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6200 North Central.Expressway NUMBER SPE 3830

Dallas, Texas 75206


Permeabi 1 ity Damage from Dri I I ing

Fluid Additives

Bruce A. Barna, Humble Oil & Refining Co., and
John T. Patton, Member AIME, Michigan TechnologicalU.
0 Copyright 1972
American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.

This paper was prepared for the Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting of the Society of Petroleum
Engineers of AIME, to be held in Denver, Colo., April 10-12, 1972. Permission to copy is restricted
to an abstract of not more than 300 words. Illustrationsmay not be copied. The abstract should
contain conspicuousaclmowledgmentof where and by whom the paper is presented. Publication else-
JOURNAL is ususlly granted upon request to the Editor of the appropriate journal provided agreement
to give proper credit is made.

Discussion of this paper is invited. Three copies of any discussion should be sent to the
Society of Petroleum Engineers office. Such discussionmay be presented at the above meeting and,
with the paper, may be considered for publication in one ofthe two SPE magazines.

ABSTRACT evaluate permeabilitydamage. Plugging of the

cores was arbitrarilydefined as the point at
This detailed evaluation of various which the pressure drop across the drilling
drilling mud particulate additives indicates fluid filter cake exceeded 100 psi. The plugged
that the compositionof fluid loss and rheology core was backflushedwith brine at a pressure
agents has a decided influence on the less than 50 psi before assessing the degree of
permeabilitydamage characteristicsof the permeabilitydamage.
resulting drilling fluids. Research was
conducted at Michigan Technological.U. in an Significant differencesin the amounts of
effort to quantify the loss in wellbore permeabilityregain were noted for the different
permeability attributableto the particulate types of particles but not for the particle
additives in various drilling fluid sizes. The greatest damage was noted for the
formulations. gelatinous starch particles. Calcium carbonate
and bentonite additives,however, were found
Preliminary tests were performed on Berea actually to improve the performance of the base
ssndstone followed by experimentswith cores fluid. This aspect may be explained by the
from the Huntington Beach field, Calif. This formation of a protective filter cake that limit
is an area where significantpermeability the invasion of gelatinous, colloidal particles.
damage during drilling has been reported. This cake is effectivelyremoved when the flow
of fluids is reversed to stiulate the clean-up,
Water-base laboratory muds were for?nulated which occurs when a new well is placed in
with 1 lb/bbl of clarified Kelzan XC polymer anc production.
6 lb/bbl of the type and size of particle to be
tested. Particulatematerials investigated The results of this study should have
include drill solids, calcium carbonate, valuable applicationsin the design of drilling
bentonite and starch. The latter three were fluids used in partially depleted reservoirs.
fractionatedinto three size ranges from -200 tc They may also be used in designingnondamaging
-400 mesh plus an Mas receivedttsample of each weli-~iltig and workover fluids.

Permeabilitiesto brine, before and after INTRCI)UCTION

plugging with drilling fluid, were used to
n.m.a-=.- :11 . ..-+--+4 A-.= .+ ,sr,rl nf llSner. Operators in many oil fields have
llJaeItmLeLY ai-ld J-L.LU=ULO.ULWIL. a. .*.U . &cA=.. .

