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7, JULY 2001 1093

set of controllable modes and the set of uncontrollable modes do not Asymptotic Behavior of Nonlinear Networked Control
intersect. Some examples illustrate the result. Systems

REFERENCES Gregory C. Walsh, Octavian Beldiman, and Linda G. Bushnell

[1] B. D. O. Anderson, An algebraic solution to the spectral factorization
problem, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-12, pp. 410414, Aug.
AbstractThe defining characteristic of a networked control system
(NCS) is having a feedback loop that passes through a local area computer
[2] , A system theory criterion for positive real matrices, SIAM J.
network. Our two-step design approach includes using standard control
Control, vol. 5, pp. 171182, 1967.
methodologies and choosing the network protocol and bandwidth in order
[3] B. D. O. Anderson and S. Vongpanitlerd, Network Analysis and Syn-
to ensure important closed-loop properties are preserved when a computer
thesis. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1973.
network is inserted into the feedback loop. For sufficiently high data
[4] N. E. Barabanov, A. Kh. Gelig, G. A. Leonov, A. L. Likhtarnikov, A. S.
rates, global exponential stability is preserved. Simulations are included
Matveev, V. B. Smirnova, and A. L. Fradkov, The frequency theorem
to demonstrate the theoretical result.
(KalmanYakubovich lemma) in control theory, Automat. Rem. Con-
trol, vol. 57, pp. 13771407, 1996. Index TermsAsynchronous packets, networked control systems.
[5] P. Ioannou and G. Tao, Frequency domain conditions for strictly
positive real functions, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-32, pp.
5354, Jan. 1987. I. INTRODUCTION
[6] R. Johansson and A. Robertsson, Stability analysis of adaptive output
feedback systems, in 37th IEEE Conf. Decision Control, Tampa, FL, Using a (local area) networked control architecture has many ad-
1998, pp. 40084009. vantages over a traditional point-to-point design including low cost of
[7] R. E. Kalman, Lyapunov functions for the problem of Lure in auto-
matic control, in Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., vol. 49, 1963, pp. 201205. installation, ease of maintenance, lower cost, and greater flexibility [3],
[8] H. K. Khalil, Nonlinear Systems, 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: [4]. For these reasons the networked control architecture is already used
Prentice-Hall, 1996. in many applications, particularly where weight and volume are of con-
[9] H. Kimura, Chain-Scattering Approach to H -Control. Boston, MA: sideration, for example in automobiles [2] and aircraft [5], [6]. The in-
Birkhuser, 1997.
troduction of a computer network in the feedback loop unfortunately
[10] R. Lozano and S. M. Joshi, Strictly positive real transfer functions revis-
ited, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. 35, pp. 12431245, Nov. 1990. invalidates the traditional analytic stability and performance guaran-
[11] K. R. Meyer, On the existence of Lyapunov functions for the problem tees that control design typically produces. In this note, we reconnect
of Lure, SIAM J. Control, vol. 3, no. 3, 1966. the analysis of the control design to the networked control context, and
[12] K. S. Narendra and J. H. Taylor, Frequency Domain Criteria for Absolute provide guarantees of stability and certain levels of asymptotic perfor-
Stability. New York: Academic, 1973.
[13] V. M. Popov, Absolute stability of nonlinear systems of automatic con- mance to the control systems employing networked feedback loops.
trol, Automat. Rem. Control, vol. 22, pp. 857875, 1962. We focus on a multiple-inputmultiple-output (MIMO) nonlinear
[14] A. Rantzer, On the KalmanYakubovichPopov lemma, Syst. Control plant with a nonlinear controller connected by a communication net-
Lett., vol. 28, pp. 710, 1996. work. A block diagram of this system is presented in Fig. 1.
[15] W. Rugh, Linear Systems, 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-
We assume that the controller is designed without regard to the net-
Hall, 1996.
[16] G. Tao and P. Ioannou, Strictly positive real matrices and the Lef- work, meaning that if the input to the controller is connected directly
schetzKalmanYakubovich lemma, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., to the output of the plant the system would be globally (or locally) ex-
vol. 33, pp. 11831185, Dec. 1988. ponentially stable. We provide conditions under which these stability
[17] M. Vidyasagar, Nonlinear Systems Analysis, 2nd ed. Englewood properties are preserved when the communication network is inserted
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1993.
[18] V. A. Yakubovich, Solution of certain matrix inequalities in the stability into the loop between the outputs of the plant and the controller input.
theory of nonlinear control systems (in English), Soviet. Math. Dokl., Each output, or group of outputs, is assumed to be monitored by a smart
vol. 3, pp. 620623, 1962. sensor with a network interface. Specifically, in the laboratory we us
[19] D. C. Youla, On the factorization of rational matrices, IEEE Trans. a Controller Area Network (CAN-II) operating at 1 Mb/sec because
Inform. Theory, vol. IT-7, pp. 172189, July 1961.
CAN-II is commonly used in automobiles and manufacturing plants.
[20] V. M. Popov, Absolute stability of nonlinear systems of automatic con-
trol, in Frequency-Response Methods in Control Systems, A. G. J. Mac- Each smart sensor must compete with the others for access to the net-
Farlane, Ed. New York: IEEE Press, 1979, pp. 163181. work. The resulting communication constraint is the primary focus of
this note, hence propagation delays, communication errors and obser-
vation noise will not be treated.
The general system consists of the time-varying plant, the
time-varying controller, and the network. We denote the plant
dynamics by x_ p (t) = fp (t; xp (t); up (t)), y (t) = gp (t; xp (t)),

