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by: Iswan 1

ABSTRACT, This research proves that Total Quality Management (TQM) improves
teachers performance if it is implemented based on management theories consisting of The
Fifth Discipline, Personal Balanced Score Card (PBSC), Total Quality Management and
integrated in the management of STAFI (Shidiq, Tabligh, Amanah, Fathanah, and Istiqamah)
given to all Madrasah teachers. This research applied qualitative method. The findings of this
research were supported by several proof such as: First, there was a significant differences on
teachers performance after Total Quality Management had been applied in which the
teachers were getting more discipline. Second, there was an improvement in the passion of
teachers work, besides the teachers also worked based on their field. Third, there were some
achievements reached by the school such as Quality Management System Certifictae ISO
9001:2008. Fourth, the integration of STAFI management (Shidiq, Tabligh, Amanah,
Fathanah, and Istiqamah) gave many benefits to teachers performance covering: a. Honesty
(Shidiq), the values of honesty, good attitude and learning quality were improved; b.
Delivering (Tabligh), encouraged innovation and leadership of educators which are able to
keep Islamic culture values; Trusted (Amanah), encouraged the attitude of being trusted and
responsible in holding their profession as teachers; d. Professional and Creative (Fathanah),
encouraged creativity, professionalism, responsibility and accountability in building
managerial function; e. Consistent (Istiqamah); committed, professional, discipline, creative,
motivated and responsible as teachers. These theories were being developed from The Fifth
Discipline, PBCS management theory, Total Quality Management theory integrated with
STAFI management and became a new concept called Four Pillars Cycle. This concept
was being applied in the study of improving Madrasah teachers performance.

Keywords: Total Quality Management Role, Teachers Performance

Todays education including Madrasah (Islamic institution) is coming into business
paradigm which is transactional, pragmatic, and customers satisfaction-oriented. Thus, the
implementation of Total Quality Management which is transactional-pragmatics business
based confronts problems since the main objective of education is to build cultures and
humanism. 2 The experts expect that this Total Quality Management will not decrease the
main logic and vision of the education.
The vision of national education is to reach an education system as a strong and
prestige social Institutions to empower all Indonesian nation to develop as qualified humans
social 3 based on this vision. 4 Qualified education is one of the importance aspects to improve

Lecturer Faculty of education Muhammadiyah, University of Jakarta.
Abuddin Nata, Hasil diskusi ilmiah tanggal 15 mei 2013 pukul 09.45 di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
Misi pendidikan nasional adalah (1) mengupayakan perluasan dan pemerataan kesempatan memperoleh
pendidikan yang bermutu bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia; (2) meningkatkan mutu pendidikan yang memiliki daya
saing di tingkat nasional, regional dan internasional; (3) meningkatkan relevansi pendidikan dengan kebutuhan
masyarakat dan tantangan global; (4) membantu dan memfasilitasi pengembangan potensi anak bangsa secara
utuh sejak usia dini sampai akhir hayat dalam rangka mewujudkan masyarakat belajar; (5) meningkatkan
kesiapan masukan dan kualitas proses pendidikan untuk mengoptimalkan pembentukan kepribadian yang
bermoral; (6) meningkatkan keprofesionalan dan akuntabilitas lembaga pendidikan sebagai pusat pembudayaan
ilmu, pengetahuan, keterampilan, pengalaman, sikap, dan nilai berdasarkan standar yang bersifat nasional dan

the quality of human resources.5 In a qualified learning, developing countries apply various
active learning models that activate students roles. 6 Besides, some Islamic schools like
Madrasah are supported by the government by getting facilities. 7 Islamic education, as the
agent of cultures and changes in the modern and global atmosphere is required to play its
roles dynamically and proactively. 8 The development of Total Quality Management concept
should be done through process, product, and service of a systematic and sustained
organization. 9 Critical issues toward strategic points in Islamic education should be on how
to determine strategic roles to achieve integrated planned education effectively with the
availability of human resources. 10 Both the creativity and innovation of an education
institution in the learning process in class/Madrasah 11 is required by the society since the
better the quality of education is, the more the society will send their children to Madrasah.
A qualified education should be treated as a basis in higher studies. 12 Education
instituions will always develop its performance, so that the development of its human
resources will be more effective and efficient. 13 But the succeed of learning process
development cannot rely on the supervisor only but also on the innovative of teachers

Identification of the Problem

In globalization era, Islamic education is required to graduate qualified students who
are able to take a part in any competitive situation and complex challenges. Thus, the
implementaion of Total Quality Management in several schools, for some cases, still face
several obstacles. 14
Some problems can be identified in relation to this are as follows:

global; dan (7) mendorong peran serta masyarakat dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan berdasarkan prinsip
otonomi dalam konteks Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
Penjelasan PP.No.19 Tahun 2005 Tentang Standar Pendidikan Nasional, hlm.72-73.
Abuddin Nata,Manajemen Pendidikan Mengatasi Kelemahan Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia, Cet. 4
(Jakarta:2010.Penerbit: Kencana Prenada Media Group), hlm.297.
Kemungkinan budaya, seperti diacu oleh Fuller dan Clarke, atau negara sedang berkembang,bisa
ditawarkan sebagai penjelasan hipotesis untuk hasil ini. Walaupun model efektifitas sekolah terpadu bersifat
menyeluruh, dalam pengertian ia mencakup input, proses, output dan kondisi konteks serta mengenali struktur
multi level sistem pendidikan, ia mempunyai sejumlah pembatasan sebagai berikut:1).Fokus model ini pada
tngkat sekolah itu sendiri, dan tidak membicarakan isu penting mengenai berfungsinya sistem pendidikan
nasional yang sesuai, saya akan mengacu pada model ini sebagai pembatasan agresi. Ketika subsidiarity
diterapkan dan sekolah otonom, pembatasan ini diimbangi sampai batas tertentu, karena menurut difinisi,
sekolah mempunyai tanggung jawab formal lebih besar.2).Model ini mempunyai fokus yang betul-betul
instrumental, yang memperlakukan tujuan dan sasaran pendidikan sebagai hal yang sebagian besarnya given'
Dikutip Jaap Scheerens, dalam bukunya Peningkatan Mutu Sekolah, Cet. I (Jakarta: 2003, Penerbit: Logos
Wahana Ilmu), hlm.65.
Abuddin Nata,Dikutip dari Makalah Diskusi Ilmiah Analisis Kajian Kebijakan Pendidikan Islam
Program Doktor UIKA-Bogor, tahun 2011.
Baharuddin,dkk.Kepemimpinan Pendidikan Islam antara Teori dan Praktik, Cet.I, (Yogyakarta: 2012,
Penerbit:Ar-Ruzz Media), hlm. 248.
Ibid. Baharuddin dkk, Kepemimpinan Pendidikan Islam antara Teori dan Praktik, hlm. 252.
Sulistiyani Teguh Ambar dkk, Manajemen Sumberdaya Manusia, Cet.I (Yogyakarta:2003, Penerbit:
Graha Ilmu), hlm 108.
Lampert Hammond,dikutip dari:Ahmadi H.Syukran Nafis,Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, Cet, 2,
(Yogyakarta:2012. Penerbit:LaksBang PRESSindo),hlm.39
Jaap Scheerens,Peningkatan Mutu Sekolah,Cet.I, (Ciputat:2003, Penerbit: PT.Logos Wacana Ilmu),
Wibisono Dermawan,Manajemen Kinerja, Konsep,Desain dan Teknik Meningkatkan Daya Saing
Perusahaan, (Jakarta: 2006, Penerbit: Erlangga), hlm.120.
Abuddin Nata, hasil Diskusi Ilmiah di Fakultas Dirasat Islamiyah UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
tanggal 25 Juli 2013.

1. In order to improve the quality of all education activities system in sustain, how to
overcome obstacles in the implemention of Total Quality Management in Islamic
2. Through Islamic education management approach supports, how to run and develop a
sustained Total Quality Management in Madrasah?
3. Supported by policies, teachers performance, and facilities as parts of a learning
process, how effective the implementation of Total Quality Management in Madrasah

Limitation of the Problem

One of strategic factors to achieve the goals of Islamic education is the educators
themselves. Teachers performance in running their function and responsibilities in Madrasah
will give big impact on education and learning processes in Madrasah. Based on this, the
writer formulates several problems in relation with the implementation of Total Quality
Management as the effort to improve teachers performance.
The limitation of the problem focuses on the implementation of the intgrated quality
in islamic institutions. It is required that the implementation of islamic education
management supports Total Quality Management, and vice versa, the implementation of
Total Quality Management should be based on Islamic values. This research is focused on the
the roles of Total Quality Management in improving teachers performance.

Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background above, some problems were being formulated as follows:

1. How is the implementation of Total Quality Management development concept in

Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 4 Model Jakarta; is it based on its own concept or being
adjusted with education concept?
2. How do main factors of Total Quality Management support its implementation in
Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 4 Model Jakarta?
3. How is Islamic education management used as the control in improving performance of
teachers of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 4 Model Jakarta?

The Obejectives of the Research
Referring to the formulation of the problems stated earlier, in general, the objective of
this research is to investigate empirical description about the implementation of Islamic
education management in Madrasah Aliyah. Specifically, the research are aimed to:
1. Describing the implementation of Total Quality Management development concept in
Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 4 Model Jakarta.
2. Finding out main factors supporting the succeed of the implementation of Total Quality
Management in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 4 Model Jakarta.
3. Investigating the function of Islamic education management as the control in improving
teachers performance in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 4 Model Jakarta.