encountereddifficultiesin drilling and com- For a given drainage radius (re) and well-
pleting wells without adversely affecting the bore radius (rw), reductions in flow potential
wells potentialto produce oil or accept in- are affected by the depth of permeability
jection fluids. Such well damage results from damage (ro) and by the amount of permeability
the interaction of the drilling or completion damage (1 - a), wherea is the ratio of the
fluid with the exposed formation face and can b permeability in the damaged zone to that in the
influenced by proper fluid formulation. undamaged zone. Similar reductions in flow can
AL .- be effe~td b=*~m@+vQ nwmeahili+.v
.L,U= -au----. - r----------u
Selection of a drilling fluid is also damage in the narrow zone around the wellbore
influenced by the depth of the well.,anticipate or by lesser permeabilitydamage that extends
drill$ng difficulties,and drilling fluid costs to a greater depth.
The final selection for any given well, then,
must be an economic decision relating drilling Fig. 1 demonstratesthe effects of such
costs and fluid costs to anticipatedproduc- flow reduction on productivityloss. The
tivity of the well. The problems associated results are based upon a representativewell on
with this decision are further complicatedby 40-acre spacing (drainageradius equals 660 ft)
the difficulty of accuratelypredicting poten- with a wellbore radius of 3 in. and l-in. skin
tial well productivity or evaluatingdrilling damage around the wellbore. For a well having
fluid damage. an undamaged potential of 1,000 B/D and the
relativelylow sldn damage of 0.20 (20 percent
Three distinct mechanisms have been postu- permeabilityreduction in the damaged zone),
lated to explain the reduction in flow potentia the production loss would be approximately9
or permeabilitydamage, as it is sometimes B/D of crude oil, or $10,000/year at $3/barrel.
called. The first involves interaction of the Thus, it is usuaiiy tinecase that _._--
filtrate of the drilling fluid with the solids directed toward minimizing drilling fluid damag
in the formation. The swelltig or dispersion o is justifiedby large returns associatedwith
clay minerals or the migration of formation productivityincreases.
particles into pore openings would explain this
phenomena. Fluid loss control, natural or supple-
mented, is necessary during drilling to remove
---..-.LL-l A,.,n.,+ - . . .
The second form of permeabilitydamage can CUt~bL&, fJMVG1lb ULUWUUIJa ad m~~!~~e mud
be attributed to interactionbetween the fil- costs. Recognizingthis fact and accepting the
trate of the drilling or completion fluid and mechanism of damage by filtrate invasion,
the fluids within the reservoir. Permeability operators have been inclined to select drilling
damage may then occur by oilwetting of the fluids that minimize fluid loss. Often this ha
invaded pores? causing a reduction in the involved the use of particulatematter to seal
permeabilityto oil. This effect is sometimes the pores of the weiibore face and tinusitiii
called water blocking. Damage may also be fluid loss. The most effective additives for
=Pfn-+=d hv
Q...- -J ~.he fmmat,,on of emulsions or minimizing fluid loss, however, have been the
netision blOdcingl* fine, hydratableparticles such as bentonite,
starch, lignosulfatesand some polymers. These
The third mechanism tivolves physical particles tend to aggravate the particle
blocking of the pore openings in the wellbore blocking problem, and in some cases, their use
by the particulate matter from the drilling may have increased damage even though limiting
fluid. It is expected, then, that this damage filtrate invasion.
is related to the shape and size distribution
of pore openings and to the shape, size, For fluid-sensitiveformations,the damage
deformabilityand nettability of the particles due to filtrate invasion can be the controlling
in the well fluid. Also importsnt should be factor in flow reduction since the depth of
the differentialpressure involved during the damage could be exbensive. In such cases,
drilling and clean-up phase of the operation. particulate sealing of the pores may be justi-
fied even though special techniques,such as
The decrease in productivity caused by acid washing, bore scraping, or even fracturing
permeabilitydamage around the wellbore (skin of the formation, are often necessary to remove
damage) is easily demonstrated. Muskat has the damage and achieve the desired productivity
derived the expression for well productivity For formationswhich are not excessivelyfluid
sensitive,the technique of particulate sealing
fi a.mat:on
contmu~y a-:. ?.:Y$;e :y:m&;ng
m permeatJuA~Y.-I ~~ of p.~~f ~th~ugh reducfig productivityand
fluid production capacity of a damaged well to increasing drilling costs, has been justified
that of an undamaged well, this is best pre- for preventing fluid loss for biowout controi
sented as reduced flow potentiai and is given b .-?-l
~Lu 7...
~utuu,6 -
Q *log (re/rw)
Present advances in the area of fluid loss
Q. log (ro/rw)+*log (re/ro) - reduction involve the use of water-base,polyme

