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Group 17 Elements - Halogens

1. Group 17 elements are typical non-metals and also known as halogens.

2. The elements in this group are fluorine. chlorine, bromine, iodine and astatine.
3. In nature, all halogens exist as diatomic molecules. They are written as F 2, Cl2,
Br2, I2 and As2.
4. Most of the halogens exist in the nature as halide salts.
5. Halide is the name given to the ion of halogens. Table below shows the
corresponding halide of the halogen.
Halogen Halide
Fluorine Fluoride
Chlorine CHloride
Bromine Bromide
Iodine Iodide
Physical Properties Of Halogens
1. All group 17 elements are non-metals. Therefore they are heat and
electricity insulator.
2. Table below shows the electron arrangement and physical properties of
group 17 elements.
Proton Electron Melting Boiling
Name Colour
Number arrangement point point

Fluorine 9 2.7 pale yellow gas -220C -188C

Yellowish green
Chlorine 17 2.8.7 -102C -34C

dark red liquid,

Bromine 35 -7C 59C
brown vapour

black solid, purple

Iodine 53 114C 184C

black solid, dark

Astatine 85 302C 380C

Size of Atom and Density

1. The atomic size of group 17 elements increases down the group.

2. This is due to the increase of number of electron shell down the group.
3. The density of group 17 elements is also increases down the group.
4. This is because the rate of increment of the atomic mass is higher than
the rate of increment of the volume.
Melting Point and Boiling Point

1. As shown in the graph to the right, the melting points and boiling
increase steadily down the group.
2. The physical state at room temperature also change from gas to liquid
and then to solid.
3. This is because the intermolecular attractive force (van der Waals force)
increase with increasing size of atom or molecule.

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