Manuscript received April 5, 1999; revised December 23, 1999 and August
16, 2000. Recommended by Associate Editor L. Dai. This work was supported
in part by the United States Army Research Offic under Grant DAAG55-98-D-
0002, and in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant ECS-97-
G. C. Walsh is with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University
of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 USA (e-mail:
O. Beldiman is with Mitusbishi Electric and Electronics, Inc., Durham, NC
27613 USA (e-mail:
L. G. Bushnell is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Univer-
sity of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-2500 USA (e-mail: bushnell@ee.wash-
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9286(01)06614-4.

00189286/01$10.00 2001 IEEE


sources may transmit its data, and so how the transmission opportuni-
ties are scheduled is critical.
Two scheduling algorithms are considered. The simplest is a static
scheduler. The transmission order is decided in advance and this order
is repeated indefinitely. This common method would typically be im-
plemented by polling or by a token ring. The other method uses bit-wise
arbitration to dynamically schedule the use of the network at run time.
This is the Try-Once-Discard (TOD) protocol introduced in [7]. Some
portion of a nodes identifier (the CAN-II identifier is 29 bit long) is
used to transmit a local evaluation of the importance of the locally held
Fig. 1. Configuration of networked control system. data. The information source or smart sensor that consider its data the
most important wins use of the network and all losing data packets are
and let y^(t) denote the input to the controller. This is the vector of discarded.
the most recently transmitted plant output values, and has the same Lemma 1 (Scheduler Error Bound) [7]: Consider a static or a dy-
dimension as y (t). At each transmission time a component(s) of y^(t) namic network scheduler starting at time t0 , visiting each node at least
is set to the corresponding component(s) of y (t). The controller is once, with integer periodicity p, maximum allowable transfer interval
described by the following equations: x_ c (t) = fc (t; xc (t); y^(t)),  , maximum growth in error e(t) in  seconds strictly bounded by
up (t) = gc (t; xc (t)). We define the network induced error as 2 (0; 1). Then, for any time t  t0 + p , the error is bounded
e(t) = y(t) 0 y^(t). Between two successive transmission times we as ke(t)k < p(p 0 1)=2.
have e_ (t) well defined as long as gp is continuously differentiable. Proof: For the static scheduler, because the transmission is
Note that the network may also be used to transmit the control signal p-cyclic, every node will transmit at least one time in p seconds, and
u(t) by augmenting the error vector. the bound follows.
We now combine the controller and plant states into the vector x(t), For the dynamic scheduler, the error of the channels not transmitted
and we relabel the vector fields to obtain the following dynamics for is bounded by the error of the channel that did transmit. Consequently,
the closed-loop system in between two successive transmission times if any channel repeats, it establishes a bound for the remaining chan-
x_ (t) = f (t; x(t); e(t)) nels. If no channel repeats, then the error bound is similar to the static
scheduler because in p seconds all channels will have transmitted at
