We talked about and tapped your turn offs with the girls you meet.

We tapped on our negative feelings towards women. Particularly oneitis's, ex-'s, girlfriends,
friends, mothers. Since I had already experienced alot of this on Saturday, my mind searched
for other girls I had known in my life.

We talked briefly about uncomfortable feelings around sex and also did some tapping on
success and what is stopping you from being the guy you want to be.


To those who missed this workshop, you missed a great opportunity to get in touch with your
inner game. At one point, Magnus had a drawing on a dry-erase board and on it was a man and
a woman.
Arrows coming from her represented negative beliefs that you have. Arrows going to her
represented your natural game.
Other arrows represented "community acquired" skills.

Interesting to me was his philosophy was that the arrows representing negative beliefs would
eventually mess up your game and that the community skills did not outweigh them in the end.

In other words, getting your "house" in order is more important than running game. Wow.
And you can still work on the community skills. So why not clear up any issues you have first?

I would suggest that you take this workshop. It is eye-opening and original and can do nothing
but help. It is a little new-agey. But its definitely worth it.


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