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Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1


im ply put,m etalw orking is anything you do w ith m etal.Bend FEBRU ARY 3,2015 BY M U SCLE CAR D IY
ham m er it, w eld it, or drill a hole in it its all m etalw ork.
elding,on the other hand,is m ore specific.Because m etal
elts w hen itis suffi ciently heated,tw o orm ore pieces ofm etalcan be fused togetherinto one
iece. This property of m etals has dom inated hum an history and enabled our m odern
chnologicalw orld.

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r m ost of history, iron and its derivatives have been relatively rare and expensive. M any

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Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

eans have been used to m ine and refine iron ore,butone ofthe m ostcom m on w as to sim ply
rag a m agnet through a m uddy riverbed.Sm all bits of iron w ould stick to the m agnet and
uld be easily separated from the surrounding earth.Then a blacksm ith w ould heatthe m ass
iron fragm ents and begin to w ork it,eventually form ing itinto a single piece ofm etal.

s you m ight im agine, this m ethod of m ining for iron w as tim eand labor-intensive. A fine
plem ent such as a sw ord took hundreds of hours to create. The biblical proverb about
eating sw ords into plow shares reflects this truth:w hen iron is precious,you m ustrecycle even
ursw ord w hen you dontneed itany m ore.

n w as rare and valuable enough to recycle through m ostofhistory,and steelhas been even
ore valuable yet.Pure iron (correctly called w rought iron the term has only lately com e to
ean railings and gates)is a com paratively soft and m alleable substance com pared to steel.
lacksm iths on severalcontinents developed w elding techniques to m erge iron and steelfor
axim um benefit w ellbefore the com m on era.In order to m ake an axe or a sw ord,the sm ith
ould take a sm allquantity of precious steeland m ake the cutting edge ofthe tool,and then
ake the body of the toolout of plain iron.Then the hard steel edge w ould be joined to the
ody through a process know n as forge w elding. This process (in various form s) w as
parately developed in Scandinavia,the M iddle East,India,China,and Japan.Products like
am ascus steeland the legendary Japanese sam uraisw ords are results offorge w elding.

he process offorge w elding is relatively straightforw ard.The pieces to be w elded are heated
a forge using charcoal or coal.W hen they are w hite-hot and on the verge of m elting,the
ith dusts the parts w ith a flux m aterial (charcoal ash or borax,typically)and ham m ers the
arts together.The surfaces m elt a little bit and w eld the separate pieces into one.Before the
vent of oxygen- acetylene and electric arc w elding in the early 20th century,this is how all
elding w as accom plished.

hese processes used by sm iths back to the beginning of recorded history still inform the
ractice of m etalw orking today. W ith all of the exotic alloys available to the m odern
etalshop,the fundam entalproperties of ferrous m etals have not changed.The ham m er and
vilstillhave a place in the shop nextto the TIG w elder.

lacksm iths created the first steel alloys sim ply by w orking the raw iron they had.W hen a
ith w orks iron in a charcoal or coalfire,carbon from the burning fuel is introduced into the
n,m aking it harder.The am ount of carbon put into (or taken out of)a piece of iron depends

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Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

n the fuel being used and on the tem perature to w hich the m aterial is heated. By
anipulating these sim ple variables,ancient and m edievalsm iths m ade tools and developed
chniques that are still in use today.Thats enough of a history lesson w ere lucky to have
cess to m odern equipm entand m aterials,and thats w hatthis book is about.

hink of a piece of iron or steel as a block of cheese w ith a m elting point at about 2,500
egrees F.H eatthatblock ofcheese and itw illgetsoftand ultim ately m elt.W hen the cheese
soft,you can shape itinto any form you w ant.W hen the cheese m elts,you can m erge itw ith
ther pieces of m elted cheese and then let it cool. The result is a single, larger piece of
eese.Thats the basis ofw elding.

