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Set of guidelines

School plays a critical role in improving the dietary and physical activity behaviors of students.
Hence, it can create environments that are supportive of healthy eating and physical activity by
implementing policies and practices. Providing students with learning opportunities that support
healthy eating and regular physical activity is also important for students to learn about and
practice these behaviors.

As a member of the student council I will do that schools implement policies and practices to
create a nutrition environment that supports students in making healthy choices. A healthy school
nutrition environment provides students with nutritious and appealing foods and beverages,
consistent and accurate messages about good nutrition, and ways to learn about and practice
healthy eating. Therefore, if you aim to get healthy you have to keep in mind the following

Avoid to eat foods and beverages sold outside of the school because currently with the
objective of being profitable and practical they offer processed foods which detrimental to
your health.
Drink water constantly, because it maintains you hydrated and it is an opportunity to
reduce energy intake. In parallel, an adequate hydration also may improve cognitive
function in you.
Do healthy eating learning activities. For instance, learning how to analyze food
advertisements in language arts classes. Likewise, you can promote the establishing of
school gardens due to the fact that these activities provide opportunities for hands-on
learning about food, nutrition, and healthy eating.
Dont consume energy drinks because they contain caffeine, taurine, and L-carnitine which
can increase alertness, attention, energy, as well as increase blood pressure, heart rate,
and breathing. It could cause a harmful effect on the nervous system.

In conclusion, as your peer I recommend you follow the advices previously mentioned such as
consuming plenty quantities of water instead of energy drinks. Likewise, to avoid to eat processed
foods and promote projects (school garden) inside the school are excellent ideas to get healthy.

Number of words: 322

Student: Eduardo Maquera Murrugarra

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