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Blood Pressure and Obesity

Previous surveys have shown that height of observed blood pressure and degree of
overweight are related. However, excess weight does not necessarily mean excess fat
and the possibility of error in the measurement of blood pressure due to variations in
the size of the arm has not been excluded. The present survey, taking these factors
into account, shows that blood pressure is influenced by the total bulk of the body but
not especially by fat except insofar as it contributes to total bulk. A possible explana-
tion of the findings is offered.

IT IS WIDELY accepted that hypertension results of a survey among more than 17,000
is more common among the obese than individuals, B0e and co-workers5 drew the
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among the lean and that a positive relation- conclusion that age has a very marked influ-
ship exists between the level of blood pressure ence on blood pressure, whereas the influence
and the degree of obesity. The evidence upon of weight, relative to age and height is very
which these common beliefs are based comes small. Indeed, when corrections were made
largely from numerous surveys that are fully for the probable errors attributable to size of
discussed in standard books on blood pres- arm, in the small number of subjects in which
sure.1 2 However, there are several reasons arm circumference was measured, it seemed
why the conclusion that obesity and hyper- that weight, or obesity, had no significant ef-
tension are related should not be accepted fect on blood pressure.
too readily. Thus, 3 factors likely to obscure the true
Age has an important influence on blood relation between obesity and blood pressure
pressure and care must be taken in analyzing are age, height, and size of arm. No pre-
observations to avoid confusion due to differ- vious surveys, to my knowledge, have taken
ences in age, even within relatively narrow into account all 3 of these factors, nor a
age groups. Height and weight are obviously fourth very important factor, obesity itself.
related and in seeking the true relationship It has always been assumed that excess weight
between blood pressure and weight, or bulk, is a measure of excess fat.
of the body, proper heed must be paid to We have been interested in reexamining the
variation in height among individuals. This question of obesity and blood pressure, among
is not easy and the problem is not satisfactory- the natives of New Guinea6 as well as in
ily overcome by referring to tables of stand- Australian men,3 taking into account these
ard weights or by using the ponderal index various factors. Skinfold thicknesses have
of bulk, weight per unit of height.3 Then been accepted as a measure of obesity.7
there is the difficulty relating to the circum- Neither the amount of fat nor the total bulk
ference of the arm. It is well established4 of the body had any demonstrable influence
that our ordinary method of measuring blood on blood pressure in the natives. In Austral-
pressure gives readings that are falsely high ians, on the other hand, blood pressure was
when the arm is big. Since big people gener- related to over-all bulk but not apparently to
ally have big arms, this error will exaggerate obesity per se. This latter conclusion was
any true association that might exist between somewhat indefinite because of the influence
obesity and blood pressure. In analyzing the of a wide age scatter and an unsatisfactory
site for skinfold measurements. These draw-
From the Clinical Research Department, Kanematsu backs have been avoided in the survey which
Institute, Sydney Hospital, Sydney, Australia. forms the subject of the present report.
511 Circulation, Volume XIX, April 1959
512 5WHYTE
TABLE 1. Correlation Coefficients
Systolic Diastolic Arm circum-
B.P. B.P. Age Height Weight ference Fat
B.P. +.583*
Age +.049t +.019t
Height .005t .038t +.127f
Weight +419* +.373* +.150t +.481*
Arm circum-
ference +.417* +.399* +.139t +.156t +.733*
Fat +.347* +.306* +.094t +.003t +.698* +.573*
cholesterol -.028t +.040t +.290t +.203 +.233 +.105t +.071t
*To 0.1 per cent level of probability.
tNot significant of probability.
tTo 1 per cent level of probability.
To 5 per cent level of probability.
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METHODS lows: age 27.5 4.9 years, height 69.0 2.7

