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Survey Questioner

I am presently conducting survey entitled Climate Change to Farming Operations. In connection with
this, I have identified you as one of the respondents to generate the needed data.
Please answer the question by providing the appropriate information, with the data treated with
almost confidentiality.
Anticipating for your kind considerations and support to this matter.


Name: __________________________________________ Age: ( ) below 20 yr. old ( ) 40-60 yr. old
( )20-39 year old ( ) Above 60 year old
Gender: _________Civil Status: ____________
Educational Attainment: ___________________
Average Annual Income: ( ) below 20,000 ( ) 21,000-30,000
( ) 31,000 ( ) 51,000-70,000 ( ) Above 90,000

1. What is the source of irrigation in your farmland?
( ) River ( ) Lake ( ) Ground water ( ) Rain water
( ) others, specify _________________
2. Why do you choose this kind of water source?
If River why?
( ) Nearest to the farm
( ) The most accessible and available water supply.
If Ground water, why?
( ) There is no available surface water supply.
( ) Our area is of low groundwater table.
If rainwater, why?
3. Check the month that you experience the lowest and highest of water supply to irrigate your
Month Highest Lowest
January February
March April
May- June
July August
September October
November December
4. What kind of farming system do you practice?
( ) Mono-cropping ( ) integrated farming
( ) companion cropping ( ) multi-story farming
( ) Crops adopted to long dry season
( ) crops adopted to long rainy season.
5. What kind of crops grown in your farmland?
( ) Rice ( ) Corn ( ) vegetables
( ) Others (specify) ____________________
6. Are you into burning of agricultural residue in your operation?
( ) Yes ( ) No
7. If Yes,
( ) Its an easy way to clean the farmland residues
( ) It consume less of time to wait until waste decomposed.
If No
( ) It can contribute to greenhouse gases.
( ) It is not allowed in our Barangay.
( ) Composting is much better than burning; it will give nutrient to the soil.


1. With Climate change what natural phenomena can you associate of its occurrence?
( ) El Nino ( )Drought of farm
( )Loss of supply of water for irrigation.
( )La Nina ( ) Waterlogged soil.
( ) Flood
2. Are you aware of the effect of climate change to your farming operation?
( ) Yes ( ) No
3. With crops grown in your farm, which is most vulnerable to climate change?
( ) Rice, because it needs sufficient and deficient water supply can stunt its growth.
( ) Corn, because susceptible to long occurrence of rain.
( ) Vegetables because with unpredictable weather, planted vegetables is affected.
4. What are your practices to augment the water supply with the occurrence of El Nino as natural
phenomena associated to Climate change?
( ) Stock water
( ) Change of crops
( ) Scheduling planting before dry season
( ) Use of water pump
1. Without Climate change, how much is your annual income from your farming operation?
( ) 10, 000 - 30, 000 ( ) 31, 000 - 50, 000
( ) 51, 000 and above
2. How do climate change affects your farming operation income?
( ) Increase in production
( ) Decrease in production
( ) No change in the previous production
( ) Others, specify __________________________________
3. With climate change, what are the implications to your farming operation?
( ) From 3 farming to 2 farming
( ) Planted seedlings have high mortality
( ) With your irrigation, usual income is no longer meet
4. With crops grown, what problem have you encountered due to climate change?
( ) decrease in crops yield
( ) Increase
( ) Low quality of the crops yield
( ) Increase infestation of the crops grown
( ) Others, specify:_________________________________

______________________________________ Date:__________________
Signature Over Printed Name

Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

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