Focus of the Research

The process in this research is not a linear design like in a quantitative study, but a
naturalistic/qualitative cycles-based. Thus, the research was done repeatedly (in cycles) based
on intended depth of the data until the writer got the main focus happened on object/subject

of the research. 15 One of the assumptions in qualitative research concerns with hollistic
problems in which the researcher cannot base his study on the variables of the study only but
also consider all interrelated social aspects covering the place, people and activities. 16

Literature Review of Total Quality Management in Islamic Education

Along the history, Islamic education; Madrasah or al-jamiah, is mainly attached to al-
ulum al-Islamiyyahorulum al-diniyyah-religious sciences, with the specific focus on the fields
offikih, tafsir, and hadits. 17 The term of Islamic education management can be explained
as follows: education in Arabic refers to the wordtalim, tarbiyah, and tadib,
tadris,irsyad and inzar. This term has been familiar since the era of the Prophet
Rasullah S.A.W, and he taught this to his friends. But the most popular term to refer to the
word education is tarbiyah.Islamic education management has function in managing the
islamic education, while Tarbiyahis one of education concepts important in Islam. 18 Islamic
education management can be defined as a process to utilize all resources (Islamic people,
Islamic institutions, etc), both hardwares and softwares. 19 The process of its utilization is
done through cooperation with other people effectively, efficiently, and productively in order
to achieve happiness and welfare after life.

Rasulullah S.A.W. said: Allah the Most Prescious and the Most High loves those among you who
always do your profession professionally (itqan) (HR Baihaqi). 20

Another words for this term are al tahdzib, al muwaidzah, al Riyadhah, al tazkiyah,
al tafaqquh, etc. 21 In the era of Rasullulah S.A.W., there were some institutions acted as the
basis of Islamic education centers such as:
1.Dar al-Arqam, Rasullulah S.A.W, educated his people gradually. He started from
teaching his closest family; first, Khadijah to believe in Allah and received all Allahs
lessons; and second, followed by Ali bin Abu Thalib and Zaid bin Haritsah. Then, he
approached his close friends such as Abu Bakar. After that, he spread the islamic lessons
wider around Quraisy tribe, such as Usman bin Affan, Zubair bin Awwam, Saad bin Abi
Waqas, Abdurrahman bin Auf, Thalhah bin Ubaidah, Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah, Arqam bin
Abi al Arqam, Fatimah binti Khatab with her husband, Said bin Zaid, and some other. 22
2.Mosque, the first thing done by Rasullah S.A.W, when he arrived in Madinah
wasbuilding mosques. Besides as places for praying, these mosques were also used as the
centers to spread religions, teach Islamic knowledge, solve individual and society problems,

Sugiyono,Metode Penelitian Administrasi,Cet.2, (Bandung:2001, Penerbit:Alfabeta), hlm.10.
Ibid, Sugiyono,Metode Penelitian Administrasi,hlm. 285.
Azyumardi Azra, Pendidikan Islam, Tradisi dan Modernisasi di Tengah Tantangan Milenium
III,Cetakan Pertama, (Jakarta:2012, Penerbit: PT. Kencana Prenada Media Group), hlm. vii.
Muhammad Syafii Antonio, Sang Pembelajar dan Guru Peradaban Ensiklopedia Leadership &
Manajemen Muhammad S.A.W. The Super Leader Super Manager, Cetakan Ketiga, (Jakarta:2012,
Penerbit:Tazkia Publishing, Jakarta), hlm.8
Didin Saefuddin,Makalah:tidak di publikasikan, Diskusi Ilmiah Sejarah Intelektual Islam di Indonesia,
Program Doktor UIKA-Bogor tahun 2012.
Imam Abu Bakar Ahmad Ibn al-Husain al-Baihaqi,Syabul Iman, (Beirut-Lebanon:2000, Penerbit: Dar
al-Kotob al-Ilmiyah Juz 4), hlm.355.
Abuddin Nata, Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, (Jakarta: 2010, Penerbit: Prenada Media), hlm.7.
Imron Fauzi,Manajemen Pendidikan ala Rasulullah, Cet.I, (Yogyakarta:2012, Penerbit:Ar ruzz Media,
Sleman Yogyakarta), hlm. 132-133.

receive foreign ambassadors in Islamic leaders meeting, have meeting, and to gather people
who were interested in learning Islamic lessons. 23 Rasullah S.A.W. at that time optimumly
utilized mosques as places to build Madinah society to have better cultures. After moving to
Madinah, the education for moslems was centralized in mosques. QubaMosque,was the first
one used by Rasullah S.A.W, as Islamic education institution.In Madinah, besides Nabawi,
there were another 9 mosques used as Islamic spreading centers such as Masjid Haram,
Masjid Kufah, Masjid Basrah, and others. 24
3.Al-Suffah, is a connecting room or building to mosque. Suffah can be seen as a
school since the learning activities in it were done regularly and systematically. For example
in Nabawi Mosque, its Suffah was used as learning place. This institution could also be used
as a boarding place for the Prophets friends who did not have permanent place to stay. Those
who stayed in this suffahwas also calledahl al suffah. 25
4.Al-Kuttab, was being established by Arabian before Islam and aimed to provide
education for children. But, this institution did not get any attention from Arabic people.
Before Islam, there were only 17 Quraisy who were literate. Since the literate people at that
time was very limited and acted as the Prophets secretaries, then to understand the message
from Allah, Muhammad S.A.W paid the dzimmsi teaching how to read and write al kuttabto
Islamic people in Mekkah voluntarily. 26 The essence in Islamic education concept is building
culture, because in a wider perspective culture here means both human beings spiritual and
material life to achieve any goodness. 27 And Al-Quran is the best source of all samawi books
delivered to the ummah of Allah in this earth. As it is stated on the following verse:

(1) (Allah) Most gracious! (2) It is He who has taught the Quran (3) He has created man (4) (4) He
has taught him speech (and intelligence) (Surrah Ar-rahman 1-4)

Verse 1 and 2: It explains how gracious Allah is in which He said that He has taught
Muhammad Al-Quran and Muhammad has taught his ummah. This verse was aimed to rebutt the
opinion of Makkah society who said that al-Quran was being taught by someone (human being) to
Verse 3 and 4: It is explained that Allah creates human and teaches them to be able to
speak contextually, education should be done through process, Allah mentioned all humans
blessings as the main cause of any events. After stating about teaching al-Quran in the
previous verse, in this verse Allah explained how Allah created all human beings and how He
taught them to expess what they feel and think, unless Muahmmad might not teach al-Quran
to his ummah.

Ibid.Imron Fauzi,Manajemen Pendidikan ala Rasullah hlm.132.
Ibid.Dikutip:Imron Fauzi,Muhammad Mustafa al Adzamy, Diraasaat Fi al Hadis an Nabawi, hlm. 133.
Ibid.Imron Fauzi, Suffah atau yang disebut al zilla adalah tempat duduk yang berada di pinggir masjid
dan seatap dengan masjid atau serambi masjid. hlm. 134.
Ahmad Syalabi, Sejarah Pendidikan Islam. Dikutip: Ibid. Imron Fauzi,.. Istilah dzimmi, secara historis
mengacu pada individu atau kelompok yang keamanan dan tanggung jawabnya berada dalam tanggung jawab
kaum muslim dan tidak memusuhi kaum muslim, misalnya, orang-orang Yahudi, Nasrani, dan Majusi serta
minoritas agama lainnya dianggap sebagai kaum dzimmi. Tugas yang terpenting adalah merumuskan dan
memadukan unsur-unsur Islam yang utama dan konsep yang menghasilkan ilmu, yang kemudian ditempatkan
dalam sistem pendidikan Islam yang bermutu, hlm. 136.
Syed M.Naquib Al-Attas, Islam dan Sekularisme, Cet. II. Bahasa Indonesia (Bandung: 2011: Penerbit:
Institut Pemikiran Islam dan Pembangunan Insan (PIMPIN),hlm.187.

Islamic Education Management Basis
1. Al-Quran: al-Quran, is kalamullah, or Allahs words. It is not the Prophets words or
human beings words. There is no single word as the Prophets word in al-Quran. By the
time al-Quran was being sent to the earth, the Prophet strongly forbid his friends to
memorize, take note and moreover to gather each of his saying. While Syekh Ali Ash-
Shabuni said that al-Quran is Allahs mujiz words, given to the Prophet and the last Rasul
through the Angel of Message, Jibril. It is written clearly that reading al-Quran is part of
praying; from surrah al-Fatihah until an-Nas. Al-Quran is the main source in Islamic
education. 28
Al-Quran gives conceptsrelated to planning and it is very important for some
people since non-Islamic planning will be considered as something in the contrary with
faith or belief to destiny. 29 Allah shared a story in which Yusup hasconveyed his long-
term management plan food for about 15 years in order to anticipate famine time. As Allah
said in surah al-Kahfi (18: 94) that:

They said: O Dzulqarnain! Verily, Yajuj and Majuj are doing great mischief in the
land. Shall we then pay you a tribute in order that you might erect a barrier between us
and them (QS. Al-Kahfi 94).

It can be explained that in the context of Islamic education, there are short-term, middle-
term, and long-term planning, so that humans are expected to anticipate any hard situation
which might happens in this world.

2. Ar-Rahman:Ar-Rahman,is one of Allahs characters, it shows that Allah is a loving to all

His humans with no exception; either those who obey Him or not, and even to the
devil.This first verse is closely related to the character of educators or teachers who must
own loveable characters to all their students; either the students are smart, fool, dilligent,
lazy, nice or naughty.
3. As-Sunnah: As-Sunnah,is anything related to Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, it can be his
words, action, taqriror its stipulation. All good deeds done by Rasul in the process of
changing daily attitudes became the sources of Islamic education, because Allah made
Rasullah as the role model for his ummah. As-sunnah became the second source in
Islamic education after al-Quran. Sunnah can also be used as the basis of Islamic
education because basically sunnah is the explanation and the implementation of al-
Quran. Besides, sunnah is the main source in Islamic education because Allah S.W.T
chose Muhammad S.A.W as the role model for his ummah. In Surrah al-Ahzab, Allah
explained that:

There, the believers were tried and shaken with a mighty shaking (Surrahal-
Ahzab QS. 33:11).