e_ (t) = g (t; x(t); e(t)) : (1) least one time. Let t1 ; . . . ; tp be the last p transmission times (t1 the
At each transmission time the vector e has a discontinuous jump, most recent) and i1 ; . . . ; ip be the channels that were transmitted, re-
namely the component corresponding to the transmitting output sensor spectively. Let im be the first channel that is repeated. If m = p then
is set to zero. We assume that the functions f and g are globally the lemma is proved, since the error on channel ik at time t1 is bounded
Lipschitz with associated Lipschitz constants kf and kg . We then by k .
Assume m < p. Let 1  l < m be the index of the time when
channel im was last transmitted. Then ei (tl )  (m 0 l) . Also, since
z (t) = (x(t); e(t))0 at time tl channel im was transmitted it must have had the highest error,
z_ (t) = h (t; z (t)) so all the other channels have error bounded by (m 0 1) . The channels
ik with 1  k  l have the usual bound k . Summing up and taking
and let kh denote the global Lipschitz constant of the function h =
the worst case will give the bound from the lemma statement.
(f; g)0 .
Our approach is to model the error e(t) as a perturbation on the
system. If e(t)  0, then y^(t) = y (t) and from the control design III. STABILITY OF NONLINEAR NETWORKED CONTROL SYSTEMS
we have a Lyapunov function V (t; x) and constants c1 , c2 , c3 and c4 In this section, we present the main result of this note: that the sta-
greater than zero with bility property of a networked system is preserved if the network is fast
c1 kxk2  V (t; x)  c2 kxk2 (2) enough. There are no assumptions about the initial conditions of the
error e(t), and so only BellmanGronwall can bound the growth of
@V @V
+ f (t; x; 0)  0c3 kxk2 (3) z = (x; e)0 during the first p seconds. At t = p , however, Lemma
@t @x 1 provides a bound on ke(t)k. We then prove that for t  p , the error
@V remains bounded and kx(t)k decreases exponentially to a ball propor-
 c4 kxk: tional to the bound on ke(t)k. The previous steps are repeated to show
There exist many models of network traffic. We assume packets can overall exponential decay.
arrive at any time but the amount of time between transmissions obeys Theorem 1: Consider a NCS whose continuous dynamics are de-
a deadline,  . Even a simple Poisson distribution allows for the possi- scribed by equation (1) with the control law designed so that equations
bility of arbitrary long delays between transmissions, making the sta- (2)(4) are satisfied, with p nodes of sensors operating under TOD or
bility analysis impossible. In the following derivations we assume that static scheduling, a maximum allowable transfer interval (MATI) that
there is a bound for the delays between transmission. We will call this satisfies  < minf(ln(2)=kh p), (S=8), (Sc3 =32kf c4 )((c1 =c2 ))3=2 g
deadline the maximum allowable transfer interval (MATI). where S = (( c2 =c1 +1)kh pi=1 j )01 . Then, the networked system
is exponentially stable.
II. PERTURBATION BOUNDS Proof: We first expand the bounds imposed on  for easy refer-
ence. Note that some of the bounds are used for several inequalities.
The following stability results are based on ideas from perturbation
theory [1]. We consider the error e(t) as a vanishing perturbation and ln(2)
we compute worst case bounds for it as a function of a bound on
kh p
) ek p
<2 (4)
its derivative, that is, ke_ (t)k < for t in some fixed interval of time. S
At any given transmission opportunity, only one of the p information <
) < S (5)

