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Shirley G. Driscoll, M.D.*

Abnormal trophoblastic proliferation is the hallmark of a spectrum of
lesions constituting the gestational trophoblastic neoplasms. Rapid proliferation,
infiltration, vascular invasion, hen]atogenot~s dissemination, and spontaneous
regression are features of both normal and neoplastic trophoblast. Troplmblas-
tic hyperplasia without hydrops, hydatidiform mole, invasive mole, and gesta-
tional choriocarcinoma are related lesions, characterized by increasingly
aberrant trophoblastic growth and worsening prognosis, if untreated. Difli-
ctflties in diagnosis may arise with respect to the normal early implantation site,
the hydropic abortus, and postgestational, involuting, residual trophoblast.
Histologic grading of hydatidiform moles is relevant to their prognosis and
biologic behavior. Trophoblastic neoplasia may begin at any stage of preg-
nancy or puerperally with immediate or late and local or distant manifestations
in the mother or the child. Cognizance of the capricious potential behavior of
trophoblast permits successfifl management of its proliferative lesions, moni-
tored by serial measurement of gonadotropin secretion.

Gestational trophoblastic neoplasms untreated. They are linked pathogenetic-

include three categories of disease charac- ally and epidemiologically and are the first
terized by abnormal proliferation of troph- solid tumors to have responded complete-
oblast: hydatidiform mole, invasive mole, ly to chemotherapy in the majority of
and choriocarcinoma. These lesions mimic cases, even when metastasis has preceded
the behavior of normal gestational tropho- the initiation of treatment. Early and
blast. They arise from a tissue genetically atypical proliferative lesions of tropho-
dissimilar from the host, invade her tis- blast, not readily accommodated by con-
sues, may be disseminated in her blood ventional taxonomy, share these features
from the site of in]plantation, and often of hydatidiform moles and choriocarci-
regress spontaneously after the termina- r . .
nomas. Recognition of such lesions lends
tion of pregnancy. They secrete chorlomc credence to a tmitary view of tropho-
gonadotropin, which is useful as a tumor blastic overgrowth as a continnum of
marker. By and large, they conform to dis- hyl~erplastic and neoplastic phenomena,
crete morphologic entities with predict- most notoriously exemplified by, but not
able biologic behavior and outcome, if limited to, molar pregnancy and gesta-

*Professor of l'athology at Boston Hospital for Women: ttarvard Medical School. Pathologist,
Boston ttospital for "Women,Boston, Massachusetts. 529

tional choriocarcinoma. Abnornml troph- often reveals tile cltorionic cavity, derived
oblastic proliferation is the sine qtm non from the segmentation cavity of the orig-
of this spectrum of lesions and the deter- inal blastocyst. Each bulla or vesicle is a
minant of their biologic behavior. cystic villus, lacking intrinsic vessels, with
Morphologic interpretation of tropho- its stroma replaced by thin, clear or turbid
blastic growths is complicated by the fluid; adjacent vesicles are strung togetlter,
unusual predilection of normal tropho- beadlike, along strands of delicate connec-
blast for rapid proliferation, infihration, tive tissue. Trophoblastic proliferation
vascular invasion, and deportation. xnay tlticken the walls of the swollen villi.
Awareness of aberrant trophoblastic The degree and extent of villous fiydrops
growth raises the possibility of hormonal vary fi'om one mole to another and within
ntonitoring and cllemotlterapy to avert a single specimen; a myxoid stroma or
catastrophic local or systenfic complica- normal villous mesencfiyme may be seen.
tions. Tire response to therapy of neo- The quantity of trophoblast, its patterns
plastic trophoblast is generally correlated of growth, and its maturation also vary to
with its degree of proliferation and atypia considerable degrees. Necrosis of entire
as compared to tlmt of its normal counter- villi and within islands of trophoblast is
part. comnaon. In situ the hydatidiform mole is
often covered by a film of decidua, filling
and expanding but not obliterating the
M O R B I D A N A T O M Y OF endometrial cavity. A plane of cleavage,
GESTATIONAL TROPHOBLASTIC similar to tlmt seen in normal gestation,
NEOPLASMS may be identified at tire base of the mole
in the decidua. Of course, these relations
In its configuration and relation to the are distorted or destroyed as the lesion
site of implantation, the hydatidiform enlarges, partial infarction occurs, and
mole is a caricature of a normal immature expulsion or mantml extraction super-
placenta (Fig. 1). Usually a bulky and venes.
fragile mass of vesicles produced by the At the interface of molar and uterine
"ltydropic" swelling of chorionic villi, the tissues, tropltoblast mingles with decidua,
mole is unlikely to be accompanied by an invades vessels, and penetrates tire myo-
intact embryo or fetus. Diligent search metritun. Tire histologic features of this

