Sie sind auf Seite 1von 3


Element Voltage (KV) Current (mA) Power, W

3 3
a -3 -250 pa=v a i a=(3 10 ) (250 10 )=750
3 3
b 4 -400 pb=v b i b=(4 10 )(400 10 )=1600
c 1 400 pc =v c ic =( 1 103 ) ( 400 103 ) =400
d 1 150 pd =v d i d =( 1 103 ) ( 150 103 ) =150
e -4 200 pe =v e i e= (4 10 3 ) ( 200 103 ) =800
f 4 50 pf =v f i f =( 4 10 3 ) ( 50 103 ) =200
Pdev =750+ 400+800=1950 W
P||=1600+150+200=1950 W

Pdev =

Then, the interconnection satisfies the power check.

a) Pdev =320+660=98 0W
P||=175+375 +150+160+120=980W

Pdev =

So, the interconnection satisfies the power check.
b) The elements that absorb power are: those elements with P>0
The elements are: a, b, c, e, and f
Element Power(mW) current (mA) Voltage (V)
p a 175 103
a 175 25 va = =
i a 25 103
=7 V
p 375 103
b 375 75 vb = b = =5 V
i b 75 103
p c 150 103
c 150 -50 vc=
= =3 V
(5 0)103
p d (320) 103
d -320 40 vd = = =8V
id 40 103
p e 160 103
e 160 20 ve=
= =8V
20 103
pf 120 103
f 120 -30 v f= =
i f (30) 103
=4 V

p (660) 103
g -660 55 v g= g = =12 V
ig 5 5 103


The equivalent resistance of 60 and the wire ( 0 ) is 0 (Parallel)
R ( 30 ,18 ) 30+18=48 (Series)
48 16
R ( 48 , 16 ) 48+16 =12 (Parallel)

R ( 12 , 28 ) 12+ 28=40 (Series)

R ( 40 , 40 ) 2 =20 (Parallel)

R ( 20 ,20 ) 20+20=40 (Series)

40 24
R ( 40 , 24 ) 40+ 24 =15 (Parallel)

R ( 15 ,25 , 10 ) 15+25+10=50 (Series)

R ( 50 ,50 ) 2 =25 (Parallel)

So, Rab=25

First, we get the equivalent resistance:
R ( 6 ,10 ) 6+10=16 (Series)
64 16
R ( 64 , 16 ) 64+16 =12.8 (Parallel)
R ( 12.8 ,7.2 ) 12.8+7.2=20 (Series)
20 30
R ( 20 ,30 ) 20+30 =12 (Parallel)

So, the equivalent resistance is 12 , its current is 5 A

a. The voltage: v =IR=5 12=60 V
b. The power delivered to the circuit by the current source:
Pw =IV =5 60=300 watt
c. The power dissipated in the 10 resistor:
First we get the current in 20 resistor:
V 60
I = = =3 A
R 20
Then, we get the current in 16 resistor:
3 12.8
I= =2.4 A
And this is equal to the current in 10 resistor
So, the power dissipated in the 10 resistor:
2 2
Pw =I R=(2.4 ) 10=57.6 watt

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