Hussein Bahreisj, Hadits Shahih, (Surabaya: 1997. Karya Utama), hlm. 25.
Imron Fauzi,Manajemen Pendidikan ala Rasullah, Cet.I, (Yogyakarta:2012, Penerbit: Ar-Ruzz
Media),Pandangan ini biasanya datang dari kaum sufi yang cenderung bersifat pasrah. Jika dicermati secara
seksama, ada beberapa ayat yang secara implisit sebenarnya mengandung anjuran bagi umat Islam untuk
memperhatikan perencanaan misalnya dalam surat al-Kahfi (18: 94-95), ketika zhulkarnain merencanakan
persiapan menghadang Yajuj dan Majuj dengan membangun sebuah benteng yang kukuh. hlm. 89-91.

4. Brief History of the Prophets Friends
In Arabic, the word history is called sirah/tarih, in which tarih is used as the
term refers to year counting, such as before or after century can be said before or after
tarikh. While in English, it is called history which shows past experiences of mankind. 30
Along its history, Islamic education is influenced by religion and political thoughts
interrelatedly. Akhmad Syalabi stated: al-Kuttab, al-Qushur, Hawanit, Manzil al-Ulama,
al-Salun, al-Adabiyah, al-Badiyah, mosque, and madrasah (Islamic schools), thus the
establishment of madrasah was the history of Islamic education history which
differentiated between Islamic education era and Islamic education before that era. 31
These Islamic values then became the specific points of Islamic education which
distinguish Islamic education concept with others. Those who really understand the
characters of Rasulullah S.A.W are the ones who know that Rasulluah S.A.W was an
honored educator with best method of teaching. Even linguists adddressed him as: The
Prophet Muhammad was the first citizen of this nation, a teacher and a guide, which
means that the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, was the first community, teacher and advisor
of this society. Sunnah can be used as basic foundation of Islamic education since sunnah
is the interpretation of al-Qurn. Beside that, sunnah is also considered as the main
sources of Islamic education because Allah S.W.T appointed Muhammad S.A.W as the
role-model for his ummah. As it is stated in Al-Ahzab that:

And when a party of them said: People of Yathrib (Madinah), there is no placce
for you here, therefore return. And a party of them asked leave of the Prophet ,
saying: Our houses are exposed whereas they were not, they only wished to
flee (SurrahAl-Ahzab QS. 33:12).

The development of Islamic education history cannot be separated from the

development of all aspects of Indonesians life, as we know the sustainability of Islamic
education before independence day got various attention and challenge from Dutch and
Japanese colonials. But, after the independence day, Islamic education got serious focus
from the government, both for state and private schools.32
The development of religion education is generally influenced by the inventor of
Middle Eas such as Jamaluddin al-Afghani, Muhammad Abduh, Muhammad Rasyid
Ridha and others. The focus on the rasionalization of Islamic education institutions is able
to response to any challenges and urgent needs. Thus, after the independence day, Islamic
education got serious focus from the government, both for state and private schools.33

Zuhairini dkk,Sejarah Pendidikan Islam,Cetakan Kelima,(Jakarta:1997,Penerbit:Bumi Aksara), hlm.1.
Iskandar Engku dan Siti Zubaidah,Sejarah Pendidikan Islam,Cetakan I,(Bandung:2014,Penerbit:
PT.Remaja Rosdakarya), hlm 49.
Abuddin Nata, Politik Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia, Cetakan I, (Jakarta:2006, Penerbit:UIN Jakarta
Press), hlm. 80-81.
Ibid.Abuddin Nata, Politik Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia, hlm. 81.

The Roles of Total Quality Management in Islamic
Sustaining improvement of quality with limited quality sources depends a lot on
the condition of the leader of the school (the head-master of schools/Madrasah), who is
usually being relocated or asking for being placed in another place. 34
The development concept of Total Quality Management and its scheme can be
seen in the following figure 35 :

Objective Continuous

Focus Process Total
Customer Improvement Involvement

Education and Training Supportive Structure
Communication Reward and

Picture:2.2. Scheme of Total Quality Management Concepts

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the most important thing
of leadership in Islamic education is that the leader should have characters as istructor,
role model, consistent towards policy, transparent, gentle, wise, having high work
performance, and work as prayer (lillah, fillah, dan mardlatillah).These all can be used as
general basis in relation to achieve further qualified Islamic education. 36 As Allahs words
in Surrah al-Mujaadilah verse 11:

O YOU have attained to faith! When you are told, Make room for one another in your
collective life, do make room: (and in return), God will make room for you (in His
grace). And whenever you are told, Rise up (for a good deed), do rise up; (and) God
will exalt by (many) degrees of those of you who have attained to faith and, (above all),
such as have been vouchsafed (true) knowledge for God is fully aware of all that you
do(QS. 58:11)

This verse elaborates that majelis refers to the place where the Prophet
Muhammad S.A.W stayed, and majelis zikir for those who came and got a seat.

Ibid Fandy Tjiptono dan Anastasia Diana, Service Management Mewujudkan layanan Prima, hlm.141.
ArthurR.Tenner, Irving J.DeToro. Model ini membangun pada tiga prinsip dasar total kualitas fokus
pada pelanggan, internal dan eksternal, fokus pada peningkatan proses kerjauntuk menghasilkan concistent,
output dapat diterima, dan fokus pada memanfaatkan bakat mereka dengan memberikn suporting. Model ini
diperluas sepanjang pengertian tersebut di atas diuraikan secara skematis, dapat dilihat pada gambar: Total
Quality Management, Addison-Wesley Publlishing Company Reading. Massachusetts, Menlo Park, California
New York) hlm. 31-32.
Jaap Scheerens, Peningkatan Mutu Sekolah, Cet.I,(Ciputat:2003, Penerbit: PT.Logos Wacana Ilmu),

According to a qiraat lafal, al-majaalisis being read asal-majlisin the form ofmufrad (do
make room, (and in return) God will make room for you) in heaven. (And when it is
said,"rise up") to pray and do other things including all good deeds (then rise up) based on
other qiraat and both are read fansyuzuuwith harakat damahat letter Syinnya (Allah will
exalt by many degrees of those of you who have attained to faith). God is fully aware of
all that you do.
In order to develop Personal Balanced Score Card (PBSC) theory concept, a new
learning cycle which is called Plan-Do-Act-Challange (PDAC) should be applied
simultenously. 37 The Personal Balanced Score Card cycle is applied through PDAC
cycles. 38
In Islamic education, the application of PDAC is very important because it applies
how to balance goals of the educcation with good planning, do the plan, choose anything
which is prioritized, accept challenges, both in the earth and heaven which are creative
and innovative and continuity. As Allah said in the Holi Quran Surrah al-Baqarah verse

And of them there are some who say: Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is
good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and save us from the torment of the
It can be understood from this verse that Mukmin has the purposes to get the
happiness both in the earth and heaven, this is what every mukmin wants. If they are
leaders, they should find the ways to reach those purposes. The leaders of Madrasah are
also required to run their job description based on those goals. The application about
Balanced ScoreCard 39 theory concept, how to run Islamic education with good quality
and competitive, the leaders should think of long-term planning in which concerning with
qualified and professional educators, as Allah S.W.T. stated in al-Quran as follows:

And hold fast, all together, unto the bond with God, and do not draw apart from one another. And
remember the blessings which God has bestowed upon you: how, when you were
enemies, He brought your hearts together, so that through His blessing you brethren;
and (how, when) you were on the brink of a fiery abyss. He saved you from it. In this way
God makes clear His messages unto you, so that you might find guidance explains his
verses to you, that may be guided. (Surah Ali Imran: 103).

Rampersad Hubert K,Personal Balanced Scorecard, Cetakan Pertama, Penerjemah:Widya dan Abdul
Rosyid, (Jakarta: 2006,Penerbit: PPM), hlm. 101.
David, Fred.R,Strategic Management,Manajemen Strategis,(Jakarta: 2006, Penerbit:Salemba Empat),
hlm. 226.
Dadang Dally, Balanced ScoreCard mendidik manajemen dan organisasi untuk memandang
perusahaan dari empat perspektif yang menghubungkan pengendalian operasional jangka pendek, ke dalam visi
dan strategi bisnis jangka panjang, selanjutnya manajemen didorong untuk memfokoskan diri pada rasio-rasio
kunci yang kritia dan strategis melalui stretch target yang tetapkan bersama, rasio-rasio itulah yang kemudian
menjadi unik ketika Balanced ScorCard membuat menu berupa ScoreCard untuk menggabungkan antara tolak
ukur rasio kunci keuangan dan non keuangan membentuka jalinan sinergi yang koheren. Dadang Dally dalam
bukunya Balanced ScoreCard, Suatu Pendekatan dalam Implementasi Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah, Cetakan
Kedua, (Bandung: 2010), Penerbit:Rosdakarya Bandung, hlm.47-48.

