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BritishJournal ofOphthalmology 1992; 76: 545-549 545

Immunopathological findings in conjunctival cells

using immunofluorescence staining of impression
cytology specimens
Christophe Baudouin, Nasser Haouat, Francoise Brignole, Jacques Bayle, Pierre Gastaud

Abstract with tear deficiency. The eventual functional

The conventional technique of impression changes occurring in conjunctival epithelium,
cytology provides a non-invasive method for especially when cell morphology is not impaired,
the evaluation of conjunctival epithelium can only be assessed by immunocytological
alterations. Using indirect immunofluor- procedures using monoclonal antibodies to
escence procedures two inflammatory investigate the expression of various cell surface
markers, class I MHC antigens HLA DR and markers. Until now such procedures could not
the receptor to IgE (CD23), were sought in be routinely performed in standard impression
impression cytology specimens obtained from cytology specimens, because cell collection is
80 patients. In normal subjects conjunctival usually made on opaque cellulose membranes
epithelial cells did not show any reactivity. which must be chemically cleared before cyto-
Only scattered dendritic cells were found to logical examination. Routine cytological staining
express class U antigens but not the receptor to can be performed in such a way but not immuno-
IgE. In contrast patients with chronic con- cytochemistry, which involves weak antigen-
junctivitis of various aetiologies, mainly antibody complex formation. Following
infectious or allergic, had 40-100% of brightly preliminary reports4' we routinely developed
positive conjunctival cells for one or both new impression cytology procedures which
antigens. In these cases epithelial cells and provided valuable specimens for immunocyto-
goblet cells reacted similarly. Twenty four chemistry, permitting examination of cell
eyes in 12 patients with idiopathic dry eye surface changes in conjunctival diseases.
syndrome disclosed results similar to those As shown in previous immunocytological
from normal conjunctival specimens. How- studies,6 class II histocompatibility antigens can
ever 18 other specimens from patients suffering be abnormally expressed by a variety of ocular
from idiopathic tear deficiency but undergoing cells in different pathological circumstances.
multiple substitutive treatments for dry eye Furthermore, as IgE are known to be directly
had moderate to strong positivity for HLA DR involved in allergic phenomena and atopic kerato-
and/or the receptor to IgE (20-100% of cells). conjunctivitis,7 an immunocytological study
As these results were independent of the was done using impression cytology specimens
degree of squamous metaplasia the expression of the conjunctiva to investigate the expression of
of these membrane markers may reflect local these two inflammatory markers in normal and
inflammation in addition to tear deficiency, diseased conjunctiva.
possibly due to sensitisation to the eye drops
used. These immunocytological techniques
thus provide useful methods of investigating Material and methods
conjunctival inflammation and allergy. They After obtaining informed consent ocular
may constitute valuable aid in the diagnosis examinations were performed on 80 patients
and appropriate treatment of ocular surface (160 eyes), aged 20 to 85 years. There were 17
disorders. randomly selected normal patients, 24 with dry
(BrJ7 Ophthalmol 1992; 76: 545-549) eye syndrome, and 39 with conjunctivitis (of
whom seven were affected in only one eye).
Diagnosis of dry eye was made on the basis of
Impression cytology is a quick and easy method subjective symptoms, the results of Schirmer
Department of of obtaining repeated and wide collections of test (less than 5 mm for 5 minutes), and tear
Ophthalmology, Saint- superficial cells from the bulbar conjunctiva. 1-" It break up time (less than 10 seconds). Subjective
Roch Hospital, Nice,
France allows quantitative assessment of the number of symptoms ranged from mild to severely disabling
C Baudouin
N Haouat
goblet cells in conjunctiva and a qualitative study foreign body sensation or burning. Of these 24
P Gastaud of epithelial damage in various conjunctival patients only two had the diagnosis of Sjogren's
diseases. This method has been mostly used in syndrome, on the basis of association with dry
Laboratory of dry eye syndrome, a common pathological state mouth and serum autoantibodies (rheumatoid
Hematology, Cimiez in which the non-keratinised stratified conjunc- factor or antinuclear antibodies), as described by
Hospital, Nice, France
F Brignole tival epithelium progressively loses goblet cells Pflugfelder et al. 8 Another had Stevens-Johnson
J Bayle and differentiates into a non-secretory syndrome, responsible for severe ocular dryness.
Correspondence to:
Dr Christophe Baudouin,
keratinised epithelium.2 Although serum antibodies were not obtained in
Saint-Roch Hospital, Although impression cytology provides every patient with tear deficiency, the other
Department of valuable information concerning dryness-related patients with dry eyes had no clinical or bio-
Ophthalmology, BP 319, conjunctival disease, in most cases this method logical sign evocative of systemic disease or local
06006, Nice Cedex 1, France.
Accepted for publication cannot point to the eventual involvement of inflammatory impairment.
10 February 1992 inflammatory phenomena, isolated or associated In the other 39 cases conjunctival specimens
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546 Baudouin, Haouat, Brignole, Bayle, Gastaud