. .-.-4.-..-,
fluids that exhibit a high degree of pseudo- Smts in bsacllul~ pe.rmeaA..J
.hil++v ~~rn~ge; third:

plasticity. This non-Newtonianflow property filtrates from saline muds cause little
is characterizedby high viscosities at low permanent damage; and fourth, filtrates of oil-
shear rates which effectivelylimits filtrate base muds have little effect on the effective
invasion and by low viscosity under high shear oil permeability. They further suggested that
which protides for ease in pumping and improved filtrate invasion may produce greater damage
hole cleaning. These fluids have the added than that resulting from particle invasion or
advantage of betig relatively inexpensive, face plugging.
temperature stable, and compatiblewith most
drilling fluid additives. The polymer that Krueger and Voge113 commented on the natun
appears to have the most desirable properties of particle invasion in a paper published in
and that is widely used is xanthan gum, a bio- 1954. They correlated reductions in perme-
synthesizedpolymer produced by bacteria of the ability (under dynamic scraping conditions as
genus Xanthomonas. This polymer is presently used by Nowak and Krueger) to testing time and
being marketed by the Xanco Division of the cumulative filtrate loss. Berea sandstone core,
Kelco Co. and by Enjay Chemical Co., a sub- were used because of the absence of water-
sidiary of Standard Oil Co. (N.J.). sensitive clays.

PREVIOUS RESEARCH An interesting result of their work is tha

all fluids tested produced an equivalent amount
Researchersin the past have investigated of damage in a core for a given fluid loss. In
the mechanisms and effects of permeability addition, they found that, for long exposure
damage and have achieved some success in pre- times of 20 to 30 days, damage due to particle
dicting and lessening permeabilitydamage. invasion compared in magnitude to that produced
Miller, Morgan and Muskat15 cited, in their by water invasion of water-sensitivecores.
1945 publication, evidence that initial capac- Thus, the 6&minute tests used by Nowak and
ities of wells in California oil fields were Krueger may have disguised the cumulative effec
generally greater when using oil-base muds than of particle invasion. These results are partic,
when using water-base muds. ularly important when it is noted that the
relatively high drawdown pressure of 600 psi pe:
Radford21 related field data in 1947 com- foot of core was used for removal of plugging.
paring oil-base and water-base muds. Seversl
California field studies were evaluated in- Finally, Kennedy and Pfile,10 in 1955,
cluding one, in particular, consisting of a published the results of their work at Texas
single field drilled with four water-base and A&N U. They used relatively small cores
four oil-base wells. He found that, initial (0.5-in. cubes) to investigatethe effects of
specific productivityindices for oil-base well distilled water, four salt solutions, a dilute
range from 50 to 200 percent higher than those caustic soda solution and six drilling mud
of the clay-base (clay-water)wells. After a filtrates on the effectivepermeability of thes
period of 6 to 7 years, this relationshipstill cores. Highly alkaline filtrates and solutions
exists. were found to produce even greater permeability
reductions than that of distilled water. This
Bertnessl also related water damage to wel was attributed to the swelling for intergranular
productivityin 1953. Contrary to Radfords clays.
results, he found that productivityis not di-
rectly related to water sensitivityand that EXPERIMENTALPROCEDURE
oil productivity of some consolidatedsands
could be restored by the flow of oil. This The basic equipment used in the determina-
+.v he su~gests: is related to the draw-
EbilL.Jj tion of permeabilityregain consists of a
down available for oil flow. His results are positive displacementpropor%iiirdmg puiip;a
based upon laboratory tests on Stevens zone Hasler sleeve-typecore holder; reservoirs for
car~~ ~.ldp~e~u~t.i~jtyrecords of four wells in brine, drilling fluid, and acid; and pressure
the Stevens zone of California. gauges to measure pressure differentialsduz-fiig
pb.a~e~ Of e.~eriment.

