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// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

// cometAttrEditor.mel - MEL Script

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// A util for dealing with some attribute stuff.
// Nothing.
// source "cometAttrEditor.mel"; cometAttrEditor();
// Michael B. Comet -
// Copyright 2004 Michael B. Comet - All Rights Reserved.
// 1.00 - Aug 27, 2004 - Initial Release.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

* cometAttrEditor() - Main Entry
global proc cometAttrEditor()
if (`window -q -ex cometAttrEditorWin`)
showWindow cometAttrEditorWin ;
return ;

window -w 230 -h 60 -t "Comet Attr. Editor - 1.00" cometAttrEditorWin ;

formLayout mainForm ;

button -l ("Move UP") -c ("cAE_moveAttrs(0)") -ann ("Slide selected channelBox

attributes up.") btnUp ;
button -l ("Move DOWN") -c ("cAE_moveAttrs(1)") -ann ("Slide selected
channelBox attributes down.") btnDown ;

formLayout -e

-af btnUp "top" 5

-an btnUp "bottom"
-af btnUp "left" 5
-ap btnUp "right" 0 50

-af btnDown "top" 5

-an btnDown "bottom"
-ap btnDown "left" 0 50
-af btnDown "right" 5

mainForm ;
showWindow cometAttrEditorWin ;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

* cAE_moveAttrs() - Adjust attrs
global proc cAE_moveAttrs(int $dir)

// What objs and attrs are highlighted in the channel box?

string $cbObjs[] = `channelBox -q -mol mainChannelBox` ;
string $cbAttrs[] = `channelBox -q -sma mainChannelBox` ;
int $i;

string $obj ;
for ($obj in $cbObjs)
if ($dir == 0) // Work top to bottom if moving up
for ($i=0; $i < size($cbAttrs); ++$i)
cAE_moveAttr($obj, $cbAttrs[$i], $dir) ;
else if ($dir == 1) // Work bottom to top moving down
for ($i=size($cbAttrs)-1; $i >= 0; --$i)
cAE_moveAttr($obj, $cbAttrs[$i], $dir) ;

// Must do this or channel box won't refresh.

string $sel[] = `ls -sl -l`;
select -cl ;
refresh ;
select -r $sel ;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

* cAE_moveAttr() - Adjust one attr specified up or down.
* $dir: 0=up 1=down
global proc cAE_moveAttr(string $obj, string $attr, int $dir)
string $udAttrs[] = `listAttr -ud $obj` ; // Get just user defined ones.
int $i ;

// First find out where in the order of all the user defined attrs this one is.
int $idx = -1 ;
for ($i=0; $i < size($udAttrs); ++$i)
if ($udAttrs[$i] == $attr)
$idx = $i;
break ;

// If we couldn't find it, it's not a ud, so ignore, we can't shift.

if ($idx < 0)
warning -sl 0 ("Can't shift "+$obj+"."+$attr+" it's not user defined.") ;
return ;

print ("// Shifting "+($dir==0 ? "Up" : "Down")+" "+$idx+".) "+$obj+"."+$attr+"

//\n") ;

// Now shift as needed

if ($dir == 0 && $idx > 0)
cAE_dropToBottom($obj, $udAttrs[$idx]) ; // First this goes down

cAE_dropToBottom($obj, $udAttrs[$idx-1]) ; // Then the one above

// Then do the rest

for ($i=$idx+1; $i < size($udAttrs); ++$i)
cAE_dropToBottom($obj, $udAttrs[$i]) ;
else if ($dir == 1 && $idx < size($udAttrs)-1)
cAE_dropToBottom($obj, $udAttrs[$idx+1]) ; // First the one below goes

cAE_dropToBottom($obj, $udAttrs[$idx]) ; // First this goes down

// Then do the rest

for ($i=$idx+2; $i < size($udAttrs); ++$i)
cAE_dropToBottom($obj, $udAttrs[$i]) ;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

* cAE_dropToBottom() - Drop an attr to bottom by rename and back
global proc cAE_dropToBottom(string $obj, string $attr)
renameAttr ($obj+"."+$attr) ($attr+"TEMPREN") ; // there
renameAttr ($obj+"."+$attr+"TEMPREN") ($attr) ; // and back again

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

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