were obtained from patients with uni- or bilateral propidium iodide and mounted in mounting
chronic conjunctivitis present for more than 2 medium (AF1 mounting medium, Citifluor
weeks before examination. Although in some Ltd) before examination. For microscope
patients the origin of conjunctivitis was known examination, Biopore membranes were placed
ocular allergy, bacterial or viral infection, topical on glass slides and similarly mounted in glycerol
medication, or contact lenses, in about 50% no containing medium. Nucleus counterstain using
accurate diagnosis could be made. propidium iodide was adopted to more easily
Impression cytology was performed using two visualise negative cells and permit a rapid and
different techniques. The first one was done in accurate evaluation of the percentage of positive
10 normal patients and five with tear deficiency, cells. Percentages of reactive cells were deter-
following the previously described method of mined by counting at least 200 cells in each
Iwata and Burris.4 For this procedure, Milli- specimen. Damaged cells were not considered.
cel-CM transparent Biopore membranes
(PICM03050, Millipore, Bedford, MA) were cut
into about 1 cm2 pieces and pressed on the Results
superior and temporal bulbar conjunctiva, in an Cytological and immunofluorescence staining
area located at 2-8 mm from the limbus. The using Biopore membranes or cellulose acetate
membranes were applied on the conjunctiva filters showed similar results. Slightly more
after topical anaesthesia and held there for a few homogeneous and continuous sheets of conjunc-
seconds. Cytological and immunocytochemical tival cells were obtained with Biopore
procedures were then performed directly on the membranes, whereas acetate cellulose filters
membranes, their transparency allowing micro- resulted in large but more often discontinuous
scopic examination. However, as Biopore and interspaced islets of cells, with more
membranes appeared to be difficult to use numerous scattered cells. Both types of mem-
routinely because of their thinness and tendency branes showed gaps free of cells between spots of
to roll up during manipulations, we investigated variable sizes. Application of membrane to
a modified impression cytology technique with gelatin coated slides did not result in significant
0-20 iim cellulose acetate filters (Gelman, cell loss, especially where goblet cell density was
Apotechnia), as used in standard impression concerned, as assessed by the cresyl violet
cytology collection,' 2 cut into approximately staining procedure. Numerous folds, however,
4x 8 mm sheets and placed on the bulbar were usually seen when using the very thin
conjunctiva. In the modified procedure, filters Biopore membranes, often accounting for a poor
with the detached epithelial cells were firmly quality of sample collection and cytological
applied on gelatin coated slides, and immediately examination. Immunocytological patterns were
removed, permitting direct cytological and identical with both techniques.
immunocytological examination on the slides.
For this technique, it was found that the best
cellular colleQtion on glass slides could be STANDARD CYTOLOGICAL STAINING
obtained when cellulose acetate membranes were As expected, cytological staining of conjunctival
slightly wet. As this technique appeared to be specimens from normal patients did not show
more convenient than the Biopore procedure and any morphological anomaly (Fig 1). In contrast,
provided good cytological results, it was adopted specimens from patients with dry eye syndrome
for all the other patients of this study. With both showed various degrees ofmorphological changes
procedures, three specimens were collected in known as squamous metaplasia,' including a
each eye (six for each patient), in three closely decrease in goblet cell density (found in all
located but different areas of the superior and specimens) and more occasionally, a total loss of
temporal bulbar conjunctiva. goblet cells, a flattening of cytoplasm, pyknotic
Cytological staining was done using 5% cresyl change of nucleus, and even complete
violet in 0'9% NaCl for 30 minutes before rinsing keratinisation of conjunctival epithelium. In
with tap water and microscopic examination. By specimens from patients with chronic con-
this method nuclei were stained in violet purple junctivitis, more heterogeneous results were
and mucins in pink. Indirect immuno- observed, from normal features to epithelial
fluorescence procedures were performed on the alterations close to those described above, such
other two specimens, according to previously
described methods,6 using two monoclonal anti-
bodies directed against the monomorphic region
of class II histocompatibility antigens HLA DR
(OKDR, Ortho Diagnostic System) and a
membrane receptor for IgE, CD23 (B6, Coulter
Primary monoclonal antibodies, in a 1:50
dilution, were incubated for 1 hour, either
directly on Biopore membranes or onto glass
slides with conjunctival cells. After washing
them in phosphate buffered saline (PBS),
specimens were incubated for 30 minutes
with the secondary antibody, fluorescein
isothiocyanate-labelled anti-mouse immuno-
globulin antiserum (Dakopatts). They were Figure 1 Two gobket cells in an impression cytology
washed again in PBS, counterstained with specimen from normal conjunctiva (cresyl violet, x 330).
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Immunopathologicalfindings in conjunctival cells 547