) 2S < 14 (6) where we used (9) and (2) to get the bound on kxk and (10) for the
bound on kek.
= The growth of error in any  interval included in [t0 + p; t^] is
 < Sc3 c1 ) kf c 2S < c
3 2

32kf c4 c2 4 3 (7) bounded by kh (2=S + 2 c2 =c1 )kz (t0 )k, which is less than , ac-
cording to (5). Applying Lemma 1 on [t^ 0 p; t^], we get
4kf c4  c2
S c1 e(t^) < 2 kz (t0 )k
) c1
 2: 1
so we obtain the contradiction. Therefore
Let z (t0 ) be the initial condition at the initial time t0 . For any t in ke(t)k < 2S kz(t )k ; 0 8 t  t + p 0 (14)
[t0 ; t0 + p ], using BellmanGronwall and (4) we have:

kz(t)k  ek p kz (t k  2 kz(t )k : V (t; x(t)) < 4c kz (t )k ; 2 0

8t  t 0
0) 0

Then, on the interval [t0 ; t0 + p ], we have kx(t)k < 2 cc kz(t )k ; 2

0 8t  t : 0 (15)
ke_ (t)k  kz_ (t)k  kh (t; z(t))k  kh kz(t)k  2kh kz(t0 )k At a time t t 0 + p ,

using (13), (14), and (15) we have

and the maximum growth of error in a  interval is bounded
by 2kh  kz (t0 )k < 2kh (1 + c2 =c1 )kz (t0 )k. We denote V_ (t; x(t))  0 c3 V (t; x(t)) + kf c4 4 c2 kz (t )k2 :
c2 S c1 0

= 2kh (1 + c2 =c1 )kz (t0 )k and we use it to apply Lemma 1.

While the smaller bound 2kh kz (t0 )k is acceptable for the interval Denote = c3 =c2 and  = 4kf c4 (4=S ) (c2 =c1 ). Using the
[t0 ; t0 + p ], the larger bound 2kh (1 + c2 =c1 )kz (t0 )k is needed to Comparison Lemma [1, p. 100], and the fact that V (t0 + p; x(t0 +
extend the result beyond this short transient period, as is shown later. p )) < 4c2 kz (t0 )k2 , we obtain
We can now use Lemma 1 to get that V (t0 + t; x(t0 + t))  kz (t0 )k2 e0 (t0p) (4c2 0  ) + 
ke(t + p ) k j kz (t0 )k = 2 kz (t0 )k : for all t > p .
j =1 S Fix t1 > p so that
Next, we prove by contradiction that e0 (t 0p) < =(4c2 0  )
V (t; x(t)) < 4c2 kz (t0 )k2 8 t > t + p0 (9) and then

ke(t)k < 2S kz(t0 )k 8 t > t + p:

0 (10) V (t0 + t1 ; x(t0 + t1 ))  2  kz (t0 )k2 :
Suppose this is not true. Then there is a first time t^ when one of these According to the Lyapunov bound (2) and to the bound on  (8)
conditions (or both of them) fails.
Consider the case when (9) does not hold kx(t 0 + t1 ) k  2c  kz(t )k  1=2 kz(t )k :
0 0 (16)
kz(t )k :
V t;^ x(t^) = 4c2 0
(11) Using the bounds (15) and (14) in inequality (16), we get that
Note that (11) and Lyapunov condition (2) imply that kz(t 1 + t0 ) k  kx(t 0 + t1 ) + k ke(t 0 + t1 ) k
x(t^)  2 kz(t )k > kz(t )k
0 0 (12) and by the bound on  (6)
kz(t + t0 )k  3=4 kz(t )k :
V_ (x) = @V @V f (t; x; e) 1 0
@t @x By repeating this procedure, we can prove that