Figure 1. Hydatidifornl mole. Vesicular strt,ctures bulge from incised uterus. Note bilateral ovarian en-
530 largement, an effect of gonadotropin secretion.

zone vary from case to case. In general, In such cases the villi tend to be avascular,
the quantity of trophoblast infiltrating the with theil- trophoblast attenuated and their
uterus at the molar implantation site ex- stroma nearly structureless. Overall, the
ceeds that in normal gestation. Discrete conceptus retains a modicum of the gen-
trophoblastic cells are intimately inter- eral conformation of a chorionic vesicle,
mixed with uterine tissues, but solid masses often containing an amnion, a body stalk,
of cytotrophoblast are unustml. Eosino- and an embryo, which is rarely well formed
philic amorphous debris and fibrin-like and preserved. This constellation of mor-
deposits are sometimes abundant at this phologic features has been dubbed a
site. The endometrium tends to be decidu- "blighted ovum" (Fig. 2). When the asso-
alized, congruent with the gestational ciated villous swelling reaches macroscopic
status of the host. Decidual necrosis is proportions, a diagnosis of "transitional
uncommon and is usually not extensive. mole" may have been offered (Fig. 3). In
Endometrial, endosalpingeal, and endo- cases o f this type, ahhough the villous
cervical epithelia occasionally exlfibit hydrops suggests a hydatidiform mole,
nuclear enlargement and hyperchro- there is no trophoblastic overgrowth. Such
matism. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes lesions should be distinguished from the
signify the presence of necrosis. Only oc- proliferative disorders of gestational
casionally is a zone of mononuclear inflam- trophoblast. To maintain distinctions and
matory cells encountered in the host avoid ambigttity, it seems appropriate to
tissue adjacent to the lesion. limit the term "mole" in gestational path-
Rarely trophoblastic hyperplasia and ology to hydropic lesions within the spec-
villous hydrops affect only a portion of trum of trophoblastic neoplasia. The
the chorionic villi of an otherwise normal anachronism "Breus' mole" should also
placenta. This condition has been termed be replaced by an appropriately precise
"focal" or "partial hydatidiform mole," term, avoiding confilsion with the hydati-
usually depending on the extent of the diform mole.
gross vesicular change. T h e invasive, or destructive, mole is
Diffnse villous enlargement, without one that has invaded the myometrium,
trophoblastic hyperplasia, characterizes penetrated the adnexa, or spread to dis-
many products of spontaneous abortion. tant sites. The archaic term, "chorioade-

Figure 2. Chorionic villi of "blighted ovum," aborted spontaneousl) ill first trimester. Note avascular
hydropic villi without trophoblastic proliferation. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain, x50.) 531
Figure 3. l'roducts aborted spon-
taneously in second trimester. General
configuration of chorionic structures is
preserved, but villi are swollen to macro-
scopic degree.

Figure 4. ,4, Invasive mole. ttemor-

rhagic necrotic tumor has replaced much
of the myonletriunl and perforated the
serosa. B, Invasive mole, metastatic to
hmg. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain.