Figure 4 Similar green stained reactivity of conjunctival

cells with anti-CD23 monoclonal antibodies in a patient with
bilateral chronic conjunctivitis (indirect immunofluorescence,
propidium iodide counterstain, x220).

In cases of unilateral conjunctivitis, a striking

difference was seen between both eyes, the
Figure 2 Negative normal one remaining negative, while the patho-
immunofluorescence staining as decrease in goblet cell number or changes in logical one strongly reacted. These results were
of an impression cytology
specimenfrom a normal nucleus cytoplasm ratios. independent of the clinical history, the origin of
conjunctiva with anti-HLA the conjunctival disease when known, or the
DR monoclonal antibodies. degree of cytological anomalies. Conjunctival
Nuclei are counterstained
with propidium iodide and IMMUNOCYTOCHEMISTRY cells, however, remained negative for both
appear in red. Cell markers in three patients (six eyes) complaining
membranes do not express Noamal patients of chronic ocular burning and redness, but
HLA DR antigens and without any objective sign of ocular dryness and
cannot be seen by The immunocytological study for class II antigen
epi-illumination (indirect HLA DR and IgE receptor CD 23 remained considered as having chronic conjunctivitis.
immunofluorescence negative in all normal conjunctival specimens Two of them had received steroid treatment
procedure, x340). prior to specimen collection, which could have
(Fig 2) except for rare and isolated dendritic cells
which strongly reacted with anti-HLA DR inhibited the expression of inflammatory markers
monoclonal antibody but not with anti-CD 23 by conjunctival cells. It was noteworthy that
monoclonal antibody. In some specimens, a very none of the positive specimens were obtained
weak reactivity was seen on a minority of from patients receiving topical steroids.
cells (less than 10%) with either or both anti-
Figure 3 HLA DR Patients with tear deficiency
antigen expression by a large Chronic conjunctivitis For dry eye syndrome various results were
majority ofconjunctival cells
in a case of chronic The large majority of eyes with conjunctivitis (65 observed. Twenty four specimens with clinical
conjunctivitis. Positive of 71), in contrast, strongly reacted with both dryness and cytological features of squamous
immunostaining appears in
green, whereas nuclei are
monoclonal antibodies (Figs 3 and 4) which were metaplasia remained totally negative for both
yellow-orange by expressed by 40-100% of epithelial cells of the antigens. Two patients with the diagnosis of
superimpression ofgreen conjunctiva (Table 1). When visible, goblet cells Sjogren's syndrome were positive for HLA DR
immunoreactivty of ce1 also expressed both markers. In most specimens, antigens (90-100% of conjunctival cells on both
membranes and red staining both antibodies reacted, but HLA DR positive eyes), but not for IgE receptors (less than 10%).
of counterstained nuclei
(indirect immuno- cells were more numerous and more often found. The patient with Stevens-Johnson syndrome was
fluorescence, propidium strongly positive for both antibodies (95% of
iodide counterstain, x240). positive cells). The 18 other conjunctival
specimens from patients with clinical aqueous
tear deficiency showed positive but often weaker
reactivity (Fig 5) for both monoclonal antibodies
(Table 1). Again, the pattern of reactivity and the
percentages of positive cells were not related to
clinical and cytological features and remained
independent of the degree of squamous meta-
plasia observed in conjunctival cells. Cytological
examination did not show a significant difference
between negative and positive specimens, as
some specimens with total goblet cell loss were
negative, whereas very mild forms of squamous
metaplasia could be strongly positive. In most
cases, percentages of positive cells were similar
for both antibodies, but in four eyes the pro-
portion of CD 23 positive cells was higher (60 to
70%) than seen for HLA DR (20-30%). It is
noteworthy that, except for two patients (four
eyes), all those with positive conjunctival cells
had a long term course of topical medication for
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548 Baudouin, Haouat, Brignole, Bayle, Gastaud

