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Interview Questions

Student Name:_________________________________ Class Period:__________

Name of Sponsor:_______________________________ Career:___________________________

1. How long have you been doing this job? ______________________________________________________

2. How did you prepare for this career? _________________________________________________________


3. What training/education/degree is required for this career? ________________________________________


4. How did you get your present job? ___________________________________________________________

5. What personal characteristics does someone need in order to be successful in this career?


6. What do you like best about your job/career? __________________________________________________


7. What do you like least? ____________________________________________________________________


8. When did you first think you wanted to do this type of work? ______________________________________

9. Is this a career field thats growing? __________________________________________________________

10. Are there opportunities for advancement in this career? _________________________________________


11. Are there any related careers that I should consider? ____________________________________________

12. What is the average starting pay? ___________________________________________________________

13. Would you go into this career field again? ____________________________________________________

14. What advice do you have for someone considering a career in this field? ____________________________



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