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Procedure for Manifesting

1. Acknowledge that there is only God.

2. Recognize that all things and events take their
You and Everything
substance, energy, and pattern from God.
3. Accept that all needs are known and filled through the
Things to Which People Commit and Bind Themselves
power, wholeness, and intelligence of God. Self Family Clan Tribe Nation Species Life
4. Release your known and unknown needs to God so
(Nuclear (Ethnic
that it may Guide you, Provide to you, Correct you,
and Protect you as these needs are fulfilled. Extended) Cultural
5. Give thanks to God for all you are, have, and will be. Religion
Your body is a living robot in Atomic Space.
Your body is under the control of your Ego. These Levels of Identity are Protection Groups. Committing Self to Family,
Your Ego is a body-specific animal operation, and Family to larger groups, and protecting Self, Family and Group, is the
maintenance, and protection program. best long term survival and thriving/success method.
Your Ego is under the control of your Soul. The Soul is a
body-specific universal personality and identity/love Develop your mind to have a perspective of wholeness, and operate from
operation and maintenance program. that perspective. This wholeness: Guides us towards fulfilling our highest
The Soul is under the control of the Spirit.
purpose, Provides what we need to reach this fulfillment, Corrects us
Spirit is a shared, infinite (i.e., no time, no space) life force.
Spirit is the force through which the Quantum and Atomic through the circumstances we encounter when getting off of the path to
Spaces manifest Whole-Intelligence and Whole-Identity fulfillment, and Protects us when we insist on getting off of that path.
from the infinite potential of the Zero Point.

Mind = Spirit = Soul = Body = A Computer-Controlled Machine (Explicate Order)

Self = Infinite (Personality
Brain = The Bodys Computer + Network +
The Intelligence and
Transmitter/Receiver (Explicate Order)
Boundary and Awareness
of Your Awareness of Universal Ego = The Brains Computer Program (Soul Container) for
Identity of Infinite Identity Body Operation, Maintenance, and Protection, Limited to
Identity , Sense-based Awareness and Identity) (Explicate Order)
Also Atomic Space = Universe as we sense it. The Life space
Known as (Explicate Order)
Christ in
Greek) Quantum Space = Universe building blocks. (Explicate Order)
Zero Point = Source of infinite potential, without time or space,
from which all the universe is formed and to which it returns.
(Implicate Order)
Oneness = Whole Identity, Intelligence, and Life (Implicate Order). Also called God, Jehovah, Allah, Brahma)

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