Table 1 Immunostaining reactivity ofimpression cytology specimensfrom normal conjunctiva density and determining cellular characteristics,
and in ocular surface disorders. Mean percentages of reactivity were calculated for positive such as morphological changes of the nucleus,
specimens only
nucleus cytoplasm ratios, metachromic changes
Clinical No of Mean percentages No ofpositive of cytoplasmic colour, and emergence of
diagnosis specimens of cells (SD) Range (%) specimens
keratinisation.' 3 A classification system defining
HLA DR CD 23 HLA DR CD 23 HLA DR CD 23 six stages in squamous metaplasial provided an
Normal (41)* 2 (3 6) 2-5 (4-3) 0-10 0-10 7 5 additional application for impression cytology by
Conjunctivitis (71)
Dry eye (48)
59 (27)
allowing estimation of the severity of the con-
junctival disease and an evaluation of progression
* 17 normal patients and seven contralateral eyes in unilateral conjunctivitis or improvement of conjunctival changes.
In addition to morphological analysis, the use
of modifications in conventional impression
cytology procedure to perform immunocyto-
logical studies was thus of interest, by permitting
investigation of the expression of various cell
markers in normal and diseased conjunctiva.
Transferring conjunctival cells from cellulose
filters onto gelatin coated slides was a simple way
of obtaining a large number of cells on trans-
parent holders, avoiding fixative or chemical
clearing agents for filter strips that would not be
compatible with immunocytochemistry. We
found this procedure to be more convenient than
the use of transparent Biopore membranes, first
described by Iwata and Burris,4 and more recently
used by Pflugfelder et al1, because of the
excessive thinness of these membranes, which
frequently roll up during specimen collection
and immunostaining procedures resulting in cell
damage and poorer quality of conjunctival cell
Figure Weaker
S sheets. Cytological examination of specimens
immunofluorescence after transfer on glass slides showed a good
reactivity of anti-HLA DR dry eye syndrome, and that at least two had collection of
antibodies in some developed intolerance to their drugs (Fig 6). epithelial and goblet cells, per-
conjunctival cells from a mitting good quality cytological and immuno-
patient with dry eyes. chemical examination. Although both methods
Comparing with Figure 3 or provided interesting results, we adopted the
Figure 6,the green
immunostaining (arrows) is transfer procedure for routine collection and
weak and can seen only in The technique of impression cytology was first standard immunochemistry.
a minority of epithelial cells. described by Egbert et al' and provided a simple Class II histocompatibility antigens are
Nuclei are counterstained in procedure for cytological assessment of
orange by priduium iodide membrane glycoproteins which are normally
(x2or ). morphological changes occurring in conjunctival restricted to cells of the immune system, such as
Figure 6 In contrast to cells. These anomalies, designed as squamous macrophages, B lymphocytes, and activated T
Figure 5, conjunctival cells metaplasia have been observed in various types cells, on which they play a major role in the
from another patient with dry of diseases including atopic keratoconjunctivitis, initiation of the immune response to an antigen.
eyes but showing clinical keratoconjunctivitis sicca, xerophthalmia, ocular
intolerance to topical Their deviant expression has been observed on
medications, strongly express pemphigoid, Stevens-Johnson disease, or various types of epithelial or mesenchymal cells
HLA DR antigens on their chemical burns.2 Most of the cytological studies involved in autoimmune diseases,9' and it has
membrane (green done in conjunctival impression cytology
immunofluorescence been suggested that the aberrant expression of
staining, orange nucleus specimens consisted of counting goblet cell HLA DR by the target cells could play a crucial
counterstain, x 200). role in the activation of the immune system and
development of inflammatory phenomena." In
previous immunocytological studies performed
in intraocular proliferative diseases, we found
class II antigen expression at the surface of
different types of cells, such as vascular endo-
thelial cells in proliferative diabetic retinopathy
and retinal or ciliary pigment epithelial cells in
proliferative vitreoretinopathy.6
Histological examinations of biopsy or autopsy
specimens have shown that normal conjunctiva
does not express class II antigens.'213 Class II
antigen expression by conjunctival epithelial
cells has been previously found using impression
cytology procedures in patients with two
autoimmune ocular surface disorders, Stevens-
Johnson, and Sjogren's syndrome.'4 In another
study, swabs for detection of class II expression
by conjunctival cells had been taken from patients
with trachoma and demonstrated a strong
expression associated with active trachoma," but
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Immunopathologicalfindings in conjunctival cells 549