noma destruens," is inaccurate as well as spread to other organs, gives rise to the
stq)erfluous. Hydropic villi are found in clinical manifestations of the tumor.
the uterine wall, the broad ligament, the Choriocarcinomas are composed of masses
vagina, the lungs, or the brain (Fig. 4). of proliferating trophoblast, often exten-
Uterine perforation, vaginal bleeding, sively hemorrlmgic and necrotic, filling
pulmonary infarction, and cerebral lle- and distending blood vessels and dissem-
morrhage signal the occurrence of these inating widely through the blood. Invasion
complications. As a group, invasive moles and destruction of the uterus and metas-
are clmracterized by a greater abundance tases to the lungs, vagina, liver, and brain
and atypia of trophoblast than moles not are common; lymph node metastases are
exhibiting a similarly aggressive belmvior very infrequent. T h e constituent tropho-
(Fig. 5). blast may be composed of a solid growth
Gestational choriocarcinoma (former- of cytotrophoblast with little pleomor-
ly designated "claorioepittaelioma") is the phism and nfinimai maturation at the
malignant neoplasm of gestational tropho- periphery to form a syncytium (Fig. 6). In
blast. It may originate during pregnancy, other instances, the tumor is extremely
although the first signs of disease may ap- pleomorphic, with karyomegaly, numer-
pear at a considerable interval thereafter, ous and atypical mitotic figures, lobated
and at an anatomic site remote from the nuclei, multiple and giant nucleoli, and a
uterus. Choriocarcinomas have been re- variable formation of syncytiotropho-
ported to "follow" a hydatidiform mole, a blast (Fig. 7). The tumor does not contain
spontaneous abortion, a normal gestation, intrinsic stronm or blood vessels.
and, rarely, an ectopic pregnancy. Clearly Occasionally chorionic tissues tlmt are
such tumors arise fi'om the trophoblast of recovered as products of elective or spont-
the relevant conceptus either during ges- aneous abortions are characterized by
tation or from remnants of the tropho- hyperplasia of trophoblast, with little or
blast retained in the uterus or at sites of no associated villous hydrops (Fig. 8). The
deportation, having failed to involute degree of hyperplasia and maturation into
normally after the termination of preg- syncytium varies. These hyperplastic le-
nancy. Continued growth, with or without sions of trophoblast probably represent

Figure 5. Invasive mole within myonletrium. Note abundance of trophoblast, fi~rming solid masses at-
tached to hydropic villus. (ltematoxylin and eosin stain, x40.)

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Figure 6. Gestational choriocarcinoma infihrating myometrium. Solid mass of fairly uniform, proliferating
cytotrophoblast. (tlematoxylin and eosin stain.

incipient neoplasms, including the pre- designate postgestational lesions clmrac-

hydropic stages of hydatidiform moles. terized by prolonged persistence of
Similarly the postgestational involution of trophoblast.'-' T o minimize ambiguity and
the implantation site is sometimes delayed, clarify the nosology of trophoblastic le-
especially after a molar pregnancy (Fig. 9). sions, a simpler descriptive terminology is
These phenomena reflect the diversity of recommended, incorporating valid infer-
trophoblastic growths, variously recapitu- ences as to the biologic behavior of the le-
lating the behavior of normal gestational sion in question. Familiarity with the
trophoblast yet expressing many features infiltrative habits of nornmi gestational
of other neoplasms. T h e terms "syncytial trophoblast serves to discriminate involut-
endometritis," "syncytioma," and "tropho- ing residna from significant trophoblastic
blastic pseudotunior" lmve been nsed to disease.

"*.-" Ill' ~;._u~_,~,- o; ~;q,~cy..,.llUF '-~_' , f - ; ~ ; - ' e : l l V ' ~ ,~-,'

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Figure 7. (,estatkmal choriocarcinon~a metaslatic to lung. Undifferentiated and atypical trophoblast with
534 prominent nucleoli. (tlematoxylin and eosin stain, x160.)

', '";51,., .. ::.::i .

Figure 8. Chorionictissue from electiveabortion at eight weeks of gestation. Note hyperplasia of tropho-
blast, without villous hydrops. (Hcmatoxylin and eosin stain, x40.)

MORPHOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS OF t h o r o u g h sampling of the lesion provides

GESTATIONAL T R O P H O B L A S T I C evidence of abnormal trophoblastic pro-
NEOPLASMS liferation, it is tmwise to make the diag-
nosis o f hydatidiform mole or gestational
Pitfalls in the diagnosis o f gestational choriocarcinonm. Fortunately the avail-
trophoblastic neoplasms can be attributed ability o f gonadotropin assays, notabl)' the
to the histologic vagaries o f trophoblast radioimmunoassay of the beta subunit of
itself, the variety of chorionic lesions that chorionic gonadotropin, offers the means
may be associated with spontaneous abor- o f monitoring the postgestational behavior
tion, and the morphologic diversity of the of questionable lesions. Alerted by the
proliferative lesions as a group. Unless a histopathologic interpretation, the clin-

Figure 9. Residualtrophublast at molar iml)lantatiol~site. Note discrete trophoblastic cells and l)'ml)hO- 5 3 5
cytes intermixed in eladometrium. (ttematox)lin and eosin stain, x250.)

