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**o*o d .'r#'"



l,NIvlISnYoFXrrr Cf,l

rf,Ilocrnr IN ctIMcAL r8ycEourcY

lxalllNtf. t



d6!.. s.ritu& e6 b ur .pdid, Dr, S.jiL Ag!., rlD drr wnh


@ tuoughot Ui! Fojet H.r tut i! @, eqds of .Foug@nt *lFn I n .ild

lh 6. d, 6. .p.o. |b. gN D lo t it4|!itq od td oFdisid of 6ir

n@@abl woit a!& it h!pp.r- I lh.nt th. Minblcr ol J.ih, Mr. H.ji ShujB lor

iirilg E FDi.d@ lo gd 6. s/@ ,.iL l(r&!i, .rd ln. lrdidt !
nd otn.r !.f fa &.n oq.iair I.tD!.crE ri. r|y ht l A& b. h.b.d m
wiil lh. rLtiltic.l .,rtrd of e. d.L S.mted n6 rhis $dy, ni. w.lcooilq
.dit !., r-ir w tioa.drd.r.!d ln. wiU io i...h e intind E lD L.!
tudho. I lhd'k SFd., $d.f ludr, and I!h.4 fd dE limly te.hniot asist 16. And

|&r*b rtir dd.l eqt 6 p.rcnod.nFdn wh.. fd P.t!tui iE@rdd

qfu6 to i[. cwiqbd fddd of Kmcni 1voM hih exc.rniod &l edqdd n rh.6t s't n dl .tot
TAlrl otoottlDars

rt.rpodc n6............,............_.,,.........,,....................,,
CLra-Itr. f-b,-.....,... ..,,..,.......... tb


cl4ar 8tst .,....,.. .,-.,,........,...c
rjDbdonr & tc6rtdd.!..--.----.-._-_---.............._.....s4
Lf'r6.,.-..........,..-....,.. ..,,...,._...JC

.It-dL-.........,,..-..-......_ -----......,1i,
rlrdirA: B^lRrrnl........................,.........-........,.......-l?
AFdn B. Da.!4ab(F'.........,,.................-..........,12E
AF.5rC:l!t ....................................,..............13o
AtdLDt AEDt&t t....,..-----.-_---_--__---..........,,1r1
AFdir D Gdidttaobo rrod.t.....,......,,.................,.,.......t!2

llgN I. rt &uFr-ofll.@.ddd.dr|ani!.b
!,..-........,...,.....,................,.......,...,..,...,.,....,. o

nF!1 rrqidrrd.n.0-o0ad.rtrFatp{..Ty
(lh. Ddloat6..?y(thd)..,-.-._-,-.-..-.-.,.........., fl,

ntq!3. rartbt*cn t dr.D.ffisF{t qy

Ob!. Drdr.aO..E Gc2) --_.,_..-.-.-..-.,,........,..60

ll8or. o,,i,a-

Fi eq, ..--------.------_,--.................... 57

T.DLl. Ddog4nic ct Earidic. of rhe iEa.r.d (Ft?).......52

'@d SDqtu!@btidtdw..r.t{!.o ed t'l. lrgd &.

T.blc 3. Sp.!ru coGhrid beiwd sr{d.!n .nd sh0. .n8c. fd

cepB(F8)......... .... .... ................ ...... ... .. .... . 54

T.ble 4. D.sripriE ibrktio forelf-eJl.d &@6 fo, Tin I&Timc2,,..,.5j

Trblc 5. Dc$nfljv. statirrica torrt E.nsersors for.fimc I & Tinr t ...56

T.ble 6. D.siF w d.rini6 of CnpA (F9) fo.Bd.f COPE &e.

fd Tim | & litu 2, ...... _.....,,,.,,._.,.,,,,,.. _...,,,.,.. ....,. ..... ,. 5B

T.ble ?. Dc&thtiE 3narrje ofcee B (F8) for Bri.fcopE

rcor rdTin.l odTih.2.. ..

T.6L 8, Ddognphic ch.Ec.idi6 of rh d.tib.d.

&r_nan srqD (d) .._........... StalrDcoGlrri66.r@n*|lirn,.t r.ogd,.(rrriq

df-he (i-o......................
T!61. l0 nfuN! ANOVA
Orc-wly &!.ar.d fo, copinB
Ehr.8j6(i-6)....... ...... ....,,...66

Th. pEslr trudy inwirigli.d th. .ffic.ry of cosDjtiw t ll|riq l||cnpt eith
iMcnt d rmn i! a P.tiilri won.n jril, II *e hr?orhriad tl'.r cognitiw
h.havid th.nsy sqdd IFIp fo& i.@ra sMg! tlEir os.r sd *f-n m
b.bav'o'ft5 wilh. otr.{u.r'r inp$6at b tn n slf+sr..s sd .rhljv coping

n6h&rimr h we . m. loup pFrsr lsr-rcst srudy conducted on sevdlco

cowict <l fdoL ilmb:s, The women w.E divid.n imo two geupi .och Sbup
teiving Lr cdotu ofcognitirc b.ilyior tncEpy fd .ngd nrnrgeD..t. A rhird
gbup wls thd fomed of fic elf,hrmins iicarceEt d wonei who ftrnhr
doilii.Ed 3ix siG of@idE h.tuvid rhdp, to d..l win dEn tubdlrdw
cAi.g E@nrim. fte FniciF.Db, *lf<c.n, Lwl of rtrc rng.r, n qucy of
d.ftcnle elf'h,m, !.d copitrg srll.gj6
|s*d both pdor !o ud rolroyina
|!e si@. Pdl lncDpy etutioB djd er ield s$dsriqly signifioi @tr, but

lhft *is m ov@ll impovcmeDt iD dF ngn !c@s of a thc variable !tudied The

i@t ! and th. pnlon odDinilrldtio, cDorted poiitirc chd8ca i. tE bchlvior of th

pdnc'p.nt qond. Borh the prnicips$ ald rh. jrit of6EE squ.sred
: onsoinS
ln@Fulic essioB, Ths. r.ntldE nndinss, rhoD8h mr g.@tiebt. dne ro fie
mll mpL riz., 5rlDrsly indic.c ro&ds rtE suecsfrt lppticdio, or cognniv.
t t vifr dEnpy in.iril *lings wi0! posiriv. o .oDE
,acognitive Behaviour nerapy'{ it,'j,iiv't;.( f;'
i'i|,.l.Ecqninve Behaviour Therapy-lf 9rgli,t, -Gclv+'u
0 U'U.: )!'= -;it:'.t i;',j
- bJ.\pt, - r'- ;,: 'i .,'.' ;; -i- :

,,r,> L s z.-t, u tr A_w :) 1 u +'t j :. I q( i ; j ;" t, : L efL )!

t |

J i, 7 trJ { f a -i 6,7a,
1 - &vt v,, :i : 4,! iGv !- t w

{i**,"t"1, -{,f-,t,t*,j.i,-l',,li,itt' -V.,,:_ i,i

i!-i,irriiy'gr"tsessions..jiCognitive Behaviour Therapy

lsessions4 i/-.rJ tjr - {l' ,;.',,,- ,l! j-t,;

-Z,.Fl L M J';"4t',,'E!tulL!irr,' jr-rsession..!{',i -1.,-,'
. i, i iVUi';,:,;t!," !,i2 ut11 !i--., i-,r_ ;, ;
{ 6',t'i ivr, ;r(,t!' L,:t,1.,; :-}. L, i Lq y!- -t q, j li
;t :

.,4L L,/-
4'l -tt&irv,j e:b j L*:i:t- e,w jt ru,t,.f
L.i '; J iy'z- y signifrcant
;:;g-,.i i;,
i'v lq.i:- ; 6 t 0,,.,*' t n - ji a-p !-,;4 | I ; lv ; t,, t, t,,t

Jr/,;rr'L td[et -Q,r,) 6 rtt,L,lJt J f Jt - j l.,t ;,, {{,

-'...!\ j -r,Jt at ii,e irrJi,icoonitve Behaviour Therapy

.; Cogntttve Benar o-. Therapr.L.:-,.,,..r:--c

--1v,9 -!,r6


IncalI@tion ce hav.. vdy n gdive iiprcr o! rhc morat h6lh of prisod

(ft World H.dth OrSeisdior md lntcmatioml Red Crcss, 2005) speially von.n
(Bastick, 2005; Plulus & Dzi.dotd, 1993). It. sigificerry hign flio of low
.9e@! detrdioa lorclin*, aui.ty, ob6*iotu, pnobi6, post llhatic att6s

dierd.r, unexplained physical srmflobs, mood djsordrs, dd psychosis ii lhe fenah

prien popularion a conp4d to $e mate prtonds k clide of rhis advc^e elTccl

{Honc Otrc, 1997: SingLton, Mcltzd, ctrwd4 Coid, & Dc6y, t998i U.S

D@anmdr or Jutice, 1999). Lnpd$mdl dess beinS !@@rcd fton rhe fmily
6p6ially.hildrd (Iogct, l93i Mmota, 2OOt)), beine confincd lo a plac. that is

d6ign.d to puhh GIe.y, 2006; Si.wa4 1997), loe $. dght to ddis &e eil ad
privey, b.i!s dpnved of bsic hwe nd! Iikc f@d md sx, beonins cxposed to

buUying, ed physi@l and $ruat ale by othr innat6 o8i matc ottc6 an{t 8u.rds

(Giallohbedo, 1966; (ilrcn 2O0Oi Scraror & M@8, 2ooj), drd b@omog s@.?riblc
to psychologiol disns .s. culr (Lindquisl & Lindquist, 1997), Womi jnd.ts hale

bd rcpond |o cope wi$ rhs. hr6b coditions by geting aggre$ive (Marh, Munhy,

Prtb@tby, KMd, & Madhqudhd, 2oll), beoning wi0rtraM ed

al'daled fton the surcundings Oose-Kanpftr, t99O), or b, diEcring $cn angcr

iowads then own s.lv6 i.e, durgilg io delihd& slf-hm (Shekey, 20loi KiX,
2006). fte @@t y.s hN. wihGscd . signincd ircrE !. ii $e inci.loEc of ell
hm in the w@6 priroM gloh6lJ,: 4t6 of th lolrl (6%) fon.l. prien PoPul{ion

ws reortd ro b elf-hminc in Bdlish pd@ro (?ri$n Rcfom Trusl, 200?), sd d

alproxinate 12.5% ofAutralie wono pn$ones had elf-hmld more tho 5 timcs i.
prio 3 to ttc 3.E% or Edc priMd (CorrelioN Hcllh Sdi@, 199?).

Th. linitcd tlF.panic intflatioa inplmmlcd for U@ wond', thar ha! shom

f.voMbl resuls, e th. ons thlt hiv. b.d b6ed on cogilive behaviot nodclg
(Moriut & Bl@h.iic, 198). Coenitivc behavior rhrapy is sp{ific (goal{!i.nlcd),

3tuctur4 tiDcliDitoq ..d @ hc rpplicd in group sninBs bcn.fttins norc prison B

in t 3hon spa oftim.. It dlM for diflacnt thqqqrtic t*h!iqu6 to be eommodatcd

&coding 10 it!' cliol8' nftds. nE sdcc of @ilive beh.vior th@py is that it giv6

0ic cliat e iuighi inro hd tlDugtu, flingr, &d behNvior, hd they e intc.liiled,

&d hoe by woiking on thd, slF @ inpove bq Fycholosic.l halrh. h hd .ls

prvcd to h co6r-.ff*tiv. (Byfod ct d. 2003); rh. linii.d eolres of lh. Drton

dcpartndls do mt allow for ldghy th@D.utic hormdls (Bonitl a al., 2003),

Thc mdi.l h..lrh n..d! of rle worncn pn$r6 in Palilrani jaits e gtoiety

urddtudied, Ih@ .rc only two pubhhcd! sury.F svsihble rhn lt?on high
levcls ofpsychologic.l distr$ thal thes *onn go ihDuSh, Th. firsl swey conducrcd

in Dirict Jail, F.i!.lalad, Epor$ rhrr ?6% of rh womd iM.l6 had Ddtrl holth
pdbl@i d@Bion and uity bcing rbc ncr @Imon (Yosat Bal@l & Anwd,
2009), Ite otns swcy conduled in Adyd! ,ail, Rawatpindi, rcpotu thal 62.5% of the

womcl prisoneE wcrc sutrqine ton DsFhiatric ilbes!; 23.43% of which wcle
dirc*d with.flelive dierd6, 19.57. had dcpcaio!, l3.l% bad 3t!6srl.l.d
dnodm, 10.2% Benr fi6u8! svm &xiery' another 4proxihat l0% had somarolom

diddq:, dd d.?prexind! 370 dlibir.d P3 Ehotic srnpto@ (Bibl &, 201l).

Coudqiry rh.t mma dik 1.2% of lle bi.l pd$n popolrtion of Patjstan

(lnt.datioml Cot for P.isn Strrdi6,2011), thc abovc mnlioned stalistica @

.lmile"'n5.4 lhcy imply rhal n.jdily of itte won@ @ Miv'ng

indwlli@ witt .rlanc lftb of Fy.hologicd p.i!. M6t l h.al6 .e is non_

disL.t. There is no pslrhstric oi p6ychothcDp.utic help lvailatl.. Thc am.ll nhb.r

of NCo3 woiqng for th. welf@ of irc.rc@lcd indiliduals prevides intnnlcnt

@l@li!8 @i6 tlmuSh sial vortd or gnduare sruddt of p6ycnob$, ttt'trs

in plof*ioml t!i!ins; th.$c @uoelN .rc uiblc to addtesr di$td6 and

conplq psFhologic.l problens, nleir cow.lbg is, thercfor, limii.d 10 lymPatlising

qirh thc prisoffi' plid! ud in M. c.s, bint inttuda! in gnint llt n kSnl

h.lp, ft* h{d frcb call for nm f@!s.d G.dh into thc m@r.l h.drh neds of ou

locrl fdate prircn popul.lo4 r.d th. su66siv ddelopmdt of appropriatc

psFho)osic.l Eh.bilirtion Preeffie ror them.

Th. cil@t study e6, lh@for., ddigned 6 a pElimir.ry .!ss.nt of lhe

.fiic&y of p6)chothda?y with ou lesl pds6 lt !im.d ro .xplote !F imp&t or

impd$dot or th@ won n's s.lf-worth, dd the culldt s8p.-rcl.t.d b.h.vios li

ws ht?othc6ized ilur a dnclimil.d, grcup @itva behavior, adninislq.d in a sttin& would bc efetive in hclping lh. wonn iMat6 in mMSinc $ei! 48s dd

dclibBt $lf-hm, inproving thcii slf4l.4 Md coping Fchanisns in th. pDccss

IE @nvicLd & imarcs of K,@hi Womd Jail wde eruikd for fis soup

!*iom. The K,fuhi Womcn is oD. of the for womn jails in Palisia. It is

l@dd in lhe p6i6 of thc C6ral &il .r eme dirraFc frcm rh. mate jail. Rftql
yta sed nany inprcvm.nh Eer.rding th Ehabililalior of its inmatcs Junice

(dd.) Nsir A6bn ahi4 with ht lan of l.q/q!, pDvidls &E l.C rid lo th. sma
priMd. nr fo.u3 o. sp*dy h3 rcldted in nsy eoden b.iig rel@.d. He also

tu r wc.tiotril trining qt!! in th. jail. 'ft. !@.y se!.rat d fDn tc woma's wod(

b paid bs.k ro thh s tneir $s.s. Th Wona Aid Trusl (s NGO oPding in Adrla

,ail, R4.9indi, !oo) previds Eligiou .du..lio4 .nd @mpu|cr @s6. Yct tuthd
NGO h.! hclpd.sLsblilh a nNcry $h@l for the childrn confincd wirh lhen noth6.

It is at$ &dve in pDviding eduotior ro $c wom6 iMar6, dd loninS sfr. oflhen

to be nursery te@hc6 in &e hil\ *hool. Mdy {onen plisonere havc leamcd ro rcad

dd wic $ ! i.sul!, ti..l .!d forlig! phil.dlhftpGls don re slpq clo0E, quills, iot5,

.tc. Thc quslily of food is good. The cllmi supdinlndot ta made Fsonal .forts in

th rehbilit ti@ of thc p.s6 p6l ELs. Too rlcsd im.r6 wft EPon d io

hav s!rcd jobs in privale orSdizatiod tu.d on th. cducalion th.t thy had h jail. A

D.n-dnc lrdy ddtor ud a tull-tiF. tru6c !E lEil.Uc lo povi& phlsicd hallhc@.

The one d.puLd vbitina p,etrhi.tri howdd, povidc! scNics only in ile na& pnsn

Clv6if, 2001). Thc @l!Elo6 or NCOS ofi6 wi.6 in clisnh.nt with thcir prejcr5

G.e., rwsrc!$6 on HIv, tubdulosisi etc.), ad di$ontinue lheir visirs |o Uc jail

thc c@.Ecd ptujel i! oqLtcd Wda pnel6 F BldFd fish lbc olndjaik of

Sindh hav. r@oned .xp@ocing. bcner .nvioment in $e Ktehi Womcn Jail The imal6 w@ adninilr@d lGl6 sc6siong olcognnivc behalior fterapy ov.r a

6 nonths' tim Fdod, The rclulls gadalcd wde cncou68in8.

Chstla two grv4 . bricf d*dption of lh. ch@tdisths of womo pnson G s

disrinct ftom incddsted nalc!, 11.xplain6lh D@hsi6m5 ofsger dd ex:
hm in th.rr! add the th@pdlic iniwcnios iDPleme cd for thcn in pnsons ll

firthd prcvid6 did@c fd rhc lEc&y of @8rifive b.havior lhenlv wnh incmeroled

wma in daling with tlr* bchaviou!, ed lilts O. h,?othG fomed fo. lhi!

c3l.L Chapler 0E thd civ6 thc d.r.ib of thc culdl srudv; the studv d6'g! usql

rhe pryrhologrcal iBtrumots .pplie4 dd . bnef dctal of the cogiriv! bh.lior $etPv

sioB co.ducr.d. ChsPta fou m@noG thc tslls prcdu@d It ddG th. statilliol

signilicdc. of cognitivc behsvior fidpy h impeting lhe vdiallca studi.d Chapler

fivc discurles lI$ Bults, .i(dine5 the othd fa.toN thal could h.v innudcqd lhe

outcones. drgee6ts to iDpov on th.e limih oD tor fulure *olk nnton3

Mc additional fndirgs, dd conclldd th fludy.



Wto .r. Th. IDcrrc.nt d Women?

wond nEl. d lpprcxitult 5% of the rcrld's prisn populalion (

Cmlr. lor ftien Studi6, 2006). Du. to $.i! sndl nunbc6, they {e conlired i! jails

digin lly dBigned lor imar.rdd n@. Th6ejaik, lherclore. do iot add6s sp(ilic

woso's isua lik osltualior\ lrd Prc8Efty. Th6y dc ov@owded &d l&k
privaoy. Bsic nssliti.s e so scir!! l[at qomm pri&ftrs hav6 rponed w$hing theit

clolid nat.d in the pr64c. ofolhct wdo imat6 6 lhcv did not hav. an qtft Pait

b e@ (Arbou, l99q Badic|(, 2005; D.ily Tin6, 2010; H'|IM Right! warcL l96i
Middl. Esi walch, 193; U.S. D.pdtneit of Sraq 2004) Th@ u dlv livc woncn s

j.ils Paljst& wl)ft s?Mle jsils have nol bm codrucled. wonen live in make
shill b@k! buil for th@ in the nale priens lll4lipp.d thcv @ ubc.nbl. in fie

hot 3ll@q!. wdd dotr't bave &6 to popd foo4 a kiicheq dd cl@ drinlina

watd, Halih@c f!.iuti4 @ non-qidmt wiih diacn!rs or nN.s ptuvidinc nininal

c@ in mosl ofilq woDd clh (Btgi.i,20l0i shldf,200E) Mtjontv orrhe *omen

pisonG b.lory to l@ $io-@eEic chs6, h.!e littl. o! no educarioq @ fion d?rild b..kgrou& bwc poot phy$c.l ed ndtal h.dtb, dc chua'd of

non-violot cnh6 6 itivist 6 stealing food for thch childrei, arc in jail for the lisl

tin., ft Da$e of lgtl pDcctding!, at! molh6, dtd @ dclsivelv cponsiblc fo.

lhc n cd6 of thcn fmili (Bilal & Sacd, 201 l; Hom. Omcc lDTi O Bri6 MoniFd
Singlaon, & Meltza, 2001; Prison Rfom Tost 2005j Shdkard6s dd Haide!,2004;

S@id Erclsi@,2004; Yonsf r d.,2009).A dbil.d 3W6y mtucrcd in 2OO4 in

Wolna, K@hi, Eponcd &ar nd of ttc confind *omqn wse aeused ofpefty

o|Iaca, wde udd-t ial for mdy t@s, wd. nol awe of tbc er&r chdg6 ag.iMl
then, did @1 tno* whon to appb&h tu hclp, did nor hsv. mugh Doney ro pay a

hqF 1o pllle c$., .rd w* mi se ofrh legd bcn.6B that rhey could avait.

c.&, 3dEilg a bail for bcins pFga&r, or for bine th nothd ora suckling (Awd,

2004; Chma & Sh!h, 2006), Ihy w@ sl . gra1 risk of abue !1 tne hdds of dr
Flic. a.d jail sLfi. P@civcd s 6y tng.c, .nd yorlly of stl $n5 of deSnd.rioa
th6c wmd e subjdt d to all fofrs of inhuiartrEatmot by the potjce. Woncn

d.tlinc.l in polic. st tions of Keachi hlvc opond ben rhr.arncd wnh b[jn8 lats

b@ in then trol|$ if &cy did not @nfd ro rhe dimca o! & lo lh. polic.'s
dMd! (Am, 20Oa), sl.lpcd ald spii in rh f!c6. doggcd by iieir ban, physicalty

bcalc!, vcdally alus.d, sd npd {Amn.!ty Inrcmarional, 1995i Human Righls Walch.

1992; Hul@ Pjdts wd.b 1995). Ai rpFoxiDdte ?6% ofrh. Pujab woden pneo.B

Gton.d police violdE. ud 72% Eponcd qully rbu.d by poli@ p.M.nd
(Mmtaz, l9l $ cned in Yousafd d.,2009). h pd$trs, wirh or Mrh no fmalc rian

womcn h6vc bM slrip+mhed, lock d n.Id inlo c.lls wilh male imar6, &d

FFlrcdly rap.d by nd. o6c4 &d $af (HUm tu8ht' v.rclL t95; sin r! tNidq

2004). PEc@t vith tt!. babi6 or rh. .!u$R, womo ii P.ti$si pri$ns hav.
delivei.d iD inhMleconditio6 with no healrhcft availabl (Pinq, 2oo4). L&[ of
td.quai. mNa for th. nwbom dd th. conscquot infant dcaths h6 ben . svcrc
3t* for l[@ won6 (Gill,2004i Knidt & Plucnc,2005). Sa@ F rhologc.l
pobl@ hw. bdr tlponcd b wob6 pri$@ who dotr t hrve th. dghl to t.? dcjr

b.bi6 (Hqtchituo4 Moor., Profls, & Mdiatrl 2008). F mltq, Fp@rion of childd

non noth6 at th. tmc of incarcalrio! lav6 a d4aLtirg inpa.i on boin thc wond

pri5oner dd the childfm (Taylo., 2004; Tnvk, 2003). wom.n all ovd ihc world hav

bed rcponcd b b. th. prihary (dd oficn thc oily) c&Cjv.s of then childrcn A

fathd's imecntion nas ib! thc Doth6 b iI@ to look lnd ihe childtcn A mothfg

in@crslid, on tho othd had, nd lnai ihc child it wln.nbl. lo lbodomcnl ed

criD.. Fathe6 often rcney. lclving th. chil.lrq al the mdv of8tudp&cnts' Elal'Y*,

or to suiq!. on th.n oM. Thc!. childta ddelop psrhological prcblems rhar usuallv

lad 10 b.luviouJil pDbld, dd nnfr d.tinqumv (D.llairc' 2007i Gl@ &

Mrd$hat 2oos: rtw, 2009; Mwy, FdinSlon, Setol, & Ols.n' 2009). Thc tric,na

trl&h.d wilh thc morh4's impdsMc.l h al$ a najor riskfaclor fo! lhen cnnr
(M'm, Sbltsh, Anlurd-tlag.r & Kdon, 1999; Robefle!, 200?) ANe (200J)

r?on! ibd .ltNl 4flo of Patitiei wond e inpli.oned {ilh lh'ir bim' chjldtm in

Prtisr4i jail$. IlG. childtd Srow uP in s u.hallhv cnvire.Eoti tlev re wi|n6 to

the in jails, the roubl.d int@tio. of fdllc pn$n s wilh .lch othd lhc

dlbdr,ptiv 3@g.1. onc*r luilv uDtn of thc!. pn$n6, ed hom$ru'litv Th'v

lam io buly. sctiod e@Epdy tbtir mothcB to @un' tld sG too tw4' of thc

ujut 6ys1m, which m*Gs rh@ pMe to ddcloPing {iminal lddnci6 Th

wond e. lh@forc, atwtts &aling wilh cri@ sd impisomenq fnt $en own dd
t[cn ptrt@, .Id laLr th.n c[ildlErt (U, Hdfz, pcmdl .omuicrion, Sflenb.r,


Th incm.dld wde. have disrrbed dcvlopm@ial hinon! (Ceftnm,

2008), As childr.n Dd add*ok thy hrv. odurd physical, vrbal, md sciual abuse

lr the hud! of tbe i@cdialc tunity ndb6, &d d .dutrs thcy hrv. hrd lbujve

clni@ship6 wilh md (Btoom & Covingi,o!, l998i Bbmq Mi[e( &

Masuin, 1999). TlFk part!roGirhq h$bdds or boyf.icndt, onen ,eportd lo be

ur@9lotr4 dsg addicrr irvoh.d in q Fade drug !-adc, or olho crimindt acivnies,

haE b.d Espotrs_blc for rh6r wmd's involvmdt in crine 4d dng-Et rcd
poblms (Wom.nt ttdlitr Viciod4 2008), According to rhc Udl.d Nadon! Officc on
Drus! &d crin. (rJNoDc, 201 I ), spprexina&ry 23.7% of p*ist d f@atc iMat6 G
mpnsi.d for drus rcla&d otfcisls, whil. eorhd ts.6% have b.en inpriened for ser wo*. Wmd hav b@n rcported io have alsisted thcir nalc parl!6 in
illeg.l aadviriB for f... of beirg abused dd lo pDvc rhir loFlty ro iho (Richi, 1996

a cncd ir Bndley & D.viro, 2OO2). A Dajorit) (4oyo) of tbc @nviclcd woo@ in

Patisr.Di jaih hlv bd M!ncd qirh a lifetine of impisonme ior honicid

(ItNODC, 201l). h e qptorrory ,tudy @aducr.d @ 99 lif.-{nc m!6c.d wond,
Li8.y &d (20t0) di@v.rcd lhrl th* womo hld sufcr.d rclatvely horc
phjsical &d sooai abu!.; 54% of th. lifctine satared fcnds had beq victim. of
boih fom of ah* d corlpdld ro ih 36% of non-tifc sdroccd tan!16 MoE th.n
h.lf of $d h.d i ibst pdoh 6 alus. A tu bqd b@ fircd al 28yo of rh*
ems, dd 4l % bad sha+ objeB us.d againsr lhcm. Scveme.n p.rccfl ol thcm funfier

reponed tblr rbe i!r.4. abe rh.] hsd gprc 0wusl m.dc rhm mrdd then portrtd.

ft qpd4. of inc@.ralion tuihd cx&.rbsr6 1h* pmd\ pmblm.