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Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

W elding is justthe process ofm elting the steelto a w hite-hotliquid form and allow ing it
to coolin a single piece.

n and its alloys have a crystalline structure. You cant see this structure except under a
icroscope,but its there.You can get a hint of it by looking at the end of a broken steeltool.
hen you heat up a piece of steel,that crystalline grain begins to m elt and you can form the
aterial easily. At a certain point, the crystals m elt and becom e a thick liquid. W hen they
lidify again,new crystals form .Som e characteristics of steel result from the com position of
e alloy.Add different am ounts of carbon,and the hardness of the steel changes.Add in a
tle nickel,chrom ium ,or other elem ents and you can m ake the steelrust-resistantand m uch

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Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

ut other characteristics of the steelhappen because of the w ay its w orked.Youve probably

ard of quenching and annealing and relieving (or norm alizing)a piece of steel.Those term s
l apply to the speed w ith w hich you cause the crystal structure of the m etal to form . A
hite-hot piece of steel that is quenched (dunked) into cold w ater or oil cools quickly and
rm s m any sm allcrystals.This prom otes hardness for sharp edges,but the resulting steelis
rittle,like glass.O n the other hand,if you take a piece of w hite-hot steel and put it into an
en so it can slow ly cool (or anneal) over a period of hours,the resulting steel is m ade of
nger,larger crystals.This prom otes toughness the ability to w ithstand shocks and bending
ithoutbreaking.Toughness is a tradeoff againsthardness.

inally,norm alizing or relieving m ay need to take place w hen you have w elded tw o pieces
gether w ithout heating allthe m etalto a soft state.As the w elds are heated and then cool,
resses are placed on the surrounding m etalthatcan pullitoutofshape.So,you can place an
ntire piece into an oven and heat it untilallthe m etalrelaxes enough to norm alize to its new
nfiguration.Then the piece is cooled and the grain form s to hold the new shape.These are
e centralfacts thatgovern everything w e do w ith steel.W e can bend it,pound it,m eltit,and
olitto m ake things w e w ant.The concepts are sim ple,but getting the execution right takes
ractice.Its notm agic and alm ostanyone can learn to do it.

here are a variety of m aterials and techniques used in autom otive m etalw orking. The

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Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

aterials are collectively called alloys. An alloy is sim ply a m ixture of m etallic and other
lem ents.The nature and interaction of the various elem ents in the m ixture gives the alloy its
ecific attributes and characteristics.For exam ple,the presence of a sm allam ount of carbon
iron m akes the m aterial harder than pure iron,and w e call the alloy steel.The presence of
rom ium in addition to carbon in iron m akes the m aterialm ore resistantto rust and corrosion,
d w e callthe alloy stainless steel.There are hundreds ofalloys in use,butrelatively few are
m m on in autom otive w ork.

he techniques used to w ork the alloys com m only found in autom otive applications are
riations on the them es ofpouring m olten m etals into shapes,beating orpressing hotorcold
etal into shape,cutting and grinding to size,and m elting pieces of m etal together to join
ultiple pieces together.Respectively,these four fundam entaltechniques are called casting,
rging,m achining,and w elding.

his chapter offers som e details on the alloys and the processes used to fabricate these
etals forautom otive use.

he follow ing m etals are frequently used in autom otive construction and in autom otive
rojects.These m etals are com m only available in a variety of form s such as round tube,box
be,square and flatstock,and in sheets ofdifferentthickness.

he Am erican Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) and the Society of Autom otive Engineers (SAE
ve developed a standard for classifying steel alloys.The AISI-SAE system uses a num eric
ries to quickly identify com m ercially produced alloys.The full listing of alloys is very long,
ut w hat you need to know for autom otive projects is that carbon steel m eans that the alloy
ntains up to about 2 percent carbon.Stainless steels contain about 10 percent chrom ium .
nly a few alloys are inexpensive and readily available forautom otive projects.

ild Steel

he m ostcom m on steelused forautom otive projects is called m ild steel.M ild steelgenerally
s about .1 percent to .2 percent carbon. Carbon steels are given four-digit num eric
esignations beginning w ith 1. For exam ple, basic cold-rolled m ild steels are com m only

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Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

ailable in 1018 or 1020,w hich have .18 percent and .20 percent carbon content,respectively.
here are sm allam ounts ofotherelem ents such as silicon and m anganese as w ell.

M any auto parts such as these brake shoes are m ade from stam ped and m achined m ild
steel.Its cheap,w elds easily,and is available everyw here.