ician can base treatment on the temporal reproducibly subdivided into three grades
pattern of gonadotropin secretion by of increasing atypia, decreasing differen-
residual, persistent, or neoplastic tropho- tiation, and generally worsening prog-
blast. Of course, supervening pregnancy, nosis. On the basis of the original scheme
conceived during the interval of endocrine of Hertig and Sheldon, 3 which assigned
surveillance, may subvert the clinical these lesions to six numbered groups
follow-up of an antecedent trophoblastic (benign, probably benign, possibly be-
lesion. nign, possibly malignant, probably
nmlignant, malignant), this modification
focuses on the characteristics of the pro-
liferating trophoblast:
Hertig and Iris coworkers 3"4 proposed
Grade 1: Minimal hyperplasia, well dif-
a system for the histopathologic subclassi- ferentiated trophoblast (Fig. 10).
fication of hydatidiform moles tlmt has Grade 2: Moderate to marked hyper-
proved generally predictive of their clini- plasia, well differentiated
cal course. This system evaluates the de- trophoblast (Fig. 11).
gree of aberrancy of the trophoblast as Grade 3: Marked hyperplasia, undiffer-
compared with its normal counterpart. On entiated trophoblast (Fig. 12).
the basis of the quantity of trophoblast
present, its patterns of growth, mitotic In each instance villous hydrops is con-
activity, and cytologic atypia, moles that sidered an intrinsic feature of the lesion,
appear only to exaggerate norlnal chorion- a result of trophoblastic dysfunction. The
ic structure can be separated from others villi of the mole are not regarded as simply
characterized by exuberant hyperplasia the scaffolding upon which the aberrant
and minimal differentiation. Intermediate trophoblast grows. Gestational chorio-
lesions of varying degrees of differentia- carcinonm, lacking villous hydrops, is the
tion can also be recognized. Thorougli least differentiated of the trophoblastic
sampling of molar specimens permits one lesions.
to evaluate them according to traditional This simple system of grading is
morphologic criteria, often to assess local analogous to that of other neoplasms,
invasive belmvior, and to identify host associating morpbologic attributes with
reactions that may be relevant to prog- prognosis. In combination with histologic
nosis. indicators of the host response to the
In practice, hydatidiform moles are tumor, grading can be correlated with

" k a~ ' o,t

J ei "~ t ~ " '' 9

' ' . .'?lilY'ilk':

!::;: _'..:.;7, _ .... ,. ]/'_ _ :.:_

Figure 10. Hydatidiform mole, grade 1. Trophoblast is focallyhyperplastic, but well differentiated. Note
536 villous hydrops. (Hematoxylinand eosin stain.

. . . . ~, .:-~ . .. . . . . . , : . . . . . -~2~ ~?.. .- ,, ~_;.'.

- ..,:, 9 ;~... -...:.'~ ~., :: ~.~" .

Figure II. Hydatidiform mole, grade 2. Trophoblast is extensivelyh)l)erplastic, but well differentiated.
Note villous h)'drops. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain, x40.)

gonadotropin secretion and is generally tion with tile higher grades of tumor. Tile
predictive of responsiveness to chemo- atypias and polyploidy of endometrial,
therapy. 1 Lesions characterized by the endocervical, and endosalpingeal epithelia
interposition of fibrin-like material at the that often accompany gestational tropho-
tumor-host interface and by maturation blast do not seem to reflect the qtmlity or
to form syncytium tend to regress prompt- grade of trophoblastic overgrowth.
ly with therapy. Relative resistance to At sites of trophoblastic infiltration,
chemotherap), can be anticipated when the deposition of fibrin-like material is
compact growth of cytotrophoblast pre- greatest in association with well differen-
dominates and little differentiation is seen. tiated lesions and least when the lesion is
Gonadotropin levels are highest in associa- extensively invasive and histologically

Figure 12. Hydatidiform mole, grade 3. Trophoblast is extensivel)"hyperplastic and undifferentiated. (The 5 3 7
associated villous hydrops is not illustrated here.) (Hcmatoxylin and eosin stain. X100.)