Alwats alrisk ofnnlal h4lth pDblds de lo sdzined liv$ (slocM, sinpsn, &

Snith, 2005), th6. womo oi. collap$ who d.r.ined. The rsux is rhe hiehc

inci.lence oI p6ychological dierdca in ilc fddG pried populalion; w@o e rl@

times mole likely lba. i.c4eratcd nen lo be diaSnosed wnn mcnlal heal$ problefrs

(Jms & Glae, 2006). Ar appDxihatc 65% of thc convicrcd wonen have bm
Eponed to be dprcsed ed uious 6 conpar.d to 40% of Mlmc.d mal.s, dd
elh6 12% of irca]ldt d wono hwc ben rpon d b b. suIlqing tDn psychch $
cdpaEd to ?% of innare (B@ta. Rc?pr, Bddley. Fnird, & BEwd. 2002)

A@ding io . swey coiduct.d in prisolts of Engl.rd {d Wd6, 66% of the wono

pnso6 ouifet d nmti.3ynpb$ $ oDpo&d 1o 2ez oldE M-fomic Gnale
populalion (Co61on,200r. H.lfof thc cdvictcd woho imat6 have a history of dtug

abu (Scial Erclusion U!it, 2002), 6d a norly 80e/" aE rcportd to b excNiv

sokd (Mmhrll, SiDpsotr, & Std6q 2000). Thc menial healrh cnd subst.nce u*
ffi.y @ndlclot by Ma$ ci al.(2011) in BhSdloe, India, rcponed $ar one rhnd

(32.170) oftn wom4 innalB 6uffcrcd i.m ! mdtal hahh preblm, 26.3% had a lire
1in major de!rcsive disorda, 6.1% w$e phobic, 17.9% *ere life-dne 6qs ol
toba.o, 3% wft alcohol usF, ed e rpprcximarc 30% lstd posiliy for

b@odidepines, Morc tbd hdf (62.t%) of the wofren inhales in Adyala Jail, Pa(isld.

had ! psrthiatric disordd (Bihl & S.dd, 2011), 22.3% w@ addicted ro rdbrcco, and
8.9y0 lbus.d phm&euti@l drueF ((NODC,20ll). Polt Tnmalic SrBs Dkordd
(PTSD) is pG6t in oe lnid (33%) of rhc fdllt pnsn6 (H.y'v@d, rr.virz.

Goldndr & FIEbA! 2000), thc Fiio hithd in lifFtine @nvictd im4.! Onc

in lhF lifostdced mnd hs EDoncd . suicidal dtmpl a .omp.rcd io on. in

*vd lifelardced nd6 (Liscy & Rc.d, 2010).

A!g.r In WoE{ Prim@B

AUd h m dotion fi6t ce or cunot translate into hostiliiy or aSgression. ll

uually dcvelops in Bpo@ to s p.Mivcd ilEl to one's selfslefl! s a t6ult of roo
hEh ad p.sislent fust6Iio., Fpotcd bl@king of goaldiErd bhaviouG. 6 a

6ulq-Fti@ to dttae [dpl66d &d powlelcs, 3!d sd atl@pr ro rcin

onc! 36. of *lf-wort[ or lo qrm on \ cxisrftc. h is a nodal r@rion rh,l is

pDvot.d in cdLitr ciEMlraFd c.9., ulll@rsdy inrnprioG in orc\ rc*, d

uwetc<l dd utrenebl. ugMd( cbord by a Aotr& or prnnd,

thrst ncd or hmed 1lr inl@lity of egry f*lingr cu mg nlD nild to nod.iatc

ard dhhc Aiser ce neif6t ir*lf in felings of morflcc, nitd jriution,
dd phr6iologicd l@tiou lik incltllld hcarl r.r. sd blood pKm. Ir c& al$ bc

dPtBs.d tftu8h wioB valal .!d phtsic.l b.lEvioc degading on th. eiG
cdt!:l linits of a petun i.e, how neh sp@ . ptun\ upbdnging dd cutrunl

linil.lion! Cive hd to be aggBiv. (, Bushne, & Cmpbclt, 2OOOi J..k,

2001; Rcilly & ShoFrhie, 2002i & Sld@ltr t94). Ma dd woma e
cullurally givn difcrdt nas.g.! reg.rding this noma! emorion For womcn, its
lMg to fel eery or b.hnvc attBively wh.@ fo. . nd, s8q is lh. 3ynbol of his

Wont! therforq rqd io i emaliz. f.alin8! ot dgd (th. oga-in
mhoim) b@i!g hr4 guilty, dd ders.d in rh. p@B tnrr d.m.g6 rheir stu.
ofs.ltwonh. Any (outwed) cxpEssio of &gd matcs *oncn fcel 0u1 thy hlv losl

conttol ov.r |n6n doiou. OD thc cotr!ry, m6 qrddire rh.n ega (th6 dgr-olt
Eebeis) to 8ai! @ntol oec! sit)atioG .d @.scquarly cnlece rh.jr sr-6rdn
(Campb.ll 19931 Saylor ed D.nlh, 1993). nrc suppE$ion orlnsr, and nor knowins

4Frpri.le ncd of dcdinS with i! cd led ro rhe dadopmor of inatpDpri.te

aggesrve .xpFssbns in woncn, Honicidcs by women har ben Eponed lo bc thc

Bll1 of th. crrr@c utility of rii6 egd,in nehoisn. Woma cnd b .b$rb rhc eScr
that lhey f6l !ow0.ds hcir liniting ed.bNiv oviromnrs for a painfu y l@8 time.

Th. si.lly, colt@llt od @rcDically incap&i|lting ffiudings th.r dr.y iilubil

Lave ilcm wifi very little s?a.c ro El*. their n8.tiv afet Wln ih.y ce'r @pe

Mth !!is sppBsd $ed dJmoE, a Eelion htcs pld Th. *lf cannot ratc it

ertmorq rnd di*!tl5 all its inlibitiG. h t desp.nre an mpr io @lAnn th@ts,
tb6e woda develop lh. 6agy b nudq th abusd (uu.lly a p.nno or &n6.e rhy

rrow) (Ogi., Maia-Kr&i4 & Ade4 195). Th* wdd! l.!.tcd - ovemnrolt.d
pmoalitiB, e usually otrdtiha ofod.R with no prior hhtory of violdcc and exhibil

lry l4l$ of egd d 6bp&d ro lle non-viol@r or,violhr ofodd (V6n. &

Cdbonell, 2000).
's!.t.t|grt of 30 viola f@st. ofidda!, D.rrc (t987 s cir.d ia
In . ddril.d

Co@tio$l Sdic6 Cd!d., 2004 repon.d rhat rh6. qomo had prclo.8ed hisrori.s

of scv@ phFical &d sq!.| $us rhat dry.loped fclin$ of dgd.*. l&k
ofton, s.lf-bld., ed powal$n* in th@. A majodiy orrhd {?ltd had !n8cr

@ntol prcblco. &d lcpor&d sqld@ outbEts of nolion. The

Fvaly stdckd ed dploiicd li6 the woma lad, also t@h6 rhan b bc aggBive
lo rwivq The .bue fial lhcy f&e in their hoD6 dd on th. slreis, thc atismo lhlr thy

liv. widr 8iv6 th@ th. m6$gc rhd wival is not to. |ne wet. They obserye $ar

rgBive p@plc @brrad rcsp@1 h@.uEc oth6 e ltaid of th.rn. 'Itey join oth.r

womo who @ aggBiv., put o! d .ggr6ive, dd try ro doEinal. th@gh

rggBiotr. Son. ao s@rc hiSh d Drlaulinity. How.vd, lney slill @nnit l6s violdt

qm6 a co6Plr.d to ncn (catnpb6l, l99l; HfrinSrd & Ne, 2005; Jobr Howsrd

seilry of Albqrr, 20or).

R@at'violot wobo'6 aggGsiv lcrs @ Gually r.portd lo b. impnlsiv., &d

erily ProvqLd. I'l!.y tend io itr( DoE hoslility h otha popL's msgcsr

low frustration lol@ce, 6d p@. cinolion Egulaliotr skilk. A violdt fanily

oviDmol whN aegBivc b6avio6 d. l ehly ddoed sub$ae abu* bd hr16 prebLns of p'mts, high l.v.k of pnysical &d scxual abose, incfleration

of pM1s, preblffi il @gitiv. p@*in& f&lty b.licfs of morh.6 lhar devclop

fdu6.d anation to aggBsivc cue 6peially in inl.rFsonal relrtioNhips. rnd high

cgoiim @ oit d a $nc of thc najor G@is for won n's impuhiv. mgd (HeNir&

,on6, & Holdtonl 200]; Iohn Hqard S@i.ty of Albdta, 2001i Len@, 2005i
rachi.d, Cumin$, Ve Bruftchot, Cuminghm, & Sdu.deE, 20oli M&BEyer,
MilicL & Hudlcy,2003i Poll@|, Mullings, & Crouch, 2006). h ! conplhiiv. study of

Aurt.lie hal. ud fcn le priM6, Sud & B,@ (2000) @on.d wond
qpdiacin8 ud qpBing n@ egd s conp.&d to t@. Wond rcoFd Ftatively

hicn on slat rng.r (MGI5.45, SF?25) &d tnit dge. (M@=21.9, SD=7.87) $at6

of Stat. Tnit ArSd Exp6sion llvdtory (STAXI, Spielbqga, l99l) I conpared to

Da (Md-11.99, SF4-10; Ma=18.60, SD=7.22 .ca6tivcly). They wee

ifi.t!.liziry a q.ll a dcmltirS [!.ir dBd morc rho n.q sd @npmdvely had

16 cdrtol ova thcir erpEion of e8cr (Mo=19,33, SDd.03; M@=22.48,

SD=5.92) Thc tidings wft dphined by rhc cogniriy dticils obsrv.d in th6e womn

du to thc ovdrepEotation of Post Tnur.ric Slr6s Disodc. (PTSD) and Bordenine

P@ality Di$dcr (BPD) in ince6tcd *ond. BPD is chancrcrizcd with the dgd
rybptm dpfs.scd by r?ar-violdt offdd.6 wirlt significdr p@btms in mgr

dliol. PTSD i! minly ch@&i?d by s h)?@igiter aniM. rowdds sn @yiDmml

p@ived a tbeabnine (Ahqic& Pstrhiatric As6@iatioi\ 2OOO) ed is no,e prevalenl

n womn who havc slrqg hjsrorid ofb.ioS victinizd, wom6 hav. bc.n reponed to

@ ajbd.ncc rbw c . coping d.cheio !o &at *nn prSD (Cdtd for Subslare

Ab@ TplD6r, 199; Covilgro4 2007) { ir oGequar. dddop3 me ds!r,

Errrcd b.hrviou.t probtus (poll@[ .t st., 2006).

e a sigDificor p.n or wmen.s liv6 Thcy define rhemsclrcs


tbrough th. a9d.ti6 Ocy build wirh rhc papl @urd rhm csF.idl, fmity.

Disnlt d and inad.qua& rclrtioq[ip6 thMr.I rhet taet of s.lfsGcm. Th. cultat
&gd, usudly rc16!d thDugb ildjran cxprBliotu likc crying, shoutinS ed Flli!&
criticd .!d ssMtic @Im@l!, bErjng d inrcpiry hings mund, is ona u .ndpl
to cbft lhen daionships ad d.f!. tun (om) ol. i' thd (Covinsror 200?:

Gilligiq 1982: ialg 2001). Woma hlE bn r.lond to bc aggBive ro*drls rhcir

mlc pdrnd in 6lo.s ro lheir ch ting on $.m, our of fear. a rhEd lo peenal

saft, ed thir childrcnt suity ((nn ch rt & Cdbonct pa, 2006; Swm & Snow.

2006). Th. los of the motha Dl. is ! big s.lback to thc iddtity enl slf-6tm or rh.

ircrc@l.d wot@ (Co6tor\ 2C,o7). Thc grifovd losins her child, ed the shme od
eoili ovd hd inconplele rele 6 a no$d, ae osponsibl foi hs ngative behaviouG in

jail (Geia-Coll, Swr Beci6NotlD, & Moll!, 1998). Itr oonolony of$e o.fined

aviFmd! ed bi$.d istitutiobd prlcticc. lik ddicd of lhen nghtl, ravoqi's

of ione imat6 by slaff a @6paEd ro rh. Gt, sd s.vG pmisbmdG tor mino.

di$iplin. isu6 e $mc otrh. othd hrjor dotives for woni s velbal and phFical

d8a d olhd felloe inmrls .dd dieiplim ddl(M{d.n*a-Sh.?p6.d, | 986 a cit d i.

Coretional S@ic6 C&ad., 2007). Whc.lon (2009) in hd vo* o! clatio@l

lggrcsi@ in won n p.isn6 Gponcd thrt 68% rfced 10 epcak to &olh.r imar!,

49% iercrcd iMalo, 30% .xclud.d an imaie foh rh group, 20plo spread rumoud,

15.5% nad. !w ai@d! (i8loring thc on6 ih.y dr..dy had). 13% lied aboul inn.te6,

ed 12% divuleed erct! to hun ficn fclw prilond ed dp6s ilen dgpr,
D.lib.nte S.lf-ll.rn h IrqGnr.d Won.!

Dlib.nt slf,hd ilvolvd rhc dirccr daDaging of body rilsu. wilhout lbe
miou iddr io hll on*lf (Farlza l9E), th. mosl comon foms bcins ottin&
bnilg, hifiilg on*Iq @t ldtine *oun& ro hql, braking on.t bons, dd pul'ng
(om) h!i. (Fav@. & Coltdiq 1988). Th.F melhod. do not includc th sevm ed body hm trfi psrrhotics or mentally Elarded pcopl. cngaee jn (Crarz,

2001),dhd. fod of the &gd-i! nchsis, it hd ben uriliscd s a ndldarriv

@phg b4beis to Egd,t. irrde @smll.ble moriotu, Btrblish inldpdeml

Iinits, with xped@6 of dissoci.rion, Brrain one*lf frorn conmilring suicide,

inlludce intrp@nal rclatiodhips, poish oi6!14 ed lo @ivc dd stimulate one*lf

(Iavaz3, l99Ei Ga12,2003: &onsky,2007). Pdsn4 have b*d rcponc{t (o hsve ovts

udrisd tlis @pin8 nebais wilh fm.le imar6 ourumb.ri.S d.i. malc

@Dtdpln! (Bmta, Flrr4 rnd Fox, 2010)-A d.rait.d swcy of ptietu in rJK

saled tn.! 9% of f.nal. prisn@ on r.mdd osed in ddibdar slf-hm 6

@pated !o 5% mal. prime.s otr me4 and l0% of the snienccd wonn imates
Eponcd d.libo{c lclf-hm .s @Dparld ro rhc ?% of ihc sierc.d nal ilmtE
duing tlct cuMt prien lerb (SDgt.:ron .t .1., t98). Woh6 prituE wno df-
hm.d wft 26 tinca noe lik ly to idhcr arempi suicide rhe rhcn non elf-hming
r.llow prisoncis (Ro-sepowira 2007).

Inc@a.rcd wond havc bd rlFned ro have slf-b@cd in ,cspoBe io

childlood viclioiario4 family ard p.r6a violmce suh6i.rc. a!@, dclrh of Dddrs.
PISD, rlysfrDctioDl fdily p.nm!, dorion l, phtsical, ed sdual abus, pDslnudoG

inpd$ma! f@ of lcbg rhi. chit&q, tisid dd ii@ftistot pnen rulcs. Flird

dfnmdi, abadoMent by fdili6, sri.i ald bullyi4 (Dcll, 2006i Schiadd, 2005;

Ro.-S.towiiz, 2007i Srlina, L@ndak, R@mo & W.ilbarchd, 2007r Wrtron &

DiclG, 2009). ansct ha bccn idatifid $ the nost ftq!@t dt@cddr b sclf-hm

bchavioB ir mh.n pi$n6 (Coid, wilki.s, coid & Ev.dft, 1992; smw. 2002) an

dpbnrion inlo th. Dotivslio$ of Cddi& fedcElly saancd pri$nc6' self_hm

we.lcd lhat 62% ofth wonh.xpqienccd iol4lc flgd dd fruslralion bfore $eir

imidols of tclf-hm, fouow.d by d@@ion dd f.Gli!c! or wodtlcs6r (42%), md

di.ty rnd f* (32%). Inttp6on.l @nnicE weE th. nain p@ip .ting ftcloEi ncdlv

half of liie 6dch snplc rcponed co!flicrs with fdily, fiio.b, pannds, c@8iv6

fid $ey wde nor abl. lo m!.agc, The eihne dg. bd hun wa thcn

ilirEld towrds ihcir om s.lvs .s l[cy *! !d lo El6e povdtul @olim

witho huning oth6 (Powa & Usha, 2010) The qom.n ale wdlcd 10 pdsh

ItEnelves for bing rsponsible for theit itc@elatiot, ed buning iheir children in ihe

pm.s (K.ididg d tl., 2ol0) sdling a Pali@ of low $lf_6td so commo. r rhd
(wrtto! & Dictd, 2009).

Th. inp&l ol illc.Gdtion it $ ov.tPowding ed ovwhclning lhtr Pnsond

havc bd FDort d to havc Flthm.d to coF wilh n (Kiltv' 2006) Motc th& half

(5vlo) or ih. .@victed Canadid wm.n pd&nd b@i repon.d b have

dclib@lely cut thf,slves (Coreclional S.dices C.nada, 1990 s cited in Dell 2006) ro

c!D. *i|h thc pBut of @nfn@6t, The imar6 had long ud *tiou crininal

hbloriB with prioi @nviclio , belong.d 1o tMginli2.d omuitis' had trMslic

perl birloncq dd substlme a!@ poblm. Thy h.d prcblmr ii ldjusting ro lh.

prio life, w@ oad egFgald for di$iplirc i$ue\ disphyd more .voiddt

b.hNio$, dd fe.d morc prien victiniaiion (wicl'mtn, Sdin & Abscen. 2002). In

s d.lailcd N*Mdt of98 inci.le& of Flf-hm iI 82 Waten ABtBli& pri@neG,

D.i., ThoGon, HdL ed Howclte (199E ,! ciled in D!ar, 1999) fosd th&11h iuales

ltPon d wots relaled to inc@.6tion likc @trflicls wiih fllow pnsn6 {22 2%) ed

prison dsfr (16.?70). prcblm in th.i! baih and Pel.s (?'/r, ltrestul dailv reutins of

thc prisn (2?.8'lt, fmily m.(.6 tly wcrc unable to influoce (19.4'l.), witndEw.l

stsplons of dsg lbw dd PTSD (l5 3yo) s thc msn fetos conFiblli.8 io thcir

angr, f6lin$ of hopelcss6!, imPubivity, &d uubsqud 3!lf_lud bchalioG rhc

l6@h6 nfihq ide ilicd lhai l(r of lh. iMd6 self_hmed lo telieve rhenelles
oflheir psrchologicsl s fding, 32% us.d it t Fars to woid lheir ciEmstanc'lt 13%

v&tcd db6 to poy sious adatid io tt ir Plid! .d 8% .tldptd to infludc rlEir

ciEm3ta.cq by inflictirg todily hdm.

Expdi.n6 ofttB!@j.tron d confton in qull thn" suflivoB lll.l aa tunher

itrt@ilicd in th. contoll.d dd linitiigjail Pdson6 nive cut 'nd slash'd

lhd bo<ty 9dsto G lhc flo* of blood it odq to f6t rcmtl. dd comeled wilh lifc

(Wilki!! & Coi4 1991) wond in iailt E li!. llcit srhstic ltitlon6 dlc io thc
ielaio|! hdpl6$6, sd ho?Gldns inducld bv i.@eElion, od hudilialing pn$n

pEric.slil. sltiP .dhilg by dalc.Lfi(sistft l!si.L' 2004) l h4 bcar dgucd ln'r

m6r rls of dclibdtc elf-btn N ! tt.fulnai of t!4 D@onB (R@S'powilz'


2004. Prin(r policid lit. Bcgrg3lio of th. elf-tmine pri!o|6 whftin im.(d @
t@t in iel.tion ro putuh tho for rhci. sclf-hsm or to prt@r orha prison ts nom lh

!dra!. ihpa.t of b.haviours, hrvc bd srongly ond.tucd fo. .ncomsing

(nG) islttion ard ncsdivc felitrss th,l (tunha) povol. th* won6 lo dglge in
$lr-h!fr in8 hchavious (Schnid, 2005).

Th. high r.lio of ldf-bm in 0F fdal. imar6 tu ale bs aftnbftd ro

Bodlalinc lelM.iity Dierdd (BPD), Fu!.ti@ of elf-hm like ss.lion{eking

ad rclicf noD inra!. ncgstiv dotionj h.v b6 relDrt d in thes p.Miatiti6
(ShcarE, 1994). They .bo tnd lo h. dotionatly borc sdallq have frequcnt sve
6ood swirSs, pdistcnl fdlirgs of evfitlhing being nMinglcs dd!
dbturb.d idstili6, .!d have stong rcndcnci.s ro hm thre1v6 (Amsicm
rsFhid.ic Asiatio4 2000} It ha bcr rcport d rb.r !.lf-h'llr4 diagms.d wirh

BPD I'rvc Dorc rcp.ltcd ?i$de of and ca di|Id lion ihe non-BPD setf-

hafr4 in lh.levelofthc psychological dhirc$ they go ihough, rhe liequency oflheir

trigS.rirg o@&, th. botiB ofrhcir slf-hm bebivioli!, rh laet ofEli.f !.y get

ton oclf-blrb, b.lictlr od @enitioB Egadirg *lf-hm, and rnitude

towdd! reking hclp fo. ir (KloEky, 2007; Mdhefto 2006)

Mrjodty of dr feod. iMarA b!. r.?o .d feclitrS Flia4 Bldcd. &d
.nq hmins thmelEs (Ktuils.t d., 2010). An lp?dinatc one third hs rcponcd

reh8 guiliy oyr its .cts of elf-hm wi$ .pprehflsio$ $our 8etring nedical hlp.

Sm. pdsm bowed, Epon d no chdge in ihlt dorion l slar6 or felina

4q *on tun bfoE. Only 6 srnrll numba hls endoscd f.cling in conlrol. and filled

wilh ene aglsins in slf'hrm (Po*q & Ushtr, 2010). This moncnra4

Elief ha be. rl'ond b b.0E mail cle of rh. Epear.d &rs of sclf,hm {Hay6,

Wikon, Gifford, Folleitc, & Strcsahl, 1996)

Cogrldv. E h.vlornl rn.npddc Incnddols for Wob.n Olt nd.r.