This verse explains that in order to unite the improvement of learning quality,
Muslims should not be separated and should be based on the religion rules. Future
generations should be taken away from fool and should be prepared with better quality of
The term Madrasah was firstly referred to the efforts of khalifah Abbasiyah
Harun al-Rasyid in providing the facilities for learning medical sciences and other
supporting sciences in the environment of clinic (Bimaristain) built in Baghdad. This area
was popular by Madrasah Baghdad.But, it seemed that the use of this term tended to
anatema since there was no continuity of this Madrasah Bagdad except the existed of Bait
al-Hikma in the era of Makmun. 40
Madrasah has been developing in Java since 1912. There were many models of
Madrasah, such as Madrasah-Boarding school NU, i.e. Madrasah Awaliyah, Ibtidaiyah,
Tsanawiyah, Muallimin Wustha, dan Muallimin Ulya (since 1919); Madrasah which was
appropriated with Ducth education system, i.e. Muhammadiyah (1912) which then
established Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Tsnawiyah, Muallimin, Muballighin, and Madrasah
Diniyah. Al-Irsyad (1913) model also established Madrasah Awaliyah, Ibtidaiyah,
Madrasah Tajhiziyah, Muallimin dan Tahassus; or a model of Madrasah PUI in West Java
which developed agriculture system of Madrasah. 41

Leadership in Islamic Education

Estimologically, leadership in Islam is khalifah, immah and imarah which means
having the ability to lead, the quality of a leader or actions taken in leading. While
terminologically, leadership in Islam means an ability to invite others to reach the same
goals that has been firstly set, or in other words, leadership is an effort to transform all
potentialities into reality. In Islamic education, leadership should apply some principles
,i.e. khalifah, ulul amri, imam, andmalik. Linguistically, the word khalifahconsists of
three root words kha, lam, and fa, which contained three meanings, i.e. substituting the
position, lately, and changing. 42 The first verb-form khalafa-yakhlifu, is used to change
the second verb-form istakhlafa-yastakhlifu, 43 which means to become. 44
Leadership in Islam should take position in the tasks in life (muamalah) andas the
dedication of human being as khalifah in His earth, as it is stated in Surah Al-Araf verse
129 as follows:

The people of Moses replied: We were opposed before your coming to us and after it.
Moses said: Your Lord will soon destroy your enemy and make your rulers in the land.
Then He will see how you act. (Al-Araf (7):129)

Fadjar,Madrasah dan Tantangan Modernitas,(Bandung:1998,Penerbit:Mizan),hlm. 32.
Abdul Yunus,Menggugat Peran Madrasah dalam Pendidikan Agama, STAIN Cirebon Press: Jurnal
Lektur,Vol. 13 No.2 Desember 2007.
Abi al-Husain Ahmad Ibn Ibn Zakariyya, dikutip: Baharuddin dkk, dalam bukunya Kepemimpinan
Pendidikan Islam, Cetakan ke I, (Yogjakarta: 2012), Penerbit Ar-Ruzz Media, Yogjakarta, hlm. 81.
Ibid.Dikutip Bahruddin dkk, al-Quran menggunakan bentuk istakhlafa-yastakhlifu pada lima ayat, yaitu
dalam QS al-Nur (24): 55 QS al-Anam (6) 133, QS Hud (11): 57, dan QS al-Araf (7): 129.Selain itu juga
menggunakan bentuk khalafa-yukhlifu di banyak ayat. Lebih detailnya lihat Muhammad Fuad Abd al-Baqi, al-
Mujam al-Mufahras li al-Fadz al-Quran al-Karim (Bairut: Dar al-Fikr, 1997 M/1418 H, hlm. 303-306.
Abd.Muin Salim, Konsepsi Kekuasaan Politik Dalam al-Quran, (Jakarta: 2004, Penerbit PT.Raja
Grafindo Persada), hlm. 112.

Ability to Always Use Good Words

A leader in Islamic education should be able to keep good words and be a good
role model. The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, is the best person with makhtum heart and
honest. Heart with makhtum means religious and clean from sins, bad characters,
jealousy, and slander. 45 Honesty of a leader is one of the requirements to become the
whole human as Muhammad S.A.W showed that there were two requirements to become
the whole human, i.e. clean heart and honest. These two things usually take humans to
problems. It is stated in Al-Quran several good sayings (illustrated in the following




Picture: Various kinds of good words

These 6 good words should be owned by all leaders and teachers in running
their tasks so that Islamic education can be developed. These 6 good words can be
explained as follows:
1. qaulan marifa,means any good saying which refer to honest and educated
expressions can be used as role model in the society (Q.S. An Nisa verse 5);
2. qaulan sadida,means true and straight to the point words, the sentences used may
not be ambigous and manipulated (see Q.S. An-Nisa verse 9 and al-Ahzab verse
3.qaulan layyina, means soft words; this concept is based on the stories of Prophet
Musa AS and Harun AS who were being delegated to come to Firaun and asked
him to believe in Allah with soft words. In telling the truth, it is suggested that
people say things in soft words since talking softly will give bigger impact than
talking harshly (see Q.S. Thaha verse 44).
4. Qaulan maisura, means anything good to be said, these words usually refer to
words to express empathy to people we are talking to, in which we may not use
any words that will hurt other people (see Q.S. al-Isra verse 28).
5. qaulan baligha, means words that will be meaningful to peoples souls. These
words refer to the words that will give deep impression to the people we are
talking to. For example, once we are willing to invite people to go to the right
tracks, we should use words that will make them feel afraid of Allah S.W.T and
punishment given in Narr (hell). Anything which are not coming from heart will
never be in the heart (see Q.S. an-Nisa verse 63);

Muhammad Syafii Antonio, Kepemimpinan dan Pengembangan Diri Ensiklopedia Leadership &
Manajemen Muhammad S.A.W. The Super Leader Super Manager. Buku 1 (Jakarta: 2012,Cetakan Ketiga,
Penerbit: Tazkia Publishing), hlm.230.

6.qaulan karima, means glory words, these words were delivered in honoured and
polite without having any intention to underestimate the people we are talking to,
such as to parents or teachers. 46 (see Q.S al-Isra verse 23).

The Characters of Islamic Leaders

The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W,said that a leader of a community is a servant for
that community. Thus, a leader should do his best to serve and help the people to improve.
The followings are some characters of Islamic leaders47 :
1. Allegience
Both leader and those who are being lead united on the basis of their loyalty to Allah
2. Global Islamic Goals
A leader should formulate goals of the organization not only based on the intention of
the organization but also for other Islamic goals.
3. Adherence to the Shariah and Islamic Manners
A leader should not break Islmaic laws (Shariah) and only adhers Islamic manners.
A leader should run his responsibilities under Islamic lessons especially when he
deals with competitors or other people that confront him.
4. Delegated Trust. 48

(They are) those who, if We establish them in the land, establish regular prayer and give
regular charity, enjoin the right and forbid wrong: with Allah rests the end (and
decision) of (all) (Surah al-Haj:41.

Further, Altalib Hisham in his book entitled Training Guide for Islamic Workers , proposed
several basic requirements for leaders in Islam as follows:

a. Syura, Syura is the first basic requirement in Islam. Al-Quran explains that the
leaders in Islam are required to consult to those who are knowledgable or able to
give advice. The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, was also being ruled by al-Quran in
leading his followers as follows:

So by mercy from Allah, (O Muhammad), you were lenient with them. And if you
had been rude (in speech) and harsh in heart, you would have disbanded from
about you. So pardon them and ask forgiveness for them and consult them in the
matter. And when you have decided, they rely upon Allah. Indeed, Allah loves
those who rely (upon Him) (Surah al-Imran159).

Ibid,Muhammad Syafii Antonio, Kepemimpinan dan Pengembangan DiriEnsiklopedia Leadership &
Manajemen Muhammad S.A.W. The Super Leader Super Manager, hlm. 230-231.
Altalib Hisham,Training Guide for Islamic Workers, International Islamic Publishing House and The
International Institute of Islamic Throught, Herndon, Virginia-USA, hlm. 51-52.
Ibid Altalib Hisham, Training Guide for Islamic Workers, hlm. 52.
Ibid.Altalib Hisham, Training Guide for Islamic Workers, hlm.52-54.

Syura also manages leaders of Islamic organizations in the process of
taking any decision. Besides, syura discusses code of ethics of those leaders in
determining the goals of organizations. But off course not all a leader does should
be based on syura. Routine activities can be done based on standard policy of the
organization. These should be conducted by each division on the basis of
prevailing, ability, needs, human resorces, and scope. Thus, the leader should
obey the Syura. Leaders should not manipulate anything to push his ideas or break
anything stipulated by Syura.
Generally, there are some points stipulated in Syura: First, Both
administrative and executive fields should become the responsibilities of leaders.
Second: In relation to these two fields, any urgent decision can be decided by the
leaders directly which then being presented to his group directly or through tele-
conference. Third: all members of the group under his responsibilities should be
able to verify or get clear explanation about any decision taken by the leader.
Fourth: Any big policy should be implemented, has long-term pupose and decided
by selected representatives. So the decision should not be taken by the leader him
b. Fair, A leader should lead fairly without concerning race, skin colours, origin, or
religion. Al-Quran asks Moslems to always be fair even in facing their opponents.

BEHOLD, God bids you to deliver all that you have been entrusted with unto
those who are entitled thereto, and whenever you judge between people, to judge
with justice. Verily, most excellent is what God exhorts you to do: verily, God is
all-hearing, all-seeing! (Surah an-Nisa (4):58).

O those who believe, be upholders of justice witnesses for Allah, eventhough against
(the interest of) yourselves or the parents, and the kinsmen. One may be rich or poor,
Allah is better caretaker of both. So do not follow desires, let you should swerve. And if
you twist or avoid (the evidence), then, Allah is all-aware of what you do (Surah an-Nisa

As the basis of Islamic community, the principle of having equality should be

comprehensive. Thus, an Islamic organization should have their Internal Law Firm or
Arbitrary Committee to solve all legal problems in that organization. The people in this
firm should be those who are selected among the smart, religious, and wise.

