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Brown v.

Board of

By: Madysen Buckley, Allison Campbell, Chris Morel

Thesis/Introduction (CM)
From the beginning of America's civil rights has always been debated and
and a controversial issue
While other nations acknowledged their civil rights movements, America itself
has been neglecting it for a while until the the mid 1900s.
A specific case was when children had to go to a different school which was 6
blocks to the bus stop (was a much more lengthy amount of time to reach the
school from the bus stop), whereas the school 4 blocks away rejected them
because they were colored.
The Brown vs Board of Education had a view from the nation dominating the
view from the Trenches because of the organizations that impacted it, the
political figures involved, and the overall result of the event.
Dred Scott, Plaintiff in Error v. John F. A. Sanford
After african americans were freed from slavery this court case took place. This
case in 1857 decided that although african americans were free they should not
be recognized as american citizens. This starts the horrible second class
treatment minority groups will face for several decades to come. This is later
repealed by the 14th amendment in 1868 by establishing that that no state shall
deprive minorities their privileges or deprive any person of life, liberty, or property.
This amendment established that no state could deny any person the equal
protection of the law.

African Americans are seen as inferior in the eyes of the government

Minority groups arent given basic human rights
Black Codes (1865)
The Codes: Designed to restrict freed blacks activity and ensure their availability
as a labor force now that slavery had been abolished.

Began in response to the end of the Civil War

African Americans would be forced to sign labor contracts, risking arrest and fines

Northerners petitioned to abolish the Black Codes

Separate but Equal
In 1896 a court case took place to talk about segregation called Plessy v.
Ferguson. This court case decided that whites and minority groups (mainly african
americans) should operate on a system of separate but equal. However the equal
part of this was forgotten as black schools and public services were neglected.

Unfair treatment of students

Less funding and support for minority services
A huge separation between how different races grew up
Taught prejudice to white kids that never fully goes away
Plessy v. Ferguson (CM)
Plessy V. Ferguson heavily affected this case because it fought over
segregation of public facilities.
Both are similar due to the fought to desegregate public facilities but the
results varied as Plessy V. Ferguson resulted that separate was still equal.
Brown V. Board of Education overturned the decision of Plessy V. Ferguson
resulting in the desegregation of several schools causing the civil rights
movement to have a better hold
Image (CM)
Oliver L. Brown & Linda Brown (CM)
Oliver L. Brown was the historic American activist famously known in the case
Brown Vs. Board of Education.
Brown advocated for the schools to discontinue segregation and allow equal
opportunity to students of all colors & races to participate.
Browns true reason for fighting the court was because of his daughter Linda Brown.
His Daughter was forced to walk across railroad tracks and take a bus to grade school
despite there being a school four blocks away from her home.
Several families decided to test if the school was racially segregated by enrolling their
students to it only to realize it was since they were denied due to they were colored.
Due to they had separate facilities for black students and white students.
Linda Brown & Oliver Brown Image (CM)
Earl Warren (CM)
Was a popular leader and politics during the late 1900s
Was elected California governor in 1942
Warren was able to secure major reform legislation during his three terms in office.
After failing to claim the Republican nomination for the presidency, he was
appointed the 14th chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court in 1953.
He became a part of the Brown v. Board of Education case as head of
Supreme Court
He formed the Warren Court as many would describe
The Warren Court sought electoral reforms, equality in criminal justice and the defense of
human rights before its chief justice retired in 1969.
Image (CM)
On 17, 1954, the unanimous decision to end segregation within educational

bounds, was made by the Unites States Supreme Court. Nearly 60 years after

Plessy v. Ferguson, children would no longer be shunned away from a higher

education, beginning the long battle of desegregation for everything from town

parks to city water fountains.

Letter from President Dwight D. Eisenhower to E. E. "Swede" Hazlett
Thurgood Marshall, Argument Before the U.S.
Supreme Court in Brown v. Board of Education
These children in these cases are guaranteed by the states some
twelve years of education in varying degrees, and this idea, if I
understand it, to leave it to the states until they work it out-and I
think that is a most ingenious argument- you leave it to the states,
they say, and then they say that the states haven't done anything
about it in a hundred years, so for that reason this Court doesn't
touch it.
Works Cited
Editor, "Linda Brown." A&E Networks Television, 02 Apr. 2014. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.

"Documents Related to Brown v. Board of Education." National Archives and Records Administration. National Archives and Records Administration, 05 Aug.
2016. Web. 20 Apr. 2017. <>.

"Oliver Brown." Student News Daily Oliver Brown. Student News Daily, 19 May 2014. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.
<>. Staff. "Brown v. Board of Education." A&E Television Networks, 2009. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.
<>. Staff. "Brown v. Board of Education." A&E Television Networks, 2009. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.

Liptak, Adam. "Brown v. Board of Education, Second Round." The New York Times. The New York Times, 09 Dec. 2006. Web. 20 Apr. 2017. Staff. "Brown v. Board of Education Ruling." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.
Works Cited Staff. "Plessy v. Ferguson." A&E Television Networks, 2009. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.

Duignan, Brian. "Plessy v. Ferguson." Encyclopdia Britannica. Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc., 12 May 2015. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.
<>. Staff. "Earl Warren." A&E Television Networks, 2009. Web. 20 Apr. 2017. <>.

Smith, J. Douglas. "When SCOTUS Still Fixed Things: What America Looked like before the Warren Court." Salon When SCOTUS Still Fixed Things: What
America Looked like before the Warren Court. Salon, 29 June 2014. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.

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