'IlE uin .in oflhc Fy.holhdrpatic i!&flcdtios d6iened dd impl@@t d

for oafadd is to redu. th rsG of Hllendidg in $cm (wilen, Boultrrd, &

M&KcEiq2005) Th6c inknentions op.dc on rhK majot pnnciph (l)rhdlpedtr

tErhdt sholld b. Srvo !o th. pritom who e !l high nsk ol@ffodi.8; md pce

gBrd 6re!t lo insliblc &d public suity. IMlt s who dc .i low rilt ol @idivtun

should bc left olt oflh* intoBiv.llalna! pograM6, od insreld b. ejvm sP6i[c

cowling sio6 to addrs thci pnbhms (2) th. tMtnot of.i.d sbolld lde.t

paniculsr cnnirc8oi. n {ll (..8., subst rce abut , ded, etiscial .1titud6) thlt
*tr@ wo*cd worr *ould Ed@ th. niio ot@il!di!8 in cd3.qutu. (3) lhc lhdpy

siom oildrd should Fsoond to the ilmt s' trccds dd ch@te.istisi pnens

rhould b. abl. !o relde to whal is olfed to thd (And4s ct al.. 1990). Trcrrtnqt

pogtltrtm6 utrlirnS si.l lming pc6s ed @eniliv6bel8viounl stitcgrd

havc b@ Fpond io lrtdr6s imat6' islu.s morc .fi4tivcly. Cognilivc bhsvioual

rha"Di6 alsmc that drdond thiiling !!n@ .nd faulty pdtttioB c cponsibl
for the imal's dko.r.d vid of h6ered lh. ovioMdl lading hcr lowar& crine,
t!''ln*d robc Etucilld ftr ha lo I morc h.dtlry ad otidi. .ppo&h ro*.dt

coo0tcr rt.olulioo. Tt6. faaqic dlvcLp .omuic{tioi .lillr, inrc'PdsDl

4.r.r..., .llarivalcd , lmbln.tolvin8 *irla udaarninS of orlt6' palpotic,
Fo@id rnntd.+ dd !M.l E.poiribilit- Th. socirl rltory rhlr
dddqliv. tswr ! sod bchNioln ft l*n d 6o!n rt dyltrcdoDl dirotmsir $
. nant b coping w h n thrt m bc uldEd {d r!pl-!d with l|& d.plivc ndlFd!

by preeidirg th. insn . wilh re Pioei.l pq gorp. Soci.l l.3nins dr$.si6

FlmL slf+ffi.rcy, r.lf-r.!ul.tio4 r|rd pro-so.irl beh|viow (MiLne & wubcr&

ThG dcllilcd Earch inio O. dyMni6 of sma incN@tid h.s proF3cd thrr

nqllnol dficey *ould d?ad on how a.nd.rrcAonsivc a thcEpcuic

p!!gl.m. isi ii t 16 inb conridm(o d. individ@l chradci$ics ol $om.r

orad4 (.r ..pua t@ 0!d. of erlc olftldln), thcn dilli!|cr p.rhv.y! ro dim,
Olir low !.lf-..L.r!,lhc biih Elio of mn-viotcnr 6itnc h rh@ u cmp!!!d io tulc

olftod@, llc low dlt lbd ltcy Fe io thc jlil ed public s.cuity, hcir rolc rs moE
dd ond b.in8 lh. $1. c.r!giv6 for th.h childm. dddopncnol FEperivs,

l[. @i@ulnr.l di.xlr i!.y liv. iq dt ir mhicrlly d?rivcd b..l(gDud!, rhc relc

of olt r in ttrir ilr,olvtua( in crinc Fqplio of ovircmdril

cuc., .!d thcir cmdond nccd! (Bl@m & CovinAon, 1998; Bl@n, Ow.n, &

Covingon, 2002; cllllicld, 2010i vrtr voorhis, S.lisbury, wdsh & BMd, 2006r.

T!.r. h$, howlE, ti..i acry litdc tE.e[ ino th. clletiviry of rhcEpdtic

proSnmn6 for wonst (td, Pdhrir, Panbcrton, Tunrr, &!. 2008). A mci!-
a.lFis of tiatndlr rvdhble for fddc im.t6 i.cludcd @ly 26 studi6; tO sludi6

hrd Frdonimdy !tudicd fdaLs, &d t6 had ftcu.d soLly on foat. imar6
(Dowd6 & ftis di* corcluded tllrr CBT w6 d elr*iv
Andrcw3, 199).

th@Futc rrcailDdl for mm@ prim6 logllmci ihar ddtcssd i erpdro$l

mflic$ and fanily is6 w@ n@ cftatirc in Educi.g H|Ioding sugg6liig thc

importdce of l@ldng tt fmale ug.r dd .8grc$ion 6on the Etalional conrexr. Wo{
on $ouehl pD@ssr trat rcfl@td &risocial renddcis, md d.velopine contbl ov.r

oftt agg6siv. b.lEvid w@ nrdb Mi.l.d siln d*rscd dt6 of Eidivisn.

G&in& vd v@ink, & Bell (2010) rssed the etfic&y of cosnirive behwiou'.t

lFailndt pmsrum. in Eduine reoffc ins b.haviom ii rhc loSrm (filh a

minihm of ly.& io 2.6 y6) fd l9O fcnd iMatd. Thd! was a siaihdcaly

dgnjficdl dilTddc. in cd6t rar6 fd ed cmpdim Croupi 16! thd

15% of ilc ilMr6 @civirg CBT h.d @fdded s compd.d ro rhe 22% of rhc

conpeisD Creup providing eyiderce thar CBT had helped rncD in gaininS @nlrcl over

the jr probldEtic b.hrviob.

Snidr, Smirh, .trd BrM (19,t) in bdef ttE !.ssioB CBT appticd on II pri$n6 .larosrnrd ihar Dati!8 th6c wmd awqc of thc @t calB

ar8r, hebine thcn idddry the rriSgdinS slr.stul .vot!, c.d Gsisrins rhcn in
dcv.loping a!poFi.& dAa maagcnc srBtegiei signifiqtly h.tped rh.m ir
nradng 6.i! e86. Tt.y 6cd @gniriv. r.$rwnriry lehniquca, rcsde homc,wolt
asigmols ilal involvcd the daily no.iroring of dsd,povoking cvcnr dd rom.nt
ldel of thcir own &ger, perpedvet3king exdises, ed ph.licine $e teaned

nug4ot sFalegj$ in thci. drjly liv6. A @6t *pcrimqrd srudy ddon$rated lhal

t &hing womd mor diqt, non.blming, dd objddvc w.r5 of .xpcsing rheir dser

raisd Ui *lf-6t@m (Saylor & Ddhm, 1993), dd nhcd rhch ii @n0icr

n@gdat, The innrr$ uddSoing CBT itr tlis sludy rhowed significet
impbvmdls in ltln bchlvior, had l.!! ho6ril! thoudrs, ed ddeloped cort'll ovd
thn @usl s.omparEd io thc qonrol 8roup (Eaon, Munchua, & R.ddof,, 200t).

Womm imales .nddins CBT s.rsions hvc .t5o b6 r.ported to bmefir f.on

rcladioD tiiniry. I hr6 bce! atgucd itEi a bdc4 consistcrr, supervised l6i.ins (of

abolt ile sbE ro thc tNinue) i! how to Elu otrBdf duing nondls of e8cr.

&d a rcgulr chcusd by thc iMAt6 cs povq ro bc quir. .ffcdve in hd.gine &ger
(Deftrb&ha & Stark, 192).

A blad of @itiv. Utrvior !d Buddhh zd pnibephy of

mindtuln* hoM ss Di.lctic.l Blheviou Th.npy (DBT) (Linhe, Amsroi&

Su!rez, Allno4 & Hd4 l99l ) hs ben .IT6 v. ii cducins bchavioural poblm and

@isod6 of df-nh i! won6 pd$n6 diagrGcd wnh Borddlin. P@n.lity

Di$dd (N.c & Fmu, 2005). I i. ! y!.Flong rtmpy rhar nol onlv r.qnnes acrive

panicipatio by is cli6|! but .lro nom rh. prisn iiall who coh. in @let *irh tn

colcmed won6. It otl6 inLnsiv. indiyidual and trcup $$ions (l e$ion eeh pq
week) 0at f@us oo validaling rh. imsic's morional dpdi@c.6 dd sociated
cognitiv. p!'t n& ed tcachilg corc niidtuli.$s skill!, inr.amal shlls, dolion

eSulaiid skiUe, sd distr s! rolqrec. skillr rcsp@tivcly, A 24-ho$ telphonic

thqapatic hclp h also availabl.. Trrgd b.haviouc likc arc addrc$ed li6t,

followd by rc(t on vrd$16 iEtd.riq wirt rhapy (c.&, cid!M), inFoving rl.
im.t '! qurlity of lifc Oy ddr..iin8 Ptlbldn{d|rvidB fir. inpllsiviy. dos $ua
alilg died6), d.vclopirg t se of sDro*hdt ed d.v.lopina +popncl.
@ping slills io swivc d.latiorr ed rrcid @fiqdint Ne & Fllrm, 200?; Sly &
Ttybr, 2003). DBT h$ bdr !re.$ill in ,rn8 *lf-hm in dcltuquslt sidr ad
qffi pii.|E 0.$ rom., hgg4 Parycr, & Micl.od,200t; Tnrpi!, Stdst, & B6Ly, 402). Pila{ ddi6 ir dE pri-E of Ensldd !d w!1.. wirh 16

ro|M imrt6 radtcd i! 6 in r.[-..&cro, c.pir8 bcbrvioua l@B of

colfol, .nd . dccr*. in .xFi.iE ! of dilsirtio, inpuldbd. d|d frr$cncy or sclf-hm (Ne & F|mEr 2005). DFT epti.d in a Cu.diln wonot
.dEtioi.l irslilul6 iavolviry 42 .t!ll nsnbcr .id 23 sonar olTad4 rlo Dovidcd

6ou:dn8 c.ull An wrqimtL brlf (57%) of rb. im&. w.rc !.ri!li.d wilt rlt

lkrp o.l ptosB of DBT dd rlpottld latin8 Flond sod! litc wo*ilt ioyrtb e
itbptulda h ihpuLivc b.5wion, Elfqldtl talty @pir& lld r.ducing s.lf-

hin (Sly & T.yloa 2003).

D.lpitc ll. proEisiry pEliniMy frxling! DBT lcc io t l-tin8 u r

ot .!rdt of.toi@ for Fi6 *lf-hm. th@ br dE lcnsu of
latbdl O )4.r) t@ lon& i toqu{c rr.iri4 of lrifI ndbcn. .rd lh.
D@sr.M. tcilit toE noa bcitrs c6inq (Sly & T.yltr 2003). B6i&., thi!

Pt!!l!bm o!.rtr ..ll-h|n s t ryqbn of BPD onlt $d i! ml rlilorld io n..r ortc

clinicd .nll DoFlilic.l fdbt of dclibq.! elf-ha (Kinbdt, 2@9). Flnrcf nodifi.d

fom! of CBT e n .dcd thr,t @ tc qpli.d i! priloit rcningn cqcidly whcrc rhc
deiained cnvironnent is mr 6nd@iv. for DBT (es., l&k of t.l?hdc !dic6, @n-

availability of ndLl halth s13lf, a nd{upponive st!fi $itude lovard! prisonr




r..Aing i! vid dlc |vdhblc liiad|r! d inct.6.l!d wonxn'r p3 rtFtorhll

i..d. id st6c$crl tlEpcutic itrtclqdoN lpplicd, .nd a lek ot te.l d!14 thc

tnr.ot ltl|lly .ind !o .qkrc lh Lvcl ofp.)rbologicd did..! in prlidui qqM

Fio@! widr I fo.ur d hi.f CBT inidHrio ir ndiodinS rhi! dirrss. tr *c.

I. nc l.vcl of &lf-..rc.d of rt! iErrc..n d vlmn wdtd b. icgcivcty rctdld ti)

{rir bvd ofatd .!d d.g6 !.f-h.|n

2. Tbc lDd !.ll.6t @.coc ofthc iB.n-d.d ema muld bc hiSh.r i! otc

pon |hd in tc pc{ognitiv. thci!'y bchlviour essions

3. Tb. Da n8a.d E|f-tiE 6g of6. ilcjlcrd w@6 *ould D. toE

i! 0|c pon tte ir tL FFgririvc hdwiou th6+y !.!rior!.

a. Inc.n .3,t d woH ud6Soi't @gndv. tlt viou rhqipy routd !ho* 4
iEralc i! df,it.litrt !o @ dr.ndivt copiDr .titla



R@@h sludi6 evdu.tidg thae.utiq irteryentio.s n@ally ue group de6ig$,

one srcup doies, dd single cae r.scarch dc!i8ns. Thc pre (160 dd post (esr) control

.ppb&h is rhe IMr widly ued Sroup .l6i8n. Il h6 a tr.alnot (dpdimdtll)

Soup a s coDrrol (m-a.dn6t or wdt-lirr) goup. Panicipdb @ rmdomly au@al.d

lo mtubtu intmd vrlidity (Ksditr, 194} Als.eqls of both grcups G done prior

(to) rd suha.q!6t io adniftiains 0E int ddton. The asffidts @ ihd

@Dpdld to for thc cfret3 oa dE intffirtion eplied. !r Ml life senilgs likc .
jail or ! pnsa n u h. quil. diftcult ro &hid. rh6.pp@h- Apprcpri!|e nudber oi
particip@$ nigltt not be avaihbl. for cithd inc tr .rndl or mtol 8roup. Rsdon

all@ati@ midt not t poseiblc. Th. availsblc saFple Fisht rct snare sinihr

charEddistics mating it diffidlt to divid. ii inio compdable treahenl dd cof,trol

gduPs. IE smll sdple diz might noi lllow for a conircl 8roup, Th6e limilalions ce

b. addFs.d by uine i! q@i+xpqimold dcsiSns to .ontol for mdon allocation of

padicip&tq Ed eqlivdmr tqnnmr &d mn n!.lnmt grorpii Bing de gnup d6igm

lo dircl for rhe mall wplc i4 rnd rc @Dnol treup, uing single c* d6ign ro

@ntol for l}e m.ll or iDd.qu.L sanplc aizc.


Thc success ofa resce.n study dcp.nds a lot on the rercnlion ofils panicipants

whicd .s b Bthq challa8ing in c pnsn dviomot. Pri$n6 h.v. exlr&rdidy

bign arEifi@ 616 for lt@nd srch s beins trarsfded ro eo0'd jail or prisn (ro be

r@ one's honr plec, fd dieiplinrry isu6, elc.), being convicred, being rc1.!s.d fbm
jail, coun .pplamccs, 8tdng bail, ctc., whih d onq undticipared (Wakai, Sh.tlon.

TEstnm, & Kcsrql 2009). niis cq ar@t inwdtion-bded srudiG $ar requirc sme

tih. (. .mbd of nonlh5 o. yG) to be @nprcrcd. o@ qay ro conitlt imar. an ition

13 io roil @nvicr.d pfie6 wilg a trien rm oa ar 141 1eo or morc ye!6.

Allholeh lh@ e ch&q of im.ic r'dsfa or rclce in tn* prienG ,lso, thy de

minimwn 6 compard b ibe utrdo rial population.

A sall rMb.r oflh. plkisl,ri femal. prisn$ is sdt nced. The *omen wiog

ofcenral rail, K@bi had t9 convicrd fen.les at the tine this sludy ws d6igned.
This snall.unb* and too div6e inmate charact isrics sade i difficlh b fom similar
natrndt drl conEol glups. A non tudonly al@ated noHoop&ien (coilot) ercup
ws a ihBr to ini.oal lalidity (R..d, 2008). dd a rhft w@ m .ltdrre Dqtal hetrh
sdic6 avail.ble b th jait. foming a conbol group also n&t dcpnvinB halfotrhc

convrtd wonc. ol the psycholhoapy sdi6j e $ial(iticism ot$. ue oaconuol

group (Bahm. 1986) i. e de.dy disadvshged popuhtion. The limitcd timq Md days

(l to2ho6fo.2 ou@uiiv.d.'tspaw.rkfor6nonrht lijeE&dhdw6Fmitrcd

b 4* fi. jail wa ror suIfici. 0o condu indjviduat s6sions ior e&h wone
ft6c linitlriod llowed fd a pel6l ed posr_l6t l!3c@h d6ign with no

@lrol greup, Thir d.rigtr bs b6 utitizld k 6how ihe ficey of cogrilivc bh.vior

tndapy in da@ging diflcltlro-control aggression in an ircrcerard poputarion

(Sheltoa K*tsL Zhdg, & Treslnd, 2olt), dd i. ctinicat selrings (Siddle, Joncs. &
awoai, 2001), Ihc& srudi.! mighl nol oIId Dbu caBe ,xl cfldt rclaiionships
they do d.noEbste lh. eltcclivcrcs of a c.rlain inr.Ncltio! lhar @ b. ndher
dpirically tesied by d.vGinS @donizcd controtdesigns buill on thd
results ofrhese
very initial sd oiigiralstudie (rotr & Bek 2004). Sme was crpercd ol he present

6alth rhat wa ats d.ri8ned ro cxplorc rhc po$ibilily of implemcndig a

psychorhenpdtc inrnmton wirhin a tocal foalc jait dd its .ftetivo6s in
magmg tnc pnhneG angd dd sctf_hm wirh a inc&se ih $en stf-
61an .d adeiv! .oping mechdiG, rltu, tayine r!. erebd! for tum xprio.nbl

IE @d. odpdscd of t7 @nvict d pati$.ri fcnatc pdenc6. .Iheir

r&s!d nDD lo 60 Thy wae e!s.d
23 of it n, dng $mugstine, tidnrp and
n'!dd (of both chiktdr !trd .dutrr) fo. t!mn, nuda of spoue, p@ls and siblirg.
Iheir ..nte!c. $dcd non 7 yoB ofcdfnmdt lo 25 ,q6 of ti tc impnsmar. Mosl
oft[d r.rc 6Dn lN *io oconoiic b.ckgrDunds .d w.E illn@r. Nor. ofthen
ws a drug lddict w@ b jait for thc fd rin , Malonty of 0r@ w@ horift.

The Boad of Adv&@d Srudi6 ed Rcs@h, Univdny of K@chi. appbved

$. cumt 4 a detohl etudy. The Minisl. of Jaili, md lispetor c.n.ral

Pd$u, Sin lh p@ind a6 nonrhs' ad6 10 lhc rcmo qin8 of K.fuhj Coml trlil
for thc pupoe of l!fuh. The sup.ril1o|l|ar wonei jail, b.i.fed $. @dhr sbout
il'. Fuline $cuily chccks th.t !h. rould havc ro sdcrgo on tuh ofher visits to ihe
jailr itLntiry hcbcu ai ih nain oroce thrugh the univGiry registt.tion card. gct her
qi31 sthpcd by rh. mal s6uiily
8!rd, md s$mn ha cefl phon. 10 hiD, 8o tlwugh a

body by a fnal. ufty euard, ed gci hd hddba8 dd lb@py malaiat

i.!pe|qd. Tn deplry su!.dnladoq w@en jdil. inrodw.d rhc c@hr !o e

won@ prisD.6. Shc rquBtcd rh. il@re to p.nicipar. in rhc study 6 ir wonld hclp
the jail ldmi.hlFrion take bctrd d.cision!
!garding th.i, mdtll hatrhcc pbvilion on
a rgrld b6is Thc rceehd infomd rh prienfi about th. pui?o!. of th. srldy.

!h.n right to cirhd c@srt!6sc to panicjp.q &d io wirldraw fioD rle study at ey
poi! in tiDc. lr w4 .xplain.d rh.r piriddMl vould i.
nor any way sII6r rhcir !if. ii
pn$.. The iofomation th.y wourd 3hd tc
during srudy sourd hdn confidenrirl.
Aty Mtla wort donc by rhm woutd be relmed to lhd .fter 0F completioD of
scasioB. Only th. rcruli! of the srudy vould bc shared wiih the jait ninisle (and

publishcd) Mtoul dislGine &en jdalifying infomalion. Th. resedcher nade ctetu
ttr.l sh. wq (onty) ! studor ofcli.icat psrlhology who w6
with them aor lhe purpo* of
!!$dh, Sh. @utd @r otrd ey tc8.l help Fgatding lhcn c.ininat cs6. Sh. al$ could

mt innte@ den .tpl! to dlls s t.lp thd g.r paDl6. Alt ihe sat@.d
p.$n6, qcc?t on., co@nred ordly ro pmi.ip.te h |hc {!dy.

Ilie 18 @IMdnC parricipst wd irteNia.d ir the jaildt officc. Infonnstioi

wd obt ined on d.moArlphi. veiabls, du.rior of inc@erarion. self hm. dd ecess

to &or.l he.lthc{. orc padicipal ws.xcludcd for ov.D8 (above 60 yedt.
'Irr. psyrhologicd m6!r.3 wd. tno ldmirisr.nd ro $e 17 iMat6. h ce 0E
partcpdl ws nol lirartq rt m@w wd adninisGFd o8uy. A briel oriatalon
aboul psychoth@py v6 givo t c&h individual panicipei

six inndres Eponcd delibqare setf_ham one of rhesc wonen had nor etl
hm.d in but had pdor history. Tlcse 6 wonn were funnn inrcwicwcd about
th.t noriv6, lriggding vors ud hatoB for ng.ging in *lf-h.m. As th@ w6 no

pisr l@dr of elf-ha@, lhe jald ad pnen n@ wr inafl,wcd *p@rel, lo

co$ chek ihe iypc ed rhbo of.pisod.! @poned by rhe inceenrcd vodcn. Thcy
w@ paaially aw&c of foms of $lf-hm luch a, bdting on6.ti begine hqd on thc
wall, hd bhilg a.ff on fic kii.hd !rov., Mosr oflh othr fom, of sltf-ham had nol
t@ Epo.t.d ro thm by fic pden6. Th.y q@ ds .or aw@ of rhc cxet tEuncv
ordclibeotc Ftf,h&n in lh. pnson,

ft. l? rcnd pdlond w@ {tividcd inio 2 gbup.. Csup A .oBisred ofni.c

partrcpers aged 23 1o 30 y.@. Goup B consist.d of cight panicipdls aget
t5 ro 60
y4. Both the gDups r.ccivcr! tO wekly .ognitive behavior fi.E y s6sions on m8fi
I@.gmcnl, nE sctf-hmjng aia th @ftplrion of &6e sioro, . qded

aroild 6 wetiy ercup sion6 of CBT. Episodd of s.lf-hm sere nord duin8 dd
.ffs . nodh post thq?lt All orc udMr pGt ildapy
l7 woDd p.flicipdts
a.lulioN ana alpnximlcly 2 n@th5 of Fciving rhcEly (s Figurc t). The
*bB w* condetd iD . veisadat .dj@nl !o Ue jailst otfice. Atrhough a
classMn E availablc, rh. inv6ri8aror wd not allowed ro conducl se$iors rhere.

Cogahtv. Eenoviolrd for tht! Study

fte cognilive blEvioutal ther.psric apprceh for Ois 6@h study w6 b4ed
oD lhe pmik thar i!@mied vond hlvc 3 much thc righr 10 think ed el (or tun
om) s thc oth.r nd-inc{lqd.d fddes: |h.y e aw@ of what ihy have donc

(tbcn cdEilal @!satio$) .!d qhy. IlE rh.E y sim, @e?tirs th@ wond a
th.y e, nusl belp thtu wdr out halrhy ws)s ro ll]M8c prebld.tic oorios

dd belwio$ (loe sdf-6rm, dsq !.d dgr.rctarcd bbaviom, delibrate self.

hm) ulilizine @gnitiv. b.havioudl prin ipl6, Tbc rh@pdtic p@s sholtd f&ititlr.
thf, in dvelopins a ftnhd i.eishl inio thcii (oM) individud pesoElni.s dd

tbqSlhs e fiat lhy co wilh the highly negaNe .xperiq of

incefrdo4 &d e able io bke bcttd (turu$) dccisiotrs for rhdFlr6.