Observations were made on 100 apparently inches, weight 159.8 22.6 pounds, circum-
healthy men, 20 to 40 years of age. Height, with- ference of arm 28.3 2.5 em., fat measure-
out shoes, to the nearest inch was recorded, and ment 38.0 14.6 mm., systolic blood pressure
weight, allowing for clothes, was recorded to the
nearest pound. Circumference of the right upper 132.5 15.3 mm. Hg, and diastolic pressure
arm was measured in centimeters. Subcutaneous 80.6 + 11.2 mm. Hg. The total fat measure-
fat was measured as the width, to the nearest mil- ment was made up of abdominal fat 15.7 mm.,
linmeter, of the double fold of skin and subcuta- arm fat 10.1 mm., and fat over the scapula
neous fat that could be pinched up at each of 3 12.2 em. The average weight relative to age
sites: para-umbilical, over the triceps, and over the
inferior angle of the scapula. Measurements are and height was 107 per cent of the standard
valid only for the purpose of making comparisons, drawn from the tables of the Metropolitan
since the spring calipers which were used had Life Insurance Company: 95 per cent of ob-
spherical contacts and their closing pressure va- servations fell between the limits of 80 and
ried with thickness. The sum of measurements 134 per cent.
made in the 3 sites was used as an index of fat-
ness. The coefficient of correlation for each pair
Blood pressure was measured in the sitting po- of attributes is shown in table 1. The true
sition from the right arm with an aneroid type of significance of these coefficients is obscured by
machine, which was frequently checked against a the fact that they take account of only 2 at-
mercury manometer. The cuff was 13 cm. wide and
of the type fitted with metal braces and a clip. tributes while ignoring all others: the coeffi-
Pressure was recorded to the nearest even number dient is made up of contributions from cor-
of millimeters, the diastolic being taken at the point relations involving the hidden attributes as
of disappearance of sound. Blood pressures were well as the true correlation between the nomi-
by no means basal, as most of the subjects were nated attributes. For this reason partial
prospective donors of blood. It has been assumed
that the obese and the lean did not differ in their correlation coefficients and regression equa-
reaction to the circumstances of the examination. tions were calculated to test the truth of the
A sample of blood was taken at the conclusion principal relationships in question.
of each subject's donation of blood, and serum
cholesterol was measured by the method of Abel Blood Pressure and Body Weight
and colleagues.8 The serum cholesterol level was
also measured before blood donation in 10 subjects The simple correlation coefficients indicate
and found to be 2.8 per cent higher than the post- a strong correlation between blood pressure
donation level. and body weight, as illustrated in figure 1.
RESULTS However, as weight is also related to height,
Average values found in this series, to- fatness, and circumference of the arm, a posi-
gether with standard deviations, were as fol- tive relationship between blood pressure and

r r


03 _
- p


0.2 s!
().n _'LL"


:'IFG. 1 12ft. The simiple coefficients of correlatioi between blood( pI essure and(1 )o(ly weiglht,
andl 10loo0( Iuiessure andl b)ody fat together with appropriate levels of probability. The solio
Downloaded from by guest on August 22, 2017

columns refer to the systolic and the open coluimns to the diastolic leressuie.
FIG. 2 Right. The coefficients of partial correlatiois between blood pressure ald body weiglht
whent age, height, fatness, and size of arm are held constant; and between blood pressure am11(
fatness (a negative coefficient) wvlhe age, height, weiglht, and(l size of armn are constant.

any of these other features could be causing linear relationships expressed iii these ternms
ani erroneous impression of the influence of were found to be as follows:
weight on blood pressure. Age appeared to Systolic pressure = +0.513 (weight) 0.004 (age)
exert no influence. Whenl allowance was made - 0.272 (height) - 0.086 (fat) + 0.133 (arm
for the possible influences of age, height, fat- size) (i = +0.241)
lneSS, and size of arm, there still remained a Diastolic pressure = +0.482 (weight) - 0.028 (age)
significant relationship between blood pressure - 0.292 (height) 0.122 (falt) + 0.165 (armn
and body w^eight that was significant at a 3 size) (r =-L-0.220)
per cent level of probability (partial corre- With the other variables being held constaiit,
lation coefficients were 0.243 for systolic and it is obvious that weight exerts the greatest
0.223 for diastolic pressure). This is illus- inifluenc(.e on blood pressure. The negative
trated in figure 2 and means that blood pres- influence of height is aii indication that it is
sure would be expected to increase with body not the absolute body weight, but rather
weight in a population of men who were of weight relative to height that is the important
uniform age and height and had the same size factor. When the data were analyzed in other
of arm and thickness of subcutaneous fat. The ways, it was found that the best index of
reduction in size of the coefficient when these body bulk relative to height was given by the
other factors were taken into account was due ratio,2 body weight/height. The partial cor-
mostly to the influence of size of arm, partly relation coefficients and regression coefficients
to height, and not at all to age and fatness. derived by usiiig this index were just as sig-
Another indication of the relative impor- nificant as when weight and height were im-
taiice of the influence of each of these factors eluded separately.
on blood pressure comes from the regression Expressed in ordinary units, the regression
equations. When each of the variables is ex- equations became:
pressed in its "'normalized" form, that is, as
deviation from its mean divided by the stand- Systolic pressure (mimi. Hg) = 165 + 0.35 weight
(l.) - 0.01 age (yr.) 1.53 height (ini.) --0.09
ard deviationl, the regression coefficients are fat (mmin.) + 0.81 arila size (ecm.)
closely analogous to partial correlation coeffi- Diastolic pressure (mim. Hg) = 111 + 0.24 weight
cients and prove a measure of the relative (11.) - 0.06 age (yr.) - 1.22 height (in.) - 0.09
importance of each item. The best fitting fat (nini.) + 0.73 arm size (em.)
514 1WHYTE
Blood Pressare and Circiutferetice of the Armii comicentratioii a)pceared to be related to age,
Although the simple correlation coefficients height, and weight. By the technic of partial
implied that blood pressure measured in the correlation the association2 with height
ordinary way was higher in subjects with (+0.091), weight (+0.135), and weight/
larger armns-as would be expected in view of height (+0.129) became unimportant but a
the observations made by Ragan and Bord- significant relationship (to 1 per cent level
ley4-the association lost significance when the of probability) with age remained (+0.264).
possible influence of other factors was ex- There was no evidence that the cholesterol
cluded. With constant age, weight, height, level was related to the thickness of subcu-
and fatness, the partial correlation coefficients taneous fat or the blood pressure.
for the relations between arm circumference DIscussIoN
and systolic pressure (+0.097) and between
the arm circumference and diastolic pressure Two conclusions to be drawn from the ob-
(+0.120) were not significant. It must be servations made in this study are quite clear-
cut. The first is that the bigger and heavier
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commeluded that arm circumference and blood