The Development Chronology of Total Quality Management

Frederick W. Taylor (1856-1915), was one of the first experts who applied new
approach in management to improve the performance of less skillful workers in
industrial organizations. Taylor, as chief engineer, developed a concept that put the basic
strategy of fixing work performance during this century. His approach is systematically

analyzed and applied basic concept for manual works. Taylor was popular by the father
of scientific management. 50
Next in year 1920, total quality control started to develop in America. A Quality
Control Department was being established and responsible to control the quality of
products produced. In 1924, W.A. Shewart created a control chart. Then in 1930s,
people started to feel that they need a management system. In 1940, JM. Juran
introduced statistical quality control (SQC) and in 1950, many writers wrote about
SQC in America. 51
In March 1950, JUSE published a magazine of Statistic Quality Control (Hinshitsu
Kanri). 52 Total Quality Management was started as statistical approach, but then was
being expanded by the experts of Total Quality Management and industrialists in Japan
and United States. There were lists of popular approaches related to the process of
reaching total quality.
In 1954, Dr. JM. Juran was invited to Japan to give speec related to quality
control and right after that, the quality control was systematically applied in Japan. It
took several stages in which in 1946-1950, first stage, was Research and Review Period.
In 1950-1954, second stage, Statistical Quality Control period. Third, the visiting of Dr.
JM. Juran in July 1954, he delivered speech in the Seminar of Quality Control
Management.In the development of quality control in 1955 1960, this period was
referred to The Application of Systematically Quality Control period. In other chance,
the committee of Statistical Quality Control (Hinshitsu Kanri) decided to publish similar
magazine, i.e. Genba-To-QCwhich then being revised into FQC(QC for the
Foreman). 53
In 1955, Peter Drucker developed a management system concept which was
called Management by Objectiveor Objective Based Management. It was a
management system applied in Japan focusing on strategic plan and management
development. In 1960, the development of management system in Japan was getting
wider, such as November 1960 was firstly declared as quality month in Japan. This
month of quality was being marked as Q and flag Q (= Quality).
In 1961, Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa was sponsored by JUSE summarized the theories of
Maslow (theory of needs), Herzberg (theory of motivation), Mc. Gregor (theory of X
and Y), Peter Drucker (MBO), and Deming and Juran (SQC),which was written on a
book entitled Quality Control Textbook for Foreman (FQC). In 1962, there was a
small group of workers in Japan learned on FQC together, they analyzed problems
happened in another places. Then it became the initial of Quality Control Coordinator. 54
Total Quality Management then developed and so success so that many
companies in America tried, adopted, and applied their ideas. Japan had been applying
this Total Quality Management for 20 30 years. These ideas were being spread out by

Stephen Murgatroyd and Colin Morgan, Total Quality Management and the School, Open University
Press Celtic Court 22 Ballmoor, Bukingham and 1900 Frost Road, Suite 101 Bristol, PA 19007, USA.hlm. 60.
Indriyo Gitosudarmo, dkk, Prinsip Dasar Manajemen, Edisi Ketiga, (Yogjakarta:1996, Penerbit: BPFE,
Yogyakarta), hlm. 279.
Henryanto Eko dkk, Pengendalian Mutu Terpadu, Cet. III, (Jakarta: 1993. Penerbit: PT. Gramedia), hlm.
Henryanto Eko dkk, Pengendalian Mutu Terpadu, Cet. III, Penerbit PPM, Jakarta.Nomor pertama
diterbitkan pada bulan April 1962, dengan maksud agar karyawan mengikuti perkembangan peningkatan
mutu.hlm. 94.
Nomor pertama diterbitkan pada bulan April 1962, dengan maksud agar karyawan mengikuti
perkembangan peningkatan mutu.hlm. 94.
Ibid.Indriyo Gitosudarmo, dkk, hlm.280.

qualified teachers. 55 They were the pioneers who firstly introduced more scientific
quality over the whole country. There are 4 principles in management applied in
industries, i.e. 1. Definition, quality means the fulfillment of what the customers need,
not an instrinsically willing; 2. System, prevention, not detection; 3. Standard, no limb;
4. Measurement, insatisfied price 56
In April 1962, JUSE published a quarterly magazine GENBATO-QC (Quality
Control for Foreman). It was publised twice a month in 1963, every month since 1964,
and was added by Quality Control Coordinator. In 1962, the first Quality Control
Coordinator being registered was Matsuyama Carrier Equipment from Telephone and
Telegraph Companies in Japan. In November 1962, the first annual conference on
Quality Control was held. Due to its development, this conference was then being held in
three days after third conference and next.
In June 1966, a meeting of Quality Control Coordinator was held in Xth
conference of EOQC (European Organization for Quality Control)in Stockholm,
Sweden. In June 1967, registered Quality Control Coordination reached up to 10.000
after Kansai Paint was being registered. Then in April 1968, JUSE sent team of
reviewers of Quality Control Coordinator, and in May 1969, 100th conference of Quality
Control Coordinator was held in Tokyo, Japan, and in October 1969 the conference of
Tokyo ICQC (International Conference for Quality Control)was held and many reports
related to Quality Control Coordinator was being addressed in that conference.
The leaders of this Quality Control also gave their presentations in this
conference. In November 1970, Basic Principles of Quality Control Coordinator was
being issued in Japanese language (in Bahasa Indonesia, it was published in 1983). Then
in June 1971, JUSE held first mobile seminar on Quality Control Coordinator. In
November 1971, the first conference of all Quality Control Coordinator was held in
Tokyo. 57 In January 1973, GENBA-TO-OC changed its name into FQC. In October
1975, the first Quality Control Coordinator in United State was firsly established in the
companies of Lockheed Missiles and Space Company. 58
In October 1978, the Association of International Quality Control Coordinator
was established in California, USA, and then at the same period, Rolls Roys Ltd. Derby
established its first Quality Control England Coordinator. In June 1979 Quality Control
Coordinator reached 100.000 by having A Coordinator in painting division of Kanto
car company. In September 1979, Excecutant Management Consultants, held the first
conference in England about Quality Control Coordinator under the name of Japan
Design towards Product Quality Management (Ancangan Jepang Terhadap
Manajemen Mutu Produk), and being presented by more than 100 people. In 1983, the
Minister of Labor and Industry in Indonesia suggested all state-owned corporation and
state government to apply Total Quality Management. 59

Ibid. Hubert Rampersad K.... Usaha perbaikan secara terus menerus melalui para sarjana dan teknisi di
Jepang yang disebut (JUSE), pada tahun 1949 membentuk panitia penelitian teknis luar negeri, di dalamnya
terdapat sub-panitia pengendalian mutu yang kemudian berkembang menjadi kelompok penelitian kendali mutu.
Dikutip: Nanag Fattah, Managing Total Quality, yang dibahas dalam kuliah Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan
Islam Program Doktor UIKA-Bogor,tahun 2011.
West-Burnham 1992,dalam Tony Bush & Marianne Coleman, Manajemen Mutu Kepemimpinan
Pendidikan, Cet. I, (Yogjakarta: 2012, Penerbit: IRCiSoD), hlm.190-191.
Henryanto Eko dkk, Pengendalian Mutu Terpadu,Cetakan ke-3,(Jakarta: 1993, Penerbit LPPM dan PT
Pustaka Binaman Presindo), hlm 100.
Ibid.Henryanto Eko dkk,Pengendalian Mutu Terpadu,Cetakan ke-3,(Jakarta:1993, Penerbit LPPM dan
PT Pustaka Binaman Presindo), hlm 101.
Ibid.Henryanto Eko dkk, Pengendalian Mutu Terpadu, Cetakan ke-3,(Jakarta:1993, Penerbit LPPM dan
PT Pustaka Binaman Presindo), hlm 102.

The development of Total Quality Management gives good stimulan in the
publication of Total Quality Management issues especially in the education world. In
1991, College Quality Assurance Systemand Quality Management were established.
Then in 1992, second book ofQuality Management was published, it was written with
Peter Hingley and published by The Staf College, Coombe Lodge. The book discusses
wide review, develops topics and concerns with Total Quality Management in a wider
setting of education. 60
In 1993 1997, because of the problems in the quality and productivities in
general, World Academy of Productivity Science (WAPS),located in Virginia Tech,
USA, lead by Dr. D. Scott Sink, formulated a result of his research which was popular as
Delph Studytechnique. Thus, WAPS built good synergy among Fellows because of its
contribution to improve quality, quality of working life, and productivities. 61
England quality standard BS5750 and International standard ISO 9000 lately got
serious attention from the education world especially from America and Europe. Around
17.000 companies in England were registered in England at BS5750 standard. It was not
surprising since the education experts of those two countries had good awareness to
apply the standard in their institutions. 62
At the end of 1960, a standard quality system of AQAP (Allied Quality
Assurance Publicators) was designed, in which it was a development of previous control
system which mainly aimed to control the suppliers to fulfill the requirements. 63 Quality
Assurance System ISO 9000 consists of: a. ISO 9001: to organize the organizations that
design, develop, draw, produce or manufacturing, install, service or repair; b. ISO 9002:
to all companies which produce or manufacturing, and install; c. ISO 9003: to the
companies which only do the inspection and stockists. 64
Based on the chronology above, several redesign efforts were taken along the
process of improving the quality of education. According to Juran, the process of
redesign consists of the activities similar with a process design, the main difference is in
the renew the purpose of product quality. Any activity done to provide the facilities to
fulfill the purpose of quality product without any changing is called redesign.
Any activity done to fulfill the purpose of quality of new products is called
process design. Further, Kaoru Ishikawa, said that practically, to control the quality of

Ibid Edward Sallis,Total Quality Managementu in Education,Cetakan ke-XVI,(Yogyakarta: 2012),
Peneribit: IRCiSoD, hlm. 24-25.
SoewarsoHardjosoedarmo,Total Quality Management, Edisi ke-2 Cet.II. (Yogyakarta: 2001), Penerbit:
Andi Offset, Yogyakarta, hlm. 169.
Ibid.Edward Sallis,Total Quality Management in Education,Pertumbuhan gerakan kerjasama
Pendidikan dan bisnis (Education Business Partnership) telah berhasil merangsang ketertarikan dan perhatian
masyarakat terhadap berbagai metodologi bisnis, termasuk BS5750. Ketertarikan pendidikan terhadap BS5750,
bisa dibilang merupakan hal yang baru.Meskipun juga harus diakui, bahwa baik British Standards Institution
(BSI) maupun International Standards Organization (ISO) belum menunjukkan ketertarikan terhadap dunia
pendidikan sebelum tahun 1989.hlm. 120.
Ibid.Syamsi Hadi, Pada tahun 1979 anggota ISO untuk Inggris yaitu Britihs Standard Institute,
menyerahkan proposal kepada ISO agar dibentuk suatu komite teknis baru untuk menyiapkan standar
internasional yang berkaitan dengan teknik dan praktik penjaminan mutu, maka dibentuklah komite teknis baru
dengan nomor ISO/TC 176. Sebagai hasil kerja ISO/TC 176, pada tahun 1987 dipublikasikan seri standar ISO
9000 yaitu sistem manajemen mutu yang merangkum sebagian besar standar sebelumnya disamping
peningkatan dan penjelasan standar baru.
Amin Widjaja Tunggal, Manajemen Mutu Terpadu Suatu Pengantar, Cet.II. Penerbit: Rineka Cipta
Jakarta. hlm.102.