Crcup @gnitire bchavior $arpy fo! egr mea8.mnl ws in l0
s*6ioB d vekly btsi! for 3 mmth!. Tlc Angd MMgmnt for Substece Abse &d

Marll ltcdil Clidr4 A Coitivc Bdwiord lA.rqy Meu.l by Rcilly sd ShoPsliiE

(2002) {&s adsptcd for thc qma pris6 p.nicigaling b lhis studt Th mdul is

av.ilabl for public use and .d b. @*cd on lhc nfert.i at l|w kao sai$sa eov

(Rcilly & ShopshiE, 2002). E&h ssion t.lied bctw@ 60 io 90 minuiB Fii@ ro

thiny minute of e&h 8roup ssion w@ s.l 6id. for individual *$ions on coPing *ith

inc@dltion usine thc ncthod of Suitled di$overy. Il wa 4visioncd ihat ihc atruclurc

of thc sions *ould hav. to be n xible to @omodare thc individud diilirac6 ad

rc.ds of lbc ie!$.6Ld r!|M. Al0Dustt homc $o* w3 d nnporknt @npo.dr of

co8nitive b.lwior th.6py, it w6 cxpel.d thar th. inmatct *ould fnd il dilficult lo

c.rry il out b.u* of thc Th@foE, fdding motivalion to

rch.bilirat onelf wa s impondl 8o.l of rhis grolp fi*apv nc PJnicipus wcrc

giv@ rdnfoomoa d th! .nd of ah ssioo ir $c lom of aimarcd srr, snrl'vs'

et, ro be psLd @ then hoD4ork A! th@ s.r. no.enilicars of panicipation, rh'

*omm imr&s *@ givm sEEll tottu of otr rhc sucttul conplelion ol

th. ercup tn Ety. Ce wG t{d ro e ndenal lhst did d dcry tnc jailt tu14.
Ilc prnicipdt3 wft *.|@med. A bri.f f@dba.k of ihc imEm@i! dninisrc..d

ws lald. lr wa aM.d thar vc.baltin8 rhen dougbrs dd &.tings abour uddgoiig

ile prcc.$ or p3 s!.6md1would hclp iled in paniciparing in lhe derapy

si@, .rd abo feilir.& both rh. thoTisl .d rhc mnn pri$.6 in sefting rh.
lgd.!: of the *$ios. rlle peess of psyclouenpy ad tE purpose of rle group

sb.. (i...,10 b. 3bl6 lo meag. or\ dgd) ws.xplaind. The lha,p6r
dd liie then laid sne eoDd tut6:

. EvcrlthinS dhcNed in ihe sdsioft would rnain contidenlial. panicipanh

Muld trot di$G @h otn6 irsu6 oursid. th. ssion'

. E&h p!.ticiplrlw610 b. reryi.d,

. No p.lMal icmark3 wft rtlowcd

Ia {y @nnicr NF, rh. f&itil:lo wodd incdde Timc-out tiod th6 grcup
could b utiliz.d s a rfln 9t b control one's dgd. tf the tu@ba ,1ilt fel tbsl
sh. would mr b! aU ro corrilu. wnh d. G.maining srcup sson, $e courd

Punctu.liiy w6 d6iFblc bur if &m6ne ws lsre duc to @un sPp@ces,

fsmily yisitr or &y o1h6 gauie t!eu, il w$ OK. Sh. @utd b. p.rr of th.
8b!p for fi. @lning !.$ion.

As ihc jril did no1 have d popa thmpy bon, dd the theEpist loo ws m

outsidd, it would b. ,ppGiar.d if ihc panicipdts look tltm ro help rh. rh.ntist

in sddra l4 tbc !6bd,! s 0e thdpy befoE ca.h sio. @mmdcd_

Iris imlud.d laing fi hmdrd. tug fd th goup to rit, pasling of tlip.barc.

clllina the women p.iso.6 for th goup sssio., kking atende.e, sd ltlling

. If mypadicip..twishedrodisnlinuclhessio6(ar my sragof,she

@uld do ro. I would nor in dy way .ff.ct ber strfus in rhe jail.

Ihc t6!i@ thd cmtbued wilh rhc eonH pri6offi dcfning dgd 6 they

ud$iood it, The deliniriom tr@ dplocd tlugh S@nric queslionirg. Algo s a

fUng/dotio& 6(titdc, lid bhavior v!! dtstinguishc4 .rd in the ptu@$, nr1ls
ELLd lo dgd wN inv6rigalcd. Argcr md irs consquocc! *cE lne, opdarioialtj. A h@!A siLnc. pEvaild ovd rh. grcup. Thc ih.r.pkl did .ol i.v.dc fiis

Bilo@. Sh. pMed.d to a?tai! that thc way se er?rcls ou &gd muti@ty beoh6
ou hrbir, dd likc .ll hrbia it @ bG madcd. The.utc ws ro b@De a*re ofdc\
4g.'; hN did it di* in on*li whal norivared one b ga mgry, dd how did
m.nif$i in one$lt Thc goup ndb6 tho iddtifi.d rt lcst 2 ugr povoking cvdrs,

ed Etd tbcn la.l of baa d. $3t tDm I io l0; t @Dptcie abs@ of egcr,

dd l0 b6ing d qtm. cxpresid ofega t.dinc !o sda! n.sative o..cqu6c6 for

oncsela The panicipets w... rcquesrd ro r$e $eir levels ofonS.r in a similar wsy for

thc *hol. weL a homc wort. Notclad! snd balFi pdts wc@ dist tuulcd mong ihe

goup io Irist lhd in d@M61irg lb.t wo*. lr w6 nad cl@ lh.IaI writrd
wo* *.! thcir popcrty ed tl!. thipirt woutd ram it ro rho .nd tlviding it in
wh 56tion, Qed.q if my, w@ oco@8.d, Th. Brout w6 w6ty th.nled for

Th. ssid @M@d wih ! did of s6i@ I dd hoic wo*. Th. womo
paftclpe|' w.rc to sh& thc qcnls ih.t nlde lhfl egry in the week
wilh thc group. It w4 undGrood fi.t nor atl vould bc wi|ing lo do so. The therapist,

th@foE, 8av. a lbt of pGible evor! 0[1 mutd tdggd 6e,s dgs, On ihc rcqudt of

p.nicipuE, tlcs. giM evals wa! irrrpErcd !!d erlysd to udlri|rnd (he fou
@jor c6 !o {e!r phFic.l, tchrviouEl, 6Dtiomt, ed @gniriE ft. panicipsl!
P@ uudl lo dbringuish bbrd f&q F@f,d vias, and p.E.ption!, &d

l& rclc th.y playd in ou intepdations (o0 ed racrions ro evcnls. Thc goup

D@b.s ecrc thd encou.s.d 10 iddrify thh ,nsq Elarcd .B yilh rcfereic. ro

$oc norc hUDttEti.d siniarioa. Hon. wort: Th. p{rticip&ts wq..cqu6t d to 6r

thcir l4cl of &gd fo! Ue Wcomirg w.*. e\pbrc rLe u86-pbvorina .van for

objccrivc Dd $b.i.criv. irrdprelrlions. Li6t doM rhir &aa cucn a t dedbc rhe

bdhods dry u.d io trlege r!8a. R.i.foffia : Big Cold6 ns wft psr.d
on ih. not bool6 of th tdticipdts who had d@mded tt.t nnl scsion's hon.
wdk. Bluc h.diun size sta6 werc psr.d on rhc noleb@ks of lhosc who on y shded

their ldel of d8d thftughour tlr pdiou wcck, IlE resl ofrh. ercup ws givd small
gr@ sirr8 fb. 3rLndin8 rhe ssion.

Panicipanb' hom wor& w6 relicw.d. eldies regarding anSer cu6 wqe

dtetuined. Eeh pdiicipsnr ws requir.d !o 3h@ nr ee.r m&a8.mml srralegis wirh

the gNp. Ti* sf.&gi6 qre qitt6 in Fpmrc colunns on nip charts Th.
pdticipdt wft akcd io lisl lhc .dvetsg6 and disadvanr.Scs of epting thes

st*gi6. Ite greup *plored thes. cons.qudc.Vont@mes turihcr. A dep brcathing

cxftis. was Ucn cdi.d our wiil thc wholc group !o inhoduce jt s a ndhod !o @.lml
th dsing dglr dpdimed in a @loicting .iruation. Illc wodo pri$n6 w@
rq!6ted to p@lic. it urdq srB, or wh@ anery. CoSnitivc BFucturi.g ws
qplained in conldi io on ofrhe d8d rctrcd .vors by rh. participers. The

goup wa mcouag.d to sh@ their iDtoal thoughrc dd belicfs regarding their d8e,
pbvoliing evcnr', the fdlines oEy .xpaioccd, ed &e behavio, rhey exhibired s a

6ull. This wq rcpqrdly do.e lo mnkc thcm see rhe connsrion bdwftn ticn $oughls.

f-lingq ed b.havior BBid6 Etins rhcn $8d ed idadryirs rhc cu6, lh. hone worr

ircluded an addition.l cmpoMt of idorifyin8 their rhoughr p.tcms rhat povoked or

led 1o &go, Animar.d miling f&e! wd. p6rd o. .eh pdiicipmt\ notb@t 10
mind l[@ rht lh.y h.d 0o rlq in lough silu.lioB.

The lhmpist ald r grcnp cani.d out a dee! bEarhing cxdise prerious homc

work w4 rviewed The pa.licipanrs wer appreciared tor the ollon lhat rhey had put in

lhe pEedirg Kioru lnar lnowd lh.t th.y @!td ttu ro @.trol thei. mga. A bn.f
ori6t rion of th. a$Bion.yctc (@ App.ldtt C) w6 pFvid.<t. Cmt olling ug.r
w6 ,nport6r 10 avojd tn. Fsi 4plosion phe. They woc co.vey.n rhal individual

diffe@ca aisicd in rhe vay p@ple n@8cd ogd 6 everrone had a diffdenr

ld.l of &gc, dillcrnl b.lief sFraE, djficBr tif. .6G, c!c. R6rtucrliry onc.s

$ouShls ws on. .flq.livc vly ofconftlting dgr. TIE ABCD model {se App.ndtr
D) wa dmonstBl.d aith tne cxdpte of a supposd a8grc$ivc evcnr, The padicipMk

w! lho EquiEd io c?ort uy mg.r c6!sin8 cvdt dd dispule rhen betict, funhcr

r?hcing n willl a l* rhteatdins bclici ed erpsience the Efomed iholghr. Thc

volmtding panicipdl! @utd rat. ih. gdup\ hlp if they wot.rt b. TNo nore b.ticf
3ydens wq displtcd in the 5mc hMcr, The p.nicipdrs wcic rcq!sred to expGs

how they felt about lh. gbup h.tping lh@, Mixd rls'ones wft experd, Thc

lldpin rtm cLbodt d h@ sh&in8 wiilt a cia4 p6pl of rhc sme gDup, or
$n@!c d'Gy iiBt d, hctp.d in .tc5li!g with o,.t !.earivc f..titrgs, They w@ ro wotk

mor otr then lhoughle for rh nxt w*t, md ii mrone fetr ital of all tDs process, sh

could siDply pul a fuu slop otr ner ihouabb. The sion oded on a lighk not *irh lhc
t'@pisl alplyil8 thc Uowbt slop'ping lrhniqu. on @h andirioMt qu.ry Hdd wovcn
uisl bdds boughi liom ihe cnfb' s..tion of the mnen jail qcre plesdred ro clch
paniciper io appre.iate thcm wortjng s a 8ro!p.

A di$a'on of th. ltu d h.rai.l w6 hcld. A dcrlilcd Eviw of thc honc

wort ws d.n . Additiold quai6 Fesding ln. lcded naldial. .!d honc wort

Grignnots w@ Mwered, fte p.nicipok vr akcd whetha they wft al ce sith

rhc p@ of rhc ssi6- A dep brcsrhing esion wa donc. One iftiional b!!i.fws
cbilagc4 IAc psdicipa ! sw qburagcd to dntinuc aith 6ci. tFh. wort o. their

om pac.. Reinlbrmmls w@ eivcn.

Thc panicipots *.r. r.qodtcd lo shrt lhe modific{dons thv hd madc in their

sed meagnflt ples, Thy sft aPprecialed io! iheh progFs Tnc contibution oi

interpe* 6p6t of evdL !o onc\ ane.r wa thcn ihloduced. Il sas erPlaincd thal

Ue sbjeiiE ilneQrelltio of olh@' bdrvid wfth s elicit d aggBitq psivq or

ss.rtiv. bchaviow.l Epons6 frch u. Th. difl@n.e bel*@ lndc respones and

thci. .dv.ntlge ald dredvlnlag6 ws 4plrned in P.cpelivc of lhe rydts the Nomo

risas hrd sblEd. 'Itc m& cl.rt tbar slt. uddrood thtt il wd dimq ro

che8e o.c's !h!vio@l Psttm but with @$istent cffolt' lhc group could led hoN to

rat sr.ilively s ihcy hld lm.d b noitor thcf lhouSl s dd b.haviouB fte
Conlicl Rdhtio. Mod.l (G APFrdi! E) wd dprrined. rhe advet gc ot @lving

conflici3 by being seniv. ws tnal no onc cnded uP wnh ill i@lin8s. The Pdtlicipmrs

g@ rh6 givo ! b?othdical connid siluion: dc.lbg *i0' a friad who did nol
tt3P@l t!.n pnv&t dd astcd how lh.y wuld 6pond 10 ir. Thc rhcrEpislGisrcd rhc

gmup in Gpl&i.g lh. rggmivc ad p6!iv. E pons wirh 6sniv. on6 For $c ictl
w*k lhe wonn pd$n6 wft r.quitld !o idoti& rhcir b.hlviour.l rcsponscs and

ullse ilen i dplEoml @nllicts ir tidr of the conflict @luri@ nodet.

Th. $vcnrh scasion w6 in corriruiry !o lhe 6'i s*sion- tl w6 baed on ol.-

pbyirg of dE Epon d @l lif. iDtqFlo{rrl @nllicts of rhc wond priu6 Ir ws
cxFcl.d that thc pdticipsti niei hsir.te ro role play their own cvcnls. Tte rhcrapis(.

thercfo.e! had ht?oth.tical vols w.iitcn on ltip chds lo failitlre rhe gioup, As
@onicls wm qpa1o4 itmediate 6gcr conlrol srralegi6 (c.S., de.p brdhin& tiDc
our) 9@ Bi!.d .r th. st tt of rltc sioo. fte tbe?pist ot.-plsrd & imgjndy
8itu.tion with a volurary pdticip&t to n[kc rhe gbup @mfonrbb wnh tn

Thc woncn prisond! $a ble plard two situalioN: o.. bed on a htpolh.lical evcnr,

ed inc oihd on t G.l lifc connict H@. wo*: Ihc pdricip{t5 w@ Equ6t.d ro nic

lh.i.sgalqel,c$.gori*tbei.diffaar@6,odphcrielstvi.trhei.i .rp.Mnal
confli.ts in e d8drivc mmer,
It. ptu1ic of conflict rcslutioo nodcl w6 reviq.d in pdicutd. The

p.nicipd6' welo* i!.ppline ir in rhci! aviomdr w$ detr *ith. Th. goup w6

ih.n led irto idenrirying rhe origir of$cn aggssire bch!!iou6, rhoughG, .nDtions,
p.E@lions, oudook ed narm of inrdcrio! wirh oths. They had to Evisil lhcir pdt. famili6 patihs of qp6ling neglriv. md positiv. cnotioB, their Elalionships

Mrh tn.n padq arty chitdhdd dpdift6 orbcing disipti..d, $c vqb.l ed
no vdb.l ns96 they @eivcd aloui b.having s n.n ,nd womd. and hos lh6e
@sags sd lemined hrd boon. a pan of then, They wcre ro ftnbo cxplore vhar
pal le5Dings tly yft pedcine in ptlsr s adllis. Thc purpoe pe ro

u!d61!xt rhe innuo@ ou pEvbu l6ings lud on ou pcd! ro dnrEate p!$r dd

pr.sat, to be oorc p@4r in thc cumt honor, ed* apprcpnlle
sua&8ies lo
dal with culqr pmbt.n' I was mdftlood thal revbiring tn. p6r woutd bc quir
p.intul for rh pono pd$n6. Sohe would not wat lo di$uss it, Md som would
oDo up wour(Is th.t @uld not bc halcd in srch a shon s?s oftinc. Tb@for, lhc
prnicipdh wft Dot puh.d into shdiDg thcir psr livs if rhey did not ver to. For lhose

who bg& to sh&, m .ffod w6 nadc to glidc $cd in liDit.d &d rctcvdt (to lh.
laos @nqo di$lom of th.i, tif..4oi!. Hm. e!rt: Thcy wft ro conrinue

e*irg on thi! l@t of dga ard cu6, sd p@dcc b.in8 norc s!..rive.

Thc witb dE h.b of d.6pin sided etd @nr!l phns.

Qudic! wcE cn&nained. nrc womcn prison@ w@ prab.d for.!.ndin8 all the
sqrio$, md tryinA oul rh erategis lem.d in th. prccess, The nethods .mployed vre

a.s.d for th.n liqutuy dd u.tuln*' Thc grow w6 .Mugcd to rtr.h I baldce
bdwe! @gritivc, b.hsvioural, imediatdugen! dd pGdtioney suarcSis lo dejl

wih rhcir !trgq, lr w6 dpl.i&d rhar 48d l|lMa@@r w6 & onSoing pEs 0Et

hrd 10 bG pmli..d or a @otiouos bst for .fl6rire cd|s. A bri.f fc.db&t 3*ion
wd h.ld. Thc pdicipets w@ 6k d .bou1{rcn Gxpdince of uddgoing grclp CBT

ssionq theh l.$ings ton it, lnd whcrher rhey oould wdt such group! lo be

co ucLd for wona priMd or I Esulr bsis injait_ They w.rc .bo r.qud.d ro
qp!* DrrlinS 6cy should Nr ba ! onFncrr of lh c@nt 6ions, or
&y su886lios lney eould litc to 8iv. io ifilov. tulr gbrp' Th wono pds6
*@ lha ofId.d sMll tot@ of $a*r for pan oflhe prcc.$. There

w@ ep6i.l prier for b.ine on iine, followin8 the tules of lh. grcup, coordinating wll

with .ll ic.In nmb6, dd doilg hon wo* on a Eeuld bdis. AU of thd wft
wmly that.d for thcir mpenrioD, rnd wft r.qu6t.d to ner rh. thcEpi$ . non$

brd for lGr-rhcnpy w.luario$,

ftc pri$n a who had qoncd d.lib@t. sclf-hm aft.ded additioial 6 wa*ty
s6sions to dcal wilh thn nahdaplive copiiS m4huis Each sessior lasl.d ilon 4j
ninutc! ro 60 ninutes. Ite inrddlion w$ bded on liie exDdioriat modcl oa

delib@te $lf'hm Glaycs a al., 196). Thc nodd 6sun6 rhar slf,bad tuncriof,s as

a wly to lvoid uwmt d molios or @Erition!, Thc sctf-hlrnq is topo@ily elided

ofha iniase. dconrrollsblc, md pcintut thoushr md f4lings. ltis n&siot elii in
tum, ws 4 r n gativ. rcinfoicehdr for rcpearing ihe maladapfive coping mechanisn

in tlE lorg i.m (H!y$ cr d., 1996), Dclib@rc lctt-hm ws dcfiied s rhe di@t
.bn$ine of body thu. wi0roui ilc coNciou int6t to ldll onAelf (Fav@a, 1998)

ifteQ.rive ofthe Fi$n6' p3y.hi.tric diatn6is,

The greup fiqlpy GsioB rim.d .r id.ltilttrt th individuat Eissding evdts

ihal ld to *lf-h@, @opizing th. ihouttu and f..lings tur th6. noxv.ling fetoB &epting th. dislond thinling.nd 0|e Esulrer dotionsj ch4gilg di*oned

tniihn& &c.gring drd beoniry @nfon bl. eirh rh. noE ad.piive fioughts dd

dotions, &d daeloping dt ottivc lrt pti@ copioS skilb. Psycho-cducalioo. co9itive

Baucbti!& pobld-elving and FtMtion pEcduG wft us.d, Alhougb tE

inldatiotr wc priMily ror lhc fcnrlc prison6, il w6 fch rhar rhe sr.rshoutd

b&e b@ diat d towdds ila tun riG of slf-hm, .nd involv.d i. sc (ldditionat)

ih@D.utic rdio6 d6ign.d lo.quip rhd with th. stitlr to d..t wiih sd suppd the

$llhd goup. ftir w3 inponei bdDs ih. prison.6 hld ro tc@ oi tivinS in jajl

f6 quite &nc tib., l&king in.doquL lMial flppod.nd rlo b@a@ no pcr ih@py
R@!b..g E(cd s.rl. (Ro6bq& l96t n4uq a subjcfs sloba! p.rceprion

of his/hd oM wonh. tlr l0 itens ph!6.d 6 elf-llalmcnr lcfler an indiddual,s

dDudtl &d reli.g3 alout hi/ha om !.t@ ed Bignifcd a! a pMn. Th*

slaldot! m &ored or . fow poi Litcit sd nrgbg &on lrronCty ag@ (l) ro

sfolt8ly dissE (0). Ira5 2, 5, 6, 8, sd 9 @ $or.d i. B6c (stungty agE = o.

aeE - I, disE.c = 2, shonSly diesrc = 3), An lgSrcgac n cahulat d by .dding rh

sr.$ on @h dn. A r.ral fatlinS bc[vd l5 od 25 Efl*t. nomal lcvclofselt-

esleeD, A below 15 $ore i! @midqd 10 itrdicate a low tdel of!.lf{slem th.t nee<ls
io b. qorted upon. The *atc hd e intdlt dEisrtuy of O.8l b 0.E7. a rcsl-rdet
@lirbility of 0.85 (Ro*nbq& 1989), od co@lal6 w.ll *ith orh. m*G (DdDo,

1985). I hs b@r 6ed in lrldie with fd.l. ald matc priencB (B.*d & aa0win.
2000; Du@db., KomoGky, Wons-Kim, & TulM.2005; Cr.v. & Elmdu,20oj).

I,.llb..rt. S.lf-H.rn llvltory (cntz,200t) ws usqt io ncaslE Ftrham in fie

f.orlc ima16. I is ! HEvior b!s.d qu6rioMi@ @Bisritrc of I ? itoq 16

ruds nvdigat. 16 diffffit lt!6 of d.libdr. sclf-hrDr beh.vior (culting kist! or

otna Plrc of th. Hx bhin8 on*lf *i|h a.i8eri., tienrd o. a narch. crrying
woritr, pictuE, dcaips, or othd rla*s into skin, rubbins sdpapd on th body, bilins

on6.l( .r..), aDd I irn r*r rlc subjc o pDvi.t ddails of. *r_he bch.vior
p6ctic.d by hi4hd orhd ths rhe on s n@fioncd in rhe invdbry. lt cxploG the

sqity, dunlio!, drd tlq||fty of ach gpc of dclibarrc &lf-hm b.h.viou nport d

by lh. pdticiper ft hs r hidr ilrqul c@irt4y (a = 0.E2), &u!t. tc.i r.icn

Eli$ility (9 = 0.66, p<.001), .!d .ignifioont 6dtrDt, conEgdt, &d dircrini!!trl

vdidity (Gnt , 20oD. It o'l (.ls) b. oEd o . dichotomy of 0 (for m slf-hm
t4oncd) ad I (for ay &lf-h!rn bchlvior r!pond). Tnc nunba of.9i$d6 of
d.lihdrL &r-hm wn !E ouic@E Da!@ in thi! !fudy.

Tt. Brl.rcoPE (C!r... I99?). a *lGrcpon mcaswc. *6 uscd to nsscss d,c $on,cn

Fi&|6' ndhodr of copinS qirh irDprioffir. t,"rclopcd o rhc cm.prs or copinS

by l, Dd FdhDn (1981I lhc elc'r it or crn bc rqhr$cd ro .!s cirhcr rnit
cqiry Dclhod! (C.lG, S.h.i.r, & W.ilt|uh l9E9) or rt.t coli.s ndhod! (Caq,
199, of lhc p.nicipeti lt co@i.d! of 28 itqnq 2 itqB @h male 14 @ping

e ltia ItG porri.ip.d, hoec io rc rtrcir rt pon!6 o! | 4 poilr lildr $d.: "l
h!@'t bo doiry lhi! .1 dl" (l) b 'rE bd doirs thi5 . lor" (4). Th. mM of dE 2

ilff n@in8 t ccdrin corins ncrhod es tsk6 d 0t. linglc sE of rllr| n.rhod itr
lhi slldy. HiSh *os ildiqrc 0E pEfcrld 6pin8 $rrr.gi6 ol rh. cponddr' Th.
oldryliE copilt D.ibodr t!..!u!d e: 5.lf-dirtetid, .koi.l, $t to@ u.,
bdreiourd dftcog.gdal, vmd!& .elf-blm.. Ili. ld.ptivc copins @tlbd!
r<.3!.d .F: &rirc @piry .mrionrl nqDon, irul'rrnar.l 3tppon, poliriv. Gfrmine,

pldi!& hu'tM. s.pr8ft., $il rligid. TIE s.l. hE nirh CMb@h . .lph.
$lB for dotliru alch d RGliEd (0-0.82) dtd u. (a-0.90), sd !t.
cMb&ht dpha Elud fq don.iB oI A.lirc copi.s (r{.68), Pldiine (d=0.71).

P6itiv. R.timi.g (0=0.64), Accc am. (q-0.57), HMo. (o{.73), Usi.8 Enotioll

support (o=0.71). Using lrurdenrsl Suppon (q=0.64), Self-disfadion (a-0.71), Dcnial

(0=0.54), v.nrins (0=0.50), B.havioral diergrs@ (0=0.65) ed (a=0.69)


Thc Dcliber$. ScU-He hvatory The Bicf COPE, md thc R$db4g

Esteqn s..1. w@ trslar.d in udu by thc suttd od lhs be* feslll.d in En8lish

by thc ldgrj!8. faculty ofuniv.nity ofKe|chi. It b&k ltMl.ted vasiom wft iho

.mpard with t!. otisinrl invdlory !d $dd AdjustdMcs *.G 6ad. lo n lc trc
thst lh. [uslated urdu v6i@ rcflcled tl'c o.igDd nc.M8!