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Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

M ild steelis the w orkhorse m etalofautom otive projects.Because itbends and w elds
easily,you can use itforprojects such as this suspension tow erreinforcem ent.Sim ply
w eld the steelfirm ly in place on one side,w rap itaround the tow er,and com plete the
w elds.

he Am erican Society forTesting and M aterials (ASTM )has a m ild steelstandard forhot-rolled
eelcalled A36,w hich is .26 percentcarbon and sm allam ounts ofotherelem ents.H ot-rolled
eelgenerally has m ore surface scale present than coldrolled,and should be brushed clean
efore w elding.

lm ost allautom otive projects are m ade using som e grade of m ild steel.This is the universal
aterialfor good results.Its easy to w ork w ith,readily available anyw here,and econom ically


ol steel is a general term for the higher-grade steel alloys know n for hardness and
ughness.The nam e is applied because toolapplications require a highergrade ofsteelthan
asic structural w ork.Anyone w ho has ever w atched a cheap w rench gouge or bend on a

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Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

rade 8 bolt head understands the value of good toolsteel.Toolsteelhas betw een 1 percent
d 1.5 percentcarbon,plus traces ofotherelem ents,prim arily m anganese.Chrom e vanadium
ISI6100 series)falls into this category.

Toolsteelis know n forexceptionalhardness,butcan be correspondingly brittle.W ith the

exception ofthe raw hide m allet,allthese item s are m ade from toolsteel

pring Steel

here is a special application in the autom otive w orld for spring steel.Springs are m ade of
eelw ith about 1.5 percent to 2 percent silicon,about 1 percent m anganese,about .5 percent
rbon and up to .5 percentchrom ium .The AISI-SAE code form ostautom otive spring steels is
55.Anti-sw ay bars are frequently m ade ofspring steel.

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Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

Severaltypes ofautom otive m etalare show n in this photograph.The red

spring has been pow dercoated,butunderneath is a high quality spring steel.
You can see the upperand low ercontrolarm s,stam ped from m ild steel,and
the caststeelbrake rotor.

ut to m ake steelinto a spring requires m ore than just the proper alloy.Springs are precisely
attreated to obtain the desired shape retention properties.If you heat a spring to red-hot to
ake it m alleable,you w ill change those properties usually a heat cycle m akes the m etal
ss springy.You m ay have heard thatyou can heatup a spring and quench itin w ateroroil,or
en by blow ing com pressed air on it,but the fact is that the am ateur sim ply cannot get the
recise tim ing and conditions necessary to m ake a good,consistent,reliable spring.H ow ever,
you decide to m ake yourow n custom tools such as chisels ordrifts,old coiland leafsprings

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Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

ake good starting m aterial.

tainless Steel

tainless steelhas a 3-digitidentifierfrom 200 to 665 forits alloys.To be considered stainless,

steel m ust generally have at least 10 percent chrom ium content,and less than .15 percent
rbon content. Additionally, stainless steels include other elem ents such as nickel,
hosphorus, sulphur, silicon, and m anganese. T-304 stainless steel is the m ost com m on
rm ulation used forautom otive purposes such as exhaustpipes.U nlike som e stainless alloys,
304 is easily w eldable,m achinable,and offers good rust resistance.H ow ever,T-304 is not
com m ended forsaltw ateruse.T-316 is a popularsaltw aterm arine-grade alloy.

T-304 stainless steelis used to m ake exhaustsystem s like this unitfrom CorkSportin
Vancouver,W ashington.Stainless is preferred forexhausts because ofits excellentrust
resistance and greatshiny appearance.M oststock exhausts are m ade ofalum inized steel,
w hich is m ild steelcoated w ith a m ixture ofalum inum and silicon.

hrom e-M olybdenum

nother m aterial com m only used for autom otive projects is 4130 chrom ium -m olybdenum

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Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

loy.This alloy contains betw een .50 percentand .95 percentchrom ium and .12 percentto .30
ercent of m olybdenum ,as w ellas traces of other elem ents.Chrom e-m oly is often selected
rrollstructures because sanctioning bodies allow thinnerchrom e-m oly tubes than the sam e
ge design builtfrom m ild steel,and the chrom em oly cage is therefore lighter.

Chrom e-m olybdenum steellooks justlike othersteels,butis harderbecause ofits

additionalalloyed elem ents.Because ofits com position,chrom e-m oly requires TIG
w elding to m aintain its strength.


ast iron has been popular for decades in the m anufacture of engine blocks,m anifolds,older
ansm ission bodies, suspension com ponents, and m any other auto parts. Repairing broken
st parts is one of the m ost com m on autom otive w elding tasks. Cast iron contains 2 to 4
ercent carbon and 1 to 3 percent silicon.Because m ost hobbyists do not have access to the
quipm ent necessary to m ake iron castings,autom otive castiron w ork is generally lim ited to
pairw elding.