Nowak and Krueger published a detailed
study in 1951, isolating the effects of mud Brine was used for drilling fluid fonmila-
filtrates and mud particles upon core perme- tion, core saturationand permeabilitymeasure-
abiiities.Filtrate effects were civsm{nd
.AwLA...-by ments. Its use is justified by the lack of
using filtered fluids in conjunctionwith cores detrimental effect on water-insensitivecores
from the Stevens zone of the Paloma field, (such as the Berea cores), its close approxi-
California. They conciuded that, first, fresh mation t~ the compositionof the formation wate:
~.a$ercr fre~b.water-base filtrates provide of the Huntington Beach field, and the assumpt-
the greatest permeabilitydamage; second, poly- ion that drilling fiuid.damage is mst detri-
Walks In such
valent salts are more effective than monovalent

semidepletedwells, the productivity should be The initial average permeabilityto brine

related to the flow of tijection water or to was measured at two different flow rates. The
the flow of the two-phase oil with formation test fluid was then pumped through the outlet
water. Thus the permeabilityto brine should valve and into the core until plugging occurred
be a measure of potential well productivity. as indicated by a line pressure of 100 psi.
The volume of fluid required to plug the core
The brine used in all test work was pre- was recorded.
pared by dissolving sodium chloride, calcium
chloride and sodium borate in distilled water Finally, the brine was reconnectedto the
to produce concentrations(weightpercent) of inlet of the core holder and the core was
3 percent, 0.4 percent and 0.2 percent, respec- flushed with 100 ml at a differentialpressure
tively, of the salts. below 50 psi. The permeabilityto brine was
remeasured at two different flow rates and the
Regain tests were perfonneciwitn severai percent regain was calculated.
water-base fluids to permit selection of a
base fluid for suspensionof the particulate RESULTS
matter in particle tests. The tests were
yv.~.,,,tiu P.-,- ~~~e+-fill
m,.linr?: Unlv.m Yf? (1 lh/ +ven+.een
e-.-------- different. drillin~
---------------a fluids were
bbl), clarified Kelzan XC ~s~:~;-~<j;b~j ~d initially tested with Berea cores in an effort
guar gum (2 lb/bbl). Average regains were to evaluate their damage characteristicsand
o-.--d.- u-
or ----..J.
>> percalb, 82
CM -..
Q1. pcL--

cent, respectively,for the three fluids when core samples. Several of the best formulations
tested with Berea cores. Clarified Kelzan XC were then tested with Huntington Beach cores.
was selected as the base fluid. A stock solu- Results f this study were reported by
tion of clarified Kelzan was prepared con- Kennedy~l They indicate that blocking of the
taining 5 lb/bbl of polymer in distilled water formation pore spaces by particulate matter
and approximately5 lb/bbl of formaldeh@e to suspended in the drilling fluid is the mecha-
p. Q-.. &.A.#A~Auu
u~. u-u.-... l%+.
. ----
..-.. ~-i~rn ~~~ncm=ihle
=-------- for
--- ~ l~~ge mount
_..___ of the

