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Surban, Quendrick Keith E.

May 11, 2017

BSA- 3A Dr. Rica Ancheta



Like the assignment last time which talks about the five approaches of morality, the best
approach in which I see morality is law which is an approach where morality is imposed by a
higher authority. With the thought that morality is seen as law and its outcome would either
lead to reward or punishment, I cant say that I am a perfect obedient son in the house who
follows every rules given by my parents but the point I want to say is that due to the fact that I
see such rules as laws in the house, I think that I am mature enough to see why such rules are
imposed to the family and thus I am not saying that our family has no difficult rules which abide
in our house but rather I myself see this rules for the security and health of not only my own but
for the whole family. Also, I think not of how difficult it is to follow a rule in the house because
at the very first reason I, not most of the time, follow every order/rule/norm/expectation of
what my parents say to me for I know that they have lived long enough to guide my path and
the second reason, to be honest, is that I am scared of the punishments, scolding, shouting, etc.
of my parents at me so at the best of my capacity I follow such rules because of also my fear of
the harsh outcome if I do something wrong.
However, today I am a person like this who follows my parents obediently at my own
capacity to do so because from my earlier years I saw such rules as difficult and thus ignored
such impositions like my high school days in which we have this VERY STRICT RULE that we
should always ask permission first if we are going to leave the house for some outdoor activity
like group projects, filming projects, group discussion, movie trips, etc. Of course, as a high
schooler I wanted to feel the freedom and the joy of what every high schooler want, I wanted to
feel the moment where our parents would slightly let their strictness to their child and learn
how to let them go. And with this, I thought wrong that my parents would loosen a little and
forget the very basic rule which was though to us since we were young to always ask for
permission when leaving the house. I think by that time the aspect of my teenager personality,
my though of becoming freer and feeling the bliss of life grew so big that I wanted to do this and
that which resulted from disobeying the rules of my parents. Of course, because of this
circumstances that I learned to be more careful of what I want to do and such actions should
always be in lined with the rules imposed by my parents.
As I said, at the present time I dont really find difficult rules or orders in the house
because of the mentioned reasons earlier but I just wanted to sight some rules or rather
instructions which are given in the school premises or rather classroom area. I cant say that it is
a general rule which is imposed to the whole San Beda College Alabang subjects or rather I
dont think it is a rule but a mere instruction given to the students during examination. More
particularly, this circumstance is applied majorly to us accounting students and some of our
minor subjects in which I see it very difficult to follow even with the use of a pencil. Such
rule/instruction is NO ERASURE. I find this instruction very hard to obey because even at the
best of my capacity of using a pencil and after finalizing my answers with a pen, after doing such
I always have that second though in mind that Oh no! I think this one is wrong, and that one I
think I guessed such answer. I am not saying that I cannot do an examination with no erasure
all time but I really find it more difficult mostly in our accounting subjects where we are not
allowed to make any erasures in our answer sheets or our solution paper taking in mind the
little time allotted for us to take the exam while squeezing our brain powers and finger tips to
calculate, analyze, solve and write the solution. For me, it is truly a very difficult instruction to
follow for I sometimes do amateur mistakes and even though my final answer was already
finalized and the correct answer suddenly pops up to my brain, I always make the erasure even
though I know that my accounting professor will mark it wrong (VERY SAD). Also, I make
erasure/s at exams not because it is a sign of cheating but rather I want to make it clear that for
me, I think such rule makes us students think that what you did is final and there is no going
back. This makes me think that there is no way of turning what is right from wrong or rather
there is no second chances on making what is wrong into right. I know this is just an exam and I
am making a big commotion of it but such instruction is very difficult to do.
Of course, even though I see the NO ERASURE instruction as a very harsh rule to follow
during the examination, I too have considered and thought about why such impositions are
given to us. The most common reason of course is to develop the right and proper way of
decision making and makes sure to develop your confidence to the answers we have given.
Another reason perhaps is to avoid the circumstances of cheating. I also think such measures
how a student really studied for an examination for once you have read the question, me as a
student should automatically know the answer for it tests how hard we studied and how we
analyze such questions. And finally, even though such rule has given us no hope for second
chances, I think we as student where not restricted to making what is wrong into right but
rather we were given the opportunity to learn from such simple mistakes, to take this as an
opportunity to develop ourselves to become better and next time be careful upon the actions or
answers we make. And thus I think should learn for myself that I should develop the sense that I
should not see things in a negative manner but a positive approach which will give betterment
to my life and step by step closer of improving my moral aspects as a person.

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