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Structural Eng./Earthquake Eng., JSCE, Vol.29, No.

1, 1s-8s, 2012
(Copy of Dobokugakkai Ronbunsyuu A2 Vol.68 No.1, 10-17, 2012.3)



Hao CHEN1 , Lalith WIJERATHNE2 , Muneo HORI3 and Tsuyoshi ICHIMURA4

Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (1-1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0032, Japan)
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo
(7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan)
Member of JSCE, Professor, Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo
(1-1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0032, Japan)
Member of JSCE, Associate Professor, Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo
(1-1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0032, Japan)

This paper studies the stability of dynamic crack growth in a homogeneous body, carrying out
a numerical experiment of a plate with two anti-symmetric cracks. PDS-FEM proposed by the
authors is extended to dynamic state and used in the numerical experiment. It is shown that
while a common process is not found for the crack growth, there are two dominant patterns for
the nal crack conguration. The rst pattern is anti-symmetric, indicating the stability of the
homogeneous body solution, and the second pattern is not anti-symmetric, suggesting that the
solution becomes unstable. It is also shown that higher loading rate tends to shift the crack
conguration to the second pattern, losing the stability of the solution.

Key Words : stability/instability, dynamic crack growth, particle discretization scheme, finite
element method, Monte-Carlo simulation

1. INTRODUCTION neous bodies is carried out for the stability anal-

ysis of dynamic crack growth; these bodies cor-
The stability of dynamic crack growth has been respond to experiment samples used for actual
a challenging problem in solid continuum me- failure tests.
chanics; for instance, see a list of references1),2),3) In order to carry out a numerical ex-
related to numerical computation. Eects of periment, we extend PDS-FEM4),5) (Particle-
linear/non-linear material properties or boundary Discretization-Scheme FEM) to dynamic state.
conditions as well as initial conguration on the PDS-FEM is originally formulated for Lagrangian
crack growth have been examined. In this paper, at quasi-static state, and hence the extension to
we seek to provide a new viewpoint, the mate- dynamic state is straightforward. Special atten-
rial heterogeneity eect, emphasizing that math- tions, however, have to be paid to time integra-
ematically, the stability is a nature of a solution tion since cracking releases strain energy. High
and examined by adding certain perturbation to robustness is required for the time integration,
a problem. and we adopt Hamiltonian formulation so that
Based on the above idea, our target is a weakly most robust algorithm which is proposed in the
heterogeneous body, which is made by adding dis- eld of computational quantum mechanics7) is
tribution of small material heterogeneity to an employed for the time integration.
ideally homogeneous body. Thus, it is regarded Based on experimental experiences, it is natu-
that a crack growth solution is unstable, if it ral to expect that the crack growth stability de-
is changed non-negligibly from a solution of the pends on the loading rate. That is, crack growth
ideally homogeneous body. A numerical experi- leads to shattering at higher loading, while crack
ment which uses a set of such weakly heteroge- growth becomes smoother at slower loading. The

