Sie sind auf Seite 1von 2



2800-1 1

SERtES 2830, 2850, A 2890 POST TOp LUMTNAIRES

Series 2830 Series 2850 Series 2890

'I'hcsc rcrsrtilc urits proriclc higLh cfficicnt lighting for :r \tith thc Post Tops, I propcr
st\lcs lnd mnnr opirons offcrccl
uiclc rllge of lpplications.Thcv lrc ln cxccllcnt choicc for conbiurtion of liglrtillg urd clcctricrl rccluircltcnts is ls-
iorr'lcrc1 Lghting along rcsiclcntiel sir.cts, in plrls or slrtll su rcal.
prrking irrc:rs. or around pLrblic bLrilclings. \\-itlr tlrrct dolrc


Series 2830 i\t Series 2850.r''r' Serics 2890,rO

Eallast 0ata
175 lVatt 250 Watt 400w.H33 ild 175 Watt 250 Watt 4{0r H33 Het 175 Walt 250 lYett 400r.fi33 i.t
uaitast llercury ilercury ilerc. or 300- l{gt. llercury MerDury Merc.0r 300- l{gt. Mercury llercury llerc. 0r 300. tlgt.
TyDeo For ll-39 Lan! for ll 37 Lemp 500I lncan.o (ths.) tor lllg lrmp For H 37 Larnp 500 lnran il (Lhs.) For H.3g trmp tor ll 37 Lrm! 500r lncr[.o (Lbs.)

liRN 2830.212 2830-312 31 2850.212 2050 312 3l 2890.212 2890-312 3t

2830-252 2830-352 I 2550 252 2850 3s2 32 2830-252 28S0-35? 37

HRI\ IUJU 2I5 2830 319 3t 2850 2tS 2850,31S 2U5U 2t! ?890.319 :l
283[.25S 2830 35! 3l 2850.259 2850.359 3l 2890.25S 2890 35S 3l
tiN 2830.231 ?E30.331 ?h 2E50-231 2850 331 /u5u.2Jl 2U9U 331 26
741) Ru 2830.241 2830-341 ?1 2850 241 2850,341 Z/ 2890 241 28S0.341 21
2830 251 2830-351 31 2850 251 2850.351 3l 28S0.251 28S0.351 3t
RN ZUJO Z]E 2630 33U t6 2850,23E 2E50-33E 76 ZU9U.zJU IUUU.JS! 26
277 RH 2830,248 ?830.34t 2t 2850.248 2850.348 21 28S0-248 2830 348 2l
2830,258 2830.358 31 2850 258 2850.358 3i 2890.258 2890 358 3I
u Rtl 2830-317 30 2850 317 3{J 2890 317 30
1830-251 2830 357 3t 2850 251 2850 357 3t 2890 257 28q0.151 3l
Remot". 8a ast 2830.300 2830.300 2850.300
2830-400 L9 2850 300 2850-400 l9 2890.300 28S0.300 2890.400 t9
not inc uded

C COtoR Naturo olud in ufr O Reve .otolos bo lan dbbrevidrions are,

PROJECTED AREA-Series 2830 I 3 sq {1., Serie! 2850 ond 2E90.1 9 sq. rt RN Reo.ror Nornol Power Fdctor
FTTTERS-Fi er5 s ip 2t/1 pipe lenon (3 O.0,). Fiiie6 to slip 2 pipe renon RH-Reo(torf ish P6*er Fo.lor
(2% o.D ) or 3r/1 pipe tenon (! O D.) ore ov.ioble. r riner ror oiher NRI'1 Hieh Reo.ran.e.Normd Power F..ror
2% lnon i3 derired, stole on order.
0lSTRlSUTlON TYPE .E S. or A 5.A rype V disrriburion ts nondord. Other dt!.
CWA-Coitont Woridqe Autotron.lorner Hish Power Fodor for remote bola!rs or Jor incondercenr .nos do n6r in. ude lerfrtndt
}ribution rypes ovai ob s .n requert, Type , ll A, or lll The!e distrib!tion types brocks. sele.r bo lons Ior lhese runiioires lrom ssction 3 .f ihe Revere .drotos.
ore for.leor ner.ury lomps When.olor.inp.oved lomps ore used, TyFe I be
.omes Type lll, Type lll becones Type lV. lr ls noi .dvls.b e ro use .. or it) PTIOTOCONTROLS-Order ond photo.oniror recepro.tej lron Jobe
improved lamps wiih Type A be.ouse the dinribution vo ue wl be ort Type below Phorocoirro receFio.ts required tor use viih phoroconro
v (stondord) will remoin rh. some wi,h eilher orp O INCANDESCENI Stondard uilt is shipped with moeu bos iocker lor 3OO 5OO
POIE NFoRMATION See Se(tion ,1, Revere Coro os. Seriei 838 and 839 poe. wolr amps. lJnir noy be spe. ol ordered lor 150 wo medium bose omp .on
are ly desisned for us6 wllh Posr Top Luminaires.


Catalog l.lumhers
Bescriltion Voltage Range"
105'/ - l35V t05v - 285!