solution was then diluted 1:4 with brine, con- permeabilityreduction around the wellbore.
taining the appropriateamount of excess salts, Results of the study also indicate that damage
to yield the base fluid with 1 lb/bbl of poly- is related to the size and surface characteris-
mer in the desired brine. The solution was tics of the particles.
allowed to hydrate overnight, 0.2 lb/bbl of
potassium chrome alum was added, and the poly- A second series of tests was performed in
mer was then cross linked at a pH of 8 to 10. an effort to evaluate particulate additive
Finally, the required type and size of particu- effects on the regain characteristicsof
late material was added to provide a working drilling fluids. These tests were performed on
fluid containing6 lb of solids per barrel. Berea cores using drilling fluids containing
6 lb/bbl of the test material suspended in the
Berea sandstone cores were obtained from base fluid containing 1 lb/bbl of clarified
the Cleveland Quarries Co. of Amherst, Ohio. Kelzan XC (2.4).
The 2-in. dismeter specimens were cut into l-in
long samples with the aid of a diamond saw Duplicate tests were run on fluids con-
using tap water lubrication. The specimens taining calcium carbonate,bentonite, or starch
were subsequentlydried at room temperaturefor particles in the size ranges of -400 M, -200 +
a period exceeding at least 1 week and blown 400 M, -200 + 270 M and as received or
free of loose particles using low pressure air. agglomerate (Aggl). Results are plotted as
permeability regains in Fig. 2.
In a typical permeabilityregati test, the
core sample was first positioned in the sleeve- From the bar graph, Fig. 2, it is apparent
type holder and the annulus pressurized to 150 that the calcium carbonate fluid yields con-
psi. The core was then evacuated and saturated sistently high regains for all size ranges;
with brine by flushing 100 mm through the core. bentonite gives high regains, with the possible
The core was-then pressurizedto 20 psi with exception of the -270 + 400 M size fraction,
brine and permitted to remain in this state for and starch additives yield consistentlylow
1 hour or longer to establishwater saturation. regains especially for the -270 + 400 M size
The restored state for the cores was finally fraction.
establishedby pumping 50 mm of oil (2:1 light
machine oil-kerosenemixture directly from the An analysis of variance was performed on
pump) through the core and subsequentlydis- the data to quantify the particle test results.
placing as much oil as possible from the core The test was performed for a two-way classifi-
by flushing with 50-ml portions of brine in cation (type of particle and size of particle)
alternate flow directions. with two replicates per cell.14 Results of the
statistical calculationindicate that, for a

random, !&pe II model (random selection of the additional damage that occurs with starch
particle type and size), the effects due to and beiitmite addlt.ivesin the -~?~ + -?--
..+1 .1 .
~iiIbAGAG 4.-.
LIJ~G =~
i +-in2ni-.
~~ ~.h~ 99=5 per- size rsn~e. Possible explanationsticlude
cent confidencelevel and effects due to inter- deformat~on of particles; displacementof grain:
actions between particle type and size are from the core during sawing, thus causing
significantat the 99 percent confidencelevel. larger pore openings at the exposed face; or
Effects due to particle size slone are rela- irregular particle shapes or pore shapes that
tively insignificant (approximately70 percent might tend to magnify the damage for particular
confidence). These statisticalresults corre- sizes of particles. Purther experimentation
late with the low regains for all starch-type would be necessary to evaluate this effect.
fluids snd also with the low regains noted for
the fluids prepared with -270 + 400 M size frac- Many of the test results are directly
tions of starch bentonite. The extremely low applicable to field operations and can be used
regains measured for all starch fluids could to minimize permeabilitydamage during drilling
have dominated the significanceof particle and work-over operations. The tests on
type in the snalysis of variance. Therefore, Huntington Beach cores show that very low
Tuckeys t-test22 was performed to detenntie permeabilitydamage, even in water-sensitive
if calcium carbonate fluids produced signifi- formations, can be achieved using water-base
cantly higher regains than bentonite fluids. polymer fluids with proper additives. The
Tuckeys t-test indicates that fluids con- drilling ease and inexpensivenessof such
taining calcium carbonate could be expected to fluids is generally recognized. As an example,
perform better than those containingbentonite xanthsn gum is used in etiremely low concentra-
at about an 80 percent confidencelevel. tions with water, thus minimizing fluid costs
and the resulting fluid is highly pseudoplastic,
DISCUSSION AND APPLICATION OF RESULTS thus lowering pumping costs. Xanthan fluids
also exhibit excellent fluid loss control
Particulate additive test results indicate properties and low permeabilitydamage charac-
that the type of particulate additive has a teristics. In addition, the water-base fluids
significanteffect on the permeabilitydamage formulatedwith such polymers are relatively
characteristicsof drilling fluids. Results temperature stable and compatiblewith most
further indicate that particle size has a additives and are reasonably good lubricants.
significant effect only for certain types of
particles. These phenomena may be explained on For the nondeformable,nonhydratable
the basis of predicted mechanisms for perme- particle such as calcium carbonate,indications
ability damage. Assuming that physicsi blockirq ----4L_L
are una~ pai-uiCl~ SIZ~
hee l+++la
..== --..+.
. . . . . .
o~a t~~