products means to develop, design, produce and serve products with good qualities
which are economic, useful, and satisfy the consumers. 65
This condition encourages all parties to apply this way in their non profitable
organizations or in this case Madrasah. 66 Thus, the behaviour and attitude of professional
teachers should be improved constantly especially in the process of learning so that the
image of madrasah will get trust from society. This culture should be built as part of the
integration in developing work culture which might give qualified output.
Based onterm of reference above, the implementation of total quality
management in the education world always change due to the dynamic and demand of
era development. Thus it needs serious attention from all parties in running the
education. 67 The implementation of Total Quality Management means that there is a
freedom to express ideas in order to build good communicative atmosphere between
students and teachers, between students and principal of Islamic institution, between
teachers and Islamic institutions principals. 68

Learning Organizations of Madrasah Teachers

Learning discipline principle of Madrasah teachers is very important in helping to
understand rationale thoughts behind the term discipline, and as the effort to explain to
other parties. Learning involves new understanding and behaviour. Think and do are
explanations that can be used to differentiate between principle and practicing.
Essentially, humans who have high discipline will also have higher goals. Fundamentally,
the adoption of the development of fifth theory into Islamic education through the
principle of organization learning discipline developed by Peter M. Senge covering: 69

1. Personal Mastery
Personal mastery of Madrasah teachers is someones tendency to widen
his/her abilities in order to create results that he/she really wants in life. 70 Educators
with high personal mastery will have the characters of committed, initiative, creative,
having clear vision, having ability to reach intended objetcives, having the ability
reach objective reality in running their professions, thus they will be able to notice
and solve any structural conflict, i.e. the power to limit any effort and action should be
done by a teacher in Islamic education, it is very important to achieve personal vision
J.M.Juran dalam Kaoru Ishikawa, What is Total Quality Control the Japanese Way, Translated by
David J.Lu. Prentice Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, N.J, p. 44.
Saefullah, Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, Cet. I, (Bandung :Penerbit: CV Pustaka Setia, 2012),..Oleh
karena itu, unsur yang mendorong dalam upaya peningkatan kualitas pendidikan Islam, harus adanya pandangan
hidup yang menjadi nilai-kebiasaan, kekuatan dan pendorong dalam kehidupan kelompok masyarakat atau
organisasi, yang tercermin pada sikap dan perilaku, kepercayaan, cita-cita, pendapat dan tindakan dalam
pekerjaan dan profesionalisme. hlm. 103.
Stephen Murgatroyd and Colin Morgan, (1993), Total Quality Management and the School,Open
University Press Celtic Court 22 Ballmoor, Bukingham and 1900 Frost Road, Suite 101 Bristol, PA 19007,
USA, p.16
Baharuddin,dkk.Kepemimpinan Pendidikan Islam antara Teori dan Praktek,Edisi I, (Yogyakarta: 2012,
Penerbit: Ar-Ruzz Media), hlm.276.
Peter M. Senge, Disiplin Kelima, Seni dan Praktek dari Organisasi Pembelajar,Penekanan keahlian
pribadi sebagai salah satu disiplin tumbuh dengan cara mengklarifikasikan visi melalui focus dan refocus serta
memusatkan energi disertai dengan kesabaran mewujudkannya. Mereka mempunyai keyakinan terhadap visi
yang ingin diwujudkannya sebagai cita-cita dan merupakan panggilan jiwa, hlm.137.
Ibid.Peter M. Senge,Disiplin keahlian pribadi bagi para pendidik/guru madrasah dapat ditanamkan
dalam iklim yang secara terus menerus memperkuat ide bahwa pertumbuhan pribadi benar-benar di hargai di
dalam organisasi. Di sisi lain, individu mampu memberikan respon terhadap apa yang ditawarkan, sehingga
tercipta on the job training yang vital untuk mengembangkan keahlian pribadi, dalam hal ini adalah para
pendidik. hlm.135-161.

through truth commitment, personal mastery needs clarification as it is shown in the
following picture: 71






Creative tense can be accomodated appropriately with emotional tense

owned by educators, the persons who sometimes make someone feels powerless.
Every individual should use his/her unlimited subconscious ability to reach his/her
vision by accommodating any obstacles in his/her real-life in the profession as
teachers. 72
2.Mental Models
One thing that being understood by the leader of Madrasah is that there are
many ideas which cannot be applied in running the organization. It is caused by the
differences of seeing a problem or strategic issue among individuals in the
organization. It is called :mental models from each individual. Mental model is
based on the essential, principle, and in practice is able to identify the following





Mental model is very influential not only towards our ways of knowing the
world but also on how we can take action in learning and practicing Islamic
education, because what we do tend to depend on what we are doing and what we
are seeing in the real life. 73

Peter M. Senge, Disiplin Kelima, Seni dan Praktek dari Organisasi Pembelajar, Alih Bahasa: Nunuk
Adiarni, Cetakan Pertama (Jakarta: 1996, Penerbit, Bina Rupa Aksara), hlm.375.
Hubert K. Rampersad, Pertajam Kompetensi Anda Melalui Personal Balanced Scorecard, Cet.
III.(Jakarta:2008.Penerbit: PT.Victory Jaya Abadi). Dalam penerapan konsep Personal Balanced Scorecard
(PBSC), bahwa catatan pribadi yang dibuat berdasarkan perenungan diri, perubahan proses berpikir dan cara
berpikir dimaksudkan untuk mempersiapkan anda agar bertindak dan terlibat dalam pekerjaan dengan penuh
keyakinan, gairah dan energi. hlm. 23
Ibid.Peter M. Senge, Tujuan terpenting left hand coloumadalah belajar berargumentasi secara
professional dalam situasi konflik. Merupakan perpaduan berpikir sistem dengan model mental dapat membuat

Mental model is used to evaluate the gap among theories used in the
learning process, in which everyone should change their behaviour and attitude so
that they will be able to move progressively, not only based on personal emotional
or opinion. Every assumption should be tested in order not to jump to conclusion
by using inferential steps in giving chance on how people interact through learning
from others in which vice versa, others will also learn from us by addressing
questions and giving chances to explain. 74
3. Shared Vision
In this concept, vision does not refer to an important idea, but individuals
effort coming from inner strength. While shared vision means the vision of
organization designed from individuals visions to create shared in an
organization and coherent to various activities. Islamic education institutions
should be able to keep, manage and even change that shared vision 75 if each of the
individual is discipline in running Islamic education to build vision together as
follows 76 :






Vision is a promising future which covers expected things, it should be real

and can be achieved. Vision is the reflection of imagination for the future to be
reached. Everyone should be given chance to express their opinions and listen to
others and also to be free to choose the available data or information. Through this

perubahan dari mental yang selalu berdasarkan kejadian menjadi model mental yang melihat jangka panjang dan
struktur pola tersebut. Oleh karena itu, unsur pokok model mental adalah terciptanya keterbukaan yang akan
mempermudah proses pengambilan keputusan melalui diskusi yang optimal dan hilangnya mental block yang
menghambat dalam organisasi, Esensi model mental yang baik sebagai tenaga pendidik adalah mengurangi
kesenjangan antara apa yang dikatakan seseorang (right hand coloumn) dengan apa yang ada dipikiran orang
tersebut namun tidak diucapkan (left hand coloumn).Dengan demikian dapat dicapai suatu perasaan saling
mempercayai dari antara seluruh anggota rganisasi dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan,terhadap kebenaran yang
sesungguhnya, sehingga setiap orang menghargai keterbukaan sebagai salah satu syarat penting dalam
kehidupan berorganisasi yang dapat menimbulkan visi bersama dan menciptakan pembelajaran yang kondusif,
hlm. 172.
Ibid. Peter M. Senge,Spirit yang dikandung bukan lagi memenangkan argumen tapi mencari argumen
terbaik yang didukung data/informasi yang benar. Dalam praktek model mental para pendidik ditetapkan dengan
proses bertanya dan memberikan kesempatan menjelaskan melalui dialog untuk membedakan data dari data
abstraksi dengan melakukan pengujian asumsi, serta selalu memperlambat proses berpikir, agar tidak langsung
mengambil keputusan dengan menimbulkan asumsi hal-hal yang dipikirkan, namun tidak dikatakan menjadi
terungkap secara terbuka dan jujur , hlm. 183.
Ibid,Peter M. Singe,Sedangkan dari esensinya, visi bersama merupakan aspirasi bersama
menghubungkan individu satu dengan lainnya. Setiap orang menginginkan berbuat sesuatu yang lebih penting
bersama orang lain dalam organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan yang merupakan visi bersama. Kekuatan visi
pribadi diperoleh dari kepedulian yang dalam dari visi orang yang bersangkutan, sedangkan kekuatan visi
bersama diperoleh dari kepedulian bersama (kemitraaan), karena tujuan organisasi yang harus dikejar merupkan
tujuan yang ingin dicapai oleh seluruh indiviu dalam organisasi.hlm. 207-210.
Peter M. Singe, Disiplin Kelima, Seni dan Praktek dari Organisasi Pembelajar Alih Bahasa: Nunuk
Adiarni, hlm. 376.

principle, it is expected that every member of the organization will have strong
commitment to achieve shared vision.