atypical. However, the degree and type of Absence o f villous vessels, villous hydrops,
cellular inflammatory response on the part and cavitation are sequellae of dysfunc-
of the host are not correlated with the qual- tional trophoblastic growth. Hydatidiform
ity of trophoblastic growth. Plasma cells mole is a descriptive rubric, applicable to
and lymphocytes are sometimes abundant gestational trophoblastic neoplasms typi-
adjacent to an invasive lesion; in other in- fied by grossly vesicular villi. These phe-
stances, few if an)' inflammatory cells are nomena may be initiated ill trophoblast
seen. Other studies have offered conflict- at any stage of gestation, but their cause is
ing evidence as to the implications of such unknown at the present time.
mononuclear infiltrates per se ill the over- Cytogenetic analyses of human abor-
all prognosis of gestational trophoblastic tuses have disclosed an association of
neoplasms? -7 triptoidy with villous hydrops, or "hydati-
Histologic grading is a useful adjunct diform degeneration. ''9 The phenotyl)e
to the clinical classification of tropho- includes grossly vesicular villi and villous
blastic neoplasms promulgated by the In- stromal inclusions of trophoblast, often
ternational Union Against Cancer. s accompanied by an ,'inomalous fetus. No
Standardization of the taxonomy and sys- particular predilection for trophoblastic
tematic grading of gestational tropho- hyperplasia, neoplasia, or metastasis has
blastic tumors offer the obvious advantages been reported to be associated with this
of uniform data collection now effectively condition. On the other band, a large
used througllout gynecologic oncology. number of typical hydatidiform moles
have been karyotyped; ill most instances
they have been found to have the normal
PATHOGENETIC INSIGHTS female karyotype, 46XX, whereas aminor-
it)' have been 46XY. TM Rarely tissue culture
Validation of a pathogenetic hypothe- of molar fi'agments discloses autosomal
sis requires doctunentation of the early trisomy, triploidy, or tetraploidy. The
and intermediate phases of a disease. This cytogenetic features have not been evalu-
is especially critical for lesions that have ated with reference to the overall biologic
been neither observed to occur spontane- behavior or histologic grade of the lesions
ously in species other than man nor studied, althougll investigation of a few
induced experimentally in animal models. invasive moles and gestational choriocarci-
Authentic instances of molar pregnancy nomas has shown aneuploidy to be
or gestational choriocarcinoma in other associated with an aggressive behavior, n
species are very rare. Analogies can be Such observations are in accord with
drawn only with extreme caution and from the unitary concept of proliferative troph-
relatively sparse data. Experiments and oblastic lesions as a spectrum of increasing
manipulations are difficult and expensive malignancy from the usual hydatidifornl
to perform. On the other band, systematic mole to the widely disseminating chorio-
studies of the "experiments of nature" can carcinoma. Whether postmolar chorio-
shed considerable light on human disease. carcinomas evolve preferentially in the
Liberalization of abortion laws has brought wake of moles of "male" or "female" sex
normal cborionic tissues and early, pre- is unknown. Park, 6 who studied ante-
symptomatic gestational trophoblastic cedent chorionic lesions, found no rela-
disease witlfin the purview of the surgical tionship of the sex chromatin to the
pathologist. Preclinical lesions are re- subsequent behavior of gestational chorio-
vealed by the character of the trophoblastic carcinomas. Epidemiologic data demon-
proliferation on a continuum from that strate no differences in the sex ratio of
of the normal conceptus to floridly aber- births immediately preceding the dis-
rant overgrowth, without or with villous covery of gestational cboriocarcinomas.
hydrops. Focusing on the trophoblast to Cnstomarily series of ~ases of gesta-
the exclusion of other structural consti- tional choriocarcinoma are cited with ref-
tuents then seems an appropriate strata- erence to the course of the antecedent
gem, since this tissue is the locus of the pregnancy. Clinical disease is discovered
initial defect and imparts to the evolving at some interval after a spontaneous or
lesion its particular biologic attributes. elective abortion, an uncomplicated preg-

nancy and delivery, o1" the passage of a quellae for the fetus. Choriocarcinoma of
hydatidiform mole. Infi'equently the pre- the fetus or young infant, especially when
ceding event was an ectopzc pregnancy. it does not invoh'e a gonad, is likely to
Choriocarcinoma ab initio, i.e., without lmve arisen from gestational trophoblast.
apparent antecedent pregnancy, has been The primary lesion may be identified in
described as the rarest manifestation of the uterus or the placenta, or overlooked
gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. and discarded with the latter.
In most pol)ulations hydatidiform
moles are about 100 times as common as
gestational choriocarcinomas. About one
in 4 0 moles is complicated by local de- REFERENCES
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l)epartment of l'athology
Boston ttospital for Women
221 I.ongwood Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02115


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