of the pore openings is the mechanism respon- fluidls damage characteristics. This suggests
sible for most of the particulate damage, it that use of such an additive would eliminate th(
would be expected that the gummy, hydratable need for sizing and/or selectivePuiichase,thds
particles would be the greatest offenders. Thi: lowering mud costs. Likewise, the presence of
is as observed for the starch and bentonite drill solids appears either to improve or have
additives. In addition, such particles should little effect upon performance of the drilling
be most harmful when their size permits easy fluid. Thus, for cases where improvement is
the pore openingsg thus providin[ noted, possible savings could be effected by
highly effective blocking when swelltig or utilizing lower concentrationsof additives.
hydration takes place. This effect appears to
occur for the bentonite and starch additives in Performance of the water-basepolymer
the -270 + 400 M size ranges. fluids with additives such as calcium carbonate
or bentonite suggests the formation of a polyme]
It is difficult to evaluate this effect in interlaced filter cake that adheres loosely to
the absence of actual pore-size measurements. the formation. The result, then, is excellent
Gray and Rex5 do discuss pore-size dimensions fluid loss control with minimal formation
for Berea cores in a paper published in 1966. damage.
They cite results of clay migration tests on
Berea cores having initial brine pexmeabilities Finally, use of a particulate additive sucl
of 200 to 300 md, which are compara.bieto tlnose ---....1-.. .-nh.m.+a
aa GaA.GAb4A11 Clx u..-.
~~AQIJ_M p~~~:~~ ~x~euen-t

permeabilitiesto brine (of 30 to 100 md in the acid clean-up properties. Simple washing of th(
presence of interstitialoil) for the cores wellbore with hydrochloricacid should effec-
used in the particulate additive tests. The tively remove the filter cske and any calcium
results of the clay migration studies seem to carbonate plugging that has occurred. Similar
indicate average pore dimensions of less than removal could be performed with the commonly
1 micron within the cores. The -270 + 400 M used 4:2 mud acid. Water-base polymer fluids
particulate material.,however, has an average containing calcium carbonate as an additive
diameter between 38 and 53 microns. Insuffi- should perform well even in water-sensitive
cient evidence, then, is available to explain formations.