Tn. St teTnll ]|rtd ErpErl@ rrv.laory (SPi.lbagcr, 1988) k a srDctund

d0Dlosy of bdi itdp.odmt assots ol behavioral sd P.rnalitv p.ll@ of a

subjc.t\ d8.r, lt cGiBE of44 itcms cateSltis.d iD 3 3.416: staL e8d, ta't dlgd. &d

alecr qpr63ion. $ar. sgd it s 4alual. a subjet't cuml dp.nm. ol GehE3 ol

&sd. TBir angd n*u.s thc subj{t's prcdigPosition to e8d, i.o, his/bd durv
tcmpc@@l. A hiSI src indicat6lh. redi.s lo g.l ugry 6 a consequcn of ( is)

p.ftciving on.self s run do{n &d devalu.d by oftc$ in Drulliplc siLuarions, or $ u

6dr of frustdio! built l+ de to goal iDp.dinats Th. AnSa ExpBion tcAl6

thc dific.ent nod6 p@pL (u!u.Ur.pply !o r.l in sPoB ro (tuD &gr' An

thcs $al.s have s $und irrhal codisrflcy (Spielbrger, l99l) reen.blc rcst t_i6t
cliability (Krcnq & Rcddon, 192), ad good consirlcr vllidiry (cEnq Col6, &

JobMtr, 1994; Stucud, Fdq & Vikni, t995). The $.t6 h!v. nms devloped tot

Sccial gtuup8 likc pri$nc$, Filitary sr.ff, dd m.dical paliot! (Spilbereq, 1988).

R6@h ptuvidB didtu. rhal STAX atrd its subsal6 not onty s&s rngs in dprh

but d$ di@t tb. th@pisl/r6@hd rownds daisiry ftalncrr ptes md pnntive

n6uB to md.g. ft (Mo!.s, 192).

Ihc p6ar dudy us.d thc Sure ArSd Scd. ofThc SlalcTait Ange. ExpBioo

Invcnlory lo neasuE the eomn pnencN. inrensity of angry feelings at the rimc of
l.sting. If thy wft nor f@ting mgry, rh. rcseEhq request.d thcn ro inagine a

spdific &8d prcvokinA riiutior ed rh.n Glond @ordirgly !o rhe $.1 ilcms. Lh
Slrt Angc! Scale (S-Ang) hs l0 ii6, @Fd on .4poinr Likcn *.lc (lnot ar atr,

2=sonqhat, s,4-v.rynucb s). Ir ha 3 subscltes: Fecting An8ry (S.

Ang/F), Ic.l Lit ExprcssinS Angd Vsb,lty (S-Ang/V), fld Feel Li[e Expr6sing
Arsd Plrrsicdly (S-tue/p) (Forgay!. Fo,sar5, & Spilbd8.r. 1997). Evn rhoush $e
ne{ondenr roy llvc 3 ior.t s_Ant scorc in rh loe to Dodcrarc dge, ir is posibl. d8r
bdrhc nighi have a high sorc on orc or EoE of the S-tuS luosald. A lov src on S-
Ang suggesrs thai th. subjecr dos nol mditd dgry fectin8s at the spccific nohcnr ol
t61in8 or in rhe sleific sinudon im{jnd o. visatiz.d. Hdsh is (
@ntDlie4 balecd.Id qlD. A hisn S-Ars @E inrtie tbar thc subjd qFdflG
nod.rale lo $lre eger whicn may b manifeslcd verhally (usuc
in tcDalcs
trouelt behavio4 like $lcaning, Bising their voices o, pssin8 '
sa@njc renark, or
phFically (hrcwing or bdking ihings, srriking
somcone, etc.) quidis pbrcasionar

help. Ihc Stal. Angd Scal ln! a hiSh inimal comisteocy (a=0.93) ard 8@d consrrucr
vdidftr\ \ate Mea sco/s h@ bM ,howr to ct nge rclnbt, k !^e specled
di@tion in 6poe to acd. behneioat ch,ltenef" (Kht.k, Makt, & lem,nes,
1990; Spi.lbdge., 1988; Spilbags, r@bq Rusll & Ctu, 1983).

Th. Slate,Tnir Aner Expr6sioD rnvenrory (Spielbersa, 1988) has bfti

L.trslat d dd validard in U.du o! I poputatjon of hyp.dnsivc patiok (Shrhid &
Nrjem, 20t 0). Tns iranslated v6ior hs . v.[dny ({=0.s4) This Urdu vcEion of

slal. agd scal. ofrhe i.vmlory ws used in rh. curent srudy,

'Il'e da1. vs dtalysed uling SPSS v6ion t9. A mixd b.rwco_rirbin
Mltstu ofvdiece w6 @nducied lo s*s, lhe impact ofcogrl,ve b.bavior rhe,rpy on
pan'cpers self*sicmi rn8i ed.opiry {gmups A ed rr).
spemd\ pd*
Ordd Corelalior ws u!.d io cilcuta& U. strlnefi of &c Fhtronshrp bdw6n s.|l-
6r"eb, 6ide &sq, .ad dcliba{e !.tf_hm iD prien (pE m pcr rnhpy)_ orawa)
r.p.3tcd m6uB ANOVA,s Spticd ro daluat for i[. ihpei ofCBT on rhc coping
De$od! of rhc dlibml. *tf-hdn greup (8Dup C). t g anx r6t ws dninisrced ro
asrcs! th. ibpr.r of cBT d d.tibac elf_hm. Krpta-Meid sr.tistie q4 u&d to
l@k ai $c disr.iburion &d d*criprivc
,latistics tor dmrion ol sclf-hm.
R.gch ddy dieua!.d w$ MDrs of l ls
ed S@inhdmr. wo|m Jil. Kdchi

P.eEhd 6d DGFty Slrqiiiod@t ii|!<ltr d

I Fiffi Ftused io
trnicip.r. ft. lnc lM lhd
tu lndy b M Dri!o@. hiri.l inEPi.% rh. study would nol lElp br in
c..dur.4 ddo@Dhic injodtio 6bn N-19
I prisM w.s .xclu&d for
heing tu& rhfl 60 y.a old
Prrlbolosiul iNlllffit rddjnjrtc4
tridbrionof CBT tiv.i N.l?

Gdup CBT fd &F tM.g.ffil

I BnioiBd *s trsf.rr.d
ro . Fdrb jdl in lh 2i
sid. An udcr ri.l
Fr3e *h. % sLnccd
th. 9s @k, EpL..d hd

N1 N.2

cr@!cBT ro&Ubort c)

Rosmh*s S.lf-EnM Sslc, S! ? ArgEr S..L of STAXI B.i.f coPE rHdninisls.d


Fg!r. 1: Ia. forr pl.g ofo. dldy .ondoct d till f.n.L p.i!d.B



Samtan o.vici.d wonar Mplctcd ll|c nudy; th.y $t ndcd dl greup

@pitivc b.hlvid thdpy i.3rio3 .rd @mpl.rqd (.U) pn .d Fst thcnpy cv.lutioE.
T.bL l 8iv6 th. <LnoSrphic d\niiL of th* woh.!. Tt|ct rgca t$g!d bctwa 2l ro

60 y*d nm !9. b.iry 35.6len. Miority oflh.rn w.r! youg. Hdf(53%) oftho

hld th.i! mMi3e!3 inl!4r. Spoug of tl@ (180,6) ot th. womo wcE al$ incarmrd.

Ar.ppmxim.t 65% gft.Drb6 Th!! eo'6 h.d rhcir chikla agcd b.n d2[o5
Fn livinS silh lhsn in jdL Two od. clildra .hov. 6 yar b.d ba mt b rlE SOS
eiltqc rrir r nrdrllsdr (r.A.cdvcly) by rhc jril dlni.i.t ioo. Th.y w@ allowcd to

b..r t[dr nothd in jril rnq r qr.i! p6iod of h@rhr. 'nr *om6 imrr6 h.d 16r

ccrody ofl[cit clilta .itta !o i!-Iaft, hu!b.!d or q-hub.!d, Fou wo|M hrd ben

|brdoo.d by lhcir fuili6. No on. cin. !o vtuit Ocln.

'nFy .ll re i! <Lt ition for tu fitn tinc. Mljority (EE%) of 0@ woma h.d
ba qt m.d wilh lift inFironnon for chlrsd of kidtrlp dd mu.da olchildd rid

.dul!. TlEy hrd b6 in cudody for|gc of3 y..'! od 9 no hs. M6t (719.) of
tt@ w@ dtM Udu-rporint or Sindhi. Nanly .ll of $sn (EE%) w@ fiw low

socicecononic b&ttrendr Nonc of tld Epon d iubst s. !b@ Ar qproxind.

x.! [Ee. Tr,o rm U oqld lrn B.ct lo.| b Arlt, .od c t d
O!. of 60 rmm td ltei.d n@ p|dd p{rlyd. r }!r hcL Noi. of |lmt
u rvdld &y n..rrl hlL Rh. t &.! tary intra.o rm E@ ld lh.
d?.ofrt .mriidr:,odo.tdn d$d.p.Ftolod!-
T.bL l. Dognprrc .t.rdrE . of O. ||a|t t|Ld 'c|I.i (Fl7)

23-{0 Fs 15.6 y.G 12,.1

illit nG=? 58.8%

sinSlc - 3

childM in jNil . l
l@t cudody of childta ' 3

sindhi -6

Pujlbi =2
Mix.d = I

kid!{ & nudd ofchild : I

ti@ & Dlrda ofrdoll : 2

burLr ofp6.db & bNthcr : I

posdir & &uulila n'mli6 : 3

lif. inpd$nn..t (25 ras) = 15


CofrLtlo! b.tws 4ll+teD ud it r. uaq (Grorp. a & B)

Thc rdalidrhip betwd ldd ofself{stcm (as n*sutd by Rosenhcrs\ Selr'

Bltm S.d.) of tn. ircrElr.d 96M .nd ft.n drrc crgd (a hailld by tlE Srct

Algq ScEt. of STAXI) w inv.lrieltcd uling SP.!r)@'S ordq .orelation

@f[ (c Ta!16 2 & 3). Thre w6 d icig,ilicer posiriv.orclanon bdwd
rlldm dd sra1. anSpr (p=.390, n+, p-.300; F.370, D4, p=.328) boih Prc ed posl

iltiEtid for grelp A This @@Llim rugg61s lhd lhc high 5dften of this etoup

i! sscial.d wilh ih high levck of sblc sger. Thcrc pd an iftignificdl legatite

c@Lton bctsa sclf-.dal &d rlab t|gpr (F -.2??, FE, F.506; p- -.611, n=8,

F.108) bo0t F ed post iDtddtion for lroup B. This corelation sugges$ lhal low

*ltcrdn is lscilt.d wilh hid lckls ot3d. dslr tor lhis 8rouP.

Trr . 2. SF.r r Conrldo8 b6|..r .d...t .! tll dri. rtE to

Gi.|p A (r4)

.390 .310

I .300

T.Dr.lSp..lnl Corr*do..!.. rtr-.r,E D|| r.t rfo.

c'o.p E (r.s)

-.211 -.6u

P ,505 .106
InDBI of CBT otr s.r4t .b of ah. horc.rrt.d *odm (crcupc A & A)

A hix.d btw@-qilhin subjck &alr5is of vdi&c ws conducred ro sse$ rhe

inp&l of @gitivc bchavior ihcdty on panicip&k' *06 on the Rosnbtr8 S.ti

Esl&m Sc.le &rcs lqo fh p.dod! (prc.incrvcndoi ad posl,intcdenrion). Th.

m.@ .rd sted.d dwi.rioc e p@!cd in T.blc 4. Thm ws .o s'8nrllcanl

i .r&rio! b.twq tim. ad gow ir4E, wilk.' LjnHr = .980, F0. 15) =.301, p -
.592, panial eia squded = .020. This cfct telh !s thar conitiye bebario! thempy had I
limild imp&t on both erclps A & B, Th. .Ifecl for 1imc, wilts' kmbda = .881, F

(1, 15) - 2.032, p = .174, lqu.icd = l 19, was not staiktically signifr cant, i e.,

cogDiliv. b.havid th@py w6 not significet in incrsing ihc ld.l of elf.o|.cn of

$c panicipdts. Th tui. frdt fo. goup irlE wa noi signifrcdi. F (l . I 5) = 2 968, I =

.105, plrtirl ct squ&d =.165, sg86ling it'+ wa no signjncdt.lilIedce in lh.l!v.l

of slfst4n ofholh lhe gbups.

I$1. a. D.t$ipliv. Sl.lird6 for Grq(..D r.o(r ao. Tin. I r.d Tir. 2


9 18.56 6.41

B 8 13.18 15.18 60?


rbD..t of CBT o! Lrd. but6'ri.t ug.. (Grcrpc a & B)

A nix.d bctwd-within sbjdls @ly!i! of veiecc ws conducted to a* thc

ihp&r of @glilivc btlvid thdpy on plrticipdk' lc@r on thc SL1e Angd Scalc

lds tE! line pdiod! (pFiddotid drd post-iddalion)- Thc n@s dd $.nddd

dcviations de pres.nt.d in Table 5, Tb* w6 no signilicanr interacrion berNecn rinrc

&d 8roup t}!c, wilk!' lmu! = .EI9, F (l, l5) = 3.112, p = .089, Fni&l ela squdd -
.I E L lrir impliB lh.l @enitivc bdEvid th.nty had the se efl4l on $oc of skrc

egcr for bolh gretpE A ed B, Thc nain .ff.!l fd tine wa no1 st listically tigninc&{,

wilks' LmMa= 772,F(1,15)=4430,p= 053, parti'l cta squatd = 228 Thkerccl

3hos that @itivc btaior lhdpy w mt significel in do@iig lle ld.l of sr.l.

aagq of th. padiciputs. Th. mir cfi*t MP&ing thc two treups wa stnilicd! F ( I

15) = 15.30, p = ,001, panial cla squ&d = .505, lutiing th@ ws a siSnificanl

diftcmcc in tle siltc dgcr sts of th. two 8toups

TrUe 5, D.rcrlPtlv. Strtltdcs f.r 3td. .!gcr tcor.r for Tln | .!d Tln. 2

9 15.22 3.10 11.78 3.53

B 8 26.3E 8.94 26.11 9.8t

lDI..r ofCBT o..oDht rtrr |npd!o!d. (Gr!!F A& B)

A nixed b.twd-*iihin sbjots e.ltlt of va.isc. was ondu.t d to as rn.

inp&i of coSniliv. behavior th@py @ prticipafts' scors on lhe Bnef COPE actuss

t*! tibc pdiod! (!Fi .ffition . pon-intclqlio). Th. nds md nadard

d.viario3 of gDup3 A ad B e. p@rd h Tall.s 6 dd ? cpelivcly. Tha w6 no

li8ni6cer inreraction bete.d dnc &dtn. fo! tuy of lh. tolicen coping

nd.gi6 .ss.d by lh. Bri.f COPE qc.9r fd lh. e of 4ot@l suppon na[od.

WilLs' Ldbda = .738, F(l,15) = 5.35, p = .036, partisl t! sqw.d - .262 Ga Fi8re 2)

Itis n@s 0!at coSritiy b.hsvior thdPy hed lhe sm. cff@t on d! ihc stca of Bnef

COPE for boo greup! A ud B, dcet for th. (us. o0 dotioDl sppon sB Th.

min ffct for tin. wd not statisticauy siSnific&l for My of lh. coping methods This

ef.ct sho*s tbal cog ivc behryior thenpy wd nol sigtifrcanl i. inctcasing lhc scocs

of pdricipsts on lhc ld4tivc @pirg b.irF&. Thc nain .ff@t @mpding lhe tm
g10146 w$ $gnifcdl only for rh. ad.ptiv. cttotion'focuscd coPing nclhod of po5iriv.

rcfruir& F (1, 15) = 6 643, p = O2l' pani.l .t lquded = 307 This ilcl idicares
th.! lhd vd a si8ni6@l difffficc iI dr. p@itiE EfrDing sG of lh Bricf COPE

fo. th. two grclp' Ge Fig@ 3).


rd& Dcbdr 8l&.a

a. Gr..D A (.r) rr Dit OOf! |. t i.TID r

Mro SD MlJt SD

2.EA ,65 3.00 .94

Dai.l l.a .E7 1,71 .E7

r.$ t.t2 2.24 lJ0

Ed.ildnldiE|||[d lt9 .6 233 l.06
2A .73 2.6l .60

s.lfbl$ ltt .69 I.EE l.o

L72 it z4 l.l0
BDtdrl qpo.r 2rp 1.(E 239 t.@
r,t9 :ta l,!L .n
z5l .55 261 .96

2,t3 JI 2.06 .98

3,06 J3 2.tE .4,

Ildr.. 251 .96 2.88 1.05

f.Dk 7. tto.rlpdre 8t drd6 ot Gl0dp E (.{) tc Brld CDPE !.oc lor Tln I


2.EE .95 2.94 ,9E

Daid 2.t9 l.2E zt9 1.28

2,25 1.49 2.25 1.49

(da@sdplid orla)
Beblviour.l dird$gcm. z.06 t,t2 1.81 .96

2.t3 l.0l 2,I9 .92

2.19 1.09 2.t3 t.0l

2.19 .84 2.6 1.68

2.38 1.03 2.6 1,02

1.50 .76 t.50 .16

l.?5 .59 1.94 ,68

1.94 .E6 t.Er .E4

2.25 1.07 2.18 1,03

|.05 3-00 1.0?

R.t8io 3.06



t-r|. rEjbbha-*prAcbDd

Itr. 3 rr|L. b ..r- r-tF h Ob t)-a t r
t ? (ll.l)

In. It llb.nte Fr-hrm Crcop (C.orD C)

Dlihr:t &lf-hm wa Epon d by 3t% (n=6) of th incd.ded woh.n

(n=l ?). Buitrg My pans with hot spoc or on the kitchd stove, dd boginS h.!d on

inc pall (50y0) wE rh. oost comon typ6 ot self-nm beharior Epofled foltovcd by

cutrng wisG dd oild body p.r$, dd siching ods skin (ll%), bminS

delf with cigden6, lsl q o. mar.h, pBdiiig tuunds ftpn 6@lin& dd sd.cty
pl'nchins ed bitins d*lf (17%). All six woncn dplHed thar they s.lf-hm.d lo
ELae dso ed imd ttuion ard tumoil. Half of the gDup (n=3) epod.d suitr,

falings of hopelss od hlplc$nd!" 6 th. other mjor IMm for *llhm, One

thftd (n=2) of dE sEup rcpodcd rhar ih.y (ako) hmed thmelve! to punish

lh.nelv6, dd 10 expB thei nEd!. O!'c innrre dpEssd 1har shc self,hamed lo

hrlc . !.@ of 6joyn6r lDprkoMcl! @nnid wirh letlw imi.., crnicat di

s.dic @mdts of olh6 !trioda bi$cd rniMe ofjail sla[, long del.ys ia fuity
viriG, ed paintul mdons wrc rhc nosr ii.quefi cned p@ipilating evnls.

Thc dmoerphi. d.tails of0E sclf-hm srcup @ givfr in T6ble 8. Majodty of

the$ woDa (n+) had si.ned 1o elf-hm antr inpdsonmoi Tne mininun .ge al

oB.t of dclib@I. &lf-hm wr6 t8 )e6 Md rhe mdimun a8e ws 49 yea6. As is

lvidaq rhc nmba ofseu-hm @isode hld incErs.d wiu thc line spent in j!it. TlDe

who hld b@ i! fd 12 ro 24 mnihl rqon.d t* Ino 5 pisod6 of stf-hh s

@mpared ro |[e DoE rh& l5 pied6 oftho* who had bM hjail lor 48 ro 84 norths.

Th.ll51 lllcrlpl'r &libchlc *lf-h@ h.d ba mrde $mc 2.7 miihs (av@se)
63 8. tt rog.q'tL chat rHs of rn. tNE gn.p (!{}


Childta in Nrody childro injlil= I

childra wih lubardFlni6 =2

Erhnicity Urdu-sp.ddry = 2
Sindhi = 2
parhq = 1
Mix.d = I

Acq$.lions h(he & mudd of lduli : 2

kid!4 ofchild | 2
Possing & susgling .eoxc. :I
$en : I

Sdtar. oes) life inpnsomcnl (25 y6) = 5

Tim in jail (rG6) t-'7 yqa I yea6 219

Tiic : NmbqofDSH l-2 y@: <5

injdl @i!od 4--7 ye6:tt+

Lst aftmpr of DsH in jail t 5 nonthsb.cL 2,7monlhs 2l

At of o$.rof DSfi (r!u) lE--49 30 tqE l3.l

S.lf-hm : Solf-hm 2:4

b.forc incdcdalion andinqrcmli@

Cord.doo Ddt o r.trst .q ra|| rrt.!, .rd dd&.r...].ru

Tlt ahdotrddp b.twa le.l of rclf.atectn ($ h*urld by Rosb.r8 3

Eltn Sql.) of th. *lf-hmiig wm@ &d rh.n (| ) sr.r. s84 (s m6urd by rh.

Srtt Arg.t 5..1c of STAXI) &d (2) .!6d by ihc D.libalr.

..lf-h|ft (tlquaDy u
S.lf-n!n Invcolory) E invtig.Ld u!in8 Sp..rM's rut od.r oomt.lion
ocffici6t (!& Tlblc 9). Tha! ws s iEit'|i6@r n.g.ri!r coml.lioi bctwa elf.
Bb6r .nd .td! &|gc' (p' -.754, a-6, p-.084i p- -.609, !d, F.200) dd m

Mg.i6c&t pdirivc coilbdo! ba*a .lf-ccn dd pis (!F.51I, nd,

F27E; p-.621, .d F.188) bdl F.!d pod iotdmtid ItR con l.riolts susser

lh!. hiSh !.lfL.d i. .5ei.tcd eil! lo, l.!cb of r!.t! usd ad hitt t!q!*t of

T-L 9. SDarn n Cordrth., bctrre.! rdt-t .q ttrb ..t r, ud l'bo.

s&r!8!r pd$nslf-hm tr.rl rn$. pri@ &lf-hm

-.751 .531 -.609 ,621

.0E4 .21E .2@ ,t88

IDpet oaCET or @pi!g Dahlrlr@ oftt..Lllb.nt &|I-trD groop

Tte v!l|M Fiso!6 tqucdly @plorld th. (Drlad4ive) oopils ndtod! of

$lfdirtturiod, q.*ivc coDluptid of ra verirg, elf-bldc, ed rhe

(.d!ptiE) @pins ftrhod! of stpt&e, dmin& !d (e ot cticion ro dd wnh

dEir rlrd of bcing @ mcd. A onGwry llpqr.d mG!6 ANOVA w6 appt'.d on

sB otr th. Bricf COPE sc.L.l Tin I (Fior ro rh. intervdtid) and Tirc 2

(foloeing fr ht d@ti6) to.i!.$ rlt impei of.ognirir b.havior rhcrapy on ihlc

coping n tnod!. ftc Dain llect for tin ws nol sbibtiqrlty sienificet inptyirS ttar

@gnitive bet vior tharpy w$ roi sr.1ilticdty significdt in ithd incrsing ot

dcc@iry ihe s.oe of peticipdtr o! ihc .dptiv. &d n Ld4tiw coping m.t!o.!i
r..Pccliwly (G TaUe 10).

T|bh I lr. Orli.t |!4.E AXOVA lor dpilt rtnr.d6 (!-6)

Coplng Strrlgy M6(sD) M.$ (sD) f

2.50 (.89) 2.58(1.12) 056 .E22 .0r r

r.75 (.16) l.9r (.91) r.000 .363 .161

2.33 (t.3' 3.00 (t.26) 2_500 .r75 .331

qa coGMPtid of ra)

2.00 o.o5) 2!t (t,24\ .635 .62 .rl

2.50(71) 2.67 (.52) .192 .O9 ,031
2.33 (.6E) 2.33 (1.08) .000 1.000 .000

225 (91t 1.92 0.24) 1.176 ,32E .190

2.25(1.13) 2.6?(.98) t.923 .224 .218

t.5E(.80) r.75 (.9) .t?2 .695 .033

2.11(.6tt 2.25lt.MJ .025 ,880 .005

2.O (.52) 2.oE (l.07) 2,426 .t80 32?

