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What is Standards Based Grading

Ken OConnor

Standards Based Grading (SBG) is grading that accurately portrays student

proficiency/mastery. In SBG, grades are based on:
Standards, not assessment methods;
Levels of proficiency, not points and percentages;
Achievement only with behaviors reported separately; and
Performance on assessments of learning, not learning activities.

The primary purpose of grades is to communicate each students level of achievement

on the learning outcomes detailed in the standards. All grades MUST be:
When based only on more recent individual achievement on high-quality
assessments of learning. The grade does not include behavior (timeliness,
homework completion, etc).
When based on clearly defined and understood levels of proficiency and
agreed upon processes and procedures.
When they are based on standards and provide direct information about
how well each student is achieving the standards. Grade the learning, not
the activity.
Supportive of learning
When de-emphasized and both teacher and learners turn their attention to
an assessment model, grounded in detailed feedback, that supports
students taking learning risks, making mistakes, improving over time and
taking self-assessments.

Implementation these effective grading practices:

1. Provide multiple opportunities for students to show evidence of learning:
a. During instruction
b. Re-assessments
2. Emphasize most recent evidence of proficiency on standards.
3. Use logic rules, not a calculation to determine subject grades
4. Ensure all assessments are high quality and standards-based
5. Develop students who are reflective learners who know how to set and achieve
learning goals
Eliminate these ineffective grading practices:
1. Point penalties for late work, academic dishonesty, or attendance (behaviors)
2. Extra credit points for things unrelated to standards
3. Assigning group scores when students engage in cooperative learning
4. Curving class scores or grades
5. Averaging student scores
6. Assigning zeros to student work
7. Grading homework

It is also necessary to eliminate subject grades and replace them with grades on
standards. SBG eliminates most of the toxic impacts of traditional grading and
demonstrates to students and their families that school is about learning and student
growth rather than the accumulation of points.

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