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Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

Castiron is everyw here in autom otive applications.M ostengine blocks are m ade ofcast
iron orsteel,as are intake and exhaustm anifolds,suspension and steering com ponents,
and m any internalengine parts as w ell.


he term w rought iron is generally taken to refer to decorative railings and fences,but it has a
ecific m eaning w hen referring to iron alloys. W rought iron is alm ost pure iron, w ith som e
aces of im purities such as carbon, silicon, and other elem ents. W rought iron used to be
adily available,and very old brass era antique cars w ith w ooden fram es m ay have som e
rought iron fittings.W rought iron can be w elded easily,but be aw are that it becom es soft at
uch low ertem peratures than steel.

lum inum

lum inum is a m etalelem entextracted from bauxite ore.Its tw o thirds lighterby volum e than
eel,but also less strong than steel.But if you use sheet alum inum that is 50 percent thicker
an steel,it w illbe about 50 percent of the w eight of steeland give you the sam e strength.
rexam ple,.090 steeland .125 alum inum have aboutthe sam e strength,buta .125 alum inum
eetw eighs less than halfas m uch as a .090 steelsheetofthe sam e area.

situations w here m axim um strength is not needed, alum inum m akes a great choice for

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Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

ustom autom otive w ork.You can m achine,w eld,and braze alum inum ,butits tricky to bend if
s thickerthan 10 gauge sheetm etal,and alum inum is virtually im possible to forge by hand.

lum inum alloys are defined according to a series of num bers that specify the additional
lem ents in the alloy.Alloys nam ed w ith a num ber betw een 1000 and 1999 are alm ost pure
um inum ,w ith just a little bit of a few other elem ents.Alloys in the 2000-series contain m ore
pper,and have gone by the trade nam e D uralum in.The 3000- series alum inum s are m ixed
ith m ore m anganese and 6000-series m etals are m ixed w ith m agnesium and otherelem ents

Alum inum is prized forits lightw eightand relative strength,w hich is w hy its used to m ake
criticalassem blies such as this w heelchair.Alum inum is bestw elded w ith the TIG process.

he 4000-series alum inum alloys are often used in the m anufacture of pistons because these
loys contain m ore silicon. The silicon content helps the m etal flow easily into castings.

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Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

istons advertised as hypereutectic have been m ade w ith a high-silicon alum inum alloy and a
ecialcasting process.Som e ofthe com m on alloys used in autom otive w ork are show n in the
ble below .

ery m etalw orking technique is a variation on one of the follow ing processes.If the m etalis
tenough to flow into a m old,its casting.If the m etalis being beaten or pressed into shape,
s forging,w hich can be done w ith hotorcold m etal.Ifpartofthe m etalis being heated to the
elting point to join otherw ise solid pieces together, its w elding. And if youre cutting or
rinding m etalinto shape,its m achining.


asting is not typically a process that an am ateur or even a professional w elding and
etalw orking shop can perform . The trem endous energies and specialized skills and
quipm ent required to run an industrialfoundry m ean that m aking your ow n cast-iron or steel
arts is im practical.H ow ever,sm all-scale sandcasting of alum inum and other m etals can be
erform ed, and com bined w ith m achining can produce high-quality custom parts for
nstressed applications such as trim pieces,shiftknobs,and supportbraces.


ot forging takes in a num ber of related techniques.The com m on factor is that the m etal is
ated to redhotorgreatertem peratures,w hich renders itm alleable.The m etalis then beaten
rpressed into shape and hardens as itcools.

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Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

aditional or ham m er forging is done by hand, som etim es using a pow er ham m er in a
ell-equipped shop, but the defining characteristic is that som eone holds the m etal and
apes it.This technique is often used in com bination w ith w elding to fit flat or bar steel into
lace.Forexam ple,this technique is used w hen fitting a m ounting plate fora rollcage onto an
neven surface.The fabricator w elds one edge into position,then heats the w hole plate and
eats it into shape against the backing structure before w elding the rem aining edges into

rop forging involves taking a blank piece ofheated m etaland placing itin a pre-form ed setof
ies,and then striking the dies together to shape the piece.Excess m etalis then trim m ed off
d the piece is finished w ith m achining.This technique produces a strongerpartthan casting,
itis often used to create suspension com ponents and otherstressed parts.

ot stam ping or pressing is closely related to drop forging, except that it typically uses
eetm etal instead of billet steel, and the stam ping/pressing process is m ore precise and
entle to the m aterialthan drop-forging.But the m etalis stillheated to m ake it soft and then
am ped into shape.As the m etalcools,it hardens into its new shape.This m ethod is used to
ake everything from uni-body chassis to hoods, door skins, and any other stam ped
eetm etalparton an autom obile.Both sheetsteeland alum inum m ay be hot-stam ped.

old Bending,Stam ping,Pressing and Forging

you apply enough pressure, you can bend, stam p, or beat steel at room tem perature.
rform ing the shaping w hile cold has a different effect on the internalstructure of the m etal
an hot-forging, so this technique is not generally used on critical stressed parts such as
ngine or suspension com ponents.But it is com m only used on m any autom otive fabrication
rojects,and m any ofthe projects covered in this book use som e form ofcold-form ing.