3.00 (.55) 2.58 (.86) 3.049 ,141 -179

R.liSid 2.75 \.92) 2.911.92) .357 .516 .61
bF.rdCaT - Fl- d.5.rc..|Cr6
rb Fd.ipd &d.d .ll 6 sir ltut c.tlitiE b.bdr tt-?f h

dditq-. df.ttu Alto|{i dn ql?dG, hilv vid6, odr in cro cL!*'

o (slidl td nood !@.lin6 od. ta @ ltct ffi d3!.d tsi@ FiSca
tuc Karct{.i. svitd orc tu lb ddi'o ortdf&E iriLc dti4 d
.tu rl.d. k ci.& ofd.rftc- ldt'lti E nFd.d i! dt' "'dd w'r of
F'ddE?y, nd I Gpied. i! lb 6ih*.L Fo|lo*q Edd lJ Dodb lrd ie-
d 6. l:tr *!& No. of tu Fis! ttto.i.d dy irid.d of -|''nio pod 6dq'
rl]. i@of @g'idE t hvia ||Ery bw' s Dt !t:n'dv lirlitrcd (18
rd |cc I = 0.a50, dFl, !4J@).

ftrt,|*l-r h rti" &trt td F rldtpt




LitalniE u thc sorld's Fim Fpuldron t!8g6ts rhat wona F$rcE have

hic! ld.k of ese. wiu uuepNpna& a(p6ion (S!ta & Bym, 2001). TlEy

&equody use dcliberalc slf-hm as a coping nechlnism lo suNive lh. hadships of

iold.o@dt (Dcll. 2006), Th.n ldcl of slf-6rd is quid lry (Bla&hcn, 2002), ard

ir ftron.d b b. eiat.d wiih rh. lcv.l of rngd th.y cxpannc. dd .xhibil (LtivieE.

l99 r! cit d in Ve V@lhis t a1.,2008; Osl. d.1., 1995), lnd als $. *lr_hmins

behaviolF they ensasc in (Fav4za & Conlerio. 1989) Th. li ,l(d rltrJlirurn

tre6tntmlg desiencd (dd &iully inpldmLd) for th.* wonen th.1 hlvc povq ustu|,

st bscd o @gnilite t h.viouttl thdi6 (Dowdgl & Anlw3, 199)- w@o

prisom in Englsd ed*, th. Stden C{d., od Ausfili. hav. givo favouEbl'

fc.dbrck or thc v{ious fotu of copnive behavior thdaPv .Pplid rot thcir

lordroloSical Etlbililrlion (Bdtcls & Gal[t y, 20ll: Git& Ve Vooihis' & B.ll'
2010; Ncc & F.rmm, 200s: Sty & Taylor, 2001) fte wdsd4eloP.d countri.s like

Prkistan. howd, h.v. @ suh in hldric poSrmh.s for ih.n inc{rcdtd {ond
The cx&l prvslnce ofmdd neahh prcblcns in our fenal. pnson popultlon r nol

known. 'nee e no l@al ts@h6 on the inpet of confinmmt on U. pslcholoscal

hcdth of ou mnd it t !, od m andpr! to Povid. rh@ Pii! ev F chological

re!.bilitldo micd Thc cffi1 studv ws, th@foE, d6igned lo qplot lhe

.Ectivity of @goitiv. b.hvid tbF4'y for ircaFad.d f.m.l6 in a Patbbni vohd

jail q . b.gimine st@ in th. dw.lopndt of loc.l psyctologic.l ehab ptugdmmes

Th. Mall rMbd of p.nicipmts liniG ih. statistical sigrficdcc of rhis tffih

sntdy. Thc htFl[es w@ nor supDon.d bur tl6 inprevddl tu fi. nd so6 of
nosl ofihe oulcone m.asures posl inlewe ion providc I Frclim nrry $rDtryl for llrc

emc&y of CBT, iEll@at d i!. jlil !.6i!s, wilh asry !d *lftmins l@.1woDo

Fi$m. Ttc iry&1of CBT oo @h b di$u$.d *prraroly in ihc follwins

pag6 lo $ros whal .ompondls of t!. tbqrpy wq cff4tive in bdn8ing abour a

iD!rcv@or in rhe b.h.vio6 of tb. study Thb dis.ciotr is foltow.d by

tbc limilrlioc of it nudy dd rdomd&tiG for tutuF work wilh thc me

p.pul.tion, ed the concluiom dnq by inc 6@hd.

IDptct of CBT on ln. l.v.l of ittu.liolrt .!gt

Th. B ts show rhrr @glirivc bclwior rhcEly did lor ligiti@tly r.due ln.
ldel of silutional e8E in thc fturl. pdFn6 (HyporlE is 3). Tl@ ws howoq, a

sienificet difT@@ in thc near so6 on ih Siale Anger Scste fd the two gloups post

Itqrpy. Greup A had . Dtu sle of 15,22 (SF3.?O) pdor to inrwdrion thal e6
Fduc.d to I l.?8 (SD-1,53) po6l i fldrion. This Sroup @nprised of t!u8 rmar6
who hd bd in K&&hi ,ail tleush out ro Fpc pden redencG. ThBe women

w@ .mlLd ir .de.tionrl, vc{riond, .!d Etigios cl^s6 afugFd by difi*nl

NGo8. Ih.y usd nor adsptire copilg m.thod. 6 complr.d ro sreup B. Thcy brd

n@ or l* 4cptd tbd t[.y had b@ @vidcd ad they h.d to liv. . lif. of

imFiffiar fd qui& ene dD.. Th.y w@ erivc in l.mins lhe ways of rhc jail. They

intdr.tcd well *ih tn. jaild dd thc rupdinrcndcnls. ltey qu@.d lbout m.lhod! of
getine pdl6, ed rcgubly met Ihc l.w'6 ofdr locd NGO thor pbvidcd eniccs ro

the wonar who w.rc not &we of 0Fir bd nghr, had @ fmily mcmbq io pwu

thir ce3, or w@ too por lo hir a l.wlrr, thcy mainrained e qrenal d.m.dor lnrt

pret-ld lhan 8!d beirS bdli.d. Th* youg imal6 d& pl&&d liv6 post

Ela*. Th.y ulddtood tlEt dw.ti@ @uld h.!p 0'd. They fe$.d on lcding
English dd tricd 10 co@uicat in it .. b.d s they odd Sonc of thn w@ al$

@llcd in .oDputd cl6Fs. ftey workcd d nusay dd prinuy tcachcts in th. jaih
$hool fo! th. imprised mothd' .bildM, Mot of th wdd in thir 8reup had fmily
Emb6 vilitiry thm. The two p{rticiputs! who* rou6 wft aho impdso..d atons

{idr lhd ii thc dj&a mal priso4 w@ rllowcd ro nel lhm affr ! nunbn

Majoihy ofthe wonen in Gtuup A reponed experiencine low lo ncdiun lcveh

of situalioml mgd. Two panicipdis repond f*ling lik $reMing ar otho peoph

*hd egry, ud on Eponed wmring to bF.t thiog in dgd- The cr ha<l a slrDng

ladcrcy ro ill@.lizc then egry falings. Th@ w3 d isignificat pcnive

cml.tid b.twd thc ldel of thcir 6.lf4tcd ud ftn srarc oger (fiypoiheis l).
I!i3 tuca 0tar . high &|f$eItr ws . pEdictor of .ldated laets of M8cr io th6e

wond. Tlc sclf-Esard ob$Ned in hatry of lhe panicipdls could bc o plausiblc

dplM.rior for this finding onErry to wirt is Eponcd in the lilmturei a low s.lf

6rdn ptldicG &gd (BccL, 199). Itc dvircmdt threarec iL inlulit !rs'
&voubh $lf-vi* (!owd,1990; Womilb t984), Arger could be a ded of Sudditre

the pocitiv. oDinioB lh* wond hold rlout U@1v6, A dlrailcd ffidr of the

lab of elf<tcm.d egd !r dilTcmi timc paiods of htercd would
dpldn thk corehtion a! rn u$iable high !.lf-6tm h6 bM rcpond to b. swiatd

with esdiclr!.d bch.vioa (Kmi., Gle@&!, & Bel., 1989).

Ttlc wom6 &tivcly padiciplrcd in the CBT ssion' All of lhc panicipants.
dcept for two wonn, w@ uurlly pucrul. Tney hlpd i. s.lling rh..8enda

of d.ry sid, dd nwly .lM,s had quos. Two snd innalc rcgllrrly tok

not6, ThGy thal thry hld lo dhe *ht thcy w@ lahhg with hcb.rd! &d
childrd s rhal thcy could llso ddclop holrhy paftds of cxpdincing dd expressing

mri@!. This ws inponrnt to n@ $cir gocdrids fiom follosing lhe paths th.y did

Th. ..1ivili6 of &6ni!g ega, its @enitivc, .ffative dd b.lovioural cmponcnts, ed

id.ntifying individu.l motivaiing &.to$, d.vcloped iroi8h in the wond p.niciPels.

Th.y bc&n eallzing thcir egry dotioni &d *.rc abl. to idnlify thcn (owni
bdividud tud6 of dp(aid. MNI of thc p.nicipmls willingly snard d.i. cu6 to

dgd, &d ag4 Ds.gcndl sir.lc8jcs, They discovdcd thal they w.rc eilher

intm.lizing o. qtcdAlizing ilen egct. Both mcthodB had lheir .dvMiaSs ed

di!advdr.86 thd *ft dfeling thd. Thc lh.Flin a6tly showed old how $ey

could namge then dgfi in w!}s rhal wodd rcl adv.$cly dl*t $dm 4d dEir

signifcdt oth6; wry3 th.t Muld pretdt thd fton lh. n.Flive coiscqucic6 of

dpcsns ds6. Thcy ecr. notirar.d to Gtruchte thct thouSlts, ed th. wotk on
ABCD modcl had tn. nainu p.niciDdion. But it app.&d dificDlt nct oath tinc

6 lhey foord ir very ch.ll@8rn8 b disp!rc lhen prvios bclit tysrdr!, .sp4illly nr

the cont xt of the jail. Ttucc of th6 discovded thal lhcy had lo work nore o. fien

afc.rilc @npondr! of ag6 rhd sn.d .rduous a they f.ll thcy had no cofiol ov.r

rheir faling& Baving b@D. $ h.!it!.j of l.lting then f4lings donina& thcir nm4

t!y 6dd (als) not thint of living eiihout th.E. Itde wN d sddlynS inscuily
alout t eing to sWiE withou lh* mshdqtive f.elings, 4d a sttonely p@.iv.d

inadequey of E?laairS lllen wilh noF adaplive ones, Wilh lhe hlP of thc fiedpist,

ald stne Brlup mmb6, th.y Fft d@urg.d to p@gr6s with &cepling rh.i. cwot

omnoul !rdc., ald llnhd laE ro ad4l lo mR hellby dotioB,

Only two wmd panicipmi! thobudly boefitted ftom th reldaljon xwis6.

fte qt .itha @uld not @n6Fal d thc iBtlr&los or did nol djoy n, Thcy 6lhd

!il@d *o*ing on rheir thousltB dd dotio$, &d intirctiog with @h oind &d th

th@pist Tvo p.nicips$ rc8rrlnly docM.itd i!ir honc wort bu1 w@ h6ilel in

sbding il in lh. grel4, Thqy lFwaa, rcpon.d thtt Miting doM digi$l tmughts.

nodified lhouglls, dscincd fcelinSs, Dd consequnl b.haviouB, madc lhen nore

aw@ of pattm of&gcr, md the che8.! lhat see rcquited in ndaginS it, Daily

EIitrg of rLir leel of ot r,.rd Bi*in8 il ov6 de wel(, 8!E tbd . telirg thal

ihey w@ wo*ils m thd!.lvs, ed impDving 6 a |wlt. Thrs 8pn@lcd e sft of

ehidocnt tbai tulde thm halpy. Fivc imal6 p@ticcd lhe hone work sigrho6
i! |hen d.ily lif., &d o!.Uy shr&d findinCs dd diffcultiG with thc goup

mflba!. Idc irying eg.r prcvoking $oudts dd worLins q rhcrn, deneded
thd io t Th.y di*ovcrld th.t th.y wd. n.&ly.lway! thinkinS abour

$m.lhin& {rd m61 of th. tilnc it ws sonc n.Etiv. cvmr. Thcy Ept dhLftr.d by rh

Iifc injlil, tlE lisit! orhisls Lw omcirb rnd dcdic p.ed.l difid pogr&ns (tilc
sam63 on Hry ihlt p$ ongoiDt durinS thh study) ha.g.d by odional Md locign

NGo3, fanily eirit! rhrr br@thr r non vlld pdn wilh rhd (S.hnid & Jon$, 193),
.ic. 0|s! m. h sy of ho|n! sort signdti Th.y .l$ i.hctim6 Bot .onf$.d
b.ts6 dEir d|otiotrr, thou8hl!, .nd bclEviow, Te womd Epon.d id\hriryin8 ttrr

n wa mt (primuily) sg.r but vry loe n6ds th.i n dc rhcn iniLblc. Th.y qpKs.d

Ud n w mt a.y to bc .!.6!iv. i! ! wh@ pc.pL tdd.d b ovdpo*n ,!u if Jou

s@ mt ESSt..rivc (Po8rcbh & DodSq 2001i M.Cortlq 1992) hur rhcn ch&8.d

bd.vio did 3Epri$ otLr fcllow imrt!., id ctln Od$dv6. A @ictuy in

pIsliciES taativa* muld hovcvcr, dqedd 06 ho* ouch it hclpd d6 i! l!.n

saie.l i! Ona |voidiry Oc @nficlin8 litulioB or maini!8 p.$ivc s.h.d ro

b. r noE pn iical fr.thod of kc@ina aly tln ttoublc. Tw innat6 v.6aliz.d rhat .
cold |Id ngid .nilldc hclp.d thd in kc.pinS wmrcd .ttcn on ed @mpay al bay,
,d lhoug! |h"y !gr!.d lhd D.salis wty of c@EuicJi@ Edt d i! qpt6i.g
onc'! fcclilgr wi&oa d&.gi!s thc r!Mor.!i06, i[.y did nol vio it a e
qplicrbl. .p!resh in . prim &{up, thct via5 vw r6pccr.d. .!d rhcy wct
rlquet d to typr-ticiry daliva.!! *ha|ffi ltcy @hbtuU! in doitr8 $.

'Ilr. ongpirg 36ioB sw notivlti@ i! thdc wodcr l,o und6t rd dd

dcv.lop thqNlv6, InlqD<loDd @nllicl! w* did.ot but th. p{ticiputs, Bp@ti!8

lhc ru16, lvoided a! much conllicl |s lhcy could dwing thc i.!.ioB. Rolc plaing of rol
lif. conlli.t! ws qpat d io td..atc ftiction rcsllrir8 in verhal rltftltions dong $c

wom4 priuc$. tlo*.vd, only on bnef hcded egmot l@t pla. thd va d4h
.f.crivcly by thc 16r of thc Srbup- Th. thcfrpin inlryo.d by mindinS lh6 of tn.

gDu! tu16. On of th. wotM took dmDL Thc sion Pdc.dd $ cud She

rllMed 15 mirut6 lal.r, ercued for hr h.h.vior, dd r.qBted lo b Sivd ldv. Iot

tbe et ofth. s.$ion. Hd bad mood p@ail.d and sfic f.ll lhal she colld nol tolerare lhe

othd llnicipdn's (with whon she M in @.Iicl) Prcmc. fd thc Msini.s e$ion
'Ittc ods @c.iing womd piM.r dpldNd hd pcidon old thc conflicl dd aie

cxcuerd for hcr H.vior. Tta srel4 vitb 0E Dmilsid of ihe iltdak! andPtcd ro

n.t tlcm sa @h oth6'3 difle6t poi ! of vicw, thcir p@.ptic of @h othd'3

siaienot!, dd th. rclc their @gtitio6 ed @otions plaved b making then reet fie

wry ihcy did. Atthou$ rhis int @$i@ by the Sroup mdbs help'd in 0t'
ldsim bctwd rbe t*o woma! it es stitl dilficult fd tlE firsr 9o'@

0!c sio.. Sh. w rhd.for.. dlw.d io Llc lav. |o om. lo tms wnh hr nolionar

el!t. 'ftc otha inEdo Puccdd with th. rdt of th' stlsid Th wholc pbm wls

viw.d 6 a halthy dev.lopnot in the inlerp@ml rclalionlhiF of $e woBn

Tl. $$io6 discussinS th. oriSin of legEsiv b'h"ious in childhood

q@ p.intul for the wohd Pri$n t o v tlre wmd sttdnptcd to she 'n@ly
upbdnging with a feus on thcir P|dc' helhods of cxpessin8 anSd lh' violml

dvircmmr th.y g&q up iD, lhc vtbal and scxual abue rh'v $enl uough th'

dmaginS rclationhiPs lhey had with nn while looking for l've and lru( rnd lhcn o\n

mi6uc of ihc hult ltFir pMts had b thn, For r! 6t of th woh.n, fteir p6l liws

w ! pnvaG mlnr dEt tney did not wirh to di*cs i! rte gbup, Thc dilrrut in fie jnl
avircm.t (DuEe, 200E) ir pcln.d to bc the mdn l!&n for rbir t&t of di$losE;
9@a pri$nd tsd mt to diwlg. dy infomarid rhd c& t us.d .rrird tnd or

cm b. a r.en for lhm b.i.g blllid by othcr inmates

Tlt. pdicip&ls wcE aU ro se rh. bL their dly childhood lnliromdts ad

ledings bd pllrd in rhAile 1hcn prllslr bchlvioN. thcy atso crm. b ud6radd
lhat lt y h.d lh. riSht lo ch@$ io @!dru. with then tudad.pliE b.havioN or rspl@

lld with b a adaprive mdhods, Th. irricd ima16 qp6*d thar they wdred rleir
spouss io aftcnd th6e sdsions $ fiar lhcy could atso have an insienl inro $eir
prebldati. bchlvioM, ard hos they wcF rresfding ih sm. maladdpriv. leminSs

to childEn. Ti. gow feu $.1 thcy nc.d.d moe individual sssioN lo dql sirh
lheir p6l, &d Arcw oot ofn. thjr w6 not posibte tor thc $cEpisl in the

Thc youna parlicipets notilation play.d a major ole in fijr benefi ing fronl
th ssios. Explodn8 egs rbtuugh Sa6dc qudiorirS opdcd mind. lo *tf,
uddnalng. A prebld-$lvilg .ppre&h towards ndEging &gd rt.r incorpoFre<t

b.hariouhl dp.dmoc in their living dlironmenB prcved efciiv.. ?sycho-educarion

Save rbm m awaen.s of ihe nmhejlns of agr. Thy rcponed f@ling nor
howledgeblc, infomd, od awe. Tb.y wd dvetoping a sers. of conhot ovs iheir

tbousb$, f6lin8. rd b[!vio6. ftis Aec 6d a fetins a bciig in charge of

lhffih*, ed (to lome dtnr) of rh. dvibMnt Th grclp sning.ho had a ble to

play in then inproved btavioB. Mort ofthc negalive bbaviouu BcB con(olled duc

to the p6urc of bcina ir a ercup. Ttc !.nicip&G wo.kinS on mdrginS rheir mAd

w@ t tirA p6.dc@ ovq r!. E!!I, ioliwring oth6 io joi. rhm (Bndbury &
Cla*., 200?). It h iifdcd that if rbe ldions hld bd dtddd tunha, goup A woltd

have prcdlced huch bettd results post th.rspy.

Majonly ol the grclp B panicip&ts scc compmlively oldc!, and hod ben

@@dy raBfd.d to tb! Kaehi Jail. Thcy hd livqd in meh h6hd codirions in the

jrils of intdior Sindh. IlE foodws ioo bad. Th.y depnded o! fmily 6.mb6 ror 6w
f@d thal ihcy would cook in thh bad|cks, or for mon.y thai tbcy coutd givc thc

sduily guds !o buy thd reaelall4 or ma1, Most of l[ rinc lhc malc g!8ds ch{ged

too bucn f6 a linlc doum of f@d- Thd ws rnonaAc of ward Th. women tjved in

sep@lc bed bgruk rhar wft loctcd in th. $r.i.g. Mon of rhem did nor hare

6ough cloih6. IXd ws d &ute shd1|8. of linm &d bldl.ts. Thft w@ no

medical feiliti6 available. A fenale docbf occdionally visired the wonen bmacks o!

j.ils. It@ wd rbcoluicly nothitrg ro do in thc jaib. Tn b@k! .@tcd pGored a

bffi' dd mpry l@t- Ihe wond spat rh.i. whole day wddding in rhc quiet

c@idc or h.lf hpty tall like b@kr. Th.y did not trut ech olhd. Th. dly
communicalion lhey had betweei lhm v.ts lhe fighc ove prcsuned rfic0s of rhen

ulmils, cotutdi cryin8 of somc imalc5' children, or Ibt somc orhfi rivial maner.

Bdlyi!8 w4 @md ftc jajl slall uudly djd nol irrda. h th* fighl3. Halt of d.
imal6 @ly had rny fmily visils. ft.i! reBfa ro K@hi Jail mdr loring tt* d.
visiis 1oo ,6 tbft wa! 3 csid.Eble dilhnce htwed lhen villgs od low, sd
liechi. Thcir pd fdiliB ould @t bd the cosl of rnvd Craybr,2004), ed eDc

found it ! good lten to avoid mccting rhd. No@ of the wom6 p.rticipdls in 8reup

B hld thcir childM with tho injril. Mct oftt@ .lro did nol diE rny visils lion

thcn child'd. This e6 a mjor sote of eguish hr th6. wmd. Tmsi.. lo (r4hi

wond Jail *4 helptul in the se rhal rhcy had @6r !o food, lonc ncdical faliliti6,

sd qdMiiottd rtrd d$id.l r..hbililrid opportuida. Bul lh.y w@ it lh. pea

ofadjulirS io this cnsngc. Irtcy h.d h@ ii Xe.hi tcil for a pdiod mgins fi'om 6c
mnth to o .p?rcxih.t two tc$, I}eir Udu a 3iill nol s g@d (lhci no|no-

tongue w6 Sinfti), ed lhey found il difftculi lo offecively co@uicate r thc

vocati@l dd Elisious clgs* 'Irt. nffii.! of lhc P@i@ j.ib wft 3till .lik, ud
thcy did not tDst lhe cuftnl jail adminislralion n(h allhough lhc, addil{cd tnal llrc

supdintaddr nade m c|Ion to uddt d nccds dtd help lhcm Thev us.d moE

dd.daltivc copiDg ncheiss e coDpand to goup A Avoidmt behrvious l* over

con$rnprion ofi.4 walching t@ nuch T.V., sl.e!in& ctc. w@ comon Thcv did iol

inta!.t m@h with th. staft D@ial of p!!$l slato wa .vident Th.v h.d tu{

}!t &cept d th.t they had ba iFN@l!d. ft.n fmili.s had l.i Om .nd lh.v htd io
liw in jail for &mc y..R Thcn Mjd @|].d ws to b. rcl@qd dd gt Eunired wilh

-IlEy had bigh !.06 d lhc Srrrc Angd Sqdc pE inl@tion

(McaF26.38, SD=8.94) d compcd io gbup A six of lhe eiehl periciP@t! r@on'd

fi.t ihcy tclt like hiting ard sding ar otllc6, dd baneng lablcs whd dgry' Thcv
dpB.d riug fc.lirge of boud od h.lPl*, Th.F ws m ituienilicdr

natiE @rlation bet*q l4cl of !.lftcan dd st t eed (Hwolt6t l)

This 3lDw.d tbi,t thc jail @vironndr hld hld its advep impa.t on $@ of *lf-
*oni (coBro|r 2oo?; wmilb. l98rl), I]eir inabilitv !o i ll|ft ti.irdEuns'rd6
nustnlcd t!d, fti! Aurralior tunha Prcduc.d egcr, tlc vclbal dd phvsical

dpr!3ston of which lf,poBrily rcliw.d ihd of thc ncg'tive deigv of (hn)

turtrilion bul w4 not irliruodLl h th.t drusldces As a consequence

they xpritu.d moE low slf{slen. It I' t!rcforc' s vicious qel' thlt va d'k'ng

thd moe vul@bl. 10 ptycholosrctl distr.s6

The grcuP CBT sioB for ihe wot@ w@ lik' a neting pl@ wnd thcv

could aboul hmselv.s without othw inletfding or pNsing marks on rhed Thev

bbusrtl thci stitching ed raitting nardial lo thc ssions' Most of thd comolcd

siois would h.v b.ncfined fiet grcwn !p chiLlEn nore' ud iflhe th'Bpisr
thlt thc

wished lo do rcnclhrry fo! then, shc should h've co@entat'd het otr Eurrs
rhd with lhcir childrm ed Eedcbild&n Th'rc wd stront irtcrP6onal con0icls

plav lhc hvlo$elical conflicls

betwdr thqn. Onty two pdticipa.ts lolft@Ed lo rctc
lh'6pist ed
dvd by lh. thd!9in. TII& Pltticipdts volst@rd ro blc Plav wilh th'

th@ rctu5.d lo blc phv No @l li& onnicl w$ rele

pbtld Two Ptnjcipdl's could

iad Udu ofwhoE one ws,blc to wiL al$ Sh' wd $e onlv one who look nolcs dnd

Egullrly did ha hom.lo*. t{ry4.r' thc t'dcd lot to she sll hd work in rhc

sion' wlm qu.ri.d (rnq $. md of a s'!sion), shc shaEd thal sh' feaied lh' cs1 of

midr fiink thtt shc wd tr'lng to

the greup ni8!t g.t mov.d with hci cguldtyi lhy

ga l[. f.v(N ot lh. th.rpisr. Tbi! @uld cult in ha bcang lllnr.d dd ndicul.d by
ihd. Shc sls did not wdt to rcvql n6t of hq thouSht ed fclings io lh. aoup. She

.xDB.d ilrd sh. cvd hod ltDughts alool thc rhe6pi3r nor $inling well of hr if she

.d lo know about bq coenilions, D4pitc rcpated llBufucs, the panicipdt M

lol willing ro sh@ hd woik dd in bdividual nering!,

Although ih. greup could und.drnd and 3pok Urdr! il confiBcd My

sbrdotdconcepts, It wd obw.d rhal th.y Elald nuch betler with lhe si.dhi words.