@V +
@V (f (t; x; 0) + f (t; x; e) 0 f (t; x; 0)) :
kz(t0 + kt1 ) k  (3=4)k kz(t )k : 0
@t @x Thus, the system is exponentially stable.
Using the Lyapunov bounds (2) and (3) and the Lipschitz condition for Remark. [Local Exponential Stability]: We can prove that local ex-
the function f , we get ponential stability is preserved with a networked architecture, but the
V_ (x)  0c3 kxk2 + c4 kxkkf kek (13) estimate of the region of attraction is correspondingly reduced. In par-
ticular, if the Lyapunov function, its associated constraints and the Lip-
schitz constants kf , kg and kh are defined for kxk < c5 with c5 > 0,
and due to (12) and (10)

V_ t;^ x(t^)  x(t^) 0c + kf c4

kz(t )k : one estimate of the region of attraction [1, p. 100] is fx: kxk <
S c5 c1 =c2 g if no network is present.
3 0

By the choice of  [see (7)], V_ (t;^ x(t^)) < 0. This means that V is With the network present, during the first p seconds, the proof pro-
decreasing locally around t^ so it cannot cross the bound. The only pos- vides only a BellmanGronwall bound on the growth and hence kz k
sible case is, consequently, when (10) does not hold meaning that may as much as double. The proof guarantees this is the maximum that
kzk will attain; however this limits the region of attraction to half the
e(t^) =
kz(t )k : 0 limit attained without the network to fz : kz k < (c5 =2) c1 =c2 g.

In this case, t^ cannot be a transmission time because during a transmis-

sion the error can only decrease. For any time in the interval [t0 ; t^] that
is not a transmission time, we have In this section, we use a single-link flexible-joint robot to illustrate
ke_ (t)k  kh kz(t)k  kh (kx(t)k + ke(t)k) the theoretical result from the previous section. This is a nonlinear
system that can be globally linearized by feedback. We use it to show
 kh 2
c2 +
kz(t )k how the stability is preserved for small enough maximum allowable
c1 S 0
transfer interval (MATI) and lost for large MATI.

Fig. 2. Schematic of the single-link flexible-joint robot.

Fig. 4. Single link: stable ( = 0:01) (solid line) and unstable ( = 0:05)
(dashed line) trajectories.

50 simulations for each value of . The system was considered to be

stable if the last 40 samples of its output were less than 0.1.
In Fig. 3, we show the percent of stable cases versus the average  of
the Poisson distribution used to generate the transmission times. This
graph shows that the system loses stability when  is around 0.015.
The theoretical MATI for this system is about 1003 , meaning that the
bounds that we used in deriving this limit are too conservative.
In Fig. 4, we present a typical stable trajectory for  = 0:01 and an
unstable trajectory for  = 0:05.