4. Team Learning
Team learning can be defined as a process to give and develop the capacity
of a team to achieve results expected by all members of the team. Team is a
learning unit which is fundamental in modern organization. If the team does not
learn, the organization will not learn either. 77
It can be understandable since all decisions in organization are taken by
team. In Islamic education, team learning is considered very essential in which it is
interdependent. Intrinsically, team learning can be seen in the following picture 78 :





Thus, team learning is a collectively discipline and intelligence which

results better decision than personals decision. The principle of team learning is
done through dialog and discussion.
5. System Thinking
System thinking was popular in 19th century starting from the concept of
cybernetic, a concept in technical science, then being developed to analyze
organizations, local and urban problems, economy, politics and ecology. This
concept gives the ability to human to see any interrelated phenomenon and explain
any unique character of a system in life. In practice, sytem thinking is very
important in Islamic education organization. System thinking can be seen in the
following picture: 79 :





Ibid.Peter M.Senge,Kebutuhan pembelajaran tim dalan organisasi semakin meningkat sejalan dengan
tantangan yang dihadapi organisasi. Pembelajran tim dapat muncul dalam bentuk management team, product
development team atau cross functional team ataupun task forces, hlm. 234-247.
Ibid,Peter M.Singe,Disiplin Kelima, Seni dan Praktek dari Organisasi Pembelajar Alih Bahasa: Nunuk
Adiarni, hlm. 376.
Ibid,Peter M.Singe,Disiplin Kelima, Seni dan Praktek dari Organisasi Pembelajar Alih Bahasa: Nunuk
Adiarni, hlm.376.

System thinking is a discipline to see a complex structure thorugh mind
mapping and think partly becomes integratedly. 80 Thus, system thinking can be
used as a conceptual foundation which bases all sdiscipline learning.
System thinking is very important to change thinking pattern from partly
into integratedly, so that it will be able to detect the dynamic of its complex
structure and its changing. For example, system thinking in personal mastery will
help individual to see their relationship with outside world and another various
relationships between action and reality.

The Integration of STAFI Management

Management STAFI stands for shidiq, tabligh, amanah, fathanah dan
istiqamah. Good akhlaq is also called mahmudah. Akhlaq mahmudahis any good
deed and it is also called akhlak fadhilah (), main akhlaq. The experts of
Tasawuf often said that The Prophets words asked us to imitate God qualities
(Ittashifu bi shifat-il-Lah), and Takhahallaqu bi akhlaq-il-Lah). 81 Rasulullah
S.A.W. suggested his ummah to have Akhlak Mahmudah since Allah S.W.T loves
these characters as follows:
1. Honesty(Shidiq)
Shidiq (ash-sidqu),means the truth or honest. 82 An educator/a teacher is always
expected to be honest both in body and soul; true in (shidqi al-galb),true in
words (shidqi-al-hadits)and true in actions (shidqi al-amal).These can be good
models for students. As Allah said in Surah Al-Azhab:

VERILY, in the Apostle of God you have a good example for everyone who
looks forward (with hope and awe) to God and the last day, and remebers
God unceasingly (QS.Al-Ahzab 33:21).

Anhonest educator/teacher is needed as a role model for the students. Educator

who has akhlak mahmudah will be able to run their job as professional
2. To Deliver (Tabligh)
Good in delivering, 83 good model and personality are the characters of
Rasulullah S.A.W. Allah created him as a good role model for his ummah as it
is stated in the following verse:

Ibid.Peter M.Senge,Disiplin Kelima, Seni dan Praktek dari Organisasi Pembelajar Alih Bahasa: Nunuk
Adiarni, hlm.375-376.
Nurcholish Madjid, Masyarakat Religius,Cetakan Keempat, Penerbit: Paramadina, Jakarta, hlm. 112.
Yunahar Ilyas, Kuliah Akhlak Cetakan ke-V, (Yogyakarta:2002,Penerbit LPPI, Pencetak: Pustaka
Pelajar Offset, Yogyakarta), hlm.81.
Muhammad Syafii Antonio, Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan,Ensiklopedia Leadership & Manajemen
Muhammad S.A.W. The Super Leader Super Manager, Cetakan Ketiga, Penerbit Tazkia Publishing, Jakarta, hlm

VERILY, in the Apostle of God you have a good example for everyone who looks
forward (with hope and awe) to God and the last day, and remebers God
unceasingly (QS.Al-Ahzab 33:21).

The verse explains how Rasulullah S.A.W became the role model for his
ummah in characters, deeds and other sides.
3. Trusted (Amanah)
Amanah means trusted 84 , like our faith, the character of amanah was born from
the power of faith. In a braoden meaning, amanah covers several things such as
able to keep secret, able to keep others honored, able to keep ourselves, able to
run any responsibility given, etc. Amanah was given by Allah to all Prophets
and Rasulullah. They were selected humans and can be trusted to handle big
responsibilities, i.e. inviting humans to pray to Allah S.W.T and not to others. 85
In a broaden meaning, amanah covers all responsibilities given to all human
beings, Al-Quran is called as amanah taklif,a very big amanah. Allah S.W.T

Verily, We did offer the trust (of reason and voilition) to the heavens, and the
earth, and the mountains but they refused to bear it because they were afraid
of it. Yet man took it up for, verily, he has always been prone to be most
wicked, most foolish (QS. Al-Ahzab:72).

It can be said that someone who is given amanah to keep the secret of personal,
family, and organization in the institution of Islamic education, and or to keep
the ethics of profession as teachers in which not to break any rules given to
4. Professional andCreative(Fathanah)
Rasullulah S.A.W was a teacher assigned by Allah S.W.T to teach religion and
all His shariah to his ummah. Fathanah is a person with the characters of
skillful, smart, professional and creative. 86 The perfection of Rasulullahs
personalities is a professional and creative method in order to teach his students
so that they will imitate all good models and HIS guidance. Thus, this method
teaches how to be professional, skillful, smart, innovative and creative. As Allah
S.W.T said:

YOU ARE indeed the community that has ever been brought forth (the good of)
mankind: you enjoying the doing of what is right and forbid the doing of what
is wrong, and you believe in God. Now if the followers of earlier revelation
had attained to (this kind of) faith, it would have been for their own good; but

Ibid,Yunahar Ilyas, Kuliah Akhlak, hlm. 89.
Muhammad Syafii Antonio, Kepemimpinan dan Pengembangan Diri Ensiklopedia Leadership &
Manajemen Muhammad S.A.W. The Super Leader Super Manager, Cetakan Ketiga, (Jakarta:2012, Penerbit:
Tazkia Publishing,.hlm 238-239.
Ibid.Muhammad Syafii Antonio, hlm. 65.

only few) among them are believers, whlie most of them are (QS. Ali

In can be said that the main character should be owned by teachers is having
professionalism and creativity of intelligence, knowledge, policy, performance,
good sayings, logic, action, etc.
5. Consistent(Istiqamah)
Etimology, istiqamah came from the words istaqama-yastaqimu, which means
in a straight line. In the dictionary of Indonesian languages, istiqama his defined
as keep the principle and consistent. Istiqamahmeans stay with his hearts
choice, consistent, stay in tauhid, dilligent and sustained, or any effort done to
keep his faith. 87 Allah explained:

Those who said, Allah is our Lord, and then stood steadfast, angels
descend on them and say, Fear nor grieve, and rejoice in the good news of
Paradised that has been promised to you: we are your companions in the life
of this world, and the Hereafter, too. There you will have whatever you desire,
and whatever you ask for will be yours --- an entertainment from the One,
Who is All-Forgiving, All-Merciful (QS. Fushshilat 41:30-32).

This verse explains that the people who always be istiqomah will always be
guided by Allah SWT, away from frightened, sadness and any negative things,
these people will face the future happily and will never regret anything they
have done in the past. Good istiqamaha owned by teachers will create an
optimistic attitude and will be able to run his profession professionally. They
will never be tired and bored as professional teachers.

The Performance of Madrasah Teachers

The concept of performance management in Islamic education, is an important
development in the scope of Islamic education management system, to measure and
evaluate the performance of one teacher compared to other teacher based on the
standard. 88 The performace measure or performance indicatorshould be valid for all
activities. The performance indicator is a measurement resulted from the
implementation of an activity. 89

Choiruddin Hadhiri, Akhlak dan Adab Islami,Cet. I (Jakarta: 2015, Penerbit: PT. Bhuana Ilmu Pelajar
Jakarta),hlm 168.
HandokoT.Hani,Manajemen Personalia dan Sumberdaya Manusia,Edisi II,Cet.14, (Yogyakarta: 2000,
Penerbit BPFE). Yogyakarta, ..Penilaian prestasi kerja adalah proses melalui mana organisasi-organisasi
mengevaluasi atau menilai prestasi kerja karyawan. Penilaian kinerja pada dasarnya merupakan faktor kunci
guna mengembangkan suatu organisasi secara efektif dan efisien, karena adanya kebijakan atau program yang
lebih baik atas sumber daya manusia yang ada dalam organisasi hlm.103.
Syukran Nafis. Ahmadi, Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, Cet, II (Yogyakarta: LaksBang, PRESSindo,
2012), hlm. 56. Dengan tersedianya indikator kinerja maka akan mudah bagi kepala madrasah maupun pihak
lain yang berkepentingan untuk melakukan penilaian apakah setelah lampau waktu tertentu (sesuai dengan
jangka waktu yang dinyatakan) sasaran-sasaran yang telah ditetapkan telah dapat dicapai.