Wlile wo*ing on lhc ABCD hodel, lhey lended to iuslify ficn lhonghls. natralc

trmaric ddis fiom thcir liv.s, blo qrafil f.clos, ed wo! not wiuitg lo modify

thei thoudt prft.rnr. Il is NM.d ibri thci! lif. qpdim6 ed .ldoly r8c plaved a

major reI. in nor bcinS opo ro ncw lemiags. One womu inmate birerly repon.d $ar

.he @ bcins held c.priv. b pla.c ofha hsband Goivicted for dru8 Pos*ion) who

had dlrpcd fron thc pd@. Sh. bad,od8 dau8)lr.6 ofnariage.blc ase back at hone

slse slcuity ws s @!s&r *or, for hq Alotha oPodcd thal sh wG in i.jl du. lo

tdbal rivaty. A thitd iMat. sh,r d 6at shc hld becn . victim ofdonetic violdft dl

hd lifc, ed could not tal. it &Fore. Therlots, she murdered hcr husband Shc had no

rcgEls ova wtat shc hld d@. .nd in 6cr fll sfe in thc (BEdlcv & Davino 2002).

Th. only thouSlts sh. bld wft .bout hd .hildren who *r wilh h!. ini.*sr sh. fsred

ilat thcy night bed lhc bMt ofhd dds. Yd another pMicipant cxprssed lhal shc had

stadd mueSling dtug! du to dlrde povcny Hf hubdd misued ha don v lo go

rbbEd, dd @arry. A ,a. bet whd hc visitd hr, he ried lo scxuallv abuse $en

cld6l deshLr. Sim. 3h. had bccn dt$i!.4 th had b*n worvins about lh. sfcrv or

hd dauchles 4 ih .t!g msfa had .160 .p?bDhed ficn to muggl. in pt&. of thcir

Iae s*ioE or ady lifc lcrdilss with . &cB on tanily dvinmentl s srlne
dFdi6 fo. d. ddclopmdl of agg*ivc b.haviow uentEd noE pain. Thc

emo @mmuica&d that rhy undcBiood thcy wcE vicrims of a viciou ctrl., A.d
lhcir go@li6 roo would cotinuc lo bc victims ule$ the exldDl f&bs 4$ciatcd
with 6im6 ed amts wft not !ddEs.d. Thcy dp6sd that the tehniques rh.y

w@ l.ming in thc CBT sdrios w.r noi applicabl in violdt dd p6ycloscially

d.privd mvirrmdts od comudtie6.

ft pst inlw.nlion sB ofthis greup on $e SI'e Angd Scale (Mm=26,11,

SH.E5) did @t difd mEh norn ir! Dtr! irtdodon sD. the difr.llr lifc ry@G,

potutul in@datid erFqidcs, thcir .8. group, rhc ,girald slatc ofmind ih* womd

w* during lbe study p.riod, a l&t ofhoivaio.lo chmge rhn c@.t psr.hological

sLt.r anl . pasivc pa.ticipation in rhc a6lionr 3.@ b nry. inhibird UE* imar..
eom rc*ire on |hen ou eg.r nrsam6t, Thc scvrity of lheir dsq ale rquircd

nor lc3siolq wo* on .ggrclsivc p.isn6 tu rhoM that out ons inpov. s th.

participels b@one mor equai .d with the th@peuiic progllm* (Shelton, Smpl,

K6tE! Zneg & T$tmao, 2009),'t la.I of notivotim rhould ha|e beq ad.b6e.l ut

the Ndtwrt ph6e throtgh notirvtiMl intefrisine to del tirt &tir rductant drl
idditposed outuae towads clanAe'(Milld & Rounilq l9l). I is (al$) cmet Oal

individual inrerFenil psychothdapy sio6 ldd6ing rh* wob@ s s!*ful litc


.vats ed rlatioship ptlblaD! (Johnsn, 2008, would h{v. bacfnld ihd mrc.
CBT sidi rhould have b.d plmed .fier &e abov ncnlioned lor!

Io?n. of CAT o! l{.l ol !.|farem dd @pi!g D.ttodt

Allhouth CBT wd not slalislically si8nilicel in imFoving lhe eltdm ofdrc

wmo pd$n6, tb@ ss e iDlovmot in th n@ s6 on Rcabqg S.lf-

Esllm Scalc for bolh soupr A dd B pcl thrlpy (tlwoth6is 2). 'Ihc m.u scorc 0i
gFup A prior ro th@!y f.ll in tbe mdd 6n8. (Mo-18.56, SH.4l); jn

pris! did lot .ppe to h6vc had a negEtivc impad on fi.n .dksten. Thc p$l tnerapy

soB (Mn'19.44, SIF4.6D s..led tunhcr ir!revdcnt. Grcu! B h.d t low l4.l
of elft 6n (MGs13.38, S[H.44) th.t * nis.d io lhc .omat ld.l (Mcd=15 38.

SH.07) post th.rapy. Angq m&.gm.nt.pP.dd b havc hlped lh.

ro tms wih O.relvei thcy !4ncd to @lv.d (mc) bi[q fc.lingt tosdds

lh.t om sclvct s s o$erq ed d.vclop.d a norc Posilive vi* of th.neh.! i.

coi&qu@c (NovEo, 19?9)- Anolhs inpoddt f&ior influncing th6c womfl's slt_

6t@ *6 thc w.y they *@ @ping with tbe st65 of inpnsomol (Grcve' 2001i

T@h, 1982), Thc youg panicip&t! (grcuP A) in thc cumt sludy showed b.ller

ld.|pblid to 0E iail 6viro$ (CBe & EEntn4 2003) thrn me oldd wolncn pnsnd

of gFup B. ftcy utilised morc 41ive copinS nethods. Thcv had accepled lhe facl lh.l

th.y w@ i! jail, ed w@ c.tively idolv.d in adjutirS to it Th.v wre lding


efetive wrt! of @muic.ling with the ldninistration. lswtr6, sdior prisoneE. and

d@i@t iNrr6. They @.i!d alr.rsr ol $e movcddrs in their .nvibnm.r ro

Prolet thdi.lv6 noD donitulod, Thcy w* conndtly plmin8 shout tnei.

swivd ed wo belto al s4kiog hclp, eiplorinS the possibilnics of eeninS

pNlca, @i4lh. locth of lh.n star6, .pplin8 io high @ut on

gtuudq etc., eior rh la*ycr!, ftey thmslvG occupied in lhe ch.biliration

pregllms ord.d by 1be jiil adninislirid, dd wolrdd in reall soups ro sdsly $en

!o.d fo! .tfliltd. Th6c rs6eiali@ fomcd in the d'!b clals w@ ! !om. of
enoii@l suppon in despffil.lin6. They lricd !o fDd neding in their curcnt li& md

used positiv cfming ro itulil hope in drds.lv6 On lhe conlEry gmup B $ed not
dcdal, bchlviolrd dto8ltddr, ed .ub!trD@ w (ovd @Mmpti@ of ld) to d.rl

eiih the burdcn of ircesation. Tnq. wod.. d@ended on circumsteccs to chdge on

their oM ist@d of puninS sne of oM fion lo modify lhei. condnion. Thy

bldd dt md fotB iot thcir pr.dicddi, 4petd jusiicc, md 8rw note resenltul

s rFult. C.tting norc i!rclvcd i! rlisjo4 wa ft. ody cdlpliv coping mahdi3m

Ihey utitiscd moE lhe Sroup A. It @uld bc b6sr p.nicip.iing in Eligiou! etiYiti.s

ed rituals srvc thm sh ts?it ton $e jajl. They ndl Peopl. frcm rha outside world

wh. n d. th.h ll wonly (Cl@, Hardynalr Sloul, lskcn, & DaMc, 2000), ud
p6te wcr. at$ ! $le ofhopc for fi.m. rhc Dliejou cl$s nEd thd @Met wirh

tc&h.B who listeftd b lh.m, dd sybpalhied with thn Thcy wre encourqed !o put

rhct t li.f in a Divift Bciry who wold Elidc lhm lion tbeir owul.d P.intul
ciemtarcB, A! the grelp B padicip&ls d?ddd norc on exlmd fa.los to h.lp
ftm in getti!8 rdicfnbn ihcir condition. thi! bclicfed trusl i. a Suprne Belng who

would do jlslice to lhn prevjdcd thar with , m@s to sunivc in jdl

Cognitive behaviou lhciapy ws nol etllislically siErrificdl in incteding the

adaplive @ping nelhods or d@re6in81h. DaladaPtiv. coping hethods of botJl gnuPs

bur thft w6 a chang in the ns @rct pott lh@py (H)?oihcak 4). Grolp B appeaEd

lo have mad a slidt imPovmcnt on th. posiliv. lcfiuinS $oB *hrlc grouP A

tuthd impFv.d m dotioml 3uppon, in.lrMdtal suppon, 4d lh. ue of religio. a

copiry mdtlods. Th6 8reuP ssiont .9p.@d to hav. corct.d lh wond PrienoE

wilh @h oihd. Th. work on ogniiiois had help.d thd E{valuaie circumsluces in a

moE Elinic nmq. Guidcd disv.ry of thci! M)$ of @ping had nade thd .!s
rhe em@y of 5wivd ndhod! in dciolior Prcbld $Mng aPPmet in rhe

grolp Bi@s had d.vcl.p.d in thd thc abitily to l@k al diff@r dindiotu of a

sirualiu .d lprrc&h it tom div* mMqs tuling it po$ib!. for lhd 10 dat

wirb irceadion. Th. posr th.Epy lov srcs on thc mcthod of @At ne sugg6l tht
thc panicipeb hd 6t!r.d fdling enpoqcrd. AldFugh !n adqlivc @ping m.lho4

@@idc @ eD.riDs aocBtc ! feling of giving in. n$ c& Gult in lo* Flf-

6td ed sulmdding to cxt md circmstancd. In a pri$n 3cning, it can m.d losihS

@6.lfro th. ldvalilies oflhc confiftd dvibmcnl, A dcclin in tlte &ceptarce oflhc

rcst i.ted, thftfoE, signi66 thal CBT bad eo*ed if, npowqing thee

wono, dd hdping th.n cop. wilh imprisomcnt,


ldD..t of CBT or d.Ub.6t. 3df-t.m

Itr Plwda@ l!16 or d.libq?l! idf-i@ ia lhis srudy w@ simild to rh. on6

rcpoded in the o1h.. pafis of the wodd, dlaialty Bntish, ANtatiaJ\ dd Ceadid

priso!6 (Co6io4 2007; Kilrcr 2000; wichiaD er al_, 2002). Majodry of rhe self

nmDg wod4 weie youg 4d mvicrcd (Rors.powiiz, 200r). Mor tho half of
thd had bceu ro h.m rhdsclv6 in jait lflding funhr suppon lo rhe vicw thal

dclibd!& $lf-hm is r ms ro Eb.l at irsl rhc t&t of @nrrDt womd *pqiocc

ovs their liv6 dd cimmslanc6 durin! incemtion (Kitty, 2006i O,Bnen .r al,

2001), BuminS @*lf wa rh. ncr comon *lf-hm n.rtbd dploycd. t1@utd b
be..w they h.d Mc!! ro stovcs, mtch!{ ad lidtft. Cufting was $e other mosl

tlqoatly 8.d *r-hm ndhod (O'Bria cr at., 20ol). pri!@6 ulcd h v6, forks,

thcir hri. pis, &d sh.tio6 bl.d610 cut O@lve. Two periipmr! repon d rhal

tEy had io mak surc rhat the st!frdid nol se rhci $s fo, f.s of b.ine rcbur.d.

This lcgdivc rq.lio! by thc shII ha bM r@ned i! orhq $udi lm (ptull,

Eow.lls, & Day, 2003i Snow, 1997). Ihc wobd rho Eporicd alt mpr! to hid.
*Brch6 ed *oud. fron rh. orhd imar6 b avoid ftcir di6dain, ridiculc, dd s6Uc
com@$. Dris hNdd! wd difficult du! ro th. bct of privey in the jail, Otha
pdsn6 sottrchow crn. 10 how aboul thch slf-bming behavioN ..d lhen ncsarive

@lDN gavc r'* b nor elf-h&F.

IE wond r.porled liilr hlrting ihmelle! rcliaed thm

fclinss goml.d duc to c@fiianmi. Oic ctdaty (jj ,s old)

Epord tt t hd huib.nd @orty !@g.d hd dagllta's meilg. withott adulring

hd, &d did rcl boh.r to brinS hd dooS on rhe fdily visit day. This made hs fcel 6
(b.ins) .ar out of thc r@ity ed dprivcd of ha lighs a5 . molhr. Sh dsped.ty

wqt d to I-'lk 10 hd dlueiia but s d.p.nd.,t on ha hEbsd for btinging ha fd a

vidl. IF. wr5 a @nriddablc amomi ofdjsldcc bctwm h.r vilas. and h. jail thar

lcd to d.hy.d visir! 6od hr pa. fdily_ A[ i[* fsdoB n. dd de

hclplsn s sb. throueh nld hd arlry to thc poinr that she self-hamed io
of thc in&ns ogo (Kdingror ct at_, 20lO). ANlhd *on.n shard rhat sh wd not

ablc to rh. jail cnvircnmmr tr ws very diffcllt fo! hd b Dix wi6 lhc olha
iMal6, od the lon.linBs (trclr Rowtsnds, & Sotine, 1995), havins rc on. wilh
wlDD shc @!td ta& ioot its tol otr h6, Sbe at!^o mis*d hd trub.nq ed rtc bmet
exu.l n@dr fiNllar.d hd, Setf.hEm ws tne only loucc of rclief for hd. A yolng
imr& ws Eporredly unrbtc ro ger ovq hd guitr for haMng b6 involved wifi a nan
ha noth6 dilalprevcd ol ext who l.&r ihpti@icd ha i, a Du.der csc. shc o.
lhinking of all ihe v.nis $at had ted io hd inprisomd! ed Fv@ly blded hGlf
for b.irg coneictcd of m!da. Shc dta $lf-hmcd to puniih h*lf (Ktonsty. 200?).

An olda paiticipaDr commuicar.d inat sh. bnncd her!.tf ro

convey he! morionat pain

b ofi6 As .o onc ffid to tidd ro wtai shc w6 elng. she had ro l.t hd body
3pc.l for hd (Pottq, 2003)_

'IA wono pdlon6 h.d a heighrdd awaMss of then motional sufledng,

ard & @i.r.d tdtd@t ro qprB n l,leuel crcidat. behtviom. fuir imd
loguish roud xpE$ion ihsugh havy lnoking of cigartlrB,
navrt roo much lea,

wat hing TY, spilliDg oui n8Ativ. motions, or coDdmning thmslv6, Thcy d$
u&d oot! @tion f@u!d copilg .tdegi6 6 @mped io poblo-f@us.d (&rive

copi.& .!d instimdial 3uppon)- 'IlEe findinsF @ cdiddl wilh tn. sMi.r of D6
cl .l- (199E q citcd iI D{, t99) ald fllild ed Willids (2003) co.ducrcd with

AuFdie E lc and fcnalc pdsorc6.

Bv.lEtio pGr lroup CBT sbo{Gd e ircre in tE us of avoiiltm

behaviouG Gelf disractioD, snoldng dd over coNumptioi of rca, behavior.

di@s.8a!al. rrd v6ting). A5 ttc irciddt! of *lf-hm w@ minim.l, thc *mm

n6dd othd coping detb.d! io dcd wilh srres 'nEy hld a ladocv to rvoid thir

@otionalpain rath{ thd accpr ii (Haines &,2003), and lhc limiiins prison

cnvir@trd (Rob.4 FnSolr & B.lzile, 200?) did rc| allow for thc neid sEl
suppn @@ t al., 1998 s cired in Ded, 1999) Th.!.lote, il w6 qlit.xpectd rhar

th. alten|! nihods lhd emd would norc Fsdilv nn to, would be dE on.r fiv

w@ alftlly halitu.l oi Tl@ qs.le a dctqs. in the td.plive @ping nc$ods o'

ece ance ad plrminS. This vs viewed 6e inprcvcncnl bv tbe |hcrl9$r a

plfDing tor nott of l!6c woDo prindilv nMt bcing @cupicd eilh thoughls of

unralbtic id4 of g.tting rcla!.d A5 lhcv t d liftlc contol ovq 6m6 dd

cirMslsc6, .{Io& usuallv mount d to nolhing' The rFultanl (rcPaled)

frultltion ed agiLdon tE Ld ro drgd dxl6elf'hm$ce of$' fel th'r $cv

had bd incdmr.d fo. a number of )EB dcvlopcd an annudc of rsignalion lo then

prdrcd.nt lhrt low.E{t Un tost or lh.nelv6. Th.v fI hclPlss' md inapable of

iurolir8 il. A dctle in lhe ld.l of a4?tatlcc lugg.gcd lhat tlcir belicf in lbeir

abiliiy to swive w bing rinslat.d, Thb meei thai $ey would slrile lo bete! copc

wilh th. adv6c.xpdi.rcc ofi.carc@tid, sd (@r!.quotly) mod.Bt th. fEqucncy

ofin ir @lf-hm behaviou.

mft % e iffi i! ad4tivc dotid-f@lsd @ping ierhods of moti@al

suJ,poit dd p6itive rc6uir8 po.l, This sa ds a healthy ddlopndli

doli@-f@!sd 6pilg h.lps in situ.donr vbd onc hG lift!. conr.o! ovd rh.
cirmtlrcA (Folho & lumq l9E0) a incaFcBrion i! onc such A!
inclcs&d involvmat in religio! (mothd .daptiv. motion foc!*d copirs str.t sy)

w6 also obsr.d, Literatur h6 shown that reliBious helped woner ir ldjusriis
dd cohirs to r.@ with irc@cnlion (O'Comor, Ryd! s.kovich, & Peitlr 2002 6
ci['d ir Ldilt & Irper,2009). TlEy w.@ $lc io gcr olI ddgs, bc at p@e wirh
pnt tbcn mtio[! a.d dit6 rbout ihcir tur!6 (clg 2oo2) Hotdiig oi ro

Eligion minimizd ph'sial md vqtat a8SEssion, ed dhdced $en mo.d (Lcvit &

t Fr,2009).It also rcdw.d slf,ham (E le, 20lt). Futrc worr neds lo erptor rh.

mle ofrclieion in redeing sdf-hm i! no d.prh.

Th.rc wo d imiSlilicdt ncg.tive corclation btweo the wono imatcJ sclf-

.st ed ed their eger, ed d insigdficet positive cooetalion bhvecn $cir levet ol

e|I|cd od dclibar *lf-h!d (H}?orheis l). Ids is qplabed b, $e bo
nubd of p.nicipat! in tbis dudy wbo *!i! nor . homgproE greu!. ft@ ws !
wid. dist?day in o!.ir @6 on rhc R@rb.rt Scrf-Esrd Sst., Str& Algd &dq

ed A.quercy of d.libente elf-hdrn $ar h supposd to have U statisti@l

@lydr. Ttu wo* trG.d! lo bc Eplic{.d on . t.rga go4 10 hsrc mr Eli$tc @tr'
Th. woma pris6 djd mr t?on .ry i@id6r ot delibftar. pct
intflatioD (H}!otlt6n 3). Al0lough dcouaging, rnis absoce of sett-hrn cpi$des
c@or b esuncd io be the 6ulr of CBT s fouow up wa condwtd at thc l4'i weel; a

rdy shon rim. pdiod io d6s rhc ihp&t of CBT or r @ndq b.h.viou lite s.lf,
bm. D.libolr. elf-lbm rc .l$ at dc!.d in*lerive of rh. .linic.l dd p.Mnatiiy
di.gGis R.dEtio in rhe ircida of elf-hln bebNic @uld h!v. ben rh. cut
of e impbvhdl in th. padiciperd' clhicat synplons (R!j, Kmuia\ & Bhide,

2001). Futurc r.seaEh shoul4 thdcforc, ain st prcviding CBT to disGt. grcups of
clinical and &n elf-hm wiih loigd fotlov-ups ircldf, to *atu.te its

Alitrough stAtisrically imignifimr, th. rcsutts suppon a bri.f tinc timiled grcup

CBT in t@ting pri$n self-hm. A nunb.r of f&rou @ suppGed ro have conrnburcd

io lhe potiti!. quditltive @!lls Irrc rhffipy s.sioc pre sonrhin8 fton the

dul, dforcd |lutie ofpdson lif. (Rtod6,2006). A@rding b lhc wona pd$n6,

lh. Dle of lh. lhdrpisl d a f-ilit|ror *ho !..?rd &d 6pr.d rhm (Narional

Illtiture for Cli.icd Erc.llace, 2004), t.d ro thc d@topnnt of a stron8 Eppon

Litadft pbvidc! cvid@ rhat iheraphr Nllianc is ef@riv. in nod.rlting sdf-hm

beh.viou (Michcl & Vrlach,2001; Wm, Mmy, & Fox, 2002) sd &llhmiig
femaic pri$nft hav. raeold.d f.vounbly !o h..lrh@ sra{I wilh cding .rtitud6

(Kming .i rl., 2010). Th. panicip$ls spprcciaEd rh.r rheir finanal hhrdi6 hrd nol

bd mdtion d i! ih. dod6, TlEy h.d not ben rc?ribod.d for b.irg 1 .. Ihey
@uld op@ly ialk about llEi. &llhming bchrvioW wilhour b.irgjudS.d- DefirinS ed
qploring ielf-h.rn norn then pqnpotivc (Mdgnall & Yukov,ct! 2008) nrdc rhd
f6l @dcFrood (McAllistc!, Crdy, Morlq, & ImSra 2002). The Dlc of lhmpotic

.l$idio! o md.irg coitirc bc.hNior th.6py wo* with Uis sP..i6c poPulation

nedr i,o bc *ptorcd tunhd,

Sone prnicipdl! w@ ablc to s.. $c @metbn b.t*a $lf'hM ud $en

om fioughis ed $bscqucnt felings itr blint.iling it. ftey r.?ond that wort on lhcir

cognition! helpcd thm in ddeloping cdtrol ovq lhcir uge to self_hh This rc6ultcd

in t folirc of coloemat nmh leed.d by the wdd lo swiv. in a Prien

dvircnlndr (Bl@m .l sl., 2002). Yct olhd wft ovryhlm.d bv lh.s. mliaiioB,

&d guilt It is hFoth6ized lhnt ihid Slilt nidt lt!v. bM onc of lhe rcMs

b.hird orc *lfh!tu .Pi!.d6 obwd dsi!8 lhe sio6. WiIh lhe pbgrs of th.Elv

iiey appcarcd to be nore Mepft8 of thcmslv.s &d of ach otha- Bcing in . grcut

wifi sinit& prblcG, ed listainS io othaE pdpdlive helPcd i. md4ing wi|n @h

otlq. lntcrpdlond o.nict3 Glo ty,2cO7) ddrc8ld ihal in tuE (d!o) lowdcd rhe

&.qu.ncy lris is aleo .vidat toi m inccsse in thc post th'apv scons on

tbe @pi!g nelhods of ulilizilg dondd .uPFn &d Posnive EfiMing R.l'r'rion

q@is.s wd rlso rcpodcd by lhc paniciPe6 !o hav. hlPed thGD in *ing tlc tcnsot
rl.npist Cn.r.ct .&lla

Th. pot tbqqy qu.litativ. aEluali@B &sib.d en in ch@i.risti6 of rhc

th@pist 6 mjor @ntriblting f&!oB th|t l.d !o rh. ddclopmol of a slron8 tha4otic
ssciarim betwen hq dd lh. woncn pn$nc6 rcspo$ible ior noivaing fim ro

addd all the CBT s*sions (Lcrb.rr & Bdgin, 1992) sd bdti1 ftm then (Madin,

G@ke, & Davis, 2000). Th. thenpi8i's geiuinc cooceh for rhe prison6, non

judgndial attitud, $ff !oE, comujcrlion stylc, dpalll, fldibl ed f@ilillriy

rppn&b, p.r!@e, @ugdot ed suppon w.F Mc of th. 6ul ch.@tdislics oa

a CBT ths9isl lh.t wft rcponcd. nr@ w4 howda, Me difrffit 6poIM t@:

"Yu sirqL plrir clolh6 $d sh6 did mt mstc us fcl d.pnvc4" "You did mr

adMish u for &y ofou bdEviourq "Yo! ncv6 .stcd u alour ou dininal ches6.

