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Universidad Autnoma de Nuevo Len

Facultad de Derecho y Criminologa (SEPAD)

Ingls Terminologa Jurdica

Maestra: Lic. Ivonne Ypez Gonzlez

Actividad #1

Mario Cantu Escamilla Mat. 1471183

Ciudad Universitaria, San Nicols de los Garza, N.L., a 02 de Septiembre 2017

ACTIVIDAD No. 1 El alumno debera desarrollar la actividad No. 1 que se
encuentra en la seccin herramientas/ documentos: -- Transcribir el texto "1.1
people in the Legal System"y traducir al espaol -- Una vez traducido el texto
debera buscar el "significado" de las palabras marcadas en negrita tanto en ingles
como en espaol. -- Contestar los apartados 1,2,3 y 4 Nota: Por unica ocasin
estara abierta la plataforma para presentar esta actividad a mas tardar el dia
Sabado 2 de Septiembre a las 22:00 Hrs. ya que las proximas actividades se
deberan subir a mas tardar los dias Viernes a las 22:00 Hrs.

Chapter 1
1.1 People in the Legal System: Civil Cases
A civil case begins with a plaintiff. He or she has a complaint about the actions of
another person or organization. The plaintiff files the complaint with a court.
The person or organization accused of a wrongdoing is the defendant. Both the
plaintiff and the defendant usually have attorneys. The attorneys speak on behalf
of their clients. A paralegal, a person with legal training, way assist the attorney.
In some case, a jury listens to arguments for and against the defendant. Then they
decided on a verdict. Finally, the judge makes a decision to resolve the complaint.

1.1 Personas en el Sistema legal: casos civiles

Un caso civil comienza con un demandante. l o ella tiene una denuncia acerca
de las acciones de la otra persona u organizacin. El demandante presenta la
denuncia ante el juzgado.
La persona u organizacin acusada de una infraccin se le denomina demandado
(o acusado). Ambos (demandante y demandado) generalmente tienen abogados.
Los abogados hablan a favor de sus clientes. Un paralegal, es una persona con
enseanza jurdica, que asiste al abogado.
En algunos casos, un jurado escucha los argumentos a favor y en contra del
demandado. Entonces ellos deciden un veredicto. Finalmente, el juez toma una
decisin para resolver la denuncia.
Significate/ Significado
Legal System: are based on one of four basic systems: civil law, common law,
statutory law, religious law
Sistema legal: es el conjunto de normas jurdicas vigentes en un pas

Complaint: is any formal legal document that sets out the facts and legal reasons.
Denuncia: documento en donde se plasman los hechos de un crimen.

Plaintiff: is the party who initiates a lawsuit before a court.

Demandante: es quien inicia una demanda ante el tribunal.

Court: is a tribunal, with the authority to adjudicate legal disputes between parties.
Juzgado: lugar donde se resuelven los litigios, cuya finalidad es ejercer la

Defendant: is a person accused of a crime.

Demandado: persona acusada de un delito.

Attorneys: is a lawyer who is a practitioner in a court of law.

Abogado: persona legalmente autorizada para asesorar o defender ante una

Paralegal: is a person with training or work experience, who is employed by

Paralegal: es una persona bajo la supervisin de un abogado, quien puede
realizar asuntos legales, investigar y evaluar hechos de un caso especial

Jury: Is a group of people met to render an impartial verdict

Jurado: es un grupo de gente preparada para rendir su veredicto imparcial

Verdict: an decision made after judging the facts that are given,
Veredicto: decisin que se hace al final de juzgar los hechos

Judge: a person who is in charge of a trial in a court and decides or who makes
decisions on legal matters:
Juez: es una persona a cargo de un tribunal quien tiene la capacidad de tomar
decisiones sobre asuntos legales.

1. Before you read the passage, talk about these questions.

a. what are some different jobs in the legal profession?
Well, are very jobs, for example Judge, Jury, Paralegal, Attorney, these are the
most important into a court.
b. which legal job would you prefer, and why?
I prefer Attorney, because I like investigate for case and solve them to help people.

2. Read the text and complete the table using information from the text.
Person Role or Job

1 Plaintiff Files a complaint

2 Defendant Is accused of a crime

Attoneys 3 speak on behalf of

their client
Paralegal 4 people with legal
5 Judge Resolves a complaint

3. Match the words (1-7) with the definitions (A-G)

1 B verdict 5 F paralegal
2 A legal system 6 E plaintiff
3 D court 7 G civil
4 C complaint

A the methods of interpreting law and putting them into effect

B a legal conclusion
C a written document tha states the reason for legal action
D the place where people go to conduct legal business
E a person who accuses another person of a wrongdoing
F an attorneys assistant with specialized legal training
G occurring between citizens
4. Check (X) the sentence that uses the underlined parts correctly.
1 __ A the plaintiff delivered a verdict at the end of the trial
X B the judge listened to the attorneys arguments
2 __ A twelve paralegals determined the outcome of the case.
X B the jury decided that the man was not guilty
3 X A the defendant hired an attorney to prove that he was innocent.
__ B in court, the plaintiff always makes the final decision
4 X A Mr. Meaners attorney represented him during the trial.
__ B what verdict is the defendant accused of?

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