dependence of the crack growth on the loading is sucient to prevent cracking due to fatigue,
rate is investigated in the numerical experiment. thermal stress or stress corrosion. Less attention
The content of the present paper is as follows: is paid to clarify the mechanism of how a crack
First, in Section 2, we discuss modeling of weak grows subjected to dynamic loading.
heterogeneity. It is explained that modeling is Another disadvantage of applying fracture me-
made by selecting candidates of possible crack chanics to the stability analysis is the use of
extensions. The extension of PDS-FEM to dy- stress intensity factor or a related quantity. Es-
namic state is explained in Section 3. Discretized timating the stress intensity factor requires some
Hamiltonian is derived so that a robust algorithm amount of numerical computation. No data are
is applied to the time integration. In Section 4, found for data related to spatial distribution of
a numerical experiment is carried out for a plate fracture toughness that is a critical value of the
in which a pair of anti-symmetric cracks are lo- stress intensity factor; it is inherently assumed
cated. The stability of the dynamic crack growth that fracture toughness is uniformly distributed
is analyzed based on the results which use a wide even though the value may change for each spec-
range of loading rates. Concluding remarks are imen or sample.
pointed out in Section 5. The key task of this paper is a numerical ex-
It should be noted that this paper is regarded periment that uses a set of weakly heterogeneous
as the extension of the authors study of evalu- bodies. We8) take a simple treatment of weak
ating the variability in cracking by using PDS- heterogeneity, as
FEM4),5),6) . The extension is aimed at analyzing
material properties are uniform except
dynamic state; another problem of dynamic state
for a parameter of fracture, and crack-
is studied6) . The variability is due to the distri-
ing is allowed only on some of pre-
bution of local heterogeneities, which is modeled
determined weak plane segments.
by using a set of PDS-FEM models with dier-
ent meshing. While the accuracy of PDS-FEM It is natural to measure the weakness of the plane
with linear tetrahedron elements is basically the segment in terms of material strength. Thus, in-
same as ordinary FEM with linear tetrahedron stead of a fracture mechanics based criterion, we
elements, the accuracy of evaluating the cracking adapt a material strength criterion, i.e., if the
variability is evaluated by checking the conver- average stress over a plane segment exceeds the
gence of the statistical characteristics of crack- strength, a crack is initiated on the segment or
ing. In this paper, the statistical characteristics extends itself to the segment. For simplicity, we
are computed for the location of the crack path, assume only tensile failure, ignoring shear fail-
and it is conrmed that the mean and standard ure. As will be explained later, PDS-FEM uses a
deviation of the location converge as around 200 boundary facet as a set of such pre-determined
models with dierent meshing are simulated; the weak plane segments for possible crack exten-
simulation could be regarded as a Monte Carlo sions.
simulation which uses dierent models. The stress averaged over a plane segment can
be interpreted as the surface integration of stress
that is required for a crack to grow all over the
2. MODELING OF WEAKLY HET- segment; while the stress near the crack tip is
EROGENEITY FOR CRACKING singular, the surface integration on the segment
is bounded. The critical value at which cracking
For brittle materials, it is usually observed that take place on the plane segment varies depending
a crack propagates in an unpredictable manner, on the area of the segment as well as the segment
when subjected to dynamic loading. For instance, edge at which the crack tip reaches. It is surely
kinking and brunching are induced during the possible to apply a fracture mechanics based cri-
process of crack growth, or shattering due to mul- terion in a numerical experiment of PDS-FEM,
tiple cracking is observed at higher loading rates. although the material strength criterion is used
This unpredictable pattern of the crack path is in in this paper.
contrast with the smooth path of fatigue cracks As studied by the authors4),5) , the mesh size is
which are subjected to quasi-static loading. regarded as a parameter which represents the de-
We nd disadvantages in applying fracture me- gree of material heterogeneity; the size becomes
chanics to the stability analysis of dynamic crack smaller as the distribution of material parameters
growth. This is mainly because fracture mechan- is closer to being uniform. For the stability anal-
ics is aimed at clarifying a condition for a pre- ysis of dynamic crack growth, however, we may
existing crack to start to grow; this condition not need to identify the degree of material het-

erogeneity or the mesh size, since a smaller mesh teristic functions of and , denoted by
size surely better represents the weak heterogene- and , as basis functions of discretizing function
ity. Thus, in the numerical experiment presented and its spatial derivatives, respectively. Func-
in Section 4, ner meshing is used near the tip of tions used in L are discretized as
the original crack, to allow a wider choice of crack
extension, while meshing becomes coarser farther u(x, t) = u (t) (x),
from the crack tip.

(x, t) = (t) (x),


DYNAMIC STATE (x, t) = (t) (x). (2)

On the viewpoint of the numerical computa-
tion, it is not easy to analyze the crack growth, Substituting
Eqs. (2) into Eq. (1) and computing
except for determining geometry of the crack ( L dt) = 0 with respect to and , we obtain

extension, since cracking releases strain energy = c : and = sym( b u ), where
stored in a region which surrounds the crack ex- the component of b is
tension. A robust algorithm that is able to com-

pute such an abrupt change in strain energy is bi = dv. (3)
required. The algorithm is also required to guar- xi
antee symplecticity, i.e., the total energy is con-
Computing ( L dt) = 0 with respect to u, we
served during the crack growth process. arrive at
A robust algorithm of time integration has been
studied in the eld of computational quantum M u (t) + K u (t) = 0, (4)
mechanics7) . To implement such an algorithm,
we formulate the dynamic extension of PDS-FEM
using Hamiltonian. It is certainly true that the where M is the mass of and the component

use of Hamiltonian is rare in continuum mechan- of K is
ics as well as numerically less ecient in the sense

Kik = cijkl b
j bl . (5)
that the degree-of-freedom is doubled. However,

for accurate time integration, we take this un-
common formulation; the numerical eciency is
Note that K is an element stiness matrix of
not much worse than a time integration scheme
PDS-FEM. This K coincides4) with an element
which uses velocity and acceleration such as the
stiness matrix of FEM with linear tetrahedron
Newmark method.
We start from the following Lagrangian of a
linearly and isotropically elastic sold, denoted by It should be noted that Eq. (4) automatically
B, with elasticity c and density : leads to a lumped mass matrix. No approxima-
tion is needed to derive the lumped mass matrix,
1 1
L[u, u; , ] = : c : u u unlike ordinary FEM. This is the advantage of
B 2 2 PDS-FEM, since, as shown in Eq. (2), displace-
+ : (u ) dv, (1) ment is discretized as a set of rigid body displace-
where u, and are displacement, strain and ment, or a continuum is regarded as an assembly
stress, respectively; and : stand for the rst and of rigid body particles; see similar but dierent
second contraction; and (.) and (.) are the spa- treatment9),10) of particle-like discretization.
tial and temporal derivative of (.). It is readily A crack or discontinuity in displacement is
derived that ( L dt) = 0 with respect to and readily expressed in terms of discontinuous ba-
leads to = c : and = sym(u) with sym sis functions of { } provided that it exists only
being the symmetric part of the second-order ten- on the interface between the neighboring Voronoi
sor, and that ( L dt) = 0 with respect to u leads tessellations. It is straightforward to re-compute