pressure, as measured in this group of men, a man is, in relation to his height, the higher
were unrelated. An important factor here will be his blood pressure. This is the same
might be the type of cuff which was used-one as most surveys have concluded. The second
with metal braces and clip and not the com- conclusion is that the composition of the
moner sleeve type. If the magnitude of any excess weight is immaterial: it is the over-all
discrepancy between true intra-arterial pres- bulk that counts, be it muscle or fat. Com-
sure and observed pressure was directly re- monly, of course, it is fat.
lated to the circumference of the arm the To what extent is blood pressure affected
results would imply that the true pressure by changes in weight? Assuming that the
varied inversely with the size of the arm. results of this survey can be applied to any
This seems unlikely. one individual whose weight is changing, themi
The circumference of the arm of men in the systolic pressure would be expected to
this study could be predicted reasonably well rise by 10 mm. Hg and the diastolic by 7 mm.
from the height and weight: arm cireumfer- Hg for each increment of 28 pounds in body
ence (cm.) = 179.4 - 2.4 height (in.) + 0.1 weight. This assumes there have been no
weight (lb.) (r = +0.587). concomitant changes in age, height, or arm
circumference. If we take into consideration
Blood Pressture and Body Fat the average increase im size of arm to be
Here, too, the simple correlation coefficients expected with this gain in weight, then the
indicated a highly significant positive rela- rise in observed systolic and diastolic pres-
tionship (table 1 and fig. 1). However, when sures would be of 12 and 9 mm. Hg respec-
age, height, weight, and size of arm were held tively. The influence of weight on blood
constant, the partial correlation coefficients pressure in this group of men is 3 times
became insignificant (-0.060 for the systolic greater than what has been reported among
and -0.084 for the diastolic pressure), as il- Norwegians.5 It is in sharp contrast with
lustrated in figure 2. the complete lack of relationship between
The insignificant influence of fatness on blood pressure and body bulk in natives of
blood pressure, all other variables being held New Guinea.6
constant, is also evident from the regression Why should blood pressure increase with
equations mentioned previously. body weight? The following argument leads
Serum Cholesterol to a rather fanciful, though perhaps plausible,
The average level of serum cholesterol in explanation. When weight increases, the bulk
this series and the standard deviation were of tissue increases and there is an increase
214.7 + 42.7 mg. per 100 ml. The cholesterol in the expenditure of energy and the demand

for blood. The vascular bed and the cardiac both of which are prominent among Austral-
output must increase: cardiac output seems ians, whose average serum cholesterol concen-
to be related to surface area, which, of course, tration exceeds 200 mog. per cent, but absent
increases with bulk. But what happens to among natives of New Guinea whose choles-
blood pressure when the augmented cardiac terol level is only 130 mg. per cent."
output is forced into an aorta and elastic The commelusion is that blood pressure is re-
arterial reservoir that may not have increased lated to weight or bulk of the body, but not
in capacity as the body weight rose? to obesity except insofar as it contributes to
Let us assume that the size of the aorta does bulk. To outgrow one's aorta inight be one
not increase. Then, taking average figures for of the dangers of overeating.
pulse rate and cardiac output9 we can calcu-
late the expected increase in cardiac stroke SUM MARY
volume for any particular increase in body Measurements were made in 100 men, 20
size. In addition, from the volume-pressure to 40 years of age, of blood pressure, height,
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characteristics of the human aorta,10 we can weight, skinfold thicknesses, circumference of