In this note, we analyze a fundamental problem: the stability of a
Fig. 3. Single link: the percent of stable cases as function of  . The system nonlinear networked control system, i.e., a nonlinear control system
loses stability when  is around 0.015 having a feedback loop closed through a communication network. A
networked control architecture has many advantage compared to the
Consider a link driven by a motor through a torsional spring in the traditional point-to-point design, but there are also some new problems
vertical plane as shown in Fig. 2. The equations of motion are as fol- due to the presence of a communication network. The main compli-
lows: cation is the presence of the random time-delays, but there are also
I q1 + Mg sin q1 + k(q1 0 q2 ) = 0
undesired effects due to the discrete nature of the messages that can be
exchanged over the network.
J q2 0 k(q1 0 q2 ) = u: Our paradigm in this note is that the controller for the plant is de-
signed regardless of the network, and it exponentially stabilizes the
The system is linearized exactly with the following transformation: plant (locally or globally) if the network is not present. We study a
q1 newly introduced network protocol (TOD) that resolves collisions by
q_1 transmitting the channel with highest error between its last transmis-
z= sion and its current data.
0(MgL=I ) sin q1 0 (k=I )(q1 0 q2) We prove that if certain assumptions hold, the plant will be stabilized
0(MgL=I )q_1 cos q1 0 (k=I )(q_1 0 q_2 ) even in the presence of the network, although the region of attraction
may be smaller (and we give an estimate for this region). The main
u= (v 0 a(x)) assumptions that we make are: 1) that the intertransmission interval
k is bounded, and the bound is sufficiently small,and 2)that the collision
where a(x) = (MgL=I ) sin q1 [q_1 2 +(MgL=I ) cos q1 +(k=I )] resolution is perfect, meaning that the highest error channel will always
+(k=I )(q1 0 q2 )[(k=I ) + (k=J ) +(MgL=I ) cos q1 ]. The resulting be transmitted.
equations are in Brunowski cannonical form, z_1 = z2 , z_2 = z3 , Future research includes taking into account the presence of the com-
z_3 = z4 , z_4 = v . We then design a state feedback controller for this munication network when the controller is designed.
linear system in order to stabilize the origin, and then map it back to
the original system.
The goal of this example is to show what happens to the stability of
the system when the average amount of bandwidth allocated to the con- [1] H. K. Khalil, Nonlinear Systems, second ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice-Hall, 1996.
trol loop is varied. We are going to model this variation by changing the [2] U. zgner, H. Goktag, and H. Chan, Automotive suspension control
average  of the Poisson distribution used for the transmission times. through a computer communication network, in Proc. IEEE Conf. Con-
Due to the random nature of the transmission times distribution, we run trol Applications, 1992.

[3] D. Radford, Spread-spectrum data leap through ac power wiring, IEEE in a form of a reduced and boundary-layer solutions. On the other hand,
Spectrum, pp. 4853, Nov. 1996. sufficient conditions will be given for proving the validity of the ap-
[4] R. S. Raji, Smart networks for control, IEEE Spectrum, pp. 4955, proximation. In Section III, we turn our attention to optimal control
June 1994.
[5] A. Ray, Performance evaluation of medium access control protocols problems of discrete-time singularly perturbed nonlinear systems. Fol-
for distributed digital avionics, ASME J. Dyn. Syst., Meas., Control, lowing the spirit and philosophy of Section II, we provide significant
vol. 109, pp. 370377, Dec. 1987. order reduction of optimal control problems of such systems.
[6] J. A. Sparks, Low cost technologies for aerospace applications, Mi-
croprocessors and Microsystems, vol. 20, pp. 449454, 1997.
[7] G. C. Walsh, H. Ye, and L. G. Bushnell, Stability analysis of networked II. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND DECOMPOSITION
control systems, in Proc. Amer. Control Conf., June 1999.
Consider a discrete-time nonlinear systems of the form
x(k + 1) = f (x(k); y(k); ) = 1 f (x(k); y(k)) (1)
y(k + 1) = g(x(k); y(k); ) = g(x(k); y(k)) (2)
where f (1) and g (1) are smooth functions for x 2 Dx  n and y 2
Optimal Control of a Particular Class of Singularly Dy  m satisfying f (0; 0) = g(0; 0) = 0. Here, Dx and Dy are
Perturbed Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems open convex neighborhoods of the origins of the respective Euclidian
spaces. k 2 and  is a smallpositive perturbation parameter. This
Rachid Bouyekhf, Abdelkhalek El Hami, and Abdellah El Moudni system will be studied under the following assumption.
Assumption 1: For all (x; y )T 2 Dx 2 Dy we assume that
i) supk0 kx(k)k  a1 < 1;
AbstractThis note studies a class of discrete-time nonlinear systems ii) supk0 ky (k)k  a2 < 1;
iii)  ((@f=@x)(x; y )) < where  (1) denotes the spectrum of
which depend on a small parameter. Using the singular perturbation theory
in a systematic way, we give a trajectory approximation result based on the
decomposition of the model into reduced and boundary layer models. This a matrix and 0 < < 1.
decomposition is used to analyze optimal control via maximum principle System (1) and (2) is characterized by an explicit separation of vari-
of such systems. As a result, significant order reduction of optimal control ables x(k) and y (k), owing to the presence of the small parameter
problems is achieved.
 that multiplies the state y(k). This fact allows decomposing such
Index TermsDiscrete-time nonlinear systems, optimal control, singular system into separate reduced-order subsystems. Indeed, the reduced
perturbation. subsystem is obtained by setting  = 0, then the dimension of the
system (1) and (2) reduces from n + m to n because the system (1)
I. INTRODUCTION and (2) degenerates into the n-dimensional system