Photocontro 0n y 701-v52 701-v1000

Photocontro Receptacle' 0nly 66115 66-115
Photocontrol Receptacle' !!lth Photocontro 66.116 66-t 17 PHOTOCONTROI

',{aunted ol iop of dome ond prewired.

'" Con.ur foclor) if -180 volr.yitem i! ro be ured

Elfect ve Seotember ]967 Specificotions subiect lo chonse without notice 5!percede3 Bulleiin 2830-l ond New Produd Releose No.5

28OO-1 /


FEATURES OF SERIES 2830, 2850 AND 2890

Oplionol pholo.ontrol
Dome is spur oluni-
5ofety choin o.d 3
swlrrrE30U L quick releose lolches.
Projected Area = 1.8 sq. ft. Relrodor is borosilicqte
Choice of rehoctoB. gloss in oll 400 wotl
mercury,300 500 wotl
-]-I inconde5cent, ond Type

# 5'/;' Socket is porceloin mo-

ll-A distribution ! nit5.
All other relrodoB dre
gul or medi! m screw
Goskel weolher proofs
ln her.ury unils, inler
Series 2850 ll OPTIONAL BALLAST-
Unil moy be ordered
nol componenls ore
Proiected Atea : 1.9 so. lt.
wilh or withoul bollosl,
pre-wired lo lhe teL
_ z6vi' 1
-l Ho!sin9 is 5p!n olum i-
Three set screws secu re
luminoire to pole.

Proiected Area = 1.9 s[. lt.


Lanrps F or standard rlcrcLlry ol incandesccnt hmps; :rr.ai1- \\tcathcr/toof l:lxposccl mct:tl Pnrts nl:ldc of spun ano-
ablc for a varietr of linc l:rtt:rgcs lnd loltagcs. clizccl sltit - alurnilurn. Optic:rl asscrtrblt' is collpletell
g:rskctccl. Dolrc sccurccl to lcns rctailitrg rirtg 1lr three
Light Distributions L[,.S. Ti'pe \/ distributiol stanclard, htchcs.
or-unit is ar':rilablc -
lith distributior tlpes II II-A or III.
Installdiort Self-contlinccl firturc, ll1 cornl)oDerlts corn-
Ballasts Cornplctch pren'irccl intcgrll ballasi, housccl pletch prcirircd inclucling ballast asscnibir' (auc1 pLoto'
rvithin lurrinaire . . . or unit mlr bc b:tillstccl rcmotch control. rrlrcn orcicrccl). Luurinrirc sccurcd to polc bl thrcc
(-100n unit nrust bc brll:rstccl rcrtrotchl. llcrctor, IIigh 11c- sct scrc\\'s, looscning of uhiclr :rllo*s dropping of housilg
lctnucc,:rnclConstant \\'lttrgc ball:rsts rrc arailllllc in firc :rncl fittcr. lDtc trl corrrponcnts ure thcrt courplctch c:<Posccl.
stanclercl r oltl.rgcs.
Poles Scc Scction -'1, Rcrcrc crtalog for polc in{orrlltion.
Filters Luminairc fits 2-ll2" pipc (i" O.D.) poletop Scrics SIE lncl ti39 poics rrc spccillh dcsigrtccl for usc uitir
tcnon, -bLrt can bc orclerccl to fit 2" or 3l/2" tcnon. Post ToP Luruinaircs.
Plrctocantrol l\ccaqtdcle mrr bc orclercd uith oP- l{clanrping No tools ncccssarr. Slurph rclclsc threc lat-
-UnilRcccptaclc is mounted:rt toP
tional photocontrol rcccptaclc. -
ches uDdcr clouc to rcnovc for llnrp rep):tcertrerlt. Corr\ cni-
of done. ent clain sccurcs clomc durrng spcedl rel:urlping process-

SUGGESTED SPECIFICATIONS housing shall be secured to the bottom of on the fitter casting, held in place by a
a cast aluminum fitter, outside of the lens lens retaining ring, secured by three bolts
Note: Delet bracketed phtases which do gasket. The fittet for l2') (2-l/2'\ rhre.rded inro rhe fitrer.asting. Contin
not apply. (3-ll2") polerop tenon shall have three uous gaskets shall be used on the upper
Furni<h and ins(all Revere Post Top Lumi set screws. A spun anodized aluminum and lower edges of the lens to act as a
naite, Catalog _ which
No...............-..--..... do'r.e, 26-l/2" diameter, shall be attached cushion and to provide a weatherptoof
conforms to drawings and specifi(arion5 to an insect guard by means of three latch seal. A lterminal block and) * glazed por'
attached. (Integlal ballast components retainers with safety chain and toggle celain socket rated for 600 volts shall be
shall be mounted on a fotmed bracket and latch assembly, and secured to the upper a part of the asscnrbly. (A photocontrol
attached to a fitter casting. The ballast lens retaining ring by screws. A refractor receptacle shall be supplied.)
.hall be
watts.) *
typ, \olr..
A spun anodized aluminum
producing I.I.S. or A.S.A. t],pe (II)
(II-A) (IIl) (V) distribution shall rest *Ballasted {ixtures only. o
r NILES 647 9666 T CH CAGA 774 12OO T TELEGRAMS \ /UX N LES, LL TELEX O2 53453

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