You did mr mrion thd in fic e$ioB. You m.dc us fct a hMu s rhe oih6 p@ple

otrsidc thb jail," \Ae now wet io tcll you cllrtllring ltour u, ou dirild hjslon6

loo," 'You did rc1 h6iid to shdc you dimculrid with h&agi.s your dgr, ..Yotr

taleht B hal0ry @Dptitio!," 'Th. p@plc who cm. h.rc io te&h us !on.1in6 call us

dr dviet womo, th sie4, You Nvcr commuicaled rhis tc, us verbrtly or

nonrqtany," Th Dle ofthnpist chMidistics dd $.rapeutic relationship in Mking

cogniliv. b.haviou thdlly clrativc lor fic fcm|Iq Fi&n6 needs io be xpioEd.
Th. f@dc pdslm lhowed r k@ int@l in fie prlchod!.aiio. $sions on

d8d, delib@ie elf-hm, thcir dynmicn sd Imagddt. This educalion dcvlop.d

nodvarion i! fim ro anqd lne rhcnpy siom. They rcponed |har n h.lp.d rhem

wd.Bt&d lhcN1v6, the p.opl in iheir liv6, &d then o*n childtcn. lltcy wish.d

thct paq1s had bM 9!d ihis awlms, sd suggsled lhat Npiring Pdot! should b.

giv6 tuh cducationd *iotu $ thst rhy cs bcnd up bring then childm Thev als

cq!6ted rh.t their fmily mdb4, spou!.sr dd adol*dt childm bc Sivd th*
sssions !o that & overaU inprevddt lals place in Lrtn disturbel fmili$ Thev fell

thrt th* s6sions would rtsult in tnnd @iunicalioD bdwn thm lnd their famili6

ard d$ hclp pddt rh. ddidl h.haviou6 lo bc pas.d on frcm gcncamn |o

gcn dlion, On wond statcd lhal5h. re8ltdly commuicat d hd $dapv l.mD8! to

hd yodg dNghcr on fdily vieiB. Two wono rcponed dhding the inPoiecc of

nmtal hdllh aw.d* wirh fi.i ingti$Ed husb.trd! It.v equir.d a'lFul

psFldosical h..lh colres in KaF.hi, Hlddala4 &d bnote whE thev could so foi

h.ip dd guido@ Post .leasc lhc women tutthq rocomcnded lhal p!)'cho-'ducalio'

should b. Previdcd b lh. jail adninilrldd too for benq rchalilibrive jall

Iltc wob6 im.t6 p.nicipating i, tlus s:ludy wcrc givm reinforcmenls for

anmdilg thc siois. bciry on lime, eti!.ly pa.licipaling in lhdpy' doing honework.

a.d @mplying eith fi. gDup ru16, rhar s@ only wirhh.ld if a p.niciplni niss.d lhF
fourth of th. &$ion. Th6. EinfoFdoc preved lo b. ltong i.hliv6 for arlmding

thespy, &d modirybg bchavioG. ftc womo Epon.d $at rh. @inrorcemenrs

glv lhd lh. m6.e $!r rhcy q@ doing $n.thin8 eor$whilc. Tqo womm

pnson 6 rponed that ficy prcudly rhow.d $et animarcd ste! paled on tnen

homqo* notcpads to e adolRent dogh!.r dd d ighl tqF old en Estctively on

f.hily risi8. Thcy felt thd thcir &lidqnai madc lhcn childlE blppy. ANlhd Fug
iMst rcpon d lbat shc lh!red hd dinaled pdcih dd rubbq mkt wilh hn

irynen.d huband dd pbldly lold hin ihat sh. w6 on. of the actively poni.ipaling

wond ir $. group sioB, A, oldd iMste d:ted lhat rh. woulil k*p sm. of $e

Einforcencnt! &d nalerial glvo to hd during rhmpy (notcpad, ballpo'nl pen, dc.) 6
euv6i6 of $nelnira sood that hapFn d to hq in jiil. Alnoud' lh. d.?uty

swdintodot ed rhe jailcr .!pnis.d $. fi.apisl thd wmd i@.t s could ak for

naidial thingE, ed sh. wa! nol suppoled to comply wilh thcn tcqudlq it *sr obs*ed

ibrt IlN of lh. wmd plniciDd ! r.qu6t d ellning lion lhc thcdpisl, Ev@ $e

edd wh6c rcinfoFdml! w@ wiltih.ld fo. nissine a najor P'n of rhc sesion,

n.v( mad. ey requ6ls. On ih contrary, th.y r.quesl.d thal lheir auddancc in th.Epy

sids sd subsequol imprcvdots in lh.i. bhavior b. wtded si$ sm. legal

ba.fits likc getDg psotc! or 6one exmptior of life !.nt.ncc lunn.r work

r.q!ir.d to w how Finfotldans @ h.b i! th. F drbilil.rim of Ud.

Hd*ort *.$ iutuatd i! sPradilg asl!n.$ .bour p.y.hologiql lr.lrh

dd thmpy in thc jail. sone of the convicted wonen had shded $.ir hom wotk

aigE@15 wilh forcig .trd u!d6 trial pd$nd who lpP|@hcd ltF lG@hcr *ilh

th. Equclt ofpanicipatug in ihc CBT 8rcup. ,{ forcicn prienq sh.rd wiih lbe lhdpisl

th.r sh. had &tlally don sm. wo* @ hd coitiom with thc hcb ol . @nvislcd

pdricip&! ed fclr 8od a!o!t it, But whl. sFc womcn iinat* rucd lo drry oll honwo* tists in the, il ws oblcdd tbal it |pFarEd diffi.ult for nGt of

thd. Somc found ttc avireItlMl tot @!deiv. fd lhe Bist!.d b.tavionl

expeimenls, yet odies b.d a lo work only undo sup.Bbion The olds

idn!l.. Grory a) foud lh. lton*ut imPrulicd in @n xr of lhc onlv two

p.nicipdts &tuslly ddmmi.d iheir hmwork. nE rcll did oBl work Tl'e wind
!.sk5 (c.&, wo'L on ASCD mod.l, daily rccod of &cer) wcE .le ml posibl. lor th
imatc! who did rcl low how io uirc. ft is tt.{)mdd.d thal tutlE 366ioB lhould

.U@.t. EoE tin. to a.tivitics c@ducld during ihe siont to @ntrel rhc6c linitrtioB.

ftc mor! lbey *ill pt!.li@ d|c ilchniqu*, thc m@ thcy will t tbl. lo fccl drc b.tclil.

ad bc lo qtuisd ihcn in lhe jail cneitomnt

LlDL{olr rd R.coDlHd.lion.

Pris6, 6pei.Uy d.lain d f@alB, rcr b@ of sy pani.uld indd lo

thc &adoic &d psychi.lic comuily. Tie @glchd hld lo sFnd 3 colliderable

moDt of tin. in eeilitrg p@ision to *olk witr &e foffiic Popubtion. A.c6s lo

Fien vs al$ ml .s! lh@ w* lagihy offici.l pr.ccs of lh. Mi sfy of ttk
rbrr bid ro be foUowcd. Tlb cdrd i! a d.l.y i! lh. ffic!|cd@t of thc studt du. ro

wbichmdyconvictdprisre$vcr! losil sn vd t_esfcned io olhqjaih. yel othes

got pNl.!, or w* rclcasd, The nuihd ofpi$ncs @runed for 1ic sludv wa thus,

much l6s fid .xPer.d.

The pl!@t study ws condwt d in onlv one womd jail of kki$at witlt

voletary convi.ted fcnale pd$n6. fte small $nple sizc did ool allow for a conlrol

gFlp thd limitld thc atatislic.l si8ni6@c. of lhc cul$ Follo{ uP vai co.dlclcd 2

norrhs po6t inLd6rioni t v.ty slFd linc pqiod lo ss $. inpacl o'cBT Tnc

fndirtr lh*for., crnnot bc tod.lizqd io th. r!.el of ttlc fd3l. Fiton Populat'oi

M@ sludiA using lxpdin.nlal dsiSN qith larSd mplas md longet follow lps N
n.ldcd 10 Glablish th. 3i8ni6cec. ofCBT in I prisn &tuP

It. ptlthological mdw usd io ses .lelibate &llhm w.! not dGigrd

for &rdi. populalionr, AldDugh it qd@d @h self-nm b.havior in, eme of

lh. n.lhod! of slf-hm e*sed by tie invotory (ilc drinking Fienols tiquids,

rubbiq smdpapa d thc body) werc not Elqv@r in 1bc conLxr of thc jail; pdsn ruls

(M not .llow lhe prisrft lo hrye &ce!s to polbms liquids like ble.chcs. .cids o.

olha i.OlMrble n t ri.l. Sdc panicipots l@ @r abl. to c@!d!od cdt in ilans

of th self-caleeh ed copc Bql$, Wln lh.6@hd Ead aloud the siai@6L to

rhd, thcy lomtimG r@d.d ro Mm/jutify th sllt@ot ir516d of nring n. Th.y

ale nisp.@iv.<ymisinrqpErcd ilE stsrcndt! ro be rhc rhcnpin's thoughk abour lhm

whd nring then 6ping ncl!o.!s oD thc Brief Cope scal, snc prienes Bot iriutd

by tE sm. $alcndt bdnS r.peded to thm rwie in . slighlly modifiod D@er. The

iifls os.lsing ilE coping n thod ofsbslocc u. did nol apply oD the Ldalc Prisot6
in this study. Th. it m a.lulirg ih. .oping nethod of hMo! wqq movd;
ilj.@cr.tio. w r@ lainnrl & .xpqi@ lo b. lalch.d tbout. Th. i$rrmhc netd lo

b. t?$lat d and ldalled ii loc.l ldguagcs for thc Fim popnlAtion. Some of lhc panicipdls had

ifra-gincd dntc.prorokinS siluations to dr their &geron thc Slale Angcr Scate o|STAXL this
nieht h!!c lcd thm lo olcr dpon thcn .n8cr. rntue work needs ro conrrcl $is linibtion.

Lsguag. wd a beid for th Si hi pn$n6 who hld bq tnfffeiEd ro

x!fuh Jsil tw j.ih of Int@or Sirdh. Alrhou8n ficy @uld u 6r.nd ad 3p..t Urdu,

lhy contued nsy sratdotdcoc.pts. Th. Urdu word! had lo be ofte. treslai.d for

lhd h Sildni by fcllow peticipeG 6 fic Esdn . did Fl krow Sindhi. A cultunl

difrMc E ds obwd. Wona nlm inrdior Sindh rmd.d to conpchdd

@m?ts wil! rfcrcnce to thcir particut{ cultur. l1 ws flt thrt pstbho dlc io.

n..dd to imhde r cobpoMt o! cultural p@1i.6. S*b6 would haye ben nore
.fe.tiw if a Sindhi co-ilsqirt hld ba

Atrh@gh th.y w@ told thlr lh.i! infomati@ pould b. conidctrlid, il

.ppu.d rhal th. pdso!@ did not trut this ltdmdr, Th.y maind guardcd aboul

pasil sd drbi.,l h3lori6. Th.y ako tiicLd in 3htine thir wntto

hddo* taslG with the th.iigitl. nle insuity th.t Pwdh in iheir confncd
mvit!m@$ mad. tnm $spet thd the sh.r.d idomalion could bc shded * ilh lhc jail

au$oritic!, dd could aff@l th.n Iv$ ir jail. ft is suspeted that lhcv nighl have

nisqod.d thcir l4d5 of &g.r to pe s Sood PictuE of thsnelv6 fd vaiou

l!e$. They rn* thsl th. @grchq had b*n dvn pcnni$ion bv th Minist$ of Jails

to s!* witb rhen! dd sh muld bc tltoninS to hin. Itna16 who wft on lh. pNle

waiuist mignt hav. show pGitiv. behavious esMinS $at it mi8l help $em. Ite

pdl.l6 slaccd with a lifeli@ of inFiemot! niclt h.w lssdcd thlt a

favouabl. dialay of bchavior .outd bo.fil th4 in 8cniry lome of thir sdlqcB

svcrd oll Orc Prnicipmt 3h!.!d rhd shc h.d al*.ts ben foE.d bv het molhq

Gnteiced wi$ her in jail for ! lif.rine of 25 yemt ro tul up I sood iildsc or an

obdid! mdpliet ddghta, dd a cooF.lirc imal. willirg to follow rhe ord@ of rh. ednini$aliotr. Shc Epond thar th. noth.. saw ha positivc imagc 6 a ro

ilfluac. lh. jail admirilration ud @N.qu..tly lh. legal stim ii Sening lh.n
El@.d on hmeitdid gburdr bui thc coun h.d bfl corst!.ily Ejetin8 t.n
qFd5 &. rh.lar ll )t4. Sbe Epolld b.i!g tirld of displtyinS g@d bbavior &d

suppBins h@rbut had 10 ke@ lp with th. tlod imagp to swiv. in jail.

The pnson .nvituMmt w6 lihiiio8 in othei wdys too. Thc presnce oa lhe jaikr

dudng assmeni s.ssions is Numed to havc affsted the llrieneB esrcnks on rh.

psrdological Dd6. Sone imar6 hld bEny vilits, m@tirys with lawyrs, @!n

rpp.@c6, erc., duing sic tblr tudc ihd niss p.n of rhc s6sioB. ftis i!
$pposed to hav dlor.d ihcir ldel of inFovtud- Tn. jail dircipliN had a

tcndfty b andd thc ongoing sioB l||),Nw.d. llis tdporoily bl@ked dE now

of ihc sio*; rmd pri.or6 t .d.d ro bc wEy of pr6ctug dd Blrict

prnicipation. D.lib6lc &lf-hm mighi Mv. b6 nis.pon d (Botriu t al., 2003) for

corlidotidny rdons. An oriolalion in thmpeuic inlcpcniions ls, theefoic,

Eom.ndcd for th. jail nafr

t!,lay wmd rlpond crying q"lk, sk? pobld3, dicri6 rbo rheir tutuF,

sv@ C]]ill, l@t ofintcGl in daily @tiriti.., dd iritalility during thcir bri.f individull

s6sioG. ftcir imbiUly 1o panicipare, b. on lime, or their improvemnl on outcomc


mcaurer p6t thdpy ce boih be cmibur.d to theh dinicd slnplom, On prnicipol

of tlr. dlibdat self-tm greup xhibii.d cen in prsonahy fe.t@! thal insfsrd
wi$ h.r pbgls in rh. ereup. Detdlcd ctiricd dd pmndiry GeMenb ne.d lo b.

csida.d ir tuir woik wiih i!6. wohd,

'[1c nubd of ssic a.! al$ nor moud for the pnsol@. Th.y hd comptc,r pbbleme thal rcqlir.d lim.10 Eslv., Iltey hld lak@ rin 10 bclicv. &al

ih.Epy would bqefi1 tlrd, &d ihcy did not wdr rb. s66ions io s1op. AeordinS to

ihd, '$c halire p@cs hlrl ju51 tEtu." Evo grcup B, vho nad ptaycd a pssivc ol.
ia thc sioG, slwed sigs of nodqrion to tunns dgage in CBT.'Itc slthm
sFup wa . hh@bl. gDrp lhat &!d.d tunhd help wirh relapses. somc women

lor individozl Bio6 but du. lo rh. rim. @tutr.i . dd l&k of

Pnv&y, ir could mt be nade po$ibl.. Furu work n d! ro lailo. inr.nsivc i.divid!.1

4d goup esi@ &coding b U..poilic n..ds ofthe woE@ p!ison6. Posi thdapy

suppon should have bd avdldbl. to thc prisoneB to mdlgelpsnl Elaps.

Illc ahorr, tihalinit d inrlrvdtior sw nsind .n6d6e &d 6uli.d in
iDprcv@dB in elf-6tm, cophg mthods, egd mdagdor, dd a reduction in rh.

iNidoc. of self'hm of the it].ea.r.d rcmd, It wd ob#.d drar rhe ae. of th.

FisoFs, lh. w.y th.y p@ivcd advaity, tlrc oping nctM5 $cy ulcd to dal eith it,

ticir oPms to nd lcmines, Ihe pden avnomats tn y inn bikd, Ih. ertnt of

their coni&t with ihir fsrnilids, &d the rehsbilitalion opponunitica available lo theh,

pbyld & inpoddt reL i! lh.i sNiql of tl|. expdie@ of inc@d.lion. The yougcr

woE6 p@ricipal.d noE i! cBT &1iviri6 lbrl @paFd ct l@gi!8" dd stinuLLd

tbcir cognitivc &iliti.r. Thc oldq wono, on Oe oftlry, n*d.d suppon gtuups ed
fevd lclivities. Thc thcrpuli. dsirtior playd a bl. in ihe innates'

dbpLailg t[ erop lhcrqy&dt nctuing tom it.

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panhipdis in this study, lFongly poini iowards lhe suc.essftl posibility ofdeveloping

&d iDpl@titrg pcychologic.l rchglilitliion presrffid, ba&d on cosritiv.

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o s.?.drd
o DiloG
o $ri&*

7.wlc e yct qhiltq lit$8.1li. dmr
0 wih t$ inj'it
E Wilh You ttousc
0 wirbcLlE
E OdE .. Pl@tPi
&Yq siosonio b..EFud:

o On 6d Urdu
o cersd&siEud!
o U!
! Cdol'
o otnd.-.I|@44nry

lo. Y@ trw b@r dvicEd fotr (@in l ch4pr):

ll, TIE ldrth ofrNcutat sl@:
12. Yo! hlw bd! in 6r (.$.db!nt):
13, AF syof ynldily o.oba. dFrldt c|lMltii{ilh tu?
O Yes.. ,Pl.e rF.ily sho l

14, H.w you d yor &dly mhds tt it jdt t fdE?

o Y6...rk r4ciry(gentdnrdodr@ la|ltl):

c Y6.,.,Pl@ 4EifY eho:

16. Do you bw sy cuml/p@t n diel ptlbLB?

17. Doyfl hE My clffi(,Fsr tMbl ballh pr.hls?

18, Dilt ]@ gd d, equnld hcb?

oYc!... Pt*.!@t(n dil4tvcbj'riido d)l

o B.fd. bchr !l9ri$ql
c AnaitrlFis|mt

r9. g.E ]{0 e rb.ddugt?

OYd,.,. PL.& !t6it:
20. H.v. ]ou .vcr sll_hlmd?


Ihe A#ferslon Qcler


N clbdalt
0 ,5h
e/ ftaCof!||n
{** rr
ll,, rtrflhlsdd tliffi!|lrlFr||'h
!, hudal.!!
I I r rr'wrbat Lrp1' t t|dLiltrh{rl
'f lutrcrrlrnr r.0a0''lls

fu0911$ ol trglodr! ftlhrlt

So!r.; Rcilly, P.M, & shopsbiE, M.S. (2002). ,4iser Marasenent lor suh an'e

,1bs.4nl M6tal Hdlth Cl'.n& Rakvill., MD: SubttMe Abu. snd Men$l H"ltb


A = Activrting Situation or Evenl

B - Bclicfsldcm
What you tcll yours.lfabout thc vent (you slf-talk)
Your b.licfs and xpcctatioN ofothers

C = Conscouence
How y;u fl about th ev. ba5.d on your self-ldk

D = Dispule
Eiaminc your bclic6 and xprcttti@s
Are lhry unralistic or inational?

Slreq Rcilt P M., & Shoglhit, M.S. (2004. ,rtSa MaAe.tu"t lo S'htta e
Abs. ond Me al Heolth Cl.rB Roctvrlle, MD subslrncc AbJsc rnd Vcnul llcdlll

L Idafit the pro an lJ'til.b calsin8 thc contlict

2. Uenqfy the feelings tt'^t te associrEd with thc conflict

3,Idafify the nnpa.r oftheplorlen that is cawing the conflict

4. Decide r.rhethet to rcsohe the conllict

5. Workfor rctolunan of nv conJli.l

How would you lik thc problem to b rcsolvcd?
ls a corpromisc nedd?

So,@: R.iIn P.U., & SL?.hir." M.S. (2002) ,las' fd Stbst4e
AbB. dnd Mqtal Heotth Cl,e r, Rockvillc MD:Subdklce Abu. lnd Mad Hd!$
:tfectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Therapy on Incarcerated

3* 2y" 1v" 1v"

! SubllitEd lo ftnlral Connclcul Sbb Unlvsrsny 1Y"

E 1"/o

E wwwpsychlar}i' 1%
! JoelMurc. luantilalivs anatysb ol btE bm chld+snlsrsd play tlmpv."' Int < 1o/"

E 1"/o

E 1o/o

E 1"/"

E LARS-GIJNNAR LUNDH ostberare so -harm In ls-vear'o'd aoolescents:A

< 170

E do$nloadrbadi,sanlEa"gov 1%
E Subn l6d b Sootrtn lllinois Universily 1o/o

E Subniud lo AuclGnd Udv6ily ol Tchmlogy 1o/o

E 1T"

E 17o

E 1o/o
E ffi"#'s < 1o/"
q ed.b.u'tsdu < 1o/"
E h*#"" < 1o/o
q H#adua' < 1o/o
Deborah r,l'ltmt|. 'M6ntal hallh rceds ot wonn !l ptitton: An llenlalonl es
< 170
flL.Rbhards. 'Evidsnce ot high lewb ol ambtv and deprcsslon in potnba < 1
I www'hsdsnbcrcYProlectca < 1"/o
!E Subr{l6d b Uni!rs'ty ol Slllnbosch Soulh Alrica < 1o/o
g Govt devisinS staiesy to chck incid6nb ol domsslio vlol6nc6 "'
PPI ' Pakisl < 1 70
S A. Ebert 'Psyohological resislanoo laciors 6s prcdiciors ol soneral halh < 1 70
4 ww < 1o/"
m www.outeachnEsazin com < 1o/o
Leahy, Michasl Chan. Foltg Saunders, Jodi. 'Job tunclions
and kno\ lsdSe fs < 1 70
q gH**" < 1o/o
E **H!t t* '*"tstry ot
MerPhF < 1o/"
E ffi"#"* <1V"
E *Hi* <l"h
CtuislDphef I Eckhardt "Adioulalsd lhoughls ot marrtallv uolenl and nonvrolei ' < 1 70
.hir klar.' cdttrbd drr|E{sd rdcBf mro*h b wdnU
"ih..< 170
Hdbq lcn Aodsq l(d|t e!sr, 8|||!. t).b.t .Ihm h$t !c.< 170

Ortdl.l c.L.'Hi dtr{ct l h d.D.$ s}t|'rr TE rule olcond[..< 170

c. Errr Bqnols. 'DaFlo!|rErltJ lsty of oaE rtd oodo{ @r!ad"" --< 170
April 09.2012

Subiet: Miror CorolioB in nlD Thasis


TI|c B.A.S.& in ili natinS on M&h 2E, 2012 .pptold Dt 3tudot Ms tubi. Ri./s PhD 6eris
.Drirlc<|, " of cogniti* B.hviw thdf'y @ Incrrq.Ld \rm,"
eid niM
corotioB [o b. n.dc !@dins b tb! suggcatioc of thc foFign .vduloB. TIF mdEdpt
hs, tlEFfoF, b.6 avis.d rc@ditg lo 0t i. omntJ3ugScsrioE, thc &t!il of which is 8iv.n
bclo*. Som ofdc col|m d3ugg.slio$ tlquirc sm. cxplo'.tim on tlE rdhods pon h.s d
al$ b.Gn pNvidcd. Kindly.ppto@.!d foBttd fd tunr*r Prcs.

As 3u8p3!d by Dr lflin, t fry mF ti6 ofqpl.nlio Fst'dins rhi! r.c h.v. bco tdd.d on

'llf D|!gr nudy s ainrcd primdily .l lh. inPlcl of inclMdion os woftn pri$ncu
lch;e l: lnr,oiElion, D.l, lirc l). IlErclo|t, litv di$dcB wE Nr n.nt'on.d in
d.r.iiu dEy c not.bEloD.d dE !o inDri$nlEr blt 6rhd sPG ! qtibudns tt td ro

cd0icri.e 3brcmnrs lPd 2 in.2)l:

ddutq hr! cdMla|t d thd lbc! ot| P6 & P 9 of th. th6is cla$ with cach
orhd. li sh@ld b. mt.d O.r th. 3tdcD6t o P5 Sivd . gcndlt otwi4 of U. off.M3
conmi(.d by mmo p.ioi6 8lob.Ut, botlt udd-ti.l &d @Niclcd Th. sntlardl on P 9 a
cii.d by rh. .ulqror, sp.cili.dly ulk about cdmitd che86 of @nvided P|lisrai wmd
prien.R. lt is !$mcd lh.l lhc cv.lotror mist*.nly link.d lh. tw trdmd$

Coder .nd A!!er lPm 4 (o 2)l;

-llE wdts ciLd tcm.l. Ecndd dd d8. (CePbcll l993i S.vlo sd D.nhm' 1993; Osl''
Mai.FKlttill & B.m!rd, 195) in tni3 lh6is lpeiftctllv cxpLi. rh. tuh.nirm or $s!r in
womd prisons. dpeially 6e @nvicred on6. I1E evrlualor hs u.fonmdly/nisrdcnly
dsumed it lo b a rcprsenr.rion ol thc 8n.Bt fenale pop ation in seslem s@ietics lhat is
daply egcned. ll rho'nd b. nored rh.r rhis rh.iii in no w.y limed to mispaor &y sily,
Non of th suppositioos ethe autho/s pe.sonat views. References havc been pbvided for
e&b expletion or deurcni givfl. Ho*der, s
sugg6td by 6e evatubr, chdges in th
contol hnve be. nade on pases | 3 ad l4 of thc lhcsis.

Tr@eruhic Ems lr.5l

'I ypognphic eN6 poiiled our by Dr. F.mddez hdve also been coreded on pag. n6. ix, 7, I l,
2l ed 53.

Tl'c @n.Mk o p6gs 3 lo 6 (of D!. Fchrdc/ rcpon) &d on pagcs |, Z, ed 4 (of Dr. rrwin
rpon) m v.luble rcneb for tul1ha t@ins ed mrk fft which m rhsktut b k


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