predict the rise in pressure that this extra the arm, and serum cholesterol.
stroke volume will produce. Thus, for a man Analysis showed a positive correlation be-
who is 30 years of age and 70 inches high the tween blood pressure and body weight, other
mean pressure would be predicted to rise by factors being held constant. Obesity (judged
17 mim. hlg when lie increased in weight from by the thickness of subcutaneous fat) had no
140 to 210 pounds. The actual observations in apparent influence on blood pressure except
our own series, relating to a weight increase insofar as it affected the total body weight.
of this order, implied a rise in mean pressure Serum cholesterol concentration was related
of 21 nmn. Ilg (that is, from 124/74 to 149/91 to age, but not to body weight or obesity.
mmi. Hg for a man havingo, an average arm An increase in body weight of 28 pounds,
circumference and fatness). The observed without any change in arm circumference, was
and predicted rises in pressure are not grossly associated with an increase of 10 inu. Hg
dissimilar. systolic and 7 mmn. Hg diastolic pressure.
Finally, what part does cholesterol play in The contrast between these results and ob-
the ill effects of obesity? The results of this servations among natives in New Guinea are
study show that the level of serum cholesterol discussed briefly and a possible explanation
rises with age but is not related to the level is suggested.
of blood pressure, obesity, or body weight. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
These topics have been discussed elsewhere.3 I am grateful to the Red Cross Blood Transfu-
If it is accepted that obesity or, rather, over- sion Service for cooperation in this study, to Dr.
C. L. Hamiblin, of the Department of Humanities,
weight predisposes to the development of University of New South Wales, for assisting with
(coronary artery disease, then the evidence the mathematical analyses, and to Miss Iris Yee for
would force us to favor the "blood pressure" technical assistance.
rather than the "cholesterol" school in the
controversial matter of the pathogenesis of SUMIMIARIO IN INTERLINGUA
arterial disease. However, it is conceivable Esseva effectuate-in 100 maseulos de etates
that the life-long bathing of arterial walls in de inter 20 e 40 annos-mnesurationes del pres-
serum containing high concentrations of cho- sion de sanguinme, del altor, del peso, del spis-
lesterol-which is a feature of our Western sitate de plicas cutanee, del circumferentia
civilization-gradually impairs the volume- brachial, e del cholesterol del sero.
elasticity characteristics of the main arterial Le analyse del datos revelava un correlation
reservor. This could be a factor in the asso- positive inter le pression de sanguine e le peso
ciatiomi of a rising blood pressure with ad- del corpore (coin le altere factores tenite a
v!ancinig age and with increasing body weight, nivellos coonstante). Obesitate-inI tanto que
516 5WHYTE
refleetite in le spissatate del grassia subeuta- Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 69: 504, 1941.
nee-exergeva nulle apparente influentia super 5). BOE, J., HUMERFELT, S., AND WEDERVANG, F.:
le pression, de sanguine, exeepte via su effecto The blood pressure in population: Blood
pressure readings and height and weight
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del cholesterol seral esseva relationate al etate the city of Bergen. Acta. ined. scandinav.
del subjectos sed non a lor peso corporee o a Supp. 321, 1957.
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tiones in nativos de Nove Guinea es discutite Chein. 195: 357, 1952.
brevenieite. ITn explication possibile de iste 9. COURNAND, A., RILEY, R. L., BREED, E. S.,
contrasto es suggerite. BALDWIN, E. DE F., AND RICHARDS, D. W.:
Measurement of cardiac output in mnan
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1. PICKERING, G. W.: High blood pressure. Lon- the right auricle or ventricle. J. Clin. Invest.
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Blackwell, 1957. TON, W. F., AND GOLD, J. J.: Volume elas-
3. WHYTE, H. M., GRAHAM, I. A. D., AND DE ticity characteristics of human aorta and
W\OLFE, Al. S.: Body fat, blood pressure prediction of stroke volunle from pressure
and serum cholesterol of Australian men. pulse. Ami. J. Physiol. 153: 298, 1948.
Australasian Ann. AMed. 7: 328, 1958. 11. DE WOLFE, M. S., AND WHYTE, H. AI.: Serumim
4. RAGAN, C., AND BORDLEY, J.: The accuracy of cholesterol and lipoproteins in natives of
clinical measurements of arterial blood pres- New Guinea and Australian.s. Australasian
sure with a note on the auscultatory gap. Ann. AMed. 7: 47, 1958.

Spitzer, R. S., Lee, K. T., and Thomas, W. A.: Early Age of Menopause in Young
Women with Fatal Acute Myocardial Infarction. Am. Heart J. 53: 805 (June),
The records of .500 autopsied patients who died with acute mlyoeardial infarction weCe
reviewed with particular attention to the age of menopause in the young women in this
series. Of the 16 women who died with acute mnyocardial infarction before the age of
r53 14 had reached the nienopause. In a control group only 6 of 13 women of nearly
similar age had reached menopause-a statistically significant difference. The authors
conclude that the data indicate that young women who die with acute mnyocardial in-
faretion usually have had an early menopause and that, therefore, some factor associated
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infarcti 'n.
Blood Pressure and Obesity

Circulation. 1959;19:511-516
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doi: 10.1161/01.CIR.19.4.511
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