One of the most popular methods for model reduction of large-scale xs (k + 1) = f (xs (k); 0) (3)
systems is the singular perturbation method. This approach has at- ys (k + 1) = g(xs (k); 0) (4)
tracted much attention because of its simplicity and good performance where xs and ys refer to the reduced (or slow) solutions.
in most experimental situations. In the case of discrete-time linear sys- Assumption 2: Assume that, the Jacobian matrix (@f (x; 0))=@x is
tems, the theory of the singular perturbation has been probably initiated nonsingular in Dx .
by [1], [2]. In these papers, the method is treated by using the similar Thus, in view of the implicit function theorem implies that there ex-
ideas used in continuous-time case. After these results, the singular per- ists a unique smooth function h(1) mapping Dx onto itself such that
turbation discrete-time linear system has received a great deal of atten-
tion in the literature, and significant progress has been made toward the xs (k) = h(xs (k + 1)): (5)
optimal feedback control of large-scale linear systems. Among several To obtain the reduced model we substitute (5) into (4)
contributions to the subject, we would-like to point out those related to
xs (k + 1) = f (xs (k); 0) = 1 f (x (k))
[3]. In that paper, the authors have derived sufficient conditions for the s s (6)
existence of a suboptimal solution, and a near-optimum design method
ys (k) = g(h(xs (k)); 0) = gs (xs (k)): (7)
has also been proposed. Another notable work in this area is the book
It is straightforward to see that xs starts from the same initial condition
of Naidu [4] in which the author gives a particularly excellent account
as x. By contrast ys is not free to start from y0 , hence the approximation
of the application of the singular perturbation in discrete-time linear
of x by xs may be uniform for all k 2 that is
control theory.
This paper is entirely devoted to the singularly perturbed nonlinear x(k) = xs (k) + O(): (8)
discrete-time systems and develops a discrete-time counterpart of cer- However, the approximation
tain results of singularly perturbed continuous-time nonlinear control
problems. More precisely, a method will be developed in Section II y(k) = ys (k) + O() (9)
which parallels the corresponding method in [6]. In particular, a mode hold only on an interval excluding 0, that is, for k 2 fk1 ; k1 + 1; . . .g,
decoupling approach will be given for the solution to be approximated where k1 > 0. Thus, following the nomenclature of the singular per-
turbation literature [5], (1) and (2) is said to be the singularly perturbed
form and the boundary layer occurs at k = 0. Layer correction terms
must thus be added to the reduced solution ys (k) for the approximation
Manuscript received October 1, 1999; revised December 11, 2000. Recom-
mended by Associate Editor M. Krstic
R. Bouyekhf and A. El Moudni are with the University of Technology Belfort- (9) to be valid over the entire interval. To investigate this initial value
Montbeliard (UTBM), Laboratory SET, 90010 Belfort Cedex, France. problem we introduce the following transformation as suggested by [4]
A. El Hami is with INSA of Rouen-LMR-UPRESA 6104, 76801 Saint-Eti- for nonlinear systems
x(k) = k+1 xf (k); y(k) = k yf (k)
enne du Rouvroy Cedex, France.
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9286(01)06613-2. (10)

00189286/01$10.00 2001 IEEE

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