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Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

old-form ing steelaffects the crystalline structure ofthe m etal itliterally breaks crystals and
ers at the bend.This is w hy you can tear steel if you bend it back and forth several tim es.
his is called m etal fatigue and if you look at the ragged ends of a torn piece of m etal,you
n see w here the tiny crystalline fibers have stretched and broken.O bviously,you w ant to
oid fatiguing the m etal in any critical stressed part on your project car,but you have som e
ew ay before a bentpiece ofm etalbecom es too fatigued to serve yourpurposes.

old-form ing techniques include bending tube steel, brake-bending and bead-rolling
eetm etal,ham m er- form ing steelplate,and bending steelbars.In general,alum inum is not
s bendy as iron-based alloys and fatigues sooner. O ther m aterials have different
aracteristics.Copperis very m alleable,butits alloy brass is not.


elding refers to any technique w hereby tw o or m ore pieces of m etalare joined together by
elting the edges into each other.W elding is also used to repair cracks in a single piece of
etal.There are several varieties of w elding,characterized generally by the equipm ent used
perform the w eld.But w hether you use oxyacetylene gas,an electric stick w elder,or som e
rm of w ire-feed, M IG , or TIG w elder, youre using the m achine to create localized heat
ffi cient to m elt the m etal being w elded,and usually introducing som e new m etal into the
olten area as filler.

he exception to all this is forge w elding, w hich is an advanced blacksm iths skill. In forge
elding, the entire body of m etal to be joined is heated to near-m olten tem peratures and
ined by pressing the pieces togetherw ith ham m erblow s.

achining M achining m etal is fundam entally different from other m etalw orking techniques.
asting,w elding,and hot forging allinvolve heating m etaluntilit is m olten or at least ductile
d then shaping or joining the m etal w hile it is hot.Cold w orking m etal involves beating or

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Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

ending it into shape by force.In m achining,m etal is sim ply cut aw ay from an existing piece
ntilthe desired shape is obtained.

rourpurposes,w e use the term m achiningto coverallw ork thatinvolves cutting,grinding,

rotherw ise rem oving m etalfrom a piece.

utin the strictestterm s,m achining is perform ed on a m illora lathe.A m illis sim ilarto a large
rill press w ith a very adaptable platform for the part.M illing bits fit into a chuck on the m ill
d perform a variety of different cuts.A lathe spins the piece of m etal being w orked,and is
sed to create perfectly round pieces w ith cutting bits.

he othercom m on factorw ith a m illis thatthe w ork platform can be adjusted to w ithin 1/1000
ch and m oved in the sam e precise increm ents during the cutting process.This allow s the
achinistto cuta partto very precise standards.

em em ber that m achining can only rem ove existing m aterial,it cannot be used to add m etal
any piece.

W ritten by RussellN yberg & Jeffery Zurschm eide and Posted w ith Perm ission of

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18 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM
Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1


Autom otive H orsepow er G uide:

Cam Event Criteria

M axim izing Cylinder H ead

Com pression Ratios for M ore
Pow er Part 12

Autom otive Bodyw ork:Special

Projects and Procedures

19 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM
Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

M anualTransm ission Clutch


Rear Axle Fundam entals:

Building for Perform ance

Abandoned Dragstrips:
Chattanooga H otspots

20 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM
Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

H ow to Blueprint Engines:
Connecting Rods G uide

The Rise ofDrag Racing

Pow der Coating:M echanical

Parts Cleaning G uide

21 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM
Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

Autom otive Bodyw ork:H ow to

Repair M inor Rust to a Fender

H ow to Build Racing Engines:

Ignition System s

H ow to Build a Flow Bench for

Port and Flow Testing Cylinder
H eads Part 3

22 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM
Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

M uscle Car H andling U pgrades:

Front Suspension System

Engine Tuning:The G ood O l


Autom otive Painting G uide:

Should You Strip?