until now impression cytology specimens had possible in this preliminary report to assess more
not been used routinely for the immunocyto- precisely the consequences of steroid treatments
logical investigation of class II antigen expression on class II antigen expression by conjunctival
in ocular surface disorders. The present study epithelium, but it was noteworthy that two of the
confirms the histological assessment that con- only three patients with chronic conjunctivitis
junctival epithelium does not normally express who exhibited negative reactivity had received
HLA DR antigens, except in rare scattered class topical steroids prior to specimen collection.
II positive dendritic cells, which act as antigen- Although additional studies need to be
presenting cells to the immune system. We also performed to evaluate the effect of specific
demonstrated that conjunctival epithelial cells therapeutic agents for topical inflammation, the
can express class II antigens in various use of immunocytological procedures in addition
inflammatory conditions clinically defined as to the conventional impression cytology tech-
chronic conjunctivitis, in which class II antigen nique may now offer valuable information
expression probably represents more of an in conjunctival diseases. Routine immuno-
epiphenomenon related to local inflammation, cytology may be helpful in evaluation and
than a causal involvement of the conjunctiva. treatment of chronic ocular surface disorders,
More interestingly, patients with dry eye especially dry eye syndrome, when clinical and
syndrome showed different immunocytological current laboratory criteria do not provide the
features. The immunoreactivity patterns were accurate diagnosis and when treatment cannot
not related to cytological results and degree of lead to significant relief.
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Downloaded from on June 9, 2015 - Published by

Immunopathological findings in
conjunctival cells using
immunofluorescence staining of
impression cytology specimens.
C Baudouin, N Haouat, F Brignole, J Bayle and P Gastaud

Br J Ophthalmol 1992 76: 545-549

doi: 10.1136/bjo.76.9.545

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