to the wave equation, u = (c : (u)). b of Eq. (3) and K of Eq. (5) when a crack

passes through the interface between and ,

(1) Discretization of Lagrangian by denoted by S . Indeed, due to cracking, new

means of PDS-FEM boundaries that correspond to S are created,
PDS-FEM4) uses dual domain decomposition and they are excluded from the integration over

of B, the Voronoi and Delaunay tessellations de- B. This leads to the neglecting on S , and

noted by { } and { }, and employs charac- the value of b and K is changed accordingly.

(2) Discretized Hamiltonian for PDS- Uniform tens ile
The governing equation for u , Eq. (4), is re- Average stress rate
24.5 of this cross section
garded as a discretized Lagrangian equation of
the following discretized Lagrangian:
1 8
Initial crack
L= u K u M u u , (6)

2 2

which is a function of u and u . Note that the z
second term gives kinetic energy since PDS-FEM
automatically derives a lumped mass matrix.
Once L is given, it is straightforward to trans- x
form it to the discretized Hamiltonian, denoted Unit (mm)
by H, i.e.,

H= p q L, (7)
Fig.1 Plate model with initial cracks.
where p = L
u and q = u are the momen-
tum and displacement of . As expected, H is

explicitly expressed in terms of K and M as
1 1 Table1 Material properties.
H= q K q + p p , (8) Youngs modulus [MPa] 3300
2 2M
and the Hamiltonian equations are Poissons ratio 0.38
[ ] [ ]
d q M1 p strength [MPa] 35.0
= . (9)
dt p K q density [kg/m 3] 1180
This is the governing equation for (p , q ).
We take advantage of the bilateral symplectic state. Following his numerical study, we study
algorithm11) as a robust algorithm of the time in- a thin plate of 524.5140 mm, which includes
tegration of Eq. (9). The main advantage of this two anti-symmetric parallel cracks of length 0.6
algorithm is that in order to achieve the accu- mm; see Fig. 1. It is assumed that the material
racy of the order of tN with t and N being is linearly elastic and that a fracture criterion is
time increment and an integer, it needs 2N times a material strength one; see Section 2. The mate-
iteration for the interval of 2t. For simplicity, rial properties are similar to those of epoxy; see
omitting superscript and using superscript for Table 1.
the iteration number in the interval of 2t, this The displacement boundary condition is posed;
algorithm is formulated as follows: the bottom end of the model is xed, and the top
qn = qn1 + bn pn1 t, end is pulled up in longitude direction. The -
pn = pn1 an Kn pn t, (10) nal displacement is set as U = 0.236 mm. The
loading rate is the velocity of the top end, de-
for n = 1 to N ,
noted by U . In view of the P-wave velocity of
pn = pn1 bnN Kn1 pn1 t, the assumed material being 2288 m/s, we use
qn = qn1 + anN pn1 t (11) 0.1% of the P-wave velocity as a reference, i.e.,
for n = N + 1 to 2N , with [q0 , p0 ]
and [q2N , p2N ] Vr = 0.252 m/s, and examine four loading rates,
being [p, q] at t and t + 2t. It is the set of namely, U /Vr = 1, 3, 9, 27. Following the PDS-
constants, (an , bn ), that guarantee the accuracy FEM discretization, we model the crack tip as a
of the order tN . In the present paper, we use notch of the height 0.6 mm; the vertical surface of
N = 2, for which (a1 , b1 ) = ( 12 , 0) and (a2 , b2 ) = the notch is discretized by using 2 elements. The
average mesh size is 1.0 mm at the top and bot-
(1, 1); see Chen12) for the detailed examination of
tom surfaces of the notch. Due to this discretiza-
the time integration accuracy.
tion, we set the time increment as t = 269, 89.7,
2.99, 2.03109 s for U /Vr = 1, 3, 9, 27, respec-
4. NUMERICAL EXPERIMENT tively. It should be emphasized that the crack tip
velocity is assumed to be innite in the present
(1) Problem setting analysis or a whole facet is fully broken during
Sato et al.13) solved a 2D plane strain prob- one increment of loading; less attention is paid
lem of anti-symmetric cracks which grow in an to the wave propagation analysis in which a tar-
ideally homogeneous body, assuming quasi-static get frequency must be specied for a given time

(a) 4.30 105 s (b) 8.60 105 s (c) 1.72 104 s

Fig.2 Crack growth process: U /Vr = 1.