The leader of school that out side in should have a vision based on the
madrasah features. 90 Kath Aspinwall illustrated a creation, articulation, spread out,
and reach future dreams of qualified and meaningful learning for students through 4
Dont be afraid to dream
For children

Stage 2
Apply the vision
through adolescent and kids
Stage 3
Encourage them
through a learning system
Stage 4
Thorugh anything you assess objectively
Picturer:3.2. Stages:Dreams,visions for children 91

It should be understood that the leader of Madrasah is a controller and

supervisor in the qualified learning process so that he/she should always be ready with
the planned programs. These programs are being planned to the development of
institutions including how to prepare qualified teachers.
Supporting Factors
As supporting factor, school/madrasah keeps improving its teachers
professionalism and one of the ways is through education. In todays society, it is
mentioned that teachers are required to be professional, the word profession means
distortion. There are two types of distrotion, i.e. first, profession which is identified as job
with occupation. Second, is a profession seen as the whole knowledge and technical skill
should be mastered to do a job, and having no realtion with personal ethics of that
profession. 92 These two types of distortion referred to misinterpretation of the word
profession. In Arabic language, the word profession is always be related to the word
ahll which means family or domestic, 93 resident, indegenious, home, nationality, attitude,
fitness, suitableness, competence and qualification. 94 Professionalism status should be
maintained sustainability. 95 There are several factors support the educators competencies
as follows:

Nanang Fatah, Makalah Diskusi Ilmiah tidak dipublikasikan Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan Islam.
Program Doktor-UIKA-Bogor tahun 2011.
Kath Aspinwall, Leading and Learning School:Dikutip: Nanang Fatah, makalah diskusi ilmiah
Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan Islam pada Program Doktor UIKA-Bogor tahun 2011.
Dikutip: Abuddin Nata, dalam bukunya, Menuju Sukses Sertifikasi Guru dan Dosen, Cetakan 1
(Pamulang, Tangerang Banten: 2009), Penerbit: Faza Media, hlm
Ibid. Abuddin Nata, hlm
Hans Wehr, A, Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic, (edited) by. J. Milton Cowan, (Beirut: Libraries du
Liban dan London: Macdonald & Evans LTD, 1974), hlm, 33, Dikutip: Abuddin Nata dalam bukunya Menuju
Sukses Sertifikasi Guru dan Dosen, hlm. 7.
Danim Sudarman, Pengembangan Profesi Guru, dari Pra Jabatan, Induksi ke Profesional Madani, Cet.
Ke-2 (Jakarta: 2012, Kencana Prenada Media Group). ...Profesionalisme berasal dari kata bahasa Inggris
profesionalism yang secara leksikal berarti sifat profesional, guru profesional memiliki sikap yang berbeda
dengan orang yang tidak profesional, meski mereka mengerjakan pekerjaan yang sama atau katakanlah berada

1. Learning Quality of Madrasah Teachers Profession
Through teachers professionalism certification in Madrasah, it is expected that the
quality of learning can be improved, Madrasah teachers should also have the
demanding proficiency required by standard of professionalism and teachers code of
ethics. Basically, the performance of Madrasah teachers is a behaviour in which a
teacher should have in running his/her profession when teaching before the class and
based on certain criterion.
2. Teacher Performance
There are two perspectives can used as the indicators to see whether a teacher is
professional or not. First, from his/her level of education or at least from the
background of his/her school studied to be a teacher. Second, the abilities of that
teacher in mastering tha materials to be taught, managing learning process, managing
students, doing supersions, etc.
3. Certification
The achievement of certificate ISO 9001:2008 by MAN 4 Model Jakarta is a renewal
certificate from previous ISO 9001:2000. The ISO from Sucofindo is the achievement
of Madrasah in the efforts of improving its learning quality and it became quality
assurance to stake holders. Quality assurance, generally, is aimed to fit customer

New Findings
Based on research results about Total Quality Management in improving the
performance of Madrasah teachers, supported by various theroies/grand theory, then new
findings of this study are as follows:
1.The development of management theory of The Fifth Discipline by Peter M. Senge, can
be used as one alternative choice to encourage Madrasah teachers to understand the
learning process of organization better. In the process of the balancing the personal
mastery, educators can run their job as professional Madrasah teachers. Mental Models,
a good mental from Madrasah teachers, are expected to implement new innovations in
the institutions. Shared Vision is inspired from each teachers opinion to be integrated
into one and become the vision of the institutions. Team Learning is a process of each
member of the teams capacity to be developed in the organization in order to create a
collective learning. System Thinking of the teachers should be in line with the system
of the institution which is holistically and not partially.
2. The development of management theory of Personal Balanced Score Card (PBSC) from
Hubert K.Rampersad through the approach of PDAC cycles consists of: Plan, it is a
formula to renew PBSC of educators, focuses on the activities both at school or outside
school. Plan can become an action (through target, performance measurement, and
personal target) with strict objectives. Do, can be started from simple target of the
teachers and should be based on priorities. Act, it is the stage to evaluate the results
compared to the target targetted previously. Challenge, teachers should accept bigger
challenge with harder target and should be related to improvement. It is very important
to develop teachers professionalism.
3.The development of Total Quality Management by Arthur R. Tenner and Irving J.
DeToro is objectivity-based, it needs simultaneously improvement suitable with the era,
principles, customer-oriented, fixing process, and total involvement. While its elements

pada satu ruang kerja. Tidak jarang pula orang yang berlatar belakang pendidikan yang sama dan bekerja pada
tempat yang sama menampilkan kinerja profesional yang berbeda, serta berbeda pula pengakuan masyarakat
kepada mereka, hlm. 104.

are education and training, communication and recognition, leadership, suitable with
supporting structure, reward and real action. The concept of Total Quality Management
can be used as the guidance to compare Madrasah teachers performance.
4.The Integration of STAFI Management covering: a. Honesty(Shidiq), to build the
honesty values of teachers behaviours and to improve the quality of learning as
professional teachers; b. To deliver (Tabligh), create innovations and role-models for
students in which teachers are able to keep the values of working performances suitable
with Islamic lessons and teachers have good Islamic characters; c. Trusted (Amanah), it
encourages teachers to always be trusted in handling any responsibility; d. Professional
and Creative (Fathanah),to build creativity and to motivate teachers to work
professionally and should be responsible, accountable in building the sensitivity of
managerial functions; e. Consistent (Istiqamah), it refers to commitment, professional,
motivation, and responsible, and other maind requirements should be owned by teachers
so that they will be able to work prefossionally.

Four Pillars Cycles of Madrasah Teachers Performance

The development of management theories of The Fifth Discipline, PBSC, Total
Quality Management, and the Integration of STAFI, creates a cycles called Four Pillars
Cycles as new finding in this study. It is a new concept developed to improve
Madrasah teachers performance which can be seen in the following cycles:

PBSC: STAFI Management

Plan Honesty(Shidiq)
Do Delivering(Tabligh)
Check Trusted(Amanah)
Action Professional & Creative(Fathanah)

Total Quality Management The Fifth Discipline

(TQM) PersonalMastery
Objective Mental Models
Principles Shared Vision
Element Team Learning
System Thinking

Picture:4 Pillars Cycles, Concept: The Improving of Madrasah Teachers Performance

These four pillars should be combined, developed and elaborated in details, and it
should be applied also in the efforts to improve work performance both of Madrasah teachers
and teachers of other schools. The efforts of government will be success in improving the
quality of education if it is supported by:
1. Applying management and managerial of professional Madrasah, supported by
professional teachers and educators, and adequate facilities;
2. The professionalism of Madrasah teachers, in which they are able to handle their job
professinally as smart, sincere, honest, trusted and consitent educators and have
competitive values.
3. Implementing Total Quality Management (TQM) in all institutions activities and along
the learning process in Madrasah which is based on principles, objectivity-based element
and accountable management.

4. Improving Madrasah Teachers Performance through building discipline culture, in good
learning process of organization both for teachers and educators, so that the sustainability
of organization (in this case Madrasah) will be better in performance. Amin yaa Robbal
Based on the research on Total Quality Management in improving Madrasah teachers
performance, this study concluded that the implementation of Total Quality Management
always dynamic based on various supporting factors which influence the implementation of
this Total Quality Management. The results of this study were proved through the following
1. The implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) in MAN 4 Model Jakarta is not
fully based on transactional logic, but adjusted with dynamic logic of education. The
development of Total Quality Management showed that the improvement of Madrasah
teachers performance was the integrated of The Fifth Discipline, Personal Balanced
Score Card (PBSC), Total Quality Management (TQM), and STAFI management. The
implementation of PBSC followed the cycles of PDCA. These cycles were being
integrated in the implementation of Total Quality Management at Madrasah Aliyah 4
Model Jakarta, i.e. :
a. The role of Total Quality Management (TQM) applied at MAN 4 Model Jakarta has
followed the norms of Internal Management Audit and External Management Audit
(Sucofindo) which is conducted twice a year.
b. The development of Islamic education management at MAN 4 Model Jakarta has
been done thorugh the application of quality management system ISO 9001 since
2008, until now.
2. As the main factor that supports the succeed of Total Quality Management (TQM), at
MAN 4 Model Jakarta, the improvement of teachers performance has been based on
Islamic education management-based through Four Pillars Cycle as the basis of
improving Madrasah teachers performance.
3. The implementation and development of Islamic education management can be used as
tool to control the improvement of Madrasah Aliayah Negeri 4 Model Jakarta teachers
sustainability through learning process of organization and profession which meet the
points of essence, principle, practice in organization learning, developing new capacity,
new values and assumptions, new rules and new capacity of linguistic cognitive,
through the concept of Improving Madrasah Teachers Performance.
1. The development of Madrasah teachers performance concept, in the implementation of
Total Quality Management (TQM) in Madrasah does not have new guidance yet and or
new concpet that can be used as alternative to improve the performance of the teachers.
It still needs to be socialized through various activitites, needs sustained improvement
due to dynamic, demand and the development of Islamic education organization.
2. The obstacles of implementing Total Quality Management (TQM) at MAN 4 Model
Jakarta were the maintenance of all components involved in the learning process and
the improvement teachers performance have not optimum yet in improving sustained
Madrasah teachers performan ce.
3. The rule of The Minister of Religion of Republic Indonesia is needed related to
remuneration madrasah teachers performance, so that teachers of MAN 4 Model
Jakarta and other madrasah can be used to increase the quality of teachers performance
through trainings, workshops and higher studies suitable with their competencies. So
Thus, it is expected that these teachers can run their responsibilities more qualified and

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