23 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM
Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

Drag Racing Traction:Rear

Suspension:CoilSprings and

Autom otive W elding:H ow to

W ork w ith Cast Iron and O ther
M aterials Part 8

Autom otive Ignition Sw itches,

W iring H arnesses and

24 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM
Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

Exhaust System s for

Supercharged and Turbocharged

Interesting Chevy M uscle Car


Autom otive Engine Perform ance

Coatings and Treatm ents

25 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM
Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

H olley Carburetor:Idle and

Transition Circuit Calibration
G uide

Pow der Coating:H ow to Clean

and Repair Specific M etals

Pow der Coating:Chem icalParts

Cleaning G uide

26 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM
Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

H ow to Build Racing Engines:

Exhaust System s

Developing H ighly Functional

Ports in Cylinder H eads Part 8

Autom otive Bodyw ork:Repairing

Collision Dam age in a Decklid

27 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM
Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

Engine Tuning O utputs

Autom otive Painting G uide:Final


Turbocharger Failure Analysis:

W hat W ent W rong and H ow to
Fix It

28 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM
Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

Autom otive Painting G uide:Full

Disassem bly Paint W ork

H ow to Installthe M SD Atom ic:

Carb to EFIConversions

H ow to Build Racing Engines:

Cylinder H eads G uide

29 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM
Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

Autom otive H orsepow er Secrets:

Ignition System s

M odern Era ofDrag Racing:O n

the Rebound

Porting and Flow Testing to

Increase H orsepow er

30 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM
Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

M uscle Car H andling U pgrades:

Sw ay Bars

H ow to Calibrate Your H olley

Carburetor for M ileage

Developing H ighly Functional

Cylinder H eads for Perform ance
Applications Part 10

31 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM
Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

H ow to Build Racing Engines:

Torque and H orsepow er G uide

H ow to Build Racing Engines:

Crankshafts G uide

Autom otive Painting G uide:Do It

YourselfO ne Day Paint Jobs

32 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM
Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

Building Valve Trains to Increase

H orsepow er

Introduction to Turbochargers:
Your Q uestions Answ ered

H ow to Restore & Repair M uscle

Car U pholstery

33 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM
Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

H ow to Blueprint Engines:
Pistons G uide

H ow to M atch a Turbocharger to
Your Engine:Step-by-Step G uide

Perform ance Exhaust System s:

H eader Design and Function

34 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM
Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

Autom otive H orsepow er G uide:

M uffl ers to TailPipes

H ow to Blueprint Engines:Engine
M ath G uide

Fundam entals ofAutom otive

ElectricalConnections and

35 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM
Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

H ow to Build Racing Engines:

Cylinder Blocks G uide

Abandoned Dragstrips:East

H orsepow er Secrets:Cylinder
H eads

36 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM
Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

M opar M uscle Cars H andling and

Perform ance U pgrades

H ow to Assem ble a H olley

Carburetor:Rebuild G uide

H olley Carburetor:Fueland Fuel

Supply System s G uide

37 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM
Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

Engine Sim ulation and M odeling

Softw are G uide

Ford Engine Tuning and

Exam ples

H ow to Build Racing Engines:

Piston Technology G uide

38 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM
Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

Drag Racing W arriors:Don

Tognottis Bushw acker

Interesting Plym outh M uscle Car


H ow to Blueprint Engines:
Cylinder H eads G uide

39 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM
Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

Drag Racing W arriors:Kroona &


Engine Tuning:H ow to Im prove


Exhaust System Com ponent

Design,Flow and Function

40 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM
Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

H ow to Inspect & Clean a H olley

Carburetor:Step-by-Step G uide

H ow to Design and Installa

Turbocharger System :
Step-by-Step G uide

Air Induction Basics to Increase

H orsepow er

41 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM
Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

H olley Carburetor Preparation

and Tuning G uide

H ow to Select the Right H olley

Carburetor for Your Car

The Com plete Perform ance

Exhaust Pipe G uide

42 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM
Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

U sing RealCam shaft Science to

Increase H orsepow er

H ow to Restore Steering W heel

Colum n & Pedals in M uscle Cars

H orsepow er Secrets:Intake
M anifolds

43 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM
Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

U nderstanding Cylinder H ead

Flow Testing Procedures Part 2

H olley Carburetors:Intake Port

M atching G uide

Elim inating Cylinder H ead Valve

Shrouding for Im proved
Perform ance Part 9

44 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM
Automotive Metalworking Overview and Techniques - Part 1

Carb to EFIConversion:Tuning

H ow to Blueprint Engines:
Crankshafts G uide

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45 of 45 9/6/2017 5:51 PM

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