The results of this study are especially 10. Kennedy, H. T. and Pfile, R. A.: The
applicable to infill drilling of semidepleted Effect of Various Mud Filtrates on the
formations that do not have the energy required Permeability of Sandstone Cores, J. Phys.
to clean up naturslly once the well is placed and Chem. (1955) 2, ~o-9730
on production. They can further be used in the 11. Kennedy. J. L.: it~illfigMud P@icdateS
design of well-killingand workover fluids. Can Ca~&e Formation Damag=, Oil and Gas J.
(Aug. 2, 1971)62A4.
ACKNOWMDGMENTS 12. Kersten, G. V.: Oil-Base Fluids - Results
and Use in Drilling and CompletingWells,
We wish to acknowledgethe financial Oil and Gas. J. (April 27, 1946)135-136,
assistance of the Union Carbide Corp. and E. I. 139, 143.
du Pent de Nemours and Co., whose contributions 13. Krueger, R. F. snd Vogel, L. C.: Damage
in the form of grants-in-aidto the Chemistry to Sandstone Cores by Particles from
and Chemical EngineeringDept., Michigan Tech- Drilling Fluids, Dfil. and Prod. Prac.,
nological U., made this work possible. We are API (1954)158-171.
also indebted to the Kelco Corp. that supplied 14. Li, C. C.: Intraiuctionto Experimental
equipment and chemicals used in this research. Statistics,McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.,
New YorkT1964) 418-428.
REFERENCES 15. Miller, K: T.,Morgan,F. and Muskat, M.:
nsome permeabilityExperiments on Cores
10 Bertness, T. A.: nObse~atiOnS of Water from the Stevens Sand, Paloma Field,
Damage to Oil Productivity,Drill. and California,Prod. Monthly (Nov., 1946)
Prod. Prac., API (1953) 287; or Oil and 31-34.
~v. 13, 1953)5=o. 16. Moore. J. E.: lfclay~erdogy Problems in
2. Eivck.H. T.: ~~~e Effect of Formation Oil Recove , Pet. Eng. (Feb., 1960, snd
P&meability on the Plastering Behavior of March, 19607 .
Mud Fluids; Oil and Gas J. (%y30, 1940) 17. Muskat, M.: Physical principles of Oil
39, No. 3, 50-51. Production,McGraw-Hill.Book Co., Inc.,
3. =udle, B: H., Slobod. R. L. and New York (19,L9)
. . . . 2L2-2L5.
. ..
Brownscombe,E. R.: ~~~~her Developments 18. Nowak, T. J. snd Krueger, R. F.: The
in the Laboratory Determinationof Relativ Effect of Mud Filtrates and Mud Particu-
Permeabilityf, Trans., AIME (1951)~, late Upon the Permeabilitiesof Cores,
L4J-A>u. World &l (July, 1951) 125-130; and (AM.,
4. Geffen, T. M., Owens, W. W., Parrish, D. R =;162.
and Morse, R. A.: ExperimentalInvesti- 19. . .: Hsndbook of Statistical
gation of Factors Affecting Laboratory Tabl& Addison Wesley Publishing Co.,
Relative PermeabilityMeasurementsf, -g, Mass. (1962) 62-7o.
Trans., AIME (1951) 192, 99-110. 20. Patton~J. T.: %dified Heteropoly-
5* ~ D. H. and Rex,= W.: Formation saccharides,U. S. Patent pending S. N.
Damage in Sandstones Caused by Clay Dis- 15,590 filed March 2, 1970.
persion and Migration!,Clays and Cl~ 21. Radford, H. E.: ~!FactorsInfluencing
Minersls, Proc., Ikth National Conference Selection of Mud Fluid for Completion of
~6. Wells!,Drill. and Prod. Prac., ~ (19.47)
6. Haider, M, L.: l!~oductitityIndexf ~, 23-28.
Drill and Prod. Prac., API (1936) 181-190. 22. Tukey, J. W.: The Problem of Multiple
7* Hewitt, C. H.: ~~~~flicti Techniquesfor Cornarisons, Princeton U. Press, Princeton,
RecognizingWater-SensitiveReservoir -).
Rocks, J. Pet. Tech. (Aug., 1963) 813- 23. Wade, F. R.: ?~~e Evaluation of Completion
818. Practice from Productivity-Indexand
8. Johnston, N. and Beeson, C. M.: water PermeabilityData, Drill: and Prod. Prac.,
Permeability of Reservoir Sands, Trans., API (19L7) 186-21L.
Am (1945A ~60, 43-55. 24. White,E~J.,Baptist, O. C. and Land, C.
7* Tom%, .
r ..n~p_f~lJence Qf chemical s .: !IphYsic~ properties ~d ClaY ~erd
Composition of Water on Clay Blocking of Contents Affecting Susceptibilityof Oil
Permeability,J. Pet. Tech. (April, 1964] sands to Hater Ihiage, IU 6093, L!SB!4
441-446. (1962).
Based Upon:
Depth of Damage = 1
Price of Crude = $3.00/bbl
Undamaged Potential:

+= 50 bbllday

A= 1000 bbllday
a 2(X)0 bbllday

o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5


Fig. 1 - Potential 10ss vs skin damage.

Ilein -
U> II Iy:

R@r@a Cntw
m v. ..
Base Fluid -1#/bbl Clarified Kelzan X-C
100 Particulate -6#/bbl





-400 -270 -200 AGGL -400 -270 -200 AGGL -400 -270 -200 AGGL PARTICLE SIZE

+400+270 + 400+ 270 + 400+ 270


Fig, 2- Particletype affects regain.

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