(a) 4.30 105 s (b) 8.60 105 s (c) 1.72 104 s

Fig.3 Crack growth process: U /Vr = 27.

increment and an element dimension. made by Sato et al.13) . The crack growth pro-
cess changes when the loading rate is dierent;
(2) Crack growth process see Fig. 3 for U /Vr = 27.
For other models, the anti-symmetry is lost
A Monte-Carlo simulation is used for this nu-
during the crack growth process as well, and the
merical experiment of the stability analysis. For
process changes depending on the loading rate.
a plate model of the identical conguration, dif-
It is hard to nd common crack growth process;
ferent Voronoi and Delaunay tessellations are ap-
each model has its own process, such as the right
plied so that models with distinct set of crack
crack grows rst to some extent and then the left
plane candidates are generated. Random gener-
one grows, or both the cracks grow simultane-
ation of the tessellation is applied, with a model
ously until only one grows. The process is literally
which has ill-shaped conguration for Delaunay
chaotic, and strongly depends on the initial set-
tetrahedrons being excluded. Special cares12) are
ting of crack extension candidates that are given
taken not to generate models of similar tessella-
by the Voronoi boundaries.
tions; see Chen12) in detail.
As a typical example of crack growth process,
Fig. 2 shows snapshots of growing crack for (3) Crack path configuration
U /Vr = 1. As is seen, the anti-symmetry is For simplicity, the crack path conguration at
lost during the crack growth process, which is the nal loading step is used to quantitatively an-
in contrast with the quasi-static state simulation alyze the stability of the crack path solution. The

(a) Average (b) Standard deviation

Fig.4 Average and standard deviation of crack path position: U /Vr = 1.

(a) Average (b) Standard deviation

Fig.5 Average and standard deviation of crack path position: U /Vr = 27.

crack conguration is measured at the location of where Nij is the number of models in which crack-
the crack that is averaged in the plate thickness ing takes place at the (i, j) grid and N is the total
direction. The average and standard deviation of number of models.
the location are plotted in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 for
It should be noted that PDF is anti-symmetric;
the case of U /Vr = 1 and 27, respectively; the
the probability that the left crack forms a certain
horizontal axis is the number of models and the
conguration is identical with the probability the
vertical axis is the dierence of the vertical coor-
right crack forms the anti-symmetric image of the
dinate of the crack path at the designated hori-
conguration. The anti-symmetry of the congu-
zontal coordinate from its converged value. As is
ration, however, is rarely observed for each model.
seen, the average and standard deviation are al-
To emphasize the loss of anti-symmetry, we ro-
most converged when the model number exceeds
tate the model by 180 degree so that only the left
crack grows mainly. The true PDF is easily ob-
The probability density function (PDF) of
tained by taking the anti-symmetric part of PDF
crack conguration is obtained by using the re-
computed in this manner.
sults of 200 models. A grid of 24, 000 20, 000 is
used, and the probability of cracking at the (i, j) In Fig. 6, presented are PDFs of the nal
grid is computed as crack conguration computed in the above men-
Nij tioned manner for the four cases of U /Vr =1,
Pij = (12) 3, 9, 27. Unlike the crack growth process, we

(a) U /Vr = 1 (b) U /Vr = 3

(c) U /Vr = 9 (d) U /Vr = 27

Fig.6 PDF of crack conguration at nal loading step.

can observe some patterns. For the lowest load- presented in Fig. 7. Pattern 1 (or the anti-
ing rate (U /Vr = 1), regions where probability symmetric PDF) shows that the solution of the
density of crack passing is concentrated form an ideally homogeneous body is stable in the sense
anti-symmetric pattern, which seems similar to that the conguration does not change signi-
the anti-symmetric crack conguration computed cantly even in the presence of weak heterogeneity.
by Sato et al.13) . For the highest loading rate As the loading rate increases, Pattern 1 becomes
(U /Vr = 27), regions of high probability density less dominant, which implies the stability loss
appear a branch from the anti-symmetric pat- of the solution of the ideally homogeneous body.
tern. As the loading rate increases, this branch However, the concentration of PDF becomes close
has higher values of the probability density. to Pattern 2, which suggests the presence of an
attractor to which the crack conguration solu-
There exist two dominant patterns for PDF
tion tends to be close to.
of the crack conguration, even though there
are no common growth processes through which It is of interest to quantitatively examine the
the cracks form the nal conguration shown in shift from Pattern 1 to Pattern 2 due to the in-
Fig. 6. These two patterns are schematically crease in the loading rate. In Table 2, the ra-

ical experiment with actual experimental data, in
Table2 Ratio of probability for two crack congura- order to verify the present conclusion on the na-
tion patterns.
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